Eco Inform is a news agency. Smart networks Smart Grid in the electric power industry Intelligent networks smart grid

Smart Grid networks are modernized power supply channels operating using communication and information technologies. The main objective of implementing such systems is to ensure reliable operation of equipment through the introduction of remote monitoring of the serviceability of individual components.

The essence of Smart Grid technology in the electric power industry

The system collects information about the production and consumption of electricity, which allows for the correct distribution of energy resources, ensuring the reliability of their consumption and efficient use. Classic Smart Grid networks in the power industry have the following characteristics:

  • ability to manage the work of consumers;
  • self-recovery after failures;
  • protection from physical and cybernetic external interference;
  • ensuring power supply of the required quality;
  • synchronous operation of generating sources and electricity storage centers;
  • the ability to significantly increase the efficiency of the energy system as a whole.

In other words, Smart Grid networks in the power industry must meet the criteria of flexibility, availability, reliability and cost-effectiveness. In addition, the Smart Grid concept contains another important aspect - catalyzing economic recovery. The deployment of such projects contributes to the development of innovative technologies, stimulates the production of highly intelligent products, and expands the possibilities of using electric traction in transport infrastructure.

Consumers become active participants in the market, as they have the opportunity to sell electricity generated at local generating sources. Humanity is entering a new phase of harmonious interaction with the environment. The prerequisites are being created for a general economic recovery and an improvement in the quality of life.

Data transmission channels between Smart Grid objects

Various types of communication can be used to transmit information between Smart Grid elements: low-frequency control cables, high-frequency coaxial cables, high-voltage power line wires, optical cables, directed secure radio channels, etc.

Due to their low cost and availability, they gained the greatest popularity network technologies Ethernet/Internet. A variety of electronic sensors, measuring converters, transducers, microprocessor meters and other devices are easily connected to such networks via built-in modems. An alternative to this option are fiber optic channels and various modern wireless communication technologies.

For reliable functioning of the Smart Grid network, it is important to minimize the number of individual processing modules. Information from numerous components must be supplied to powerful servers, processed and sent to actuators. To avoid loss of efficiency, the main functionality of the system must be provided at the software level.

Relay protection in Smart Grid networks

The Smart Grid concept involves combining relay protection with information and measuring functions. Microprocessor-based relay protection devices measure currents and voltages in vector form and accumulate data on operations and emergency modes in special memory blocks. Thus, relay protection turns into a kind of information processing center, an element of the diagnostics and monitoring system for electrical equipment.

Experience in implementing Smart Grid projects

  1. Flexible Electricity Networks To Integrate The Expected Energy Evolution (FENIX) project. A flexible electrical grid that implements the concept of a pan-European energy system using virtual power plants (VPP), renewable energy sources (RES) and distributed generation sources (DER).
  2. Project Active Distribution Network With Full Integration Of Demand And Distributed Energy RESourceS (ADDRESS). An integral part of the European concept of future networks, Smart Grids European Technology Platform, uniting the work of 25 energy companies from 11 European countries.
  3. Microgrids projects are separate energy grid structures located in small areas (implemented in the USA, Europe, Japan and Canada). Such systems have local generating sources, and therefore are able to interact with central networks if necessary to cover maximum peak loads.
  4. Mitsubishi Electric smart energy infrastructure project. Involves distributed generation, the use of renewable energy sources, control centers and energy storage facilities.

As we can see, the construction of Smart Grid networks in the electric power industry is promising and in demand. Today this is a natural stage in the development of the global economy and social relations.

Schneider Electric is a global expert in energy management and a leading developer and supplier of comprehensive energy efficiency solutions for the energy and infrastructure of industrial enterprises, civil and residential buildings, and data centers. Over the 175 years of its existence, the company has managed to take a leading position in the industry. Konstantin Komissarov, vice president, head of the Infrastructure business unit of Schneider Electric CJSC, told our correspondent about one of the most interesting areas of the company’s activity in the field of energy - Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (Smart Grid).

Konstantin Komissarov, Vice President, JSC Schneider Electric

Could you explain in simple terms that most general technical specialists can understand what “smart grids” are? What practical benefits does the use of these technologies provide?

The “smart grid” makes it possible to increase the level of continuity and quality of electricity, optimize operating costs and, accordingly, increase the economic performance of the operating organization. On the one hand, consumers should receive high-quality electricity, on the other hand, it should become more convenient for the operating organization to work.

A conventional network developed historically when there was no mathematical apparatus that would allow planning the development of the network, when the requirements for reliability and quality of electricity remained a matter of the distant future and were considered irrelevant. Since then, many global and operational factors have emerged: data centers, large hospitals, high-rise buildings, airports have appeared. That is, new consumers have appeared who place exceptional demands on the quality and reliability of electricity. On the other hand, urban and industrial conglomerates are growing, traffic jams are occurring in the network, and accordingly, servicing them becomes more expensive. The network enterprises themselves are companies whose business profitability is low and is regulated by the state. Reducing costs and making a network enterprise cost-effective is a task that did not exist 20–40 years ago. Integrating new functions that were previously irrelevant is what the smart grid is all about. This is not a cheap pleasure. Such a network today, thanks to special equipment and mathematical modeling methods, makes it possible to do what in the past was done manually: accounting control, reducing technical and commercial losses, development planning, optimization of power flows, reliability assessment, etc.

Is it possible to estimate in any numbers the economic effect of using Smart Grid technologies in terms of energy savings, increasing the reliability of power grids, etc.?

In general, the integration of systems into Smart Grid can be classified as projects that have a medium- and long-term return on investment horizon. To make the network cost-effective and smart, a set of measures is required. We must start with the specifics: there are relatively modern networks, there are industrial networks, there are networks of infrastructure facilities, and they are all managed differently. Therefore, it is quite difficult to immediately assess the economic effect.

In order not to be unfounded, I can say that we have a calculation for the implementation of such a system for industrial networks with a capacity of 40 MW, i.e. small networks that consist of one 110–35 kV substation, four 35–6 kV substations and 40 substations 6–0.4 kV. We received investments of about $1 million, and the return on investment due to the reduction of technical and commercial losses was five to six years. But in urban conditions the numbers will be completely different. This depends on tariffs, fines, contracts with consumers, relationships with suppliers, etc.

If we talk about the Russian situation, its main difference from what is done in other countries is the difference in calculating the payback of projects. For example, in Italy, a number of projects have been implemented in the field of distribution network management, and today the whole of Italy is managed from several centers. The project is expensive, but the payback period for the first part was less than one and a half years due to the fact that the savings from reducing losses and resource costs were clearly calculated. Today in Russia we cannot use this method of calculation, because electricity is not sold to consumers by network companies. This year's losses are actually compensated by the next year's tariff, tariffs are regulated, and it is impossible to calculate the normal payback period, optimize losses and thereby recoup the project. It is extremely difficult to create a more or less clear feasibility study for dispatch and automation projects in Russia. Everyone understands that this is necessary, but it is impossible to obtain a clear financial justification; accordingly, investments made in Smart Grid are a contribution to the overall improvement of network performance, and not a specific business project. This, of course, greatly slows down the intellectualization of networks. If we had other methods for setting tariffs, calculating losses and delimiting the area of ​​responsibility between the network and the consumer, then normal calculation of payback periods would be possible, this would give a significant impetus to the industry.

Which country is currently the most “advanced” in terms of Smart Grid application?

Italy is one of the most progressive countries in implementing Smart Grid today. The largest Italian energy company ENEL is a public company, its shares are traded on the stock exchange. Therefore, the performance efficiency is assessed by consumers. They have an impact on the company’s work, which stimulates the introduction of innovative technologies. Following the completion of a number of smart grid projects, the whole of Italy is controlled from several control centers. This is also the merit of the ENEL company itself, which promotes an integrated approach to innovative implementation. They look to global market leaders like Schneider Electric as an expert and technology partner. This is due to the fact that the implementation of Smart Grid is most effective with the use of equipment that is ready for integration into this system. It is cheaper to produce it than to buy conventional equipment, attract an integrator, develop a new project, and then modernize the entire network.

The example of ENEL is a successful global experience in implementing a complex project, which is also applicable to Russian companies. Of course, the implementation of Smart Grid technologies for networks where equipment has been in operation for several decades is an expensive proposition. Network companies themselves cannot afford to invest significant money in building such a system. Government support and government regulation are important for the implementation of smart grids. In turn, for newly constructed facilities, taking into account the medium-term prospects for their development, an integrated approach is necessary even at the stage of creating the concept of the facility.

Which Schneider Electric research center is studying Smart Grid?

First of all, it is necessary to note the research centers in Novi Sad (Serbia) and Barcelona (Spain). There is a joint research center with the ERDF in Grenoble. And, of course, we expect that Skolkovo will become such a center in the near future.

Which Russian grid companies own Smart Grid technology?

As for power grid enterprises, it must be said that, first of all, the ideology of network construction was laid down by Soviet mathematicians. Energy companies are developing Smart Grid in the course of their operating activities - their investment programs include issues of increasing the reliability of energy supply and controllability of networks, and this is “smart” energy. In other words, in Russia and, earlier, in the USSR, Smart Grid elements in its current public understanding have been introduced since the formation of a unified energy system.

Now network enterprises are taking into account commercial metering and telemechanics - device remote control network. This is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, traffic jams are of a completely different size than they were 30 years ago, and, accordingly, the requirements for the quality, reliability of the network and its efficiency are completely different; a reduction in operating costs is required. Secondly, due to its extensive nature, today's network is very difficult to maintain. There are problems with recruiting operational service employees. If we take, for example, the leading network enterprises in Russia, they have three times the number of personnel compared to comparable divisions of Western companies. Smart Grid allows you to solve these problems.

Are there any examples of large-scale implementation of Smart Grid technologies in Russia?

The first smart distribution networks appeared as pilot projects in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, and a little later in Irkutsk. That is, we have behind us a number of successfully implemented pilot projects, or projects that we consider to be pilot projects, but they include several dozen network structures, are in regular operation, and we are gaining experience in working with such facilities. One of these projects is a pilot zone, which we are implementing jointly with Lenenergo. It includes a section of the 6 kV network in the historical part of St. Petersburg. The tasks we set for this project were to confirm the functionality of the proposed solutions and technologies, and to demonstrate, using a real example, the possibility of integration into the Smart Grid network not only modern equipment, but also equipment of previous generations. For example, one of the substations in St. Petersburg is equipped with Russian equipment from the 60s of the last century.

It is impossible not to note the project in Siberia, where the Irkutsk Electric Grid Company became a pioneer in the implementation of Smart Grid technology. The branch of IESK “Southern Electric Networks” acted as the customer for the design of the system and the construction of two control rooms that allow managing “smart” networks. Schneider Electric provided a range of services for setting up a “smart” grid, including design, supply and installation of equipment, software installation and subsequent service maintenance equipment. Moreover, we trained Southern Electric Networks employees on the basics of working with the new technology.

Speaking about Smart Grid projects, one cannot fail to note an important event in the life of Schneider Electric, which expanded our capabilities in the field of network intelligentization. This is the acquisition of Telvent, a world leader in dispatch and SCADA systems. Today, Schneider Electric is implementing projects to manage distribution networks in general, from the supply of smart electrical equipment to transformer substations to regional mode control systems. We are able to cover this entire spectrum with our own solutions, and such projects are already being implemented.

Is it justified to attract foreign companies to the implementation and development of smart networks in Russia?

Foreign companies have experience in implementation. On the other hand, we must take into account strategic national security issues. Energy belongs precisely to such basic industries that determine the security of the existence of the state. On the one hand, it is necessary to use the already accumulated experience of foreign companies. At the same time, Russian citizens must be sure that the international partner will not “curtail” its activities and will not go “back”, leaving everything here without technical support. It is dangerous to bring solutions from companies that do not know Russian technical habits and do not have an extensive production base and service. Therefore, the company must have a strong presence in the Russian market, engage in supply, implementation, and development.

Do you feel an understanding of the importance of implementing Smart Grid technologies on the part of Russian authorities?

Today everyone understands that “smart networks” need to be implemented. But for now in Russia it is quite difficult to create a clear feasibility study for the implementation of Smart Grid. If in the West Smart Grid and Smart Metering are inseparable concepts, then in Russia it is still impossible to recoup the costs of “smart grids” by reducing losses or undersupply. The situation will not change until state standards appear in the field of organizing distribution networks and requirements for telemechanics and dispatching that correspond to modern conditions of urban development. So there is an understanding of the importance, but no money.

Is it necessary to take any active actions to popularize the Smart Grid idea in Russia?

If you look at the experience of other countries, projects related to the implementation of Smart Grid and network management take more than one year. This usually happens in stages, depending on the established fleet and budget. If the legislative framework changes in Russia and companies receive an economic incentive to implement these technologies, then within ten to fifteen years it will be possible to notice the effect of the massive use of smart technologies. Active action is needed on all fronts - from propaganda to material incentives, such as tax incentives for the implementation of long-term projects. That is, in fact, it is necessary to legally allow networks to receive compensation either in tariffs or in tax benefits when implementing Smart Grid projects.

Intellectualization of an existing network requires costs comparable to construction new network, despite the fact that the cost of the equipment itself, software, and work when organizing Green Field will not exceed 10% of the project cost. Therefore, when implementing new plans for the construction of a distribution network, it is advisable to initially lay down modern technical principles. This approach will be more cost-effective than the traditional one, when a core network is built, which after some time is equipped with intelligence.

Schneider Electric was founded by the Schneider brothers two years after they took over the Creusot foundries, which were experiencing problems at that time, in 1836. Half a century later, the company began to develop the emerging electricity market. Almost 100 years later, the company continues to concentrate its efforts in the electrical industry. The acquisition of Telemecanique in 1988, Square D in 1991 and Merlin Gerin in 1992 led to the creation of the Schneider Electric Group. This policy allowed the company to assert itself in new market segments: HMI, UPS, motion control, VDI equipment, sensor technology, automation and building security systems, etc. Currently, Schneider Electric also offers Russian customers service, efficient logistics, energy audit, transfer of innovative technologies and training

Problems and solutions

  • Renewable energy sources (wind and solar) are driven by weather and climate conditions rather than user needs, making the management and distribution of electricity even more complex. As a consequence, the stability of networks in terms of voltage and frequency is affected.
  • Problems also arise for thermal power plants, which must operate at maximum full load. However, given changes in demand and power generation from solar and wind, plants must adjust their energy production quite frequently. This leads to loss of performance and wear.
  • Electricity storage can solve both problems.
  • Among the various technologies available for storing electricity, the battery (galvanic) battery has become the most widely used.
  • However, the battery is a source of direct current, so a converter is needed to connect it to the network.
  • Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali manufactures the power equipment and related control systems necessary to regulate electrical storage batteries and ensure that the parameters correspond to the national grid.

Electricity storage is part of an ASI project called Zeus

ZEUS: Local Smart Networks

Local smart networks (Micro Smart Grid) are an electrical system of connected generators and loads. A smart grid can be a small network that serves a specific area and is not connected to other networks (eg an island).
The local network is controlled by an intelligent infrastructure (eg Energy Management System), which manages energy flows.

Power Management System (PMS) or Electricity Management System regulates the production and consumption of electricity in real time.

An intelligent electrical network (Smart Grid) is divided into clusters, usually on a territorial basis. Each cluster can operate autonomously if the external network is not working.

Local smart networks

Energy Storage Solutions

Main characteristics of the battery

An electricity storage system can take energy from the grid when there is an excess of its generation, and vice versa, supply electricity in proportion
needs if there is a shortage. The charging/discharging time limit can take seconds, minutes or hours. Therefore, the system can work in different ways:

  • Load Peak Removal/Temporary Manipulation: The system can store energy when grid load is low and release electricity during peak loads. Typical applications: solar energy, wind power plants to increase productivity.
  • Balancing: compensation of random energy production from the sun/wind every second/every minute. Power quality: The system can control reactive power independently of active power. This increases the linear power factor or reduces unwanted harmonics in the network.
  • Voltage regulation: Reactive power control device can be used by the grid operator to ensure line voltage stability.
  • Frequency regulation, primary and secondary reserves: A dedicated control function connects active power to line frequency automatically. The network operator can use this function to ensure that equipment operates in a “standby” mode for frequency regulation.
  • Cold start: The system can also provide emergency starting from a blackout state. The battery, through an inverter, powers the network after a power outage and thereby allows the network to operate normally.
  • Primary "reserve" for traditional power plants: the equipment works in parallel with the main heat generator, ensuring their full load, since the necessary “reserve” can be provided by the battery within one minute.

Battery Solutions

The battery is connected to the network via an inverter with an active filter; this decision used in solar and wind power plants. The charging/discharging of a group of batteries is controlled by a DC/DC converter.

The system is based on
PMS solution, property
Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali:

DC/DC converter

The charging/discharging of a group of batteries is controlled by separate DC/DC converters, each of which operates on a group of batteries in
in accordance with the (V/I) voltage - current diagram provided by the battery manufacturer. Each battery group has a BMS (Battery Management System)
battery). The BMS is connected to the company's Scada Artics Smat Energy system. Standard battery curves are shown below:

The system can interact with various types of batteries: lithium-ion, sodium and others. Using a separate dc/dc controller for each battery group allows for better system on-line control and higher efficiency.
Each battery group can be charged and discharged using separate control logic to optimize battery performance. Differences in performance among different types of batteries due to inevitable variations can be compensated for. Each dc/dc converter is connected to the converter's internal active filter DC bus. The standard internal DC circuit operates in the voltage range of 0.6 -1 kV, depending on the size and power of the storage system. The Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali solution provides for redundancy in a battery group (eg each group will operate independently of the operation of other battery groups).

Inverter with active filter

Network interface
provided by
connection of the inverter with
active filter
with separate system
control that
allows separately
regulate active
and reactive
power. Special
line filter cleans
high frequency
harmonics, not
letting them into the network.

inverter for
harmonic removal.
Full coefficient
distortions - within
acceptable values
(e.g. no more than 2%).

Active and reactive power monitoring

Separate functions for monitoring active and reactive

A): This function ties
active power to network frequency
B): Power factor as
active power function.
C): Reactive power as a function
mains voltage.

Continuity Ability
power supply during failures (example)

Primary and secondary frequency regulation. Reactive power regulation to stabilize voltage in the network. Automatic parallel operation in weak networks powered by small diesel-electric groups.

Inverter with active filter for weak networks

System capabilities in the event of a short circuit so that the protective distribution devices have time to turn on.

MODULAR INVERTER: mopower 20 - 1000 kW

INVERTER IN CONTAINER: 500-750-1000-1500 kW stations

Electrical Storage Solution

Battery system offline

Batteries in parallel connection on one DC bus. Solar power plant

COMMUNICATION: inverter - station - external network

Shaft generator

A shaft generator is a special synchronous generator driven by the shaft of the main power plant; rotates at constant speed. The connection between the generator and the network is ensured by an inverter with an active filter. The system is used during navigation in fuel saving mode.

The vessel's power supply is also powered by a diesel-electric generator.
The network is characterized by low installed power and can be considered as a Local Area Network regulated by a Power Management System (PMS). The shaft generator must provide power to the network in autonomous or parallel mode with other diesel groups. The following parameters must be provided:

The inverter is capable of providing primary regulation in terms of frequency and voltage. It is also possible to provide secondary regulation using points defined by the PMS.



In remote regions, networks may be isolated from main power lines. Such networks, as a rule, operate in an autonomous “island” mode and are powered by generators of various types, incl. from diesel-electric. The development of renewable energy sources contributes to the development of systems capable of running on traditional or environmentally friendly fuels.

New drivers are becoming high
efficiency and energy saving.
Example: remote pumping station project
stations where diesel generators
work in parallel with solar ones.
The system includes one station
to generate energy using
diesel installations. Parallel
solar generation is used
The solar installation produces
electricity and puts it into the network with
using an inverter with active

This solution allows you to save
energy and reduce emissions
carbon dioxide, because during the daytime
distribution priority is given
energy obtained from renewable
energy sources.




Solar installations, power range 1 - 10 MWh


Electricity storage ranging from a few MW to tens of MW. Battery type: sodium-nickel and lithium-ion.

  • Primary and secondary frequency control
  • Reactive power: capacitive/inductive mode
  • Possibility of time shift
  • Peak load limitation


ASI can supply the necessary process equipment, integrate it into the system, and manage most of the energy chain.
ASI's extensive experience in alternative energy and sustainable energy solutions guarantees:

  • Development and implementation of flexible and effective technological solutions.
  • Fast return on investment.
  • A complex approach.
  • Easy integration with building automation and wireless monitoring solutions.

“Smart networks” of power supply, also called Smart Grid, which in turn stands for Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology, became famous relatively recently, although research into the possibilities of creating and implementing such technologies in the USSR, USA and Europe began in the 70s , when it came, first of all, to self-diagnosis. The main objectives were to increase the reliability of the equipment and provide the possibility of remote control over its proper operation.

Today under "smart grids" are generally understood as modernized electricity networks that involve the use of both information and communications technology (ICT) to collect information about both electricity production and consumption, thereby automatically improving reliability, efficiency, economic benefits, and providing sustainability of production and correct distribution of electricity.

Innovations related to electronic technologies, made it possible already at the beginning of the 21st century to begin to eliminate the shortcomings of electrical networks, as well as optimize them from an economic point of view.

For example, technological restrictions on consumption around peak power affect all consumers equally. Plus, there was growing concern about the environmental damage caused by burning fossil fuels, which ultimately led to the decision to use more renewable energy sources.

Solar and wind energy are useful resources in this regard, but are highly variable, and therefore there is a need for complex control systems to facilitate the connection of these alternative sources to the controlled electrical grid. Moreover, obtained from solar panels power (and to a lesser extent from wind turbines) in some countries calls into question the use of large centralized power plants.

There is a trend towards a transition from a centralized network topology to a highly distributed one, when the production and consumption of electricity occurs within local networks.

The terrorist threat in some countries has led to calls for a more reliable energy system that is less dependent on centralized power plants, which are potential targets for attack.

So the term Smart Grid has received a broader meaning and is now associated with a new large-scale direction in the energy sector, which allows, on the one hand, to solve problems related to energy efficiency - to reduce energy losses, reduce resource costs and reduce emissions into the atmosphere.

On the other hand, the life of a modern person is becoming more convenient and comfortable, for example, with the help of these technologies you can manage the power supply of the house and the electronics in it.

In 1980, automatic meter reading was used in the United States to monitor the energy consumption of large customers, and this technology evolved into Smart meter 1990s, which stored information about the use of electricity at different times of the day.

The smart meter is continuously connected to the energy producer, allowing for real-time monitoring, essentially making it an interface for demand response devices and so-called "smart plugs". The earliest forms of demand response were devices that passively sensed the load on the power grid by monitoring changes in the frequency of the power supply.

Thus, domestic and industrial air conditioners, as well as refrigerators and heaters, could adjust their operating cycle to avoid starting during periods of peak network load. In 2000, the Italian Telegestore project, providing a network of nearly 30 million homes using smart meters connected via a digital network through the power line itself.

In some cases, power line broadband was used, in other cases, wireless mesh topology was used to reliably connect to various devices in the house, as well as to maintain records of others utilities, including gas and water.

A real revolution in the field of monitoring and synchronization global networks was produced in the early 1990s by the American agency Bonneville Power Administration, which expanded the study of smart grids with fast power quality anomaly analysis on a significant geographical scale.

As a result of the agency's work, the first Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) became operational in 2000. China and a number of other countries immediately adopted the new technology.

As part of the pilot "Smart Grids" projects is implemented in many countries of the world: in the Republic of Korea, in China, in the USA, in India, in Japan, in Canada, and in the European Union. Russia is also interested in the innovative development of the electric power complex, through the introduction of “Smart Grids,” where the company FGC UES, which has been actively investing in the development of smart grids since 2010, has taken up the solution to the problem. Experts believe that if successful, losses in Russian electrical networks will be reduced by 25%.

The state of energy networks in Russia is approaching a critical level of deterioration. The reserve of efficiency and durability of energy systems is almost exhausted. Today, approximately 60-70% of the fixed assets of the electric grid complex have long expired. In the context of a sharp increase in energy consumption, dispatch centers do not always cope with emerging situations, which leads to corresponding consequences and losses for energy companies. The need for new, modern solutions to such situations is not just a matter of minimizing losses, it is a condition for the development of the energy industry as a whole.

Modern loads on the power system require fast and most accurate state analysis working system to localize problems or prevent them by forecasting loads on individual system segments. In this regard, energy networks are increasingly required to be complemented by new digital intelligent solutions capable of supporting collection and analysis tasks. large quantity data.

In a number of European countries, the process of modernizing the electric power industry towards the creation of “smart” power supply networks, called Smart Grid, has been systematically and consistently going on for a long time. “Intelligent” power grid management provides automation, monitoring and control of two-way energy transmission at all stages - from the power plant to the household outlet. For the scale of Russia, quickly implement and completely switch to using Smart Grid solutions are not that easy. However, projects to integrate “smart” technologies into industrial energy are no longer something to talk about the future.

What do we have?

The first “smart” distribution networks appeared in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan, and a little later in Irkutsk. One of these projects is a pilot zone, implemented jointly with "Lenenergo". It includes a section of the 6 kV network in the historical part of St. Petersburg. The goal of the project is to confirm the functionality of the proposed solutions and technologies, and to demonstrate the possibility of integration into the Smart Grid network using a real example.

Also worth attention is the project in Siberia, where Smart Grid technologies are being implemented based on "Irkutsk Electric Grid Company". Schneider Electric provided a range of services for setting up a “smart” network, including design, supply and installation of equipment, installation of software and subsequent maintenance of equipment. Moreover, employees were trained in the basics of working with the new technology.

The next successful project is a case JSC "Bashkir Electric Grid Company" in Ufa. At the moment, a pilot project has been completed and work is underway to replicate it in the city as a whole. As part of the pilot project, outdated equipment was replaced with new equipment with observability and controllability functions, as well as a high level of safety and reliability. Commercial electricity metering devices have also been installed and a network control center has been organized for the city as a whole. As a result of the project implementation, the actual level of electricity losses decreased from 19% to 1%.

According to Dmitry Sharovatov, general director JSC "Bashkir Electric Grid Company": "Without new approaches to building business processes and organizing production processes, the future of any industry, including energy, is not possible."

Of course, the implementation of the Smart Grid concept in Russia is a long and multi-stage process. At the same time, the use of “smart” platforms for managing big energy consumption data provides a whole list of advantages.

One of the most important capabilities of smart systems is the ability to reduce operating costs. New generation substations reduce operating costs by combining multiple control and monitoring systems into one network. At the same time, there is a reduction in capital expenditures. An equally important consequence of the implementation of smart networks is the improvement of power system protection, since information from all stations and substations can be controlled from a single application.

In general, the Smart Grid project has a medium- and long-term return on investment horizon. To make the network cost-effective and smart, a whole range of activities is required. Based on the experience of European countries, it takes an average of one and a half years for the system to begin to justify investment.

Today, the lion's share of innovative technologies in the electric power industry has been developed abroad. Based on this, most intelligent monitoring and control systems cannot be used in Russian networks in full volumes, since there are a number of technological differences between the electrical power infrastructure of Russia and Western countries. In this regard, domestic developments in the field of the Internet of things, smart microgrids, analysis and control systems for energy systems have every chance of gaining a foothold in a huge market that is just beginning to develop.

Smart energy solutions that the market is waiting for are, first of all, those that will be aimed at solving the main problems of the industry: improving the quality and reliability of energy supply, increasing operational efficiency, qualitatively improving the technical condition of the energy network infrastructure, and increasing energy efficiency.

It will be possible to discuss the prospects for the development of smart solutions in the field of energy, as well as get acquainted with ready-made smart solutions for the Russian energy market at the Smart Energy Summit 2018 in Moscow on March 27-28.

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