Premium account in ks. What is a Prime account in CS:GO. What is prime status

On April 22, 2016, Counter-Strike developers Valve released an unusual update for CS:GO. In addition to technical, graphical and other changes, this package introduced an experimental project called “Prime Matchmaking”, allowing players to create Prime Accounts. In this article we will look at what it is and what these accounts are needed for.

What is a Prime Account in cs go

According to the official statement of the developer, Prime Matchmaking is an experiment that is being conducted to find out the answer to the question: “Will matchmaking in Contra improve if players who have an account linked to a mobile phone are matched as opponents to other players?” If there are a sufficient number of players who have received a Prime Account, the selection will operate in such a way as to maximize the likelihood of such players getting into matches against each other. In other words, PA is designed to motivate the player to level up one strong account instead of creating many low-level “twins”.

However, this does not mean that after creating a PA you will only play with your own kind. It’s just that players with PA will be your priority when selecting and, accordingly, you will come across “cheaters” and “smurfs” much less often. And this, in turn, guarantees that you will get more pleasure from the game.

Thus, the benefits of participating in this experiment are obvious:

  • Reducing the number of “cheaters” encountered.
  • Participation in a new experimental system of a competitive nature.
  • Faster selection compared to other “regular” players.

A conditional disadvantage is that you can only link one account to your phone. Well, perhaps the disadvantage is also the fairly high level required to start PA. Although, this is a controversial issue.

At what level do you get a Prime Account?

Players who have reached level 21 can get a Prime Account!

How to get a Prime Account

Upon reaching level 21, you will see “Prime Account Matchmaking” in the upper left corner. Point and click on “More info”. Next, a window with information will appear and the “Upgrade” button, when clicked, the CS:GO profile will be linked to the phone listed on Steam. It is not necessary to read this information, it is for informational purposes only. That's all, now you have a Prime Account.

In conclusion, there are a few points to note:

  • Participation in this project is not mandatory. Apart from linking to a phone, nothing else will change in the game: no additional “goodies” are provided, at least for the moment.
  • If you suddenly made a mistake in choosing an account to link or simply decided to link another one, you are given 3 days to correct it.
  • Only the use of real phone numbers is permitted. Options like IP telephony will not work.

Since this is, after all, an experiment, what it will lead to is currently unknown. Some experienced players advise not to delay linking, since it is possible that the conditions for obtaining a Prime Account may change over time.

In any case, it makes sense to participate in this project. Firstly, it aims to improve the quality of the selection process. Secondly, based on reviews from a larger number of participants, developers will be able to react faster and eliminate possible “bugs.” And finally, it’s just interesting, because this is an experiment!

Good afternoon, dear users or guests of our Play`N`Trade portal. In touch - sailors. Today I will tell you how to make a prime account.

Why do you need a prime account?

Prime account in cs go was introduced a year ago. And this is a very good update. By connecting this function you will find yourself in a game where all people have 100% prime . What does this give? The chance that you will come across a cheater or booster is 1-2%. That is, all players who enable this function can play normally. And why exactly this is so - you will find out below.

Connecting a prime account

To enable this function you need to have: A phone that supports SMS; The twenty-second level in the game itself (this is a minus. Often beginners cannot play normally because of cheaters. And they still have to reach the twenty-second level.) And so. Let's move on to the connection. After entering the game, above your profile, where your rank, nickname and avatar are shown, there will be a " Prime account betta". Click and enter your phone number. Next, enter the code that will be sent to your phone. That's all. It's very easy.

pros prime :

  • Ability to play without cheaters and boosters
  • Beautiful design and adequate teammates

Minuses prime :

  • Possibility of connection only from the twenty-second level
  • Must have a phone with SMS function

So my article has come to an end. I hope I was able to help you! There was a sailor with you. Have a good game!

Players often encounter the problem of cheating in counterstrike. This problem, although partially, can be solved by obtaining prime account status. In this guide, we will analyze in detail the entire process of obtaining a prime account and tell you about its advantages.

What is a prime account in CS GO?

A prime account in CS GO is an account status that allows you to gain access to search taking into account the prime status, but you can get it only upon reaching rank 21. If you do not have level 21, then, unfortunately, you will not be able to obtain this status? But it’s okay, just put your will into your fist and roll Dezmatchi forward.

It is important that Prime requires a linked mobile phone number, therefore it will not be possible to link several accounts to it (Protection against cheaters). This will not exclude cheaters from entering MM, but it will significantly reduce their number, and there are fewer toxic players there.

How to get prime in CS GO?

If you have level 21, then getting prime is a matter of 2 minutes. All you need to do is go to the CS GO main menu and look at the block above your card (your nickname, avatar and your rank). There will be a button about the ability to connect to a prime account.

Click this button and go to the page with a detailed manual on how to get prime in cs go, where you will be asked to provide a mobile phone number. Just do everything that is asked of you and go ahead to the global, but the question arises, how to play only prime matches?

After you connect to Prime in CS GO, you will have the opportunity to choose between matches with the “trusted” status and matches with the “Prime” status. The screenshot below shows how you can switch the button to the position we need.

You cannot start prime matches when your teammate has not received prime status!

For solo matches click here:

This night an update was released that brought the search for competitive games with Prime status to the beta version. Now, when searching for games, you can filter them by clicking on the “PRIME MATCHMAKING” button next to the “START” button.
Also in the update:

− Prime accounts will only be activated if the player has verified their phone number and reached Rank Level 21 (Lieutenant) or received the 2015 or 2016 Service Medal.
− Players with Prime accounts can choose to search for a Prime or non-Prime game.
− To play in a lobby with friends, all lobby members must have Prime accounts to search for competitive Prime games.

How to get Prime status?

1. You must download the official Steam app from Google Play/App Store
2. After downloading the application, you need to link your mobile phone number to your account.
In addition, you get full control over your inventory, the right to buy and sell things without delay, and complete security against theft of your account.
Remember that after linking your number, each login to Steam will be carried out through a mobile authenticator, which is updated in the application every 20 seconds.
3. You need a private rank level of at least 21 (Lieutenant) or have a 2015/2016 Service Medal.
4. After fulfilling all the conditions, you will see the Prime status logo at the top of your honor board with your nickname. To search for games with Prime status, you need to click on the “PRIME Matchmaking” button to the left of the “CLICK” button in the competitive map selection menu.
5. The search takes quite a long time. If you don’t want to wait, turn off the Prime competitive games search filter by clicking on the “PRIME MATCHMAKING” button again

Translation update

CS:GO is running an experiment to see if players will have a better competitive experience when playing alongside players using a CS:GO phone ID linked to their account.

To get started, you need to upgrade your CS:GO account to “Prime” status. Simply click the "UPDATE" button to have your Steam ID linked to your CS:GO account (subject to eligibility requirements - see FAQ below).

If you have multiple CS:GO accounts, be sure to upgrade your favorite one to Prime, as the Unique Identifier can only upgrade one account.

Once out of beta, we plan to launch a search for competitive Prime games, combining matches that will only include Prime players.

There's nothing else you need to do (other than convince your friends to click the UPDATE button, thus allowing us to get enough players to start testing!)


Frequently asked questions about finding Prime competitive games.

Q: What is the identifying identifier?

A: Searching for competitive games with a "Prime" status will exclude foreign identifiers, such as IP telephony and some media. If your Steam Account ID does not meet the requirements, you will need to re-link your account to a real identifying ID.

Q: How can I know if my ID is valid?

A: If your ID does not meet the listed conditions, you will be notified when you click the “UPDATE” button.

Q: Can I update more than one account using the same ID?

A: No, you can only upgrade one CS:GO account to Prime with your ID.

Q: I accidentally updated the wrong account! Can I upgrade another one instead of this one?

A: Yes, after updating your CS:GO account, you have three days to update another CS:GO account to replace the original one (the previous account will lose its “Prime” status).

Your next opportunity to switch ID will not appear until 6 months later.

Q: Do I need a Steam Mobile Authenticator to get Prime status?

A: No, but you should use it! In addition to providing security, adding a Steam Mobile Authenticator gives you the right to use the Marketplace and trade without restrictions.

Q: What happens if there are not a certain number of players who have upgraded to “Prime” status?

A: If we don't have enough participating players, we won't be able to run the test.

Q: What happens if I don't want to upgrade my account to Prime?

If you do not wish to update your account, you will not be allowed to test. There are no other restrictions - you can still enjoy the game in the future.

UPD 23.04: official translation

Thank you for making it to the top of the guides, I will try to cover such events before others.
Steam translators took the time to make their translation into Russian in a timely manner, so most did not have to wait one or two weeks for information in their language. This is commendable, despite tautologies like “I accidentally made the wrong account a prime account!” made me scream out loud.
I will answer a few questions that have arisen.

Q: Can I play on another computer on my account with Prime status?
A: Yes, you can, but the competitive mode is unlikely to be unavailable. Keep this in mind when connecting your status - you will not be able to change it for another six months after assignment.

Q: The microphone does not work/FPS drops/other technical problems - how to fix it?
A: No way. Wait for the update, or don't upgrade to Prime status. Why this problem arose is unknown, everything is fine on my account. Try checking the integrity of the cache, lowering the settings, and in the case of the microphone, turning individual devices on and off. Be careful if you have a predisposition to this kind of problem.

Q: How to disable Prime status?
A: If you don’t have a second account with the game, no way. I don’t recommend disabling it; players are needed for testing. Developers usually fix technical problems within three days.

Q: What will this status protect against?
A: From boosting accounts. If a person has this status enabled, games will be selected in accordance with the status, with the same people. And also from cheaters - most likely VAC blocking will also remember the phone number. Additional challenges against dishonest players is something the community has been wanting for years. In other words, if you are tired of the Smurfs, then you should urgently go to this beta and wait for the end of the experiment. Protection against foul play has not yet been fully confirmed, this is more of a guess, but we can safely assume that changing the phone number every time after receiving a block is unprofitable.

What is prime status?

Prime status is a CS:GO feature for users who have purchased the game or reached profile level 21 in it. Prime status holders receive exclusive benefits.

What are the benefits of prime status?

The game is selected for users with prime status only with other prime status holders in all game modes. In addition, such users receive exclusive souvenirs, items and weapon cases, and also have access to all community servers.

I already have profile level 21 in CS:GO. How to activate prime status?

Prime status was automatically granted to all users who owned the game before December 6, 2018 and launched it five years before that. To check if you have prime status, click “Play” in the upper left corner - on the screen that opens there should be a green coin and the words “Prime status enabled”.

If you started playing recently and have reached profile level 21, you don’t need to do anything: prime status is also activated automatically.

Can I remove prime status from my account?

No. There is currently no way to remove Prime status from your account.

Can users with and without prime status play together?

Yes, but only if these users gather in the lobby. When selecting a game, it will not have prime status, just like the allies and opponents found for it.

Users without prime status cannot enter a match for players with prime status.

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