What should Rainbow TV subscribers do? Equipment for digital television - this is what you can buy in our store Raduga tv satellite TV official

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The satellite television operator Raduga TV is a relatively young player in the broadcasting market. The company only started operating in 2009. However, in a short time it has become a significant competitor to the old-timers of the market, attracting customers through the provision of exclusive channels.

Broadcasting coverage - almost the entire territory of Russia. The signal quality is quite high, in many regions a dish with a diameter of 65 cm is enough for reliable reception.

Unlike most operators, Raduga TV relies on thematic channels, while the number of federal channels is less than average. In total, the operator provides broadcasting of about 80 channels.

Raduga TV channel packages:
1. Basic;
2. Promo;
3. All-Russian.

Many channels are broadcast in free mode, which allows you to watch them for free, if you have access to the operator's network.

Rainbow TV has the following advantages:
1. High level after-sales service. In particular, setting up equipment and changing connected packages can be done using the operator's website;
2. A large selection of specialized, thematic channels: Discovery, Euro Kino, AXN Sci-Fi, etc. The variety of broadcasting and the availability of channels for almost any taste is the main advantage of the operator;
3. Availability of Viasat family channels.

There are also disadvantages:
1. Lack of official free channel package;
2. Average, sometimes high cost of services;
3. A modest set of federal channels, which many consider insufficient.

Conclusion: Raduga TV will suit the audience of individualists who prefer specialized channels to universal ones. The lack of a free package is somewhat embarrassing, but the price of basic access is comparable to cable TV services, and the variety of thematic channels is much greater.

Leave the antenna, but change the converter on it to a linear one. Be sure to redirect the antenna to the MTS satellite. Install a set-top box or cam-module from MTS on your TV. If the antenna has a diameter of 0.55m, change the antenna, MTS requires a minimum of 0.6m.

From NTV Plus to MTS

From Telecard to MTS

If your previous operator is Telekarta (Continent, Orion-Express), then you can leave the antenna as a whole, along with the converter, since it is also suitable for receiving the MTS signal. Just connect the MTS set-top box / cam-module to the TV, point the antenna at the desired satellite and enjoy watching.

From Raduga-TV to MTS

Since the end of December 2014, the satellite operator RADUGA TV has stopped broadcasting.

The platform channels were broadcast from the ABS satellite (75 ° east longitude) - in the same position, and satellite television MTS, therefore, in order to continue watching satellite TV, former Raduga subscribers do not need a complete replacement and reconfiguration of equipment - it is enough to purchase only an MTS prefix / cam module. The antenna and converter do not need to be changed or reconfigured.

Dear readers of NskTarelka.ru, based on the title of this article - What should Rainbow TV subscribers do? - I think it is clear what it will be about. The operator has ceased to exist, where to go?

I already wrote a publication on this topic earlier -. Today we will consider all possible options for switching from an operator that closed against its own will.

What should Raduga TV subscribers do after broadcasting stops or where will Raduga TV subscribers go?

In Novosibirsk, the snow has not yet melted, and many of the "lucky ones" who have chosen the well-known brand DalGeoComa LLC as a country option do not even suspect anything. I'm talking about those who do not go to the dacha in winter. In a week or two, the bells from the hacienda will begin - Where did Raduga TV go? I will talk about the fact that there is no more of her beloved. And offer all existing options. Which? Let's tell.

Rainbow TV update channels

We leave everything as it is. A significant plus of this option is that it is free if you do everything yourself. We update the list of channels using scanning, and watch the available FTA channels. These are the ones that are not coded and are freely available.

The list of channels available for viewing by FTA from the ABC-2 satellite, and their parameters can be viewed on special services:
lyngsat frokus.net If you don’t know what to do with it, then read the article about.
We update the data in the receiver using automatic scanning or blind search for this, and watch available channels without a monthly fee.

The downside of this option is that there is not much to see. Again, maybe that's enough for some.

If desired, you can purchase a multi-feed (mount for several converters), two converters and a disc. Free channels from neighboring satellites can be added to FTA channels from ABC-2 for viewing.
Doing it yourself, without an installer, is not so easy. And if you resort to the services of a specialist, it’s easier for the same money that you spend on additional equipment and paying for the installer’s work to switch to Telecard.

Who will replace Raduga TV or switch to Telecard

Sometimes they ask me on the phone, that's right - Who will replace Raduga TV? The answer is simple - Nobody. You, as a former user of Raduga TV, decide on your own which option for switching to another satellite TV is more acceptable for you. Either leave everything as it is, and watch FTA channels from ABC-2, which I already wrote about above, or choose another option that is more acceptable to you.

In order to make the list of channels that opens more readable (larger), hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard and click on the + key.

Tricolor TV - people's operator

Thank God, they have already stopped "shouting" that they are people's.

Tricolor TV broadcasts TV channels from two satellites, from 36 and 56 degrees. One satellite covers the European part of the country, the other Siberia and the Far East. In some regions, which are in the middle, both satellites are available.

You can get acquainted with the list of channels on the official website tricolor.tv.

To switch from Raduga TV to Tricolor, you will need to purchase the recommended operator's receiver with an access card, replace the converter, reconfigure the antenna yourself, or call a specialist and pay for his work.

Satellite TV NTV Plus

The oldest operator of satellite television. Broadcasting also comes from two satellites, from 36 and 56 degrees. New equipment will cost from 8,000 rubles. Further, we either reconfigure the antenna ourselves to the desired satellite or pay for the services of the tuner.

In addition, about the transition from Rainbow TV

When choosing the most suitable option for switching from Raduga TV, I first of all recommend focusing on the list of channels offered by operators for viewing.
It is quite common that even on official websites, information on the proposed channels for viewing is outdated. If you are interested in a specific channel (s), do not be lazy, check if it is available by calling the operator's technical support.

If you do not intend to contact qualified specialists for help in installing the equipment "", but want to connect to this operator yourself, you will need to perform several steps:

  • buy a set of necessary equipment, install it;
  • buy and activate an access card;
  • pay for a package of channels.

Let's consider each in more detail.

1. Satellite signal

, which is located in geostationary orbit at position 75.0°E. The satellite is in a very convenient position for Russian viewers, as its signal covers almost the entire territory of our country (except for Kamchatka), capturing Europe. For reliable reception of a signal from a satellite, the operator recommends using antennas with a diameter of 90 cm or more. The size of the antenna also depends on the region where you live, for more accurate information, please contact your local company representatives. Also, you need to purchase a KU-band converter.

The official website of Raduga TV has detailed instructions for tuning the antenna to the ABS-1 satellite. Tuning is done using a satellite receiver. The dishpointer.com resource will help you calculate the settings.

2. Receivers

The Raduga TV operator encodes the signal in the Irdeto-2 system . To receive a signal, you must purchase a satellite kit that supports this system or has a CI interface where you can install the CAM module. Using the CAM module is very convenient if you are already a subscriber of another operator and want to try something new.

Unlike many other satellite television operators, Raduga TV does not tie its broadcasts to specific equipment, giving users a free choice of devices. But still, Raduga TV specialists highly recommend choosing equipment that is certified by Irdeto.

High-quality and reliable satellite television Raduga TV for the whole family is characterized by the low cost of receivers and a large number of TV channels, the subject matter of which meets the needs of various audiences. The presented channels are domestic and foreign production.

Raduga TV covers the entire territory of the Russian Federation, thanks to the ABS-1 satellite, so any Russian can use this TV broadcasting system. In order to become one of the viewers of Raduga TV, you should purchase antenna equipment with a diameter of 90 centimeters or more.

Rainbow TV is an affordable digital television service that has become popular with many viewers. There are so many channels presented, their topics are so diverse that it allows each viewer to quickly choose their favorites. There are programs for children, popular science, music, sports and entertainment. One has only to install the Raduga TV antenna system in his apartment, and each subscriber will plunge into the wonderful and wonderful world of digital television broadcasting. The subscriber will be able to watch broadcasts of popular channels, such as Animal Planet or Discovery. Or get acquainted with the novelties of foreign and Russian television broadcasting.

The advantage of Raduga TV satellite television is to receive a large number of broadcast channels at a reasonable subscription price.

You can install a digital TV antenna called Rainbow TV anywhere in our country. To receive a high-quality signal, you should purchase an antenna with a diameter of 90 centimeters or more. By paying a small monthly fee, you can make this provider available to any family.

So, in order to join the number of users of high-quality digital television broadcasting - the Raduga TV system, you should buy an inexpensive set of equipment that facilitates signal reception. The equipment containing the Common-interface or built-in Irdeto-2 and CAM module with support for Irdeto-2 encoding is presented.

After purchasing a set of equipment, you need to purchase a card and set up the antenna so that it receives a signal from the satellite.

High-quality professional installation of Raduga TV antenna equipment is a guarantee of getting your dream television.

By purchasing, installing and configuring the Raduga TV digital television antenna system, viewers can enjoy high-quality image and sound of their favorite programs, regardless of what brand their TV is. Programs are collected in packages from which you can choose. The packages are named: Basic, Available, Promo, All-Russian.

After installing the system, you can easily navigate the provided channels using the software electronic guide.

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