The easiest character in Dota 2. Top best Dota heroes. Phantom Assassin - is he so strong

What are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners? Choosing the right one or the right combination of them for your team can often be the difference between winning and losing.

Want to start with the absolute basics? Here is how to play Dota 2.

All heroes can play a very specific role and some of them can play in multiple roles, sometimes in the same game, and it's important to understand what these roles are and how they interact with each other. But it's also important to understand that the role of a hero should inform how you play and the items you buy.

Dota 2 roles


The core of the team causing damage often suffers as the most important and generally difficult role.


Support's role is to help and protect the late game in the early game, as well as ensure that the team has enough vision on the map to move around safely without fear of taking damage.


A hero who accumulates gold in the forest on neutral crepes and comes out dressed, or when the situation requires it.


Each team must have at least one lane that is occupied by one hero. If the team has a jungler, then they will most likely have two heroes going solo. Because of this, it is difficult to talk about it as a single role, which is why it was divided into two subgroups.

Solo Mid hero takes center lane. Because the space between the opposing mid towers is quite short, these heroes don't have to worry too much about avoiding any ganks and often focus on farming and finishing off both friendly and enemy crepes.

Solo-Hard characters tend to be the most difficult and frustrating heroes to play. Heroes in a given lane usually have a lot of speed, and their early game abilities tend to be escape mechanisms like fast sprints, invulnerability, or the ability to teleport short distances.

All Dota 2 heroes

Each time your hero gains a level, you will be allowed to choose an ability or "hero talent" to level up. Knowing what these abilities do and which ones are most useful can be the key to a good early game. There are three attributes in Dota 2: Strength, Agility and Intelligence. Each one controls certain aspects of your hero, such as HP (strength), mana (intelligence), and attack speed (agility). However, a hero's damage output is determined by their "primary attribute", which differs between heroes. If given a choice, this is the attribute you should focus on boosting. This is usually achieved through the purchase of items, but which items should you be buying? What abilities should you choose?

It's often easy to start by picking a support hero, and indeed, if this is your first game, we heartily recommend that you try the support first. The reason for this is that it can be difficult to acquire gold in Dota 2 and support doesn't rely on a lot of gold to be useful. You can also get a feel for the game by helping other, perhaps more experienced players. It is not possible to try farming the jungle until you are more experienced in the game. Jungle can be very difficult as there are no friendly creeps or towers to protect you and you often find yourself being chased and killed by hidden enemy heroes.

Dota 2 Solo / Carry heroes


Sniper balance changes

Role: Solo / Carry (Ranged)
Primary Attribute: Agility

sniper shrapnel

Fires a ball of shards that granulates the target area. Enemy enemies take damage and are slowed down.

Use shrapnel to farm or to prevent enemies from walking into the area. This ability is often taken first, as it's useful when you can't get close to your main attack.


Sniper HeadshotSniper increases his accuracy, giving him a fighting chance
additional damage and briefly stop the movements of your enemies.

This is a passive ability that gives you a 40% chance to instantly stun an enemy. Obviously the faster you attack,
the more useful this ability becomes.

sniper target

Increases the attack range of the sniper rifle.

The more levels you use in this passive ability, the longer it will become the main attack of the sniper. At level 2, this will allow you to go beyond enemy towers.


The sniper aims at an enemy unit and fires a devastating shot after 2 seconds.

This ability has a low cooldown and a huge range. Use it to take out fleeing enemies or lend a hand in battle when you're too far away with your main attack.

Suggested items:

Power Threads

Switch the crutch to green to increase your speed and your agility.


Allows you to become invisible. This is great for avoiding a fight or sneaking up on an enemy. It also increases your attack damage and attack speed.

dragon lance

Increases your attack distance, allowing you to stand far from any danger while destroying the health of your enemies.


This item is great for pushing a lane, as it gives your attacks a chance to create a chain of lightning that bounces off other nearby enemies. It also increases attack level and attack speed.


Role: Carry (melee)
Primary Attribute: Strength

Storm Hammer

Throws a magical hammer that deals damage and stuns enemy units.

Use this ability to start the fight by stunning your most dangerous enemy. It can also be used to help you escape if you start to lose the battle.

Great Cleave

Reduces hits with great force, shattering all nearby enemy units with his attack.

Cleave causes your attacks to affect other enemies. This is great for pushing lanes or farming in the jungle, as well as damaging the entire team during large scale fights.


Sven's Warcry charms his allies in battle, increasing their movement speed and armor.

By activating this before every fight, you ensure that both you and your team have a huge defensive advantage for the first eight seconds.

God's Strength

Sven channels his rogue power, taking bonus damage over 25 seconds.

At full level, this ability adds a temporary 200% to damage. This means that you can easily kill an enemy in two or three hits.

Focus on leveling up your Storm Hammer and Warcry during the early game so you can easily fend off players who are trying to rip off your farm. Once you have a few items, it's time to start mocking the enemy's weaker heroes. Throw your storm hammer at them and then activate God's Strength to tear them to shreds.

Suggested items:

Power Threads

Switch to red for more power.

Black King Bar

BKB increases your strength and damage, but activating it will make you immune to many magical attacks and disable them. This item is usually purchased first.

Mask of Madness

This item grants you 15% lifesteal, allowing you to regenerate health on hit. It can also be activated to increase attack speed.

Blink Dagger

When activated, Blink Dagger allows you to teleport a short distance. This allows you to surprise enemies by following him with your storm hammer.

Heart of Tarrasque

Tarasque is a massive health boost, a massive damage boost.

Dota 2 support heroes

Ogre Magi

Role: support (melee)
Primary Attribute: Intelligence


The fire damage and stun from Fireblast is a great way to start a fight or stop a threat in your path. Use it to help you win fights.

It really slows down the enemy. Use it to stop them from escaping or stalk them during the early game.


If you have enough mana, you should do it whenever possible. The attack boost and movement speed it gives will make your comrades hit much faster as well as run.


Fully upgraded, gives you a chance to use each of your abilities four times. This means that if you're lucky, you can kill an enemy with a single Fireblast.

Unrefined Fireblast

This can only be obtained by purchasing Aghanim's Scepter. It works like a standard Fireblast, but costs 60% of your remaining mana, so use it last.

Suggested items:

Arcane Boots

Dota 2 Arcane BootsActivate Arcane Boots to increase mana for your allies and yourself. You will need them because your spells cost a lot of mana.

This will increase the HP of all allies in range when activated.

Aghanim's Scepter

Huge attribute boost, this item will give you brand new abilities in the form of Unrefined Fireblast. This artifact is considered a key item in Ogre Magi because you now have two stuns that deal massive damage.

Force Staff

Force Staff increases your intelligence and health regeneration. But when you use it, you can push an ally, an enemy, or yourself in the direction they are currently facing. Use it to help catch a fleeing enemy or assist a fleeing ally.

Scythe of Vyse

This item can be placed on an enemy to transform them into a harmless Sheep or Pig within 3.5 seconds. It also grants greater attributes and increased mana regeneration.

Crystal Maiden

Role: support (range)
Primary Attribute: Intelligence

Crystal Nova

While quite weak, it can be useful for eliminating enemies or slowing them down. Try to hit as many of them as possible to make the most of it.


Comparatively, it deals more damage than Crystal Nova and keeps the enemy in place. It can also be used to farm in the jungle.

Arcane Aura

This is so useful, especially in the early game when most heroes are fighting for mana. This also means your team won't have to purchase mana regen items.

Freezing Field

The sheer range and length of this ability can be enough to kill an entire enemy team. Moving, or anything at all, during the cast will cancel it, so position yourself where the enemy can't stun you.

Suggested items:

Tranquil Boots

We have mana regen covered by your Arcane Aura and buying Tranquil Boots will take care of health.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity

Eul's Intelligence buff will increase your mana pool and some extra movement speed.

Glimmer Cape

Dota 2 Glimmer CapeThis item turns you invisible and can be used while you are frozen. If you keep getting kills while casting Freezing Field, this might be a cheap fix.

Black King Bar

Likewise, BKB will stop enemies from being able to stun you while casting the ult.

Your Rookie Choice

This is your fate. If you're really new, it's probably best for you to figure out which hero you want to try and then play a few against bots. When you finally decide to play with other people, remember that your choice must interact with your team. For example, if the team already has four carries, choose support. Similarly, don't fill your team with weak supports and get recognized in every teamfight. But most importantly, don't forget to have fun, be friendly and cooperate with your teammates. Focus on expanding your hero repertoire and you'll find that Dota 2 becomes incredibly compelling when you can competently play over a hundred different heroes. You will be ready. Good luck!

A selection of popular heroes from Dota2

This top contains the best heroes of the game in various categories. Each of the characters presented here is not the ultimate weapon of victory.

The most popular hero in the professional scene

In this category, by the number of peaks, the absolute winner is Gyrocopter. Over the past month, the teams have played 58 matches with him. Gyro is back in the meta. Here is a short list of its benefits:

  • one of the strongest magic procasts at low levels;
  • there is a massive slowdown with a short cooldown and a stun;
  • excellent increase in basic characteristics;
  • high farming speed;
  • excellent movement speed even without artifacts.

There are also disadvantages:

  • low health;
  • low firing range;
  • inability to escape;
  • small amount of mana.

In public, he is taken far from so often. The hero requires good teamwork. For example, if things didn't go well at first, then stacks of creeps can save the day. In addition, in the early stage of the game, he is easy to pick up with nukes, so it will not be difficult to kick him out with a strong double.

The most popular hero in the ranking

Picked most often in the last month ShadowFiend. In this meta, he's great. Due to changes in the talent tree and the rework of Shadow Raze, he has become an extremely strong midlaner. Previously, heroes like Queen of Pain could grind him in the lane without any problems. But now, from the fifth level, SF can respond to any aggression with two coils that cause monstrous damage.

His popularity completely removed Ember Spirit, Dragon Knight, Phantom Assassin and other heroes with a melee type of attack from the mid meta. The thing is that the correct splitting does a lot of damage. Melee heroes can't stand far from creeps and are forced to get close, exposing themselves to a nearby coil.


  • magnificent magical procast;
  • huge damage from the hand;
  • the talent tree is one of the best in the game;
  • huge farming speed due to Shadow Raze, allows you to return to the game through farming the jungle;
  • the coolest arcana.


  • small stock of health;
  • very vulnerable to a minimum set of artifacts;
  • damage from the hand at the first level is catastrophically low, it is extremely difficult to gain the first few souls;
  • lack of control, there is only a slight slowdown from the ultimate, so you need a team or artifacts to kill;
  • long to gain souls after death.

    Most popular hero of all time

    Securely entrenched in the top Pudge, he was always ahead of his competitors by a good hundred million matches. His winning percentage has always remained positive. Every doter knows how strong he can be in experienced hands. Unfortunately, in the wrong hands, Pudge becomes almost useless. On the professional stage, this hero appears extremely rarely. But without him, the first final of The International would not have been so colorful.

    In the current meta, he is a strong character and a great roamer. Despite the fact that this role in the game is trying in every possible way to strangle, he feels not bad. The new Tome of Knowledge, which now gives not 500 experience, but 700, helps to stay afloat. As a midlaner or hardlaner, he has not been played for a long time. It is unlikely that anyone at a high rating would want to see such a mid player in the peak. Now the role of the mid lane player has changed a lot.


  • a very strong magical procast allows you to take 1 on 1 almost any enemy;
  • Meat Hook - a unique ability that allows you to break the enemy's formation and change the course of the game;
  • the presence of a good slowdown and a stun that goes through magical invulnerability;
  • the ability to get stuck from the first level in the game;
  • accumulating strength for killing;
  • forces the enemy to buy a lot of wards and constantly be on the lookout.
  • Flaws:

  • low armor, physical damage goes like a knife through butter;
  • from a recent patch, low native movement speed;
  • really need a level and participation in the killings;
  • takes damage from his Rot ability.

    Hero with the highest win rate of all time

    Despite the huge number of nerfs and fixes, Omniknight securely entrenched in first place in winrate for the entire existence of the game. He has a 57.66% win rate, almost a whole percentage ahead of Abadon, who has 56.9%.

    Previously, Omnik was lying around in the peak as a support of the fourth position, less often - the fifth one. Now he calmly becomes hard, goes to the mid or safe lane. It was tried out only now, when the opportunity to counter Repel was gone. All of his abilities are very strong and cause quite a few inconveniences to the enemy in a fight. It can make any hero virtually invulnerable to damage.


    Individually, these heroes often show high results. But don't forget that Dota is a team game and the days when you could win solo are gone.

90% of Dota 2 players are dependent on their MMR in some way. Every game we are ready to sweat, tear our shirts and run for clean towels to end up with +25 at the end of the game. And since the winnings are 30-50% dependent on the pick, choosing the best hero to raise MMR is always relevant. Therefore, we want to give you some tips on how to play better and who is better to pick in order to win more often, faster and more confidently.


If you want to solo MMR, you may find the following tips helpful:

  • Don't rely too much on the team. Don't be negative about her, but don't expect anything supernatural from them. If they play well - great, if they play poorly - it's okay, because we didn't hope for anything.
  • Take heroes that are weakly dependent on the team, can kill and win in solo.
  • It follows from the previous paragraph that the best role to raise MMR would be mid or hard carry. This is confirmed by the high rating of Miracle and w33, which ABOUT Most of the games were played on the mid lane and its corresponding heroes.
  • Don't ruin your team's game. If you are determined to go mid before you start looking for a game, try to communicate this to your teammates in a friendly way. If someone has already picked a hero to mid and doesn't want to give it up to you, don't ruin it and adjust to the pick. This will give you a much better chance of winning.
  • Don't flame and be patient. If someone made a mistake, died at the most inopportune moment, took a rune from under your nose, etc. this is not always a sign of a bad skill. Perhaps the player simply did not notice you, and decided to take the rune before the enemy hero takes it; and he could die because he was distracted or played too much.
  • If your team feeds and everything goes wrong, keep sticking to your line. Do not give up ahead of time, because there are often cases when a team could comeback, it seemed from a lost game for sure. Play to the end to win.
  • Properly assess the situation on the map. Don't get influenced and don't gank mid when you don't think you should. The same applies to participation in any fight. Play the way you think is right, but don't forget to tell your team not to get involved in a fight, move under the tower or to the base while you pull the enemies on yourself with a competent split-push, instead of a deliberately unsuccessful teamfight.

We hope these tips help you. Now let's move on to the characters.


To raise the MMR, meta heroes that can snowball, have some kind of game plan and the ability to be independent of their team are best suited. In patch 6.85, the following heroes can be distinguished:


Slark has always been a great hero for solo play, he could find his place in almost every patch, and often pops up in professional picks here and there.


  • Useful at all stages of the game. Already from the first levels with one support, he can kill the enemy midlaner or hardliner.
  • Good procast and high damage from hand.
  • Mobile. Due to the passive from the ultimate, she can move around the map very quickly.
  • "Shines" the wards of the enemy team or determines the Invisers at hand due to the same passive.
  • "Cheater" ultimate, can kill the enemy under the towers and get out of the water dry.
  • Can go mid or safe lane.
  • Small cooldowns on spells except for ultimate.


  • Mana dependent.
  • Pounce can be blocked by the hero, preventing Slark from escaping.
  • Flimsy without an ultimate and artifacts on HP.
  • Counters with silence.
  • Up to lvl 6 may have problems with harassment in the lane.
  • A melee player, so in the mid lane he may not feel very comfortable against a number of heroes.



  • Mobile.
  • High damage nuke (Powershot and 360 damage at level 4).
  • Long stun (3.75 seconds at lvl 4).
  • Escape and complete invulnerability to physical attacks for 3-6 seconds. Helps to get under towers or run away from ganks.
  • High DPS with Aghanim+Maelstrom or Aghanim+Crits.


  • Silenced, MKB.
  • Dependent on mana.
  • The bundle is situational, and in a teamfight it can be of little use if there are no trees nearby and the enemy heroes are not substituted.


Spectra is not suitable for the role of a midlaner, so this option is more suitable for fans of hard carry. After patch 6.85, her third spell was corrected, which now correctly dispels incoming damage.


  • Very, very strong in the late game. Hard to kill without getting hit in the face by the whole team.
  • Mobile. Can farm one lane and fly into a teamfight on the other through an ultimate.
  • High single target damage, the second skill requires the purchase of Manta Style, as the illusions deal over 9000 damage.
  • There is an escape.


  • Depends on the farm. You need at least 3-4 slots.
  • Very weak at the beginning. Almost nothing can counter the enemy hardliner in his lane.


Zombies are very strong in patch 6.85. If you can't go to the safe or mid lane, you can pick zombies and run hard solo or paired with another hero focused on early aggression.


  • Very, very useful early and mid game. Provides a win in almost all early fights and pushes.
  • High kill potential in lane.
  • Prevents the enemy carry from farming.


  • Mana dependent.
  • The potential fades with the approach of late.
  • You need a partner to kill.


The most microcontrol-demanding hero. Notale's favorite and w33. It can be very, very much, but it also requires a lot.


  • Strong procast and at the same time high damage from the hand closer to the middle-end of the game - read how "kills heroes, breaks towers, barracks, throne."
  • Very mobile. With a couple of mipareys and travels, he can farm the entire map.
  • Can go to mid and easy.
  • With the right skill, he can do crazy things.


  • You need a VERY high level of micromanagement. "Casuals by!".
  • Cannot avoid enemy team procasting by purchasing BKB - does not activate on clones.
  • Demanding to level early on, so should go solo or with very rare supports.

Templar Assassin


  • A very strong hero both at the laning stage and throughout the game.
  • Main: terrible damage
  • Variable, interesting and fascinating character.


In fact, there are more obvious pluses than minuses. But still:

  • Requires practice
  • Lack of farm - becomes a very big problem if the lane is lost
  • Has several direct counters
  • Although it’s not so difficult to play, players who are well versed in their role are capable of revealing the full or close potential of the hero

Leave comments, suggest your heroes. Thank you for your attention

What is the strongest hero in Dota 2?

There are enough heroes in the game, more than a hundred (), so which of the heroes is more powerful? You can talk a lot about the fact that DotA is a team game, here you need a specific team of five heroes, who will hide the disadvantages of their partner hero with their pluses.

Heroes are divided into three categories: strength, dexterity, intelligence. Logically, the representatives of the force should be the same as their element. Well, everything is more or less clear and logical here, but there are also such heroes as carry, support, pusher. You can immediately discard the hero of such a path as support. At the level 25 stage, and we are considering only 25 levels with an ideal inventory for the hero, Pusher is noticeably inferior to Carry heroes, players of this element are tower destroyers, and carry are the top killers of their team. Let's choose a few players of this type: we offer 3 heroes for comparison: Sven, Ursa and Phantom Assassin.

Sven is the strongest hero in dota?

Sven - this hero is very good in the later stages, which is what we are looking at, the top inventory will consist of: Satanic, Vladimir's, Heart of Tarrasque, Phase Boots, Black King Bar. In a normal game, this is unlikely to happen, but still we are looking at ideal hands, such a hero is difficult to pick up, but possible!

Strong points are very obvious, there is lifesteal and a lot of health regeneration, a huge amount of health.

The only downside is that the conditional truck does not have as much damage as it could, but the ultra sven eliminates this drawback!

Ursa is one of the strongest Dota 2 characters

Ursa can have a similar inventory, here a noticeable plus is that the ult adds armor and very decently, Sven also has a skill that adds armor. The heroes are quite equal, but Ursa has a fast attack due to his skill. Both have stuns, but it’s more convenient to destroy several heroes at once with a sven.

Phantom Assassin - is he really that strong?

Phantom is quite possible to play with the same inventory, but there is a plus of surprise: she can break in and catch up with any hero due to her second skill. There is a high chance of a crit, dealing about five thousand damage!

On the final chords

Troll Warlord is the strongest DotA 2 character

Definitely, there is no strong hero, in every situation there is a hero! We do not consider a single hero that, according to a large number of users, is generally out of competition for other heroes: this is Troll Warlord! The hero has obvious advantages of his skills, high damage and high-speed attack.

Good luck to you and pick a hero who will be of great benefit to the team, you may not be the best Carry, but there are very few good supports in the Russian and Western European regions!

Greetings. We present to your attention the article: "The best Dota 2 heroes for beginners". This list will present the simplest Dota 2 heroes for beginners.

  1. Viper

Viper is very simple, but a very strong hero. He is mainly a midlaner, but it is quite possible to take him to the farm. His first skill is to rot the enemy on the lane. Using second skill, you spread a puddle on the ground that lowers the enemy's magic resistance, disables their passives, and deals damage over time. A great ability both in the laning stage and in the late game, when the passives of many heroes play an important role in fights. Third skill will damage and slow down opponents who will beat the viper, and the viper himself will add resistance to magic. His ult greatly slows down the enemy. During this time, the viper will have time to deal enough damage to kill the enemy. For beginners, I highly recommend!

Ursa can be taken both as a carry and as a mid laner. His first skill Deals minor damage and slows the opponent. His second skill increases the attack speed of the ursa, to a maximum for several hits. His passive, namely the third skill, with each hit will increase damage to the enemy. It goes well with our second skill. His ult Reduces all damage that goes into ursu by 80%. Ursa can pick up Roshan in solo. He will die pretty quickly under our passive. The problem with ursa is that it is rather slow. But if you buy phases, and then blink, then this problem is solved. A great hero with simple abilities. You can try, and we move on to the next hero.

  1. Abaddon

The third hero is Abaddon. He is a hardliner, and it is worth picking him there. His first skill is a projectile that travels at a speed of 1600. It can be used to heal allies or damage an enemy. Also, the abadon loses its part of hp and can make a suicide, that in some moments you will not give the enemy gold and experience. Second skill a shield that absorbs damage and then disappears, dealing damage nearby. Can be used on yourself and on allies too. Third skill Abaddon, this slows down the enemy with each hit and increases the attack speed of allies. And his ult will work automatically when your health is less than 400. But you can also press it yourself. It will absorb the enemy's damage and turn it into life, restoring Abaddon's HP. The hero is also good, but more commanding.

These were easy heroes in Dota 2 for beginners. Hope you find your hero. And if not, then wait for the next part, in which I will talk about 3 more heroes for beginners. Good luck to all!

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