Inserting an image in HTML. How to insert your text into a ready-made frame? Link button using CSS styles

The tag is responsible for inserting images into an HTML document. and its attributes, the main of which can be considered src, which specifies the address of the image. It is required because if you don't specify where to get the image, the browser won't be able to know what to add to the page.

The simplest case of inserting a picture will look like this (the image is called image.png and is located in the same folder as the HTML document):

Previously at the tag there was one more required attribute - alt, but with the advent of HTML 5 it was relegated to the category of desirable ones. alt sets the text that the user will see instead of the image if it suddenly does not load. Some optimizers also recommend adding this attribute, because it is believed that it has a positive effect on promotion in search engines.

If you do not specify any additional attributes to the image, it will be displayed in full size, but this is not always necessary. Fortunately, the desired size of the picture can be set using attributes width(indicates the width) and height(determines the height). Dimensions can be recorded either in pixels or percentages. In the second case, the browser will calculate the percentage from the parent element (for example, the paragraph into which the picture is inserted).

Let's say we need to add an image to the page image.png with the alternative text “Just a picture”, 420 pixels wide and 280 pixels long. The code in this case will be as follows:

Navigation map

We talked about how to make a picture a link in the previous article. However, HTML allows you to set not just one link on one image, but several at once. As a result, the user, clicking on different places in the same picture, will go to different Internet addresses. This feature can be used, for example, to create eye-catching menus, interactive tests, or visual graphic models.

To create an image map (this is the name of the described feature), you will need the following tags and attributes:

  • - a container inside which the image map is described.
  • - tag inside , describing one area of ​​the picture. How many active areas are you planning to divide the image into, so many elements and will have to deliver. Bundle - works exactly the same as bundles
    1. And
      • , creating lists.
      • shape- tag attribute , which specifies the form of the link. The active area can be in the shape of a rectangle, polygon, or circle.
      • cords- an attribute defining the coordinates of an area. Also belongs to the tag . For a rectangle, the coordinates of the upper left and lower right corners are indicated, for a polygon - the coordinates of the vertices; when defining a circle, you need to specify the coordinates of its center and radius.
      • usemap- tag attribute img, which links the image to the map. Thanks to it, the browser understands what is in the container the map of this particular drawing is described.

      Example image map

      To make it clear how to use all of the above, I will give a basic example. There is a drawing map.jpg. It needs to be divided into two active areas. Clicking on the top part (green) will open the Odnoklassniki website, while the bottom part (blue) will lead to VKontakte. Links should open in a new tab. To create a map, follow the following steps.

      1. Insert the image onto the page and link it to the future card (it will be called social), for which we write the following code:

      2. We determine future active areas in the picture and their corresponding coordinates. This can be done in Paint, Photoshop or any other graphics editor. In our case, everything is elementary: the rectangles are equal in height (114 pixels) and width (384 pixels).

      3. Let’s start creating a map: open the tag and write its name in the name attribute, which must match the value of the usemap property of the image itself:

      4. Using area tags, we define active areas:

      Classmates In contact with

      5. Close the card:

      The result of the work was a picture, clicking on different parts of which leads to the opening of different social networks, and this is the HTML code:

      Navigation map Classmates In contact with

      Despite the fact that the simplest case that you can think of was considered as an example, it clearly demonstrates the principle of creating navigation maps. Then it’s a matter of technique and determining coordinates; from an HTML point of view, nothing is complicated.

      I already wrote about how to insert your music into . I propose to consider an equally pressing issue - how to insert your own music into mafia 3. By the way, all three parts of the mafia game differ only in the plot and additional characters. But in general the games are very similar. Therefore, as in the second part, you need to download a special add-on program. With its help, you can create your own radio, that is, make your own playlist with songs.

      The program is absolutely free. You can download without registration and SMS. Installation takes no more than 5 minutes. Important: after installation, the program may “request” to restart the computer. Don't panic, this is normal! So, how to insert your music into mafia 3: mods for mafia 2, maifa 1 and 3.

      How to insert your music into Mafia 3

      In order to create your own radio in the third version of the mafia, you need to download the Mafia 2 Music Manager 1.3 program. One of the important functions of the program: you can listen to songs not only during the game, but also simply by launching the application. By the way, all your playlists are saved. Therefore, there is no need to update the list again.

      How to insert your text into a ready-made frame?

      How to insert your text into a ready-made frame? This is not the first time I have been asked this question, so I decided to write a “lesson” on this topic.

      Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that you found a beautiful frame with a code that you liked. Now select the code and copy it (Ctrl+C). Now go to your diary and click WRITE in the upper part of the diary.

      A window will open in which we write a message, put the text editor in ADVANCED mode (if you don’t already have it) and click the SOURCE button.

      Now paste the frame code Ctrl+V. Where YOUR TEXT is written in the code, insert your text accordingly. If you inserted a verse, then after each line we put a tag
      so that the lines are separated from each other (otherwise the verse will be continuous text).

      Now press the SOURCE button again and see how, instead of the code, a frame with your text appears. If you, for example, want to put the text in the center, but are not well versed with codes, then simply select the text and press the CENTER button, where there is a red number 1 you can add a style to your text, where there is 2 - select the font, where 3 is the font size, where 4 is the font color.

      “Hello, sea,” I’ll say barely audible
      And I’ll put a shell to my ear,
      And I will hear again how the sea breathes,
      And I’ll tell him about everything in the world.

      I want to see you, sea...
      And touch the warm wave...
      And it answers me: “Soon...”
      And it makes noise, calling to the depths.

      Sea, I feel so bad here without you...
      This city of gray flocks of birds
      It brings me only noise and rumble,
      And it whispers to me: “Come…”

      The fresh air presses on my shoulders,
      Where are you, my salty surf?
      The sea, I'm terribly interested
      Is my voice heard there in the shell?

      Poems Sea -

      Want to know how you can “swap faces” with a friend, relative or favorite celebrity? The magic of photomontage will help you with this! How it works? Search engines, upon request, will probably offer to use Photoshop, but this program will not be suitable for a non-professional. The best option is a simple one, like a “Home Photo Studio”. In this article, you will learn how to insert another face into a photo without any experience in photo editing.

      Step #1. Let's start work

      To get started, we suggest installing it on your PC. Follow the instructions of the Installation Wizard - the program will be ready to work in just a minute. Launch the utility. In the start window, select the option "Open photo" and find the photo file you want to edit.

      You can start working immediately after the program is installed

      Step #2. Photomontage

      The next stage is the most crucial. In the main menu, click on the tab "Decor" and find in the list. In the window that appears, create a new layer. To do this, click Add Layer > Photo and upload the photo you want to overlay.

      With photo montage, you can easily superimpose one photo on top of another.

      When choosing a photo, it is worth remembering that both photographs should have approximately the same resolution and quality. Moreover, faces should be shot from as similar an angle as possible.

      In the list, select the layer with the added image and click "Crop photo". A new window will automatically appear. Use any form of trimming. Carefully outline your face, trying to avoid unnecessary objects such as accessories. If it turns out uneven, use the option "Reset selection" and try again. Close the dotted line by double-clicking the mouse. Increase the number on the scale "Blurring Boundaries", drag the slider to the right, and click "Apply".

      Zoom in on your photo to make the result as accurate and accurate as possible.

      Now let's figure out how to insert another face into the photo so that the difference is not noticeable. To do this, you need to transform the cropped layer. Resize the new image by dragging the selection by the corners. The "new" face must match the size of the face in the original image. If necessary, rotate the layer by moving the slider on the scale "Angle of rotation". Blend Mode "Normal" will be set by default, but you can choose another if you wish. Ready! Click the "Apply" button.

      Adjust the layer overlay so that the “new” face looks as natural as possible

      Step #3. Levels and color correction

      It's still too obvious that the face was taken from another photo. Let's do some simple color correction. To do this, in the tab "Image" open "Levels". It is very easy to understand how to use this function. On the scale "Input Levels" 3 sliders – white (light shades), gray (midtones) and black (dark shades). With their help, you can comprehensively adjust the brightness of a photo. Change the position of the sliders to darken (right) or lighten (left) the image. Then save it by clicking "OK".

      By adjusting the levels, you can make the picture with the “new” face more monochromatic

      Step #4. We work with details

      Now you know how to insert another face into a photo as naturally as possible, but your possibilities are not limited to this. If specific areas of the image need processing, use the tools in the panel on the left. Select Blur Brush to make the transition from the original photo even smoother. Adjust the tool parameters - the smaller the object being processed, the smaller the size and transparency of the brush.

      You can also darken or lighten certain areas of the photo in the same way, add sharpness, contrast or saturation to them. Simply select the appropriate brush from the toolbar and process the desired part of the image.

      Use burn and dodge brushes to add dimension to your image.

      Step #5. Save and share with friends

      Let's evaluate the final result.

      Photo montage will help you try on the role of your favorite movie character

      You can adjust the quality of the photo before saving

      Ready! Now you know that inserting a face into another photo in Photoshop is not the only solution. This instruction is universal, use it in practice the way you want. Find out and discover new features of the program! “Home Photo Studio” will become your faithful assistant in any situation when you need to process a photo with high quality.

      Perhaps this will be useful to you)

      Today due to WordPress update The procedure for editing an uploaded photo has changed. Overall, editing has become easier. The procedure for uploading photos from your computer remains the same.

      In order to insert a photo onto a website or into the text of an article, first place the cursor at the place in your text where you want to place the photo. Then click the "Add Media" button. It is located between the Article Title and the text editing console (See Figure 1)

      (See Figure 1)

      In the “Insert media file” window that opens, click the “Upload files” link (see figure 2)

      (Figure 2)

      In the next window, click the “Select files” button (see Fig. 3)

      (see Fig. 3)

      An additional window will open in front of you. Prepare in advance the photos that you want to post on the site and collect them in a separate folder on your computer. Through an additional window, enter this folder and select a photo by clicking on the image with the mouse once.If you need to insert all the photos at once, then select them all.

      After that, click the “Open” button, which is located in the lower right corner of the additional window(see Fig. 4)

      (see Fig. 4)

      The selected photo will be uploaded to the site and will be located in the “Media Files” tab and in the future, if necessary, can be loaded into other articles on the site; there is no need to re-upload it from the computer. Enter the required information in the active windows on the right (see Fig. 5):

      — in “Heading” and “In alt attribute“— enter the title of your article.

      — in “Description” — type in one sentence what your article is about. The text of the proposal must contain the title of the article (see Fig. 5).

      Then click the "Insert into Page" button. If you write text not in the “Page”, but in the “Post”, then you will have a button “Insert into record” - click it.

      (Fig. 5)

      The photo will appear in the place where you previously placed the cursor. Initially, the photo will not be loaded in the size that will look optimal on the site page (see Figure 6). But this can be easily fixed.

      (Fig. 6)

      To edit an image, move the cursor over it and left-click once. The image will be covered with a blue background,Then click on the image in the upper left corner (see Fig. 7)

      (Fig. 7)

      After you click on the icon, as shown in Figure 7, you will be taken to the photo editing panel (see Figure 8). Here you also need to enter the necessary information to improve the indexing of the uploaded photo:

      — in the “Title” line, enter the title of your article;

      — in the “Alt attribute” line — also enter the title of your article;

      Then choose the location of your image on the site: “Left”, “Right”, “Center” or “None”.

      After you enter all the necessary information, click the “Advanced” tab in the top line of the additional window.”

      (Figure 8)

      On this page you can set the dimensions of the photo, that is, the width, height and distance of the text from the borders of the photo. Set the sizes slightly smaller than the default ones. Then when you look. how the photo will look on the website, the dimensions can be easily changed and the appropriate ones can be set.

      In the active box “Open in a new tab”, check the box. If you click on the photo directly on the site, it will open in a new window (see Fig. 9).

      (Figure 9)

      After you enter all the necessary information, click the “Update” button in the lower left corner of the additional window. That's it, your photo is inserted into the text. In the editor it will look like this (see Figure 10).Click the "Save" button.Before publicationClick the “View” tab and take a look at how an article with a photo looks on the site. If necessary, make size adjustments and resave the page. Then click the Publish button.

      (Figure 10)

      The photo is inserted into the article and looks correct on the website (see Figure 11)

      (Figure 11)

      If the photo needs to be repositioned not in the middle, but on the right or left (see Fig. 12), then proceed in the following order.

      (Figure 12)

      Click on the photo and enter the editing panel. Here select “Alignment” “Left” (see Figure 13)

      (Figure 13)

      Fill in all the necessary data in the same order and click the “Update” button (see Figure 14)

      (Figure 14)

      After you publish the article, the photo on the site will look like shown in Figure 15.

      (Figure 15)

      I hope you will not have any difficulties posting photographs and drawings on the site. If you find any inaccuracies or unclear points, please let me know in the comments.

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