Embedded GPUs - All about connecting and disconnecting. GPU: what is it and why is it used? GPU Specifications

Task Manager Windows 10 contains detailed monitoring tools GPU (GPU). You can view the usage of each app and system-wide GPU, and Microsoft promises that indicators task manager will be more accurate than third-party utilities.

How it works

These features GPU were added in the update Fall Creators for Windows 10 , also known as Windows 10 version 1709 . If you are using Windows 7, 8 or older Windows version 10, you won't see these tools in your task manager.

Windows uses newer features in the Windows Display Driver Model to extract information directly from GPU (VidSCH) and video memory manager (VidMm) in the WDDM graphics core, which are responsible for the actual allocation of resources. It shows very accurate data no matter what API applications are using to access the GPU - Microsoft DirectX, OpenGL, Vulkan, OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA, AMD Mantle or whatever.

That is why in task manager only WDDM 2.0 compliant systems are shown GPUs . If you don't see it, your system's GPU is probably using an older type of driver.

You can check which version of WDDM your driver is using GPU by pressing the Windows button + R, typing in the field " dxdiag", And then press" Enter"To open the tool" DirectX Diagnostic Tool". Go to the Screen tab and look to the right of Model under Drivers. If you see a WDDM 2.x driver here, your system is compatible. If you see a WDDM 1.x driver here, your GPU not compatible.

How to View GPU Performance

This information is available in task manager , although it is hidden by default. To open it, open Task Manager by right-clicking on any empty space on the taskbar and selecting " Task Manager” or by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc on the keyboard.

Click the More Details button at the bottom of the window Task Manager' if you see the standard simple view.

If GPU not showing up in task manager , in full screen mode on the tab " Processes» right click on any column heading and then enable the option « GPU ". This will add a column GPU , which allows you to see the percentage of resources GPU used by each application.

You can also enable the option " GPU core to see which GPU the application is using.

General use GPU of all applications on your system is displayed at the top of the column GPU. Click a column GPU to sort the list and see what apps are using your GPU the most at the moment.

Number in column GPU is the highest usage that the application uses for all engines. So, for example, if an application is using 50% of the GPU 3D engine and 2% of the GPU's video decoding engine, you'll just see the number 50% displayed in the GPU column.

In the column " GPU core” is displayed for each application. It shows you what physical GPU and what engine the application uses, such as whether it uses a 3D engine or a video decoding engine. You can determine which GPU matches a particular metric by checking the " Performance', which we will discuss in the next section.

How to view an application's video memory usage

If you are wondering how much video memory is being used by an application, you need to go to the Details tab in Task Manager. On the Details tab, right-click on any column heading and select Select Columns. Scroll down and enable columns " GPU », « GPU core », « " And " ". The first two are also available on the Processes tab, but the last two memory options are only available on the Details panel.

Column " Dedicated GPU Memory » shows how much memory the app is using on your GPU. If your PC has a discrete NVIDIA or AMD graphics card, then this is part of its VRAM, that is, how much physical memory an application uses on your graphics card. If you have integrated graphics processor , some of your regular system memory is reserved exclusively for your graphics hardware. This shows how much of the reserved memory is being used by the application.

Windows also allows applications to store some data in regular system DRAM. Column " Shared GPU Memory ' shows how much memory the application is currently using for video devices from the computer's normal system RAM.

You can click on any of the columns to sort by them and see which app is using the most resources. For example, to see the applications using the most video memory on your GPU, click the " Dedicated GPU Memory ».

How to Track GPU Share Usage

To track overall resource usage statistics GPU, go to the " Performance' and look at ' GPU» at the bottom of the sidebar. If your computer has multiple GPUs, you will see several options here GPU.

If you have multiple linked GPUs - using a feature such as NVIDIA SLI or AMD Crossfire you will see them identified by a "#" in their name.

Windows displays usage GPU in real time. Default Task Manager tries to display the most interesting four engines according to what's happening on your system. For example, you'll see different graphics depending on whether you're playing 3D games or encoding videos. However, you can click on any of the names above the graphs and select any of the other engines available.

Name of your GPU also appears in the sidebar and at the top of this window, making it easy to check what graphics hardware is installed on your PC.

You will also see dedicated and shared memory usage graphs GPU. Shared Memory Usage GPU refers to how much of the system's total memory is used for tasks GPU. This memory can be used for both normal system tasks and video recordings.

At the bottom of the window, you will see information such as the installed video driver version number, development date, and physical location. GPU on your system.

If you want to view this information in a smaller window that's easier to keep on screen, double-click anywhere inside the GPU screen, or right-click anywhere inside it and select the option Graphic summary". You can maximize the window by double-clicking on the panel, or by right-clicking in it and unchecking " Graphic summary».

You can also right-click on the chart and select Edit Graph > Single Core to view just one engine graph GPU.

To have this window permanently displayed on your screen, click "Options" > " On top of other windows».

Double click inside the bar GPU one more time and you have a minimal window that you can position anywhere on the screen.

IN modern devices A graphics processor is used, which is also referred to as a GPU. What is it and what is its principle of operation? GPU (Graphics) - a processor whose main task is to process graphics and floating point calculations. The GPU facilitates the work of the main processor when it comes to heavy games and applications with 3D graphics.

What's this?

The GPU creates graphics, textures, colors. A processor that has multiple cores can run at high speeds. The graphics card has many cores that operate mainly at low speeds. They do pixel and vertex calculations. The processing of the latter mainly takes place in the coordinate system. The graphics processor processes various tasks by creating a three-dimensional space on the screen, that is, objects in it move.

Principle of operation

What does a GPU do? He is engaged in the processing of graphics in 2D and 3D format. Thanks to the GPU, the computer can perform important tasks faster and easier. The peculiarity of the GPU is that it increases the calculation speed at the maximum level. Its architecture is designed in such a way that it can process visual information more efficiently than the central CPU of a computer.

He is responsible for the arrangement of three-dimensional models in the frame. In addition, each of the processor filters the triangles included in it. It determines which ones are visible, removes those that are hidden behind other objects. Draws light sources, determines how these sources affect color. The graphics processor (what it is - described in the article) creates an image, displays it to the user on the screen.


What makes a GPU efficient? temperature. One of the problems of PCs and laptops is overheating. This is the main reason why the device and its elements quickly fail. Problems with the GPU begin when the temperature of the processor exceeds 65 ° C. In this case, users notice that the processor starts to work weaker, skips cycles in order to lower the increased temperature on its own.

The temperature regime of 65-80 ° C is critical. In this case, the system restarts (emergency), the computer turns off on its own. It is important for the user to ensure that the temperature of the GPU does not exceed 50 ° C. Normal is t 30-35 ° C in idle time, 40-45 ° C with many hours of load. The lower the temperature, the better the performance of the computer. For motherboard, graphics cards, cases and hard drives- their temperature regimes.

But many users are also concerned about the question of how to reduce the temperature of the processor in order to increase its efficiency. First you need to find out the cause of overheating. This can be a clogged cooling system, dry thermal paste, malware, processor overclocking, raw BIOS firmware. The simplest thing a user can do is to replace the thermal paste that is on the processor itself. In addition, you need to clean the cooling system. Experts also advise installing a powerful cooler, improving air circulation in system block, increase the rotation speed on the cooler graphics adapter. For all computers and GPUs, the same scheme for lowering the temperature. It is important to monitor the device, clean it in time.


The graphics processor is located on the video card, its main task is to process 2D and 3D graphics. If a GPU is installed on the computer, then the device's processor does not do unnecessary work, so it functions faster. The main feature of the graphic is that its main goal is to increase the speed of calculating objects and textures, that is, graphic information. The architecture of the processor allows them to work much more efficiently, process visual information. A normal processor can't do that.


What is a GPU? This is a component that is part of the video card. There are several types of chips: built-in and discrete. Experts say that the second one copes better with its task. It is installed on separate modules, as it is distinguished by its power, but it needs excellent cooling. Almost all computers have an integrated graphics processor. It is installed in the CPU to make power consumption several times lower. It cannot be compared with discrete ones, but it also has good characteristics and shows good results.

Computer graphics

What's this? This is the name of the field of activity in which computer technologies are used to create images and process visual information. Modern computer graphics, including scientific ones, make it possible to graphically process results, build diagrams, graphs, drawings, and also perform various kinds of virtual experiments.

With the help of constructive graphics, technical products are created. There are other types of computer graphics:

  • animation;
  • multimedia;
  • artistic;
  • advertising;
  • illustrative.

From a technical point of view, computer graphics are two-dimensional and three-dimensional images.

CPU and GPU: the difference

What is the difference between these two designations? Many users are aware that the graphics processor (which is described above) and the video card perform different tasks. In addition, they differ in their internal structure. Both CPU and GPU - which have many similar features, but they are made for different purposes.

The CPU executes a certain chain of instructions in a short amount of time. It is made in such a way that it forms several chains at the same time, splits the flow of instructions into many, executes them, then merges them back into one whole in a specific order. The instruction in the thread is dependent on those that follow it, so the CPU contains a small number of execution units, here the main priority is given to execution speed, reducing idle times. All this is achieved using a pipeline and cache memory.

The GPU has another important function - rendering visual effects and 3D graphics. It works simpler: it receives polygons at the input, performs the necessary logical and mathematical operations, and outputs pixel coordinates at the output. The work of the GPU is to handle a large stream of different tasks. Its peculiarity is that it is endowed with a large but slow work compared to the CPU. In addition, there are more than 2000 execution units in modern GPUs. They differ from each other in the methods of accessing memory. For example, a graphics card doesn't need large cached memory. The GPU has more bandwidth. If you explain in simple words, then the CPU makes decisions in accordance with the tasks of the program, and the GPU performs many of the same calculations.

Do you know how to choose the preferred graphics processor from the two available options for running an application or game? If not, then I suggest that laptop owners read this article.

Today, even an average laptop in terms of cost and performance comes with two video cards. The first, working by default, is built-in, the second is discrete. The extra GPU is mostly bundled with gaming laptops, but it's not uncommon to find it on a non-gaming rig as well.

Of the built-in ones, the choice is small and usually this is a chip from Intel, but discrete ones can be either from Nvidia or AMD. These are the most common and trusted by users products. And manufacturers, first of all, try to complete the devices based on our preferences.

Now let's briefly consider the process of interaction between two video cards. When the requirements of any running application exceed the capabilities of the built-in card, your system will automatically switch to working with a discrete one. This happens mostly when you start playing games.

As mentioned above, the PC market is dominated by two major GPU manufacturers. It is worth noting that the most widely used Nvidia uses the relatively new "Optimus" technology. Its functionality lies in the fact that whenever it detects that a program or game needs additional, more powerful resources, the dedicated GPU is automatically activated.

And now I'll show you how you can easily force an application to use a high-performance or integrated GPU of the user's choice. This will only be demonstrated today with NVIDIA and Intel.


Open the NVIDIA Control Panel. The easiest and fastest way is to right-click on the corresponding icon located on the Taskbar in the lower right corner. Go to the "Desktop" menu and check the box next to "Add item to context menu".

Now, after these simple steps, you can right-click on the shortcut of any application and, in the menu item that appears, select one of two launch options.


And if you decide to constantly use only a discrete video card, then you need to go to the “Manage 3D settings” section in the Control Panel, select the “Program settings” tab and install the necessary game or program in step 1, and select the desired video card in step 2 , then click the "Apply" button.

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Not many users know that video cards can do a lot more than just display a picture on a monitor. Using CUDA, Stream and other similar technologies, you can significantly increase the performance of your computer by taking on other than your calculations. The operating principle will be described below.

To display continuous frames in any modern game, the computer needs good performance. It is worth assuming that modern video cards in terms of performance correspond to fresh versions of processors.

It is worth noting that when the video adapter is idle and does not process the image, its capabilities remain unclaimed. In order to avoid such downtime and to be able to take on some responsibilities, which will reduce the load on the processor, it is necessary to use special options for accelerating the computer. Below will be detailed instructions about how this technology works, which can increase PC performance.

How does a video card increase the speed of a computer?

Only special applications can take advantage of the capabilities of video cards. These programs can be combined with a video card and use one of the 4 physical acceleration technologies.

CUDA. This development was created by Nvidia Corporation. This technology can be used to perform complex computational manipulations and to edit videos and pictures.

Stream. This mechanical acceleration technology is similar to the first one, but was developed by the video adapter manufacturer AMD.
Both of these technologies are supported by all operating systems except Mac OS, and are used only with video cards from a suitable manufacturer. Software developers are forced to do extra work so that the video cards of both developers can increase the speed of their applications. Below are technologies that are able to work with boards from both manufacturers.

OpenCL. This technology was released by Apple in 2008 and is supported by all operating systems and any software. However, to date there are no applications to speed up a computer using this technology. In addition, in terms of productivity increase, OpenCL is significantly behind the first two technologies.

directcompute. This technology was built by Microsoft in DirectX 11. But it can only work on Windows 7 and Vista operating systems, and then with a small package of applications.

What performance boost does the graphics card provide?

The increase directly depends on the graphics adapter and the performance of other elements of the computer. The increase in performance is set by utilities and operations. On a modern average PC, the conversion speed of high-quality video can be up to 20 times faster. But editing with filters and special effects with a photograph can speed up three hundred times.

What influences the high productivity of CUDA and similar technologies?

The CPU on the motherboard, when performing complex tasks, initially divides the process into several smaller ones, and then performs their sequential processing. The resulting intermediate result is placed in a small but fast processor memory. When memory departments fill up, files are moved to cache memory, which is also located in the processor. But it takes quite a lot of time to exchange information between the processor and the RAM, so the speed is not quite high.

Video cards can sometimes perform such manipulations much faster. Several factors may influence this. One of them is parallel computing. If it is necessary to carry out several such manipulations, some of them can be carried out by the graphics module together with the processor.

For example, when working with video or pictures, the utility needs to change a huge number of pixels, and at the same time using repetitive methods. Especially for this, the graphics adapter has hundreds of small processors, which are called streaming.

In addition, fast memory access is required. By analogy with the central processes, graphics adapters also have their own intermediate memory and RAM. But in this case, they have a lot of high-speed memory registers, which significantly increases the speed of calculations.

How many streaming CPUs do graphics cards have?

This is affected by the processor model. For example, the GeForse GTX 590 has two Fermi modules, each with 512 stream CPUs. One of AMD's most powerful video cards, the Radeon HD 6990, is also equipped with a pair of modules, each with 1536 processors. But with all this, the HD 6990 significantly loses to the GTX 590 in terms of speed.

How to run CUDA or Stream?

Nothing should be launched, since technologies are an element of the hardware of video cards. After the graphics adapter driver installs an application that supports some kind of technology, then the computer's speed will automatically increase. To get full performance, you need to install the latest driver version.
It is worth noting that users of AMD graphics cards need to download and install the AMD Media Codec Package.

Why don't all utilities work with these technologies?

Until OpenCL is widely distributed, the creators software each application must be tuned to be able to work with Nvidia and AMD video cards. But at the same time, not every manufacturer will go to additional costs.

Also, not all applications have the ability to provide a constant stream of simple computational operations that can occur in parallel. This can work great with video and graphics editing programs. For postal or text editors these technologies will not help much.

Super PC

For example, the Chinese Tianhe-1A PC has 7168 Nvidia graphics modules, which support excellent performance. At the same time, 2.5 trillion calculations per second take place. This computer consumes 4 megawatts of power. This is the amount of electricity used by a town of 5,000 people.

Can the graphics adapter replace the central one?

Such a replacement is not possible. The device of these processors is completely different. The CPU is a universal computing unit that has the ability to process and send information to other PC elements. In turn, video cards are narrowly focused devices, despite the fact that they perform a small number of operations, but at the same time at high speed.

What will happen in the future: universal chips

To increase CPU performance, Intel and AMD are constantly adding cores to their processors. In addition, they are constantly adding new technologies that can increase the efficiency of computing operations and the possibility of parallel processing of information.

Compared to CPUs, graphics cards already have a large number of simple cores that can perform complex calculations very quickly.

But it turns out that the initial differences in the principles of operation of the video card and the CPU are gradually erased. Therefore, the development of a universal chip is very logical. Today, computer users can use the full potential of a video card without expensive graphics chips.

Modern processors from leading developers, at the moment, can demonstrate the ability to combine a graphics adapter and a CPU and work as one universal computing unit.

In any of the chips, the CPU core and video cards are placed on a single chip. This provides the ability to quickly share computational manipulations between cores. These applied technologies are called Intel Quick Sync and AMD App. At present there are already individual applications that use this kind of technology.

In general, this is all you need to know about the differences between the CPU and video card. As can be seen from what has been written, the GPU is capable of performing some central operations, especially for modern computers with powerful video cards.

CPUs and GPUs are very similar, both are made from hundreds of millions of transistors and can process thousands of operations per second. But how exactly do these two important components of any home computer differ?

In this article, we will try to tell in a very simple and accessible way what is the difference between a CPU and a GPU. But first we need to consider these two processors separately.

The CPU (Central Processing Unit or Central Processing Unit) is often referred to as the "brain" of a computer. There are about a million transistors inside the central processing unit, with the help of which various calculations are performed. Home computers typically have processors having 1 to 4 cores with clock speeds of approximately 1 GHz to 4 GHz.

The processor is powerful because it can do everything. A computer is capable of performing a task because the processor is capable of performing that task. Programmers have been able to achieve this thanks to the wide instruction sets and huge lists of functions shared across modern CPUs.

What is a GPU?

GPU (Graphics Processing Unit or Graphic Processing Unit) is a specialized type of microprocessor optimized for very specific computing and graphics display. The GPU runs at a lower clock speed than the CPU, but has many more processor cores.

You can also say that the GPU is a specialized CPU made for one specific purpose - video rendering. During rendering, the GPU performs simple mathematical calculations a huge number of times. The GPU has thousands of cores that will work at the same time. Although each GPU core is slower than the CPU core, it is still more efficient for performing the simple mathematical calculations needed to display graphics. This massive parallelism is what makes the GPU capable of rendering the complex 3D graphics required by modern games.

Difference between CPU and GPU

The GPU can only perform a fraction of the operations it can perform CPU but he does it with incredible speed. The GPU will use hundreds of cores to perform time-critical calculations on thousands of pixels and render complex 3D graphics in the process. But to achieve high speeds, the GPU must perform repetitive operations.

Let's take, for example, Nvidia GTX 1080. This video card has 2560 shader cores. Thanks to these cores, the Nvidia GTX 1080 can execute 2560 instructions or operations in a single clock cycle. If you want to make the picture 1% brighter, then the GPU can handle it without much difficulty. And here is the quad central Intel processor Core i5 will only be able to execute 4 instructions per clock cycle.

However, CPUs are more flexible than GPUs. Central processing units have a larger set of instructions, so they can perform a wider range of functions. Also CPUs run at higher maximum clock speeds and have the ability to control the input and output of computer components. For example, the CPU can integrate with the virtual memory that is needed to run a modern operating system. This is exactly what the GPU will not be able to do.

GPU computing

Even though GPUs are designed for rendering, they are capable of more. Graphics processing is just a kind of repetitive parallel computing. Other tasks such as Bitcoin mining and password cracking rely on the same kinds of massive datasets and simple mathematical calculations. That is why some users use video cards for non-graphical operations. This phenomenon is called GPU Computation or GPU computing.


In this article, we compared CPU and GPU. I think it has become clear to everyone that the GPU and CPU have similar goals, but are optimized for different calculations. Write your opinion in the comments, I will try to answer.

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