How to set the default browser. Choosing a Default Browser in Windows

Yandex.Browser is becoming more and more popular among the Russian-speaking Internet audience. It is chosen for its combination of stability, speed and user-friendly interface. If you already have Yandex.Browser on your computer, but it is not the default browser, then this is an easy fix. If you want each link to be opened exclusively in Yandex.Browser, you only need to change one setting.

In order to set Yandex as the default browser, you can use any convenient method from the following.

When starting the browser

As a rule, when you start Yandex.Browser, a pop-up window always appears with a suggestion to make it the main web browser. In this case, just press the button Install».

In browser settings

Maybe for some reason you don't see the suggestion popup, or you accidentally clicked " Don't ask again". In this case, you can change this setting in the settings. To do this, click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select " Settings».

Almost at the very bottom of the page you will find the section " Default browser". Click the Set Yandex as default browser button. After that, the inscription will change to " Yandex is currently used by default».

Through the control panel

The method is not very convenient compared to the previous ones, but it may also be useful to someone. In Windows 7, click on " Start' and select ' Control Panel”, in Windows 8/10 click on “ Start» with the right mouse button and select «Control Panel».

In the window that opens, switch the view to " small icons' and select the '' option.

Here you need to select "" and find Yandex in the list on the left.

Select the program and on the right click on " Use this program as default».

You can use any of the suggested methods to make Yandex the default browser. As soon as this priority is assigned to Yandex.Browser, all links will open in it.

The default browser in Windows 10 can be changed in the settings of the operating system itself. Of course, the user can turn to the classic way to solve the problem and use the "set as default browser" option in the settings of the program you use most often:

  • Microsoft Edge;
  • Google Chrome;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Yandex.

Many programs for opening Internet pages before the next session of their use themselves ask the user whether to designate this application as opening automatically. In this case, you don’t even have to go into the settings separately: it will be enough just to confirm the action suggested to you in the pop-up window.

However, you can set the desired browser to open by default in the Windows 10 operating system in another way: through the Start menu, open System Settings, and then select the item that allows you to set automatic opening of applications and make the changes you need. Sometimes the options set in this section may prevent the automatic use of a browser that you have tried to configure through its own settings for use immediately when you log on to the Internet.

Working with system settings and control panel

To change the default browser in Windows 10, click on the "choose a value" button next to Web browser. Here you can assign an application that is convenient for you to open automatically when you enter the Internet.

If, after starting the operating system, you do not change the standard system settings, then for Windows 10, the preinstalled option in this case will be Microsoft Edge. Next to the name of the specified application, you can find the inscription "Recommended for use."

To change the default settings in Windows 10, simply select the program option that is convenient for you and thus make it used automatically. If you wish, you can change the settings you have chosen at any time in the same way manually or simply reset to the values ​​recommended by Microsoft.

There is an alternative way to set the parameters you are interested in for your operating system. To do this, you need to go to the "Control Panel" and make the desired selection of programs used automatically. When you enter this section, you will find a complete list of software installed on your computer. Once you've chosen an app that's convenient for you (for example, Google Chrome), highlight it and allow it to be your default.

Problems with browser settings

Some users may experience problems when changing the parameters we are considering. For example, the required default browser is not selected in the installed Windows 10 operating system. Especially often such situations occur after the next update.
In this case, the system may return to the parameters set by the developers and again offer you to use Microsoft Edge. If you try to disable this option, the computer may automatically try to keep you interested in using the standard version of the program to open Internet pages, describing in detail its advantages to you and offering you not to refuse it. However, the option to disable Microsoft Edge is still available.

If the required default browser is not installed in the Windows 10 operating system, a simple reboot of the operating system can help you. Then repeat all the standard steps to change Microsoft Edge to a more convenient application for you.

Have a great day!

A browser is a program that opens a window to the vast world of the Internet for you. The exact name is an Internet browser. Currently, there are many such programs created by various corporations. The most popular are:

  • Google Chrome;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Mozilla Firefox;
  • Opera.

Each of the Internet browsers has its own distinct features, advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, often on the desktop of the computer you can see the "icons" of several browsers. But even if there is a choice, the user has his “favorite” among the conductors to the world of the Internet and wishes that when clicking on the link, the page opens in the desired browser. Usually the computer and the developers have their own opinion, therefore, without delay, it is worth putting your "friend" in his place. To do this, you need to do a few simple operations that are different for different operating systems and set the default browser.

Advice! Managers of computer salons send inexperienced users with all questions to specialists who require a lot of money for their services. Try anchoring your favorite browser yourself. The process is simple, and even if you do something wrong, there will be no harm to the computer.

Browser "once and for all" for Windows 7

To make a certain Internet Explorer permanent in the Windows 7 operating system, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu (at the bottom of the screen on the left side).
  2. Select "Control Panel".
  3. In the window that opens, select "Programs"
  4. Then "Default Programs".

Click on the item "Setting access to programs and setting defaults."
After a short period of time, a list of programs installed on the computer will appear. Select the desired browser and click "Set as default".

From now on, no matter what manipulations you perform, if the end result of the actions is access to the Internet, only the browser you have chosen will be active.

You can also set the default Internet browser in another way.

  • "Administrative" option. If there is a need to change the permanent browser, just right-click on the icon of the desired browser. In the drop-down menu, feel free to select the line "Run as administrator". The computer will immediately prompt you to set this browser as the default. Agree. It is done.
  • Making changes in the browser itself. If for some reason the previous methods do not suit you, you can make the Internet browser work constantly as follows. To do this, open the desired browser. In the upper right corner (below the Close, Minimize, Restore buttons) there is an icon with three parallel stripes or a gear. Click on it with the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, select "Options". In the window that opens, at the very bottom of the page is the section "Default Browser". Clicks the "Set as default" button and observe how the browser changes its status.

How to make the browser persistent on Windows 8.1

Usually, when buying a computer with software already installed, you will find at least two available browsers on the desktop. Internet Explorer is installed without fail, and some other one, such as Mozilla Firefox as an alternative. Moreover, in this operating system, Explorer is the default browser. If such a choice of developers does not suit the user, you can always download and install the necessary Internet browser, and then appoint him as a permanent Internet worker.

In the Windows 8.1 operating system, the way to set the default browser is significantly different from other versions of the OS.

  1. Enter the Start menu in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. Go to the "Search and programs" section.
  3. At the end of the list you will see - "Default". Click with the mouse.
  4. A selection menu will open, available applications, including browsers.
  5. Click on the desired browser and enjoy the Internet.

Attention! If you need to open individual HTML files or other documents in "your" browser, you can do it locally. Right-click on the selected file. In the drop-down menu, select "Open with", then "Choose a program". In the list that appears, find the desired browser and click on it. The document will open in your favorite web browser.

There is another option for self-selection of the desired browser. To do this, simply launch your favorite internet browser. When you first turn on each browser asks the user the question: "Do you want to use the default browser?". You can answer in the affirmative and thereby solve your problem. If for some reason the question is not asked, you can do the following:

  • open the desired browser;
  • find a special icon in the upper right corner (stripes, circles, etc.);
  • open it with the left mouse button;
  • select the section: "Settings", "Options", etc. (each browser sections are named differently);
  • Put a "tick" in front of the phrase - "Make the default browser."

Self-select browser for Windows 10

A little more than a year has passed since the Windows 10 operating program was released. During this time, many users managed to try it out, evaluate its advantages, and also identify shortcomings and some shortcomings. One of these "blunders" of developers is a more complex algorithm for setting the default browser than in previous versions of Windows.

Initially, the main browser is Microsoft Edge, which is not so easy to "shift". During the procedure for replacing the Internet browser, a system dialog opens, from which it is not entirely clear what needs to be done, which option to choose next and why the operating system is “angry”. There is an opinion that by complicating the process of changing the browser, Microsoft wants to attract as many users as possible to its Edge browser. And yet you can work in the browser you are used to. On Windows 10, this can be done in two ways.

Installation via the start menu:

  • in the "Start" menu, open the "Settings" tab;
  • select the "System" section;
  • on the left side of the monitor, select "Default Applications";
  • go to the "Browser" section;
  • find the desired browser in the list and click "Default".

"Binding" the browser when installing it:

  • download your favorite browser;
  • install it on your computer;
  • during the process, you will be asked the question "Set the default browser?". Agree. The desired browser has settled on your desktop in a dominant position.

Windows 10 also left the ability to open individual files in the selected Internet browser.

Regardless of the operating system you use, you should not rely on the mercy of the developers. Do not think that they have psychic abilities and will be able to guess your preferences in choosing a convenient Internet browser. Read the instructions, understand the interface of your own computer and change the permanent browser as you wish. Good luck in all endeavors!

How to set default browser: video

Hello everybody. Today there will be a short article, since the question that we will consider is quite simple and easy.

After you have bought a computer or laptop, you will have one browser installed - Internet Explorer. In addition to it, Windows 10 also has a new one - Microsoft Edge. But, as practice shows, few people use such programs. Most install additional browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser and others.

Initially, your system is set to either Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge on Win10 by default. This means that any link you receive in a letter or in Skype, Mail Agent, etc. will open with these browsers. And therefore, after installing an additional one - for example, Firefox, you will have such a similar window pop up with a notification that this program should be set as the default.

And you decide whether to install it this way or not. I must say that such notifications are issued by all browsers that are not installed by default. If there are no such notifications, then let's look at how to set one or another default browser. First let's see how to do it in Windows 7 - 2 ways - (not all users have updated to the new version of Windows yet), and then - in Win10

How to make windows 7 default browser

So, 1 way - in the browser itself. Let's go through the main ones quickly. The task is simple - go to the Settings of the desired browser and make it the main one.

We open it.

For faster access, enter in the address bar - about:preferences

Yandex browser. Enter in the query string - browser://settings or do the following

Enter in the search bar - vivaldi://settings or follow the standard steps.

. After starting in the address bar, enter - chrome://settings/ or go to the main menu and select " Settings»

Opera Neon. This new one can also be configured as a default. For this, we indicate chrome://settings/ or do it like this

After you have made one or another browser the default, it becomes the main one. At the same time, 2 or more browsers cannot be made the main one. Only one. It was the first option.

2 way - using the Windows 7 Control Panel

Go to menu " Start» - « Control Panel". Then select ""

Here we go to Setting default programs»

From the list on the left, select the browser, for example, Firefox and click on " Use this program as default". Here is another way for you to make the program the main one.

How to make windows 10 default browser

In the Windows 10 version of the system, when using method 1 described above, System Settings opens and only there you can set the default browser. Therefore, if you decide to change the main browser to another, immediately go to the menu " Start” and select “ Options»

Here you will see which web browser you currently have as the main one. To change, simply click on the icon and a list of all available browsers will open. Choose the one you want and the system will automatically set it as the default.

It's so easy and simple to change one web browser to another. Work with each of them, and you yourself will determine the one that is closer to your liking and comfortable to work with.

And that's all for today. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. Until we meet again and good mood.

Childhood is when you can make unforgivable mistakes and hope to be forgiven.

Robert Downey Jr.

Each user may have a situation when, when installing some kind of web browser on a computer, he does not notice the checkmark in the field "Set as default browser". As a result, all opened links will be launched in the program that is assigned as the main one. Also, the Windows operating system already has a default web browser defined, for example, Microsoft Edge is installed in Windows 10.

But what if the user prefers to use a different web browser? You must assign the selected browser as the default. The rest of the article will detail how to do this.

You can install the browser in several ways - make changes in the Windows settings or in the settings of the browser itself. How to do this will be shown later using an example in Windows 10. However, the same steps apply to other versions of Windows.

Method 1: In the Settings app

1. Need to open the menu "Start".

3. In the window that appears, click "System".

4. In the right panel we find the section "Default Apps".

5. Looking for an item "Web Browser" and click on it with the mouse once. You must select the browser you want to set as default.

Method 2: in browser settings

This is a very easy option to set the default browser. The settings of each web browser allow you to select it as the main one. Let's see how to do this using the example of Google Chrome.

1. In an open browser, click "Tinctures and Controls""Settings".

2. In paragraph "Default Browser" click "Set Google Chrome as default browser".

3. A window will open automatically "Options""Default Apps". In point "Web Browser" you need to choose the one you like best.

Method 3: In the Control Panel

1. Right-clicking on "Start", open "Control Panel".

The same window can be called up by pressing the keys Win+X.

2. In the open window, click "Network and Internet".

3. In the right panel we are looking for "Programs".

4. Now you should open the item .

5. A list of programs that can be set as default will appear. Of these, you can select any given browser and click on it with the mouse.

6. Under the description of the program, two options for its use will appear, you can select the item "Set this program as default".

Using one of the above methods, it will not be difficult for you to choose the default browser yourself.

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