DIY cell phone signal suppressor. How is communication jammed? Buying is as easy as shelling pears

With the advent of mobile phones, communication between people has become much easier. Mobile phones allow you to save a huge amount of time, quickly resolve important issues and simply maintain pleasant communication with a loved one who is at a distance. However, thanks to various spy devices, a personal mobile phone can turn from a faithful assistant into a source of constant leakage of personal information, which can lead to serious problems.

Nowadays, in order to become the owner of a device that listens to mobile phones, it is not at all necessary to be a special agent or intelligence officer. Anyone who wants he can buy bugs both on the Internet and in specialized stores and install them anywhere.

Fortunately, protect your personal information and phone against illegal intrusion is quite simple. To do this, you need to have cellular jammers and jammers for GSM and GLONASS signals. Fortunately, in order to protect yourself, it is not necessary to buy such devices. Experienced radio amateurs are quite capable of assembling devices that suppress cellular signals with their own hands. We will talk about how telephone signal jammers work, what they can do and how to make them yourself in this article.

GPS and GSM communication jammers operate on a fairly simple principle. When telephone signals enter the jammer's range, interference occurs, blocking the ability to receive and send calls from mobile devices.

GSM and GLONASS jammers signals, in turn, work on a different principle. They scan frequencies looking for a specific signal, and as soon as it appears, the device begins to interfere and block the signal.

Differences between cellular jammers

The operation of GPS and GSM jammers is primarily distinguished by their range. The simplest signal suppressors work within a radius of 10 meters and will only be effective in a car. More complex devices are designed for a range of 50 meters. This is quite enough to protect yourself from “bugs” in large rooms. There are also devices, allowing you to jam signals within a radius of several kilometers, but such equipment is used exclusively by special services.

Installation and use of the jammer

The signal suppressor installation diagram is very simple. You need to screw the antenna into the connector of the device and turn it on. After turning on, the device will silence all detected signals within 10 seconds. The signal blocker is able to work both online and offline. It can also be easily charged using a car cigarette lighter.

Sometimes a situation arises when, when turned on, the suppressor of telephone, GSM and GPS signals does not work well, does not find the necessary frequencies or something similar. This happens when mobile operators use other frequencies. In order for the device to pick up all frequencies, you must perform the following steps:

  • Remove the switch;
  • Unscrew the antenna;
  • Remove the cover of the device;
  • Remove the device chip;

· To adjust the purity, use a screwdriver to tighten the trimming resistor on the microcircuit.

Legality of using communication jammers

According to the Law “On Communications”, which operates in our country, any devices that suppress signals from mobile phones or other devices are required to be certified and registered. And if a certificate can be obtained from sellers upon purchase, then you need to register the device yourself. In case of non-compliance with the rules of the current law, violators face a fine, and the use of the device is considered illegal. Although it is worth noting that people are very rarely brought to justice for the illegal use of such devices, and even when it comes to saving personal information, the risk is justified in such conditions.

Who can listen to you

Install bugs and listen to your phones maybe even schoolchildren. It is very easy to purchase listening devices on the Internet. But basically, the use of “wiretapping” is usually resorted to by law enforcement officers who want to get dirt on criminals, influential businessmen who want to eliminate competitors, jealous husbands who suspect their wives of infidelity, and so on. Therefore, in order not to become a victim It is necessary to protect yourself from information leakage using signal suppressors.

How to make a telephone jammer with your own hands

On the Internet you can find quite a few different schemes with the help of which you can construct an effective suppressor of GPS and GSM signals yourself. The most common telephone signal jammer operates at 800 MHz. Since most mobile phones are tuned to this frequency. Despite the simplicity of the operating principle of the device, its independent assembly requires certain skills.

In order to make your own home suppressor of GSM and GPS signals, you need to take a synchronous signal generator with a frequency of 45 MHz, to which the local oscillator port responds. As a result of this, interference appears. Next, the antenna on the generator is tuned to a frequency of 800 MGC. After this, the RF output is connected to the amplifier, due to which the power of the device increases to 16 dBm. Next, the already amplified signal is fed to the device’s antenna. The final stage of self-assembly of the device is considered to be a self-made case, into which the battery is installed, and a switch is also created. In general, a finished signal suppressor will consist mainly of:

  • Voltage controlled oscillator (VCO);
  • Amplifier stage;
  • Source of interference;
  • Superstructure diagram;
  • Antennas.

A diagram of one such device is presented below:


From the above, it becomes clear that a cellular jammer in the modern high-tech world is a very useful device that will help save personal information and protect you from a huge number of unpleasant situations. It is very easy to purchase such a device today., and if you are also an experienced radio amateur, you can easily assemble such a device yourself.

Such suppressors and jammers of mobile phones have different ranges. The simplest of them work at a maximum of ten meters. Others are perfect for a small space or car. We will not consider more powerful suppressors in this article, since their use can lead to serious consequences.

Thanks to such devices, it is quite easy and simple to protect yourself from various spyware, which are almost impossible to detect due to their miniature dimensions, but such jammers can easily cope with a possible problem.

The basis of the design is a broadband noise generator ideal for jamming cellular and mobile signals.

With correctly selected transistors and an increased voltage of the power supply, the “Tetra-Fast cell phone jammer” circuit can easily leave mobile phones without a GSM signal. The jammer has been tested in operation, is quite simple to configure and manufacture, and the number of radio components has been reduced to the minimum possible.

The range of emitted frequencies is from hundreds of kHz to 1 GHz. The circuit is so simple that, provided that the radio components are properly assembled and in good working order, it starts working immediately from the moment power is applied. Structurally, the device has two outputs - standard and high power. The use of a powerful output increases the current consumption and overheating of the transistors, so they must be placed on good radiators.

The installation of radio components should be carried out taking into account the basic requirements for microwave devices: compact installation, wide printed conductors and minimum length, exclusion of sharp turns and right angles on the board, capacitances must be high-frequency, etc.

We connect a three-frame antenna to the output of the device, but in principle it is easy to get by with one frame - depending on the specific conditions.

After assembling the circuit, you need to check the correct installation, connect a piece of meter-long copper wire to any output and turn it on.

The device provides excellent suppression of emissions from low-power transmitters in the range 30 MHz - 1000 MHz. Bipolar transistors VT1-VT4 require radiators. Resistors R1 and R2 can be replaced with one 4.7 Ohm 10 W power.

I'm tired of parking some uncomprehending drivers in a flower bed near the house. There is a simple and legal way to teach them a lesson, namely: to assemble a simple circuit for influencing a car alarm. And after this, the car located within the range of the device will not be able to be set or removed from the alarm system.

In some cases it may be necessary to generate greater interference to TV and radio receivers. For example, my wife is watching a stupid TV series, and we want to watch football. For this purpose, you can assemble a TV range jammer. Its feature is a small range of about 50-100 meters and a good ability to jam the signal in a wide frequency range. In this case, the image and sound on the TV completely disappears.

The Internet community is increasingly interested in creating a DIY cell phone jammer, and in particular, many want to learn how to make such a device themselves. And many sites satisfy this curiosity by providing their own variations of schemes. This article also contains instructions from which you can learn how to create your own GSM jammer with your own hands. The main thing is not to forget about the complexity of the process of creating such a device. In order to create GSM jammers with your own hands, you need certain skills in working with electronics.

What are the methods of suppression?

There are only three of them:

  1. Spoofing - sends a false signal to a mobile device, which disrupts normal operation.
  2. DoS attack - blocking the GSM signal with interference, which makes it very difficult to receive or send signals.
  3. Electromagnetic shielding is enclosing an object in a protective shell that keeps any signal within its coverage area.

To create a mobile phone blocker with your own hands, it is recommended to use the second method. Spoofing is too complex for the average user to use such a device. And the electromagnetic screen cannot be moved from its place, so the possibility of mobility is completely excluded. This is why it is best to use a DoS attack. Thus, you can jam all mobile devices within the range of the communication jammer.

In fact, assembling a GSM jammer involves combining several parts together. All you need is:

  1. Voltage Controlled Oscillator (hereinafter referred to as VCO).
  2. A circuit that allows you to select the desired suppression frequency.
  3. An interference source that is usually already built into the circuit.
  4. Frequency amplification unit (amplifier stage).
  5. Antenna.

The VCO is the most important part of the GSM jammer, which you will create with your own hands, it can be said to be its heart. It produces a signal that affects certain devices, blocking their operation. In order to determine what frequency to tune the generator to, you need to know the exact frequency at which the device being jammed operates. This will help improve efficiency, although the jammer will create problems even when operating at just a close frequency. Think in advance about the size of the suppressor you plan to create with your own hands. This could be a portable cellular jammer, or a DIY desktop cell phone blocker.

The tuning circuit can be open-loop or with feedback. It is much easier to make an open-loop system, but closed-loop systems have their advantages. The first scheme uses sawtooth oscillations from lower to higher frequencies. The second circuit uses a PLL, which allows you to maintain a stable frequency of the generator. In the second case, you will need to use a programmed controller, which must be configured correctly, because later it will be impossible to configure.

To expand the frequency jammer's coverage area and its power, it is necessary to use a frequency amplification unit. As the suppressor power increases, the suppression zone will expand, but at the cost of operating time. The more powerful the device, the faster the battery will drain. This feature should be taken into account when choosing an amplifier stage model.

The antenna transmits the signal generated by the suppressor. The antenna is characterized by its Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). It is best to choose an antenna with a VSWR of 3 or lower. In this way, the antenna return loss can be minimized. It is best to use SMA antennas, which can be easily replaced with others or removed. Also take into account the fact that it is better to buy an omnidirectional antenna, otherwise you will have to point it at the object being jammed, like a remote control at a TV.

And, of course, our DIY jammer will not function without a power source. Typically, 5V DC voltage is sufficient for a mobile phone suppressor. You can use a regular lithium ion battery. In order to be able to use a standard power source, you will also need an AC adapter.

Typically two types of network adapters are used:

  • Capacitor voltage doubler. This is a fairly effective and easy-to-use device, but it also has some disadvantages. Due to the inability to adjust the adapter, you will also have to use the MPN regulator, otherwise it will be impossible to adjust the voltage.
  • Inductor pulse stabilizer with boosting action. It can be adjusted, but it also costs slightly more than the first option, in addition, it is more difficult to operate. For its stable operation, all components must be selected perfectly.

Despite the high cost, as well as the difficulties that arise, it is still better to use a pulse stabilizer. The time and financial costs are completely worth it. AC and DC adapters can be found for almost any mobile phone jammer.


Signals from older models are easier to suppress because their operating power is lower. Therefore, the range of action of the jammer will expand significantly. But, new mobile phones are somewhat more difficult to jam.

For powerful GSM jammers, it is worth installing cooling systems so that they do not overheat.

Having sufficient skills, dexterity and experience, as well as having access to the necessary equipment, you can program the PLL system, this will allow you to regulate the operation of the jamming device.

Actually, that's all. All the basic information that is needed in order to understand exactly how a GSM jammer is created is indicated.

To purchase portable jammers, you need to go to the appropriate section of the site.

Deputy Director for Development Kerimov Rostislav.

As you know, every action has a reaction. So, since the first communication system appeared, all sorts of methods have appeared that make it possible to effectively interrupt it.

It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a conversation on a mobile phone or a banal wireless connection - absolutely any radio communication can be jammed.

Let's dive into theory

The principle of radio communication jamming itself is not complicated. To do this, it is only necessary that the operation of the receiving antenna be disrupted by interference, which will be comparable in level to the signal. Using such a banal and simple scheme, you can easily jam any signal, be it radio broadcasting or mobile communications.

Mind and heart - a constant struggle

Let's dive a little into history and remember how during the Soviet era, all friendly countries were surrounded by dozens of enemy-type radio stations that broadcast from everywhere. Soviet radio suppression at the time was aimed primarily at Radio Free Europe. Anti-Soviet broadcasts, which literally destroyed the human brain, were broadcast from every corner of the world.

Military radio communications - nothing is impossible!

Absolutely every country at one time or another used special jammers to suppress enemy communications signals. It is clear that the USSR, since it was the founder of radio communications, reached considerable heights in this area.

You need to understand that at that time the network of radio jammers was spread throughout the USSR better than the Internet is today in Russia.

The subscriber cannot receive your call...

It is clear that jamming the radio today will not be difficult, if we take into account the technologies that the modern world can boast of. But, since it is much easier to “calm down” annoying media using the method of orders than noise, in the 21st century a new victim of jamming has appeared - mobile communications.

Mobile communications are jammed quite often, although sometimes we are not aware of it at all. The average person can come up with anything:

  • "glitch";
  • poor coverage;
  • It’s better not to pay attention to the loss of the network at all than to believe that it was jammed.

This does not mean that your communications are being jammed because they want something from you. Jammers can be activated in places where special operations are carried out or near government highways. Network jamming can also be detected in:

  • hospitals and cafes;
  • meeting rooms;
  • conference rooms;
  • commercial structures, etc.

And there is absolutely nothing surprising about this today, because on public transport there may be a person standing or sitting with you who will have a jammer in his bag, which is activated to suppress the mobile network.

Why would an ordinary person suppress mobile communications?

You may ask why this is being done, because a cafe or public bus is not a place for business negotiations. Why turn on the jammer? The answer to this question is banally simple: for your own peace of mind. Just imagine that on a bus crowded with people, next to you there will be, say, a man “in charge” who decides to “divorce” his wife over the phone. You won’t beg him to speak more quietly because it annoys you, or argue with him? That’s right, it will be much more effective if you lightly press just one button and the person’s mobile connection is lost.

Shall we mute something else?

At the beginning of this article, we already said that you can jam anything where the radio channel will be used. If you are an ordinary person, then you may suffer slightly from your neighbor’s hooliganism, noticing that the things you are used to have stopped working.

Car alarm - easy to silence

In addition to mobile communications, today you can easily silence a car alarm. To achieve this goal, you can use both homemade and special devices. Please note that if you try to lock your car, the alarm key fob flashes, but nothing happens, then someone nearby is trying to silence your alarm.

Again, it’s difficult to talk about bad goals here. Of course, a car alarm can be jammed in order to steal a car, or maybe because a siren “screams” under the window all night and does not allow a small child to sleep.

Buying is as easy as shelling pears!

Whatever your goal, if you need a communication jammer, you can always purchase it in a specialized store or on an online portal. The main thing is that you need to initially decide for what purposes you will use it, what you will jam:

  • Internet;
  • bluetooth;
  • alarm;
  • mobile communications.

Depending on the goals presented, you will need to select a device model that fits the required parameters: perhaps a weak jammer that will suppress the signal of the radio transmitter will be enough for you, or you will need a more powerful option. It is important to remember that it is recommended to use such devices exclusively for good purposes, so that you do not end up harming yourself.

The emergence of a huge number of listening devices allows third parties to obtain information that no one should know about. But at the same time, equipment is being developed that prevents unwanted guests from entering your personal or business life. The simplest option is mobile phone jammers, also known as blockers and suppressors.


Blockers are used to protect privacy, ensure the confidentiality of conversations, and to maintain silence in public places where mobile phones are not allowed. Among the standards that the jammer jams are GSM, GPS, 3G, 4G, and less commonly, bluetooth and wi-fi.

Jammer efficiency depends on several factors. The most common ones are the state of charge of the battery and the distance between the phone and the base station. In the first case, the battery must be full for normal operation. In the second, the quality of signal suppression is inversely proportional to the distance of the receiving device from the source. It doesn’t seem realistic to influence the latter; we just have to take this point into account.

Depending on the power and available frequencies, mobile phone jammers can stop the transmission of information from the following devices: GSM and GPS bugs, navigators, trackers and 3G Internet.

The devices protect against information leakage and unauthorized tracking of a person or his car.

Operated Jamming mobile phones is simple - to start it requires charging, installing antennas (if they are available) and, in fact, turning it on. The first point is optional in devices that have a connection to a household outlet or car cigarette lighter.

Frequencies. To disable unnecessary frequencies, just use the settings. This method also corrects the underlying frequency parameters, which makes it possible to intercept non-standard signals.

Range. A personal mobile phone jammer has a short range of about 20 m. This zone is reduced in the presence of obstacles in the form of walls, so neighbors in the entrance will easily use wireless networks.

Checking the operation of the device (standard type)

Powerful stationary suppressor

How much does a cell phone jammer cost? Purchasing the simplest option with one frequency range will cost approximately 4-5 thousand rubles. The more standards, and therefore communication means, that can paralyze a device, the higher the price will be.

Products designed for mass use are already sold for hundreds of thousands. For private use, the functions of a product costing over twenty thousand are unlikely to be useful. In addition, this raises the question of the legality of the equipment.

Legality. What is strictly prohibited is invading someone else's privacy. And stopping unauthorized attacks means protecting personal space, here the law supports the user. But, as soon as the effect of a personal suppressor extends to gadgets and similar devices of other people, the situation changes in the opposite direction. The average person has no right to do this.

Device features and settings

There are three operating principles of jammers that suppress the communication of gadgets and bugs with base stations. In everyday life, the second type is the most convenient.

Types of signal jamming:

  1. sending a signal to the phone or bug that causes a malfunction;
  2. creating radio interference that cuts off the signal;
  3. imprisonment in an electromagnetic screen that suppresses signals in both directions.

Device structure. A mobile phone jammer has three main components. The main component is a voltage-controlled oscillator, which creates a connection to the suppressed equipment. An open-loop or closed-loop circuit allows you to adjust the frequency. The produced signal is distributed by an antenna.

Expand coverage area Connecting an RF amplification unit will help. This will increase the power of action and coverage area, but the operating time will decrease. A homemade device is tuned once to selected frequency ranges, unlike most industrially produced products.

Sometimes a charged and turned on jammer does not paralyze calls, mobile Internet and other activities or functions at a minimum distance. This indicates that the telecom operator is using non-standard frequencies. The problem is solved by adjusting the blocker settings, if such a function is provided by the manufacturer.

Device board

There are two resistors in the diagram - regulating the upper and lower limits. The desired one is turned either to the right to increase or to the left to decrease the frequency. It is important to remember that this method is intended for professionals and if it breaks, the blocker is not subject to warranty service.

When using a silencer, it is necessary to isolate third parties from its influence. The exception is confidential negotiations and maintaining order in places where telephone conversations are prohibited. Technologies are designed to protect against information leakage and surveillance, and they cope with this task.

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