Selection of keywords in Yandex. Search query statistics. Why is the frequency of queries with repeated words so high?

Hi all! Today I want to talk about the rules for working with the service, which provides statistics on Yandex search queries. I use this service very often. Mandatory before writing each article.

The fact is that it is important not just to write an article, but to do it correctly from the point of view of search engine optimization. Each article must be tailored to a specific word or phrase, which is called a key or simply a key. Using these keywords, users find your website using search engines.

In fact, the key is the search query that you promote in search engines in the hope that people will come to your site using it. Of course, to decide on them, you just need to have an idea of ​​how many people use it over a certain period of time. After all, if the frequency of use is small, then promoting it is completely pointless.

Please note that it is not always worth choosing the most frequently used search query, because the competition for them is very high. Be sure to read about - this information will allow you to choose the right keywords for your site.

As you know, there are two flagship search engines in Russia - Yandex and Google. Each of them provides its own service for viewing the frequency of search queries. Today we’ll talk about the statistics of Yandex keywords - .

Rules for working with

The service supports five filters that allow you to obtain comprehensive statistics on the desired keyword.

1. By words (default). On the left we indicate the region in which we want to see the statistics of impressions of this search query on Yandex.

Enter the desired word or phrase and click “Select”. If you do not use additional operators, which I will discuss below, will produce the result in the form of two lists. The left list shows statistics for queries containing the word being studied. The list on the right will show you what else people have searched for using the query you entered.

The main mistake is that in the absence of additional operators, will display the number of impressions per month, which corresponds to all search queries that contain the entered phrase in different word forms. Be sure to use operators to be more specific.

A word form is a form of a word obtained from the main part of a word by conjugation or declension.

2. By region. Shows keyword statistics by region and city. You can select statistics separately for cities and separately for regions. In addition to displaying the number of impressions per month, another value is indicated - regional popularity.

The name speaks for itself: regional popularity is a conditional value, measured as a percentage, showing the popularity of a given request in a certain region/city.

  • 100% - the request is nothing remarkable.
  • More than 100% - there is increased interest.
  • Less than 100% - reduced interest.
  • 0% - not used at all in this region.

3. On the map. Statistics of keywords from Yandex by region, presented not in the form of a table, but visually on the World maps. We hover the mouse over the desired region and see the number of impressions per month and regional popularity. To zoom in, click on a country and go to its constituent entities.

4. By month. Monthly statistics. Just don’t forget to indicate the region for which it will be displayed. The information is presented in the form of a graph, both in absolute and relative values ​​(you can choose). The graph is a broken line. The coordinates of each vertex are the number of impressions (by Y) and month (by X). This all sounds a little abstruse, but in practice everything is very simple. Just look at the drawing.

5. Weekly. Identical to the previous filter, only now the time interval is not a month, but a week.

Yandex.WordStat operators

Additional operators are designed to customize the resulting statistics. Let's look at them with examples so that everything has become extremely clear.

1. - (minus operator). The "-" operator is placed before the word to be excluded. The operator is preceded by a space.

Example. If you specify in the search computer games, then you will receive statistics for all queries containing “games” with the exception of those containing “computer”. You can exclude several words at once by placing a “-” operator in front of each of them (just remember to separate them with spaces). For example, games - computer - board. All queries containing “computer” or “desktop” will be excluded from the results.

2. () (grouping operator "brackets"), | (logical operator “or”). When used together, they allow you to create very complex queries.

Example. Request server (remote | local) equivalent remote server And local server.

3. "" (quote operator). A very important operator that allows you to specify the request. Only impressions of a given word and its word forms will be taken into account. All requests that include additional words will be eliminated.

Example. Query "table". The number of impressions of the words “tables”, “tables”, “tables” will be given, but excluded with an additional word - “tennis table”, “computer table” and others.

4. + (plus operator). Placed before prepositions so that they are taken into account.

Example. Installing wordpress + on denwer The preposition “on” will be taken into account.

5. ! (exclamation mark operator). A word preceded by the operator “!” is taken into account in its exact spelling. All word forms are eliminated.

Of all these operators, “” and! are most often used, allowing you to specify the statistics received from Yandex. Let's say the result of the input "!installation!wordpress" there will be the number of impressions of the request for installing wordpress and nothing else.

It would seem that at first glance the service is very simple, but what great functionality is hidden in it! I strongly recommend that you figure it out and master it.

Thank you for your attention. Take care of yourself!

Good day! In the last article we discussed the issue. In this article I will talk about a wonderful service for selecting keywords This service allows you to carry out online selection of keywords in Yandex for your website.

How to use the Yandex keyword selection service?

Before writing an article, I always select 3-7 keywords for the article in Yandex Wordstat. This article was no exception :)

In the Yandex Wordstat keyword selection service, you see the following window:

As you can see from the picture, I'm looking at query statistics for the keyword " selection of keywords", the service shows that 2,787 people searched for this keyword, which means it is a medium-frequency request. And here is the key phrase will be low-frequency, since only 192 people search for it per month.

If I take as a keyword the phrase selection of keywords for the site, then in this way I will kill two birds with one stone. My LF will contain a midrange request. There is one keyword. There are still two left to choose. And it’s rational to choose from this list selection of Yandex keywords And online keyword selection.

In this case, these words are: wordstat yandex, Yandex keywords, etc.

It is advisable to look in the right column if you are making up the semantic core of the site, then when you enter a key phrase reflecting the theme of the future site, the right column will describe high-frequency queries that can be used for site headings. And the keywords that Wordastat gives when you click on a suitable request.

The service also provides the ability to filter keywords by region.

To do this, on the left side of the window, select the search region you are interested in and queries for the current region will be shown.

Do not optimize your article only for high-frequency queries; it will be difficult for you to get to the TOP for them. Take 1-2 midrange requests and 2-3 low frequencies for the article. With proper site linking, it will not be difficult for a new site to advance in low-frequency queries. But read about this in more detail in the following articles.

Wordstat operators for more accurate analysis

To determine a more precise number of requests for a particular phrase, you need to use operators. Namely, write the phrase in quotation marks or put exclamation marks next to each word. To make a competent selection of keywords, do not forget to use them.

Take the phrase "cooking soup":

We see 18,337 requests per month. You might think that I will reach the top for this request and receive more than ten thousand traffic. This is what it will be like.

Let's put an exclamation mark next to each word and search again. Result 3811 impressions. This means that the exact phrase was searched so many times.

Quote operator. Shows the frequency of this word and its word forms. Compare the screenshots below:

When creating a semantic core, pay attention to these nuances. The further successful promotion of the site depends on this.

This article will talk about search query statistics: how to view it, where you can view it, what it is for, etc. This topic will be very interesting for those new to SEO. Let's not pour too much water, but let's get closer to the point.

1. Why do you need search query statistics?

Now let's talk about how and where you can view query statistics.

3. Yandex and Google query statistics services

I will consider two services in the most popular Runet search engines: Yandex and Google (this is quite enough for analyzing queries). If we compare the statistics of other search engines, the difference in numbers will be very small (naturally, if we compare proportionally the frequency and audience of search engines).

3.1. Yandex Wordstat service

Yandex has a special service: (Yandex Wordstat). This is a very popular service, but it does not show the frequency of search queries, but the frequency of queries in Yandex Direct. In most cases, this is enough to understand whether the request is popular or not.

I’ll briefly explain how to use wordstat yandex. By entering a request in the form, Yandex will offer all word forms of this request:

The frequency of the request in the general table will be indicated taking into account all the clarifications and additions. If you need to find out the frequency of a specific keyword in the same word form, then you need to write it in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word:

It is also worth considering that Yandex makes no difference whether phrases are written in the plural or not. Yandex does not take into account word forms at all, and also does not take into account all prepositions.

Having received some data on search queries in Wordstat, you need to remember that this data is far from accurate. For example, I take them into account only proportionally, i.e. if a query is popular in Yandex Direct, then it is logical to assume that it will also be popular in search results.

To take into account prepositions (that, how, in, on, etc.) you need to put a plus sign “+” in front of it. For example, the request “+how to make money +on the Internet”.

3.2. Google Adwords service

Now let's talk about Google, which provides an even slightly more interesting tool than Yandex. Link to service: You need to log in, then click on “Tools and Analysis” and then “Keyword Planner”. Here you need to enter keywords and you are offered a large selection of key phrases that Google finds from its Adwords database of contextual advertising. It’s also very cool that you can see the history of changes in the frequency of a request.

Rambler used to have a very good service, but recently it no longer has its own search database, because... it uses Yandex output. In general, there are only two good services in RuNet, which I considered.

All systems for keyword analysis, collection of keywords, etc. they take data from these two services - remember this!

4. How to find out the dynamics of the popularity of a query

Yandex and Google provide a free opportunity to see the dynamics of the popularity of a query. This is convenient for determining the general trend and prospects of some queries. You can also use this to determine the seasonality of requests.

In Yandex Wordstat, you need to select the “Query history” checkbox and you will see a change graph.

In articles about website promotion, we often recommend the Yandex.Wordstat service. This is a simple, convenient and (what is important!) free resource, which is highly popular among Internet marketers and optimizers. Today we will analyze Yandex.Wordstat for spare parts.

Why do you need Yandex.Wordstat?

Yandex.Wordstat is necessary to track the statistics of search queries in the Yandex system. Based on these statistics you can:

  • develop a semantic core for the site ();
  • select anchors for links;
  • predict traffic to the site (how exactly -);
  • prepare an advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct;
  • find out the seasonality of demand.

What does Yandex.Wordstat show?

    The total number of queries containing the desired phrase.

    Requests for specified phrases that include the one you are interested in.

    Other queries that were also entered by users interested in this phrase.

    Yandex.Wordstat allows you to view general statistics (for all types of devices), as well as selective statistics for desktop (this includes desktop computers and laptops), mobile devices (these are phones and tablets), only phones, and only tablets.

    The mobile-only search rate feature allows you to predict mobile traffic to your site and helps you make decisions about site adaptation. Although “mobilization” is a steady trend in recent years, so in any case it’s worth thinking about how to adapt the site for mobile devices.

    Statistics of impressions in individual regions.

    If you sell bicycles in Tomsk, you are unlikely to be interested in statistics for all of Russia. Just find the region you are interested in and click on the “select” button:

    If you are interested in several cities at once, you can see a general summary by region by selecting the appropriate search:

    Here the data is presented in actual and percentage values. Percentage values ​​show regional popularity: values ​​above 100% indicate that interest in the request in the region is above the Russian average, and conversely, values ​​below 100% indicate reduced demand.

    Information helps make strategic decisions about entering new markets.

    Thus, for a large bicycle seller, entering Yekaterinburg (107%) will probably be more interesting than entering the Novosibirsk market (74%), although the population of Novosibirsk is 125 thousand larger.

    BUT! To make such an important decision, you need to look at other indicators (competition, average income of the population, etc.).

    Query history and seasonal variations.

    If you want to see how query statistics have changed over time, search for “query history.” Select the type of detail (by month or week) and set the region (if you are interested, statistics in a specific region).

    The example shows that the request “bicycle” has a pronounced seasonal demand. Which, in general, is logical, given the climatic conditions of our country.

What do absolute and relative values ​​mean?

Please note that statistics are presented in 2 graphs: absolute and relative. Let's try to figure it out.

Absolute indicator- this is the actual value of impressions over different periods of time.

For example, in June 2018, users requested phrases containing the word “bicycle” 5,909,651 times, and in August 2018 there were 4,152,377 such requests

Relative indicator is the ratio of impressions for the word of interest to the total number of impressions on the network. It demonstrates the popularity of the query among all others.

Both graphs should go smoothly, repeating each other (in the example this is the case).

If the graphs diverge dramatically, this may indicate that there is something wrong with the request. Perhaps the request is being automatically boosted or, despite the general seasonal decline, interest in the request is higher than normal (if the schedule relative value is higher than absolute). Or vice versa - demand should have been higher, but it is lower than expected values ​​(if the schedule relative below absolute).

Yandex.Wordstat operators

All of the above examples demonstrate statistics on a wide range of queries. That is, when we ask Wordstat for statistics on the query “bicycle” and see the number 6,887,204, this does not mean at all that users searched for the word “bicycle” that many times. Statistics show the sum of various queries that include this word, including “buy a bike”, “bike price”, etc.

You can clarify query statistics using various operators.

    Operator "" (quotes)

    This operator clarifies statistics specifically for the word/phrase of interest (without “tails” - additional words).

    Do you feel the difference? 85 thousand requests are no longer 6.8 million.

    How many times has the phrase “buy a tricycle” been requested?

    1,045 times. In this case, all word forms are considered, such as “buy tricycles”, “buy a tricycle”, etc.

    Such an operator helps in developing the correct semantic core of the site.

    Operator! (Exclamation point)

    This operator allows you to fix the form of a word (number, case, tense).

    For example, if you want to find out the frequency of the request “buy a ticket to Moscow” and not “buy a ticket to Moscow”, this operator will be very useful to you.

    Another example of how to use the operator! helps to filter out unnecessary requests.

    Use this operator when looking for anchors for links.

    Operator + (plus)

    By default, Yandex.Wordstat does not count prepositions and conjunctions in statistics (they are considered stop words). Sometimes it is very important to take these parts of speech into account, since in another case the meaning will change. Compare what Wordstat shows when you enter the query “studio recording” just like that, and using the “plus” operator:

    Operator - (minus)

    This operator does the opposite - it excludes unwanted “tails” (words) from the statistics.

    For example, if an online store sells only luxury furniture, then all the information on queries related to inexpensive furniture will only get in the way. They can be removed using the minus operator.

    If we had simply looked at the statistics for the word “buy furniture,” we would have seen 439,013 requests, and having excluded the “tails” that were uninteresting to us, we would have received other data. And again, in this case we make it easier for ourselves to further work with refined queries.

    This operator helps to narrow the number of viewed keywords, for example, when compiling the semantic core of a site.

    . Operator (|) - parentheses and vertical bar

    To avoid entering similar queries one after another, we use the brute force operator.

    For example, we are interested in queries such as “buy a folding bike”, “buy a sports bike”, “buy a mountain bike”, etc. depending on the store's assortment. You can search for statistics on all these queries one by one, or you can do them all at once

    This operator helps in developing a semantic core, significantly saving time on query selection.

    * Several identical words in the request

    When using the operator "" (quotes), repetition of the same word/preposition/number is perceived by Wordstat as any word from Wordstat results for the specified keyword length. That is, if there are 3 words in quotes, 2 of which are repeated, then Wordstat shows statistics on phrases of 3 words, including 2 specified + 1 any other.

    If we enter the query “buy a bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle” (5 words in quotation marks), we will receive statistics on queries such as “buy a bicycle in Moscow inexpensively”, “buy a bicycle in Moscow on sale”, etc.

    This point must be taken into account when working with queries that include repetitions. For example, statistics for queries such as “movies about films”, “1+1” will be distorted.

    If you need statistics on such repeated requests, use the “!” operator.

Disadvantages of Wordstat operators

Yandex.Wordstat operators are a convenient thing. They allow you to obtain accurate data on a large number of requests in a short time. But even they have shortcomings.

First, some operators do not combine with each other. So, for example, you cannot use the operators “” and (|) at the same time, but you would like to. However, use the operators "" and! at the same time you can:

Secondly, the operators do not work when viewing the request history. Therefore, we can view history and seasonality only for requests from a wide range.

Common mistakes when working with Yandex.Wordstat

    Working with a wide range of keys

    If the user does not know how to use service operators, he often receives erroneous data and wastes his time on dummy requests.

    When developing a semantic core and searching for anchors for link promotion, be sure to use the operators “” and/or “!”.

    Region selection

    If you are planning to promote a website in one specific region, but do not specify the region when viewing statistics, you will receive erroneous forecasts.

    Ignoring seasonal demand

    If the site owner orders promotion from specialists, then dishonest optimizers can deceive him, especially if the promotion is based not on positions, but on traffic (we wrote about the difference between these 2 methods). After all, traffic growth can occur naturally.

    Or, on the contrary, the keywords are chosen correctly and the promotion tactics are chosen correctly, but the decline in seasonal demand is not taken into account - the result is not impressive, after which a decision is made to change course.

If all of the above is tiring for you, then contact us, we will help. When working with keywords and anchors in the “Business” tariffs and when writing texts, as well as during complex promotion, we take into account the operator “” (quotes) and be sure to look at the region in which the site operates.

The correct selection of keywords is the basis of search engine promotion and high-quality contextual advertising settings. It is on the formation of the semantic core (compiling a database of queries and creating pages relevant to them) that the further result largely depends: the popularity of the resource and conversion.

Do you want to become a real SEO guru and receive ready-made instructions for working with the best services for the Russian-speaking segment? Then this article was written especially for you!

At the moment, there are two main ways to collect popular queries in Yandex - Yandex.Direct and Yandex WordStat. Let's study them in more detail, consider the advantages and disadvantages.


The Yandex search engine regularly collects information about user requests - based on this data, the convenient Yandex WordStat service has been created. It helps website owners and optimizers become familiar with the needs of Runet visitors, track trendy topics, and select the most appropriate keywords.

Screenshot of the Yandex.Wordstat interface

Among the advantages of the service, we should highlight its simplicity and high speed. This free service has excellent functionality. With it you can:

  • find out the frequency of the request in Yandex in exact, phrase and broad terms;
  • get statistics on a particular region;
  • use “Query History” to determine seasonality.

Now about the cons. Advanced SEO specialists agree that the selection of keywords in Yandex.Wordstat allows you to compile a list of keywords of only up to 50% of the full semantic core. To save data to your computer and search for other phrases, you will need to use additional services.

Another drawback is that WordStat only shows 2000 nested phrases (up to 40 pages), missing low-frequency queries that drive additional traffic. Many people are annoyed by the frequent introduction of captchas, and there is a possibility of account blocking.

Advice! To collect more keywords, use the paid Key Collector program or use a little trick from advanced optimizers. They get around the limitation by entering queries in different variants. For example: blouse, blouse, blouse, blouse.

Remember! Are you going to collect a lot of keywords? Create a separate account in Yandex to avoid the consequences of potential blocking.


It is a contextual advertising service on search engine pages and YAN partner sites. Despite its different purpose (the service was created for paid promotion and fine-tuning of advertisements with output for specific requests), Yandex.Direct also allows you to select keywords.

In addition, this service makes it possible to study the search phrases used by competitors in order to apply them next time in your own website development strategy.

The majority of Yandex. users Direct are advertisers and online sellers, so this commercial tool is also designed to calculate the profit received from promoting individual keywords.

The main disadvantage of Direct is that it is not particularly convenient for solving large-scale problems. In such cases, it is better to opt for the powerful Key Collector or the free Slovoeb service.

How to use Yandex.Wordstat to select keywords?

The platform interface is simple and understandable even for beginners. Main elements of the main screen:

  • query input field - here you need to enter the search phrase about which you want to receive information;

  • button “by words” - displays the list taking into account the specified operators (special characters to narrow the search range);
  • “by region” - allows you to go to the section dedicated to geodependence;
  • “request history” - generates data received over the last two years;

  • date of last statistics update;

  • left row - shows statistics of queries in Yandex for the entered word;
  • right column - used to identify other keys from users who searched for the original phrase;
  • transition to statistics by device type: requests from mobile phones, phones and tablets.

Advice! To improve your work with Yandex.Wordstat, study its operators - they will save your time by eliminating unnecessary words or combining information for several queries at once.

Instructions for working with Yandex.Wordstat

  1. Log in or register a Yandex account.
  2. Go to the page
  3. Enter the phrase you are interested in in the search bar.
  4. Click the "Select" button.

To clarify the required request, use a set of service commands:

Word order in keys

The method of collecting statistics in Yandex WordStat has a serious drawback - there are no differences in the frequency of queries that are essentially the same, but with different word order. Even taking into account the operator "!" the service provides the same number of impressions per month. But in fact, the phrases “radio online” and “online radio” have an unequal number of views.

Attention! You must first activate the “Take into account word order” option in the settings.

Defining keywords based on regions

To analyze the demographic aspect, you will need the “By Region” tool. It will be useful when the optimizer is looking for queries for advertising or creating a semantic core for a site selling goods or services.

Of all the functions, the most interesting is regional popularity - the percentage that a city occupies in impressions for a phrase, divided by the share of all search results. If you see more than 100%, it means that the region’s interest in the keyword is increased, if less, it means it’s decreased.

Analysis of seasonality of requests

Would you like to determine the dynamics of demand for the selected key throughout the year? Then you need to look at the statistics in Yandex.Wordstat (the “Query History” tool).

Using the service, you can assess the seasonality of any topic with detailed frequency by month and week. In addition, the tool will save money and effort by further eliminating the “dummy” phrases that site owners have created in a short time.

Advice! To get a deep understanding of traffic dynamics, analyze different keywords from the same group. Be sure to consider obvious seasonal queries (such as “shopping for a swimsuit” or “how to decorate a Christmas tree”), as well as unforeseen important events and news that may change SEO trends.

Advice! Low-frequency operators are focused on more effective and less costly promotion; they specify the request as much as possible. We recommend using them in the semantic core.

Low frequency phrases are phrases that users have entered less than 10 times in the last month.

Parsing queries with a fixed number of words

If you need to search for queries of a certain length, type the keyword on the appropriate line the required number of times, enclosing it in quotation marks. For example, a webmaster needs to find popular three-word phrases with the key “flowers” ​​- he should enter “flowers flowers” ​​into the search.

Such experiments with a length of up to seven words can increase the reach of the target audience, because as a result WordStat will replace the same words with analogues that are often entered by Runet users.

Expansion of the semantic core

To increase traffic to an Internet resource, try to cover as many queries as possible that are similar in linguistics and syntax. By finding the maximum number of keys, you will create an effective and powerful semantic core.

When compiling it, pay attention to other interests of the target audience - by deciding to look at such query statistics in Yandex.Wordstat, you will better understand the needs of your potential readers and clients, and expand the list of queries by topic.

Browser plugins for comfortable work

To ensure that using the service leaves only pleasant memories, we recommend installing the Yandex Wordstat Helper or Yandex Wordstat Assistant extension. The mentioned plugins will significantly speed up the selection of keywords and take your website’s Internet marketing to a new level.
The first extension allows you to add your own queries; it copies, deletes and appends data to the buffer.

As for Yandex Wordstat Assistant, it also displays the total frequency of key phrases and supports different types of sorting.

1. Go to and click “Create a campaign” - Text and image ads.

2. Below, select the region you are interested in.
3. Open the “Group Management” tab and enter the masks collected in Yandex.Wordstat there, that is, the main phrases. Click "Save" and proceed to create an ad group. In the “Settings for the entire group” column, enter the masks collected earlier in Yandex.Wordstat.

4. Start searching for additional phrases by selecting "Find Words"

5. Click “Start collection” and be patient: the operation may take many hours, especially when working with a huge semantic core.

6. Filter the received keys from non-target requests.

Want to learn how to use Yandex.Direct to select keywords for maximum benefit? Calculate duplicates, as well as obvious negative keywords that are not suitable for your site, and then remove all phrases collected by the program that contain them.
Interface features

In 2017, Yandex.Direct developers distributed options into semantic blocks and improved usability - working with the service became even more pleasant. Previously, the platform supported two versions of the interface: light and professional.

Now all that remains is a convenient advanced option, with which you can find out the frequency of the request in Yandex with the addition of negative keywords, independently adjust the keys, manage bids and receive data on financial expenses.

Other services and key selection programs for Yandex

  • Key Collector - helps automate advanced collection of the semantic core, obtaining effective search phrases as quickly as possible. This paid program always uses the latest statistics, and updates are released frequently.
  • “Slovoeb” is a convenient free analogue suitable for compiling a large list of queries. It analyzes regionality and seasonality, allows you to determine the timing of promotion, as well as calculate its approximate cost.
  • "- it can be used for free and without registration. The service instantly selects search phrases from its own large database. It shows not only their frequency, but also competition and seasonality.


Having gained experience in selecting keywords in Yandex.Wordstat, Direct and other programs, you will become a real promotion specialist, because its basis is the correct choice of keywords. After compiling the semantic core, all that remains is to create high-quality pages relevant to the selected queries.

Good traffic and crazy conversion to you!

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