What to do if World of Tanks takes a long time to get into battle. World of Tanks takes a long time to get into battle World of tanks takes a long time to load

Some of you may be facing an error where the app is showing a message that the network is unavailable while the download or update continues.

This message is incorrect and does not in any way affect the success of downloads or updates. We are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it.

Game freezes on startup on Mac OS X

To resolve the issue, reinstall Codeweavers Mac Wrapper by .

Codeweavers Mac Wrapper is not developed by Wargaming.net, and World of Tanks is not supported on Mac OS X. If you have any questions, you can always contact the developer:

The game does not launch when switching to enhanced graphics

This happens if the computer configuration is lower than what is required to run the game when the “Enhanced Graphics” setting is selected. To solve the problem:

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Unpack it and run the .bat file - it will automatically delete the game settings.
  3. Launch the game.

Screen resolution out of range

This message appears if the game client was launched at a resolution higher than that supported by the monitor or video card. To solve the problem, remove the client settings:

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Unpack it and run the .bat file - it will automatically delete the game settings files.
  3. Launch the game.

Problems during update

Problems launching the game

When starting the game client, the following error may occur (the file name may differ from that shown in the screenshot):

  1. Open Game Center.
  2. Select World of Tanks at the top of the window.
  3. Click on the "Game Settings" button.
  4. In settings, click "Repair Game".

To solve the problem, you need to check the integrity of the client. If you launch the game via:

  1. Launch the launcher.
  2. Go to settings (click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the launcher).
  3. Go to the "Support" tab and click on the "Check" button.
  4. Wait for the process to complete and click on the “Play” button.

Read about solving other problems when starting the game

On the official forum they often ask: “ Why is it taking me so long to get into a fight? The computer is powerful, but the map loads only at the end of the timer and allied tanks are not immediately visible ».

This problem appeared after global update 1.0. It is observed when starting the game from the hard drive. According to players, if you install World of Tanks on an SSD, it will be faster to enter battle. Many even have to wait for the countdown before the match to begin. In this regard, the most plausible reason for the long entry into battle is ultra-realistic textures that load into RAM for too long. What to do?

Speed ​​up WOT loading

If you log into World of Tanks for a long time, there are several ways to solve the problem.

  1. Install the game onSSD. An SSD is a solid-state drive that works with chip-based flash memory. It is capable of processing data several times faster than a hard disk drive (HDD), which operates on the principle of magnetic recording. Typically, the operating system and programs themselves are installed on the HDD, and all games that require high performance are placed on the SSD. Thanks to this, data will be loaded into RAM much faster, and the problem of taking a long time to enter World of Tanks battle will disappear. At the same time, FPS may increase.
  2. Clear RAM. A long entry into battle can also be caused by a lack of RAM or its slow operation. To eliminate this possibility, close all unused programs before starting the World of Tanks client. It is also recommended to install additional RAM on your computer, since the recommended system requirements for the game indicate a capacity of 16 GB.
  3. DefragmentHDD. If you do not defragment your hard drive for a long time, data from files and programs is written randomly - fragmented. Defragmentation brings logically related data closer together so your computer can access it faster. If World of Tanks is installed on your hard drive, this may fix the long loading issue.
  4. Lower graphics. Low-resolution textures take up less space in RAM, which means they will load faster. According to players, this slightly speeds up entry into World of Tanks battles, but only for a few seconds. On weak PCs the increase can be greater.
  5. Clean your computer. If you frequently install and uninstall programs and games, junk will inevitably accumulate on your hard drive and registry. Cleaning programs such as the free CCleaner utility can help you remove it. Removing junk files and correcting errors in the registry will speed up both the game and the operating system itself.

If none of the above produces results, the reason for the long login time in World of Tanks may be installed mods that slow down loading. Remove them and check if the problem is still there.

If you have an average or weak computer with little RAM, run WOT through the free Razer Cortex Buster program. This application closes all unnecessary processes and frees up maximum memory for the game. It can even be configured to disable Windows Explorer when the client starts. On weak PCs, you can win 300-1000 MB of RAM in this way.

Also, when entering a World of Tanks battle for a long time, it makes sense to add the game to the antivirus exceptions or disable it completely. This will free up additional processor and RAM resources, which may improve performance.

I once noticed that on my computer, maps in WoT take a very long time to load - more than a minute. Sometimes you go into battle, and it’s already been going on for 30 seconds. And sometimes you even find your tank in the form of burning wreckage. My computer, of course, is old and has been asking for an upgrade for a long time, but first I can try to do something programmatically.

So, the first thing is to determine the cause of the brakes. The list of suspects is, in principle, not very large:

  • The crookedness of the game developers
  • Drum
Let's start operational-search activities with a confrontation. We take the excellent Process Monitor utility from Sysinternals, launch it, add process monitoring worldoftanks.exe to the filters and off we go. We start the game, start the battle, wait for the map to load and look at the monitoring results.

As you can see from the screenshot, CPU, memory and network load are far from maximum. But the HDD loading schedule is very uneven, there are peaks and valleys. Let's take a closer look. Click “Tools->File summary...”. Bingo! Here we see a whole bunch of I/O operations (70,602 pieces, to be exact).

The total volume of data read during loading is approximately 450 MB, the operating time of file operations is more than 50 seconds. This means that file operations take up most of the map loading time. It’s no wonder - WoT has well-designed maps, tank models, all sorts of houses/trees/stones. 450 MB of readable data seems like a reasonable price for all this. But how can we speed up loading times? After all, the game still needs to read all this data. There is an old proven way to speed up file operations - a RAM disk. But here’s the problem - it won’t work to use it head-on. The game takes up 11GB and my machine only has 4GB of RAM. That is, even by creating an 11 GB RAM disk and placing the entire game on it, I will not deceive the laws of physics and the operating system - the disk may be created, but the data on it will be transferred to the same hard drive, which we want to avoid using. Not an option.

Well, let's dig deeper and see which files take the most time to access. Open the “By folder” tab and see the following picture.

Most of the resources are consumed by accessing files in the %World_of_tanks%\res folder. Here you can select the following subfolders:

  • audio: 14.48 sec - folder occupies 200 MB
  • content: 9.93 sec - folder occupies 844 MB
  • spaces: 6.19 sec - folder occupies 419 MB
  • vehicles: 8.60 sec - folder occupies 1.7 GB
If we could put files from some of these folders into memory, the loading of the map would be significantly faster. For example, by placing files from the audio and spaces folders into RAM, we will gain 21 seconds of time at the cost of 619 MB of RAM - quite good. But it won’t be possible to do this head-on - how can you explain to the game that some of its resources lie here, and some there? At this point I already wanted to go into hard hardcore in the spirit of Harkonnen "a:
  1. Load the necessary files into memory
  2. Using some Microsoft Detours or ApiHijack, we attach hooks to the CreateFile, ReadFile (and maybe something else) functions in the Worldoftanks.exe process.
  3. In hooks we determine which file WoT is trying to read. If one of ours, we give it data from memory, if it’s the left one, we transfer the call to real file input/output functions.
But, unfortunately, it didn’t work out - I came up with an idea that made everything much easier and ruined everything :). The idea was that, they say, how cool it would be in this place to be a user of *nix systems, where there is an excellent mount command that allows you to mount anything anywhere. There is no such thing in Windows... Or is there? Some vague memories were hovering on the periphery of consciousness and I looked into my head and Google for information (when the guys from Google finally do a search in my head - they were completely lazy!). So here's what we have under Windows:
  • subst - does exactly the opposite of what we need. Allows you to create a new virtual disk, the root of which will be the specified folder. But we need to do the opposite - link an existing disk to a “virtual” folder.
  • The method described in Microsoft KB - at first glance, does what we need. Allows the NTFS file system to create a link between a folder and the root of the disk. A wonderful thing, but, unfortunately, it did not work with my RAM drive (even when I formatted it to NTFS).
  • Well, finally, I decided to look where such a search should have started - in the list of utilities from Sysinternals. And, of course, there was what I needed. The utility allows you to mount any path in our file system to a specific folder (there is another similar one - linkd).
So the final algorithm looks like this:
  1. We take any RAM drive (for example, from this list). I took this one.
  2. We think about how much RAM we can allocate for caching.
  3. We rewrite the folders with game resources on the RAM-drive (we rename the original folders - we will need them later).
  4. Using Junction we mount the folders on Ramdrive into the game resources folder. Something like this:
    "junction D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res\audio r:\audio"
  5. Let's launch the game and enjoy.
By the way, all these points can be implemented in one batch file, and in the second one you can roll everything back.

Of course, in this whole matter it is important not to overdo it, so that the volume of files on the RAM drive does not become so large that the OS decides to use swapping - then the whole idea goes to hell. But here's what happened to me:

The time for accessing files in folders on the RAM drive dropped to almost zero, the map began to load much faster, I began to appear often even before the pre-start countdown began, and managed to exchange a few phrases with my allies before the start of the battle. In general, I achieved what I wanted. It’s a pity that I didn’t have the chance to delve deeper into the depths of the game and use hooks - but my method does not violate the WoT license agreement, which is also important.

Users of weak computers often encounter a problem when World of Tanks takes a long time to enter into battle; there can be many reasons for this, from the outdated “stuffing” of your computer to problems with its hardware or operating system.

The game is constantly updated, and accordingly some graphical capabilities are improved and this requires additional loading from RAM and PC resources.

This has a bad effect on the performance of the game, especially on extremely weak machines. Many people advise adding RAM, replacing the processor/video card with more powerful ones, but what to do if you don’t yet have the money to buy new hardware but still want to play.

We will try to give you some useful tips to correct the situation and you can play again

Try to unload unnecessary applications from memory, this helps if your computer has very little RAM (1 GB). Modern operating systems now consume quite a lot of it for their resources and because of this the game may not work correctly.

Change the Aero theme in Windows 7 to a standard one similar to Windows 2000\XP; they usually consume less memory.

Check your computer for viruses and Trojans, you may have malware in your system that uses 50-60% of your computer's resources, this usually happens with a virus masquerading as the svchost.exe file, check that it is running on behalf of the system through the task manager , if not, then you need to get rid of it. Scan your computer with a popular antivirus, using a deep (preferably) scan; if any malware is found, remove it. If you have any mods installed, they may also slow down the loading of the battle.

Try uninstalling and running a clean game client, it should help

You can use programs that clean your computer of unnecessary files and junk, such as CCleaner, and correct possible errors in the registry

After the release of some updates, there may be a reason why World of Tanks takes a long time to enter into battle or even the game crashes, this is due to the changes that are being made to the game.

As a rule, developers inform you about these problems in advance and you need to wait for the patch to be released.

Check the speed of your Internet connection. Ping is important for the game, i.e. minimum delay time and the lower it is, the better. If you have a poor connection, it may affect the battle loading speed; we recommend a channel with a bandwidth of at least 2Mbit for the PC version.

We hope our advice will help you cope with the problem mentioned in the article and you will again be able to engage in an unequal battle with the enemy.

In World of Tanks, the load reflects the actual performance of your computer. However, even on machines with a powerful configuration, serious delays sometimes occur. You will learn how to reduce the loading time of maps in World of Tanks from this article.

1. Your computer configuration

I won’t reveal a big secret to anyone by saying that loading maps, as well as the entire performance of a PC, depends on its capabilities.

If, for example, you have a computer that is outperformed by a performance calculator, then upgrade first, since other tips may not help you.

2. Connection speed and latency

The second obvious point is your Internet, or rather its speed, as well as the delay (aka ping) to the game server. Latency is the time spent receiving and sending data packets from the server and back to the client. This value is indicated in milliseconds and is displayed in the upper left corner of the game window (next to the FPS indicator). The normal value for a comfortable game is 0-150, but you can play at higher values, but in this case there is a high probability of lags and glitches.

3. The operating system is crap

It is recommended to regularly clean temporary files and the registry for debris. To carry out such cleaning, a program is suitable CCleaner. In addition, it is recommended to reinstall Windows at least once a year (or when other methods do not help) to refresh and maintain the functionality of the system.

4. Hard drive fragmentation

During computer operation, the system regularly accesses files stored on the hard drive. It opens, closes, writes some information into them, and situations often arise when one file is actually physically recorded in different places on the hard drive. This is very similar to a library, in which visitors take books from the shelves and put them not back, but in a much more convenient way. Finding some books would take a lot of time, to put it mildly. Defragmenter programs play the role of a librarian, arranging the bits and bytes recorded on the hard drive strictly on the shelves, thereby speeding up the search and downloading of files.

The standard Windows utility is also suitable for defragmentation, but I like it better Diskeeper(the program is paid, but if you search, you can find a cure).

5. Update your software

First of all, this concerns the drivers of the motherboard (which is often forgotten), audio card and, of course, video card. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers release updates, improving the operating algorithms of their products. Don't forget about DirectX and Microsoft .Net Framework.

But wait, ka! Where is the promised hardcore?

One tanker found the standard methods of solving the problem of long map loading times in World of Tanks insufficient and moved on. I don’t want to reprint, I’m too lazy, and I don’t want to steal someone else’s work, so I’ll just provide a link and you can read it yourself:

Speeding up map loading in World of Tanks

I once noticed that on my computer, maps in WoT take a very long time to load - more than a minute. Sometimes you go into battle, and it’s already been going on for 30 seconds. And sometimes you even find your tank in the form of burning wreckage. My computer, of course, is old and has been asking for an upgrade for a long time, but first I can try to do something programmatically.....

, or rather the time it takes has a great impact on the entire battle. Load up faster - you will have time to discuss the plan of action with your comrades and prepare for battle. Not infrequently, I had situations when the loading of the map was finally completed and I saw in front of me the charred frame of my own tank. When such cases became more frequent, I took action and now load before the end of the 30-second countdown or close to the start of the battle.

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