How to block apps on ipad. How to set a password for an application on iPhone. Password to launch a program or application

Many users would like to hide some files and photos

Although the standard iOS system does not have this function, it can be partially obtained using third-party functions. Let's look at setting a password for an application on an iPhone or iPad in several ways, each of which, by the way, is quite simple to implement.

How to put a password on a photo in iOS

This can be done through the “Notes” menu or using the “ ” function provided in the system.

So, you can use “Notes” in this way:

  • Go to iPad settings.
  • Select the “Notes” section.
  • Disable the line “Saving media in photos”.

Now go to the “Password” section and configure it - install or activate the Touch ID sensor.

Let's move on directly to the process of hiding the pictures themselves, for which we recommend that you do the following:

Now only you can see this note with the photo, and the previous actions with disabling “Saving media in photos” were necessary so that pictures taken in this way would not open in the gallery.

How to use Guided Access and what is it?

With this function, you can show someone an image from your tablet without fear that the user will start flipping through the album and looking at other pictures, since such an action will simply be blocked. This way you'll only show what you need and won't have to worry about the privacy of other photos.

To activate Guided Access on iOS, follow these steps:

  • Go to the iPad settings, select the “General” section.
  • Open the "Universal Access" item, where you will see a menu for managing the "Guided Access" feature - select it.
  • Enable the function and enter a password in the form of a code or fingerprint.
  • That's not all, as for full activation you need to press the Home key three times in a row.

Then go to the Photo menu and do the following there:

  • Open any photo and triple-click on Home.
  • The Guided Access window will appear, where you need to select the Settings tab.
  • Disable the Push feature.

Now you simply open the image to show it to another person, press the same Home key three times and calmly hand the iPad into their hands.

How to put a password on an application on iPad

Note that the usual utilities that are sold in the AppStore do not have the ability to access programs, so to install services that can put a code word on the iPhone, you need a jailbreak, and if you have it, you can use them.

So, how to set a password for an application on iPad? We recommend using iAppLock. It's free and available in Cydia.

Once you download and install it, follow these instructions to protect your iOS apps.

Using iPhone applications, it is possible to set a password for applications, files and folders stored on the internal memory of the iPhone.

It is impossible to restrict access to confidential information on iOS by attaching a separate lock to each application icon, which can be removed when you enter a password. And the main reason for this is the limitations imposed by the operating system.

Therefore, you will have to act in other ways - using special “safes” in which documents, photographs, correspondence or even individual videos are placed, and then hidden behind a password or Touch ID or Face ID verification. The method, although not the most organic or fastest, is working and time-tested.

App Block

A multifunctional file manager on iPhone that can hide information from prying eyes using local storage, information from which is not transferred anywhere and is not registered anywhere. To use App Block, just organize a new protected folder, and then go through the available sections and from each one select the files that you would like to hide. There are a lot of options - pictures and videos, passwords and bank card data, links and personal notes added to calendar events or notes.

Preparing the information, according to the developer, will take no more than 10 minutes, and then all that remains is to add a lock in the form of a password or fingerprint or face scanners. And that’s it – you no longer have to worry about losing confidential information (by the way, if someone tries to hack App Block using a brute force method, a notification with a photo of the sly guy will be sent to the attached email address).


The application is a classic safe, into which files are added, and then distributed to suitable directories and blocked either individually for each folder or en masse. Regardless of the choice, the developers offer to generate unusually strong passwords that are impossible to guess and remember, but can be removed using Touch ID or Face ID.

As a result, no one will get to the information (and not even the owner of the smartphone, if he tries everything). Additionally, Keeper offers to organize the available space and part with those files that are no longer needed after finishing sorting.

Password Manager Finger Print

The program is a newcomer to the genre, slowly but surely gaining an audience and positive reviews. The approach is classic - the developers from Estill Hill suggest adding content (information about cards, authorization on social networks, accounts, notes and records, some contacts, email messages and photos), and then thinking about blocking.

The advantages are clarity and advice waiting at every step. But advertising is the main enemy: sometimes you have to skip pop-up windows for hours, hoping to finally get to the result.

Kaspersky Password Manager

An assistant for iPhone, designed to set up automatic authorization when visiting sites, and hide files from prying eyes, and come up with tricky passwords for free during registration (those that cannot be repeated and remembered, and consisting of letters, numbers, and symbols 16 characters long).

The service is distributed free of charge and requires registration for synchronization and identification (otherwise no one will allow you to attach a fingerprint).


A safe on iPhone with a visual interface, a predictable procedure and special instructions from AgileBits developers that help you hide confidential information and understand data protection algorithms even without using safes. Interacting with the platform is easy, the only thing you have to regret is the endless advertising.

Mobile devices from the American company Apple are among the most reliable and functional gadgets that are used by their owners not only as means of communication and for multimedia purposes, but also for storing important information. That is why many owners of Apple devices are interested in the question of how to set a password for iPad applications or limit access to folders in its memory.

iPad app password

You can restrict access to a program in the iOS operating system in several ways:

  • by standard system setup (the option only works for pre-installed standard software);
  • using a third party application.

In order to password-protect an application on an iPad using the standard method, you need to go to the device settings, go to “General”, and then “Restrictions”. After this, you need to click on the “Enable restrictions” button and enter a four-digit password. Next, the system will prompt you to select from the list of installed programs those that will require you to enter the set password when running.

In order to set access restrictions to programs that were installed by the user of the device, you will need to use special software, among which are:

  • AppControl;
  • iAppLock;
  • Lockdown.

All these programs can be downloaded from the Cydia Store. It is worth considering that their use requires preliminary installation. Such programs can not only set a password for iOS applications, but also have certain additional functionality: they set a password for opening folders and individual files, rename program icons, configure various system parameters (for example, volume and brightness), and so on. These applications are completely free and very easy to use.

Video instructions for protecting folders and applications on iPad and iPhone:

Now you know how to password-protect an application on your iPad, and you can do it at any time you need.

Every year there are more and more happy iPhone owners in Russia. In this regard, in an effort to protect their personal data from prying eyes, users of Apple products are wondering how to put a password on an application or password-protect a folder with photos on an iPhone.

Password for programs

There are several ways to set a password for an application installed on your phone on an iPhone. But the device provided is not very convenient to use. One of its few advantages is that there is no need to install additional software, allowing you to save more free space.

To set a password in the standard way, you need to go to the “Settings” menu, where you should select “General” and “Restrictions”. In the window that opens, the "Enable restrictions" button will be active by default - after clicking it, you will be asked to enter a 4-digit code. This password will be requested each time you launch the selected applications. To determine the list of programs that will be protected, you need to scroll below and check the required ones from the proposed list. It is worth noting that in addition to opening programs, you can also password-protect the installation or removal of applications on the device.

Alternative methods

A more convenient method to use is the installation of special applications. How to set a password for an application on an iPhone depends on the selected security program. However, most of them have the same operating principle and setup. As an example, it’s worth figuring out how to set a password on one of the most popular applications - iAppLock, which is freely available in the App Store.

To install a security code, you need to launch the defender program and select the type of protection and required applications in the settings. One of the advantages of using additional software is the ability to select the type of protection: graphic code, digital PIN or regular password.

Folder password

By studying how to put a password on a folder, you can see that it is also possible to use both standard iPhone tools and install special programs. By default, you can password protect any folder in the same way as applications. In the "Restrictions" section, at the bottom of the list of applications proposed for setting a password, you must select the appropriate folder.

It is worth noting that this case will protect access to files in the folder only when logging in through a standard file manager. Any other application trying to access private files will be able to do so without calling the PIN code entry field.

Blocking analogs

As with applications, there are several dozen different programs for setting passwords on folders. Each of them allows you to block free access to files inside a directory in a certain way. One of the most common means of blocking is Folder Lock, which can be downloaded for free on the App Store.

After installation of the application is complete, a corresponding item will appear in the Settings menu, where you can select folders and protection type. The program also allows you to password protect a number of other iPhone elements, including Settings, contact list and camera.

Other methods of protection

However, to protect your personal data, you don’t need to know how to put a password on an application or folder on an iPhone. If you simply want to block access to certain files or programs for strangers, you can hide them from the main menu or file manager. Thus, you don’t have to worry about forgetting your password or pattern to access data at a crucial moment. To open hidden folders or applications, just return them to the menu. For greater convenience, there are special programs that allow you to do this in a few clicks, but their use will increase the likelihood that the data will be detected.

Are you concerned about your privacy and would like to secure certain applications on your iOS device? Don't worry! There are many ways to have an iPhone lock app and protect your privacy. You can follow the same exercise to limit the use of certain apps for your children, as well as taking the help of the iPhone app lock feature. The lock app for iPhone and iPad option can be used quite easily. There are many native and third party solutions out there that you can use. In this post, we will make you familiar with four different methods on how to block apps on iPhone and iPad.

Part 1: How to Block Apps on iPhone Using Restrictions?

By taking the help of Apple's native feature restrictions, you can lock your iPhone app without any hassle. This way you can set a passcode that must be agreed upon before accessing any application. This iPhone lock app is also a great way to restrict children from accessing certain apps or making purchases. To learn how to block apps on your iPhone or iPad using restrictions, follow these steps:

1. Unlock your device and go to its Settings > General > Restrictions menu.

2. Enable the enable feature and set up a passcode to restrict apps. For added security, you can set a passcode, which is not like a screen lock.

3. Now you can set up iPhone app lock using restrictions. Simply go to General > Restrictions and enable this feature for any app of your choice.

4. If you want, then you can also disable this feature for any application using the same method.

Part 2: Lock an App on iPhone Using Guided Access

Apart from feature restrictions, you can also take the help of Guided Access to block a specific application on your device. It was originally introduced in iOS 6 and can be used to restrict a device temporarily using a single app. It is mainly used by parents who would like to limit their children to use one application when lending their device. Teachers and people with special needs also use Guided Access quite often. To learn how to block apps on iPhone using Guided Access, follow these steps:

1. To get started, go to Settings> General> Accessibility of your device and click on the “Guided Access” button.

2. Enable Guided Access and click on the PassCode Settings button.

3. After selecting the "Set Guided Access Passcode" option, you can set a password to use as an iPhone app lock.

4. Now, simply launch the application you want to restrict and press the home button three times. This will launch Guided Access mode.

5. Your phone will now be limited to this application. You can further restrict the use of certain features of the application as well.

6. To exit Guided Access mode, press on the main screen three times and provide the appropriate access code.

Part 3: How to Lock Apps on iPhone and iPad Using App Locker?

Apart from the native iPhone app lock solutions, you can also take help from a third party tool. Although most of these apps only support a jailbroken device. Therefore, if you want to use a special app lock for iPhone, then you need to jailbreak. It goes without saying that getting your devices jailbroken has its own benefits and drawbacks. If you don't want to jailbreak, then you can simply take the help of the above-mentioned solutions.

Although, if you have a jailbroken device and would like an iPhone lock app, then you can also use AppLocker. It is available in the Cydia repository and can be purchased for just $0.99. It can be installed on jailbroken devices to provide an extra layer of security. Not only an app, it can also be used to lock certain settings, folders, accessibility and many more. To learn how to lock apps on iPhone using AppLocker, follow these steps:

1. Firstly, get AppLocker on your device from It currently runs on iOS 6 to 10 versions.

2. After installing the tweak, you can go to Settings > AppLocker to access it.

3. To access this feature, make sure you have it "Enabled" (by turning it to).

4. This will allow you to set a password to lock apps and customize your selection.

5. To have an iPhone lock app, visit the "Application Lock" feature on your device.

6. Here you can enable (or disable) the locking feature for the apps of your choice.

This will allow you to lock iPhone app without any problem. You can also go to "Reset Password Phrase" to change your password.

Part 4: How to block apps on iPhone and iPad using BioProtect?

Just like AppLocker, Bioprotect is another third party tool that only works on jailbroken devices. You can also download from Cydia's repository. Apart from apps, you can also use Bioprotect to lock settings, SIM function, folders and more. This is linked to the device's Touch ID and scans the user's fingerprint in order to grant (or deny) access to any application. The application only works on iPhone 5s and later devices with Touch ID. Although, you can also set a password as well if your Touch ID is not working. To use Bioprotect app lock for iPhone, follow these steps:

1. Firstly, get the Bioprotect iPhone lock app on your device from the right

2. To access the panel in Tweak, you must provide fingerprint access.

3. Place your finger on your Touch ID and match its print.

4. This will allow you to access the Bioprotect app settings.

5. Firstly, turn on the application by turning the corresponding function.

6. In the "Protected Applications" section, you can see a list of all the main applications.

7. Simply enable (or disable) the feature in the app you want to block.

8. You can also go to the "Touch ID" function to further calibrate the application.

9. Once the lock is installed, you will be prompted to authenticate using your fingerprint to access the protected application.

By following this solution, you could learn how to lock apps on iPhone without much hassle. We have provided both third party as well as native solutions for iPhone lock app in safe mode. You can go with the preferred option and provide an extra layer of security on your device in order to keep it safe.

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