How to contact your email provider. To add an account in Windows Mail. Easy to use

The email service provider landscape is constantly evolving, with advancing technology and the changing needs of brands and merchants. In this article, I'll look at factors to consider in 2017 when choosing an email service provider.

Emerging Industry

Over the past few years, many leading email service providers have been acquired or focused on expanding their core offerings. Therefore, shopping for email providers is becoming complex, with new company names and capabilities. Here are some examples.

  • ExactTarget. Acquired by Salesforce.
  • Silverpop. Acquired by IBM.
  • Responsys. Acquired by Oracle.
  • Yesmail. Acquired by Infogroup.
  • CheetahMail, Acquired Experian.
  • Bronto. NetSuite acquired.

As email service providers grow and add valuable brands to their client routers, large companies are acquiring them to diversify and complement their offerings. Data plays a key role in email marketing, which is attracting data-driven organizations to the industry.

All of this is important to know when shopping for a supplier, as features and functionality may change after purchase.

Service Levels

Email service providers typically focus on one of three market segments.

  • Company. These are larger providers with sophisticated tools and functionality. They typically handle high volume senders. Examples of enterprise-grade providers include IBM Marketing Cloud (formerly Silverpop), Salesforce Marketing Cloud (formerly ExactTarget), and Epsilon.
  • Middle of the market. Mid-market providers primarily serve mid-market companies. These suppliers are quite sophisticated in their offerings and handle relatively moderate volumes. Examples of mid-market providers include Dotmailer, Postup, Bronto and Delivra.
  • Small business. Small business providers serve start-up and mid-size companies. These providers have increased their service offerings to keep customers from switching to mid-market providers. Examples of small business providers include MailChimp, Constant Contact, and VerticalResponse.

Features and Opportunities

A well-suited email service provider should offer your company's core functional needs as well as additional capabilities for potential future use. In my experience, most eCommerce sellers only use a small percentage of their vendor's features. The key is to balance not paying for features you don't need versus paying for ones you'll need later.

The easiest way to do this is to make a checklist of (a) the main must-have features, (b) those that are good for them, (c) and those that are bonuses. Disable vendors that don't offer mandatory ones that are likely to include, regardless of market segment:

  • Email template or WYSIWYG designer;
  • Built-in A/B testing;
  • Integration of social networks;
  • Partner integration to ensure seamless tracking;
  • Trigger and autoresponder capabilities;
  • Advanced reporting, including mobile and desktop.

One often overlooked area of ​​research is data storage capabilities and how to update data. This may include updating your data with behavioral actions, such as a sale or other conversion from email promotion, and the ability to take action on that data.

Valuation Models

Many enterprise and mid-market service providers charge per thousand dollars, i.e., a fee per email deployed. This CPM rate typically decreases for higher annual volumes, but many suppliers require an annual contract to receive lower rates. Small business providers typically charge a flat rate based on the size of the email list. For example, VerticalResponse charges $120 per month for 5,001 to 10,000 address lists.

Additionally, some providers charge additional fees, such as the following.

  • Monthly management. These may cover a dedicated account and other services offered by the provider.
  • Extended capabilities. Some additional features may have an a-la-carte price that is higher than the base CPM or monthly fee.
  • Dedicated IP address. Dedicated IP addresses usually include additional fees.

Review pricing models to find the right match for your shipping patterns and needs. When it comes to email providers, in my experience you really do get what you pay for. Cheaper options usually have limited functionality.


Red Pill Email, a consulting firm, publishes an independent (and free) email guide that compares and contrasts vendors, although it does not include small business vendors. Choosing an email provider offers similar guidance.

Russian Post is a very important company for the country. The state postal service performs many social functions. One of them is providing jobs, because more than 300,000 people work at the post office. This large team processes more than 1.5 billion letters, 75 million monetary units and 55 million parcels per year. In 2011, the enterprise's turnover amounted to more than 120 billion rubles, and net profit exceeded 790 million rubles. Russian Post was founded in 2002, and 11 years later the government included it in the list of strategic enterprises. The State Post provides a large number of services, the list of which increases every year.

Post services

  1. Written correspondence.

Written correspondence services are included in the universal services. Written correspondence includes:


Post cards,

Reply mail.

  1. First class shipments.

1st class shipments are a fast delivery method. It allows you to speed up shipment by a third compared to traditional delivery. The main advantages of this service are:


Low cost

Fast delivery.

Processing speed,

Convenience in determining tariffs.

When sending by cash on delivery, the parcel amount should not exceed 20,000 rubles. Delivery speed is ensured by new logistics and sorting technologies. For first class items, mailboxes are provided, the service of which is carried out much more often than the removal of correspondence from standard boxes.

First class mailbox

  1. Express deliveryEMS.

This service is provided in more than 190 countries. This allows parcels to be delivered to different parts of the world in the shortest possible time. The following types of express delivery are available:

Delivery within the city,

Intraregional delivery,

Delivery throughout Russia,

International delivery.

The weight of the parcel for express delivery should not exceed 31 kilograms. The length of the package should not be more than 150 centimeters.

  1. Courier delivery.

For recipients of shipments in Moscow, it is possible to have the parcel delivered by courier from the branch directly to the door of the house. This service can be ordered through the Russian Post mobile application or via SMS. The parcel is delivered within two days after completing the application. The cost of one shipment is 199 rubles. You must present an ID to receive it.

Russian Post application

  1. SMS notification.

This service involves notifying the recipient/sender of the arrival/receipt of mail. To order an SMS notification, do the following:

Specify the alert type,

Provide phone number

Fill out the order form,

Deposit money for the service.

Russian Post has determined the following tariffs for the provision of SMS notification services:

Prices include VAT.

  1. Multienvelope

The multienvelope is intended for sending the following goods:

Information carriers,


Plastic cards.


Delivery to any region of Russia;

The ability to use the service to promote your business (informing potential clients about promotions and discounts);

Stimulates seasonal sales;

Reasonable price for the service.


Shipping abroad is not possible;

The multienvelope is manufactured industrially;

Not suitable for sending items weighing more than 150 grams;

It is necessary to coordinate the appearance of the multienvelope with Russian Post.

Tariffs for this service for a simple shipment are as follows:

WeightPrice including VATPrice excluding VAT
Up to 50 grams29.50 RUR25.00 RUR
50–100 grams36.58 RUR31.00 RUR
100–150 grams50.74 RUR43.00 RUR

Tariffs for registered shipment:

WeightPrice including VATPrice excluding VAT
Up to 50 grams63.72 RUR54.00 RUR
50–100 grams77.88 RUR66.00 RUR
100–150 grams94.40 RUR80.00 RUR

VAT is not charged if payment is confirmed by government signs (postage stamps).

Financial services

  1. Payment of pensions.

This service is one of the most socially significant. For decades, the Russian postal service has been paying pensions and benefits to citizens. The Pension Fund and Russian Post have jointly developed an electronic document management system that allows pensioners to be notified in a timely manner about the amount and timing of payments. More than 17 million pensioners use state postal services.

  1. Acceptance of utility payments.

The convenience of this service lies in the fact that Russian Post has many branches throughout the country. Therefore, citizens have the opportunity to choose the nearest branch to their home so as not to waste a lot of time on the road. State Post is constantly improving the quality of customer service. The post office cooperates not only with municipal utility providers, but also with federal-level companies, for example, Gazprom OJSC.

  1. Money transfers.
  1. Accepting payments for Internet and television.
  1. Insurance services.
  1. Servicing bank cards.
  1. Issuance and repayment of loans.

Russian Post does not stand still. State postal service employees are constantly introducing new services for their customers. In 2015, new financial services of Russian Post appeared, aimed at improving the quality of service in the field of insurance, money transfers and parcel delivery.

Services for the population

Russian Post provides not only postal and financial services. State Post strives to help its customers solve everyday issues. Among the most popular Russian Post services for the population are the following:

  • CyberPress,
  • CyberMail,
  • subscription to printed publications,
  • mobile app,
  • sale of lottery tickets,
  • sale of tickets for transport, public events, etc.,
  • telephone communications,
  • acceptance of migration papers.

Russian Post provides a very wide range of services. Almost every resident of the Russian Federation can choose for himself those services that are suitable and useful for him. Criticism of the state postal service regarding the timing and quality of delivery has its grounds. But Russian Post offers various express delivery options, which are more expensive than regular delivery, but provide significant guarantees. The following offers for business are also provided: advertising, partnership, customs support, assistance with international shipments. It is thanks to its social orientation that Russian Post is such an important organization for the state.

Getting more email marketing email starts with sending your email from a reputable email server. According to a recent study by Return Path, 77% of email delivery problems are due to sender reputation. Most companies that provide email for their clients consider sender reputation when filtering email.

Since your own email server is unlikely to have a reputation, delivering mail through an email provider (EMP) with a reputable and known reputation is one of the most important steps you can take to maximize email availability. Make sure you choose an EMP that can

    Authenticating your email: Authentication Allows mail servers to identify the sender of an email.

    Eliminate clients with high spam complaints: EMPs send emails from their servers on behalf of their clients, even though the emails are coming from their clients.

    Since too many spam complaints can cause EMP servers to become blocked blocks, make sure your EMP takes action when one of its clients receives too many spam complaints. Reputable ASPs keep overall complaints low - and your sender's reputation is as clean as possible.

    Validate the quality of your clients' email lists: While EMPs cannot guarantee or predetermine the quality of their clients' email lists, reputable EMPs require clients to adhere to strict permission policies to warn their clients when attempting to use email addresses that may generate a large number of complaints.

    Accept spam tolerance policy: Some businesses, such as those in the financial and healthcare industries, receive high volumes of spam complaints because their legitimate email content looks like a lot of spam emails. Use an EMP that either has options for such businesses or has a referral policy such businesses to another service that specializes in industries where spam complaints may be higher than average.

    Keep customers from sending repeated emails to unknown users: Spammers send billions of emails to every possible email address, hoping to reveal the real addresses. Because ISPs (such as AOL, Yahoo! and Hotmail) spend a lot of money bouncing emails sent by spammers, they don't value emails sent to non-existent addresses. As a result, your productivity may suffer if your email server is flagged how unpleasant.

    To protect the sender's reputation (as well as the EMP), most reputable EMPs will stop sending your email to non-existent email addresses after two or three attempts, even if you don't delete the email referring to yourself.

Email filters often rely on sender reputation before content filters, so be sure to run the EMP test. You can check the EMP sender's reputation against the competition by signing up for a free account on the sender's account.

Enter your company's domain name and then click on each of the email servers you list to see the sender rating for each server used to send email on behalf of EMP clients.

A score of 0 has the lowest value on a particular mail server, while a score of 100 is the best. Once you feel comfortable that you are sending email through a reputable EMP system, you can rest assured that your email content optimization efforts will not be wasted.

Computers and the Internet have entered almost every home. With their help, we exchange information with other people without even thinking about how it all works. When sending an email, many of us consider it the equivalent of a postcard in an envelope. It's as if no one will read this message until the recipient receives it. But the rules for handling regular correspondence do not apply to electronic communications. I don't know how important it is for you to hide your messages from strangers, but electronic security techniques have never hurt anyone. You need to think about it from the moment you decide to register your email on Gmail (or another service). The degree of concern for security is determined by the nature of your activity, but every Internet user needs to know about the basic technologies that ensure it.

Level 1 - The Right Email Service Provider

Every email service provider has positives and negatives. Today, many people choose a service from Google and register their email with Gmail. Let's look at this option in more detail. There are two main points regarding Gmail security that are worth dwelling on in more detail. Many people are reluctant to use Google services due to the company's privacy policy, but it is free, simple and easy to use, and its security can be enhanced with a number of simple techniques. By registering your email with Gmail, you can enjoy the same level of secure communications as government agencies and multinational corporations.

Hotmail/Outlook is a popular email service and client, but it is not compatible with the encryption methods that would make your email communications secure. Yahoo also provides email services, which are free as long as you work on their servers. If you want to download mail using an email client, you will have to pay for using your account. None of these companies offer security-enhancing techniques for free. Therefore, it is best to register your email with Gmail. Now let's look at security issues in Google's email service.

Level 2 - Download and install an email client

If you use a web interface to work with email, then all letters are stored online on servers. It’s like setting up a post office box at the post office, coming in, reading letters, and putting them back. There's nothing illegal about it, but why trust others to keep your secrets? By downloading letters to your local computer using an email client, you transfer them to the hard drive of your personal computer. Which email client should you choose?

The three most common options in the world today are Lotus Notes, Outlook and Thunderbird. Lotus Notes and Outlook are traditionally used in the business segment. They have quite a few security features (business friendly), but you have to pay for them. Additionally, they are not compatible with some encryption software used in the consumer sector.

If you want to increase security when using Gmail, download the free Thunderbird client, created by the same team that makes the Firefox browser. This program is both reliable and has add-ons to improve email security.

After installing Thunderbird, set up a Gmail account in the program. Don't forget to specify in your settings that emails should be downloaded to your local machine and then deleted from your Google account. This will make life much more difficult for anyone who wants to spy on you. Now he will be able to read the correspondence only if he gains access directly to the computer.

Level 3 - Encryption

Once you've set up your Gmail account in Thunderbird, get started with PGP (short for Pretty Good Privacy) encryption. To do this, download and install the Enigmail extension for your email client. It is designed to automatically encrypt emails from your Gmail email account. Strangers will be able to find out who you are sending your letters to, but no one except the recipient will be able to read them.

PGP will install the key for your computer. Also, the people to whom you send encrypted messages must have the keys. Once all your trusted correspondents have keys, you will greatly increase the security of your email communications. Even if someone else were able to intercept the encryption key and the email, they would still see nothing but a meaningless jumble of characters without having access to the computer. It should be noted that this type of encryption is currently virtually unbreakable. It is used by many governments around the world and corporations. If they rely on it, do you need more?

Level 4 - Become Anonymous

The steps described above, which should be taken immediately after registering your mail on Gmail, hide correspondence from anyone who does not have access to your computer. But these actions will not make you anonymous, they will only hide information. Spies can easily determine who you are and who you are sending your letters to. To ensure anonymity when using email, use techniques from the Tor Project.

Instead of sending information directly from one point to another, the Tor project uses a peer-to-peer network for this purpose. The data is torn into tiny pieces, travels along different paths, and is only brought together at its destination. Anonymity is ensured by the fact that no one will be able to get a complete picture of what you are doing online. With some serious effort, an outsider will get a general idea of ​​your online behavior, but it will only be a guess. This is currently the best strategy to maintain anonymity online.

To set up anonymity when using email, you do not need to have any special knowledge or skills. Simply configure your email client to send encrypted data through various Usenet groups. Any email (incoming or outgoing) will be dispersed on Usenet. This technique provides a fantastic level of anonymity, but the time it takes for an email to travel from your computer to its recipient can take several hours or even days. Yes, it's very slow. Therefore, this strategy should only be used when you REALLY need to hide something. I won't go into depth on this here. In fact, maintaining true anonymity online is a kind of art.

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