The remote connection is working. Remote access to a computer. How does Remote work work? The remote desktop launch menu has disappeared

What is Remote Desktop

Using Windows Remote Desktop (rdp) can be a very useful and convenient solution to the issue remote computer access. When can remote desktop be useful? If you want to control your computer remotely (either from a local network or from anywhere in the world). Of course, third-party ones, such as and others, can be used for these purposes. But often these programs require access confirmation on the side of the remote computer, they are not suitable for simultaneous parallel use of the computer by several users, and still work slower than the remote desktop. Therefore, such programs are more suitable for remote assistance or maintenance, but not for everyday work.

It can be quite convenient to use Remote Desktop to allow users to work with certain programs. For example, if you need to demonstrate the operation of a program to a distant user (provide demo access for testing). Or, for example, you have only one powerful computer in your office on which a demanding program is installed. On other weak computers it slows down, but everyone needs access. Then a good solution would be to use a remote desktop: everyone from their “dead” computers connects via rdp to a powerful one and uses the program on it, without interfering with each other.

Static IP address. What is needed for remote access via rdp

One of the important points regarding setting up and subsequently using the remote desktop is the need for a static IP address on the remote computer. If you are setting up a remote desktop that will only be used within the local network, then there is no problem. However, remote desktop is mainly used for external access. Most providers provide subscribers with dynamic IP addresses and for normal use this is quite enough. Static (“white”) IPs are usually provided for an additional fee.

Setting up Windows Remote Desktop

Well, we figured out why we need a remote desktop. Now let's start setting it up. The instructions discussed here are suitable for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10. In all of the listed operating systems, the settings are similar, the differences are minor and only in how to open some windows.

First we need to configure the computer to which we will connect.

Attention! Your account must have administrator rights.

1. Open Start - Control Panel .

In Windows 8.1 and 10 it is convenient to open Control Panel by right-clicking on the icon Start and selecting from the list Control Panel .

Next, select system and safety - System. (This window can also be opened in another way: click Start, then right-click on Computer and choose Properties ).

Setting up remote access .

3. In the section Remote Desktop choose:

- Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with network level authentication . Suitable for clients running version 7.0 of Remote Desktop.

- . Suitable for connecting legacy versions of clients.

4. Click Apply .

5. By button Select users A window opens in which you can specify accounts on the computer that will be allowed to connect remotely. (This procedure is also called adding a user to a group )

Users with administrative rights have remote worker access by default. However, in addition to actually connecting, any account must be password protected, even the administrator account.

6. Add to group Remote Desktop Users a new user with normal rights (not an administrator). To do this, press the button Add

In field Enter names of the selected objects, enter the name of our user. I have this Access1. Let's click Check names .

If everything is correct, the computer name will be added to the username. Click OK .

If we don’t remember the exact username or don’t want to enter it manually, click Additionally .

In the window that opens, click the button Search .

In field searching results All computer users and local groups will appear. Select the desired user and click OK .

When you have selected all the required users in the window Selection: Users press OK .

Now to the group Remote Desktop Users a user with a regular account will be added Access1. To apply the changes, click OK .

7. If you use a third-party one, you will need to configure it additionally, namely, open TCP port 3389. If you only have the built-in Windows firewall running, then you don’t need to do anything, it will be configured automatically as soon as we have allowed the use of remote desktop on the computer .

This completes the basic setup of the remote computer.

Network settings, port forwarding

As mentioned above, for remote desktop access you need a static IP address.

If you do not have any routers and the Internet cable goes directly to the computer, then skip this section and move on to the next one. If you use a router, you need to make additional settings on it.

If you plan to use the remote desktop only on a local network, then it will be enough to just assign a local IP to the desired computer (follow the first part, without port forwarding). If you need access from outside, then you also need . To open access to the remote desktop you need to forward TCP port 3389.

Setting up a remote desktop connection

Let's go directly to connecting to a remote desktop, that is, settings on the client side.

1. Let's launch .

You can do this in Windows 7 through the menu Start - All programs - Standard - Remote Desktop Connection .

In Windows 8 it is convenient to launch through search. Click Start, click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner and start entering the word “deleted” in the search field. From the proposed search options, select Remote Desktop Connection .

On Windows 10: Start - All applications - Standard Windows - Remote Desktop Connection .

2. First of all, let’s check which protocol version is installed. To do this, click on the icon in the upper left corner and select the item About the program .

Checking the desktop protocol version. If 7.0 or higher, then everything is in order, you can connect.

If the protocol version is lower (this is possible on older versions of Windows), then you need to either update it or lower the security level in the settings of the remote computer (i.e. select Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (more dangerous) ).

You can download Remote Desktop updates for legacy operating systems using the links below:

3. Specify connection parameters:

In field Computer We register the IP address of the remote computer to which we are going to connect. (Local - if we connect within the local network and real (the one given by the Internet provider) if the remote computer is located outside the local network). I have the first option.

Note. You can find out what external static IP address you have, for example, through the Yandex.Internetometer service.

4. Click To plug .

You will be prompted to enter your credentials. Enter the login and password of any user on the remote computer who has rights to use the remote desktop. In my example it's Admin or Access1. I remind you that accounts must be password protected.

Enter your username and password and check the box next to it Remember credentials , so as not to enter them the next time you connect. Of course, you can only remember your credentials if you are working from a personal computer that is not accessible to unauthorized persons.

Click OK .

A warning will pop up. Put a tick Don't ask for connections to this computer again and press Yes .

If everything is done correctly, you will see the remote desktop in front of you.

Note. I remind you that you cannot simultaneously connect via remote work from several computers under one user. That is, if it is planned that several people will work with the remote computer at the same time, then for each you will need to create a separate user and grant rights to use the remote desktop. This is done on a remote computer, as discussed at the beginning of the article.

Additional Remote Desktop Settings

Now a few words about additional settings for connecting to a remote desktop.

To open the settings menu, click on Options .

General tab

Here you can change connection settings. By clicking on the edit link, you can edit the user name and connection password.

You can save the already configured connection settings. Click on the button Save as and choose a place, for example, Desktop . Now on Desktop A shortcut will appear that immediately launches a remote desktop connection without the need to specify parameters. This is very convenient, especially if you periodically work with several remote computers or if you don’t configure it for yourself and don’t want to confuse users.

Screen tab

On the tab Screen you can specify the size of the remote desktop (whether it will occupy the entire screen of your monitor or be displayed in a small separate window).

You can also choose the color depth. If your Internet connection speed is slow, it is recommended to select a lower depth.

Local Resources tab

Here you can configure the sound parameters (play it on the remote computer or on the client computer, etc.), the order of using Windows hotkey combinations (such as Ctrl+Alt+Del, Ctrl+C, etc.) when working with the remote desktop .

One of the most useful sections here is Local devices and resources . By checking the box Printer, you get the ability to print documents from a remote desktop to your local printer. Check mark Clipboard activates a single clipboard between the remote desktop and your computer. That is, you can use normal copy and paste operations to transfer files, folders, etc. from a remote computer to yours and vice versa.

Clicking the button More details, you will be taken to the settings menu where you can connect additional devices on your computer to the remote desktop.

For example, you want to have access to your disk when working on a remote computer D. Then click on the plus sign opposite Devices to expand the list and tick the disk D. Click OK .

Now when you connect to a remote desktop, you will see and access your disk D through Conductor as if it were physically connected to the remote computer.

Advanced tab

Here you can choose the connection speed to achieve maximum performance, as well as set the display of the desktop background, visual effects, etc.

Removing a Remote Desktop Connection

Finally, let's consider how to delete a remote desktop connection. When is it needed? For example, you used to have remote access to your computer, but now there is no need for this, or you even need to prevent strangers from connecting to the remote desktop of your computer. It's very easy to do.

1. Open Control Panel - system and safety - System, as they did at the beginning of the article.

2. In the left column, click on Setting up remote access .

3. In the section Remote Desktop choose:

- Don't allow connections to this computer

Ready. Now no one will be able to connect to you via remote desktop.

Since our site is designed for average users, some disagreements arose within the non-Oshibka.Ru team regarding the usefulness of this article. Typically, such material is intended for more experienced users who at least have a good knowledge of the Windows OS.

On the other hand, where should a novice user go who has only a vague idea of ​​what RDP, TCP, UDP are? But you really want to know? Again, is this necessary for the average user? Maybe one simple program is enough for him?

A difficult situation.

Explain in one article what remote access to a computer via the Internet is, but in such a way as not to frighten off the visitor.

We decided to experiment. Talk about difficult things as clearly as possible. We will take your comments into account.

What is this article about?

This article will tell you about two types of remote connection, briefly tell you what it is ID. Will tell you about the programs Remote access And Remote Desktop. We will also try to configure your computer in order to access it remotely without using third-party programs. Complex terms in the article are highlighted in brown and provided with explanations in the form of tooltips.

Remote access concept

Remote access to a computer via the Internet refers to operating system tools or a third-party program that allows you to gain visual or file access to a computer located at a remote distance, but still connected to the Internet.

How is the required computer identified on the Internet?

Conventionally, all remote access programs can be divided into two groups according to the type of connection:

  • Using ID
  • Using IP addresses And domain names

Remote access programs using ID

Of great interest are programs that use ID(unique identificator). Receipt method ID something like this: when a remote access program is launched on the computer to which you plan to connect, it sends a request to its server through which the connection will occur.

Having received this data, the server generates for the computer unique identification numberID. This number is assigned to the computer. In the screenshot below it is highlighted in red.

Knowing this identification number and password, you can connect to a computer from anywhere in the world with this ID.

It remains unchanged until the hardware is replaced or the OS is reinstalled.

So using such programs is very convenient. When you change Internet provider, city, and even country, your computer ID Will not change.

Lack of programs using ID one - they are paid or shareware. Condition - you must not use the program for commercial purposes.

Example of programs using ID— TeamViewer, Ammy Admin. But the list is not limited to these two. They are simply the most popular and always heard by users.

We will not spend a lot of time on these programs, since their interface is simple and allows you to learn the program in 5-10 minutes. We may look at each of them in the future.

You won't have any problems with these programs. Use it for your health without overusing it. If TeamViewer will connect to a large number of ID- then sooner or later, the communication session will be limited to five minutes.

Remote access programs using an IP address or domain name

With this category everything is a little more complicated. They need a static IP address or domain name. Connection via IP address, this is a classic connection type. It does not allow as much flexibility in the location of the computer and is most often used in "office space".

In order to use it, you need to do the following.

Connecting a fixed IP address or domain.

You need to activate an additional service from your provider - Fixed IP address . This service is provided by many providers, including mobile ones. This service will assign your home network an external IP address in the format

It is this address that will allow you to find your computer from outside.

An alternative to a fixed IP address can be the service DynDNS. When registering, you will be given a custom domain, for example:

Next, you simply install a program on your computer that, when turned on, will track your current IP address and send it to the server DynDNS, which in turn will match your current dynamic ip address , with address

Thus, no matter where you are, no matter what provider you use, no matter how often your IP address—the address of your computer—changes,

We won’t undertake to say, but getting a fixed IP address from a provider is somewhat easier and cheaper than using DynDNS. For example, at the time of writing this article, the cost of a dedicated IP address was only 20 rubles. / month


Opening a port to a target - a remote computer.

Even now, knowing our IP address or assigned to us DynDNS domain, we can hardly connect to the computer - the firewall will not let us through. Most likely the port 3389 used by the program Remote Desktop which we will tame in this article will be closed. For everything to work as it should, we will have to open it and redirect it to the desired computer on the network.

Difficult? Not at all. Let's try to figure it out in practice.

Remote access to a computer via the Internet using Remote Desktop

So, first what we did was get a fixed ip address from our ISP. Let's remember, write it down, draw it.

Second. Let's find out intranet IP address our computer. To do this, we will follow the following path: Network and Sharing Center => Local Area Connection => Details
As you can see in the screenshot, the address of our computer within the network

Third the point will be opening the port 3389 to the above address. To do this, let's go into the router. In our case it is ADSL modem TP-LINK. We will show everything using his example. There’s nothing you can do about it, but you can’t do without instructions if you don’t know how to configure the modem yourself.

In our case we enter through Google Chrome by the address and under the combination admin/admin. We get to the information page.

Let's go to Advanced Setup => NAT => Virtual Servers and press the button (add).

Here you can choose ready-made services or create your own.

We will create our own and call it Udalenka, but the name can be absolutely anything. We register the local address of the computer, the one we spied earlier. In the table we enter the port everywhere 3389 and select the protocol TCP/UDP. We do all this based on a standard Windows application. Remote Desktop. For other programs, the ports may be different. A good list of applications and the ports they use is provided. (What we are learning may even be useful for games).

If, for example, you want to use Remote Desktop, and advanced RAdmin, then you will have to register a different port for it: 4899 .

Press the button to save.

Item fourth, we will run on the computer we are going to control - Terminal Server Service. It’s worth clarifying something here.

Using the method described below is not recommended from the point of view of licensing purity if you do this in the organization where you work. Not sure about Windows 10, but in Windows XP - 7, the license was not violated if only one user connected to the computer.

We do all this for the purpose of familiarization and in order to learn the principles of remote access to a computer via the Internet.

So, to run it on your computer Terminal Server Service. In Windows XP this was done simply - Go to AdministrationServices and applicationsServices found it and simply turned it on. This allowed one user to connect to the computer. In this case, the user who was sitting locally was disconnected.

In Windows 10 we need to do things a little differently. We need a special patch. You can download it from here. This patch will allow you to run on the system Windows 10 terminal service.

Recently, the search engines Google and Yandex began to consider this file as a virus threat. In fact, the file lay on the site for two years, and not a single scanner ever considered it to be malware. However, the file is now stored outside of notOshibka.Ru - you download it at your own peril and risk.

Let's unpack the downloaded file to any location. For example on Desktop. Run as Administrator file install.bat

A successful result will be indicated by a black command line window with the following content:

Fifth In this paragraph, we will set a password for our user, and also add him to the group.

For this purpose on the icon Computer and right-click to select Control.

In the window that opens, on the left side, we need to expand the list Local users and groups, select sub-item Users.

In the list of users, you need to find yourself and right-click.

Enter your password twice, press and the system will confirm that the password has been set.

Now we need to add our user to the group Remote Desktop Users.

To do this:

Right click on the user - Properties.

In the window that opens, go to the tab Group Membership and press the button <Добавить…>

Next, do everything in the same order as in the screenshot:

As a result of the work done - Remote Desktop Users should appear in the general list of groups to which the user belongs.

We would like to draw your attention to the following. The above describes how to assign a password to your user. But it’s better to create a new one and add it to the groups. Otherwise, you may end up losing some data. For example, we logged out wherever possible. I had to enter all the passwords again.

Let's check if we were able to gain remote access to the computer via the Internet using Remote Desktop.

We go to another computer, go to START menu => All programs => Accessories and run the program "Remote Desktop Connection".

Enter the IP address previously assigned to us by the provider into the window that appears, click the button <Подключить> .

If we did everything we did earlier correctly, then we will be asked almost immediately Name And Password user on Remote machine. Enter them and don't forget to check the box to remember your credentials.

And the last “security touch” will be checking the Remote Machine certificate. Here, too, you need to agree with everything. And also check the box.

That's all. If everything works as it should, you can go through the Remote Desktop program settings. Here you can turn on/off the sound, change the picture quality, connect local resources to the remote machine.

How to connect to a remote desktop in Windows 10 - let's look at one of the most useful but rarely used functions in the operating system. The essence of its work comes down to one thing - the ability to control someone else's computer using your own control tools. In essence, the user performs normal actions, only the interface of another person is displayed on his screen. It is important to note that interaction with different computers is only possible if they are on the same local network or connected to the same Internet. There are many apps, such as Team Viewer, that offer ways to connect to a remote desktop on Windows 10, but the beauty is that connections can be made using the built-in tools. This even works on mobile operating systems, for example, Windows 10 Mobile or Android.

It is also important to know that remote desktop works in Windows 10 home (home), but may not work in similar editions of a lower version of the OS. Windows 10 Pro is definitely supported.

If, then the function should work 100%.

IP Configuration and Management

First of all, you need to know that in order to connect to a remote desktop in Windows 10, you need to use the computer's IP address. It can be static or dynamic. The first one is preferable because it gives one address for the entire time. In the case of dynamic IP, the IP changes every time the computer is rebooted. Thus, you will not be able to work with a remote computer. To solve the problem you need , go to the “Network and Sharing Center” and open the current connection window.
By clicking on “Information”, write down information about:

  • IP address;
  • Subnet mask;
  • Main gate;
  • DNS servers.

Then you can close the “Details” window and go to “Properties”. There, Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) is selected and all recorded data is entered.

Enabling access and adding users

If your IP is static, then you can skip the entire previous paragraph. Next, you need to enable the permission - this is a kind of setting up the remote desktop of Windows 10. To do this, go to the “System” item in the Control Panel (Windows + Pause). On the left side of the menu you need to select “Remote access settings”.
Now you need to check all the boxes that start with “Allow...” In fact, a computer with Windows 10 is ready to work with remote desktops over the Internet.

But here, in this window, you need to click on the “Select users” command and specify the names of the computers, you can even have several users from whom you plan to access this PC or vice versa. You can find this name in the same system properties (Win + Pause).

An important feature of working with a remote computer is the need for a password. Without this, you will find that Remote Desktop in Windows 10 does not work. It is configured in the Control Panel, in the “User Accounts” item.

Remote Desktop Connection in Windows 10

After completing these, one might say, preparatory steps, you can move on to how to enable remote desktop in Windows 10. To do this, enter “remote” in the search and open the “Remote Desktop Connection” shortcut.

Here you will need to enter the IP address of the remote computer to which you want to connect, and then its name and password. In the same window, additional connection options are configured. That's all you need to know how to create remote access.

If you encounter an error related to PC verification, certificates, or remote desktop access, you can skip it and click “Connect Anyway” unless you are sure that your PC is secure.

But don't worry. Even while managing other people's computers, after turning it on, any parameter can be configured. This is done using additional menus. And at the top of the window the IP address to which the computer is currently connected is always indicated, which is very useful if several remote desktops are managed at once.

Technical support for users of your own software product, administration and control of a corporate network - all this requires remote control of the client’s computer. And the field of software products for remote access is not empty: tools are provided both by the Windows 7 operating system itself and by numerous third-party programs. Built-in tools are good for their accessibility, third-party tools have an intuitively simple interface, “tailored” for ordinary users. Having analyzed the principles of operation, the pros and cons of each method, you will be fully armed, and the network and users will be under control.

Setting up Windows 7 Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop is available in Windows 7 Premium edition and higher. You will need it if you need to work with it on computers running Windows 7 Home Edition (the cheapest), provide support for multiple remote desktops - to connect to several computers at the same time - or change the port address used by the RDP service. To do this, you will need non-trivial settings that can be made to the system using the system registry editor or third-party programs. But it is better to spend a little of your time than a large amount of money on buying a new operating system.

Remote Desktop Port

The RDP service, whose functions ensure the functionality of the remote desktop, uses port No. 3389 as standard. The likelihood of hacker attacks on this port is very high, so to increase the level of network security, the port number can be changed. Since there are no settings for this in the Control Panel, you will have to use the system registry editor.

  1. From the command line, run Registry Editor with system administrator rights.

    Launching Registry Editor to change the RDP port address

  2. In the editor window, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TerminalServer\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber. A list of registry branch variables will be displayed on the right side of the window.

    The required variable is hidden deep in the depths of the system registry

  3. From the context menu, select “Change” and enter the new port address, first making sure that the value entry mode is decimal.

    Switch the number system to decimal and enter a new port address value

  4. Now, to connect to a computer, you will need to enter not its network name, but an address with a port number, for example,

Changing the port address from the standard 3389 to a custom one will not allow the Remote Assistance service to work on computers running Windows XP. Take this into account if you have any on your network.

Remote Desktop in Windows 7 Home Premium with support for multiple remote desktops

To encourage users to spend more money, Microsoft has severely limited the capabilities of its Remote Desktop service depending on the OS version. For example, in “Home Advanced” and below there is no ability to connect remotely at all, and in any others the number of sessions is limited to one, that is, you will not be able to connect remotely to two or more computers at the same time. The manufacturer believes that for this you should purchase a special edition server version of the system (Terminal Edition).

Fortunately, caring enthusiasts have worked to resolve this difficult problem. The result of their efforts is the RDP Wrapper Library software package. Once installed, it injects itself as an intermediary between the Remote Desktop Service (RDP) and the service manager, and then tricks them into emulating the network presence of Windows Server Terminal Edition and enabling the RDP service on computers running Windows 7 Home.

The program is available for download from the author's page and is completely free. After downloading and running the installer, all settings are made automatically, including making changes to the firewall rules.

RDP Wrapper Library - installation is automatic

The included RDPConf.exe utility allows you to enable or disable remote access on the fly, change the number of simultaneous access sessions and the port number for accessing the RDP service.

Using Rdpwrapper you can configure remote access settings

How to allow or deny remote access

All options for allowing or denying remote access to your computer are located in the “Computer Properties” section of the Control Panel. You can enable or disable remote control in just a few steps. Don't forget that you must be logged in with an account with administrator rights to make these changes.

  1. Press the Win+Pause key combination to display the system properties window.

    The Win+Pause keys will help enable “System Properties”

  2. In the left column of additional actions, click on the “Setting up remote access” link.
  3. The following control settings are available in the dialog box that opens:
  4. It should be noted that for remote control to be possible, the user account opening such a session must have administrator rights. To provide remote control to a regular user, you should add his name to the list of permissions, which can be accessed using the “Select users” button.

    If the user you want to grant remote access does not have administrator rights, you can add him in this dialog box

Video: how to allow remote access to your computer

Remote Desktop Connection

Connecting to a remote desktop is very simple. Naturally, before this you need to enable all the necessary permissions on the client machine and create a list of users on it who will be allowed remote control.

  1. Call up a standard command line dialog and run the mstsc.exe utility using it.

    Calling a remote desktop client program

  2. On the “General” tab, enter the name of the computer to connect in the top column of the dialog box, and the user name in the bottom column (if you need a name different from the one under which you logged in). Don't forget that the user account must have administrator rights.

    Entering the computer name on the network for remote control

  3. In the “Interaction” tab, select the planned connection speed based on the capabilities of your network. If you find it difficult to choose settings, leave them on automatic. The system will test the channel speed and select the optimal values.

    Select the channel speed based on your network capabilities

  4. If everything was done correctly, and remote access is allowed on the client machine, you will see a window for entering your username and password. Enter the username and password of the client machine.
  5. After clicking the “Connect” button, a window with the desktop of the remote PC will appear. It can be expanded to full screen and create the complete illusion of working on a client machine.

Avoid working in high-resolution video modes: this will create a large load on the network, and the interface of the remote PC will be displayed jerkily. The ideal option is a resolution of 1280x1024 pixels and a color depth of 16 bits.

What to do if remote desktop does not work

Problems connecting to a remote computer can be caused by many reasons. Among the most common, the following should be noted:

  • on the client machine, permissions to access the remote desktop and remote assistant are not enabled in the settings;

    Make sure your settings allow remote access to your PC

  • the account with which you are trying to access remotely does not have administrator rights;

    Make sure your account has administrator rights

  • your computer and the client computer are not part of the same workgroup or domain on the local network;

    The slave and master computers must be members of the same workgroup

  • the local network router used by both computers blocks port 3389, through which Windows 7 remote control services communicate;

    Enabling a firewall in a router without additional configuration blocks most ports

  • Outgoing requests from Remote Desktop Services are blocked by the antivirus package.

    The Remote Desktop Service may be blacklisted in your antivirus package

remoteapp is disabled

A message about disabling remote access often awaits the user when trying to connect to it, and a dialog box also appears that can confuse an inexperienced user.

Licensing service error will prevent you from starting a remote desktop session

Meanwhile, everything is very simple: the rights of the user who is trying to “raise” a remote desktop session are not enough to change the system registry section responsible for licensing. The error is corrected in two stages.

Why is the remote desktop slow?

Uninterrupted operation of a remote desktop access session requires a high-speed channel, the lion's share of which is consumed by the transmission of the remote desktop image itself. Depending on the operating resolution on the client machine, the traffic can be so dense that it will overwhelm the average office 100-megabit local network. But on the network, in addition to two communicating PCs, there are also clients. To prevent network collapse, the remote access program begins to reduce the number of transmitted frames (frames) per second.

If at 60 frames per second you see a smooth, smooth picture, then at 30 the interface will be displayed with noticeable jerks. Further reducing the screen refresh rate will make the work unbearable: you will not even be able to accurately position the mouse cursor on interface elements. To prevent this from happening, you should optimize both the network connections of the slave and master computers, as well as the screen settings of the client computer.

  1. If possible, use a gigabit network router for Wi-Fi distribution.

    Using a modern router is the key to high speed remote access

  2. Connect network computers only with an Ethernet cable; the WiFi interface does not support high screen refresh rates, despite the theoretically high speed (150–300 Mbit/s).

    Use a cable connection if you want to avoid latency when accessing remotely

  3. On the client computer, set the screen resolution to no higher than 1024x768 with a 16-bit color gamut.
  4. Disable download managers, torrent clients and other similar traffic-consuming programs on the master and slave computers.

    A remote desktop control session and a running torrent client are bad neighbors

Remote access to Windows 7 components

In addition to managing a remote desktop by emulating the keyboard and mouse of a client computer, Windows 7 remote access tools also allow you to remotely run programs and system commands from the command line interface, manage the system registry and firewall, as well as restart or shut down the slave PC . This requires fewer network and system resources than remote desktop management and can be done without the user being aware of the computer.

Remote command line

For the needs of system administrators, Microsoft has developed a special service utility. By interacting with the remote access services of the operating system, it allows you to access the command line interface of any computer on the local network, run programs on it, and even remotely install programs before launching them. The utility is called PsExec and is available for free download from the official Microsoft website as part of the PSTools package.

Download the utility from the server, run the installer executable file on the computer from which control will be carried out and, having agreed with the text of the license agreement, carry out the installation.

Install the PSExec utility

Now you can call the utility from the command line and use the full range of its wide capabilities.

Let's take a closer look at the command syntax and additional parameters for its launch: psexec [\\computer[,computer2[,…] | @file][-u user [-p password]][-n s][-l][-s|-e][-x][-i [session]][-c [-f|-v]] [-w directory][-d][-<приоритет>][-a n,n,… ] program [arguments].

Table: psexec command launch options

computerTells PsExec to run the application on the specified computer or computers. The computer name is not specified - PsExec will run the application on the local system. If instead of the computer name the asterisk character (\\*) is specified, then the PsExec program will launch the application on all computers of the current domain.
@fileTells PsExec to run the application on all computers listed in the specified text file.
-aThe processors on which the application can run are separated by commas, with processors numbered starting from 1. For example, to run the application on processors 2 and 4, enter “-a 2,4”
-cThe specified program is copied to the remote system for execution. If this parameter is not specified, then the application must be located in the system folder of the remote system.
-dIndicates that there is no need to wait for the application to complete. This option should only be used when running non-interactive applications.
-eThe specified account profile is not loaded.
-fThe specified program is copied to the remote system, even if such a file already exists on the remote system.
-iThe launched program gains access to the desktop of the specified session on the remote system. If no session is specified, the process runs in a console session.
-lWhen the process starts, the user is granted limited rights (the rights of the Administrators group are overridden and the user is granted only the rights assigned to the Users group). In Windows Vista, the process starts with a low level of trustworthiness.
-nAllows you to set the connection delay to remote computers (in seconds).
-pAllows you to specify an optional password for the username. If this parameter is omitted, you will be prompted to enter a password and the password will not be displayed on the screen.
-sThe remote process is launched from the system account.
-uAllows you to specify an optional username to log into the remote system.
-vThe specified file is copied to the remote system instead of the existing one only if its version number is higher or it is newer.
-wAllows you to specify the working directory (path inside the remote system) for the process.
-xDisplays the user interface on the Winlogon desktop (local system only).
-priority (priority)Allows you to set different priorities for a process:
  • -low (low);
  • -belownormal (below average);
  • -abovenormal (above average);
  • -high (high);
  • -realtime (real time).
programThe name of the program to be launched.
argumentsArguments to be passed (note that file paths must be specified as local paths on the target system).

Examples of the PSEXEC utility

The procedure for working with the PsExec utility is as follows:

  1. Launch another computer's command prompt using the psexec \\ command<сетевое имя компьютера>cmd.exe.
  2. Open any program on the remote computer. If the program is not on the slave PC, it will be copied from the administrator's machine. To do this, enter psexec \\<сетевое имя компьютера>-c test.exe, where test.exe is the program to be executed remotely.
  3. If the program you want to execute remotely is not in the system folder, specify its full path when running the psexec \\ command<сетевое имя компьютера>-c c:\program files\external_test.exe

Video: PSTools - a set of console system administrator utilities

Remote registry

In order to be able to remotely edit the registry, you must first activate the corresponding services on the client computer. This is easy to do if the account has administrator rights. To do this, launch the Service Manager snap-in from the command line window and select the “Remote Registry” service from the list in the main window. Click the Start button on the top control panel.

The Remote Registry service must be running on both client PCs and the administrator's computer.

Now you can connect to the registry of a computer on your local network remotely.

The registry branch of the remote PC will appear in the registry editor window and you can edit it as easily as your local registry.

Remote firewall management

Unfortunately, there is no convenient graphical tool for remote firewall management. Therefore, all manipulations will have to be performed using the command line. First you need to connect to the remote PC using the Telnet service. If the Telnet client is not installed, you need to add it through Add/Remove Windows Components.

Now you need to establish a communication session with a remote computer via the telnet protocol.

Once the connection is established, you can remotely manage the firewall on the remote computer using the netsh command. The following commands will be available to you:

    request firewall rules. You can find out the Windows Firewall configuration on a remote PC using the command netsh advfirewall firewall show rule name=all;

    enable or disable the firewall with the commands “netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on” and “netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off”;

    return to default settings using the netsh advfirewall reset command;

    opening a port is perhaps the most common task that will need to be performed. For example, you can open port 2117 for a torrent client to work like this: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Utorrent rule" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=1433;

    allowing incoming and outgoing requests to an arbitrary program using netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow Miner" dir=in action=allow program="C:\Bitcoin\miner.exe";

    allowing remote management using the Windows console: netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group= “remote administration” new enable=yes.

Once you have completed the necessary settings, be sure to close the Telnet session with the quit command.

Remote reboot

The standard OS shutdown command allows you to shut down or restart any computer on the local network if it has permissions configured for Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop. From a command prompt window, run the command in the format shutdown / /m \\computername /c “comment” and press Enter.

Table: shutdown command parameters

/sEnding the remote PC session.
\\Computer_nameName or network address of the remote PC.

Simultaneous work on several computers, of which only one is in front of you, and the rest are even on the other side of the Earth, is not fantastic. To have this wonderful opportunity, all you need is Internet access and a remote control program on each machine.

Remote control programs are bridges that connect the PC or mobile gadget in front of you with various computer devices around the world. Of course, if you have a key, that is, a password that allows remote connection with them.

The possibilities of programs of this kind are very wide. This includes accessing the contents of disks, launching installed applications, changing system settings, and viewing user actions... In short, they allow you to do almost everything on a remote PC that you can do on a local one. Today's article is an overview of six free programs for remote control of a Windows-based computer (and not only), one of which is included in the operating system itself.

If you need to establish a connection between two computers or a PC and a mobile device, one of which (remote) is running Windows, and the second is running Windows, iOS, Android or Mac OS X, sometimes you can do without third-party programs (if the connection involves Windows computers only). The Remote Desktop system application is present in all editions of Windows, starting with XP. It is not necessary that both machines have the same version of the OS; you can easily establish a connection, for example, between Windows 10 and Windows 7.

The Microsoft Remote Desktop app for Android and Apple is available for free download on Google Play and the App Store.

What else is needed to create a connection:

  • Remote access permission - configured on the computer that you are going to manage externally.
  • An account with a password on the remote computer. To solve administrative tasks (installing and uninstalling programs, changing system settings, etc.) you need an account with administrator rights.
  • Connecting both machines to the Internet or being on the same local network.
  • On the receiving side, TCP port 3389 is open (used by Remote Desktop by default).

How to enable permission

This and further instructions are shown using Windows 10 as an example.

  • Right-click on the “This PC” icon on the desktop. Let's open "Properties".

  • While in the “System” window, click “Remote access settings” in the transition panel. In the “Remote Desktop” section of the window, check the “Allow...” checkbox (it’s better to leave the “Allow authenticated connections only” checkbox). Next, click “Select Users”.

  • To add a user who will be allowed to connect to you remotely, click “Add”. In the “Enter names” field, enter the name of his account on this computer (don’t forget, it must have a password!), click “Check names” and OK.

This completes the setup.

How to configure connection settings

We perform the following steps on the computer from which we will make the remote connection.

  • Click on the search icon in the taskbar and start typing the word “remote”. Select “Remote Desktop Connection” from the found one.

  • By default, the application window opens minimized, with only fields for entering the computer name and user data. To access all settings, click the “Show options” arrow. At the bottom of the first tab - “General”, there is a button for saving connection settings to a file. This is useful when you use different settings to connect to different machines.

  • The next tab, “Screen,” allows you to change the image properties of the remote computer’s screen on your monitor. In particular, increase and decrease the resolution, use multiple monitors, change the color depth.

  • Next, we’ll configure “Local Resources” - sound from a remote computer, conditions for using keyboard shortcuts, access to a remote printer and clipboard.

  • The parameters of the “Interaction” tab affect the connection speed and the quality of displaying the image from the remote machine on your monitor.

  • The "Advanced" tab allows you to define actions if authentication of a remote PC fails, as well as set connection parameters when connecting through a gateway.

  • To start a remote access session, click “Connect.” In the next window, enter the password.

Once the connection is established, the current user's computer session will be terminated and control will pass to you. The user of the remote PC will not be able to see his desktop, since a screensaver will appear on the screen instead.

By following these instructions, you will easily connect to a computer that is on the same network as yours. If the devices are connected to different networks, you will have to make several additional settings.

How to connect to a remote computer via the Internet

There are 2 ways to set up a Windows Remote Desktop connection over the Internet - by creating a VPN channel so that the devices see each other as if they were on the same local network, and by forwarding port 3389 to the local network and changing the dynamic (variable) IP addresses of the remote machine to permanent (static).

There are plenty of ways to create VPN channels, but describing them all will take quite a lot of space (besides, a lot of information about this can easily be found on the Internet). Therefore, let’s look at one of the simplest ones as an example – using Windows’ own tools.

How to create a VPN channel in Windows

On the remote machine that will be the server:

After this, the “Incoming Connections” component will appear in the network connections folder, which will be the VPN server. To ensure that the connection is not blocked by the firewall, do not forget to open TCP port 1723 on the device. And if the server is assigned a local IP address (starting with 10, 172.16 or 192.168), the port will have to be redirected to the external network. How to do this, read below.

On the client computer (Windows 10), setting up the connection is even easier. Launch the “Settings” utility, go to the “Networks and Internet” -> “VPN” section. Click "Add VPN connection".

In the parameters window, specify:

  • Service provider - Windows.
  • Connection name – any.
  • Server name or address – IP or domain name of the server that you created before.
  • VPN type – detect automatically or PPTP.
  • Login data type – login and password (one of the accounts to which you have given access permission). To avoid entering this data every time you connect, enter it in the appropriate fields below and check the “Remember” checkbox.

Port forwarding on the router and obtaining a static IP

Port redirection (forwarding) is performed differently on different devices (routers), but the general principle is the same everywhere. Let's look at how this is done using the example of a typical TP-Link home router.

Let’s open the “Forwarding” and “Virtual Servers” sections in the router’s admin panel. In the right half of the window, click the “Add” button.

In the “Add or edit entry” window, enter the following settings:

  • Service port: 3389 (or 1723 if you are setting up a VPN).
  • The internal port is the same.
  • IP address: computer address (look in the connection properties) or domain name.
  • Protocol: TCP or all.
  • Standard service port: you can not specify it or select it from the PDP list, and for VPN – PPTP.

How to make a changeable IP address permanent

The standard package of Internet service providers for home subscribers, as a rule, only includes a dynamic IP address, which is constantly changing. And assigning a permanent IP to a user usually costs him a lot of money. So that you do not have to incur extra costs, there are DDNS (dynamic DNS) services, the task of which is to assign a permanent domain name to a device (computer) with a changing network address.

Many DDNS services provide their services for free, but there are also those who charge a small subscription fee for this.

Below is a short list of free DDNS, whose capabilities are more than enough for our task.

The rules for using these services, if they differ, are insignificant: first we register an account, then we confirm the email address, and finally we register the domain name of your device and activate it. After this, your home computer will have its own name on the Internet, for example, This name should be specified in the connection settings instead of the IP or local network name.

By the way, some routers only support a small group of DDNS providers, for example, only the oldest and most famous DynDNS (now paid) and No IP. And others, such as Asus, have their own DDNS service. Installing alternative firmware DD-WRT on the router helps remove restrictions.

Pros and cons of using Windows Remote Desktop

The main advantage of the proprietary Windows tool over third-party developments is the absence of intermediary servers during the connection, which means a reduced risk of data leakage. In addition, this tool has a lot of flexible settings and, with a skillful approach, can become an “impregnable fortress” and a “space rocket.”

Other advantages of the Windows desktop are that there is no need to download anything, there are no restrictions on session duration, the number of connections, and it is free.

Disadvantages: difficulty in setting up for access via the Internet, vulnerability to Pass the Hash attacks.


Before you start using the service, you will have to register a Google account (Android device users already have one) or log in using it in the Google Chrome browser.

The main window of the Chrome Desktop includes 2 sections:

  • Remote support. This contains options for managing a one-time connection to another PC and providing access to yours.
  • My computers. This section contains machines with which you have previously established a connection and you can quickly connect to them using a given PIN code.

During the first communication session using the Chrome Desktop, an additional component (host) will be installed on the remote computer, which will take 2-3 minutes. When everything is ready, a secret code will appear on the screen. After entering it in the appropriate field, click “Connection”.

As with TeamViewer, the user of the remote machine will be able to see all your actions on the screen. So for covert surveillance, for example, of a child, these programs are not suitable.

is a very simple and equally reliable utility designed for remote control of computers running Windows and Linux. Its main advantages are ease of use, reliability, high connection speed and the fact that it does not require installation. The disadvantages are the lack of mobile versions (it will not be possible to establish a connection via Android and iOS using this program) and the fact that many antiviruses consider it malicious and try to remove it. Fortunately, the latter is easy to prevent by adding the utility to the exceptions.

Ammyy Admin supports 2 methods of establishing communication - by ID number and by IP address. The second one works only over the local network.

The utility window is divided into 2 halves - “Client”, where the computer identification data and password are located, and “Operator” - with fields for entering this data. The connection button is also located here.

The contact book and program settings, which are quite simple, are hidden in the “Ammyy” menu.

- another compact portable Windows program, externally similar to the previous one, but with a more interesting set of functions. Supports 2 connection methods - by ID and IP, and 3 modes - full control, file manager (file transfer) and only viewing the screen of a remote PC.

It also allows you to define several levels of access rights:

  • Remote operator use of keyboard and mouse.
  • Clipboard synchronization.
  • Changing access rights by an administrator, etc.

The “View Only” mode can be used to covertly monitor the actions of users of remote machines (children, workers), which is not available in similar products.

In the main AeroAdmin window there is a button to open an email chat (located next to the “Stop” button). Chat is designed to quickly send an email to the operator, for example, asking for help. This function is unique, since analogue programs only have a regular chat for text messaging. And it starts working only after the connection is established.

Unfortunately, the AeroAdmin contact book does not become available immediately. It requires separate activation - via Facebook. And only members of this social network can use it, since in order to receive an activation code, developers request a link to their personal page. It turns out that those who liked the program cannot do without registering on Facebook.

Another feature of AeroAdmin is that it can be used for free even for commercial purposes, if you do not need additional features (continuous connection, multiple parallel sessions, etc.), available only in paid versions.

is the last utility in today’s review for remotely connecting to a Windows PC from another computer or mobile device. Can be used without installation or with it.

Like its predecessors, it has a number of unique functions:

  • The highest speed of image transfer from a remote machine.
  • The fastest file sharing, even with low Internet speeds.
  • Supports simultaneous connection of multiple remote users. The ability to collaborate on one project (each user has their own cursor).

Plus, like other programs in this class, AnyDesk provides the operator with full access to the functions of the remote machine, connects very simply (using ID and password) and reliably protects the transmitted data.

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