Linux we are writing our own console browser. Console web browser ELinks. Best Browsers for Linux

A server running on Linux OS does not have a graphical interface for a good system administrator, since all system resources must be directed in the right direction and spending them on drawing all sorts of “windows” is not good.

In order to access the Internet on such a server, console browsers are needed. Such a tool can be the console browser Links2, which, despite its “console” nature, can do a lot. The main advantage of the Links2 browser is that it can load images.

A little history

Peter Gervai developed a console browser Links, which later split into 3 independent distributions: ELinks, Links Hacked and Links2.

A distinctive feature of ELinks is the presence of a built-in programming language Lua. Links Hacked is an attempt to improve the ELinks browser. Links2 is a console browser, which will be discussed later.



Strengths of Links2:

  • Links2 is a console browser, so it works without any graphical shell.
  • The browser can download images.
  • Links2 can add a WEB page to bookmarks.
  • Built-in download manager.
  • Works correctly with sites using frame.
  • Links2 can process JavaScript code on a WEB page.
  • Work via proxy is supported.
  • It is possible to view the HTML code of the page.
  • There are versions for OS: Windows, Linux and Unix.
  • The history of visited sites is kept.
  • Compiling a "BAN" list of unnecessary images.

Weaknesses of Links2:

  • CSS is not supported. Websites are displayed as a continuous HTML stream.
  • Working with RSS is not supported.
  • Not a "tab" interface.
  • Interface language: Russian, English, etc.
  • License: GNU GPL ver.2
  • Homepage:


Links2 is part of the official repository of the *buntu family of operating systems.

To install Links2 in *buntu:

# sudo apt-get install links2

To launch the browser in the console, type:

To load social networking sites VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, the Links2 browser is most likely not suitable, since there is no CSS support and these sites will not be displayed entirely correctly.

Using this browser, you can comfortably open websites on a computer that does not have a graphical shell.

Similar 7 programs:


  1. Taras
    27 June, 23:53

    Links2 is a browser that works in both console and graphical mode, and in console mode it does not display images. And if you run the command links2 -g from the console, it will give you an error.
    In the console it is launched with the command links2, and in the graphical mode - xlinks2 or - links2 -g.
    By the way, other good analogues are Lynx and w3m - both are also in the official Ubuntu repositories. Moreover, w3m actually displays images, but only in terminal emulators THAT SUPPORT THIS.

  2. Andrey
    30 January, 12:53

    Taras - in console mode it displays everything perfectly, you just need to install framebuffer and DirectFB support. The only negative is that you have to run this thing as root: sudo links2 -g. And it’s also a pity that it doesn’t play YouTube videos directly.

  3. Sergey
    15 September, 18:33

    I agree with Taras, error text: (!!!) *** WARNING *** [../../../src/core/input.c:1133 in init_axes()] (!!!) ** * ONCE *** [../../../inputdrivers/joystick/joystick.c:99 in joystick_handle_event()]

  4. Andrey
    24 September, 06:34

    I agree with Andrei, if you run as root: sudo links2 -g
    then there is no error. Tested on ubuntu server 12.04

  5. uri
    20 August, 17:35

    If it doesn’t work on the server, then why else is it manly?
    that's what:
    sweesroot@ubuntu:~$ links2 -g

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| DirectFB 1.2.10 |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ © 2001-2008 The world wide DirectFB Open Source Community © 2000-2004 Convergence (integrated media ) GmbH ————————————————————————————————

    (*) DirectFB/Core: Single Application Core. (2014-10-24 12:35)
    (!) Direct/Util: opening ‘/dev/fb0’ failed —> Permission denied
    (!) DirectFB/FBDev: Error opening framebuffer device!
    (!) DirectFB/FBDev: Use ‘fbdev’ option or set FRAMEBUFFER environment variable.
    (!) DirectFB/Core: Could not initialize ‘system_core’ core! —> Initialization error!
    Could not initialize any graphics driver. Tried the following drivers:
    Can't open display "(null)"
    Could not get VT mode.
    Initialization error!

  6. lincooln
    12 October, 11:09

    I really liked the linx2 browser. but there is one problem. When opening the web interface of the sagemcom router, it correctly asks for a login and password, but after authorization it shows a blank screen. does not display any menu or content.
    Does anyone know how to win?

  7. Alexei
    3 December, 10:40

    (!) Direct/Util: opening ‘/dev/fb0’ failed -> Permission denied

    there is no access, which means you need to run it as root

  8. ChelAxe
    29 April, 23:56

    Add the user to the video group and you can run it as the user.

For classic Mac OS) console web browsers were originally created for some other operating systems. AND text web browsers for Windows are versions console web browsers*nix systems. Although those that do not work in the Cygwin environment have their own small peculiarities.

Once upon a time text web browsers have been an important tool for viewing web documents. As GUI programs evolved further into the dial-up era, text web browsers have been useful as the fastest way to view web documents and as part of text-to-speech application suites. The spread of broadband Internet and specialized software for audio transmission of web page content has reduced the scope of application console web browsers. Moreover, most Windows users have always had a very vague idea of ​​their existence. Nevertheless, text web browsers are highly developed, specialized tools that can be useful in a wide variety of situations and when using the Windows operating system.

Lynx - /home page/

Text web browser. Versions for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, some other *nix systems, DOS, Windows, BeOS, MINIX, QNX, AmigaOS, OpenVMS and classic Mac OS.

Links - /home page/

Text web browser. Versions for Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, some other *nix systems, BeOS, Haiku, OS/2, DOS, Windows. In addition to the text version of the browser, there is also an option capable of displaying graphics, fonts of different sizes with anti-aliasing and working in Linux and other *nix systems both under X (or another window environment), and using SVGALib or the framebuffer of the system's graphics card ().

HTML (including tables and frames)

ELinks - /home page/

Text web browser. Versions for Linux, some other *nix systems, Windows, DOS.

HTML (including tables and frames). Very limited CSS and JavaScript(). Supports a color palette of 16, 88 or 256 colors. Support for tabs, background downloads with notification when the download is complete. Experimental support for the BitTorrent protocol.

In addition to lynx, links and elinks in Windows, it is possible to use other console web browsers- in Cygwin environment. For example, like this text web browser like w3m(). Or one of the text web browsers for DOS - DOSLYNX.

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There are many online services for creating sitemap.xml. However, you can do it yourself on your computer using the lynx browser and several Linux command line utilities. The following is an example of a bash script called "" that uses them. Bash script that creates the sitemap.xml file: #!/bin/bash cd /home/me/sitemap/www/ lynx -crawl -traversal -accept_all_cookies -connect_timeout=30 > / dev/null cd /home/me/sitemap/www2/ lynx -crawl -traversal -accept_all_cookies -connect_timeout=30 > /dev/null cat /home/me/sitemap/www2/traverse.dat >> /home/me/sitemap/www/traverse.dat cat /home/me/sitemap/www/traverse.dat | sed -e "s/\ \.//g" | sort | uniq > /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i "s/\&/\&\;/g" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap. xml sed -i "s/"/\&apos\;/g" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i "s/"/\"\;/g" /home/me/sitemap/ sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i "s/>/\>\;/g" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i "s//" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i -e "s/$/<\/loc><\/url>/" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i -e "1 i\r\r \r\r\r\r" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i -e "$ a \\r" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml sed -i "/static/d" /home/me/sitemap/sitemap/sitemap.xml echo "...Done" After the bash script file ready: "chmod +x" to make it executable. Download in the archive (After the archive is downloaded and unpacked, replace http://www.compmiscellanea in the file .com/ with the desired domain name of the site with "www" and replace with the desired domain name of the site without "www". Instead of "static" in the last line of the file, put the line that the links should contain, so that they have been removed from the list. Then "chmod +x". Then run Comments Download with line-by-line comments in the archive. Before running the bash script, you need to create three folders. Since the lynx browser in some cases may miss some links if the site's domain name is specified with or without "www", the bash script runs lynx twice, processing the site by domain name with "www" and processing the site using a domain name without "www". The resulting two files are placed in two different folders, here they are "/home/me/sitemap/www/" and "/home/me/sitemap/www2/". And the directory "/home/me/sitemap/sitemap/" is intended for the created sitemap.xml. 1. Path to bash #!/bin/bash 2. Go to the folder - the lynx browser will place there the files received when processing the site by domain name with "www" cd /home/me/sitemap/www/ 3.

Centering page content in the viewable area of ​​the browser window using CSS. The container in which all the content of the web page will be located is aligned in the center - in width and height: [Open example page]. HTML/XHTML. Code: CSS center alignment: width and height - 1

CSS. Code: html (height: 100%; margin: 0px;) body height: 100%; margin: 0px;).all (position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%; float: left; display: table;).wrapper (position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; height: auto; width: 100%; display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle;) .pagecontent (position: relative; left: 0px; top: 0px; height: 500px; width: 800px; margin : 0 auto; background: #ff6f6f;) Container.pagecontent - for all content of the web page. Unlike CSS, the alignment is centered, vertically and horizontally - 2, in this case percentages can be used as CSS units of measurement; not just px or em. The height and width can be larger than the visible area of ​​the browser window, but in this case we are talking about a more practical case - when the height and width of the container.pagecontent is smaller than the dimensions of the visible area of ​​the browser window. The.pagecontent block is centered/justified in the viewable area of ​​the browser window using "margin: 0 auto". .All and its CSS properties turn the entire visible area of ​​the browser window into a CSS table. CSS properties make container.wrapper a cell of this CSS table. The content of this cell - container.pagecontent and everything in it - is aligned in the visible area of ​​the browser window to the center / height with the CSS property "vertical-align: middle". [ 1 ] And also in Netscape 7.2+, Mozilla 1.5+. [ 2 ] And also in Netscape 7.2+, Mozilla 1.5+.

We have all heard, and with a high degree of probability we use browsers with a graphical interface, such as Firefox, Chrome, etc. In this article you will learn about Linux console browsers. A text (console) browser is usually used by system administrators to view websites, since the X server is usually not installed on server computers.

As you know, GUI browsers process and display text along with graphics, which is visually beautiful and user-friendly. Console browsers, in contrast, display only text, without graphics.

Popular Linux text browsers:

  • Links
  • Links2
  • Elinks
  • Netrik

Links is an ubuntu console browser that works in both pseudo-graphic and text modes. It renders heavy pages, supports terminal emulators with both color and monochrome output, and allows horizontal scrolling of pages. Links can be installed on various Linux distributions, such as Debian, RHEL, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, suse, ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos Mageia, and others. This Linux console browser is one of the most popular among users, along with Lynx.

sudo apt-get install links

RHEL, CentOS, Fedora 21 and older:
yum install links

Fedora 22 and later:
dnf install links

SUSE and openSUSE:

zipper install links

Archlinux, Manjaro, Antergos:

sudo pacman -S links

How to use:


2) Installation of Elinks

Elinks - fork of Links; a full-featured console browser, with great capabilities, can display frames and tables, is customizable and its functionality can be expanded using Lua or Guile scripts. This browser can be run on a large number of platforms. Elinks is also available for various Linux distributions such as Debian, RHEL, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, suse, ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos, Mageia, and others.

Debian, Mint and Ubuntu, as well as those based on them:

sudo apt-get install elinks

yum install elinks

Fedora 22 and later:
dnf install elinks

zipper install elinks

ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos:
sudo pacman -S elinks

urpmi elinks

How to use:

3) Install Lynx

Lynx is a highly customizable web browser for use on terminal emulators with a character cursor. This is the oldest of the browsers. Lynx is available for various Linux distributions such as Debian, RHEL, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, suse, ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos, Mageia, and others.

Debian, Mint and Ubuntu, as well as those based on them:

sudo apt-get install lynx

RHEL, CentOS and Fedora 21 and older:
yum install lynx

Fedora 22 and later:
dnf install lynx

SUSE and openSUSE:

zypper install lynx

Archlinux, Manjaro, Antergos:

sudo pacman -S lynx

How to use:


4) Install w3m:

w3m is a Linux text browser that displays pages in text format, and can also be used as a text formatting program that converts HTML documents into plain text. The program runs in the window of any terminal emulator (rxvt, xterm, gnome-terminal, etc.) The browser is available for various Linux distributions, such as Debian, RHEL, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, suse, ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos, Mageia, and others.

Debian, Mint and Ubuntu, as well as those based on them:
sudo apt-get install w3m w3m-img

RHEL, CentOS and Fedora 21 and older:
yum install w3m

Fedora 22 and later:
dnf install w3m

zipper install w3m

ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos:
sudo pacman -S w3m

urpmi w3m

How to use:

5) Installing Links2

Links2 is a Linux console browser, like Links on which it is based, that allows you to work in both graphical and text modes. It renders heavy pages, supports both color and monochrome terminal emulators, and allows horizontal scrolling of pages. Links2 is available for various Linux distributions such as Debian, RHEL, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, CentOS, Fedora, openSUSE, suse, ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos, Mageia, and others.

Debian, Mint and Ubuntu, as well as those based on them:

sudo apt-get install w3m w3m-img

RHEL, CentOS and Fedora 21 and older:
yum install links2

Fedora 22 and later:
dnf install links2

zipper install links2

ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos:
sudo pacman -S links2

urpmi links2

How to use:

6) Installation of Netrik

Netrik is a simple web browser that works in text mode, like similar browsers w3m, links and lynx. It displays large web pages without any problems; its work is possible in terminal emulators with both color and monochrome support. Like all of the above, it supports horizontal scrolling. Netrik has somewhat limited capabilities compared to the above browsers, which also makes it unique in its kind.

Debian, Mint and Ubuntu, as well as those based on them:
sudo apt-get install netrik

RHEL, CentOS and Fedora 21 and older
yum install netrik

Fedora 22 and later
dnf install netrik

zipper install netrik

ArchLinux, Manjaro, Antergos
sudo pacman -S netrik

netrik links2

How to use:


In this article, we looked at an alternative to the friendly graphical browsers we are used to. Each of us may encounter a situation where using an X server is impossible or irrational for certain reasons. In this case, Linux console browsers are an excellent solution, since they can provide basic functionality like searching or downloading the files we need.

In order to be able to find out how to fix your operating system when the X server fails, in cases where it does not start. I don’t know for what reason, but nevertheless this happened to me. Of course, in this case, you can reinstall the system, or you can correct some configuration file, but then you must first find a solution to your issue on the Internet. But how can we access this very Internet when most of the browsers we know work only in a graphical interface. This is where various console browsers come to our aid.

I won’t talk about all the browsers known to me for working in the console, I’ll do a review some other time. Now I want to describe only the console browser that I myself use, namely the browser w3m.

W3M is a browser for working in the Linux console. It has built-in many useful functions, displaying images on pages, displaying tables, using bookmarks, many different functions that are, in principle, unusual for a terminal.

Install the w3m console browser.

It's a bit of a shame, but nevertheless the browser w3m by default it is not included in distributions known to me, but you can easily install it from the repository. You can also install the w3m-img package, this will allow you to view images in your console browser. To install all these packages, type in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install w3m w3m-img

In console browser w3m There are quite a few command options, but they are not required. All we need to know is the address of the required website. Most often I only remember the address of the search engine page. Since I use the search engine more often Google, then I usually enter the address "". Open this page in a console browser w3m you can use this command:



Use the arrow keys to move around the page. You can also move from one link to another, in the sense of moving through the links from top to bottom, for this use the key Tab. every time you press a button Tab You move to the next link, first to the right along the line to the next link, then down the page to the link below.

If you need to enter some text in a special text field, such as a search query, you must press the " Enter". After pressing the " key Enter" the word will appear in the lower left corner TEXT:. Then you can enter your text and after you enter the required text, press Enter, then console browser w3m converts the text you enter into a command.


If you need to go to the previous page, use the combination Shift+B. Sometimes we need to open the address bar in order to enter some URL, for these purposes use the key combination Shift+U. You can also display all the key combinations that are available; to do this, display help on the screen; this can be done using the combination Shift+H.

Also console browser w3m can support working with bookmarks. In order to open a new bookmark, you need to use a key combination Shift+T. If you need to switch between created tabs, use the combination Shift+[ (Shift+square bracket), or Shift+], the direction in which the bracket is directed will determine which tab you will go to.


Of course, using a console browser is not at all as convenient as a normal browser, however, it is quite possible and in some cases the only option.

Compare browser functionality w3m and modern graphical browsers don’t make much sense, it doesn’t support JavaScript. True, you have the opportunity to install an extension for it w3m-js. But to be honest, I have not tried its capabilities and I do not know how correctly this add-on works.

Now I think you have some idea about working in a console browser w3m. If you want to know more about it, you can read the manual by entering the command man w3m. You can also search the Internet for a translation of this manual.

A server running on Linux OS does not have a graphical interface for a good system administrator, since all system resources must be directed in the right direction and it is not good to spend them on drawing all sorts of "windows".
In order to access the Internet on such a server, console browsers are needed. Such a tool can be the Links2 console browser, which, despite its “console” nature, can do a lot. The main advantage of the Links2 browser is that it can load images.

A little history

Peter Gervai developed a console browser Links, which later split into 3 independent distributions: ELinks, Links Hacked and Links2.
A distinctive feature of ELinks is the presence of a built-in Lua programming language. Links Hacked is an attempt to improve the ELinks browser. Links2 is a console browser, which will be discussed later.



Strengths of Links2:

  • Links2 is a console browser, so it works without any graphical shell.
  • The browser can download images.
  • Links2 can add a WEB page to bookmarks.
  • Built-in download manager.
  • Works correctly with sites using frame.
  • Links2 can process JavaScript code on a WEB page.
  • Work via proxy is supported.
  • It is possible to view the HTML code of the page.
  • There are versions for OS: Windows, Linux and Unix.
  • The history of visited sites is kept.
  • Compiling a "BAN" list of unnecessary images.

Weaknesses of Links2:

  • CSS is not supported. Websites are displayed as a continuous HTML stream.
  • Working with RSS is not supported.
  • Not a "tab" interface.
  • Interface language: Russian, English, etc.
  • License: GNU GPL ver.2
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