What should I do if the USB ports are not working? Why USB ports do not work USB 2.0 high speed hub does not work

Immediately after installing the Windows 7 operating system, some users notice that USB ports do not work on their computer. Let's see what actions need to be taken in order to be able to connect devices to a PC using the above protocol.

We note right away that this article will talk about a specific problem after installing, reinstalling or updating Windows 7, that is, about a situation where everything worked fine before installing the operating system, and after following these procedures, it stopped functioning. We will not dwell on other possible malfunctions related to the fact that the computer does not see USB devices. A separate lesson is devoted to this problem on the site.

The problem we are studying has two main causes:

  • Lack of necessary drivers;
  • Incorrect entries in the system registry (after updating Vista to Windows 7).

Method 1: USB Oblivion

This solution is just right if you upgraded to Windows 7 from an earlier operating system. This may leave entries in the system registry about previous connections of USB devices, which will be incorrect in the updated OS, which will lead to problems with further connection attempts. In this case, all records of previous connections must be deleted. The easiest way to do this is with the USB Oblivion utility, which is just designed for this purpose.

Method 2: Microsoft USB Troubleshooter

Microsoft has its own USB troubleshooter. Unlike the previous utility, it can help not only after installing the operating system, but also in many other cases.

Method 3: Driver Pack Solution

After installing Windows 7, your computer may not be able to receive and transfer data via USB due to the lack of necessary drivers. This situation is especially common if USB 3.0 connectors are installed on a stationary PC or laptop. The fact is that Windows 7 was developed even before the specified standard began to be massively implemented. For this reason, the basic version of the named OS immediately after installation lacks the necessary drivers. In this case, they need to be installed.

The easiest way to solve this problem is if you have a disk with the necessary drivers. In this case, you just need to insert it into the drive and extract the contents to your computer using the displayed prompts. USB ports will be restored. But what to do if the necessary disk is not at hand? The actions to be taken in this situation are discussed below.

The easiest way to solve the task is with the help of, designed to find and install the missing drivers on the computer. One of the best applications in this class is .

  1. Run the program. When activated, it will simultaneously scan the system for connected devices and detect missing drivers.
  2. Click on the button "Set up your computer automatically".
  3. After that, the program itself will create a restore point in case an error is made during the setup process or you just want to roll back to the old settings in the future.
  4. After that, the procedure for installing drivers and configuring some PC settings will be performed.
  5. After the procedure is completed, a message will appear that all the necessary settings have been completed and the missing drivers have been installed.
  6. Now you need to restart your PC. click "Start". Next, click on the triangular icon located on the right side of the button "To finish work". Click .
  7. After restarting, you can check if the USB ports are working or not.

Method 4: Manual driver installation

The required drivers can also be installed without installing additional software to search for them. But for this you have to tinker a little more.

  1. Click "Start". Sign in "Control Panel".
  2. Go to "System and safety".
  3. In the list of tools "System" click on item "Device Manager".
  4. Interface will be displayed "Device Manager". The shell that opens will list the different types of devices that are currently connected to your desktop or laptop. Click on the name of the group "USB controllers".
  5. A list of items will open. You need to find one of the following names in the list:
    • Generic USB Hub;
    • Root USB Hub;
    • USB Root Controller.

    These are the types of ports. The list will most likely include one of these names, but it may appear multiple times, depending on the number of USB outputs on your computer. Despite this, it is enough to do the procedure described below with one of the identical elements, since the drivers on the computer will be installed for all ports of the same type. If there are several different names of elements from the above list, then for each of them you will have to perform manipulations separately.

    So right click ( PKM) by element name and select from the list "Properties".

  6. A window will open in which you need to click on the name of the tab "Intelligence".
  7. After that in the field "Properties" select an option from the drop-down list "Hardware ID". In the area of "Meaning" the device ID will be displayed, that is, in our case, the USB port.
  8. This data must be saved. They can be recorded or copied. For the second option, just click PKM by area content "Meaning" and select from the menu "Copy".

    Attention! The main thing is that after that, do not copy any more data until the operation to search for the necessary drivers is completed. Otherwise, you'll just replace the information in "Clipboard" about driver IDs with new data. If you still need to copy something else during the procedure, then first paste the data from the equipment properties window into "Notebook" or any other text editor. Thus, if necessary, you can quickly copy them again.

  9. Now you can proceed directly to the search for the necessary drivers. Open a browser and go to one of the popular ones - DevID or DevID DriverPack. You need to drive into the search field of the site the data that you copied in advance, and click on the button that starts the search.
  10. After that, the results of the issuance will open. Select the option that matches your operating system (in our case, Windows 7) and its bitness (32 or 64 bits), and then click on it.

    If you are using the DevID DriverPack service, then you will need to specify the OS name and bit depth there before starting the search.

  11. After you have gone to the driver page, download it, unpack it from the archive if necessary and run it on your computer, following the prompts that will be displayed on the monitor. After restarting the PC, the problematic USB ports should work. If this did not happen, then look for the origins of the problem in incorrect registry entries, as described above.
  12. There is another option for downloading the necessary drivers - do it from the official website of the manufacturer of the USB controllers that are installed on your PC. But in this case, you must definitely find out the address of this Internet resource, as well as the exact name of the controller model.

There are two main reasons why USB ports may not work after installing Windows 7, although before that they functioned normally. Firstly, these are incorrect entries in the system registry left over from the old OS, and secondly, the lack of necessary drivers. Each of these problems is solved in several ways, which we have described in detail in this article. So users, having familiarized themselves with the material, can independently choose the most convenient and acceptable course of action for them.

Many of our readers have asked for an explanation Why are the USB ports not working? and also why the error pops up " Error. USB device not recognized". Finally, I found the time to write this long-awaited article. USB ports are not always the cause of a connected device not working.

Very often, the external device itself fails, which is why an error pops up about a faulty USB port. Before moving on to the next steps, make sure the USB device you want to connect is working (check with a friend or on another computer). If you are sure that your device works, then this article is for you.

Causes of the problem

They can be completely different, but you need to find out the exact reason due to which USB ports not working.

  • If the above methods did not help and still USB ports not working, try to go to "Device Manager" and check the "Controllers" section for devices with a yellow exclamation mark. If present, double-click on the device and read the reason for that error.

  • Perhaps the USB ports are not working due to incorrectly installed drivers or their complete absence. The article will help you deal with this.
  • It is possible that USB ports not working due to the usual ones, but by installing and scanning the computer, we can find and

The occurrence of a problem with non-working USB ports is not such a rare occurrence. And given that half of modern peripheral equipment is connected through this connector, this is almost a disaster for the user.

However, initially it is worth understanding that non-functioning connectors on a computer, or non-functioning USB outputs on a laptop, are two distinct problems that can be solved in different ways.

Simple Solutions for Broken Ports

All equipment works by interacting with the operating system through the appropriate algorithm - the driver. It is possible that the slots do not function precisely because of the occurrence of failures in the operation of these programs. How can you try to fix the problem?

  • Restarting the computer. Most of the time there is no reason to panic. The crash in the program can be fixed by simply restarting the computer. If there are no problems loading drivers, restarting the system will fix the problem.
  • Update USB connector configurations in Device Manager. Nothing complicated, you need to click "My Computer", then the item "Management" (or type the command devmgmt.msc in the "Start"). In the window that appears, click on the list of devices and select the action item at the top, and then on “update hardware configuration”. After that, check whether the inscription “USB controllers” appears in the list of equipment, if it is found, the issue can be considered closed.

It is also quite common to experience issues with port functionality after a software update on Windows 10. If this is the case, it is worth double-checking that all developer updates have been installed.

Setting the causes of failure on the computer and solutions

If a malfunction occurs in the USB connectors on a computer, you need to take a series of actions and establish the causes of the problem in order to know exactly how this situation is resolved.

  • The computer system unit has universal tires in the front of the panel and in the back. If the front connectors fail, the most likely cause is a mechanical failure.
  • Also, a possible secret to the failure of the USB functioning may be the incorrect connection of the USB block to the motherboard. For this, 4 wires are used (2 power, and 2 signal). It is worth checking them, perhaps the poles are reversed on the power supply, and the signal ones are installed out of sequence.

In such a situation, you should check the performance of the connectors by connecting a working memory card (flash drive) to the ports located at the back of the system unit. It is forbidden to install workable equipment in the front exits, because if the polarity is reversed, the flash drive will burn! If the rear USB slots work, but the front ones do not, the diagnosis is a violation of the contacts on the front panel of the connectors, or the output itself is broken, or the block of ports is connected to the motherboard inconsistently.

For clarification, it is worth disconnecting the system unit from the power supply and removing the protective covers from it. You need to compare the scheme of the correct serial connection with the situation on the computer.


– Connection sequence diagrams may differ depending on the motherboard.

- There is a so-called reverse connection, horizontal and vertical.

– When inspecting, you need to focus on the colors of the contacts and pads, as well as the ratio of their color and the location of the metal pins.

  • If, after inspecting the correct connection, no violations are found, then it is worth taking a look at the slots themselves. They are painted black or blue. In the latter option, if the memory card does not work in it, then the cause of the malfunction may be hidden in the following:

USB output version 3.0 is marked in blue. With all its advantages (power, speed), it has one drawback - after reinstalling the software, you need to install drivers for its normal functioning. Or "demolish" the old ones and reinstall them again. You can specify specifically by connecting a USB flash drive to the black connector. If it works, then the reason is in the driver for the USB 3.0 port, and in this case it is best to download the software from the manufacturer's website. Or, as a last resort, do it using the program from the motherboard configuration.

  • It is also possible that both ports "do not see" the installed equipment. In this option, the reason is hidden in the failure of the controller. The way out is the purchase of additional equipment, or rather a USB2.0-PCI or USB3.0-Mini PCIe expansion card. Repair of a particular controller is not economically feasible.

USB2.0 and USB3.0 boards differ in price and functionality. In the first version 2.0 are cheaper, but the speed of the device is lower. The main problem is that the device fits old model system blocks, and it is not always possible to mount them in new equipment that has a MicroATX motherboard.

But option 3.0 is more powerful, faster, but also more expensive. However, the hardware cannot be installed in older system units.

This is the basic troubleshooting work in the USB port block on a desktop computer.

Troubleshooting a laptop

Diagnosing problems on a laptop is as simple as on a computer, but repair requires experience and special knowledge.

If the USB ports on a laptop fail, it is best to start diagnosing the causes after reinstalling the Windows system, especially if it is version 10. The whole reason is possible in the incomplete installation of the drivers.

So, you can identify the cause by checking the black and blue slots. The sequence is the same as for a desktop computer. We insert the external media alternately into the blue and black ports. With non-working USB 3.0 (blue) and functioning 2.0 (black), we conclude that it is necessary to install or reinstall the driver.

In a situation where software solutions did not fix the problem, there remains a chance that the hardware is disabled in Bios. You need to try turning it on.

The algorithm is as follows, we reboot the laptop and when it starts, press the F-2 or F-12 key. Bios opens. The next steps are roughly the following:

  • At the top we find the item Advanced. And in the open list (usually at the end) - USB Configuration. Press Enter and go to the section.
  • We find the USB Function item and set it in front of it.

On different models, Bios may differ, but the principle of operation is similar.

However, if this did not help, then most likely the reasons are hidden in mechanical breakdowns or short circuits in the equipment. Then the only option is a service center, where either the faulty elements will be replaced or they will be repaired.

USB technology is one of the most important of the many technologies that have had a huge impact on the computing world. USB (Universal Serial Bus- "universal serial bus") - a serial data transfer interface for low-speed and medium-speed computer peripheral devices

This technology has made it really easy and convenient to work with printers, scanners and external storage devices (external hard drives, USB flash drives). All actions with the installation of USB devices have been reduced to a simple principle " Plug and Play". Truly mobile, devices have become precisely because of USB technology. USB ports today are equipped not only with desktop PCs and laptops, but also with gaming devices, smartphones, cameras, navigators and many other devices.

Ports USB version 2.0 provide data transfer at speeds up to 480 Mbps, and the version USB 3.0 raises the maximum transfer rate to 5.0 Gbps. The USB symbol is a kind of trident, drawn both on USB devices and on computer connectors.

USB technology has been studied and improved a lot, so USB ports, when used properly, rarely cause any problems, and troubleshooting related problems is not much of a hassle. This article will outline the basic principles of troubleshooting USB ports.

But before we start, it's worth describing basic recommendations when working with USB ports and devices connected to them:

- never connect devices with visible mechanical damage to the USB connectors, as well as devices with external damage to the case or with a clear smell of burning.

If the USB ports on the motherboard are mechanically damaged, then it is better to disconnect them from the motherboard (connectors in the front of the case) or seal them with colored tape to prevent their use. If possible, it is better to replace such ports in the workshop with new ones.

Try not to overload USB ports. Their current strength is strictly limited: 500 mA for USB 2.0 and 900 mA for version 3.0. Don't try to increase the number of USB ports with different USB multipliers. Modern motherboards already have up to 10 ports, which is enough for home use. It is always safer to buy an additional PCI or PCIe USB controller than to work through a USB tee.

If USB ports stop working on a laptop, then work on it becomes very difficult - you can’t connect a printer, scanner, or USB flash drive. And unlike a desktop computer, installing an additional USB controller is very expensive.

In many cases, when you receive the error message " USB device not recognized » The problem may be in the USB port. This problem is usually solved quite easily, since it occurs mainly at the program level.

What to do if the USB ports do not work?

Any hardware device interacts with the installed operating system through a special program - driver. Many problems with devices are solved with the help of drivers. The same is true for non-working USB ports. Below are a few methods that will help you troubleshoot USB ports at the software level.

If USB ports suddenly stop working, and USB devices are not detected, then the easiest way to fix this sudden problem is to restart the computer. Just restart your computer. If there were no problems loading the drivers, then this problem will be fixed after a reboot.

Update hardware configuration in Device Manager

If restarting the computer is not desirable at the moment (for example, due to some important operation), then you can “reload” the drivers without restarting the entire computer via Device Manager. To launch it on the shortcut " My computer» right-click and select the menu item « management e". Or in the menu Start» find the program « Run” and after launching it, enter the command devmgmt.msc.

In the window that opens, left-click once on the list of devices and then click on the tab " Action", then point to " Update hardware configuration". See if the section " USB controllers". If yes, then your problem is solved, USB ports should work.

Another way to get the USB ports working is to disable and then reinstall the USB controller. To do this, you need to run again Device Manager. In the list of equipment that you will see in the window that opens, find the USB controllers section. On each of the devices in this section, right-click and uninstall them all. Once you have removed all controllers, simply restart your computer. The controllers will be reinstalled and the USB ports will be available again. This may solve your problem.

Update USB Controller Drivers

Another reason for USB ports not working is corrupted USB controller drivers. The only way out is to find the correct drivers and reinstall them. To download the appropriate driver, you need to find out the manufacturer of the USB device port (through it). Installing the correct driver should fix this issue in an instant.

Disconnecting other USB devices

Sometimes USB ports don't work because they get overloaded when too many USB devices are connected. USB hubs sometimes do not provide enough power for devices connected to it. The connected device may consume all the allowed power of the computer's USB controllers. If the equipment is connected to a USB hub, simply plug the device directly into a USB port on your computer.

You can also leave the device connected to the USB hub, but first disconnect other devices in the hub. For the future, purchase a USB hub with its own power supply that will provide sufficient power to all devices connected to it.

If none of the above methods worked, then it is likely that the USB ports have been physically damaged. Or the USB controller is damaged, in particular the south bridge of the motherboard. In this case, the best thing you can do is to have the USB port controller replaced or repaired at a service center.

USB technology is one of the most important of the vast number of technologies that have had a major impact on the computing world. USB (stands for Universal Serial Bus - "Universal Serial Bus") is a serial interface designed to transfer data to medium and low-speed computer peripheral devices.

This technology has made working with scanners, printers, as well as external devices (USB flash drives, external hard drives) really easy and convenient. All actions related to the installation of USB devices are reduced to the "Plug and use" principle. These devices have become truly mobile thanks to USB technology. To date, USB ports are equipped with laptops, desktop PCs, as well as various gaming devices, cameras, smartphones, navigators, TVs and other devices.

USB 2.0 ports transfer data at speeds up to 480 Mbps, in the USB 3.0 version, the maximum transfer rate rises to 5 Gbps. The USB symbol is a kind of trident, which is drawn on both USB devices and computer connectors.

This technology has already been studied enough and has undergone many improvements, and therefore USB ports rarely cause any problems when used correctly, and troubleshooting associated with them causes little hassle. In this article, we will look at the basic principles of troubleshooting any problems that may arise with USB ports.

  • if the USB ports on the motherboard are mechanically damaged, then they should be disconnected from the motherboard (connectors on the front of the case) or sealed with tape so that they are not used. Such ports at the first opportunity should be replaced with new ones in the workshop.
  • do not connect devices if there is visible mechanical damage to the USB connectors, and do not connect devices if there is external damage to the case, or there is a burning smell.
  • do not overload USB ports. In them, the current strength is limited: for USB 2.0 - 500 mA, for 3.0 - 900 mA. Do not increase the number of USB ports with different USB multipliers. New motherboards have up to 10 ports, which is quite enough. It is more reliable to purchase an additional PCIe or PCI USB controller than to work through a USB “tee”.
  • before connecting USB, in order to remove static voltage, it is recommended to touch the grounded case of the system unit. Static discharges are often the main reason why USB devices fail.

If the USB ports stop working on a laptop, then it becomes very difficult to work on it - you can’t connect a scanner, a printer, or a USB flash drive. Unlike desktop computers, installing an additional USB controller is quite expensive.

When an error message like this "USB device not recognized" appears, in most cases, the problem may be with the USB port. This problem is solved quite easily, because it occurs at the program level.

Any hardware device through the driver interacts with the operating system. Most device problems are solved with the help of drivers. This also applies to non-working USB ports. Below we will look at several ways to help troubleshoot USB ports at the software level.

Restart your computer

If the ports suddenly stop working, and the computer does not detect the USB device, then the easiest way to fix a sudden problem is to restart the computer. Restart your computer. If there were no problems when loading the drivers, then such a malfunction will be eliminated after a reboot.

Update in Hardware Configuration Device Manager

If at the moment restarting the computer is not desirable (for example, some important operation is being performed), then without restarting the entire computer, you can “restart” the driver using the Device Manager. To launch it, you need to right-click on the shortcut "My Computer" and select "Manage". Or go to the Start menu and find the Run program there, launch it, and then enter the devmgmt.msc command in the field.

A window will open in front of you, where you need to left-click once on the list of devices, then click the “Action” tab in the main menu and point to the “Update hardware configuration” button. The USB controllers section should appear in the list of devices. If it appears, then your problem has been solved, and the USB ports should work.

Disabling the USB controller

Another way to get the USB ports working is to disable and then reinstall the USB controller. To do this, launch the Device Manager. We find the USB controllers section in the list of equipment. In this section, on each of the devices, right-click, then delete them all. After all controllers have been removed, restart your computer. The controllers will reinstall and the USB ports will become available again.

Update USB Controller Drivers

The reason for the inoperability of USB ports may be damage to the USB controller drivers. The way out is to find the correct drivers and reinstall them. To download the appropriate drivers, you need to find out the manufacturer of a specific USB device port. By installing the correct driver, the issue should be resolved immediately.

Disconnecting other USB devices

It happens that USB ports do not work due to being overloaded when a lot of USB devices are connected. USB hubs sometimes do not provide enough power to connected devices. Some connected device can use all the power of the USB controllers. If the equipment is connected to a USB hub, then reconnect the device to the USB port directly.

You can leave the device connected to the USB hub, but you must first disconnect other devices on the hub. Purchase a USB hub that has its own power supply that will provide sufficient power to all devices connected to it.

If none of the above methods helped you, then most likely the USB ports are physically damaged. Either the USB controller is damaged, the south bridge on the motherboard, in particular. In this case, it is best to repair or replace the USB port controller at the service center.

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