I opened a dispute on PayPal, what should I do? Why paypal is better when paying for purchases online. Free Returns & Buyer Protection Seller Protection Program

How to buy online and not think about problems with returns and other nonsense. Today I'm sharing another useful advice for those who love online shopping and also for those who are afraid to approach it because of possible problems, such as an unhappy order, a return charge, or the risk that the order will not arrive at all or arrive damaged. It turns out that all these risks are taken by the Paypal payment system. I confess that I have been using it for several years, but I only recently learned about such a profit.

Payment via Paypal is accepted in large stores such as Farfetch, YOOX, on a site with many designers Etsy and in a huge number of other large and small online stores. For example, Uye Surana.

Everything is quite simple, you can quickly connect a card of any bank that you have to Paypal. For this you need a card and the Internet.

When buying lingerie online, the risks that I wrote about earlier are much higher than when buying clothes. A bra, for example, is one of the most complex pieces of clothing in terms of design. It must fit perfectly to do its job. And when buying online, we do not have the opportunity to try it on. So the return story is very relevant. Before buying, check if the store of your choice has the possibility of returning underwear!

So, if you paid for the purchase through Paypal.


You can send the order back if you just don't like the item. AND Paypal will refund you the cost of shipping the order to the seller;

"The service is valid for purchases worldwide when sending goods by any delivery services. * Return costs are covered within 1500 rubles." PayPal

As a rule, if the thing is not defective, or if you just didn’t receive something that you didn’t order, then the return of the things back is carried out at your expense. For example, you did not like the color, style or size did not fit.


The second possible situation. You placed an order on the site and the store sent the order without a tracking number. The message has disappeared. In this case, Paypal again takes the side of the buyer. If you could not agree with the seller, then open a dispute, then a claim that Paypal considers.

"We will review the claim, and if the decision is in your favor, we will refund the full cost of your purchase, including shipping costs." posted on Paypal website


If the goods are damaged or do not match the description, almost the same scheme for resolving the issue as in paragraph 2.

. Over time, conditions may change.

If you have already used Paypal refund compensation, share your experience in the comments.


Paypal's internal currency conversion rate is, to put it mildly, not the most profitable.

That is, if you, for example, buy underwear from one of the English brands in GBP (£) currency.

Example: At its own rate, Paypal calculated for me a purchase of 90.50 GBP for about 8155.69 rubles. Then I switched to the service payment form so that the conversion takes place at the rate of the bank card linked to the account. It turned out 7587.27 rubles.

Paypal exchange rate conversion
Bank rate conversion

Every seller sooner or later has a dissatisfied buyer. Such a buyer can contact you directly by email, file a complaint on the site that provided you with a place to sell (Ebay, Etsy, etc.), or complain about you to the payment service (for example, to the issuing bank of the credit card with which payment or paypal)

Complaints and problems that your buyers turn to Ebay, Etsy or other online marketplaces, you always decide on your own. If you are a client of our agency, then complaints from your customers on the site payment system PayPal is received and processed by us, notifying you of the progress and status of the complaint or dispute in your personal account on the Western Bid website.

Disputes and complaints

As a rule, buyers have only three reasons for complaints:

  1. Item not received
  2. Item received but not as described, eg broken. (Item not as described)
  3. The goods were paid for without the permission of the owner of the credit card with which the payment was made, and the dispute is not conducted by the buyer, but by the issuing bank of the card (Chargeback)

All proceedings in PayPal are called cases (cases, cases). A case in PayPal is always tied to a specific transaction (payment for goods). The case can be opened both for the entire amount of the transaction, and for its part. Each case has a number (usually starting with the letters PP, such as PP-1233-456-789). There are also several stages for cases:

  1. Dispute (dispute), or "Dispute". Each dissatisfied buyer is invited to start negotiating with the seller directly using the internal correspondence system on the PayPal website. At this stage, PayPal only provides a platform for correspondence. The dispute opens for 20 days. At any time, any of the participants in the dispute, both the seller and the buyer, has the opportunity to transfer the dispute to the next stage of solving the problem - into a complaint. If before the expiration of the dispute validity period indicated by Paypal, none of the participants transferred the proceedings to the status of a complaint, then Paypal considers that the problem has been resolved and closes the dispute in favor of the seller, indicating the reason for closing Time Out (i.e. due to expiration). Funds frozen by PayPal for the duration of the dispute are released after the dispute is closed and can be withdrawn from PayPal.
  2. Complaint (Claim), or "Claim". A case status of "Complaint" means that the buyer was unable or unwilling to resolve the issue directly with the seller and wants to involve a PayPal employee to resolve the case. The term for consideration of the complaint is no more than 30 days. If the seller does not provide convincing evidence of his case within the first 10 days from the date of opening the complaint, or simply ignores the complaint, then the complaint will be closed by PayPal in favor of the buyer, and PayPal will deduct the full cost of the order (including shipping) from the seller's account and return it to the buyer. Within 10 days after the closing of the complaint, there is the possibility of an appeal if new information has appeared. For example, the customer has acknowledged receipt of the purchase.
  3. A complaint from a financial institution, the so-called "Back payment".(Chargeback - withdrawal of payment by the bank. Unauthorized Card Use - payment without permission). Since PayPal provides the ability to pay for goods with a credit card, some complaints are opened not by the buyer himself, but by the bank or credit union that issued the card with which the payment was made. That is, the buyer did not file a complaint with PayPal, but with his bank, which, in turn, withdrew the money from PayPal. In most cases, this is only possible if the buyer claims that he did not buy anything at all and personally did not pay from his card, and the card was stolen from him. However, there are also cases when the bank withdraws money at the request of the buyer and due to non-receipt of the goods. As a rule, banks are less accommodating than buyers, so the percentage of cases won in the case of Chargeback is very low.

Scheme of work with disputes and complaints

At the dispute stage, you can offer the buyer any solution to the problem, and if the buyer agrees to the proposed solution, the dispute will be closed. For example, you offer a partial refund, and if the buyer agrees to the amount offered, the case is closed. The case can also be closed if the buyer does not respond to your proposals or does not change the status of the case, i.e. does not turn the dispute into a complaint before the expiration of the dispute.

If the case is transferred to the status of a complaint, then PayPal will use a certain solution algorithm (to be discussed below). In a strictly designated time period, the seller must prove his case, otherwise the entire amount for which the complaint is open is deducted from the seller's PayPal account (in this case, from the Western Bid account) and returned to the buyer. With such a refund, the PayPal commission for the transaction is not returned to the seller (in all other cases, with a full or partial refund, the PayPal commission is returned to the seller's account).

If the complaint is closed in favor of the buyer, the seller has 10 days from the date the complaint is closed to file an appeal. The appeal is accepted only if new facts or evidence of the correctness of the seller are received.

We handle complaints against PayPal based on your full cooperation. We cannot win the case if you do not provide us with the necessary information (information about the shipment of the goods, the tracking number of the parcel, etc.).

Scheme of work with complaints of the type "Goods not received"

Within 10 days from the moment the case receives the “Complaint” status, we must provide proof that the paid goods have been received. A complaint can be won in three cases:

  1. You provide a tracking number that allows you to see the "Delivered" status online. The "Delivered" status should be visible on the recipient's country's postal website. Some shipments from Ukraine to the USA, for example, are not tracked on the Ukrainian Post website until delivery. Canada and Australia do not show delivery statuses for packages from Ukraine and Belarus.
  2. You provide the notification received at the request from the mail about the delivery of the parcel to letterhead parcel delivery post. Some of our merchant customers receive a USPS written response on letterhead in response to a wanted request sent to the US Postal Service - such a response may be accepted as proof of delivery. Similar request can only be initiated by the sender of the parcel.
  3. During the period of consideration of the complaint, the buyer receives a parcel with the goods. In this case, you need to remind the buyer to close the complaint with PayPal.

Occasionally, it happens that the buyer received the goods, but for some reason opened a complaint about non-receipt. Unfortunately, PayPal does not accept emails from the buyer to your address, copies of chats or any other negotiations with the buyer, except for negotiations on the case directly on the PayPal website, as evidence.

Scheme of work with complaints such as "Product does not match the description"

PayPal can offer the following solutions:

  1. Full refund to the buyer (full refund)
  2. Partial refund to the buyer (partial refund), the amount of which is usually assigned by the buyer
  3. A full refund to the buyer after receiving the goods from him (postage in this case is the responsibility of the buyer).

If everything is simple and clear with the first two points, then the last point should be considered very carefully. Its algorithm is as follows:

  1. When choosing this method of resolving a complaint, the buyer receives a notification that he must send the goods to us within ten days to the address of our warehouse in the USA (only this address is indicated in our PayPal account).
  2. The buyer must send the goods to us within 10 days at his own expense. If the buyer considers that it is expensive and does not send the goods, the case will be closed in our favor (i.e. in your favor)
  3. The buyer within 10 days must provide to PayPal the tracking number of the parcel with the goods, which will indicate that we have received this product. If the tracking number does not show the receipt of the parcel in our warehouse, the case will be closed in our favor.

You can resell the goods received at our warehouse, and we will send the goods from our warehouse to a new buyer. We can also store the product in a warehouse (up to 2 months free of charge) or send this product to any address you specify (you pay only for shipping).

Ways to resolve cases in PayPal

The item is not received

For a positive resolution of this type of complaint, you must do the following:

  1. Tell us, and be sure to tell the buyer the number of the parcel and the site of its tracking. Even if you do not have a number that would show all the movements of the parcel in full, indicate the site where its departure is shown.
  2. Scan or take a photo of the receipt from the mail. As a rule, such a check indicates the number of the parcel and the address of the recipient. Put the resulting image on the Internet (for example, using free program clip2net) , and provide a link to it to us (in the comments to the complaint in your personal account) and to the buyer (by email). There are many services that offer you to post a photo on the Internet and receive a link that can be sent by email.
  3. Try to convince the recipient that he will receive the package. Perhaps he did not notice that his purchase was sent from abroad.
  4. Submit a request to search for a parcel at the post office. You can also request the status of a package by directly contacting the recipient's post office - we know of cases where sellers have received a response to such a request.

The product received does not match the description

Advantages this method case solutions:

  1. Paypal gives a certain period of time to the buyer to send the goods. Not all buyers fit into this gap. Especially buyers located outside the US. If the buyer does not meet the deadline, the case is decided in favor of the seller.
  2. The goods arrive at our warehouse and we check the goods. The buyer understands that when sending the goods to the United States, he must return exactly the goods that he received and in the exact configuration in which he received, otherwise the American legal authorities will be involved, the decision of which is binding on PayPal.
  3. If the buyer is located outside the United States, then sending the goods to the United States will cost him several tens of dollars, which he must pay on his own, and he will not receive compensation from PayPal for this shipment. Sometimes the cost of shipping exceeds the cost of the goods, and the buyer refuses to ship for economic reasons. In this case, the case is closed in our favor.

Seller Protection Program

Our PayPal account is subscribed to the so-called Seller Protection Program.

In order for a payment to be protected by such a program, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The program only applies to physical, tangible goods that can be mailed (for example, services and digital goods are not covered by the program).
  2. To receive a refund, you must provide proof of shipment in the event of a chargeback complaint, and proof of delivery in the event that the item was not received by the customer.
  3. Items must be shipped to the buyer's address on Paypal.
  4. The transaction must be marked as eligible under the Seller Protection Program.

Unfortunately, the last paragraph allows PayPal to selectively, at its sole discretion, mark payments that fall under the Protection Program.

Communication style

How to communicate with Western buyers

You are interested in a positive resolution of the dispute, and for this you need to convince the buyer that you are really extremely interested in making him satisfied with the deal. In other words, you must be with the buyer on the same side of the barricade.

  1. Be polite and proactive. Always. Do not get irritated in response to messages from buyers. Whatever the buyer writes, he does not treat you as a person. When considering a complaint from a buyer, PayPal will take into account your level of service and communication style, since your buyer is also a customer of PayPal.
  2. Express sympathy to the customer for the problem.
  3. Offer some kind of bonus or discount on the next order if the buyer agrees to wait for their goods a little longer than usual.
  4. Make and send to the buyer a list of what you have done or are going to do to solve the problem.
  5. Once every few days, or better yet, send an email to the buyer daily with the status of solving the problem, even if the status has not changed - this will help the buyer feel that you are constantly dealing with his problem.

How Not to Deal with Western Buyers

Any wrong action or incorrect statement will violate your trusting relationship with the buyer, and, as a result, will reduce your chances of a positive decision in PayPal. Here is a short list of what not to do if you want to avoid mistakes in communication with the buyer:

  1. Don't get into a confrontation. Neither PayPal nor the Buyer will understand you, since it is believed that we are all doing one common thing, and it is in your interests to solve the situation through joint efforts. In the event of a confrontation, your buyer will not cooperate with you.
  2. Don't get into a verbal fight. All your posts should only be related to a specific problem.
  3. Don't label your opponent with certain labels or judge his personality. Personal insults will induce the buyer to take more serious actions, including contacting the police, and then the dispute will move from an administrative dispute to a criminal one, which will entail even greater costs on your part.
  4. Do not refer to your family circumstances or income level. The vast majority of buyers are not ready to communicate with you on a personal level, and will experience irritation when you begin to appeal to his pity or compassion. Moreover, some will consider this a cheap manipulation, which will cause additional difficulties in resolving the case.
  5. Do not point out the faults of the buyer and do not catch him in a lie. For a decent buyer, attempts to be caught in a lie are very offensive, and for a fraudster, this will be a signal that he has been discovered and it is time to use other tactics.
  6. Don't ask rhetorical questions. Don't waste your time. Questions like “You received the package, why did you open a complaint about non-receipt?” never get the response "Oh, I forgot I got it!".
  7. Do not defend your principles and views on life. It is your responsibility to act in accordance with PayPal's policies. How moral these rules are - the question in this case is illegal, since everyone has their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmorality. Therefore, in all responses to the buyer, indicate that you are acting in accordance with the rules of PayPal, and do not let the buyer confuse you with questions like “Don't you believe me?” or “That's not fair! How can you do this?
  8. Do not appeal to a sense of justice. Each buyer is unique.
  9. Don't respond with insult for insult. It is pointless. Answering, at best, you will please the buyer by confirming to him that the insults have reached their goal, and you are hurt as a person.
  10. Don't waste time on hopeless cases. Sometimes it is better to return the money than to spend days trying to prove your case, because during this time you could earn twice the amount in dispute.

In this article, we tried to bring together all the rules and subtleties of working with complaints in the PayPal system, however, if you have any questions, we will be happy to supplement the article with the necessary information. You can ask your question in the form below the article.

If you did not receive the goods on time, which were paid through, or the goods that arrived turned out to be completely different from what was described in the online store, then first of all, it is always recommended to contact the seller directly. Most sellers value their reputation and are always ready to discuss the problem and make concessions.

But it also happens that the seller refuses to satisfy your request or completely ignores your messages. For such cases, the "Problem Resolution Center" is provided, in which you should open a formal dispute with the seller.

Opening a dispute is available within 45 days from the date of payment.

If you have a complaint to the seller about the non-delivery of the goods, then open a dispute for 40-43 days after payment, since the goods could well be delayed due to the slow work of postal services.

If you bought an item on eBay and paid for it via PayPal, then you will need to choose which dispute resolution tool to use. If you file a complaint with PayPal, it will no longer be considered and vice versa.

Initial contact with the seller.

to contact the seller.

1. Log in to your PayPal account and on the tab "My account" (1) click on the link "View all transactions" (2) .

2. In the list of operations, find the problematic one and click on the "Details" link.

3. PayPal does not have an internal messaging system for buyers and sellers outside of disputes, so look on the page that opens for the address Email seller and send him the usual email with a description of the problem, the date of the operation and your name on . The seller's address can be found both at the top of the page and at the end.

How to open a dispute in PayPal.

If communication with the seller via email does not lead to anything, file a formal dispute on Paypal.

1. Log in to your PayPal account again. On the "My Account" tab, find the "Resolution Center" link and click on it.

2. On the next page, click on the button "Dispute the transaction" (1) . If you already have any open disputes, they will be displayed just below (2) .

3. Select the disputed operation (1) and click "Continue" (2) .

4. Please let us know what kind of problem you are facing. If it is about PayPal in the context of making purchases, then select "Product Dispute" and click "Continue".

5. In the next step, clarify the issue and click Continue again. It is necessary to choose between non-receipt of goods and non-compliance of goods with the description.

6. If you have chosen that the product does not match the description, then on the next page indicate what exactly happened to the product (1), which category the product (2) belongs to, for example, “home and consumer electronics”. Then add a text description of the problem for the seller (3) .

Describing the problem, it will be necessary to keep within 2 thousand characters. After that, check "I would like to request a refund" and indicate the amount of the desired refund (4) . When you click "Continue", the dispute will be created and a date will be announced when it will close automatically.

The section on non-receipt of goods is filled in the same way.

You can discuss the disputed situation with the seller within 20 days. During this time, you must either agree with the seller on a full or partial refund or, if this cannot be done, turn the dispute into a claim. Be careful when closing the dispute. Once a closed dispute can no longer be opened again. Also, if you do not convert the dispute into a claim within 20 days, it will also be closed without the possibility of renewal.

Turning a dispute into a claim.

To turn a dispute into a claim, you must:

1. Go to the "Problem Resolution Center" and in the list of open disputes, find the one that you want to transfer to a claim. Click on it to view.

2. Check the box that you would like to turn the dispute into a claim. After you click "Continue" the claim will be opened.

When the dispute is converted into a claim, the PayPal administration is involved in its consideration. Within 30 days, representatives of the service consider the history of the dispute (therefore, if you have already opened a dispute, then conduct it exclusively in the PayPal system), get acquainted with the arguments of the parties and, if necessary, request additional data. Additional data must be provided in a timely manner within the established deadlines, as this is in your own interest.

Finally, PayPal makes its decision in favor of the buyer or seller. As a rule, if the buyer's claim is justified and supported by facts and evidence (photos, videos, documents), then the dispute is resolved in his favor and he gets his money back. Thus, using PayPal is not only easy to pay for purchases, but it is also reliable from the point of view of the rights of the buyer.

We wish you successful purchases and won disputes!

Do you know, dear online shoppers, that PayPal and Telus International have been running a special program for a long time, according to which you can be reimbursed for postage when returning goods to a foreign online store, if for some reason the goods did not suit you ?

I think that most do not know, although I already wrote about it. The chip is very useful and can save some money in a difficult economic situation.

The most detailed instruction on how to do everything right in order to receive a refund was shared with blog readers rsew.

Previously, I was afraid to order many things via the Internet due to the fact that they simply did not fit (jackets, trousers, shirts, shorts, etc.). I had to either sell or get on the return shipment. With this opportunity from PayPal, I try to buy as many necessary things as possible, to find out my sizes of brands that interest me. I order two sizes of the same thing, I choose one (or none), I return it. So far, unfortunately, I'm leaving much less than I'm returning (is it really that bad luck for me alone?). Let's get started.

Step-by-step instructions on PayPal refunding the cost of return shipping to almost any foreign online store.

Main conditions for reimbursement:

1. Payment for the order must be made through PayPal
2. From the moment the parcel is sent back to the store until the application for a refund - no more than 14 days
3. Refund amount - no more than 1,500 rubles
4. The number of refunds until December 31, 2016 - no more than 12 times

You can read the full terms and conditions of the program.

The first stage - Sending the parcel to the store

To begin with, we simply send a parcel with the returned goods. For this:

  • We fill out the return form attached to the order (in some stores we search, download, print and fill out). For example, Asos applies with a product, and in Zavvi it ​​is requested through support (Asos looks like this

Zavvi has it

  • We fill in and print in 3 copies the customs declaration CN-23. To be filled in in Latin letters, the currency of the product is rubles

Sample Fill

  • We go to the post office, pack the goods and the form in the postal bag / box, write the addresses in Latin on the outside, the recipients from / to and glue the label with the return form

  • We immediately fill out the form "Accompanying Address" in Latin, they give it to us by mail

  • Taking a picture of the parcel

  • We take receipts from the post office for shipping and packaging. Need to photograph or scan them

Step Two - PayPal Reimbursement

  • Let's follow the link https://paypal.ru/verni-free

  • Login to your PayPal account

  • We press the button Activate in one click

  • We press the button Submit a refund request

Next, a page will open where you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Email address registered in account PayPal

  • Surname

  • PayPal transaction code - we take from the list of recent transactions on the main page of your PayPal account

  • Reason for return - you must select one of the options. If the size does not fit, chooseOther

  • Product category - choose one of the options

  • Countries in which the Free Return Service operates - select the country where the parcel was sent

  • The cost of returning the goods - we rewrite the amount from the check "Post of Russia"

  • Currency - choose Russian ruble RUB

  • Additional comments - here you can write your comments, which you see fit

  • Return type - choose an itemI paid the return cost at the post office or shipping company

  • Attached files - we attach a scanned check of the Russian Post and a photo of the parcel if it was sent without tracking. But I strongly recommend always sending with tracking.

  • In the end it should look something like this

  • We press the button Send

  • An email is sent to you confirming receipt of the application. We are waiting for approval

  • On the fourth day, a letter arrives stating that the money has been credited to the account

Well, that's all.

It is worth noting that when returning goods, we lose money on the difference in the exchange rate of buying / selling currency by the bank (unless the currency has risen in price a lot). I made orders when £ cost 110-120 rubles, so I hit hard. But it's worth it, for the same money you simply cannot find such things in retail.

If you have any questions - write in the comments. Good luck with your online shopping!

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