Request frequency Yandex online service. How to check request rate. Request rate check

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to continue my research in the field of definition and further periodic position checks, occupied by my site in search results . It is useful to always be in the know and know for which requests the promotion is going well, and for which it stalls or even rolls back, in order to understand the reason in time and take action.

Remarkably, our today's hero, whose name Topvisor, can not only remove positions, but also offers collect a semantic core for you, i.e. it helps to choose the very keywords (future search queries) by which you will move forward in the future.

In addition to displaying the daily dynamics of changes in the positions of your site (in the issuance of Google, Yandex and and the frequency of these requests (exact or general, at your discretion), Topvisor can also show the traffic that you received for each specific request in a particular day. Find out detailed information about Topvisor: prices, features, comparison with competitors.

There is also color differentiation in the pivot table, which visually helps to assess how good everything is and what general trends are observed. In addition, they recently had the opportunity remove positions in Yandex (and soon in Google) for free. How, you ask? Well, let me create an intrigue and say that you will read about this in the continuation of this publication.

Opportunities of TopVizor online service

I think that before proceeding to a detailed description of all the possibilities this online service, it is necessary to briefly describe all the features currently available in it. Remarkably, new functionality appears in them with enviable regularity, which cannot but rejoice.

  1. Requests for which you want to track positions can be downloaded manually (copy-paste or from a file), or you can pick them up right in the Topvisor window, and it will cost mere pennies. In other words, without departing from the cash register, you can sketch out a semantic core either for the entire project or for individual articles.

    In this case, you only need to specify the initial phrase (main), for which in Wordstat both columns will be copied, and in the same place it will be possible to pull out the keywords containing this phrase from search suggestions Yandex, Google and Get a whole mountain of keywords, which you then sift through with the help of the two points below.

  2. For all the queries you enter, you can, and not only the general frequency is available, but also with the elimination of dummies (exact). Thanks to this, you will be able to throw out all unpromising keywords from the collected semantic core.
  3. Completely free of charge, along with the frequency, and will be determined, which is usually assigned to this request.

    Why is this needed? And in order to understand which keywords are highly competitive and, possibly, exclude them from the seed (in any case, this is exactly what I do for my information resource).

    It is possible to give Topvisor access to your account data in Yandex Metrica and Webmaster in order to see exactly how many visitors came to you for this particular search query (very visual and may make you think about setting up a more attractive snippet or title).

    At the same time, in the summary statistics for your site, you will be able to see the number of visitors who came from the three main search engines of Runet over the past day, track the dynamics of changes in the number of indexed pages and the number of backlinks leading to your resource.

  4. If the structure of your site is such that you use subdomains, then it will not be necessary to create a new project for each of them - it is enough to put just one checkmark when adding the main domain.
  5. Seo offices and freelancers may find it convenient to provide guest access to an account in Topvisor with a rather flexible system of guest settings. If necessary, you can even completely transfer the account to another user, you just need to specify his Email in this service for online position checking and semantic core assembly.
  6. And, of course, reports.

    They can be generated either manually on the position dynamics view page, or set up to be automatically sent to the specified Email on a weekly or monthly basis.

  7. Topvisor has referral program with a very high percentage of return - 10% of the amounts spent by the clients you attracted. They already have advertising materials in the form of banners of the most popular sizes, made in the colors of the main site, which is quite logical.
    Naturally, first you will need to register, and then just click on the banner of the desired size and its code will automatically fall into your clipboard with the . Lepota.
  8. A log is kept for all paid transactions made in the service, where you can see a report on every penny. You can replenish the balance with traditional WebMoney and, and through Robokassa with everyone else. For, LLC and everyone, it will be possible to enter amounts of more than five thousand rubles by bank transfer.

Registration in TopVizor, adding a site and setting up a project

Well, now let's talk about this in more detail. As the theater begins with a hanger, so work in an online service begins with registration. For this purpose, located in the upper part of the window, Topvisor home page button "Registration".

It will be enough to indicate your Email and you will be automatically authorized in Topvisor (the password will then be sent to the specified mailbox).

If desired, the entrance can be carried out and without registering- using an account in one of the social networks you use (it will only work in the same browser where you are logged into the social network).

The first thing you will see after authorization on is a page with data on your projects, which, in fact, do not yet exist. But there will be 10 rubles on the balance sheet, which will allow you to test the capabilities of this service.

Let's create without delay our first project in Topvisor by simply clicking on the plus sign in the upper left part of the window. You will be prompted to enter the domain name of the site under investigation:

After that, you will immediately be offered choose those search engines(out of three possible) in which you plan to remove positions for this site. I apologize, while I was writing the beginning of this review, in the interface of Topvisor, in addition to the traditional Yandex, Google and, inter-regional and appeared in the drop-down list.

To add a search engine you will need to use the button located on the right. Moreover, if you add the usual Yandex and Google, then for them you will still need to select a region, for which positions will then be taken. You can select several regions if necessary, but for each of them positions will be removed for a separate payment.

As you know, there are queries that are geo-dependent and not (for example, "pizza delivery" and "Pushkin's poetry"). In the first case, everything is clear, but in the second case, you need to choose exactly the region in which you want to see the positions for this request, or any other, because. if the request is geo-independent, then the output should not differ. For example, I personally use the Russia region to monitor such projects.

Red crosses are used to remove a search engine or an unnecessary region, and the switch on the right is used to temporarily cancel the removal of positions for this search engine. For inter-regional Go.mail, and, you do not need to select a region. Please note that there is no Save button anywhere, because everything is applied on the fly, which is quite unusual, but cool.

Yes, I also want to say that it is here that you can uncheck the notorious "Ignore subdomains" to implement the feature mentioned a little higher in the text (not to add all subdomains separately).

And also note that for the Google search engine it is possible to set the interface language (search results):

Why is this needed? For checking positions in the bourgeoisie. If I make a request in French in the Paris region with a Russian interface and French, the output will be different. If we are interested in issuing for a native living in France, and not for a Russian tourist who is in Paris, then we need to choose the French interface (issuance in this language).

Let's also go over the rest of the settings in the Topvisor interface, since we ended up here by the will of fate. The next tab is called "Check Intervals" and here you can choose one of the three main options (daily withdrawal of positions at the hour you need, after the Yandex update, or you yourself decide that the time has come to find out the truth), and you can also suspend work on this project altogether (move it to the archive ) for some reason.

Next in line is the tab "Integration". Here you will be free to set up uploading to Topvisor, and you can also get some data from it. If you have both of these services tied to one Yandex account, then by connecting one of them, the second one will be connected automatically.

After integration, your counter number will be displayed in Yandex.Metrica, and it will also be possible to force update the data loaded from these services (usually they are updated automatically once a day).

As I mentioned, if you want, you can set up weekly or monthly receiving reports about removed positions in the form of a CSV file to the Email specified here (for yourself or for the client to whom you are tied to promote the site):

On the tab "Access" you can add the Email address of the respondent to whom you want to grant full or reduced rights to manage this project (your main Email will be given maximum permissions by default). The only thing is that this user must be registered in Topvisor.

And, finally, on the last tab of the settings, you can transfer control of this project for taking positions for this site to some other user of this service, whose Email will need to be specified in the form available there.

But that is not all. Remember I was talking about the ability to determine positions for free by transferring their limits from Yandex.XML. What it is?

Well, if we talk about XML from the Runet mirror, then it can be compared with the one I previously described, but in the case of using XML, the flexibility and options for using this version of the search are seriously increased (for example, the same uses this technology to access the Yandex database).

But not the point. The main thing is to understand that issuance in Yandex.XML is almost identical to the issuance of the main one (the differences usually appear only on the eve of the next update), which means it is quite suitable for checking positions.

But XML for Topvisor is a backup option, in case it will not be possible to remove positions from the main search results due to force majeure. In order not to load your servers in Yandex.XML, there are limits on the number of requests, which are allocated to each site wishing to use this technology. Naturally, Topvisor will not have enough of its own limits for the needs of all its users.

However, limits can be transferred in an official way. Therefore, they offer you to transfer the limits you do not need, and in return to receive a certain amount free position checks(10% of the transferred limits). Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that Topvisor will use XML only in case of force majeure, and you can remove positions for free at least every day.

In order to find out the limits allocated specifically to you, go to this page, check the box at the very bottom about accepting the conditions and, by going to the "Information about limits" tab, you can find out the limits allocated for those sites that you have on this account in Yandex Webmaster:

The link provided there is used to transfer the limits. For more information about this case, see the video:

Transfer instructions are located on the "Yandex-XML" tab (you will need to select the "Profile" item from the context menu of your login).

On this Topvisor page, you will need to specify your Yandex login and the URL of the site whose limits you have transferred.

That's it, ten percent of requests from the total number of transferred limits (in my case it is 370) can be punched every day for free, which is good news.

Adding requests and selecting seedlings using TopVizor

Everything, with the settings is over and it's time to move on to a very interesting feature of this online service, namely the selection of the semantic core. To do this, you will need to go to the “Kernel” tab from the top menu. Here you will find a gray square by Malevich, on which a large plus sign flaunts. Great, just click on it with the mouse.

In the screenshot above, one group with search queries has already been created, for which positions will then be taken, but you don’t look at it. After clicking on the plus sign, an empty form with the name "New Group" will appear to the left of it. By double-clicking on this name with the mouse, you will be able to change it.

I’ll make a reservation right away that by clicking on the green dot next to the name of the request group, you will recolor this very dot in red, which will lead to the termination of the removal of positions for this group. But we are currently interested in ways to fill in the form that appears with keywords related to our site.

There are several options adding queries to be checked in Topvisor:

  1. You can enter one key phrase at a time in the "add request" field at the very bottom of the form that opens and click on the small plus sign next to it. The keyword will jump into the form and stay there until you click on the cross that appears to the left of it or drag it with the mouse to another query group on the same page.

    It will also be possible to drag the entire content of the form with the mouse by grabbing it by the icon located in the lower right corner (see the screenshot).

  2. If you already have a ready-made list of keywords (for example, I have it and I periodically, but the problem was that this list contained thousands of keywords and it took several days of manual labor to rent), then click on the second icon from the located at the top left of the toolbar.

    It also has a cloud with an up arrow on it and is highlighted in both of the top screenshots. Found? Amazing.

    In the window that opens, you will again have two options: either use the copy-paste method through the clipboard to paste a ready-made list of keywords into the given form (one key per stock), or upload a ready-made file in which queries are presented in the same form.

    Please note that in the lower part of the window you are free not only to select one of the existing keyword groups, but also to create a new one, which can sometimes be useful. Well, don't forget to click the "Download" button.

    The third method can be useful to you when, for example, you are only planning to write an article on a certain topic, but are not yet quite sure which search queries you will optimize it for in order to have a chance to get into the Top for them and, more importantly, to understand , whether you will receive traffic on them at all, even if you get into Top1.

    In other words, we need to collect and sift from dummies and unpromising requests semantic core. Usually, for this purpose, webmasters have two sources for obtaining a list of keywords - called Wordstat and Yandex, Google or search suggestions, which can be parsed programmatically.

    Actually, TopVizor offers you exactly these tools for collecting and expanding the seed. Well, he also offers collect frequency for all these requests, and determine cost per click in Yandex Direct.

    If the request turns out to be unclaimed (for example, less than 20 entries in the search results per month), then it can be safely removed from the list. Also, if the cost per click in Direct on it is fabulous, then you should think about the prospects of spending money on its promotion.

    Let's see how all this is implemented in practice in Topvisor. To do this, on the toolbar of the “Kernel” tab, you need to click on the fourth icon shown in the screenshot:

    A window will appear with the option parsing area selection(Wordstat or search suggestions). When choosing Wordstat, you will have the opportunity to collect data not only from the left column, but from the right one, simply by checking the “Searched with this” checkbox.

    Let me remind you that the left column of Wordstat displays phrases that include what you set as a starting point, and the right column displays associative queries that users asked Yandex in the same search session.

    After the start of parsing, you will have several new groups (for each initial request and for each column of Wordstat), where at the time of receiving data, a snake will run or the glass will start to fill with Tetris figures. At the end of the process, you will receive the corresponding lists:

    For example, for the phrase "website promotion" we received data from the left and right columns of Wordstat in the form shown in the screenshot. Please note that for some of the keywords, the frequency (the second column of numbers) and the cost per click in Direct (the first) are already shown.

    Where did they come from if we didn't film it? It's just that other users of Topvisor have already paid for this data, and he kindly offered us to use the numbers stored in the cache of this service. The more users there are, the less often you will have to pay for frequency pickup.

    To complete the picture and start further analysis of the semantic core, we do not have enough data from search suggestions popular search engines runet. By definition, these are the most frequently asked search questions, which are slipped into everyone in a row to make it easier to find the right letters on the keyboard.

    Tip parsing in this service is activated by the same fourth button on the toolbar of the "Core" tab, but in the window that opens you will need to select another option from the drop-down list:

    You can collect tips from all search engines, or you can only from the ones you need. In addition, below you can choose hint depth(from 1 to 3). What it is? A good question, which is not so easy to answer in words, because it is easier to see and hear from the lips of a popular blogger:

    For each search engine, its own group of queries torn from tips will be collected. Note that the scraping cost displayed at the bottom of the form will depend on both the number of search engines selected and the depth of hints. It can vary from ten kopecks to one and a half rubles, which, in general, is not much at all.

Checking the frequency of queries and the cost per click for them in Yandex Direct

Here, look. We collected queries from the left and right columns of Wordstat, parsed search suggestions and got a whole set of keyword groups. Now the time has come get rid of empty and unpromising. To do this, you will need to break through all these key phrases.

The fifth icon on the toolbar of the Core tab serves this purpose. In the window that opens, you will be free to choose which frequency you want to determine (out of the three possible ones described below), in which region and whether you want to save money by ticking the box that prohibits updating existing data (which you or other Topvisor users filmed) .

But at the most interesting moment, I ran out of those ten rubles that are issued upon registration. Therefore, I had to select the “Bank” item from the drop-down menu of my login and go to the tab in the window that opened "Payment".

Actually, I already mentioned the available payment methods, but, as usual, I used my wallet in WebMoney.

After making the payment, I nevertheless launched the collection of particulars for all collected requests, which was accompanied by a wavy banding of the button:

After a few seconds, an orange sign appeared, urging you to refresh the page and see the results.

If you suddenly still do not see the value of the frequency of their use for all requests, then do not rush to scold Topvisor and demand your money back.

The fact is that you can shoot three values frequency (general, phrase and exact). For example, I shot a phrase, and by default the general one is selected in the top drop-down list. Therefore, by simply selecting the phrase frequency, I got the oil painting shown in the screenshot.

Yes, I forgot to say a few words about these very frequencies. There is nothing complicated about this, and the roots of this gradation go to those described by me, namely quotation marks and an exclamation point before the word. The same operators and with the same purpose can also be used in the Wordstat window when entering a query (enclose it in quotes or put! in front of each word).

The requests collected in each group can be sorted alphabetically, by frequency, and also by cost per click in Yandex Direct. If there are a lot of keywords in the group, then you can use the internal search.

Now you just have to go through all the groups of requests and delete those that have frequency close to zero and whose cost per click goes off scale. For example, the query “website promotion” has a price for Special Placement of 45 rubles per click (perhaps, this price display option best characterizes the prospects of promotion), which is too expensive and indicates monstrous competition for this key phrase.

I would never optimize for it, although there are times when promotion in the midrange leads the site to the Top in treble. Actually, my blog is no longer in the Top 10 for the phrase “website promotion” (although it was in the ninth position), but even the current place on the second page is explained only by the operation of the Spectrum algorithm, and not by my financial injections.

When you remove all unnecessary, you can drag all the key phrases into one group, and delete the extra ones. At this point, adding requests and building the core came to an end, and we continue to study the possibilities of Topvisor already in checking and displaying site positions in Yandex, Google or search results.

Checking site positions in TopVizor

Go to the "Positions" tab from the top menu. I’ll immediately make a reservation that it will also be possible to get there from the context menu of your login by selecting the item "Projects" and clicking on the icon shown in the screenshot on the page that opens.

Please note that I allowed Topvisor to take data from my Yandex.Metrica and Webmaster accounts, so I can visually observe the dynamics of the following parameters on this page:

  1. The large green button is used to manually start the removal, and the cost of such an operation is displayed below.
  2. The number of visitors for the last 24 hours who came to my site from the search engines Yandex, Google and (for each separately)
  3. The number of pages in the Yandex and Google index
  4. Number of backlinks according to Webmaster's version
  5. Tietz and Pr
  6. Availability in - by clicking on the green checkmark you can get to the page of this catalog with a description of your site

But we digress, and now let's finally go to the tab "Positions" and let's see what's what.

From the top menu, using the drop-down lists, select the search engine, region, as well as the group of queries for which you want to see the dynamics of changes in positions over the last time.

A little to the right there is a window for selecting the reporting period and buttons for uploading data in CSV and Html format (the latter allows you to both send data by mail and download to a computer).

If you look closely at the table with removed positions, you will notice that next to some positions there are numbers (other than zero) taken from Yandex.Metrica, which indicate how many people came to your site that day by entering these words in that search engine for which you are viewing positions.

There is a separate column with the frequency of these requests. But which of the three possible frequencies is displayed and how to change them? Pretty simple - click on the word "frequency" and it will be displayed with quotes, with an exclamation point, or in its natural form. Very convenient, in my opinion.

At the top of each column is the date the positions were checked. If you click on it, then the data in the table will be sorted by the values ​​of the numbers in the column. Under the date, you can see the percentage of requests that made it to the Top 10 and the total traffic they brought to your resource.

Remarkably, if you click on any position in this table, you will go to the page of your site that is the target (landing) for this query according to the version of the search engine that you have chosen from the top right list. The URLs of these pages also end up in the CSV file when uploading.

themselves cells with positions have color differentiation according to the following principle:

Who can benefit from this online service?

It turns out that the service will be convenient not only for those who check positions, but also those who work with the semantic core, and these can be, for example, people who use contextual advertising systems or other users who need to find keywords.

Remarkably, during testing there was not a single lag associated with the slow operation of this online service. It gave the impression that you were working with a desktop program. And how do you, dear readers, think Topvisor service?

This article is intended for beginners in SEO, as well as site owners who have chosen keywords for promotion, but do not know if these are frequent queries.

So, let's begin.

Request frequency- this is the number of queries or phrases typed by the user in the search engine in a certain period of time. Methods for determining the frequency of a query in search engines are different. In this article, we will look at the frequency of queries in the most popular search engines - Google and Yandex.

From this article, we will learn the following:

1. How to determine the frequency of queries in Yandex

1.1. Word selection service in Yandex

To determine the frequency of queries in Yandex, there is a simple and convenient "Word Selection Service in Yandex" or, as it is also called, Yandex Wordstat.

By driving a query into the selection line, we get the following picture:

It is noteworthy that now we see the overall picture by impressions per month, but you can see the query frequency separately by the type of device (tablets, mobile phones, computers) from which users searched for a query.

So, we see that 269,733 of the total impressions were on phones.

1.2. Types of frequency in Yandex

So, we learned that the query [plastic windows] had 1,006,660 impressions per month - this will be the base frequency of the query.

In total, Yandex Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequency:

  1. base frequency- indicates the number of impressions for all queries with the desired key query. In our case, this is the request [plastic windows]. When collecting the base frequency for this query, all possible word forms were taken into account, as well as query options [buy plastic windows], [prices for plastic windows], etc.
  2. Phrase frequency- to define it, you need to take the query in quotation marks. This will allow us to find out the frequency of the request for the phrase of interest to us.

As you can see from the screenshot, the phrase frequency is much lower than the base frequency, since word forms, cases, different endings can be taken into account in the phrase frequency, but additional words are ignored (for example, the request [buy plastic windows] is not taken into account when collecting phrase frequency).

  1. Accurate frequency- to define it, you need to put the query in quotation marks and put an exclamation mark before each word in the query.

In this form, we will find out the number of impressions per month specifically for this request.

1.3. Geodependence

In addition to the different request frequency, we can find out the request frequency in different regions. To do this, instead of the “By words” item, check the “By regions” item.

The screenshot shows the total number of requests, as well as their number specifically by region. For example, in the Moscow region there are 13,847 impressions, the regional popularity is 206%.

What is regional popularity? Yandex answer:

"Regional popularity" is the share that a region occupies in impressions for a given word, divided by the share of all search results impressions that fell on that region. The popularity of a word/phrase equal to 100% means that this word is not highlighted in this region. If the popularity is more than 100%, this means that in this region there is an increased interest in this word, if it is less than 100%, it means a lower one. For fans of statistics, we can notice that regional popularity is an affinity index.

You can also set the region when collecting the frequency. By default, the fee for all regions is set.

Choose a region.

Thus, when searching for the exact frequency of a query for a specific region, you can find out how many people are looking for the query you are interested in in the specified region.

1.4. How to determine the seasonality of a query

Yandex Wordstat has another function of interest to us. To use it, you need to check the item "History of requests".

Thus, we see what was the frequency of the request by month in different periods. Using this information, you can roughly predict the fall / rise in traffic on the site.

1.5. Plugins for ease of use of the service

The Wordstat service is useful, but not very convenient, so in order to make my life easier, when working with it, I use the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin.

This is how it looks in the Wordstat window:

The first thing that catches your eye is the pros about requests. By clicking on them, we add requests to the column on the left:

This is very handy, since you usually need to highlight each request and its frequency in order to copy it. Moreover, you can safely switch to other queries, and the list of queries added to the column will be saved.

Also, this plugin allows you to sort requests directly in the column by frequency or alphabetically, and then copy these requests with frequency to the document you need. I recommend using the plugin for the Chrome browser, as there is a more recent version that is constantly updated. There is also a plugin for FireFox, but it has not been updated since April 2015, so not all functions work correctly.

2. How to determine the frequency of queries in Google?

If everything is relatively simple with Yandex, then it will be more difficult to find out the frequency of a query in Google. Google does not have a service like Yandex Wordstat, so you have to use the Google AdWords contextual advertising service. You will need to register for it. After registration, a panel will appear in front of you.

Open the "Tools" menu tab and in the drop-down menu find "Keyword Planner".

This will open the scheduler page. On this page, you need to select "Get query and trend statistics". There, type in the request you are interested in and indicate the region.

Click on the "Find out the number of requests" button. You will get this result:

Due to AdWords limitations per query, the average number of queries per month ranges from 1,000 to 10,000. To get more detailed information, you need to create and run a campaign.

With a paid campaign running, the query frequency will look like this:

3. Programmatic collection of request rate

The methods for manually collecting request rates have been described above. With a large number of requests, collecting their frequency manually is very inconvenient, so I use special programs.

3.1. Program "Slovoob"

After setting up the program, you need to run it and, just as in the case of Slovoeb, add queries, specify the Region and click on Yandex. Direct".

Key Collector, unlike Slovoeb, parses data using Yandex. Direct, which greatly speeds up the parsing process. Click "Get data" and get the result:

The program allows you to collect frequency for Google using Google AdWords. To do this, you need to configure it. The settings can be viewed on the official Key Collector website. Then you will need to click on the button "Collect Google statistics. Adwords", which is located next to the "Yandex.Direct statistics collection" button.

4. Online request rate collection

Sometimes there are situations when your favorite instrument is not at hand, but you need to collect the frequency. In this case, you can use online services to collect the frequency. I will consider 2 services that I use myself. One will be under Yandex, the other - under Google.

4.1. Online frequency collection tool from SeoLib for Yandex

All you need to do is open the "Keyword Analysis" tab and copy it into the request form or attach a list of requests of interest as a separate file. After that, you need to select the required frequency and region, if necessary, specify additional parameters. Then click on "Start Analysis".


The tool is paid, but the prices are affordable. For example, a list of these 7 requests for all types of frequency cost me 5.3 rubles.

4.2. Ahrefs Online Frequency Harvesting Tool for Google

The service has a tool "Keyword Analysis".

In the form, you need to add keywords separated by commas and specify the region near the "Belt" button.


Go to the "Metrics" tab:


Work with Yandex:

  1. If there are several requests, you can view them manually through Yandex Wordstat. In this case, I strongly recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Assistant plugin - it greatly simplifies the process;
  2. If you have a list of queries and need a quick one-time check, use SeoLib's "Keyword Picker" online tool;
  3. If you are constantly working with requests, I recommend buying Key Collector. Slovoeb, although free, parses too slowly, and the time you save on parsing queries in Key Collector will more than recoup the costs. "Slovoeb" can be used if you work with a small list of queries and use it infrequently. I myself used it when I started working in SEO, but when I bought the Key Collector, I regretted that I had not bought it earlier.

Work with Google:

  1. If there are several requests, use Google AdWords;
  2. If you have a list of requests, it will be more convenient to use the Ahrefs online service or set up a Key Collector.

I have listed the services that I myself use to collect the frequency of requests. Perhaps you use other services? Then indicate them in the comments, I will be glad to get acquainted with them!

That's all for now, I wish you good positions on frequency queries!

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Novice optimizers often ask questions about query frequency. What does MF, LF and HF mean? Is it possible that the theme of the site can influence the assignment of requests to any of the intervals? Etc. In this article I will try to give exhaustive answers to these questions.

What is the frequency of requests

Different queries have different popularity among Internet users. Some requests are given to search engines only a few times a month, while others are several thousand or even tens of thousands. The more often this request is used, the higher its frequency.

How to find out the frequency of a request

In order to find out the frequency of a particular request, you can use several special services.

The frequency of requests in Yandex can be found in To do this, enter the keyword of interest to us in the search bar and click the "Select" button. Yandex will show how many times users have asked queries containing the words you specified.

As you can see, for the request search engine this is 365398 impressions per month. Pretty impressive number. However, as mentioned above, this is the sum of all queries containing these words. In order to find out how many times a request was asked in a particular form, it is necessary to enclose it in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word. Thus, you need to enter in the search bar "!search system".

As you can see, there are only 3705 impressions per month.

In order to find out how many times this question was asked by Google, go to . Here, everything is exactly the same as entering a keyword and clicking "Search".

The only difference is that in order to find the frequency of a keyword in a specific form, you need to check the box "Match types" against "phrasal.

Classification of search queries by frequency

Among optimizers, it is customary to divide all requests into three categories depending on their frequency. These are "low-frequency", "mid-frequency" and "high-frequency", abbreviated LF, MF and HF.

  • High-frequency requests - HF, these are the words or phrases that are most often requested in this topic, the most popular, so to speak. It is customary to consider all requests with a frequency of 10,000 or more as high-frequency. As a rule, these are single-word queries like “TV” or “car”, etc.
  • Mid-frequency request - MF, these are requests with a frequency of 1000 to 10,000. Usually these are verbose requests, more specific than HF, for example, "buy a TV"
  • Low-frequency requests - LF, these are requests with a frequency of up to 1000. This is the most specific type of requests like: "buy an LG TV in Moscow."

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. By the way, I recently came across a good company on the Internet that provides services for renting and hosting servers. If someone is interested, here is the link I liked their prices.

It is very important to make sure that the queries you are going to advance on are actually searched for by someone. If you type a “semantic core”, where all the keys will be with zero frequency, then your site will be zero. Therefore, let's not bend the ox, but let's get started.

What is Keyword Frequency

Obviously, different queries have different popularity among search engine users. The number of entering a specific query into the search engine is taken in one month. Thus, keyword frequency is the number of search queries per month.

It is possible that even here there are empty requests

To promote your site, you need to create original content. For example, if you write articles, the uniqueness of your text should generally be above 90%. In theory, unique content brings a high rate of traffic, consisting mostly of clicks from Yandex and Google. However, in real ranking conditions, writing a unique article is only half the battle.

Search engines pay attention not only to the uniqueness of the text, but also to the content of key queries in it that correspond to the subject of the article or any other text content. The correct distribution of keywords in the article is called text optimization. A unique, but not optimized article containing vague queries may not attract visitors to the site at all. This situation will mean wasted time and resources on content creation.

For optimizers, frequency is a criterion for choosing a particular query for its use in the text. Depending on the frequency, high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF) requests. When optimizing an article, first of all, they pay attention to high-frequency and mid-range requests. However, every year the promotion of new sites becomes more and more difficult, and optimization is getting thinner. It is now believed that the use of LF keys can also bring some traffic.

How to check request frequency

The frequency of keywords can be found using the relevant search engine services, as well as special programs for compiling the semantic core. Search engines provide their services with the calculation of the selection of queries for contextual advertising.

Wordstat (Yandex)

Wordstat is a Yandex service for determining keyword statistics. Wordstat uses most optimizers not only to generate commercial queries for advertising, but also to extract keywords as part of regular text optimization. Wordstat distinguishes three types of frequencies:

  1. Frequency WS - the base frequency of the request in Wordstat.
  2. Frequency "" WS - frequency according to the exact input of the query. For example, statistics for the query [“car”] will match the query [car] without adding other words.
  3. Frequency "!" WS - frequency for the exact input of each word in the query, excluding declension, etc. The query [!Chinese] means that statistics will be returned for the word [Chinese] without possible declensions (Chinese, Chinese).

For [car], the current search volume exceeds ten million impressions. However, the base metric involves adding all sorts of words to the keyword for which the article will rank.

If you enclose the query in quotes, then the statistics will be reduced from ten million to 28 thousand. The optimizer may find it helpful to have a right column with related queries that complement the semantic collection.

The "By words" tab means that the statistics are based on the total amount of impressions of the entered query. The "by regions" tab displays impression statistics in different regions of the country. And on the "History of requests" you can track the change in the frequency of a request during a month or a week, as well as statistics on requests through a PC or mobile devices.


The Google AdWords service itself is more tailored for contextual advertising than Wordstat. In the "Tools" section, you can select the necessary keys for the desired request. In the "Targeting" column, the desired display region and language are set. You can also include negative keywords.

Unlike Wordstat, where monthly statistics are indicated, in AdWords you can select a monthly range of impressions in the "Date Range" column. The disadvantage is the average number of results. The statistics itself is divided into two blocks:

  • Key words - an analogue of the frequency "" Wordstat;
  • Keywords (by relevance) are an analogue of the base frequency and similar WS queries.

The advantages are the presence of a level of competition, as well as the ability to download the selected words to a CSV file or to Google Drive.

Apart from AdWords, Google has another query analytics tool called Google Trends. This service evaluates the popularity of the entered request for a certain period of time and presents the statistics in the form of a graph. You can compare several keywords with each other. It also displays statistics by region.

For the graph, not exact numbers are used, but relative ones, based, among other things, on relevant queries. also has a search query statistics tool in its webmaster service. In addition to general impressions, the table shows the distribution of queries by gender and age of users.

It's no secret that Mail cooperates with Yandex, as the search engine places Yandex ads.


Rambler is losing popularity every year, but their Wordstat can be very useful. The fact is that query statistics in Yandex and Google may not always reflect the real state of affairs. Many companies may enter "idle" commercial requests in order to spy on competitors, i.e. to analyze TOP, titles, etc.

Due to the low popularity of Rambler, their Wordstat statistics are less spammy and can bring some clarity to optimizers. In general, as an additional tool it will fit perfectly.

How to check the massive frequency of requests

Most optimizers choose programs such as Key Collector or Slovoeb to collect and analyze the semantic core. There are also online services for determining frequencies.

Key Collector

You can get the necessary keys for the semantic core and massively check their frequency using the Key Collector desktop program. We open Wordstat, in the field we enter the main keys from a new line on your subject and click "Start collecting".

In the settings, you can set the required region for collection, as well as stop words. After the keys are collected, we determine the frequencies through Direct.

As a result, you will have a table with keys and frequency of impressions. Immediately delete all keys that have the exact frequency "!" equals zero. To do this, we do filtering in the "Frequency!" column. Click on the blue icon. A filter window will appear. Select "greater than or equal to" > "1" and click "Apply".

To get a larger list of keys, you can collect search suggestions from Yandex. We make a new group (window on the right). Also make sure that the checkbox "Collect only TOP hints without enumeration ..." is enabled. Now click on the created group - a new empty tab will open. Click the icon for collecting search tips.
After collecting the phrases, we do the same as when parsing Wordstat: we remove the frequencies, we remove phrases that are inappropriate in meaning and phrases where the frequency is “!” equals zero.

Similarly, using the Key Collector, you can collect keys and frequencies from Google.

Rush Analytics

Rush Analytics is an online alternative to Key Collector. The advantage of the key collection tool is that there is no need to use a proxy, anti-captcha, etc.

To collect frequency from Wordstat, you need to go to the “Frequency collection” tab and check the box next to !keyword, that is, the exact frequency. Next, enter the keywords. After the service calculates the costs, click "Create a new project".

The results can be saved to an Excel file.

You can find out the frequencies of Wordstat manually, but this is long and inconvenient. To speed up the work, there are parsers: desktop programs, browser extensions, cloud services and scripts. All of them are similar - there are only differences in the nuances of work. Own appeared in the PromoPult system. We understand how it works and how it is better than analogues.

Key features of the Wordstat Parser in PromoPult:

  • mass check of frequencies from the left column of Wordstat for the specified phrases;
  • loading phrases as a list or using an XLSX file;
  • the ability to parse the frequency in any Yandex region;
  • accounting for the type of match when parsing (operators " phrase«, «! phrase" And [ phrase]);
  • saving all reports "in the cloud".

Service features:

  • unlimited number of search queries when checking at a time;
  • collection of frequencies online - no need to install software;
  • no need to create fake accounts in Yandex specifically for scraping or risk your own accounts;
  • no need to use proxy servers and enter captcha;
  • summation in the report of frequencies for the specified regions or a breakdown for each region;
  • high parsing speed;
  • easy-to-follow report in XLSX format.

A bit of theory: why do you need to know keyword frequencies?

The main reason for collecting frequencies is traffic forecasting. Knowing how many times users were interested in a certain phrase, you can roughly calculate how many clicks a site will receive if it takes the Nth position in the search.

How it works in practice:

  • you have formed a list of key phrases that you plan to promote;
  • for the phrase for which you plan to evaluate traffic, determine the frequency (for example, " buy an ottoman in Moscow"- 2852);
  • find out the CTR values ​​depending on the position in the search (approximate data on the distribution of CTR can be found in open sources, but if your site has been running for at least a few months, then more accurate data is available in the Yandex.Webmaster report "Search queries" / "History of requests » / indicator: «CTR on positions, %»);
  • make a traffic forecast for the TOP-10 (to do this, multiply the frequency by the CTR and divide by 100%; for example, if the CTR of positions 2-3 is 25%, then the predicted traffic upon reaching this position is: 2852*25/100 = 713).

The second reason to collect frequencies is sifting "garbage" phrases. These are phrases whose frequency tends to zero, and it makes no sense to include them on existing pages (let alone create new pages for them).

Which phrases are considered "garbage"? It all depends on the topic. For example, if the topic is narrow, there is little traffic (for example, for the keywords " purchase of an MRI machine" or " Vertu repair”), and each user is worth its weight in gold, then you can leave phrases with a frequency of 1. For mass-market stores, requests with a frequency below 5 are filtered out. And for information sites, a frequency of 10-20 may well be the lower limit. The main thing is not to overdo it with deleting unnecessary phrases, otherwise there is a risk of losing traffic for low-frequency queries, which sometimes amounts to 70-80% of the total traffic.

Another reason to refine the frequencies is building a hierarchy of requests on the page. More frequent queries are added to Title and H1, and sections and subsections are formed under less frequent queries.

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