Yandex mail. Entrance and exit. You forgot your login or it is blocked

You can access your mailbox from any device connected to the Internet. To do this, type in the browser address bar, enter your Yandex username and password and click the Login button. If you are using two-factor authentication, you need the one generated by the Yandex.Key application for authorization.

Note. If you accessed the Internet from someone else's device and do not want the browser to remember your username and password, use .

Note. Yandex needs access to your social network profile in order to connect it to your mail. Yandex will not perform any actions with the profile without your knowledge.

Switching between boxes

If you use several Yandex mailboxes, you can switch between them without entering your username and password:

You can choose an account in Mail, Passport, and other Yandex services that support this feature. The selected account is considered the main one: with it you will be authorized on services that do not yet support switching.

You can add up to 15 accounts to the list. To remove an account from the list, switch to it and follow the link Exit . The current account will disappear from the list and you will automatically switch to the next one.

To remove multiple accounts from the list, follow the link Add user, tap the icon in the upper left corner, and tap the icon to the right of the account you want to remove.

Exit mailbox

Open the account menu in the upper right corner of the screen and click the Sign Out button.

If you forgot to sign out of Mail on someone else's device, open the page and in the block Login history and devices click link Sign out on all devices.

Attention. For subsequent access to Yandex services, you will need to re-enter your login and password on each device.

How do I change my password or security question answer?

To change your password on Yandex, open the account menu in the upper right corner of the screen and click the Change password button.

","hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":false,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false)]))" >

On the page that opens, enter your current password and twice a new one to confirm the correct entry. Enter the characters from the picture and click the Save button.

Hi all! In this article, I continue the review of mail services that are popular in our country (and some neighbors).

We have already figured out that without a modern user of Runet, and even more so a freelancer or blogger, there is nowhere: after all, to register on any Internet service, be it hosting or a freelance exchange, you need an email address. , about how to register there, work and configure the interface, as well as delete and restore mail. Today we will consider in the same detail one of the main competitors of gmail in the Runet - namely Yandex.Mail.

Free Yandex mail: a bit of history

Let's take a quick look at Yandex mail history. Like Google, the Yandex search engine today is not just a tool for finding information on the Internet, but a whole system of various services designed to make life easier for a user of the worldwide web (well, how to make it easier ... sometimes confusing even more, but let's not talk about sad things). Yandex email is one of these services.

Yandex launched its own mail service in 2000, by which time it was already quite a popular national search engine. By the way, my mailbox on Yandex was registered in 2003. In the same year, Spamodefense appeared - a technology designed to protect mail users from spam. In 2010, the anti-spam algorithm was improved, a personal "Spam Defense" appeared: in addition to applying the general rules for detecting spam, the user can configure and use his own.

In 2014, the interface of the mail service was completely updated, adding the ability to work with mail offline, as well as work with multiple mailboxes. Since then, the mail has not undergone significant changes, but Yandex does not leave its mail service alone: ​​improvements and changes are constantly taking place. I have about the history of the creation of these two search engines.

Registration by mail

Let's start with registration. To create Yandex mail, you need to register an account with Yandex. How to do it? We go to and see the following image in the upper right corner of the browser:

Alternatively, we can immediately type the Yandex mail address and see a different picture:

Select "Create mail" or "Registration". In both cases, we get to the registration form:

Everything is extremely simple.

OK it's all over Now. Click the "Register" button and you're done. We get into our new mail, and we are greeted by a setup wizard. You can skip this step, you can use its services. It suggests setting up:

  • Link to mobile app
  • Decor
  • mail collector

Yes, it's better to skip it. We will consider these settings in order of the general queue. Let's now figure out how to set up Yandex mail.

The mail web interface looks like this:

If you have read my review of Gmail, or have a mailbox in this mail service, you can pay attention to the undoubted similarity of both interfaces. There are also differences.

As in Gmail, setting up a mailbox can be divided into two stages - setting up an account and setting up the actual web interface.

To enter the account settings from the mail, go to the upper right corner of the web interface, where a circle with an icon is displayed, and select "Account Management":

If we are not in the mail, but on the Yandex start page, then in the upper right corner of the browser we will have the following picture:

Click either on the icon or on the login and select the "Passport" menu item. We get to the Yandex.Passport service, which allows you to manage all account data:

As you know, registering an account on Yandex allows you not only to create a Yandex email, but also get access to all other Yandex services. We are now only interested in mail, so let's see what in Yandex.Passport can be attributed to setting up a mail service.

  1. Photography and personal data is clear to everyone, I think.
  2. Account security. Here you are invited to link a phone number (if it is not already linked), change the password, security question, and so on.
  3. Email addresses. In this setting, you can bind a spare email - it can be used if you need to restore the mailbox, besides, it will receive notifications from Yandex if there are any problems with your mail (I would like it without it, of course).

In addition, additional mail addresses (aliases) and third-party addresses from which mail is collected are displayed here. We will talk about all this a little later.

  1. Access control. There are two interesting possibilities here:
  • Enable app passwords
  • Set up two-factor authentication

Application passwords

What is it in relation to mail? Let's say mail comes to you on a computer or on a phone where a mail client program is installed. This program should receive mail from Yandex, respectively, log into your account. You can create an individual password only for this mail application: with this password, it will log into your account and have access only to mail. This method allows you to further secure your account without sharing a common email password with individual applications.

Go to Access control - "Enable application passwords":

In the window that appears, select "Create a new password" and select the "Mail" item:

Enter the name of the password, for example, Outlook, and click "Create":

Password generated. We click "Finish". Now we just have to specify it in the settings of the mail program.

  • Please note that after changing the general password in your Yandex account, including after recovering a forgotten password, you will also need to change all application passwords.

Two-factor authentication

Login to the mailbox is carried out through the login and password that you specified when creating the mailbox. However, Yandex makes it possible to replace a permanent password with a one-time password using a two-factor identification algorithm. Let's now see how to set it up and how to use it.

Go to Access Control - "Set up two-factor authentication".

There is no way to do without a mobile phone. We indicate the phone number, we receive an SMS with a code that will need to be entered in a special window. After that, we go to step 2.

We come up with a pin code. Please note: I entered 123456 as a code - but this number did not work for me:

This pin code must be remembered, but it is better to write it down in a safe place: we will have to constantly work with it.

Now we need the Yandex.Key app on a mobile device. This application generates one-time passwords that will be used to log into your account.

If it is not installed yet, you will need to download it (by getting a link or by finding it yourself in Google Play or the APP Store). After installation, add an account to Yandex.Key by reading the QR code:

Or manually by entering the login and secret key:

After adding an account on a mobile device, you will need to enter the pin code you created in step 2. The application will generate a password that you will need to enter in step 4. The password is valid for 30 seconds; given that it consists of 8 random Latin letters, it can be a daunting task to enter it in time. If you do not have time, wait for the next password.

When you enable two-factor authentication, all apps are required to use app passwords. You can also connect them at this step.

Like this. Pretty complicated process, I must say. The good thing is that you only need to do it once.

There are now two ways to log in to your account:

  1. First way. Run Yandex.Key on your mobile device. When entering the application, you need to enter the pin code that you created in step 2 of the authentication settings:

The program generates a password that must be entered in tandem with the login:

  1. The second way. Click on the QR code icon:

We get a picture with a QR code:

We launch the application, click on it "Login by QR code". The camera turns on, when you point it at the code, it is read. Next, the phone informs Yandex about the successful reading of the code, and you get access to your account.

By the way, in the login form you see the “Alien computer” box. This is also one of the ways to protect your account. If you access mail from someone else's computer, especially one that is in public access, I advise you to check this box. If you forget to log out of your account - when you close the browser (or after a few hours if the browser window remains open) your session will be closed. But it’s better, of course, not to forget about the need to log out of your account, especially when logging in from someone else’s computer.

So, we have protected the account and mail. Keep in mind: when using two-factor authentication to enter your mail, you need to have a smartphone with Yandex.Key installed. How convenient and justified it is for your work with mail is up to you.

A few more words about setting up an account. When you click on the icon with a photo (or without a photo) in the drop-down menu, we see the item "Add user":

What is it and why? The fact is that you can have several Yandex accounts for various purposes - for work, for use as a purely home mail address, and so on. You can quickly switch between them without leaving one and constantly entering another. To do this, click "Add User". Enter the login and password of another account, and now you just need to click on the desired account to enter it:

Pretty ergonomic, right?

Now let's move on to setting up the actual mail service.

Yandex mail is configured through the gear icon in the upper right corner:


Note that the current menu is displayed in the left column. Thus, you can switch from item to item in the settings not only inside the Settings window, but also through the vertical menu. This is a feature of the Yandex interface, quite convenient.

As you can see, there are many settings. Well, let's deal with them.

Let's start with the design. To the left of the gear you can see the icon, it is also repeated in the list of settings. This is just a choice of colors and a background image:

In this menu, you can choose various “wallpapers”, all kinds of options for coloring menu elements, play around and choose the design to your liking. But there is nothing particularly interesting here. We move on.

  • Name and portrait - there should not be any difficulties.
  • Send letters from an address: this is more interesting. If you open the drop-down list, we will see several addresses with different domain zones, in addition, the address on What's the matter, because during registration we indicated only one Yandex mail address - on

The fact is that when registering a mailbox in any national domain, mailboxes are automatically created in the other three Yandex national domains, in the .com zone and in the domain. These addresses are aliases (that is, synonyms, analogues) of your main postal address. A letter sent to the address will come to my mail in the same way as the one sent to Yandex, thus taking care of the uniqueness of the user's login in all its zones and domains.

So in this setting, we can specify which of the mail aliases is your primary address, that's all.

  • In addition, we can immediately make the mail alias and login of the Yandex account our phone number associated with the mailbox: the “Make phone number address” setting. At the same time, a one-to-one correspondence is established between the phone number and the account: only one additional login can be specified for each account, and a specific phone number can be a login for only one account. Phew, are you still confused in these aliases, accounts and logins?

In general, the point here is that we tick the box, make a few mouse clicks - and your phone number will become your login and your email address, while you can continue to use the old Yandex mail login (and address, of course). In addition, only with the old login will you be able to restore access to mail - well, we'll talk about that later.

  • Your signatures: here you can create several signatures for different emails and even different aliases. Everything seems to be clear.

Go to the next settings item: "Rules for processing incoming mail."

Here we can set the rules by which incoming messages will be processed, as well as add addresses to the black and white lists. You can independently configure the operation of Spam Defense by telling the algorithm which addresses are spamming and which are clear of such suspicions.

As for setting up the rules, everything is also quite simple and clear. You can create a rule using ready-made templates (move letters, mark with a label, delete) or use a convenient constructor:

It seems to me that, compared to Gmail, the Yandex setup interface is more convenient. How do you think? But let's see what happens next.

The next setting is Mail Collection.

Like any self-respecting mail service, Yandex provides its users with the opportunity to receive mail from other mailboxes.

Enter the name of your third-party mailbox, password - and get into the mail collector settings:

As you can see, you can immediately set a rule for processing mail from other mailboxes: assign a label or place it in the folder you specified, not necessarily Inbox. You can specify an unlimited number of such boxes; in addition, the collector can be disabled at any time.

You can create new folders in the following setting: "Folders and Tags".

I created a new "Work" folder:

New folders can have different levels of nesting.

Here you can also create rules according to which incoming messages will fall into certain folders. You can also create rules for labels, in addition, it is possible to create new labels:

In the "Security" setting, we can change the password, bind additional mailboxes, which can be useful for mail recovery. You can also link a phone number to your account here, if you haven't already done so, and create the app passwords we've already reviewed.

A useful feature is the visitor log:

In it, you can see from which ip the mail was entered and the actions in it. If you find any suspicious activity, it might be time to sound the alarm!

We have already looked at the "Design", let's go to the "Contacts" now.

I don't have any contacts right now. However, you can see what actions you can take here:

  • Load contacts from a file;
  • Save to file - these two options are used to transfer contacts between accounts.
  • Contacts can be grouped for the convenience of working with them - for example, group mailing.

Here you can also set the interface settings for displaying contacts in a letter.

If you enable it, a box with "Case" will be displayed in the lower right corner of the interface:

This is something like an organizer-light - it reminds you of the planned things. In the mobile version, "Cases" will also be displayed.

The last item in the Settings is "Other options".

Here you can set the parameters for displaying letters on the page and the parameters of the letters themselves.

Well, we have sorted out the Settings. My opinion has not changed - everything is very simple and easy to understand.

Now let's move on to letters.

Above the list of letters, we see buttons that organize work with letters, as well as the View menu and a gear that appears when you hover the mouse over the button bar:

The disappearing and appearing gear is the control of personal buttons, the value of which can be set independently:

For example, the "Auto Reply" button can be assigned text that can be quickly inserted when replying to an email; "To folder" - specify a specific folder, and when you click this button, the letter will immediately go to this folder. I can’t say that such a tool is very convenient to use, but it can’t be called superfluous either, it can be useful if you often have to perform any of the same actions with letters.

The "View" button adjusts the appearance of the interface:

In addition to optional interface settings (may be useful for improving usability when working with different devices), here you can set the interface type: normal, two-pane, or three-pane with an email viewing area. You can view the contents of the letter to the right or below the letter.

The “Group by topic” checkbox allows you to create chains of letters: letters united by one topic will be displayed one above the other “in order of receipt”. This function is similar to Gmail's and can be very convenient for the user: no need to specify additional grouping conditions, all correspondence with recipients is immediately visible.

If you open a letter, all buttons become active, you can work with the letter - reply, delete, and so on. Button "This is spam!" not only sends the letter to spam, but also allows the Spamodefense algorithm to know that all similar letters should be sent there without hesitation. On the contrary, if the letter is defined as spam, you can click the "Not spam!" - and "Spamooborona" will also draw the appropriate conclusions.

Thus, spam in Yandex mail can be managed quite flexibly, taking into account the presence of white and black lists.

How to use Yandex mail

We are smoothly moving on to the issues of using Yandex mail.

Before that, we only talked about the Yandex web interface. In fact, this is not the only opportunity to read mail on Yandex (well, write a letter, of course).

In addition to the web interface, Yandex provides its users with three more options for accessing mail:

  • Using the Mobile Yandex.Mail application for Android and iOS devices, available in PlayMarket and AppStore, respectively. The application is suitable for installation on the phone;
  • Using the mobile interface. To use it, just enter the mail from any mobile device, for example, a tablet;
  • Using mail programs installed on the computer, such as MS Outlook.

Attention! Keep in mind that when using two-factor authentication, all apps need to use app passwords.

Using the mobile version of the interface and application should not cause problems. It is a little more difficult to set up receiving mail in the mail program. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the web interface - let's say you are used to your mail program and persist in your desire to work only with it, then in order to download Yandex mail, you need to make some settings both in the program itself and and in Yandex mail.

You can work with mail using two protocols: IMAP and POP3. In the first case, you will receive mail with the folder structure preserved, your mail program will be synchronized with the mail server, and copies of the letters you send will remain on the server. In the case of using the POP3 protocol, incoming messages arrive in a "single stream" and fall into the "Inbox" folder of the mail program, sent letters will only be in the local program.

In the web interface, you need to set the following settings: All settings - mail programs (we did not consider this setting - it can only be found in the left menu):

Put a tick in front of the protocol with which you are going to work.

In the mail program, you need to specify the following:

In both cases, you also need to specify a username and password to access the mail server (and again I remind you about application passwords).

Web interface

If you prefer to use the web interface, then it will not be superfluous to see what functions there are for sending and receiving emails.

Let's start with the fact that the number of unread emails is displayed in the title of the browser tab in which mail is open, which is quite convenient:

I sent myself a couple of test emails from another account. Please note: one more item has been added to the menu with buttons above the letters: “All letters”

You can check the "People" box, and then the letters that I sent to myself from another account will be displayed, and service letters from Yandex will not be visible. Another handy feature.

You can also see that there are attachments in incoming emails. They are clearly visible:

If you press the button (in the red frame on the screen) - all attachments can be downloaded in one archive.

Open one of the incoming emails:

You can reply or forward a letter not only using the top buttons, but also in the body of the letter. Using the arrow below, you can immediately go to the next letter without returning to the list of letters. Everything is very clear.

Deleted letters do not disappear forever, but are moved to the "Deleted Items" folder, from where they can be restored if necessary. It is convenient to drag letters from folder to folder with the mouse.

Let's write a letter now.

Laconic design, already familiar to us:

But if you look closely, there are also some very interesting "chips".

  • Well, notification of receipt by the addressee of your letter is quite traditional here.

Yandex mail for domain

On some mail services there is such an interesting service as the organization of mail for a domain. Yandex is no exception.

What is mail for a domain? You can register a mailbox on Yandex with a name ending not with the usual, but with the domain name of your site.

If you have a website, you must have encountered the problem of organizing mail on it. Each hosting has its own rules that you had to deal with. Yandex, on the other hand, provides a much more convenient tool for creating and using mail. What are the advantages:

  1. You do not need to deal with the hosting control panel, learn the process of creating and managing mail. You can use your familiar Yandex interface.
  2. When the site moves to another hosting, the mail remains unchanged - there is no need to study the mail rules of the new provider.
  3. In case of technical problems of the host, if your site is temporarily unavailable, the mail continues to work.
  4. Disk space. Yandex provides an opportunity to create 1000 mailboxes and an unlimited size of the mailbox. If you use economical hosting plans that limit disk space, this is a very significant benefit!
  5. Spam. We have already said that Yandex has a very advanced anti-spam algorithm.

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages of organizing mail on Yandex, and not on your own hosting. Well, let's figure out how Yandex mail for a domain is configured.

The easiest way to find where to organize such mail in Yandex is to enter “Yandex for Domain” in the Yandex search box and follow the first link to go to the appropriate service We get to the page for adding a domain:

We specify the domain and get to the page that asks for confirmation that you have access to manage the specified domain:

Let's deal with step 1. There are three options for verifying that you own a domain.

  • The first way is to create a file, for example, in Notepad or any other text editor, with the specified name and content, and using the hosting file manager, transfer it to the root directory of your site. Pretty simple.
  • The second way - through the control panel of your hosting, add a record of a certain type in the DNS editor. To be honest, I did not find the opportunity to do this in the PU of my hosting. So let's skip this option.

  • The third way is to change the contact address at the domain registrar. Again, a failure, because in the .ru, .by and .rf domain zones, registrars do not disclose the contact address, and my site is in the .ru zone.

So that leaves the first option.

We throw the file into the root folder of the site and click "Confirm Domain Ownership".

So, now we need to change the MX records in the DNS of the domain (if you don’t know: MX records are used to route mail, the abbreviation stands for mail exchanger - mail exchanger) or even delegate the domain to Yandex - in this case, you don’t need to prescribe anything :

Let's not delegate anything now, let's see what can be done in the hosting control panel.

In my hosting, it turns out that you can select MX servers for some mail servers. Well, we indicate "Yandex Mail". If this were not the case, it would be necessary to select "Custom MX servers" and register the above values:

Click "Check MX Records". It looks like everything is in order, you can start setting up mailboxes:

Let's come up with the original login admin, enter the password - and the mailbox has been successfully added.

When you enter the mailbox, you will need to complete the registration:

We enter the data, complete the registration - and you're done. You can use mail for a domain; its interface is no different from regular mail.

What are the features of mail for a domain on Yandex:

  • Standard access to mail - at the address of the form , where your_domain is the domain name of your site:

but it is also possible to configure the entrance to the mail at the address of the form;

  • You can place a mail login form on the site - for this, you need to register the corresponding HTML code on the site, which is available via the link in the mail registration window;
  • It is possible to transfer the mail of users of your site from other mail services;
  • Each domain user has access to 10 GB of space on Yandex.Disk;
  • 1000 mailboxes and the ability to increase this number by contacting support.

With the mail setup, you need to work a little, go to the control panel of your hosting and make some settings there, but in general, nothing complicated, right?

What to do if the user forgot Yandex mail?

If the password does not "pass" when you try to log into your account, click the "I can't log in" button and follow the instructions:

Yandex will offer you to restore your mail using your phone, an additional email address (if this data is linked to your account), a security question:

If you do not remember your login, you will need to specify the first and last name for which the account is registered. The system will offer a list of logins from which you need to choose yours.

If no methods to restore access help, you will need to fill out the following form:

Remember as much information about your account as possible. You may have to correspond with the support service, provide documents confirming your identity, and so on - the process is very tedious. So try not to forget your password, and use additional access recovery options - linking a phone, an additional email address.

How to delete Yandex mail

If you decide to delete mail on Yandex, I’ll give you banal advice: it’s good to think about whether you really don’t need it: you won’t be able to restore mail after deletion. If you are completely sure that you need to get rid of mail, you can use two methods:

  1. Deleting a mailbox only
  2. Deleting an entire account

Go to Settings - All settings. At the very bottom of the page we find a small inconspicuous link to delete the mailbox:

Click "Delete" and once again think about whether the decision is really final:

Click "Continue". You will need to receive the code on the phone, enter it and specify the password for the account. Everything, the mailbox is deleted.

Deleting an entire account

It will not be possible to permanently and irrevocably delete an account if the Yandex.Money, Yandex.Direct or Mail for Domains services are activated in it. The login in this case will be permanently blocked. If these services are not connected, when deleting an account, the same login can be re-registered after 6 months.

It will be impossible to recover deleted data - I remind you again. Of course, it will be possible to enter into correspondence with Yandex technical support, but whether it will be possible to achieve something is a moot point.

So, to delete an account, go to Yandex.Passport, for example, through Settings - Account Management. In the passport we find Other settings - Delete account:

Answer the security question and click "Delete account". Now, when you try to access Yandex mail or any service of a remote account, Yandex will write us a message stating that there is no account with such a login.


Free Yandex mail is a great option if you need a reliable, functional and convenient mailbox.

I see the following advantages:

  • Yandex has many different services that integrate well with mail.
  • The interface seems to me more convenient than the gmail interface, well, this is a matter of taste and habit
  • Fully working spam protection
  • Possibility to connect mail for domain

Do you have something to add or argue? Welcome to the comments.

Yandex Mail login and registration in the service - detailed instructions for the process.

Yandex.Mail was organized together with the search service in 2000. Now it's quite famous and popular Post service in the CIS.

Registering a Yandex.Mail mailbox

If the choice fell on Yandex mail, registering there is as easy as shelling pears. First of all, you need to open the Yandex portal.

At the top of the page, in the right corner, there will be a "Yandex mail login" form with a link to create a mailbox.

You can also immediately open the page of the mail service and click the "Register" button.

Anyone can log in through social networks (, facebook, twitter, Google etc.).

Clicking on the "Create a mailbox" button will redirect the user to a page with a registration form, where you will need to enter some personal data.

  1. FULL NAME. can be anything, even if you entered someone else's data. Real name/surname is required only for work mailboxes. In addition, it greatly facilitates the search for a specific addressee.
  2. The system offers several login options formed from the first and last name, but nothing prevents you from using your own established nickname or coming up with a new one.
  3. The password should be strong enough and easy to remember. It is recommended to use Latin characters with lower and upper case and numbers in one password.
  4. You can add a phone number to your mailbox. This will provide the ability to quickly restore access in case of hacking attempts. There is also an option to assign a security question instead of attaching a phone. For example, this alone will suffice.
  5. The user agreement and privacy policy must be accepted. Without this, the creation of mail is impossible. Follow the links to view the contents of these agreements.
  6. The registration process is completed by pressing this button.

Note! To confirm that the moment of registration is not a robot, you will need to enter a captcha.

Actually, this is the whole registration on Yandex.Mail. Yandex mail allows you to create a new mailbox in the shortest time.

After that, you can start setting up the box.

Setting up a new box

Immediately after creating the address, the system will prompt you to go through several steps of setting up your own mailbox. The first one is adding a label for emails.

  1. To create a new label, you need to check the checkbox opposite the "new label" field.
  2. Set label name.
  3. Select a label color.
  4. Click "Next" to proceed to the next configuration step.

You can add new tags in unlimited quantities.

Subsequently, it will be possible to edit existing labels, set rules, delete and add them in the mailbox settings.

The next step is to add a mailbox. With this option, all letters received to the specified mailbox will be redirected to the Yandex.Mail address.

At the bottom of the screen, during the entire setup, a panel is available with a choice of page color schemes.

The third step allows you to set up personal data.

  1. Select the postal address that will be displayed in the letter for recipients (,
  2. Adjust the name that recipients of letters will see.
  3. Choose a signature that will be automatically added automatically to the end of each letter.
  4. Upload an avatar for easier identification.
  5. Click next and proceed to the next configuration step.

This setting can also be changed in the account settings.

The fifth step once again offers the option to attach a phone number.

If necessary, indicate the number and enter the confirmation code from SMS, if not, click "Add later".

Mailbox setup is complete.

The finished page will look like this (depending on the chosen theme):

In the future, mail settings can be called up using the inconspicuous link indicated on the image.

The menu items allow you to control the theme of the visual design of the mail service page and other important settings.

In particular, it is from here that folders and labels are added.

It is enough to select the appropriate menu item on the left side of the page - "Folders and Tags".

The left part of the settings block is reserved for folders. Here they can be deleted, added, cleared and rules created for them.

To add a folder, just click the "New Folder" button, give it a name and approve the creation with the "Create Folder" button.

With the same success, it can be deleted by highlighting and pressing the appropriate button.

Labels work in exactly the same way, only to create them you will need to set the color of the label along with the name.

Now the box is finally ready to receive letters.

In addition, all settings are duplicated in the drop-down panel that appears when you click on the gear icon in the upper corner of the page, next to the account name.

The buttons in this panel redirect to the corresponding tab of the configuration menu mentioned earlier.

Yandex.Mail - mobile applications

The emergence of mail applications for mobile platforms was a matter of time.

Yandex.Mail has versions for Android smartphones/tablets, as well as for Apple products ( , iPad, some iPod models).

What are these applications?

Android Application

Not so long ago, Yandex email received a new interface.

Now it is simpler and clearer. Swipes have been added to the management of the list of letters (to the right - “read”, to the left - “delete”).

The application began to look more concise, and due to the colored “substrates” under the lines with letters, it is also more colorful.

From now on, it is also possible to perform actions with several letters at the same time.

Another important advantage is that the application works offline.

Changes made by the user are synchronized with the server on the first connection. There are also several filters, which are, unfortunately, fixed.

You can't add custom filtering.

In addition, the application still does not get rid of its main drawback - the inability to attach accounts of other mail services.

Users can only work with the box.

This fact is somewhat compensated by the possibility of binding other services to the box with the help of adding users to one application.

Yandex.Mail for iPhone

Yandex mail - how to register?

Yandex.Mail - login, registration, settings

In this lesson, I will tell you how to enter your Yandex page. We will learn how to log into Yandex Mail and use an email box. I will also talk about what to do if there are problems with logging in.

How to enter Yandex mail

Yandex is the largest search engine on the Russian Internet. It helps to find information on the web: articles, pictures, videos. But besides this, Yandex also has services: Music, Maps, Market, Weather, Money, Disk and others.

And among other things, Yandex has an excellent mail service. It is fast, reliable and easy to manage. And it's free.

Anyone who registers with Yandex Mail will receive a free email box and an individual address. Forever!

You can log into your Yandex mailbox from any computer, phone or tablet. But for this you must have an address registered in the system. If there is no address, then you need it first.

Computer Login

1 . Open the site in a new tab.

2. In the upper right corner of the site, click on the "Login to mail" button.

3 . In the "Login or phone number" field, type the address of your mailbox on Yandex. Or part of the address - before the @ sign.

4 . In the "Password" field, type the password for your mailbox. It consists of numbers and / or English letters (will be printed in dots). Then click on the "Login" button.

If you are not logging in from your own computer, click on the “Alien Computer” box.

If the data is entered correctly, a personal account in Yandex will open. This is your mail.

The picture shows my mail page. Letters that have already been read are marked in thin type, and those that have not yet been opened are marked in thick.

On a note . At the bottom of the login window there are icons of other services: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki,, etc.

Through them, you can also get into your mail, but only if you registered it through a page on the social network.

Email programs

You can work with mail not only from a browser, but also directly from a computer. To do this, there are special programs - mail clients. These are such programs as Microsoft Outlook, The Bat!, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail and others.

We set up the client - and work with letters directly from it, and not from the browser. This is convenient: you can immediately open the box through the shortcut on the Desktop. To learn how to set up the client, read the link.

Sign in from your phone or tablet

There are two ways to enter Yandex mail from a phone or tablet:

I'll show you how to use the application using an Android phone as an example. On the iPhone, it's pretty much the same.

Learning to use mail

First, let's talk about email addresses (email) - this is important for receiving letters.

Each mailbox on the Internet has a unique name. It consists of a login, an @ sign, and a prefix (mail site). Such a name is written in one word without spaces and without a dot at the end. Example: [email protected]

For mailboxes on Yandex, you can use any of the options as a prefix:,,,, or

It turns out that if I chose the login ivan.petrov during registration, then the full name of my mailbox will be [email protected] or [email protected], or [email protected], or with another prefix.

So, in order for a person to be able to send me a letter, you need to give him one of these addresses. It doesn't matter which one - it's all the same box that belongs only to me.

Note: each user chooses a login during registration. This is a unique box identifier in the system and cannot be changed.

How Yandex.Mail works

An open Yandex.Mail on a computer looks something like this:

Look to the left side. There are inscriptions: "Incoming", "Sent", "Deleted", "Spam", "Drafts".

  • inbox- letters come here.
  • Sent- here are the letters that we send ourselves.
  • Remote- letters that we deleted (i.e. erased).
  • Spam- All advertisements are placed here.
  • drafts- a place where letters are automatically saved in the process of writing them. This is something like insurance against losing them in case of a system glitch or problems with the Internet.

Whichever of these labels you click on, the letters will be located in the middle of the page. Those that have not yet been read will be in bold. And the usual style - those letters that have already been opened.

To open a letter, you need to move the cursor over it, and click once with the left mouse button.

How to send a letter

To write and send a letter, click on the button that says "Write" (above):

A new page will load with fields for printing text.

In the "To" field, type the email address of the person you want to send the email to. What is an email address and how it is spelled correctly, I told.

In the "Subject" field, type what the letter is about or from whom it is. For example, Trip Report.

We print the letter itself in the largest field. If there is a lot of text, then this field will automatically expand (a slider will appear on the side).

After the fields are filled in, click on the orange "Submit" button at the bottom or at the top.

In a moment, the letter will fly to the specified address, after which the “Letter sent successfully” page will load. And after a couple of seconds, a page with incoming messages will open instead.

You can find your sent email in the Sent Items folder on the right side of the mailbox.

How to send a photo or document

To send a photo or document by e-mail, you need to repeat all the same steps as when writing a regular letter. But just before sending, add the file inside.

To do this, click on the paperclip icon next to the bottom “Submit” button.

A small window will appear for you to select a picture, document, or some other file. Find the desired file through this window and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

The window will disappear, and the name of the selected file will be written above the "Submit" button.

Note: if you want to send more than one file, attach each of them in exactly the same way.

You need to send such a letter with an attachment in the same way as a regular one - by clicking on the "Send" button. Read more about email poisoning here.

If you can't login to your email

Yandex is one of the best email services in the world. Therefore, problems in its work usually do not arise. Letters are sent and received within a few minutes anywhere in the world.

As a rule, if problems arise, then with access to the box. You are trying to open your mail, and the site writes an error "Wrong password" or "There is no such account." Now I will tell you why this happens and what to do.

"Wrong password" error

This inscription appears when you enter the wrong password when entering the mailbox.

The most common causes of this error are:

  • Russian alphabet instead of English;
  • Wrong letter case;
  • spaces.

I’ll tell you more about each of these reasons, and then I’ll show you how to type the password correctly.

Russian alphabet instead of English. The Yandex mail password cannot contain Russian letters. It consists only of English letters, and may also contain numbers and signs. Therefore, before typing the password, you need to check the alphabet - it must be English.

Wrong letter case. This is when, when printing a password, you type uppercase letters instead of lowercase letters and vice versa.

For example, there is such a password: TMssnkmm. In it, the first two letters are large, and the rest are small. If you type at least one letter in the wrong size, the system will give an error.

On a note . Often the letters from the password are typed in the wrong size due to the fact that the Caps Lock key on the keyboard was accidentally pressed. This button automatically capitalizes all letters. To fix it, you need to click on it once.

Spaces. The password cannot contain spaces. Not at the beginning, not in the middle, not at the end. It should consist only of English letters (numbers/characters) without spaces.

How to enter the correct password

1 . Go to Start and type "notepad" in the search bar. Open Notepad.

2. Type in your password and make sure everything is typed correctly. Do not put a space either at the beginning or at the end and do not press Enter!

3 . Select a password. To do this, click on the "Edit" button and select "Select All". And then copy it: right-click on the selected text - Copy.

4 . Paste the password into the form to enter the mail: right-click inside the field - Paste.

If it didn't help. Perhaps you make a mistake not in the password, but in the login. And, it turns out that you enter data from someone else's box. Therefore, the system gives an error.

I'll explain with an example. Let's say I have a mailbox with the address [email protected]. And when I print the login, I skip one letter i - I print ilya_86.

Then I enter the password, and the system gives an error that it is incorrect. And he's really wrong, because the box [email protected] belongs to another person, not to me. And the password is different.

If you type in at least one letter or number of the login incorrectly, Yandex will give an error "Wrong password" or "There is no such account."

"There is no such account" error

The error “There is no such account” appears if you incorrectly typed the login from the mailbox. With this message, the system says that such mail does not exist.

This usually happens if you accidentally typed the wrong letter or number in your login. For example, not yan_pavlov , but jan_pavlov . Not irina.58 , but irina58 .

Even one wrong letter, number or character in the login is already a mistake. Moreover, the system can issue both “There is no such account” or “Wrong password”.

What to do . There are three options for solving this problem:

  1. Try several similar logins. With a dot, with a hyphen, with different spellings. The advice is banal, but often helps.
  2. Find out your address from the people to whom you have sent letters from this mailbox. Suddenly they had it in the mail.
  3. Restore access to the box.

How to restore access to the box

If you can't log in, Yandex will help you restore access to your mail. To do this, under the login form, click on the link "I can not log in."


How to secure your mail?

To do this, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the box and select "Security".

  • Assign a complex password: at least 10 characters, including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols.
  • Attach your mobile phone number to the mail.
  • Do not forget to log out of mail on other people's devices (computers, phones). To do this, click on your login in the upper right corner of the mailbox and select "Exit Yandex services".

The computer is already signed in to another mailbox. How, without closing it, enter another mail?

1. Open the main page

2. In the upper right corner of the site, click on the avatar (user picture).

3. Select "Add User".

An email login form will open. Enter your username/password and sign in. Now two boxes will open at once. You can switch between them through the login in the upper right corner of the page.

On a note . And you can also enter another box through incognito mode. In this case, no data from your mail will be saved on the computer.

Mail is slow - what to do?

Usually, if the mail is loading slowly, this is due to the speed of the Internet. This means that the Internet is either slow or intermittent.

In this case, you can use the easy version. This is the same Yandex Mail, but only simplified. It is available at:

Despite its venerable age, e-mail remains a key way to conduct business correspondence, exchange documents and financial statements. Our article will help you open a mailbox in Yandex easily and quickly.

Before registering an email box, take care of 3 basic things:

The login is an alias (nickname) that will be used in the e-mail address. In Yandex, a login can contain only letters of the Latin alphabet, as well as numbers and/or hyphens. For example Angel2000 or Volk-1111. In this case, the name of the mailbox will take the form: [email protected] And [email protected] respectively.

The password is the most important attribute of your mailbox. Keep security in mind and make it fairly complex, containing at least 10 characters, including a capital letter and a few numbers.

A mobile phone number will be needed to get the possibility of emergency password recovery, or to resume access to the box if it is hacked. The number is optional. Instead, there is the possibility of using a secret word.

Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Start registration

After you have entered the website of the Yandex search engine, the first thing to do is click on the "Start mail" hyperlink.

Step 2. First and last name

In front of you is the page of direct e-mail registration. Initially, enter information about your first and last name. It is better to indicate real data, which will avoid possible disputes when restoring access to the mailbox.

Step 3. Login

It's time to enter the invented login. Depending on its complexity and popularity, there are two outcomes:

  • the required login will be free;
  • or already busy.

Obviously, such an unsightly login as Ivanov75357 turned out to be free, as evidenced by the green checkmark that appeared to the right of it.

A simpler and more beautiful Ivanov login, already taken by another user. There are two options for solving the problem:

Read practical tips for finding your email in the article -

Step 4Password

It's time to enter your password.

Important! Remember that the security of the mailbox directly depends on its complexity.

Please note that the password entered during registration is displayed in encrypted form, using dots. If you do not manage the keyboard well, and are also sure that strangers will not see it, click on the “Cilia” icon so that the password starts to be displayed in its normal form.

Important! The image above shows the first and only restriction - the password must not be shorter than 6 characters.

In the future, Yandex gives visual clues: about the degree of security and recommendations for improving it.

Important! The password should be as complex as possible, not contain dates, words and/or phrases. An ideal password contains a random mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, special characters such as "gFgRbt843!".

In order not to make a mistake, enter the password again in the form below.

Step 5. Mobile number or security question

  1. Enter your phone number in the appropriate field and click the "Get Code" button.

  2. After pressing the button, your mobile phone will receive an SMS message with a code that must be entered in the desired field "Enter the code from SMS" and click the "Confirm" button. This procedure is necessary to confirm that the entered mobile number really exists and is being used.

  3. If you have no desire to disclose additional personal data, click on the link "I don't have a phone".

  4. By clicking on the drop-down list, select the security question you like, and enter the answer to it in the field below.

This question will be asked in case you want to recover a forgotten password, so choose a question-answer combination that is familiar to you.

Step 6. Completing registration

Complete the registration procedure by checking all the entered data and pressing the "Register" button.

Congratulations! You yourself registered and opened your e-mail box in the search engine. We wish you pleasant communication and successful activities!

Video - How to open email on Yandex

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