Is your fingerprint scanner broken? Detailed repair instructions. What to do if Touch ID doesn’t work well Why Touch ID doesn’t recognize your finger

Touch ID is a great tool for authenticating in-app purchases using your fingerprint instead of the traditional Apple account password. This is a more secure form of user authentication, which also significantly speeds up the entire purchase process.

Unfortunately, nothing is absolutely perfect in this world. It happens that Touch ID does not work correctly with the AppStore when authenticating while making purchases. Instead of requiring the user to use a fingerprint for authentication, the App Store may ask the user for a traditional password.

Don't worry if this situation arises. Below we will show you how to solve this problem.

What to do if Touch ID doesn't work in the App Store?

Step 1: Go to Settings on your iPhone or iPad and go to the Touch ID and passcode section. If the code request feature is enabled, it may be requested.

Step 2: Disable iTunes & App Store.

Step 5: Enable iTunes & App Store.

After completing these steps, any attempt to make a purchase through the App Store will require the user to use Touch ID rather than an Apple ID password. Please note that if purchases through the App Store have not been made within 24 hours, the device will still require you to enter your Apple ID password.

It happens that this problem occurs due to incorrect operation of Touch ID equipment. That is why it is necessary to ensure its normal functioning. You can check this by using Touch ID on a locked display to unlock your device.

The Touch ID sensor on the latest iPhone models (5s, 6, 6 Plus, 6s, SE, 7, 7 Plus) has turned out to be quite controversial. Not everyone needs to protect their sensitive data so carefully, but everyone has to pay a premium for it. Those who still want to use a fingerprint scanner are faced with a common problem in the form of the error “Touch ID setup cannot be completed. Go back and try again." It completely disables Touch ID, making it a useless feature on the iPhone.

Reasons for Touch ID failure

The Home button now functions as a menu and a fingerprint scanner. Due to its constant demand, its breakdown is not that uncommon. Although, in most cases, the cause of the failure is careless handling of the iPhone: accidental falls, moisture getting on the case, using the sensor with dirty hands, and much more. In rare cases, you come across a manufacturing defect or purchase a refurbished smartphone - a refresh of the device. If it's not too late, return it back to the store. The last reason is repair, replacement of the display or case.

"Can't complete Touch ID setup" crash on iPhone

6 solutions to the Touch ID problem

We have collected the most common causes of failure and corresponding solutions to the error.

  • To resolve the system glitch, try completely charging your iPhone. After this, try to authorize your finger again. For better recognition, scan it three times in the security settings. You should now have three slots.
  • You can also try turning off the device by holding down the Power and Home buttons at the same time. In this case, it may be necessary to go back and try again several times for the fingerprint initialization to work.
      1. Repair

After a specific Touch ID repair, the iPhone very often begins to display the error “Unable to complete Touch ID setup.” This happens due to two factors: unqualified repairs or a gross mistake. In the first case, it implies little experience of the one who carried out the replacement. Apparently he didn't know that changing the Home button itself is strictly prohibited, even if the screen is being changed. If the code id does not match the one entered into the phone database, this function will be immediately blocked. A gross error is caused by ordinary negligence. Just return your smartphone back.

      1. Purity

Always keep your scanner perfectly clean. Avoid touching it with dirty hands. If this happens, gently wipe with a slightly damp cloth or cotton wool soaked in alcohol.

      1. Buying a smartphone

Sometimes sellers lower prices precisely because of the lack of the Touch ID function. Always check the presence of this parameter, because it is very often missing in refurbished phones. This way you can save a good amount. If this is critical for you, then all you have to do is go to the official store.

In the iPhone 8 version, Apple may replace the standard Touch ID, which is built into the button, with an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner.

      1. Firmware

The last resort is flashing or restoring via iTunes. Although the probability is minimal, it is still worth a try. Only experienced users should carry out this action on their own; the risks are still very high.

      1. Service center

When it comes to iPhone repairs, it is always better to contact only official service centers or trusted specialists, because there are a lot of “handicraftsmen” today. This may be more expensive at first, but it will insure you against unexpected problems in the future.

And at the end, just an up-to-date video instruction on how to solve problems with touch ID malfunctions in iPhone.


The problem with touch ID in the latest iPhones is very relevant. Of course, most Apple devices work quite well and we can’t talk about an endemic bug. If you have found other effective ways to solve the “Touch ID setup cannot be completed” error, then please indicate them in the comments, we and the readers will be grateful.

Recently, in the news feed and on social networks, there have been frequent discussions and opinions regarding the new fingerprint recognition feature called Touch ID in the iPhone 5s. Basically, all discussions come down to security issues and future prospects for this method of protecting and accessing the device. For some reason, what seems to me to be a more pressing question is raised much less frequently: is it convenient to use Touch ID in everyday life?

It is clear that initially the fingerprint is stored in memory, followed by a touch, then pressing the “Home” button, and as a result, the device is unlocked. All this is very fun and interesting, but does the process really look so beautiful, simple and easy?

I think it would be quite appropriate here to give a few opinions or, if you like, observations from famous people in the world of “Apple-aligned” journalism, based on their personal experience.

For example, here's what John Gruber (of thinks about it:

Although this may technically be correct, Dustin Curtis (creator of the interactive magazine, and part-time blogger) argues that in fact it is not entirely true:

When the phone is locked, unlocking with Touch ID feels a little clunky; you must touch the sensor on the Home button with your finger, press the button and manage to release it without removing your finger from the sensor, and you must manage to do all this before Siri is activated. It works, but it feels strange.

In general, I will say this - unlocking is truly “instant”, but only if the lock screen is in an active state at that moment. It was funny to watch new owners trying to unlock the device by simply swiping or touching the sensor with their finger. It would seem that a completely simple and logical action - unlocking the iPhone - actually consists of two non-obvious ones: “waking up” by pressing the “Home” button and reading the fingerprint with the sensor. That is, an iPhone in an inactive state simply will not respond to the finger; reading occurs immediately after activating the device by pressing Home as usual.

And John Gruber is at it again:

Touch ID doesn't rely on button presses in any way, and there shouldn't be any lag... Try this: Place your finger on the Home button while your iPhone is locked. Activate your iPhone with the Power button, not the Home button. Unlocking is instant.

What can I say: apparently, I’m somehow wrong, not one of those people who usually unlock the iPhone with both hands...

Apple provides users of its technology with a large number of functions designed to ensure complete security and protect the device from unauthorized persons. One such add-on is Touch ID.

What is Touch ID

Touch ID is a password that can be set to unlock the device or access certain applications. Unlike previous passwords, which were a combination of numbers or a key character, Touch ID checks the fingerprints of the person trying to unlock the phone or tablet and compares them with the fingerprints stored in the device's memory. If they match, then the unlocking is successful, but if Touch ID suspects that they are trying to hack the device, it will go into lock mode. The user has three attempts to prove their identity using unique fingerprints.

The advantage of this technology is that it is the most reliable way to block access to your device or individual programs. If a phone or tablet is stolen, it will be very difficult for an attacker to remove it from the locked state.

Touch ID first appeared on the iPhone 5S and is present on all subsequent phone models. This technology is also available on iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3.

How to enable, disable and configure Touch ID on iPhone

Before activating Touch ID, it is recommended that you restart your device, close all applications and wash your hands, since the first time you turn it on you will need to add your fingerprints, and if they are unclear, you may have problems unlocking the device in the future.

  1. Open the Settings application.
  2. Go to the “Touch ID and Passcode” section.
  3. Click the “Add fingerprint” button. Detailed instructions for adding a fingerprint will appear on the device screen. It will be necessary to apply your finger several times, raising and lowering it at the right moment. Hold the device the way you normally hold it. Don't place your finger straight or at a certain angle; place it on the Home button the way you most often place it during everyday use.
  4. If you think that the fingerprint is inaccurate, then find it in the “Fingerprints” block and swipe it from right to left. A “Delete” button will appear, which you must click to erase the fingerprint.
  5. You can click on the name of the resulting fingerprint to assign any other name.
  6. Now we activate the “Unlock iPhone” function if you want the device to unlock only after touching it with your finger.
  7. Activate the "iTunes Store, App Store" feature if you want your fingerprint to be required when entering the store.
  8. If you want to disable Touch ID technology on your device, then deactivate the two features above.

What to do if a function stops working or crashes

Some users experience problems immediately after enabling Touch ID, while others experience problems after a few days or months. The problem may be the following: Touch ID does not work, has stopped working, does not work the first time, does not work correctly. To get rid of all the above problems, you need to do the following:

  1. Reboot your device by pressing the Lock and Home buttons at the same time for 8-10 seconds.
  2. Open the Settings app.
  3. Go to the Touch ID and Passcode section.
  4. Delete any existing prints. To do this, first click on the name or fingerprint number.
  5. In the tab that opens, click the “Delete fingerprint” button. Repeat this operation with all prints.
  6. Click the Add Fingerprint button. Follow all the instructions that appear on the device screen: remove and reapply your finger, rest the tip or middle of your finger, rotate, and others. Repeat this process with each finger.

What to do if the fingerprint scanner is not working well - video

If restoring fingerprints does not help fix problems with Touch ID, you need to take the device to a service center to get advice from a qualified specialist and possibly send the device for repair, since the problem is most likely in the hardware of the phone or tablet. If you hacked the firmware of your device using Jailbreak, then this may be the reason. Also, the reason may be in the IOS version; you need to install the latest firmware on your device for Touch ID to work correctly.

Touch ID began to be installed for the first time on iPhone 5S in 2013. Later, new models of iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro were equipped with the scanner.

At the moment, there are 2 generations of sensors that are used in Apple technology:

Touch ID 1st generation is used in:

  • iPhone 5s;
  • iPhone 6/6 Plus;
  • iPhone SE;
  • iPad Air 2;
  • iPad mini 3/4;
  • iPad Pro 12.9″ (first generation 2015);
  • iPad Pro 9.7″;
  • iPad 2017/2018.

Faster 2nd generation Touch ID is installed in:

  • iPhone 6S/6S Plus;
  • iPhone 7/7 Plus;
  • iPhone 8/8 Plus;
  • iPad Pro 10.5″;
  • iPad Pro 12.9″ (second generation 2017);
  • MacBook Pro 2016/2017.

Generations of sensors differ only in response speed, but not in the degree of fingerprint recognition. The features and techniques described below will work with both generations of Touch ID.

What affects Touch ID?

When it appeared in the iPhone 5s, the fingerprint sensor was head and shoulders above the available solutions from its competitors. The developers managed to create a device that correctly reads the owner’s fingerprint quite quickly and with high accuracy.

Two years later, the sensor was improved, reducing the sensor response time by half.

The operation of the sensor is definitely affected by dirt and liquids. Maximum response accuracy is guaranteed when the sensor surface is clean and there is no grease, dirt or water on the finger. Despite this, the scanner requires daily cleaning only under very difficult operating conditions.

Most users don't need to wipe Touch ID or wash and dry their hands before using their smartphone.

What does not affect Touch ID?

The operation of the sensor is not affected by ambient temperature and humidity. Even if you use the device in the cold, when the skin on your fingers shrinks a little, a minor change in fingerprints will not have a serious impact on the operation of Touch ID.

The state of the smartphone battery and its charge level do not affect the response speed. Some users mistakenly believe that a sensor with a charged battery works better.

There is no confirmed evidence of Touch ID learning when repeatedly touching the sensor in a menu increases the accuracy of the sensor. In this menu, this is only intended to indicate the entered fingerprint.

How, then, can you improve the accuracy of Touch ID?

The essence of the method is to add several prints of the same finger, but at different angles and in different positions. If the fingerprints of your wife/husband, children or relatives are not entered into your smartphone, you can fill all five slots with your data.

Use either two prints for your non-working hand and three for your working hand, or four for your working hand and one for your non-working hand.

1. Go to Settings – Touch ID & Passcode and remove existing fingerprints.

2. Now add a new fingerprint for the hand with which you most often hold your smartphone. When adding a fingerprint, try to press the top of your fingertip onto the sensor.

3. Add another fingerprint and enter the same finger again, but do most of the touching with the bottom of the fingertip.

4. Add a third print for the same finger, but do not hold the smartphone in your hand with a normal grip, but in the most familiar place, for example, when taking the iPhone out of your pocket.

5. Now you can add two thumbprints for the second hand, or just one such fingerprint, and secure the main finger in another atypical position, for example, pressing a smartphone in a car holder.

By adding two prints per finger (one for the top of the pad, and the second for the bottom), you can enter a larger area of ​​skin into the device’s memory. By adding a fingerprint in a specific position (out of a pocket, in a holder, or on a table), we train the sensor to apply a common press at a specific angle.

This simple method will minimize the percentage of false positives of the Touch ID sensor.

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