How to place an accent mark. How to put an accent on a letter in MS Word. Insert special character button

Sometimes you need to "make" an accent mark in Word. It’s just that finding how to install it can be difficult. There are several ways to do this.

1) Using insert special symbol.
Place the cursor after the letter to be emphasized.
In the top menu, select “Insert” -> “Symbol”. Select in Recruitment“united diac.marks” (2007, 2010 word) or “area of ​​personal application” (for 2003) and look for the accent mark there. Click "Insert" and close.

It should work.

If it doesn’t work out the first time, then do it by analogy with the screenshot.
You can also manually in the field Sign code enter the number 0300 or 0301

2) Using character replacement.

It’s like a continuation of the first method, but the solution is slightly different.

So, place the cursor after the desired letter, and then type on the keyboard the numbers 0300 (for the left inclination of the accent) or 0301 (for the right)

After this, press the Alt button on the keyboard to the left of the spacebar, and then, without releasing it, press the X button (key combination Alt + X). It should work.

You can also use 0340 and 0341 respectively.

3) Using selection.

You can highlight (or you can also put after) the desired letter, and then, pressing and holding the Alt button on the number pad, dial +0769 (or just 769), release Alt. The accent should also appear.
If you use 0768 (or 768), then the accent will be placed with a different inclination.

If you are not particularly concerned about spelling (slanting or underlining), then you can use any method to place emphasis. If this is more or less important to you, then you can experiment and see that in some methods Word itself emphasizes the word as a syntactic error (since the letter is replaced with its code designation), but in other methods everything is fine. There are also nuances when in some fonts the display of a word will be incorrect.
You can also set up macros or AutoCorrect to make adding accent marks easier and faster.

Simple and quick perception of text is the result of working with the Word text editor, as well as the competent use of its capabilities. In some cases, it may be necessary to place emphasis on a particular word. When typing text in Russian, this technique makes it easier to understand complex words or terms. Typing a number of words in a foreign language (for example, French) requires placing emphasis in accordance with the rules for writing these words.

How to put an accent in Word - using the “Character” tab

To place an accent in the required place, you can use the corresponding icon, which should be extracted from the “Symbol” block. Depending on the version of the text editor you have installed, the procedure will be slightly different.

Word 2003

  • Place the cursor after the letter that will be emphasized.
  • In the menu field, select the “Insert” tab.
  • A drop-down list will appear in front of you, among the items of which click on the “Symbol” item of interest.
  • A table window with various symbols will appear on the screen. Find the accent mark you need among them. If you find it difficult to find the accent mark for all the characters presented, go to the “Set” line. Among the drop-down list items, find “Combining diacr. signs.” Next, select the symbol you are looking for.
  • Click the “Insert” button (in the lower right corner of this window).
  • Then click the “Close” button.

Word 2007

  • Open the Word editor.
  • Place the cursor in the place before which you want to place an accent.
  • Select “Insert” from the menu tabs.
  • The menu bar will appear in the form of sections of the selected tab - stop at the “Symbol” block.
  • In the drop-down list, select “Other symbols”.
  • A symbol window opens in which you select the symbol you are looking for.
  • Click the “Insert” button, and then “Close”.

Word 2010

If you need to place an accent when working with this version of a text editor, the actions are similar to working in Word 2007. When searching for the required icon in the symbol window, you can use the code search. For this:

  • Find the “Character code” field.
  • To set an accent with a slant to the left, dial the code 0300. If you need a stroke with a slant to the right, enter the code 0301.
  • The square with the desired symbol will be filled in blue.

How to put emphasis in Word - using hotkey combinations

You can also use hotkeys to set the accent icon.

  • Open the Word text editor and place the mouse after the letter that requires emphasis.
  • Next, use the keyboard to enter the code 0300 and the combination Alt+x - if you need to tilt the stroke to the left.
  • Or type 0301 and the same combination Alt+x - if you want the accent to be tilted to the right.

You can use this method regardless of the installed version of the Word editor.

How to put emphasis in Word - using the macro button

If you don't have to go to the symbols tab or type a sequence of numbers and hot keys every time you set an accent, you can create a macro recording. Thus, you place a button on the menu panel, pressing which will correspond to the dialing 0300 + “Alt+x” or 0301 + “Alt+x”. For this:

  • In the menu bar, find the “View” tab.
  • In it, select the “Macros” item.
  • By clicking on this block, a small drop-down list will appear in front of you.
  • Among its items, select the line “Record a macro”.
  • Next, a dialog box appears in which you have the opportunity to enter the name of the future macro button (for example, “Accent”).
  • Next, select the method of calling the command – “By button” or “By keys”.
  • Click the “By button” block.
  • Afterwards, a new window will open with two fields and a menu in the left column. We work with the left margin.
  • Move your mouse to the newly created entry and click on it. Next, press the “Add” button (located in the center of the window).
  • A new entry has now been added to the field on the right side.
  • Press the “Ok” key.
  • A macro icon will appear in the text editor's control panel.
  • Place the cursor after the letter that requires emphasis.
  • Type a sequence, for example, 0300 + “Alt+x” (or 0301 + “Alt+x”). Go sequentially “View” – “Macros” – “Stop recording”.
  • The query sequence is written for the newly created macro. Now, to set an accent, you only need to place the cursor in the required place and press the macro key.

It is unlikely that anyone in their life often faces the need to put emphasis on a word. And only a few know how to put emphasis in Word. This is not strange, because everyone already knows perfectly well how to pronounce this or that word correctly. And the need for accents is needed only in extremely rare cases. But still, if the need arises, then you need to know how to put emphasis in Word. This is exactly what the article will discuss.

You will be presented with two methods to choose from, which are quite different from each other. But one thing they have in common is that the necessary operations can be performed using standard program tools. That is, you don’t have to download and install anything on your computer.

Method One: Using a Character Code

If you want to know how to put emphasis in Word, then the first method assumes that you know the code of this character. Now let's talk in detail about how to put emphasis.

So, first of all, you need to indicate the letter over which the accent mark will appear. In Word, for this you need to place the cursor after it. After this, you will need to enter the character code: for the accent mark it is “0301”. Feel free to type numbers on the keyboard. The last thing you need to do is press a key combination, instructing the program to convert the code into a symbol. This combination is ALT+X. By pressing it, you will see how the set of numbers disappears, and the accent appears above the letter before them.

This was the first way to put emphasis in Word. It involves using a code, but if you don’t want to remember it or are afraid that you will forget it, then there is a second method especially for you that does not require this.

Second method: using a symbol table

Those users who often use the Word program most likely know very well what a symbol table is. This tool allows you to enter those characters that you will never see on your keyboard. This is a very useful tool, especially if you want to put an emphasis on a letter in Word.

Open the table with symbols

So, the first thing you need to do is open that very table with symbols. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab in the program. In it, on the toolbar, find the “Symbols” group. In this area there is a tool called "Symbol" - click on it. You will see a drop-down menu in which you can use special characters, but it does not contain their entire list, but only those that were used last time. And if you haven’t placed stress using this method before, then you won’t have it there. So, click on the "Other symbols" button.

After this, the “Symbol” window will appear in the foreground - this is what we need. The next step is to find the desired symbol and insert it into the document.

Find and insert an accent mark into the document

So, a window with all available symbols is open in front of you. There are a lot of them, so it would be unwise to look for the accent mark yourself by flipping through the entire list back and forth. The easiest way is to select the group you want to display. To do this, in “Set”, select the “combined diac. marks” item.

After this action, the number of characters will be significantly reduced, and finding the one you need will become much easier. But you can use another search method. In the "Character code" input field, enter "0301" - and the desired accent character will be found immediately.

As a result, you will need to select it and click the “Insert” button. However, keep in mind: in order for it to be inserted where it should be, you need to place the cursor after the desired letter, otherwise the symbol will appear in a completely different place.


You can also notice that after setting the accent, the word that contains it is highlighted with a red line. This is due to the fact that the program considers this word to be spelled incorrectly. To remove the selection, you need to right-click and select “Add to Dictionary” or “Skip” from the menu.

In the Russian language there is a group of words that have the same spelling, but change their meaning depending on where the stress is placed. They are called homographs. Despite the fact that the surrounding text most often serves as a hint for choosing the correct meaning of the homograph and the appropriate placement of stress in it, it will nevertheless be better if the author of the text himself takes care of his readers in advance and indicates the stressed vowel in the word. Let's look at how to do this in the Word text editor.

There are two main ways to place emphasis on a letter in Word.

  1. Place the cursor behind the vowel letter in the word over which you want to place the accent. In the main menu of the editor, go to the “Insert” section, in which find the “Symbols” group and click the “Symbol” button. In the window that appears, left-click on the line “Other symbols...”.
    In the character selection window that opens, in the “Set:” field, select “combined diacrs” from the list. signs."

    The usual accent, directed from the upper right corner to the lower left, will correspond to the sign code 0301. The sign with code 0300 will represent an accent directed in the opposite direction.

    Select the appropriate character and click the "Insert" button. As a result of this action, an accent mark will appear above the letter behind which the cursor is placed.

    After this, the window with character sets can be closed.
  2. The second method of placing emphasis on a letter in a word in Word is a variation of the first method and a window with sets of special characters contains a hint about its use. It states that this character can be set by a keystroke combination consisting of typing the character code and then pressing the combination Alt+X.

    In practice it looks like this. After the stressed vowel, write the code for the accent symbol: 0300 or 0301 .

Regular users of Microsoft Office Word have almost no need to emphasize words. Usually this moment is simply skipped, hoping that the reader of the text will understand what is being said. As a last resort, the author can highlight the desired letter by making it bold or capital. Thus, those who work with informal documents do not always know how to emphasize a word.

Special characters can be inserted using their codes

This will not work if you are working with certain types of official texts, especially those that must be completed according to the state standard. Word provides the ability to add an accent mark in three ways. Each of them has its own advantages and degree of convenience - there is an option for both beginners and advanced users of the program.

Verbal stress is a change in intonation that is necessary in order to highlight the main word in a sentence or a letter in a word. Its placement may change the meaning of what is said, so in an ambiguous situation it is advisable to use a special symbol. All over the world it is customary to make a small stroke under the accent letter. This sign is also in Word - it refers to special, superscript. It can be added to the text using:

  1. using the symbol table;
  2. pressing a special key combination;
  3. creating and using a macro - an automated command that allows you to record a user’s action and play it back when a specified button is pressed.

The most accessible option for a beginner is to use Word’s table of superscript and subscript characters:

  1. Set the mouse separator to the right of the accented letter in the word;
  2. Go to the “Insert” tab;
  3. Open the "Symbols" menu - far right in the settings panel;
  4. Select “Symbol” - “Other”;
  5. In the “Set” drop-down menu, select “Combined dia. signs";
  6. In the table, select one of two strokes - tilted to the left or to the right with codes 0300 and 0301, respectively (in Russian it is customary to use the second);
  7. Click “Insert” - the icon will appear directly above the required letter.

Second way

If you need to place accents frequently, it might be easier to repurpose a special keyboard shortcut that does the same job:

  1. Place the cursor to the right of the desired letter;
  2. Enter the code (0300 or 0301) close to it to get a record like “a0300”;
  3. Press Alt + "X" at the same time.

This option creates the same icon as using symbols. The only difference is that using a combination is faster for many users.

Third way

Microsoft Office Word has a large number of functions, including the ability to automate certain processes. A conditional command that is executed when the user presses a specific button or key combination is called a “macro”. It groups one or more actions in order to reproduce them instantly and automatically. The main areas of use of macros:

  • To speed up frequently performed editing, formatting, or pasting tasks (especially if the process itself takes a lot of time or steps);
  • To combine several standard program actions into one - for example, you can set a function that will insert a table with a certain size, borders, number of rows and columns;
  • To make it easier to access options that require interaction with multiple windows - these include setting the accent on a letter in a word;
  • To automate complex, multi-step tasks that are formed from actions with standard program functions.

This way, once a macro has been recorded to create an accent on a letter, the user can press a single button instead of using a keyboard shortcut or interacting with multiple windows to bring up a character table.

How to create a macro

First of all, to record an automated command, you need to gain access to the Macros function. To do this, you can display the Developer tab in Word:

  1. Click the Microsoft Office button or "File";
  2. Go to “Options”;
  3. Select the “Customize Ribbon” tab;
  4. Check the box next to “Developer”;
  5. Save your changes.

The Macros function can also be accessed by going to View - Macros - Record Macro.

  1. Start recording - to do this, without associating a macro with a button or keys, click “OK”;
  2. Set a special command, when activated, the action will be played.

To set a hotkey.

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