Download a professional free Russian calculator to your computer. Engineering calculator Download calculator without registering to a computer

A program for complex mathematical calculations using brackets, constants, various functions and formulas. It is easy to install, takes up little disk space, and is not demanding on system resources. Data can be entered both from the keyboard and in the program window.

Today, most engineering problems are solved in the information environment of modern electronic devices. You can perform simple mathematical operations on your smartphone or phone. To compile complex algorithms, solve problems of programming or economics, you will need powerful computers. The efficiency of the software is not the last.

Download Engineering calculator for free

Download Engineering Calculator (0.2 MB)

An engineering calculator for a computer is designed for complex engineering tasks. With it, you can solve linear and nonlinear equations, work with trigonometric functions, roots, logarithms. The Windows Engineering Calculator allows you to calculate angles, interpolate and differentiate functions, use memory cells, and perform statistical calculations. You can copy a problem to solve from other applications. The laconic design of the calculator is designed to make it easier and easier to work with it. A person's attention should be focused only on solving specific problems.

The free engineering calculator program has a user-friendly interface and wide functionality, thanks to which it is popular in various fields. With its help, you can successfully solve complex problems in production, private business, education and public administration. Many professionals have already managed to download the engineering calculator and appreciate all its advantages.

A convenient free program that contains the functions necessary for engineering calculations.

Description of the work of the Engineering Calculator

The main advantage of the program is the ability to work with mathematical, geometric and specific formulas in physics and chemistry. An expression using variables, constants, functions, operation signs and brackets is entered into a special line from the PC keyboard or using the toolbar.

The program offers a clear interface in Russian. The toolbar buttons are provided with contextual hints. The calculator saves a lot of time for engineers, teachers and students. Works on Windows 10, 7, Vista, XP.

Program features

The Engineering Calculator has an extended set of options for performing calculations on a computer and allows you to:

  • Perform basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, as well as raising to a power, extracting roots, logarithms, integrals, trigonometric functions and others.
  • Solve linear systems of equations.
  • Work with angles in degrees and radials.
  • Enter numbers in standard form.
  • Use units of measure in calculations.
  • Use a set of physical constants and units of measurement or create them yourself.
  • Perform statistical calculations: average, arithmetic mean, root mean square value.
  • Solve systems of equations.
  • Graphic display of functions.
  • Solve differential equations, calculate integrals.
  • Perform calculations on graphs: the shortest distances, the smallest weight, and others.
  • Generate calculation history.
  • Use memory cells.
  • Customize the interface and user functions.

The program is able to replace many narrowly focused applications. You can download the Engineering Calculator on our website for free, without registration and SMS.

The calculator for Windows offers accurate calculations and also has an optimized interface. It currently combines basic standard calculations with programming, scientific calculation and statistics. A little further, users can download the calculator for free on the desktop for Windows 7 / 8 / 10 and start using it. In addition, there are other features that are very useful: things like function calculation, a multifunctional converter, and others.

The calculator has 4 main modes with which you can make calculations, as well as additional variations that may come in handy someday.

Standard view. The first time you open the calculator, the standard mode will be selected by default. This mode is the best equivalent of a normal pocket calculator. You can use the numeric values ​​from the keyboard, (using the Num hotkey) or the mouse to make calculations.

Engineering mode. This option offers great opportunities for a person who is engaged in mathematical or other scientific calculations.

Programming. This mode makes it possible to perform operations with number systems (binary, octal, hexadecimal, decimal). You can convert values ​​from one system to another. For example, you can convert values ​​from a base two number system (0, 1) to a decimal number system (0-9). In addition, this mode offers help with logical bit operations (XOR, OR, AND, etc.).

Statistics. In this mode, there are options to assist in operations related to statistics. While it doesn't have as many features as the other modes, they are more than welcome. You can use functions such as sum of numbers, sum of squares of numbers, etc.

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The best way not to repeat the mistake is to develop a rule that will allow you to remember the very mistake that you stepped on.

How I went into a plus, but went into a minus

Without any explanation, the paragraph heading is an example of mutually exclusive paragraphs. So I'll clarify: one of the projects where I invested paid all the interest and the body of the contribution. But because of the cryptocurrency rates, I ended up losing more than I won.

We are talking about Der Global - at the time of writing, quite a paying and working project that has not yet gone into a scam. In mid-December, I selected it among the most promising, and decided to invest free ether there, which I had hanging around idle on my wallet. This project converts all investments into USD - I did not pay due attention to this factor then. As it turned out, in vain.

I invested $500 worth of ether, deposit for 20 days, with accrual of 2.1% per day. Interest payments daily, payment of the body of the deposit at the end of the deposit term. Everything went smoothly, and I got my $709.5 at the end - the project paid everything to the penny, also in ETH.

Only in these 20 days, the ETH rate has almost doubled, so my initial investment in crypto, if I had just left it lying, would have been pulled not by $500, but by $900.

Conclusion 1: you need to carefully study all the conditions of investment

When evaluating a project, pay attention to these little things. Often the answer to the question “will I have time to withdraw money from the project before the scam?” overshadows everything else. The scam of the project is far from the only one risk. Eat unforeseen risks, such that it is impossible to predict, because such things simply never happened. And there are risks unforeseen- those that we overlooked, although we could take them into account.

Conclusion 2: you need to look at the bigger picture, assess the situation as a whole

What currency will you invest? What payment system do you use? Where will you withdraw funds? What are the forecasts for the exchange rates of the invested currency? Answers to all these questions can be found, which means that they need to be found, and these risks must be taken into account. From the black swan - unforeseen risk - we cannot defend ourselves. But from inattention and a narrow view - completely.

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