Codes and cheats for GTA V: money, weapons, immortality. Codes and cheats for GTA V: money, weapons, immortality Code 16 gta 5 license

There are two ways to enter cheat commands in GTA 5 (PC):

1.The first is standard, using a mobile phone inside the game. Enter a set of numbers and press the call button (Contacts->"space");

2. The second is by calling a line command using the “tilde” (~) key. Press the tilde and enter keywords in the line.

After successful input, a small confirmation about the activation of the cheat will appear above the card. (In this case, receiving game achievements will be disabled until the end of the current game session).

Cheats for the character:

Invulnerability (5 minutes): Phone: 1-999-724-654-5537 / Console: PAINKILLER

Full armor and health (also repairing the car while in it): Phone: 1-999-887-853 / Console: TURTLE
Restore health and armor to maximum.

Skyfall: Phone: 1-999-759-3255 / Console: SKYFALL To survive and land normally, aim your character head down while falling.

Time dilation (slow-mo): Phone: 1-999-756-966 / Console: SLOWMO
Activate slow motion - time will be slowed down constantly (not only while aiming). Enter 3 times to enhance the effect.

Slowdown while aiming: Phone: 1-999-332-3393 / Console: DEADEYE
When you aim, the passage of time slows down significantly.

Restore the scale of special abilities: Phone: 1-999-769-3787 / Console: POWERUP Replenish the bar of a unique special ability to the maximum value.

Raise your wanted level: Phone: 1-999-3844-8483 / Console: FUGITIVE

Lower Wanted Level: Phone: 1-999-5299-3787 / Console: LAWYERUP

Explosive Melee Attack: Phone: 1-999-4684-2637 / Console: HOTHANDS
Explosions occur when punched in battle with an opponent.

"Drunk" mode: Phone: 1-999-547-861 / Console: LIQUOR

Quick Run: Phone: 1-999-228-8463 / Console: CATCHME

Get a parachute: Phone: 1-999-759-3483 / Console: SKYDIVE

Explosive Shot (“Bang Bang”): Phone: 1-999-444-439 / Console: HIGHEX

Incendiary Ammo: Phone: 1-999-462-363-4279 / Console: INCENDIARY
Activation of firing cartridges with incendiary bullets.

Cheats for changing weather conditions and physics

Changing weather, including snow: Phone: 1-999-547-861 or 1-999-625-348-7246 / Console: MAKEITRAIN Changing weather conditions (weather changes from sunny to snowy - enter code until you stop at the right weather).

Sliding cars (drift): Phone: 1-999-766-9329 / Console: SNOWDAY
Activation of a mode in which the vehicle will slide on the asphalt as if on ice.

Lunar gravity (reduces gravity when you get into a car):
Phone: 1-999-356-2837 / Console: FLOATER

Cheats for vehicles, cars and motorcycles

Trashmaster (garbage truck): Phone: 1-999-872-433 / Console: TRASHED

Limo (limousine): Phone: 1-999-846-39663 / Console: VINEWOOD

Stunt Plane: Phone: 1-999-2276-78676 / Console: BARNSTORM

Sanchez (rally bike): Phone: 1-999-633-7623 / Console: OFFROAD

Comet (sports car): Phone: 1-999-266-38 / Console: COMET

Buzzard (military helicopter): Phone: 1-999-289-9633 / Console: BUZZOFF

Rapid GT (sports car): Phone: 1-999-727-4348 / Console: RAPIDGT

PCJ-600 (sport bike): Phone: 1-999-762-538 / Console: ROCKET

BMX (bicycle): Phone: 1-999-226-348 / Console: BANDIT

Cheats for vehicles from exclusive content

Duke O'Death: Phone: 1-999-3328-4227 /Console: DEATHCAR
The cheat code will become available after completing the random “Duel” event.

Seaplane Dodo: Phone: 1-999-282-2537 /Console: EXTINCT
The cheat code will become available after completing the “Sea Plane” random event.

Go Go Monkey Blista: Phone: 1-999-398-4628 /Console: BUBBLES
The cheat code will become available after completing the Monkey Mosaic or Wildlife Photography missions.

Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. If you entered a code correctly, a small confirmation will appear above the map. Note: GTA 5 cheats for PC cannot be saved, and must be entered manually each time. They also cannot be used during missions. If you enable cheats and start a mission, the cheats will automatically be disabled. All direction commands must be entered using the digital pad. Cheats also disable achievements from being earned for the current game save. Thus, quick save your game before using cheat codes.

Call "1-999-724-6545537" (PAIN KILLER) on your cell phone to be invincible for five minutes. You must enter the code again after five minutes to reactive invincibility. Note: This code does not make vehicles invincible.

Full health and armor
Call "1-999-887-853" (TURTLE) on your cell phone.

Lower wanted level
Call "1-999-529-93787" (LAWYERUP) on your cell phone.

Raise wanted level
Call "1-999-384-48483" (FUGITIVE) on your cell phone.

Recharge special ability
Call "1-999-769-3787" (POWER-UP) on your cell phone.

Spawn parachute
Call "1-999-759-3483" (SKY-DIVE) on your cell phone.

Faster run
Call "1-999-228-2463" (CATCH ME) on your cell phone.

Flaming bullets
Call "1-999-462-363-4279" (INCENDIARY) on your cell phone.

Explosive bullets
Call "1-999-444-439" (HIGHEX) on your cell phone.

Explosive melee attacks
Call "1-999-468-42637" (HOT HANDS) on your cell phone.

Slow motion aim
Call "1-999-332-3393" (DEAD-EYE) on your cell phone. The code can be entered up to three times to increase its effect. Enter it a fourth time to disable the code.

Moon gravity
Call "1-999-356-2837" (FLOATER) on your cell phone. Enter a vehicle after enabling this code to experience less gravity.

Slidey cars
Call "1-999-766-9329" (SNOW DAY) on your cell phone.

Spawn BMX bike
Call "1-999-226-348" (BANDIT) on your cell phone.

Spawn Buzzard (small attack helicopter)
Call "1-999-289-9633" (BUZZ-OFF) on your cell phone. The Buzzard is a helicopter with missiles and guns. It must be spawned in a large enough area for it to appear, or it will not spawn.

Spawn Comet (two door sports car)
Call "1-999-266-38" (COMET) on your cell phone.

Spawn Limo (limousine)
Call "1-999-846-39663" (VINEWOOD) on your cell phone.

Spawn PCJ-600 motorcycle
Call "1-999-762-538" (ROCKET) on your cell phone.

Spawn Rapid GT (two door sports car)
Call "1-999-727-4348" (RAPID-GT) on your cell phone.

Spawn Sanchez (dual-sport dirt bike)
Call "1-999-633-7263" (OFF-ROAD) on your cell phone.

Spawn Stunt Plane (fixed-wing stunt plane)
Call "1-999-227-678676" (BARN STORM) on your cell phone.

Spawn Trashmaster (garbage truck)
Call "1-999-872-433" (TRASHED) on your cell phone.

Call "1-999-759-3255" (SKY-FALL) on your cell phone. This cheat code spawns you in the air for a skydive free fall. You can glide for a long time. However, it does not allow you to use the parachute. Thus, you will usually die at the end of the free fall. It is possible to survive, but you will have very little health remaining. The best way to survive is to do a direct vertical faceplant. If you can survive the fall, this cheat is very useful for fast traveling around the map.

Drunk mode
Call "1-999-547867" (LIQUOR) on your cell phone.

Slow motion mode
Call "1-999-756-966" (SLOW MO) on your cell phone. The code can be entered up to four times to increase its effect. Enter it a fifth time to disable the code.

Change weather
Call "1-999-6253-48-7246" (MAKE IT RAIN) on your cell phone. Each time the code is entered, it rotates through sunny, clear, cloudy, smoggy, overcast, rainy, thundering, clearing, and snowing weather.

Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista car
The Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista is an exclusive car for returning players that upgrade from the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 5 to the PS4, Xbox One, or PC version of the game. Find the 50 Monkey Mosaics scattered around the map, and take a picture of each of them with any character to unlock a random event and monkey outfits for Trevor. Before starting this random event, make sure to purchase all three garages for Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. This will increase the chances for the random event to spawn. Successfully complete the random event to unlock the Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista car in your garage. Once the Dinka Go Go Monkey Blista car has been unlocked, you can spawn it by calling "1-999-282-2537" (BUBBLES) on your cell phone.

Dodo seaplane
The Dodo seaplane is an exclusive vehicle for returning players that upgrade from the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 5 to the PS4, Xbox One, or PC version of the game. It will appear as a random event after you complete the "Nervous Ron" mission with Trevor. You can find it at the following location. Once the Dodo seaplane has been unlocked, you can spawn it by calling "1-999-398-4628" (EXTINCT) on your cell phone.

Imponte Duke O"Death car
The Imponte Duke O"Death is an exclusive two-door armored muscle car for returning players that upgrade from the Xbox 360 or PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto 5 to the PS4, Xbox One, or PC version of the game. It will appear as a random event after you complete the first Tonya Strangers & Freaks mission (Pulling Favors). You can find it at the following location. Once the Imponte Duke O"Death has been unlocked, you can spawn it by calling "1-999-3328 -4227" (DEATHCAR) on your cell phone.

This plugin will allow you to unlock exclusive content, especially for those players who transferred their character from the console version of GTA 5 to PS4, XBOX One or PC.

Exclusive content includes: Railgun and Axe,
Duke O'Death Car, Dodo Seaplane, Xero Gas Airship,
Kraken submarine,
Murder Mystery Missions

Extract the files to the folder: C:\Users\%YourName%\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\Profiles\%RandomNumbers%

GTA 5 codes are always fun and exciting, this is a game that allows you to use them officially. GTA 5 cheats do not require downloading; you just need to enter them into the console. In this article, we will present a complete list of codes to enter on PC, smartphones and consoles.

If you like this game because of the free world, then there are codes that will expand your capabilities. This is not about GTA 5 codes for activating the game, but about expanding the capabilities, and in this article we will look at all the additional features. It is worth remembering that in addition to creating chaos, the game has many interesting tasks and a storyline. And if you want to have fun and use codes, then turn off autosaves so as not to lose achievements.

Entering codes is very simple, just press “~” and use any code from the list;

All GTA 5 Codes on PC:

  • PAINKILLER - code for immortality;
  • TURTLE - restore health;
  • SKYFALL - code for falling (falling with a parachute, unfortunately, does not work);
  • POWERUP - increasing the character's ability;
  • LIQUOR — enable intoxication mode;
  • FUGITIVE - increase the wanted level;
  • LAWYERUP - get rid of being chased by cops;
  • CATCHME - the character runs fast;
  • GOTGILLS code for fast swimming;
  • HOPTOIT - high jump, press x for more effect;
  • TOOLUP - weapon code;
  • HOTHANDS - increase impact force;
  • DEADEYE - slow aiming, can be entered 4 times;
  • INCENDIARY - cartridges set the enemy on fire when they hit;
  • HIGHEX - code for exploding cartridges;
  • SKYDIVE - the parachute code can be entered already in the air, the main thing is to be in time;
  • BUZZOFF - tired of driving a car, use the code for a helicopter;
  • BARNSTORM - receive a plane for personal use;
  • FLYSPRAY - corn plant with fertilizers on board;
  • OFFROAD - code for GTA 5 motorcycle;
  • TRASHED - code for a garbage truck, it might come in handy;
  • COMET — get a comet car;
  • VINEWOOD get a limousine;
  • RAPIDGT - code for a sports car;
  • ROCKET - for connoisseurs of speed, code for a sportbike;
  • BANDIT - code for a BMX bike;
  • HOLEIN1 - code for a golf cart, what would GTA be without an atmospheric car;
  • MAKEITRAIN - GTA cheat for weather changes, snow, rain, sun. The weather changes with each input;
  • SLOWMO - slow down time up to 4 times, enter in a cycle.

All GTA 5 Codes for mobile phones:

  • 1-999-724-654-5537 - code for immortality;
  • 1-999-887-853 — restore health;
  • 1-999-759-3255 - code for falls (falls with a parachute, unfortunately, do not work);
  • 1-999-769-3787 - increasing character abilities;
  • 1-999-547-867 - the character becomes drunk;
  • 1-999-3844-8483 - +1 wanted;
  • 1-999-5299-3787 - turn off cop harassment;
  • 1-999-228-8463 - enable fast running;
  • 1-999-468-44557 - will speed up when swimming;
  • 1-999-467-86-48 - jump higher;
  • 1-999-8665-87 - unlock all weapons;
  • 1-999-4684-2637 - super hit, more attack damage;
  • 1-999-332-3393 - will slow down when aiming, can be increased by 4 times;
  • 1-999-462-363-4279 - sets the enemy on fire when hit, allowing you to have a fire party;
  • 1-999-444-439 - cartridges will explode;
  • 1-999-759-3483 - get a parachute, can be inserted when falling;
  • 1-999-289-9633 - code for helicopter;
  • 1-999-2276-78676 - become the owner of a plane for performing stunts;
  • 1-999-359-77729 - maneuverable maize aircraft;
  • 1-999-633-7623 - get a motorcycle for off-road travel;
  • 1-999-872-7433 - use a garbage truck;
  • 1-999-266-38 code for the car;
  • 1-999-846-39663 code for GTA 5 limousine;
  • 1-999-727-4348 - buy a sports car;
  • 1-999-762-538 - get a sportbike;
  • 1-999-226-348 - BMX for fast and maneuverable riding, you can perform tricks;
  • 1-999-4653-46-1 - code for golf cart;
  • 1-999-625-348-7246 - change the weather, re-entering repeats the changes;
  • 1-999-756-966 — slow down time in the game, from 1 to 4 times;

All GTA 5 Cheats for console:

  • > A >< >RB >< A Y — код на бессмертие;
  • B LB Y RT A X B > X LB LB LB - restore health;
  • LB LT RB RT< > < >LB LT RB RT< > < >— code for falling (falling with a parachute, unfortunately, does not work);
  • A A X RB LB A >< A — повышения способности персонажа;
  • Y>>< >X B< — герой становится пьяным;
  • RB RB B RT< > < > < >— increase the character’s wanted status;
  • RB RB B RT >< > < > < — завершить преследования копов;
  • Y< >> LT LB X - code for fast running;
  • < < LB >> RT< LT >- swim faster;
  • < < Y Y > > < >X RB RT - jump 2 times higher;
  • Y RT< LB A >Y v X LB LB LB - open access to all weapons;
  • X LT RB Y< X LT >A - slow down aiming, can be reduced by 4 times;
  • LB RB X RB< RT RB < X >LB LB - cartridges will set everything on fire;
  • > X A< RB RT < >> LB LB LB - cartridges explode;
  • < >LB LT RB RT RT< < >LB - get a parachute, you can enter it anywhere;
  • B B LB B B B LB LT RB Y B Y - get a helicopter at your disposal;
  • B > LB LT< RB LB LB < < A Y получить самолет для трюков;
  • > < RB RB RB < Y Y A B LB LB — самолет кукурузник;
  • B A LB B B LB B RB RT LT LB LB — off-road motorcycle;
  • B RB B RB< < RB LB B >— code for the garbage truck;
  • RB B RT > LB LT A A X RB - get a car;
  • RT > LT< < RB LB B >- limousine;
  • RT LB B > LB RB >< B RT спорткар;
  • RB >< >RT< >X > LT LB LB - sportbike;
  • < < > > < >X B Y RB RT - get BMX;
  • B LB< RB LT A RB LB B A — гольфкар;
  • RT A LB LB LT LT LT X - weather changes in a circle;
  • Y< >> X RT RB - slow down time, possibly slow it down 4 times;

Codes for cars, weapons and immortality allow you to have fun. But the most desirable is the GTA 5 code for money and we will list it in a separate list:

  • MONEY1M - adds a million money in the game, you can buy any weapons and items in stores;
  • 1-999-830-983-817 - a million money to the account;
  • < < LB >> B A L B B BY< >- a million money to the account.

Use GTA 5 cheats to diversify the game and get even more fun. If you liked the codes, share them with your friends.

Perhaps errors in the Social Club for GTA V are already commonplace. You just need to enter the desired query about the worrying error into your search engine and you will receive dozens, if not hundreds, of answers on this topic. They all come down to one, or maximum, two solutions. We want to do everything thoroughly.

In this article, we will present you with a hodgepodge of various methods for solving the Code 16 error when starting GTA 5. Some of them may seem completely useless to you, but the fact is that many users have experienced them and they have helped them.

First, let's look at the error itself and what it informs you about:

Failed to load Social Club due to incomplete game installation (code 16). Exit the game and reinstall the latest version of Social Club:

Naturally, your game was completely installed, and this is definitely not the problem. It is quite difficult to determine what exactly is the cause of this problem, and the problem itself, in general, is not simple. In fact, one can only make assumptions. The cause of error Code 16 when launching GTA 5 could be an incorrectly installed game, an incorrectly installed Social Club, problems with the player’s network connection, outdated libraries of some software, problems with Rockstar servers, and much more.

All in all, you can build a pretty decent list, as you can see. Well, let’s not rant and let’s immediately start looking at methods for solving the error when starting GTA 5, of which there will also be plenty. You will definitely be able to find in our list something that can fix the problem for you.

Restarting the system

We will start our list, as always, with the simplest method to perform. Just try restarting your computer. It is possible that this was an isolated incident. Although this is rare, it does happen.

Updating various libraries

Be sure to make sure that all the latest versions of the various and essential set of libraries for games are installed on your system. It includes video card drivers and the like. Refresh the whole thing and see if the error goes away.

Run GTA 5 as Administrator

This is one of those tips that is hard to believe. Yes, running as Administrator can help run some applications on the system that require elevated access rights. Try running GTA 5 as Administrator and see what happens. Sometimes this step helps to launch some games or programs on the system that stubbornly resist the user.

Installing Social Club from the Installers folder

This method of solving error Code 16 when starting GTA 5 is literally the ultimate solution to many problems, not only for this error, but also for other troubles that arise with Social Club.

First, delete the Social Club on which you are having a problem. Then go to the folder Installers, which can be found in the folder with GTA 5 installed, or from our website. Once you install this version, try logging into the game again. In most cases, this method should resolve the situation.

Opening specific ports

This method is not very proven among users and its usefulness can be debated for a very long time. If you are unable to fix the problem, be sure to return all your network connection settings to their previous values ​​(you can leave the ports open).

So, you will need to do quite a lot of things to perform this method, namely:

  • Open the following ports in Windows Firewall:
    • TCP protocol ports: 80, 443.
    • UDP protocol ports: 6672, 61455, 61457, 61456, 61458.
  • Set the following DNS addresses for your network connection:
    • Preferred DNS server:
    • Alternate DNS server:

After opening the ports and setting certain DNS addresses, try running the game again and see if the error has been fixed.

Complete removal of GTA 5

The following solution method will be the last one in this article. We hope that if you were unable to resolve your unpleasant situation, then this solution can help you. In general, the method is to completely remove GTA 5 and Social Club from your computer.

If you have installed GTA 5 and SC on your computer several times, then this is exactly what you need. The thing is that this error, according to many on the network, helps those people who experimented with the installation process, i.e., for example, installed a licensed and pirated version of the game many times.

Because of this, Social Club may give you a Code 16 error when starting GTA 5, since it gets confused between many entries about the same game. Try completely deleting any data related to the game and Social Club, and then install their latest versions.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

In GTA 5, intended for previous generation consoles, codes must be entered directly in the game itself using a controller, but on modern consoles and PCs, the developers have added the ability to add cheats using an in-game smartphone. However, on a PC there is another way - using the console.

How to enable the console to enter cheats and codes in GTA V?

The most comfortable way, of course, is to enter Grand Theft Auto V cheats using the console, that is, on a PC. Still, constantly taking out your smartphone and clicking on its buttons is not very convenient. You can call the console by pressing just one key - the tilde (~), located directly under the Esc key.

After entering the required code, simply press Enter. This also applies to entering cheats on a smartphone. True, the first thing you have to do is take out this very mobile device and go to a certain section. To do this, you need to click on the “up” arrow (button), and then go to “contacts”. Next, click on the space bar. A menu for entering a cheat code should appear on the gadget screen.

It's worth knowing that your environment must comply with the code, meaning you won't be able to, for example, call a plane indoors - don't even try. In addition, all these cheats do not work in GTA Online. You can only use them in the single player campaign of GTA 5.

Note: activating cheats in GTA V will disable all achievements, meaning you will no longer be able to receive achievements. So we strongly advise you not to save after adding codes.

List of GTA V codes and cheats

Main characters

  • Cheat for money - unfortunately, it is not available in the game. However, you can use the trainer for GTA V (version v1.0.944.2). Just place it in your main game directory. You can also use it to summon a tank. For a more recent version of the game (v1.0.1290.1), you can download the trainer.
  • Invulnerability (5 minutes duration) – 1-999-724-4654-5537 (PAINKILLER)
  • Increases the health and body armor scale to the maximum values ​​- 1-999-887-853 (TURTLE)
  • Increases the wanted parameter by 1 star – 1-999-3844-8483 (FUGITIVE)
  • Reduces wanted rate by 1 star – 1-999-5299-3787 (LAWYERUP)
  • Bomb Punch (the enemy literally shatters into pieces when you attack with your fists) - 1-999-4684-2637 (HOTHANDS)
  • Activate state of intoxication - 1-999-547-861 (LIQUOR)
  • Endless Fast Run – 1-999-228-8463 (CATCHME)
  • Endless Fast Swim – 1-999-468-44557 (GOTGILLS)
  • High jumps – 1-999-467-86-48 (HOPTOIT)
  • Instant recovery of special abilities - 1-999-769-3787 (POWERUP)
  • Fall from a Great Height – 1-999-759-3255 (SKYFALL)
  • Slow down the passage of time while aiming (this effect is enhanced up to 4 times) – 1-999-332-3393 (DEADEYE)

Weapons and Effects

  • Get all the guns – TOOLUP (1-999-8665-87)
  • Flammable Projectiles - INCENDIARY (1-999-462-363-4279)
  • Explosive Projectiles – HIGHEX (1-999-444-439)

Cars and repairs

  • Sports car Comet – 1-999-266-38 (COMET)
  • Rapid GT Sports Car – 1-999-727-4348 (RAPIDGT)
  • Limo Limo – 1-999-846-39663 (VINEWOOD)
  • Garbage Truck – 1-999-872-433 (TRASHED)
  • Golf Cart – 1-999-4653-46-1 (HOLEIN1)
  • Drifting Cars – 1-999-766-9329 (SNOWDAY)
  • Instant Car Repair (must be used inside the car) – 1-999-887-853 (TURTLE)

Motorcycles and bicycles

  • Sports bike PCJ – 1-999-762-538 (ROCKET)
  • Rally Bike – 1-999-633-7629 (OFFROAD)
  • Bicycle – 1-999-226-348 (BANDIT)

Airplanes and helicopters

  • Combat Helicopter – 1-999-289-9633 (BUZZOFF)
  • Corn - 1-999-359-77729 (FLYSPRAY)
  • Airplane for performing stunts in the air - 1-999-2276-78676 (BARNSTORM)

Special vehicles

  • Armored car – 1-999-3328-4227 (DEATHCAR)
  • Submarine - 1-999-282-2537 (BUBBLES)
  • Seaplane – 1-999-398-4628 (EXTINCT)
  • Go Go Monkey Bista Machine – 1-999-282-2537 (BUBBLES)


  • Changes in weather conditions - 1-999-625-348-7246 (MAKEITRAIN)
  • Reducing gravity (to levels of the Moon) – 1-999-356-2837 (FLOATER)
  • Slow down the passage of time (you can increase the effect up to 3 times) – 1-999-756-966 (SLOWMO)


  • Get a parachute – 1-999-759-3483 (SKYDIVE)

Non-standard cheats

  • Black Phone Access and Air Explosion - 1-999-367-3767 (EMPDROP)

Codes are entered during the game. These can be entered through the game's console window, which is unique to the PC version. To access the console and enable the cheat, press the keyboard's tilde "~" button and enter the cheat code. After successfully entering the cheat, you will see a corresponding message on the screen. To disable a cheat or enhance its effect, enter it again.

Some of the codes may prevent you from completing the game 100%. It is not recommended to save the game after activating any of the codes listed below.

Codes for a character in GTA 5

Maximum health and armor TURTLE 1-999-887-853
Vehicle repair + restoration of health and armor
Enter the code while in the car
Immortality for 5 minutes PAINKILLER 1-999-724-654-5537
Restore accessibility POWERUP 1-999-769-3787
Lower your wanted level by one star LAWYERUP 1-999-5299-3787
Increase your wanted level by one star FUGITIVE 1-999-3844-8483

Codes for weapons in GTA 5

Get all weapons Toolup 1-999-866-587
Get a parachute SKYDIVE 1-999-759-3483

Codes for cars in Grand Theft Auto 5

Rapid GT sports car RAPIDGT 1-999-727-4348
Comet sports car COMET 1-999-266-38
Limousine Limo VINEWOOD 1-999-846-39663
Trashmaster garbage truck TRASHED 1-999-872-433
Golf Car Caddy HOLEIN1

Codes for motorcycles

Sanchez rally bike OFFROAD 1-999-633-7263
Sportsbike PCJ ROCKET 1-999-762-538
BMX bike BANDIT 1-999-226-348

Codes for planes and helicopters in GTA 5

Military helicopter Buzzard BUZZOFF 1-999-289-9633
Stunt plane BARNSTORM
Maize Duster FLYSPRAY

Codes for combat in Grand Theft Auto 5

Explosive melee attacks HOTHANDS 1-999-4684-2637
Exploding Bullets (Bang Bang) HIGHEX
Fire bullets
Set your enemies on fire
INCENDIARY 1-999-462-363-4279

Codes for game modes in GTA 5

Drunkard Mode LIQUOR 1-999-547-861
Sliding machines SNOWDAY 1-999-766-9329
Fast run CATCHME 1-999-228-8463
Fast swimming GOTGILLS
Slow down time when aiming
DEADEYE 1-999-756-966
Lunar gravity
Reduce gravity of vehicles
FLOATER 1-999-356-2837
Super jump
Hold the jump button to jump higher
Fall from heaven
Flight in free fall
SKYFALL 1-999-759-3255
Time dilation
You can enter the code three times, increasing the effect; on the fourth time the code will be canceled
SLOWMO 1-999-756-966
Change the weather
Sunny, clear, cloudy, fog, cloudy, rain, thunderstorm, snow
MAKEITRAIN 1-999-625-348-7246
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