The phone got caught in the rain and won't turn on. What to do if your mobile phone gets wet

What to do if you get your phone wet by dropping it in a puddle, sink or toilet? After all, this can happen to anyone. Moreover, the most dangerous for phones is sea water, water with washing powder and sweet liquid.

First of all, take the phone out of the water as quickly as possible, maybe you will be lucky and in a couple of seconds the phone will not have time to “get wet” if the lid fits tightly. But in any case, do not turn it on until it is dry.

Be sure to disconnect (remove) the battery as quickly as possible. If you have a device with a non-removable battery, then simply turn off the device. This must be done to prevent water from getting on the contacts, as a short circuit may occur, because everyone remembers from school that water is electrically conductive. A short circuit is followed by failure of the board, microcircuits and other parts.

By the way, there is often a white piece of paper on or near the battery that turns pink when wet, that is, you can use it to determine whether the phone is wet through.

If your phone gets wet, then the device needs to be disassembled into as many components as possible, but in such a way that you can then put it back together. Remove the SIM card, memory cards and remove all peripheral devices.

Wipe the phone with a dry, absorbent cloth, removing as much moisture as possible at this stage, but avoid shaking the phone excessively, as this may cause liquid to move, making the job more difficult. It may not be strange, but alcohol can help you, because... alcohol displaces water and easily evaporates in a short time. But, there is no need to clean your phone with perfume, cologne, etc., as they contain essential oils that have a detrimental effect on electronics.

You can use a vacuum cleaner carefully, it will draw in moisture, just make sure that all parts of the phone are securely fastened and are not sucked into the vacuum cleaner.

. Attention! Never use a hair dryer. Since it will most likely only transfer moisture to secluded places of the phone, which makes “drying” much more difficult.

Place your mobile phone in dry rice for a day, the fact is that in this case it acts as silica gel, which is a hydrophilic sorbent and absorbs moisture well, which means it can easily dry out your device.

Do not try to turn it on until you are completely sure that everything inside is dry. Otherwise, a short circuit can completely kill it.

After you have dried your phone for at least a day, you can check it. Insert the battery and turn it on, but do not delude yourself, even if the phone turns on and works, after some time it may fail, since the process of internal corrosion is inevitable.

If the device is expensive, then it is better to take it to a service center, where specialists will fully check it and give their positive or negative verdict.

Well, what can you do - phones don’t like to swim!

Sometimes a few drops of water or high humidity are enough for the phone to break or stop working properly forever. Undoubtedly, the best solution would be to seek help from service workers. But what to do if this is not possible?

Here are 10 first aid tricks for your cell phone if it gets wet.

1 . The phone must be removed from the water as soon as possible and turned off immediately. The fact is that phone parts let water through in a matter of seconds. Do not turn on your phone until you are sure it is dry. In addition, water that gets into the phone can cause a short circuit.

2 . Immediately after removing the phone from the water, remove the cover and remove the battery. This will help reduce the risk of damaging internal circuits. Gently dry the phone and its parts with paper towels or a soft cloth.

3 . Remove the SIM card. It should be wiped dry, set aside and allowed time to dry until the phone itself is ready for use.

4 . You need to turn off and remove all peripheral devices, such as headphones, memory cards, as well as anything that can clog gaps, crevices and cracks in the phone (cases and protective films).

5 . If you have a vacuum cleaner on hand, use it to blow out the water. To remove residual moisture, you need to blow off each part of the phone for 20 minutes. In this case, the phone must be blown from all sides, constantly turning it.

Don't put your phone too close to the vacuum cleaner hose, otherwise static electricity will form, which will be even worse for your phone.

6 . Do not use a hair dryer to dry your phone, even on the “gentle” setting. By doing this, you can blow moisture from the surface further into the phone, which is especially dangerous for electronic components hidden deep inside the phone. You can also melt some parts of the phone.

7 . You can try to dry your phone by immersing it in a bag of dry rice. Rice draws out and absorbs moisture well, so there is a chance that all the moisture from the phone and battery will be absorbed into the rice and this will slow down corrosion. When placing your phone in rice, you should remove the cover, take out the battery and put them in the same container.

You need to keep your phone in a bag or container with rice for at least 2-3 days. This process is slow and rushing will only do harm. While the phone is drying, you need to turn it over from time to time so that the water is better absorbed.

Instead of rice, you can use silica gel, which is often put into shoes and other items when sold; it absorbs moisture better than rice.

It is worth checking the phone, placed in a container with absorbent material, every hour for the first 6 hours. If moisture has collected on the surface, you need to dry it again with paper towels or blow it with a vacuum cleaner.

8 . Place the phone in a sunny place to allow all openings to dry completely.

You can place the appliance on absorbent wipes or paper towels, even if it has previously been dried with a vacuum cleaner or placed in a container with rice. This will help absorb any remaining moisture from the device.

9 . After at least 24 hours, check that the outside of the mobile phone appears dry. It's worth checking all the ports, compartments and slots. If your phone looks dry and clean, you can replace the battery and try turning it on. Pay attention to possible strange sounds and noises that accompany the switching process: if there are any, then this is a sign that the phone is not functioning properly.

10 . If your phone appears dry but won't turn on, a dead battery may be to blame. Put your phone on charge. Then try turning it on again.

If connecting to the charger also does not help, then you should still try to contact a service center. But there is no need to hide the fact that it was damaged by water - the phone still has indicators that show the cause of the malfunction. The more detailed the circumstances are, the easier it will be for specialists to identify the breakdown and fix it.

  • Never vacuum a wet object. You may get an electric shock.
  • It is important to dry your phone before charging it.
  • Do not expose your phone to prolonged heat if you do not want parts of it to melt. Do not heat the battery; it may leak or explode.
  • Do not try to completely disassemble the phone yourself. Leave this to the professionals, as such experiments can lead to short circuits or poisoning with harmful chemicals.

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    Every day, more than 100 thousand smartphones fail due to water ingress, and hardly anyone wants to add to this statistics with their gadget. At the same time, according to the insurance company Protect Your Bubble, men are 57% more likely to drop their phone in the toilet than women. And 40% of women who damaged their smartphone did it in the bathroom. Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt for everyone to know in advance what you can do to help your phone in such a situation, and what you should never do. By the way, waterproof phones also have their weaknesses - as a bonus, we will share tips on how to help them too.

    website knows how to quickly bring your smartphone back to life without compromising its performance.

    What not to do with a wet phone

    • Do not turn on your smartphone if it is turned off and do not press any buttons.
    • Don't shake or bang your phone.
    • Do not try to dry the phone with a hairdryer or “blow it out” in any other way: this may cause water to get onto parts that are not yet wet, causing even more damage.
    • Do not heat the smartphone (for example, do not place it on the battery).

    What can and should be done

    • Turn off your phone (if it hasn't already done so itself). Try to hold the gadget vertically.
    • Remove the SIM and microSD card, as well as the battery, if your phone model allows it. The same applies to other removable parts, including the body (again, if the model provides for it).
    • Dry the phone thoroughly with a paper towel or dry cloth, but try not to smear the liquid on the “victim.”
    • For drying, it is better to use silica gel or any other desiccant. But if you don’t have it, don’t run to the store to buy it: you can use rice. In addition, he will probably be found at home, and you need to act without delay.
    • Place your smartphone in a bag of rice or silica gel. Leave it there for 1–1.5 days, turn the phone over from time to time.
    • After drying, place the phone on a paper towel, napkin or any other absorbent material. If the cloth becomes damp after a while, repeat the desiccant step.

    What to do after drying

    • Insert the battery into the phone and try to turn it on. If that doesn’t work, put the gadget on charge.
    • If the phone still does not turn on after charging, the battery may be damaged. All that remains is to replace it or contact a service center.
    • If the phone turns on, check if all functions work: test the touchscreen, try listening to music with and without headphones.
    • Create a backup copy of important data in case the phone's "resurrection" turns out to be temporary. And in general it won't hurt.

    A few centuries ago, when there were no mobile phones, we did not suffer from such a problem as a landline telephone getting wet. However, time passes, technology does not stand still, and today almost every person on the planet has a mobile phone. We appear with a cell phone everywhere - on the street, in the pool, on the beach and even in the toilet. And it is not surprising if, in this mode, it accidentally falls into the toilet, a puddle, if a glass of water is spilled on it, or if it ends up being washed in the washing machine.

    Many people believe that getting a cell phone into water is tantamount to its complete failure. But that's not true. If your phone falls into water, it can still be saved. In this situation, it is very important to act immediately.

    What to do if your phone falls into water

    1. As soon as the phone gets into the water, water immediately gets inside through the headphone ports, charging ports and other openings. Therefore, the very first thing to do is to remove the device from the water. If your cell phone falls into the toilet, you shouldn’t hesitate and waste time looking for rubber gloves. You can wash your hands a little later. The ability to save your phone depends on your reaction time.
    2. After this, the phone must be turned off immediately. If it doesn't turn off with the button, just remove the battery. Under no circumstances should you try to test the operation of the device and do not turn it on while wet. This can lead to a short circuit and the phone will simply burn out.
    3. After turning off the device, try to disassemble it as much as possible. At a minimum, you can remove the battery, memory card and SIM card, and remove the back cover. If the phone is not a touchscreen phone, but an older model, you can completely disassemble the device and remove the rubber buttons. The touch phone can also be disassembled, but this will require a special small screwdriver. In general, remove everything that can be removed, but be careful not to tear off or break some of the thin parts. If you completely disassemble the device, do not forget what was removed and in what order. It’s better to take a few photos while disassembling the phone.
    4. After this, take paper towels or dry wipes. Carefully wipe every part of the phone. Try to reach hard-to-reach places with flagella rolled up from napkins. Never wrap the tip of a pencil or pen with a napkin in order to remove moisture stuck in the corner. This is not safe for small parts of the phone, and it will not bring much benefit.
    5. After thoroughly wiping and drying all parts of the device with dry wipes, you should leave the phone for several days. Remember that the phone should not be turned on until it is completely dry. And this may take more than one day.

    If you want to speed up the drying process of your phone, you can do this using the following methods.

    In order for the phone to dry quickly and come to its senses, it must be placed in an adsorbent composition.

    1. Rice. This is the most popular cereal, which quickly absorbs excess moisture. Take a bowl of dry rice and place your phone in it. Completely bury the case, battery and other parts in rice. Leave it overnight. In the morning, the phone will be completely dry, and the moisture will remain in the rice. Rice dust can be wiped with a cloth or vacuumed.
    2. Cat litter. If there is a cat in the house, then there will be no problems with drying the phone. Place the device and its parts in a clean filler, and it will draw out excess moisture from the phone in a few hours.
    3. Silica gel. You've probably found silicone balls in the box with your new shoes, which were placed there specifically to absorb excess moisture. Place the phone in a container with silica gel so that the balls completely cover the device. This is a quick and safe way to dry the device.

    Is the phone wet?

    To check whether the phone is wet or whether its components are damaged, refer to the operating instructions for the device. Most modern models have a special indicator that changes color when wet. If in its normal state it is a white square or circle, then when wet it is a pinkish speck. It is usually located under the battery in the corner near the charging hole.

    If the phone was charging when it got wet, unfortunately, it will most likely not be possible to save it. The fact is that during charging, most of the internal units are activated, which immediately burn out when wet. When removing the phone and charger from the power supply, be careful - water is an excellent conductor of electricity. It may be advisable to disconnect the apartment from the power supply and only then carry out all the manipulations.

    Is it possible to dry your phone with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner?

    Among the tips for drying a phone that has fallen into water, you can find confident recommendations to dry the device with a hairdryer. However, you should not do this, even if you are going to dry the device with a cold stream of air. The fact is that the hair dryer blows out air and, under the influence of a strong jet, moisture settles even deeper in the small parts of the device.

    If you want to use household appliances, use a vacuum cleaner. Place a nozzle with a narrow spout on the pipe and bring it to all the cracks and hard-to-reach places. The vacuum cleaner will thoroughly remove all excess moisture and dry the device.

    If you dropped your phone not in water, but in juice, sweet tea or salt water, you do not need to rush to rinse the device under running clean water. You need to dry your cell phone according to the previous recommendations, and then wipe all parts of the phone with wet wipes.

    After your phone falls into the water, do not rush to run for a new device. A wet phone can be revived. If after thorough drying the phone does not turn on, take it to a technician. And so that next time such an incident does not happen again, be more careful. After all, sometimes, in addition to an expensive device, you can lose photos and videos of dear and beloved people.

    Video: way to dry your phone

    Hi all. Have you ever found your phone in water, in the sink or in the toilet? Of course, you can go and buy a new one, but what if it’s night or, say, you don’t have the required amount on hand?

    But what if your drowned phone is filled with numbers that you desperately need, and then even a bunch of purchased phones won’t save the situation? Is it possible to save a cell phone if it gets wet? The problem has been identified. We begin to revive the phone.

    1. The first thing you should do when you take it out of the water, without disassembling it, is to wipe it dry. You can’t shake the phone, otherwise the water inside will flow into places where it hasn’t been before. Do not dry your phone with a hairdryer, place it on a radiator or in the microwave. These actions destroy all elements and the liquid crystal screen.

    2. We save your SIM card and battery. We take out the battery and SIM card, and wipe both elements, or rather blot them, with a paper napkin.

    3. Now we take alcohol and wipe the parts with alcohol, since the alcohol instantly evaporates and thus dries out the moisture better.

    4. And now what few people know. Modern refrigerators operate without frost: frost does not appear in them, since they have special devices that draw out moisture. This is the refrigerator you should put all your phone parts in. Please note: do not put the phone in the freezer, but simply in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    5. Then take it out and after 10 minutes repeat all steps from steps 1 to 4.

    We carry out the operation to save the phone only 3 times. The interval between these 3 repetitions is 10 minutes.

    As a result, although your phone will freeze, it will be “cured.” All.

    Good luck to you and don’t get sick (to your phone too). Bye-bye.

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