Ideas for home photos on instagram, on the street and for girls. How to take beautiful photos for Instagram Cool photos for Instagram

Many Instagram users do not have the opportunity to travel, visit interesting places and events where you can take a bunch of cool photos for Instagram. Does this mean that there is no place for such people on Instagram? Of course not! Cool photos for Instagram can be done at home. In this post, examples of cool work done at home, and which will perfectly complement your Instagram account.

You have no inspiration and it seems to you that there is nothing interesting around you that you can photograph and post on Instagram? And I'll tell you that you just don't look like that. Watching how professional photographers work, I realized that they are different in that they are able to see and create something beautiful where others do not see anything. For example, at home. Just look around, look at the place where you can take a photo, objects that can be used for decorations, remove everything that is superfluous, add what is missing, put yourself in order and pose a little in front of the mirror, change angles and experiment with different poses, facial expressions, body position . This is the recipe for a good photo. Yes, you need to work on the photo! What did you think?

If all this is vague for you, then look at how others do it. Below are 11 Instagram photo ideas at home.

use fantasy

Do you have collections at home? For example, books, like the girl below, who makes various decorations for photos from them. You can use utensils, shoes, children's toys, pillows, fruits and vegetables, or all of the above to create a fun set to take pictures of.

Work with a stool

Do you have stools at home? This type of seating furniture is very attractive as almost every home has stools with a unique design. I have not yet seen identical stools in two houses. Try to pose while sitting on a stool!

Work with the sofa

Sofas, too, almost always everyone has their own. This diversity creates an interesting pattern. Try posing on the sofa, lying down, sitting, sitting on the floor and leaning on the sofa, and so on.

Work in bed

I'm talking about photography. Lie down and try to catch a beautiful angle. For God's sake, don't pretend to be asleep! Better add decorations to the bed. For example, lay burning garlands under you, turn off the light, and get a real “bomb”.

Photo by the window

Indoors, the best photos are taken by a window, as daylight hits the face and body nicely and creates nice shadows. The photo will be even more beautiful if the window is decorated in any design. For example, if it has wooden window sills or an unusual frame style. Try yourself at the window!

Shadows from blinds or curtains

A cool Instagram photo at home can be taken by a window with blinds or standing behind a curtain so that the shadows fall on your face and body. The pictures are very atmospheric.

reflection in the mirror

Try to show yourself not in the focus of the camera, but in the reflected mirror, so that you are not focused on the photo, but go about your business. Don't forget to position your camera close to the mirror.

Convey a homely atmosphere

The house is a place of atmospheric photos. Find a place where you often sit and take a casual photo while having a cup of tea or reading a book.

Try the bathroom as a photography studio

If you're thinking about candid shots, then no. In the bathroom, you can take beautiful photos and it is not necessary to show your naked parts of the body. You can fill the bath with foam and immerse yourself in it, leaving only your hands and head, or even go under the water, leaving only your face on the surface. Decorate it all with rose petals and that's it, a beautiful photo is ready!

Step out onto the balcony

Good photos in urban style and not only can be taken at home if you have a balcony. Try to get the angle.

Take a photo against the wall

If the house has beautiful walls, or just plain walls, then this is a great photo opportunity. Try it!

Business promotion on Instagram is the norm today. Everyone understands this very well, so there are more and more of those who are advancing with varying success in one of the most popular social networks. The competition is growing. And what worked yesterday and made a profit, today has already lost its relevance. Account requirements are getting tougher. Already not enough and publish need to stand out.

How can you stand out on Instagram? That's right, take high-quality, and most importantly, diverse photographs. That is why, especially for you, we have prepared a selection of 50 fiery ideas for photos on Instagram.

To attract users, you need not only to take high-quality pictures, but also to be able to present them correctly. The ideas presented by us are suitable for both commercial accounts and personal blogs.

  1. Product photos.One of the most common mistakes is not taking pictures of what you are selling. Take your merchandise, add some details and set up the lighting properly. Also, don't forget to include a description of the product and an interesting story that will appeal to the target audience.
  1. Photo in use.You can show where and when your product was used. Or record a short demo for stories.
  1. User Content.Publications submitted by users themselves. Ask your followers to take unusual photos with the company's products.
  1. Share moments.Many people go to Instagram in the morning. You can use small objects like a cup of coffee or a morning landscape. It can also be a photograph of a product against a dawn background.
  1. Use cityscapes as your exposure. More suitable for accounts that sell clothes or accessories.

  1. Write captions right on the photo.Recently, it has become popular to post photos with text. It's interesting and attracts attention. And it is not necessary to use philosophical or popular quotes, just share your mood.
  1. Create rubrics.Try to photograph certain things on a specific day of the week. For example, you can use the product of the week that was the most popular. It is very profitable for beauty salons to recommend a product or service once a week.
  1. Related photos. Perfect for airlines, restaurants and companies involved in the promotion of services in many areas. For example, such publications characterize RedBull and GoPro.

  1. Expert opinion.This approach can be taken not as a basis, but used as a rubric. Take a photo of the person who made the recommendation or described the original idea.
  1. Before and after.If your company is engaged in various works where you want to show the result, create a small collage of several photos.
  1. Use meaningful events.For example, Ax used a solar eclipse as an advertisement for their product.
  1. Mentions in the media.Show subscribers that your company has made it to the front pages of popular or local magazines.
  1. Backstage.People like to watch how this or that object was created. Do not be afraid to show the "wrong side" of your production, as well as the manufacture of goods.
  1. Solution.Tell us about how the person solved a problem with your product.
  1. Jokes.Who doesn't love to laugh at an original joke? Use your product to evoke emotions in your followers.
  1. Polls.Ask your followers what we like the most, what products they would like to see. For photography, you can use notebooks, decor items, or the subject of the survey itself.
  1. Promotions and drawings.The average user wants everything and more. Therefore, do not discard the idea of ​​contests and interesting promotions in the far corner.
  1. Discounts.Take a photo of the items that are on sale and add small captions right on the photo.
  1. Research.This is an interesting section and idea for a profile. Interview your customers, conduct a case study, describe the idea, and add an original image that reflects the research topic.
  1. Details.Take a photo of individual elements of a future or existing product and describe their importance.
  1. Company management.Take a picture of the director or founder of the company to tell followers about the importance of their role in the life of the company.
  1. If the company participates in competitions or holds events, create beautiful pictures about the preparation for the event and its holding.

  1. Week selection.In addition to standard product photos, add the most popular products.
  1. Minimalism.Do not use many elements - the original background and your product.
  1. Tell us about your employees.It could be funny stories to lift your readers' spirits, or awards and achievements to show off their professionalism. Also, as a description for the photo of employees, you can publish small flash interviews.
  1. Unusual approach.Show how your product can be used in an original way, for example, as a coffee coaster.
  1. Inspirational and festive posts.Do not forget that your readers are the same people, with the same problems and joys. At least they will be pleased with congratulations from their favorite company. It can be a beautiful photo with an original, festive design.
  1. History of the company.Subscribers were congratulated, but they didn’t forget about themselves? Share important dates from the life of the company, accompanying them with bright photos.
  1. New.If a new product has appeared or an old one has been updated - write about it, accompanied by a photo.
  1. Architecture.If your company sells tours, show the beauties of other countries.
  1. Intrigue.Share your plans for the future with your subscribers. Take a picture of something that will go on sale soon or is under construction.
  1. Where do you work?Take a picture of your own company building or office.
  1. Photo in an unusual setting.You can show where and when your product was used. Create professional shots by hiring a photographer and models.
  1. How do you work?Show how everyday work goes, how the working day begins or ends.
  1. Who are your clients?Post pictures of your clients and make them your friends.
  1. Books and magazines.Take an issue of a new popular magazine or book and make a composition with it.
  1. Framing.Place the object or person in the photo in a wooden frame.
  1. Live photos.Take a photo with a moving background or other details.
  1. Photos of partners.Surely, you have not only clients and employees, but also partners. Post a photo of a handshake or where you show class and write about the importance of collaborating with them.
  1. Play with followers.Come up with photographs that will contain tasks for readers and will involve them in communication.
  1. Invite a popular blogger or celebrity as a guest and give your product a try for free, then post a photo with them.

  1. How do you rest?Our life is not only work, show that you are alive and also know how to relax. Photos from a corporate party (within the norms of morality) or a picnic will be just right.
  1. Life hacks.If you know how to use your product most effectively or just have information about some features, share a photo and describe in detail the technology of use.
  1. Post a step-by-step guide as a gallery.Galleries allow you to create a sequence of 10 shots, in which, for example, you can tell how to do a simple hairstyle or some kind of physical exercise.
  1. Reviews or reviews.In the field of b2b, this can be the analysis of the site or the correctness of maintaining an account on Instagram.
  1. Review screenshot.Take a screenshot of correspondence with satisfied customers.
  1. Make a collage.Several photos combined into one will look very organic.
  1. Photos of pets.Everyone loves cute cats and dogs.
  1. Travel photo.If you have recently been on vacation or flew to another city on a business trip, take a photo of tickets or an airplane.
  1. Share the secret to success.Tell us about the journey you have traveled to get where you are today. You can add an old photo of yours as an accompaniment.
  1. Motivation.Motivate your followers to do more today than they did yesterday.
  1. Tell us about your love of coffee or chocolate.

Creative crisis? Do you need to write something in your personal or commercial profile, but there are no thoughts and it seems that everything has already been written and said? Then here is an extensive collection of Instagram blog ideas that will stir up your audience and help you with your content plan.

Tell your stories

No one should have problems with this - find a photo from the school archive and tell some story about the affairs of bygone days - it will be interesting for everyone to look at you at school age, and reading heartfelt stories is much more. Don't forget that Instagram is definitely the most personal social network - sometimes you can read such revelations here, you know.

1. Funny story. How did you get into a ridiculous situation in the past, distant or not.

2. Sad story. So that the impression remains, and the readers uttered by a mean tear.

3. Instructive story. You parked and accidentally blocked the exit, returned, and your wheels were lowered and the spools were thrown away. It is insulting, and at the same time deserved.

4. When was the last time you cried with happiness.

5. History of victory.

6. History of failure.

7. Memories.“I remember ten years ago, on a foggy morning, my grandfather and I went fishing…”

8. A story about a good deed- a kitten was picked up and attached or a homeless person was fed.

9. About an act for which you are still ashamed. Was a book stolen from a store? It's a shame, of course, but anything can happen.

10. Retell your strange dream.

For example, emotional and frank stories can be read in the profile of Vera Musaelyan, a well-known singer in narrow circles @aloe_ve

Be in context

Surely, the events that occur around you cause some kind of reaction in you. Her description of every moment may bore your followers, but periodically speak out on the most pressing and exciting topics for you. In addition, you are an influencer and can influence the opinion of your subscribers - this way you can help resolve some local problem.

Posts in this area can be poignant, they can cause your followers to discuss the topic and express their opinion.

Here is what one could write, based on the latest global and not very events.

11. My attitude to the yellow vest protest in Paris.

15. Or you can laugh together at the news about “the most modern robots” at the forum for schoolchildren in Yaroslavl, where they showed a person in a robot suit :)

But you never know what can be discussed, the main thing is not to get carried away and not go too far with the negative - people are already tired of it.

Finds of the month

You, of course, absorb information and contact with the outside world - feel free to talk about your new experience, positive or not.

16. Interesting book. And what if everyone has already read The Grapes of Wrath, and you just did it now? Hooked and amazed - be sure to share.

17. An interesting series. Maybe someone else has not seen True Detective?

18. Incredible service. Finally, there was a tire shop where they don’t try to deceive the driver girl and don’t swear in her presence.

19. Good specialist. They opened a beautician in their city or a dentist with a divine gift to patch holes.

20. Medianhodka. Maybe you got acquainted with the work of some blogger and don’t understand how you even lived without it before.

21. The best app ever.

22. Best offline event(going to the theater or cat cafe).

23. Maybe some common truth has reached you. For example, just this month, did you definitely realize that you can’t lick metal in the cold? :)

24. Discovered some tasty and healthy product- quinoa or coconut oil?

25. Found a divine face mask.


Teach your followers something, even a new diet cake recipe. The practical use of your account is always good. And any of your knowledge can be valuable - you never know, someone does not know how to tie a beautiful bow from a satin ribbon.

26. Healthy recipe posts better with video.

27. How to buy something cheaper. Here, for example, I will give the @snegtata profile - in it, a young mother shares her unique knowledge about ordering things from Chinese sites, the same things that cost thousands of rubles in showrooms.

28. The story of how you managed to cure split ends, a mask of henna and yolk. With a photo, of course.

29. What really helps you remember foreign words(stickers all over the apartment or radio in the background all day).

30. Life hack, how to make repairs in the room inexpensively, but cheerfully and tastefully, also with a photo “it was” - “became”.

31. Or maybe you know how to snatch a penny air flight and fly Novosibirsk - St. Petersburg - Novosibirsk for 6500 rubles?

And so on, any of your knowledge can be useful to someone, do not belittle and underestimate them. With training, you can go far - if useful posts on a topic resonate with your audience, then you can adjust the subject of the profile to suit this.

The goal and the way to achieve it

It’s interesting for me to watch the progress of the challenges of my friends - someone sets a goal to bring English up to the level of Upper-Intermediate, and someone wants to do 150 push-ups from the floor in one approach. There is a double benefit here - you will make yourself better and stir up your profile.

32. Challenge: I will lose 10 kg in a month according to a special program.

33. Challenge: learn to crochet in a week.

34. Challenge: Learn 500 new German words in 20 days.

35. Challenge: A month without sweets.

36. Challenge: I will live a month on 10 thousand rubles.

37. Here Rita Dakota asks subscribers, where to buy nice winter clothes seems quite sincere.

39. “I’m going to buy a car for more than 400 thousand rubles, advise what to take“.

40. “Tell us how to apply for a card in the METRO store?”

41. Maybe, who knows where to buy caviar for the New Year, and that it cost not like a wing from an airplane?

"I predict"

Also for a change, write your opinion about the outcome of some event that is not obvious, a football match, for example. This will also encourage your subscribers to discuss.

42. I think that 2019 is the last year for the Dom-2 project.

43. I am sure that Elon Musk will be able to make Tesla a profitable enterprise already in 2019.

Instagram is interesting because it encourages you to do something unusual and interesting. Discover new places, activities, people. And the bolder our attempts to diversify content, the more new things come into our lives.

So, 20 ideas for an Instagram post:

1. Look for new coffee shops to take a photo of the perfect latte against a textured table.

2. Don't be afraid to use the same background when photographing different things. Even if it's a woolen blanket or sweater, which turned out to be very photogenic.

3. Work with your favorite shop for colorful window displays or vintage items. You don't have to buy anything there, just use it as decoration and don't forget to geotag it.

4. Take photos of brunches, and indeed of any beautiful food.

5. Instagram is useful for everything craft. Share what you do with your own hands with your followers. Of course, you don't have to invent anything specifically for Instagram, but sometimes it's more motivating to DIY than anything else.

6. Show off your favorite corner of the house.

7. If you're a plant fanatic, you're in luck! Pictures with flowers and plants come to Instagram with a bang.

8. The peculiarity of Instagram is that people love cute home photos only if they are taken in good lighting and in the right environment. Looking for good light and atmospheric decoration!

9. Flowers in any form are always a good reason to collect likes.

10. A portrait of a friend will dilute your selfies. Even if you are not a photographer, social networks provide an opportunity to realize hidden potential.

11. A post about something you've never featured on your blog before. You never know how successful a particular topic can be until you try it.

12. Find a place in your area with the best view of the sunset. This will provide an inexhaustible source of photographs and meditative walks.

13. Draw a picture of your favorite quote. You don't need to be a designer to realize this idea, just download the app. The difficulty lies in avoiding the platitudes of the "quotes of great people" series.

14. Get to your favorite outdoor spot and take a series of photos in good light.

15. Visit a farm or nursery. As we said before, lifestyle bloggers love photos with plants and animals.

16. Let your followers visit your favorite places in the city with you. It can be coffee shops, beaches, parks.

17. Walk around the neighborhood looking for interesting houses along the way.

19. Post a post that sends followers to watch your stories. For example, if you've visited a store, post about it and let them know that you detail your purchases in stories.

20. Tell subscribers about interesting accounts, as well as establishments, shops, locations. Of course, you don't need to do this too often and share everything you see, but sometimes think about how you can be useful to your followers.

Today we will look at the most popular topics on Instagram. What profile should be in order to subscribe to it and like it a lot? How to develop it correctly so that people like it, and advertisers want to order ads from you?

Hashtag: blogger

There is an opinion among many that “there are a lot of divorced bloggers” or “every second blogger today”. Such phrases are only limitations and fears in the minds of people. Why not? If a person has a strong sense of beauty, he perfectly composes the frame, edits the photo and creates a harmonious composition.

If you think that you are unique, and most likely you are, otherwise you would not have asked such a question and would not have come here, then you first need to find out what the most popular topics on Instagram are in demand. This is necessary in order to develop your profile, attract an audience and share useful content with it.

Aesthetically beautiful

Become a Muse for your subscribers: inspire them to new beginnings. Help us see the beauty in the little things.

How to create similar photos:

  • correctly placed light;
  • perfectly constructed composition;
  • harmonious combination of colors in the frame;
  • take into account the axes and points where objects should be (detailed tips can be found in the article about layout).

A post shared by (@kasegasanov) on Apr 29, 2018 at 3:32am PDT

More information

Popular topics on Instagram can be informational. Do you love movies? Write about them. Love games? Do reviews and announcements. Do you have a menu of proper nutrition or exercises for weight loss? How to create a new business from scratch and so on. Tell about it. Fortune tellers, astrologers, runologists are also here.


Each of us needs some kind of impulse to help motivate him. An Instagram profile with beautiful pictures is the best platform for this. Sample topics:

  • beautiful figures;
  • divine girls and magnificent men;
  • motivational sports videos;
  • trips;
  • happy families;
  • luxury life.
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