How to connect the power buttons to the motherboard. Connecting the front panel to the motherboard. We connect the case buttons to the motherboard

How to connect the motherboard to the front panel, which contains all the main buttons and indicators?

The procedure for attaching the motherboard to the front panel is a standard computer assembly process.

Before starting the connection process, you should study in detail appearance each element of the front panel of the computer case and the queue for its connection to motherboard.

Remember! If you connect elements to the main system board in the wrong order, some of them may not work or work incorrectly.

Learning the names of all the elements and their location is quite simple. All of them have a certain marking, name and appearance.

Connecting all buttons and status indicators

On any case there are indicators of the status of the computer, LEDs, buttons, drives. Other elements may also be present.

On the computer motherboard, there is a separate block for connecting LED bulbs (indicate the on state) and buttons.

Components are connected to this block using four separate connectors.

Their appearance is shown in the figure below. They look the same on all computers, but the phrases that are written on them may differ (but they mean the same thing).

Connectors are painted in different colors.

Yellow is for connecting the power button, blue is for the system status diode (lights up when the system is rebooted).

The green connector connects to the computer motherboard the indicator light for pressing the power button (after pressing the power key, the corresponding light turns green).

Red - power button cable.

The connector that links the speaker to the chassis can also be colored yellow.

This speaker makes beeping sounds when the computer is turned on, during system error detection, or when connected to a wireless network.

All connectors connect to one specific motherboard port. Typically, this port is located on the lower right side of the system's main board.

Computer parts manufacturers refer to this port as PANEL and its variations (F_PANEL).

Absolutely every motherboard has signatures that indicate what and where to connect. The figure below shows the required port on the board.

The arrows indicate where to connect each of the connectors.

On the main board, you can often find a separate connector for connecting a speaker, which reacts to errors in the BIOS and in the computer hardware.

The location of the connector is shown in the figure:

After connecting the block with buttons and diodes, you can start connecting all front USB inputs, as well as audio outputs.

The process of connecting the front panel of the system unit case

The appearance of the connectors for USB and sound practically does not differ from those connectors that were described above in the article.

However, unlike the previous connector wires, they are connected together.

Each connector has a name (respectively USB and HD AUDIO). The appearance of the wires is shown in the figure below:

The connector for connecting these connectors on the motherboard is located at its bottom and, as a rule, is signed with the names F_USB1 or F_USB2.

There can be more than two connectors for connection (newer versions of motherboards).

It doesn't matter which wire you connect to.

All inputs are absolutely identical, the order of their connection does not affect the operation of the front panel components of the computer.

It is also impossible to make a mistake with the correct side of the connector.

The USB connector can only be connected in one direction.

Follow instructions:

  • Find a connector called F_USB;
  • Locate the corresponding connectors on the motherboard. Their location is shown in the figure;

  • Connect the connectors to any of the connectors on the board.

Note! If your computer case indicates that USB 3.0 is used, you only need to connect the connector to a specific connector. To which one, you can read in the instructions that come with the motherboard.

Connecting the Front Soundbar to the Main Board

Now you need to connect sound devices to the motherboard. All actions are almost the same as connecting USB connectors.

Connectors are also connected together with each other.

Thus, you can accurately connect all the components to the computer motherboard.

On most motherboards, all audio connectors are located near the USB connectors. The approximate location of the ports can be seen in the figure below:

Most often, audio connectors are signed as AC 97.

Connecting the motherboard is very interesting, albeit individually. After all, different models may have different connectors, connector locations and features. However, in general terms, you can give a generalized guide to connecting the motherboard, which I will give below.

In this article I will give instructions for connecting the motherboard using the example of ASRock P67 Pro3. It may differ in some ways from other boards, so do not be alarmed if you have something different from what I write.

Watch carefully and you'll be fine. And if it didn’t work out, then ask, I will help you.

So, for convenience, I will give a plan-picture, and they will tell you what and where to connect on the motherboard.

In our case, the motherboard is powered by a 24-channel cable, and the processor is powered by an 8-channel cable. Before connecting the motherboard to power, find these cables and plug them into the appropriate connectors.

Connecting cables to the motherboard

Cables to the motherboard and CD drives. Most modern motherboards support two device interfaces - IDE ATA and Sata.

The cables are connected to the motherboard in the appropriate connectors: a large one for ATA, a small one for Sata. I note that IDE ATA supports connecting two devices at once to one port connector, and Sata allows you to connect only one to one port.

Obviously, when the cables are connected to the motherboard, devices should be connected to their free ends - hard drives or CD-ROM drives with appropriate ATA or Sata interfaces.

How to connect the motherboard to the case

Before connecting the motherboard to the case, let's make it clear that this expression means connecting it to the front panel - that is, these are the start, restart, speaker (if any) buttons and indicator LEDs.

Among all the aspects discussed above, this trifle is the most difficult, probably for many, and I will not give any general instructions on how to connect the motherboard to the case, since everything is different everywhere.

Before connecting the wires from the LEDs and panel buttons to the motherboard, pay attention to their connectors, there should be markings, as shown in the figure above. Then you should refer to the instructions for connecting your particular board, and connect these few wires as it is written there. Or the corresponding designations will be indicated on the board itself.

That's all. Let me just say, if you have a Floppy drive and the motherboard supports its connection, then connect it using a cable similar to IDE ATA. However, the board we disassembled does not have such a connector, and it does not exist in all modern boards.

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The case of the system unit is an important component of the entire computer. It is in the case that the “production shop” of the entire computer is located, so to speak. It is in the case that the motherboard is installed, and it is already “hung” on it RAM, video card, processor and all kinds of wires and cables. Moreover, the power supply is located in a separate place inside the case, however, like HDD and drive.

Modern cases look quite attractive, menacing, aggressive, unusual ... The developers have enough imagination, which means that ordinary buyers can choose from a huge assortment. But not only do the current cases have an attractive appearance, they also have "working" pluses. Such pluses are USB connectors, as well as microphone and headphone jacks on the front of the case, which in turn means that every time we need to connect a USB flash drive, we need to climb under the table and get to the back of the case. I think everyone agrees that these are, in principle, trifles, but still, it’s more pleasant to just insert a USB flash drive in front and start working.

But, unfortunately, there are cases when some parts of the computer case fail. It's about the famous POWER button, which is absolutely on every case. In the process of long operation, this button can simply fail, for example, stop being pressed, or vice versa, it will fall deep into the case, and no matter how you “conjure”, you won’t be able to turn on the computer. What to do in such situations? If you don’t really need a computer, then it’s better to call the master and wait with peace of mind until he repairs everything, paying him a certain amount of money for this.

If you need to use the computer urgently enough, then perhaps you should use the following advice.

First you need to find a flat surface and carefully place the system unit so that the left cover looks at you, while you should not disconnect all the wires in order to complete everything faster, but you should make sure that these wires are not stretched. In addition, a prerequisite should be that the computer is disconnected from the power supply, as they say, you never know. The next thing to do is remove the left case cover. In modern cases, this usually does not require any great effort, so this should not be a problem.

After removing the cover, an amazing picture will appear in front of you. You will see everything for which you once gave a round sum, and which usually works peacefully, making an innocent noise, and what now does not want to “start up”. Our focus should be primarily on the multi-colored wires that run from the front of the case to the motherboard. There can be many such wires, and it is not surprising, because there are connected and POWER buttons and RESET button, and USB ports, together in the audio outputs. So, at the next step, we may need a little knowledge of English, which many received at school, because on the wiring itself, as well as on the motherboard, near the connection of these wiring, it should be written what they mean. Take the USB ports as an example. On the motherboard itself, near the connection, there should be an inscription USB1, USB2, etc. This means that the wires connected to these connectors are nothing but USB connection ports.

But do not forget about our problem, which means that we need to look for posting POWER(usually these are two wires woven together). Typically, the connectors to which the power or reset buttons are connected are located on the lower right side of the motherboard:

On most motherboards, these connectors are the same and consist of 9 pins arranged in two rows. The last two contacts in a short row of 4 plugs are responsible for turning on / off the computer.

Here are the connector diagrams for the most popular motherboard manufacturers.









When these two wires are found, you should find where they are connected to the motherboard. After the connection point has been found, it is worth carefully disconnecting these wires, so that the small plugs are exposed.

That's it, now we're almost done. The final step is only turning on the computer, for this we need an ordinary stationery pen, preferably one that writes in bold. After finding such a pen, you can connect the computer to the power supply, and then gently run the tip of the rod over these bare needles. Or in other words, you just need to close these contacts. After these steps, the computer should come to life, and the download will begin. If nothing happened, then it is worth repeating the procedure, but close these needles quickly enough.

Thanks to such simple steps, you can start the computer without any problems, but this should not be neglected, and it is better to fix the start button on the case as soon as possible in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

Attention: Neither the author of this article, nor the administration of this site, bears any responsibility for possible problems that may occur during the process of turning on the computer in this way. You will perform all of the above actions at your own peril and risk, and will be solely responsible for possible problems that are not described in this article.

The power supply is an integral part of any personal computer. Thanks to the block, electricity is conducted to the motherboard, the central processor and any other peripherals.

When installing this device in no case do not connect it to the power supply.

To connect you will need a cable with connector 24pin, however, older models use 20+4 pin. Such a connector is always included with your power supply, and you do not need to buy it separately.

Standard 24 pin connector

Connector 20+4 pin

This cable has a small latch on one side, which allows you to correctly position the connector when connected to the motherboard.

When connecting the module it does not follow apply great force so as not to damage any of the devices. However, it is necessary to achieve a tight fit in the socket on the board, as well as make sure that the latch clicks and is securely fastened.

Fixed 24 pin connector

Thus, we connected two main devices together, which will allow us to supply power to the motherboard.

Next, you need to supply power to CPU. Per this function answers 4 pinconnector. For more powerful processors, use 8 pinconnector.

Standard 4 pin connector

8 pin connector for more powerful processors

Connecting this module likewise the contacts mentioned above. Plug must be plugged into socket click clamp that ensures a tight fit of the cable.

Thus, we have established the supply of electricity not only to the motherboard, but also to the central processing unit.

Connecting the front connectors

Buttons are usually present on standard system units. food and reboot personal computer, as well as indicators(bulbs). Them connection to the motherboard is carried out after 1-2 pins connectors that need to be connected correctly. These cables have hints, in the form of inscriptions that allow you to understand what each of the connectors is responsible for. To connect them, you need to find a special panel on the motherboard ( Fpanel) and connect the cables, correctly arranging them.


Pins responsible for the front connectors of the system unit

  • Power SW responsible for the power button of your personal computer
  • Reset SW for the reset button
  • Power LED- these are the power indicator cables (lights that light up when the computer is turned on)
  • D.D.LED– HDD loading indicator cable

When installing these cables, you must adhere to strict order. Each pin should be connected so that the inscription looks up. The location of their connection is often indicated in the tips near the F-panel on the motherboard itself. However, for convenience, it is recommended to use following scheme.

Connector layout

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the connectors power LED divided into two 1 pin cables and subdivided into "+" and "-". It is necessary to arrange these pins so that as indicated in the diagram.

With the standard F-panel layout, the result should look like this:

Final result

However, this process is not over.

Often, on the front panel of the system unit there are also interface connectorsUSB and 3.5mm ports for connecting audio devices and a microphone.

USB and 3.5 mm connectors

There are also hints on these cables, and it’s quite hard to make a mistake, because. also present on the motherboard. signatures near the sockets required for connection.

Pins for 3.5mm jacks

Pin responsible for the USB connector

Connection sockets

How to connect video cards

Before installing this device, you need to determine in which port it should be installed.

Video card connectors are three types:

  • Standard AGP(Obsolete and no longer used in modern models)
  • Standard PCI(Used by previous generation cards)
  • Standard PCIExpress(Used by modern graphics cards)

Because standard AGP already outdated, we will consider only connectors PCI and PCIExpress.

PCI-Express slot

AGP connector

It should be noted that connecting a video card with an AGP connector to a PCI-Express slot and vice versa - impossible. These standards differ not only in size, but also in cutout.

Comparison of AGP and PCI-Express standards

Having dealt with the type of port to which you need to connect the video card, you can proceed with the installation.

To get started you will need remove the plug from the back of your system unit. This can be done by unscrewing the fixing screw.


After the plugs have been removed, you need to carefully insert video card to the port you defined earlier. It is not necessary to apply force to the connection, the card enters the slot very easily, and the latch will help to make sure that it is installed correctly and tightly, which will emit click. Also, when connecting, the interface panel of the video card should go to the back panel of your case - to the place where the plugs were previously.

Installing the video card in the slot

After the video card is firmly seated in the slot, and the latch is fully latched, you need to fix its bolts, which remained from the removed plug. It happens like this:

Fixing the video card with bolts

Make sure the card is secure and does not stagger in the nest.

After that, you need to swipe to this device power supply.

Video card power connectors

Video card power

The video card power cables are included in the complete set on expensive models. On cheaper, such cables not included. Therefore, you will need to check if there is such a connector on power supply.

Module needed connect to the power socket on the video card. This is done in the same way as connecting the power connectors of the motherboard and CPU.

The connection is made up to the moment clicks latch. The other end of the cable is connected to the power supply.

Connecting a sound card

Installing an internal sound card is very similar to video card connection. The difference is only in ports, to which connect this device.

Connecting a sound card to the wrong port will be difficult and even more likely impossible. The length of the PCI and PCI-Express x1 slots is cardinally different.

It is also necessary to remove plug from the back wall of the system unit, and then carefully insert the sound card into the desired port. Most motherboards do not have a latch on these connectors, so there will be no click when tightly connected.

After the actions taken, fix sound card with the fixing bolt left after the removed cover. It is recommended to make sure that sound card connected securely and does not wobble in the socket.

Additional power supply is not required (except for professional models).

Drive connection

Before installing this device, you must determine the type connections.

The drive must be placed in a specially designated place for it inside the system unit. By default, this is the upper front part of the case.

Connecting a drive with an IDE interface type

After installing the drive inside the case, you need to to plug power cable and data cable to it.

Data loop

Drive power cable

The power cable is connected in the same way as the CPU and video card power connectors.

Plume data must be carefully, without applying force, inserted into the connector on the back of the drive.

Connecting the data cable to the drive

The other end of the cable must be connected to one of the channels IDE controller on the board.

Location of IDE controllers
  • Under the number 1 in the figure is shown IDEcontroller, which can accommodate two devices with jumpers Master and slave.
  • Under number 2, the IDE controller may also include two devices. In master mode, this is the Master jumper, and in slave mode, this is Slave.
  • Number 3 is the controller floppy drive.

To select the necessary jumper (Master or Slave), you need to inspect the drive case. The position of the jumper is indicated there.

Left fix drive to system unit 4 bolts included.

Connecting a drive with a SATA interface type

Installing a SATA type drive (used by modern devices) identical installing an IDE drive. The difference lies in the connector that needs to be connected to the drive and the motherboard.

SATA cable

SATA ports

It is worth noting that the power connector for modern drives is different from the power cable mentioned earlier. Below is a photo of the connection SATA-cable and a new power cable to the drive.

Left - power cable, right - SATA

It also happens that the drive has an old power connector, but it uses the type SATA interface. Such drives are used very rarely, but they do exist.

All that's left is to fix the drive in the case with 4 bolts and check that it is securely fixed.

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