Rebirth. Rebirth Trial: "When the Sleeper Wakes"

About the new race in Allods Online, a huge number of various questions on this topic have been received. We provide answers to most of them in this article. By the way, those who carefully read the official forum already know everything - since the first publication, the developers have managed to give a lot of comments in the thread discussing the aeds.

. Will it be necessary to play as an aeda?
No, not necessarily. But such an opportunity will open to each player at level 70.

. At level 70? That is, it will not work just to create a new character and select Aeds as an available race?
No, you can become an aed only after rebirth. But you can still change the race of the main character, although not immediately. More details in the following answers.

. How to create an aeda incarnation?
At the 70th level of development, the character will receive a letter with an artifact necessary in order to incarnate as an aed. Of course, the character must have the possibility of rebirth unlocked. If this is not possible, you will have to return to the Tka-rika cave and complete the corresponding task. Note that a progenitor character can only have one aed incarnation. But such an incarnation will immediately receive level 70 upon creation. It will start on the new allod of Ammr and will have access to a special quest chain intended only for Aeds. Those who have already reached level 70 will receive the mentioned letter simultaneously with the start of Season 8.0.0 "Immortality".

. Level 70 right away? But what about the quest chains with the secrets of the world?! Will they be considered completed?
Yes. According to the story, the Aeds come to this world as adults, knowing a lot about its secrets. Technically, a level 70 Aed is much the same as the new non-racial character that used the Ark of the Patron.

. Is it possible to change the race of the main character, making him an Aed?
Yes, this can be done in the change room. But first, you will have to be reborn as an Aed and complete the corresponding chain of tasks on the allod of Ammr.

. Is it possible to re-create an aeda rebirth?
It is possible, but not immediately. First, a young aed must study the life and traditions of his people, completing the racial chain of tasks. Then he will need to reach the maximum level. After that, the incarnation can be recreated. If you choose an aeda again, he will be born again, having a level 70. And when you reach the maximum level, you will be able to use the functionality of changing the appearance, race and class of the character.

I have already created several incarnations and now I do not have the opportunity to create new ones without buying a vessel for the spark. Should you fork out?
No, the spark vessel will be sent to you in the same letter as the opportunity to be reborn as an aed.

. Here is the news! And this vessel must be spent on aed?
No, not necessarily. However, we remind you that the Aeds, unlike other races, immediately receive level 70 upon rebirth.

. What if I already have 10 incarnations and I don't want to delete any of them?
You can still be reborn as an aed. In Update 8.0.0 "Immortality", the maximum number of possible incarnations will be increased.

. What tasks will need to be completed by the Aed who has come to this world?
The Incarnation has its own story loop, which is unlocked by completing quests from levels 70 to 73. The newly appeared aed will have to get acquainted with the life of his people, better understand himself and his fellow tribesmen, and also start searching for his vocation. At level 73, the Incarnation-Aeda quest chain flows into a general quest chain available to all factions.

. At what level does the aed select a faction?
On any. The aed incarnation inherits the faction of the main character, so reselection is not required.

. Ammra - an allod available only to Aeds?
No. Ammra is central to the plot of the Season of the Undying. Characters of all races will complete a quest chain from level 70 to level 75 there.

. Are Aed characters stronger than other race characters?
No, the choice of race does not have a significant impact on the power of the character. Like any playable race, the Aeds have their own racial and class skills. You can read the description of these skills in the previous article.

. What classes will be available to aeds?

Aedam will have 7 classes available: Mystic, Scout, Bard, Priest, Templar, Warrior, Wizard.

. In the illustrations for the news, some Aeds show horns. Will it interfere with wearing helmets?
Aeds can wear helmets, gaining appropriate equipment bonuses, but headgear does not appear on characters of this race. Thus, any helmet on the aeda becomes invisible and does not prevent others from admiring your magnificent hairstyle and characteristic horns.

. Are other items of equipment displayed on them?
Yes, hats are the only exception of this type.

. What is the growth of aeds?
Aeds are one of the tallest races of Sarnaut, they are not inferior to either the elves or the Risen.

We hope that we were able to satisfy the curiosity of the majority of the players and dot the i's on those issues that caused misunderstanding.

However, if you want to know something else, feel free to join the discussion on the official forum.

Aed is an ancient Greek singer-storyteller who performed epic songs in the 9th-7th centuries. BC e. to the accompaniment of a stringed instrument.

Creative activity

The Aeds performed epic songs to instrumental music (formings, lyres or cithars). In addition to chanting, the Aeds were engaged in versification. The compositions of the Aeds were composed in hexameter, without dividing the text into stanzas.
Depending on the place of activity of the singer-narrators, there were:

  • Aeds in the service of kings or communities;
  • wandering aeds;

Divine Gifts of the Aeds

The Aeds were often blind. In ancient Greece, the blindness of storytellers was interpreted as a connection with the other world - a source of wisdom, poetic inspiration and a prophetic gift. Thus, the poetic gift of wandering blind singer-storytellers was combined with the ability to providence. Even Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) pointed out that he had a prophetic gift in the mythological poem "Theogony": "They breathed the gift of divine songs to me, so that I would sing in those songs that was and that will be." In ancient mythology, the talent of singing was perceived as a divine gift, a skill given to the singer by the Muse..

Performance venues

Aeds performed at festivities, feasts, ceremonies, rituals, since the performance of songs assumed a solemn atmosphere that distracted the listener from everyday life and averted from sadness:

If someone dries, tormented by sadness, then he only needs to
Hear the song of the servant of the Muses, the chanter, about the glorious
The exploits of ancient people, about the blessed gods of Olympus ...
(Hesiod, "Theogony"; translated by V. V. Veresaev)

Aed improvisational technique

The Aeds composed and performed the Greek epic with musical accompaniment. Song-singers reproduced the past, narrating old stories from mythological tales, legends and historical events in an arbitrary sequence of episodes. A characteristic feature of the song creativity of the Aeds is improvisation. The storytellers performed small songs about heroes and gods, choosing traditional themes of legends, but giving them an individual compositional design. Improvising, the Aeds created new songs, as a result of which different variations of folklore stories appeared. This is due to the absence in the Greek poetic tradition of fixed texts of epic songs before the 6th century BC. BC e.

The Aeds had the ability to adapt songs to the place and society for which they performed; and also, relying on the materials of folk legends, choose a thematic-plot direction in relation to the case and turn the legend in the direction desired by the listener. At the royal feast, the song of the aeda occupied the position of “glory” of representatives of a noble house; among the common people, the legend took on an ironic character about the deeds of the noble nobility.

Aeds at Homer

The epic songs of the Aeds were included in ancient Greek literary sources, including the poems of the famous poet-storyteller Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey". In the "Odyssey" (VIII century BC) there are characters of the Aeds. The work mentions the singer Phemius, who entertained the suitors of the wife of Odysseus Penelope by singing to the playing of the cithara in the absence of Odysseus in the Trojan War. Also depicted is the blind aed Demodok, who "received the gift of song from the gods." The singer lived at the court of the king of the Feacians on about. Scheria. It is believed that the image of the prophetic aed Demodoc represents the author of the poem, Homer.

Demiurge Wanderer

In Homer's Odyssey, the Aeds, called "singers who comfort the soul with the divine word," are mentioned together with craftsmen, which indicates the professional status of the singer-storyteller. Aeds, along with fortunetellers, architects, doctors, belonged to the demiurges, i.e., artisans who were hired and served the Greek community. Often the aed is a wandering stranger.

Aeds and rhapsodes

The heyday of Aedi art came in the 8th-7th centuries. BC e. At the turn of the 7th-6th centuries. BC e. there was a separation of poetry from music. Recitation supplanted singing with musical accompaniment, the Aeds were replaced by rhapsodes (Greek - "song stitchers") - professional performers of written texts of the Greek epic, mainly Homeric poems.

Continuation of the Aed tradition

Aeds are typical ancient syncretic carriers of folklore. The improvisational tradition of epic chanting was continued by typologically similar performers of different nations: akyn, ashug, bard, dzhangarchi, irchi, manaschi, trouwer, shair, kobzar, etc.

The value of the creativity of the Aeds

Oral creativity of folk singers-narrators is of historical value. Many songs of the Aeds have survived and form the basis of the Homeric epic, as well as ancient Greek literature in general.

The word aed comes from Greek aoidos (Greek aeido - I sing, I sing), which means a singer in translation.

All characters starting at level 46, get the opportunity Rebirth.

To do this, you need to talk to Veronica of Gipatskaya, which can be found on the Isle of Revelation in the Overlord's Citadel.

After completing the quest chain, you will become available " Ritual of Rebirth”, after passing which the character will be given the opportunity to gain Rebirth. This test is not easy, so you must be ready to fight with an insidious and skillful opponent.

In order to create an incarnation, you need to visit special NPCs in the faction capital ( Maru di Ducer in the Elven Quarter or Sarang Bisanu in the Astral Port).

After talking to them and choosing from the list of dialogues " Create a new Incarnation”, you will be prompted to create your own incarnation. Creating an incarnation looks no different than creating a new character.

After that, the main character will be called progenitor, A

minor - incarnation.

The incarnation immediately receives 4th level development and starts the game, bypassing the starting adventure.

After creating your incarnations there will be a special status that will be reflected on the character:

And in the character selection window, when viewing progenitor information about its implementation will be displayed:

The Progenitor and the Incarnation share the following character values:

Mounts (as well as the degree of their satiety)

The contents of the "Rarities" tab of the bag

Valuables from the Shop of Rarity

The volume of the bag and bank cell

Runes and resources for them

Favor of the Patron


astral ship

If the Progenitor had the fifth level of patronage, then the Incarnation will receive it automatically after receiving the 4th. Until level 45, Incarnation has 33% reduced damage and healing done. Upon death, 10% of the experience accumulated to the next level will be lost.

Described restrictions can be lifted, by contacting Mara di Ducer in the elven quarter of Novograd (for the League) and Sarang Bisan in the Astral Port (for the Empire), but at the same time the Incarnation will no longer gain experience. The cost of switching between Progenitor and Incarnation is 50 gold coins.

After creating the Incarnation, you can talk to the NPC and by selecting the item " View a list of Incarnations”, and select the desired incarnation. After that, having paid a certain fee, he will move to his Incarnation.

Offensive abilities mounts available only after reaching level 45 of Rebirth. The Progenitor and the Incarnation can exchange any with one skill. This opportunity will become available to the progenitor only after the Incarnation reaches level 45. Incarnation one of the skills of the Progenitor is available immediately.

The list of skills for all classes is below:

*Note:the cost of skills is calculated for a character of level 47 in mana, for physical classes the cost in energy is static and is calculated in proportion to the values ​​presented here.

Templar can pass to the embodiment:

Scout can pass to the embodiment:

Mystic can pass to the embodiment:

As a generalization, because they often ask what is the difference between Iskra and.

There really isn't much of a difference, it's just that. There is a spark in every living organism from a cell in an amoeba to a human and an elephant, from individual quanta to the entire material universe, only local functions and tasks differ, so hereinafter, please perceive the information intuitively and figuratively, as relating to all the levels mentioned, whether macro or micro, although basically it will be about a person. Also, please remember that each rule has its own exceptions and variability (all).

Our main crystal is located in the center of the nervous system - the SOLAR plexus (or in the region of the heart chakra, depending on the luminosity and level of perception), and is usually called the Spark of the Creator (variations: Yar, Source, central crystal, space of the Heart, Light of the Soul, Solar). Relatively speaking, this is that Spark of the Fiery Mind or a drop that you are without all the shells, bodies and superficial programs (social, fears, resentments, injuries, beliefs, karma, viruses, etc.).

It contains information about all the experience and tasks of your Soul, gives the energy of Life, forms the field of events, helps to shift reality from one branch to another. This energy information can and should be obtained from it (and not from fortune-tellers, mediums and gurus), but it is often difficult for the human mind to decipher the abstract language of images in which data is exchanged, and for some reason many practitioners are sure that energy can only be obtained with with the help of egregors, for example, reiki. This is not so, everything is in ourselves, no brokers are needed!

Parents give part of their Spark to children at any level of the Universe and remain connected with them through a process that is known to us today as quantum entanglement. With the accumulation of experience in different realities and bodies, additional Sparks-crystals join Her (or She can give birth to them herself, for example, like, each of which also contains its own). From the moment the embryo is conceived, the Spark begins to unfold its field, forming physical and subtle bodies, into which crystals (relatively speaking, the children of the Spark) are embedded, each of which has its own area of ​​responsibility, for example, a separate organ. DNA is also activated in the form that suits the task in a particular reality and form.

Like a seed, a Spark can grow and send root rays to different worlds, as well as combine with others (there is a slight difference between them, a Spark and crystals, but it is not so significant, because everything is fractal and similar).

In addition, the Spark is WILL and POWER!

How to get information and work with Iskra:

Relax, close your eyes, better immerse yourself in a meditative state, put. Turn your inner gaze to the region of the heart and solar plexus. Set the intention to see your Spark (you can ask it to manifest, activate, mentally kindle it). Most of the time you will see a light, sometimes a flower with many petals, a star, a bunch of intelligent playful plasma, or something similar. This is your spark. Perhaps it will be one color, or maybe many, again, it all depends on your perception, as with crystals (see below).

You may also feel warmth or a slight chill in this area, a slight vibration. Try to enter her space. How does it feel, how do you feel inside? Usually it will be a feeling of peace, balance and harmony, calm happiness and love. Stay in this state for a few minutes, do not rush.

Mentally turn inward and ask your question, listen to the answer. Do not expect to be shown a cartoon or told a story on a plate, you need to be able to extract information, learn to ask questions (and a correctly asked question already contains 50% of the answer). Perhaps the answer will not follow immediately, but one way or another it will come in the form of insight later, if the question is correct.

Send a beam from the Spark through the body, for example, for purposes of healing and harmonization. It can be in a certain organ, or everywhere, spherically filling all your bodies and space with light.

Ask Her to connect with your Source and the Earth. Ask the Source and Mother Earth to conduct ascending and descending currents through you, breathe these currents, directing them with your breath throughout the body and the Earth itself, thank Her for the opportunity to gain experience here, give her part of the incoming energy and ask the Source to direct this energy to those who it is most needed now, do not be greedy. Perhaps, through you, like, the flow will be directed to a crystal lattice or a place of power, perhaps to a certain group of people or animals, all individually.

It is better to immediately set an intention, and ideally, write this intention down on the Iskra "Everything I do is done for the highest good, in the most favorable way and with the permission of the highest aspects of all stakeholders. I also ask my highest aspects to help me in harmonizing my work space so as not to upset the balance and not cause good."
Paraphrase and expand in your own words, if you like.
Play with Her, ask for information about what else can be done in your case, because everyone has their own needs and questions.

Don't forget that this is a creative and intuitive process, and not just mindlessly repeating someone else's instructions!


Often the very perception of the Spark also depends on the degree of openness of the heart chakra: for example, if it is closed by fears, they must first be worked out or the remaining blocks / implants removed, otherwise it will be impossible for the inner light to break through, and it will be difficult for you to perceive it and direct it to development.

In the same case, there is a complication of the work of healers, because. a person can demand momentary results without having worked out the base qualities in himself (including karmic tails from other lives) and shift responsibility onto others, and then angrily accuse him of quackery. That is why it is not recommended to engage in various types and even in relation to oneself ("code me so that I can be happy!") - you will only complicate the situation and the lesson itself, which you still have to work out.

In fact, it is impossible to heal or even "treat" others, you can only give them a tool and create conditions, but the work must be done by them themselves, as they created the "problem" in the first place. Suppressing the symptoms with chemistry, but not working out the causal relationship, our medicine takes away a lesson from a person and personifies the catchphrase "good intentions ...". We will talk about this separately.

It is believed that it is impossible to reflash the Iskra, but each rule has its own exceptions, so you should always check it for the presence of subconnections (they have not yet been seen inside it, but a couple of times they were found on the periphery in the form of a grid, or simply fake ones). The same goes for crystals.

Everything is relative, but there is a general list of obstacles in development, each of which is not necessarily critical, but in its own way affects different people whether in relation to physical and mental health, abilities, or self-actualization:

If you do not engage in spiritual disciplines at all, do not work on yourself, eat meat, smoke, take some “heavy” medicines or alcohol, shift the responsibility for your life to others, are constantly or often offended, blame others or yourself, get irritated, slander, gossip , criticize, express dissatisfaction, lie, are subject to fears from the media / religion / medicine, watch horror / pornography, do magic in violation of someone else's will, consider yourself a victim of circumstances, swear or use swear words in everyday speech, live with negative people or in a dirty environment, show aggression, etc., then the course and results of any work (autonomous or with a leader) will clearly reflect this to one degree or another, because your antenna of reality (the totality of the Spark, bodies, energy flows, nervous system and DNA) is in dissonance, and it is extremely difficult to get any tangible results or pure information in this state.

Also, your field of events can be “frozen” (check yourself for the presence of the program “this world was not invented by me, it’s not for me to change it”) and no changes will occur until you clear your internal blockages and let go of the old that interferes new come into your life.

Your physical the body and eventfulness will also reflect sharp corrective jumps if you have done powerful energy work (or have been helped), and the balance of forces (+ and -) has been strongly distorted by your desire for big and quick changes (or vice versa - unwillingness / rejection of them, lack of faith in one's own strengths). In this case, rollbacks of different levels are possible - usually psychophysical ailments and problems in society, which, in many cases, are at an accelerated pace of study. So don't be surprised if you go through some powerful practice and then can't get over it for weeks. And even more so if.

The use of crystals can be easily illustrated by working with pain:

Does your arm/head/left ear hurt?
Lie down, relax. Imagine that in this place you have a scattering of small crystals inside your hand, like stars in the sky, and they light up brighter and brighter, unwind, forming a single network, intertwining with rays. Bring this fire to a level where there are no separate crystals, but only one crystal/plasma hand.

Going through the process of individualization, in other words, dividing into currents and partially separating from the Ocean to explore It and our capabilities, we plunge into the dense layers of the Universe, sooner or later reaching material worlds similar to the Earth, on the way acquiring numerous bodies and shells that help us interact with the realities being studied, as well as take lessons in them, the main of which is the lesson on recognizing "mine / not mine" (sometimes this is called reality and illusion, although the difference for human consciousness is blurred).
On this topic: /

Various kinds of distortions are layered on these multidimensional shells in the form of fears, phobias, beliefs, social programs, pathological ties, generic contracts, diseases and other entities that the original Spark winds like a snowball, while losing parts of itself in other Sparks and realities, thereby lowering its energy potential and luminosity, condensing and shrinking, breaking, spraying and losing integrity, because. all levels of beliefs about one's nature require energy.

Some beliefs and shells we form ourselves, others we "grab" from others. For example, by believing in religious doctrines or medical diagnoses, we can limit our evolution and lock ourselves into a religious comfort zone or be sick all our lives, feeding on the compassion of others, as is often seen in older generations.
Further here:

Attention: ANY Spark practices are NOT recommended for those who do not maintain regular energy and psycho-emotional hygiene. If during practice you experience pain, feeling unwell, dizzy, etc., this means that the Spark is “raising mud” from your bottom. That is, it draws attention to those blocks and tasks that need to be removed / worked out before working with it further, otherwise it is comparable to cleaning in a swamp that does not have the slightest sense.

UPD from session 04/01/17:

The spark is pure energy, pure light. It's hard to structure. The mind is based on a few other fields. To have a mind, you need to, how to say, tame this spark. Therefore, it is distributed fractally, as you say in every quantum, every molecule. It can never be synchronized. Full synchronization in your body of the sparks of each quantum, each molecule will lead to ignition, as there have been cases of spontaneous combustion of people. And in normal mode, the spark works either in one segment or in another. It can be simply controlled by moving it from one segment to another. And in each of these segments, wherever the spark is, there will be its center.

Q: How does the spark feel inside?
A: It's like the sun that they describe to us, very similar. It has inexhaustible energy, there is no end. It is at the same time as dense as a diamond. And like water, it is constantly changing. A huge amount of energy, just huge. It is specially made in such a way that the amount of energy given off can be calculated both for a small cell and for a huge universe, for a huge galaxy. The galaxy is built on the basis of the same spark as a small, small cell. Absolutely, there is no difference.

Q: Everything is fractal and similar. This Spark is essentially a drop of the eternal ocean from which it came.
A: I cannot see this ocean, but it is there, I know it. It is impossible to grasp it, you will never see it or understand it. You can only become the same ocean, but it's not very soon. I feel it inside. It is difficult to let this state pass through the energy apparatus. In him, the original will is born. It's like the ocean of the world, in which organisms are born. There, too, in that ocean, the same reactions take place, only of a different kind. The will is born in it, and behind the will the mind and individuality are born. And such a mass as foam. It just boils and flies away. After it comes another and another, it is an endless process.

When a character reaches level 80, the task "Pass the ritual of rebirth" becomes available to him.

The ball will lead you straight to our old friend Veronica of Gipatskaya, who is waiting for you in the Lord's Citadel and will give you the task "Old Friend".

Small subtleties and tips for their implementation:

  • The first exercise "Road of Trials" is performed in the Tka-Rika cave. If the character dies or fails during the test, the progress is reset.

  • The second exercise is performed in the Kingdom of the Elements. It lies in the fact that after you drink the poison, you need to kill 20 monsters. Please note that the auto run will take you to the flames, but any mobs are suitable for the exercise. Here you can come to the aid of friends or guild members. Enough to create a group! But a prerequisite is that you beat the mob first. Your friend can finish it. In the event of your death, the task is considered failed. As experience has shown, crowberries are the easiest to kill.

  • The third exercise is that it is necessary to donate 3,000 drops of myrrh to Veronica of Gipatskaya.

The next task is "Rebirth". You will need to meet with the head of your faction.

If you are playing for the League, then the ball will lead to Aidenus.

If you are playing as an empire, then to Jasker.

After talking with the head of the faction, your path lies to the Specialist in the Unexplained: Mara di Ducer in the Elven Quarter or Sarang Bisan in the underground floor of the Eye of the World.

One of these NPCs will give you the Return to the Heart quest. You have to go to the Kiraha cave and meet with Veronica of Gipatskaya.

  • Elementals must be defeated with the help of Unquenchable Fire
  • Defeat your incarnation in combat
  • Take Control of Your Spark

Congratulations, you have the opportunity to create rebirths!

The first incarnation is available automatically. To create it, you need to contact a specialist in the inexplicable in your faction. In the dialogue with him, just select "Create an incarnation", and the creation menu opens:

Please note that the rebirth will automatically belong to the same faction as the progenitor!

After that, the main character will be called the Progenitor, and the secondary character will be called the incarnation. The Incarnation immediately receives level 4 of development and starts the game, bypassing the starting adventure.

After creation, the Incarnation receives a special status that will be reflected on the character (colloquial "egg"):

This status can be removed from the Unexplained Specialist in your faction. Please note that in this case, the experience from completing tasks and killing mobs will not be counted towards you! You can play your incarnation both anonymously by checking the appropriate checkbox when choosing a character (the nickname of the progenitor will not be visible), or openly (the nickname of the "base" will be shown). The choice is yours!

Separately, I will tell about such a race as the Aeds. The ability to create them becomes available after passing the line to open the possibility of creating rebirth. Spark Aeda comes to you by mail and is stored there for 30 days. When you pick it up, it remains in your bag in valuables. After the ability to create incarnations is available to you, it is enough to select this race for rebirth, and the vessel will be used up automatically.

IMPORTANT! The incarnation of Aed will immediately be level 70. If you decide to re-create the incarnation of this race, then the possibility of creating Aeds will no longer be available to you. Additionally, you can create the rebirth of Aed with the help of the “Vessel for the Spark of Aed”.

In the future, in order to create more incarnations, it will be necessary to purchase the “Vessel for the Spark”.

The maximum available number of additional incarnations for free servers is 12, for the Thread of Fate - 5. Incarnations can be recreated any number of times, but all game progress achieved by the incarnation before the re-creation will be reset.

The following values ​​and opportunities are available to your incarnation:

  • Mounted animals (as well as the degree of their satiety);
  • The contents of the bag in the Rarity tab;
  • Wardrobe contents;
  • Valuables from the Rarity Shop;
  • The volume of the bag and bank cell;
  • Runes and resources for them;
  • Favor of the Patron;
  • Gold;
  • Astral ship;
  • Belonging to the Order;

I draw your attention to the fact that milestones for the "Secrets of the World" are not transferred to regeneration! In order for them to open on it, it will be necessary to go through the corresponding tasks again. The attacking abilities of mounts become available only after reaching the maximum level of Rebirth.

Well, and, perhaps, the main reason for creating a rebirth (as the players simply call the incarnation) is the additional useful skills that your base (progenitor) can get. So what do you get from your reincarnations?

From the bard:

  • Romance is an enchanting melody that makes the enemy run swiftly towards its source. Range: 30m. Maintain time: 2 sec. Rollback time: 2 min.
  • Overture is a short melody that dispels one random positive effect from the enemy. Range: 40m. Channeling Time: 1.5 sec. Cooldown time: 45 sec.

From the wizard:

  • Shift - Instantaneously move forward 25m. Any obstacle encountered on the way interrupts the movement. Rollback time: 1.5 min.
  • Blizzard - sends a cold wind at the enemy, every second causing damage to him and all enemies within a radius of 15m. Also slows all enemies within range by 50%. Range: 40m. Maintain time: 4 sec. Cooldown time: 1.5 min.

From a warrior:

  • Adrenaline Rush – Increases your movement speed by 20% and reduces all damage taken by 10% for 4 seconds. Rollback time: 1 min.
  • A battering ram is a powerful blow that knocks the enemy back 20m. Range: melee. Rollback time: 1 min.

From the demonologist:

  • Mania - The character deals damage to himself in the amount of 30% of his maximum health and falls into a bloody frenzy for 10 seconds. Damage dealt increased by 15%. Damage taken increased by 10%. Rollback time: 1.5 min.
  • Leash of the Demon - the character unleashes the inner demon, gets rid of all intimidation effects and becomes immune to them for 5 seconds. In this case, the demonologist takes damage in the amount of 15% of his maximum health. Rollback time: 1.5 min.

From the priest:

  • Glare - instantaneous movement to the selected point. Nearest enemy within 15m radius. from the end point will be immobilized for 3 seconds. Range: 30m. Rollback time: 1.5 min.
  • Parting word - instantly moves an allied character to himself, restoring 15% of his health. Range: 30m. Rollback time: 1.5 min.

From an engineer:

  • Light Turret - Places a turret that deals damage every 2 seconds. nearest enemy within a 30m radius. The durability of the mechanism is 25% of the owner's maximum health. The mechanism operates for 10 seconds. Range: 15m. Rollback time: 1 min.
  • Sanctuary – Places an immobile mechanism that heals party members within a 15m radius around every second for 8 seconds. When deployed, it dispels one debuff from party members within range. The durability of the mechanism is 25% of the owner's maximum health. Range: 30m. Range: 15m. Rollback time: 1.5 min.

From mystic:

  • Impulse - A burst of mental energy that knocks all enemies within a 15m radius 20m away and stuns them for 0.5 seconds. upon landing. Range: 15m. Rollback time: 1 min.
  • Choke - mental impact on the selected enemy deals damage every second and slows them by 50%. Range: 40m. Channeling Time: 5 sec. Rollback time: 1.5 min.

From Necromancer:

  • Blood Shield – Summons a protective barrier that reduces all directional damage taken by 20%. The number of shield charges applied is 5. When the character receives directional damage, 1 charge will be absorbed. Effect duration - 10 sec. Rollback time: 1.5 min.
  • Fear of Death - A spell that inspires fear in a necromancer's opponent. Causes the target to flee in fear for 3 seconds. Range: 30m. Rollback time: 1.5 min.

From the scout:

  • Bounce - the character jumps back from the enemy 20m., Knocking him down for 2 seconds. Range: melee. Rollback time: 1 min.
  • Hunting Trap - Places a hunting trap in the specified area. The trap can only be seen by its owner. After installation, the trap cocks for 4 seconds. and stuns the first enemy it hits for 4 seconds, dealing damage. The maximum lifetime of a trap is 19 seconds. Range: 40m. Rollback time: 1.5 min.

From the templar:

  • Sword of Punishment - A quick charge towards the target, dealing damage to it. The minimum distance is 8m. Range: 30m. Rollback time: 1 min.
  • Barrier – Summons a barrier supported by the Light itself, absorbing damage taken for 4 sec. The strength of the barrier is 20% of the character's maximum health. Rollback time: 1.5 min.

From pagan:

  • Trinity - Magically binds a target friendly target to the two party members with the lowest health. All three targets will be healed every 2 seconds. within 8 sec. Range: 40m. Rollback time: 1.5 min.
  • Entangling Roots - Spiny roots sprout in the targeted area. All enemies in them are slowed down by 50%. Range: 30m. Range: 10m. Preparation time: 2 sec. Rollback time: 1 min.

You can also build a Personal Allod for your rebirth (it is done similarly with the progenitor), and by marking it as additional, produce gold in cornucopias. Experienced players with the help of incarnations farm gold under buffs from the order in the Kingdom of the Elements and in the BG!

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