Money Prime (Money Smile) – purchase and sale of Internet traffic. Selling traffic for money is profitable! There is a desire? Realize it! Setting up advertising on YouTube


Hello! In this article we will talk about making money from traffic.

  • How much can you earn: from 1,000 rubles per day.
  • Minimum Requirements: knowledge about traffic.
  • Is it worth it?: if you have free time and funds .

General information about making money selling traffic

Before moving on to the specifics of monetization, let's figure out what selling traffic is and how to make money from it.

Traffic — unique visitors to the portal. Any website can act as a traffic source.

Earning money from traffic appeared along with the launch of the first websites. Initially, it was used to attract visitors to various Internet resources. But over time, large companies came into the game and were also willing to pay for advertising, and now this type of income is becoming more and more interesting, profitable and in demand.

Almost anyone can make money selling traffic. Even without your own source, you can buy traffic and sell it to partners, benefiting from the difference in price. This is a complex, multifaceted, but quite profitable and attractive way.

How to make money from traffic

Both people who have their own sources and those who do not can make money from selling Internet traffic. A website, a group on social networks, etc. can be a source of traffic. Let’s first talk about making money from selling traffic with a source, since it’s much easier to make money from your own traffic.

With traffic source

If you have your own traffic source, everything is quite simple. You register on sites that buy traffic, publish their advertisements on your website, blog or group and make money from it. You can make money from website traffic in the following ways:

  • Teasers.

Banners and teasers are suitable for beginners and those who do not have many visitors to their traffic source. Banners can pop up on top of the main window, redirect the visitor to the site when he wants to close the advertisement, etc. This monetization method is suitable when there are relatively few visitors to your site, but you already want to receive funds. This is a more standard approach to monetizing your own traffic.

In addition to working with services for purchasing the number of visits, you can work with . This is a more complex, but at the same time profitable way to monetize your traffic. You create creatives yourself, attract your own visitors and receive a fixed fee for this, which depends on the offer.

The most valuable traffic is business. Business sites, communities and blogs attract a solvent audience, which, with the right skill, is perfectly monetized. It’s much easier to sell them something, because they have money. The main thing is to interest.

Traffic from the entertainment category costs the least. On average, this is an insolvent audience that is difficult to attract to sales. Most often, such traffic is monetized either on a gaming theme, or through conventional means without affiliate programs.

No traffic source

If you don’t have your own source of traffic, then you can only make money by reselling traffic - buying in one place and reselling in another. It is called .

True, it can be a stretch to call it resale. In reality, everything happens somewhat differently. You create advertising creatives, use a specific channel and attract traffic to the affiliate program. If you guessed right with the creatives and did everything correctly, you will get a good income from the difference between the funds spent and the funds received.

There are several traffic sources:

  • Contextual advertising ( and ).
  • Social media.
  • Teaser networks.

Contextual advertising - paid impressions on the first page of search results. You yourself have noticed such paid advertisements more than once. Competent affiliate marketers know how to create high-quality and interesting ads for relevant search queries.

This is a good way to work with large companies. They pay a percentage of the transaction, and you attract clients. Over time, you'll be able to reach more and more people, increase your click-through rates, and convert regular site visitors into customers with less money.

Social networks are an excellent source of topical traffic. Here you can work either with communities or with . Working with communities is easier - you look for a suitable public page that has a lot of your target audience, and publish there. How attractive your post is will determine how many clients you will get.

Targeted advertising is a little more complicated. You run advertisements directly to your target audience. It’s best to launch several of these creatives, test them, select those that give the highest conversion, and constantly come up with something new.

E-mail marketing is gradually becoming a thing of the past, but some companies and affiliate marketers use it. The main task here is to collect mail from warm clients who will not click on deleting the promotional email right away. It is important to interest the user in the letter, keep him on the site and motivate him to make a purchase.

Teaser networks are the most controversial method of making money. Teasers are pictures that you see on most sites. Often these are garbage materials that are published on “leftist” sites with a lot of advertising. They bring minimal benefit, but are not that expensive.

Proper work with teaser networks can make any affiliate rich. But unlike other methods, when working with teasers, you will have to spend a decent budget to create a blacklist of sites and portals that provide low-quality traffic. And at the beginning of the work you will have to focus exclusively on your experience, which means the result will be money lost.

Remember that traffic arbitrage is a full-fledged business. He needs to study for a long time and constantly hone his skills. And the most important:

There is nothing to do there with a budget of less than 10 - 15 thousand rubles. If you can do everything with your portal yourself, then arbitrage is a business, and you won’t be able to make money on traffic without a website with a small budget.

Who is suitable for making money selling traffic?

If you have your own source of traffic, then sooner or later you will still make money by selling advertising space. That is why this method of earning money is ideal for people who create and promote blogs or groups on social networks.

Working with traffic without your own source is quite difficult. You have to come up with creative ideas, constantly update them, look for lucrative offers in affiliate programs, and extract as much profit as possible from everything you come across. That is why for beginners this method of earning money will seem difficult. Many even say that there is no money in arbitration. This is not true, it’s just that with budgets less than 20 - 30 thousand, this method of earning money turns into a “Will it shoot or not” roulette.

How much can you earn by selling traffic?

Let's divide the earnings figures into two parts: website owners and affiliate marketers. Depending on how many people visit your resource, your earnings will change.

According to average data, one unique visitor per day brings you 10 - 15 kopecks. If there are 1000 such visitors, your earnings will be 100 rubles per day. The more visitors, the more earnings. It's simple.

With arbitrageurs, everything is somewhat more complicated. In the Ru-segment, private affiliate marketers can earn from $1,000 per month on their own creatives. Arbitrage teams can reach a figure of 4 - 5 thousand dollars. These are average specialists who have been working in this field for a long time and know how to attract clients.

Large companies that engage in customer acquisition earn tens of thousands of dollars a day. They work not with the Russian segment of the market, but with the foreign one. There they can pay up to 1 thousand dollars for one lead. But newcomers shouldn’t work with foreign markets if they haven’t already hit their stride here in the Rus-segment.


Making money selling traffic is one of the most difficult ways to make a profit on the Internet. Here you work independently, exclusively for yourself, and the financial result depends on your actions and mistakes. That is why, before doing this, you need to study the information, draw up a rough plan and after that start working. Without investments, there is also nothing to do in reselling traffic.

Internet traffic can rightfully be considered the main currency on the Internet. It is a valuable resource that can very well bring in a decent income. What to do to sell traffic, and how can you make money from it? These are the main questions that many webmasters ask. It is bought, sold and simply converted into cash in all sorts of ways.

The main attention should be paid not only to attracting visitors to the site, but also to making money on it. Not all beginners cope with this task successfully. And, despite the fact that a webmaster may have his own Internet platform, where he will use simple methods like teaser networks, his earnings will be quite minimal.

Therefore, you should not stop at one method, but use and test various options, attracting affiliate programs and using all kinds of networks. You need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time. However, it will still be possible to achieve a significant increase in your own income. And one important feature should be taken into account - it is not enough to have a huge number of visitors. The main thing is to be able to make money from it. This is the main essence of buying and selling traffic, user reviews confirm this.

Features of making money on traffic

Earning money from the purchase and sale of Internet traffic - the ability to earn money on Therefore, the most popular way of monetization is to place visual advertising. For each transition made by a visitor, the site owner will receive a certain amount. As a result, income will compensate for the costs of the domain, hosting and development of the Internet site, and over time will replenish the account of the site owner.

Of course, to receive stable passive income, you must meet certain conditions and requirements. Fulfilling them is the main step towards making your first money from traffic.

Basic provisions for work

According to reviews of earnings from sales, it is considered the most valuable resource on the Internet. After all, the potential of any site is determined by the number of visitors, since without their participation it will not be possible to receive a stable income.

It is customary to distinguish two main directions for making money from traffic - making a profit with a website and without it. In the first case, it means placing advertising in order to make a profit from your visitors. To do this, you need to carefully analyze the audience, and then proceed to selecting appropriate advertising campaigns. This method is simple, since the webmaster already has his own platform with a specific audience. In this case, you can start without an initial investment.

Working without a website has some difficulties. It is based on acquiring visitors from other sites, where various methods of converting it into cash are subsequently tested. The problem is that acquiring traffic requires initial capital.

Naturally, in both cases, the main task is to find the optimal way to earn money, in which the profit will be maximum. However, each case has its own distinctive features. Firstly, if you have your own place, it is important to keep advertising wisely so as not to scare people away. Secondly, if the webmaster is engaged in arbitration, then the income must necessarily exceed the purchase costs.

Popular earning methods

There are certain ways to earn money and many platforms for buying and selling Internet traffic, thanks to which you can make a decent profit. They have different effectiveness despite different audiences. This factor should be taken into account when selecting the appropriate method.

Among the most popular options are:

  • sale of services and goods;
  • contextual advertising;
  • CPA exchange.

There are also other methods, such as advertising networks. However, their effectiveness is not so high.

So, selling services is a specific direction that can be applied to any audience. If she has high purchasing power and is also interested in certain services, then they can be offered. For example, on a legal website you can post information about lawyer services.

Then there is the sale of goods, which is similar to the sale of services, but uses a physical product. As an example, we can imagine the sale of kitchen utensils on culinary sites or souvenirs on fan portals.

It should be noted that in both cases you can work as an intermediary. If there is no product or possibility of providing services, potential customers can be sent to affiliate programs.

CPA exchanges act as an intermediary. Such sites contain a huge number of affiliate programs through which you can earn money by supplying clients to all kinds of projects, sites providing services and other places. Customers will be paid a fixed fee for certain activities.

Contextual advertising is rightfully considered a very popular and good option that does not require unreasonable actions. The system is aimed at analyzing visitors and selecting suitable advertisements, which only increases the partner’s income. Despite the fact that the profit in this case is lower than in previous methods, this is a stable and fairly safe solution.

There are many reviews about making money by selling Internet traffic, and they all focus on the fact that traffic can still be turned into money. You just need to choose the one that best suits the online platform, taking into account some factors: age, gender, interests, location. Statistics will allow you to choose the most optimal option.

The nuances of making money on traffic

As you know, buying and selling traffic increases earnings. In other words, traffic is the visits that occur on a website over a certain period. A systematic increase means an increase in the number of visitors. Consequently, opportunities and prices also increase.

As mentioned earlier, there are several ways to obtain Internet traffic, the most common of which is the placement of contextual and banner advertising. There is also a method in which visitors follow a link to the site - the affiliate method. And if you make a purchase or register after the transition, the resource that posted the link will receive a reward from the transaction.

Earning money from traffic: contextual advertising

If you believe reviews about making money by selling Internet traffic, then contextual advertising is one of the popular and most powerful tools for monetizing traffic. Its main goal is to place advertisements on the site that will fully fit into its theme and also meet the needs of users. She practically does not cause negativity among visitors, as she answers their questions.

Installing an advertising block on your website is quite problematic. After all, some advertisers arouse increased interest in the resources on which contextual advertising is located. If you closely study the theory, invest effort and money in the prosperity of the resource, then in the future you will be able to create for yourself a completely worthy source of passive income.

Earning money from selling traffic: placing links

Selling links is the placement on a website of advertising links that lead to another website. A popular category is considered to be one that provides daily payment. All you have to do is place a link on the resource, and every day funds will be transferred to the account of the site owner. However, this process should be constantly monitored and analyzed, otherwise the site will decline. It is recommended to regularly check posted links for links to unreliable and suspicious sources.

Recently, eternal links have become especially popular, as they enjoy a loyal attitude from search engines. As evidenced by reviews of earnings from selling Internet traffic. This happens because they often fit into feature articles, thus appearing more natural.

Earning money from traffic: banner advertising

Pop-up windows or banner advertising remain the leader in terms of annoying effect on visitors. Despite this, its click-through rate does not decrease, but only increases at a rapid pace. The secret lies in having an interesting picture and an intriguing phrase. The word “teaser” itself is translated as “attracting attention.”

The earning system is quite simple. You just need to register on the teaser traffic exchange, install the necessary code on the site and configure the campaign for the resource. All further actions will occur automatically.

Earning money from traffic: affiliate programs

There are a huge number of affiliate programs: selling tickets, CDs, clothing, cosmetics, ordering tickets and much more. You can often find that many online stores offer cooperation, including fairly popular ones. Setting up this type of income is more difficult than placing a couple of links on a page. However, income will increase in this case significantly.

The main difference from advertising is that for affiliate programs the number of visitors does not matter much. The main thing is the quality of the audience, its ability to pay and the degree of interest in the services provided. To choose a suitable affiliate program, you should start from the theme of the site and its content.

To decide on the purchase and sale of Internet traffic, you need to understand what level the resource has reached. After all, not every site can be suitable for placing advertising blocks. To achieve stable attendance and increase demand for services, certain recommendations should be taken into account. So, to increase traffic you need to:

  • promote the site for low-frequency queries.
  • increase the number of page views per visitor;
  • warn yourself against oversaturation of website pages with links;
  • take care of quality content.

To get a good source of passive income, you need to:

  • place no more than 3 links on a website page, and do not use them side by side;
  • inflate the cost of links above the average value during the sale (acceptable from 10% to 15%);
  • use Google Analytics or LiveInternet to evaluate site statistics;
  • The design of banner or teaser advertising should be close to the design of the resource (should not irritate visitors);
  • place advertising blocks in the most visible and comfortable areas on the page;
  • stop using cheats and false earnings from buying and selling traffic;
  • before making direct money, invest a lot of effort in the competent promotion of the resource;
  • do not be afraid to take risks and change tactics, since risky actions can significantly increase the flow of funds.


Thus, there are unlimited opportunities to earn money by selling Internet traffic. However, before this, you should thoroughly study the theory and invest a lot of effort in starting the development of the resource. If you think about profit from the first minutes, then you won’t be able to see the desired result. Therefore, you should not take risks, but be decisive in your own actions.

It offers its visitors to sell their Internet traffic and earn from 30,000 rubles per day.

You can sell traffic once a day and receive money in 10 minutes. As it is written on the project website, this is necessary for website promotion and therefore most customers are willing to pay you for your Internet traffic. The comments claim that the money is actually being paid. To sell your Internet traffic, you needed to come up with a login for the current session. Upon completion of the traffic assessment, we were informed that 412,602 traffic buyer sites had been selected and our potential income was 39,285 rubles.

Next you should click ““. Upon completion of the execution process, we were informed that the Internet traffic had been sold and we had earned 39,285 rubles from this. To receive funds, it was necessary to pay for the services of the Money Speed ​​platform in the amount of 0.4% of the amount earned.

By clicking “pay for platform services and proceed to withdrawal of funds,” we found ourselves on the E-Pay payment form, where we were required to pay 155 rubles. The author of the project receiving the money turned out to be a friend under the login Franklin. On the same site he will demand fifteen additional prices in sizes up to 1899 rubles. The link from the catalog led to the main page of the Money Speed ​​project. After clicking on the link after payment, we received a message that an account No. 1773569865 had been opened for us to withdraw funds, with a balance of 39,285 rubles. To withdraw funds, you had to activate your account by topping it up with 550 rubles. We were redirected to E-Pay, where we were required to pay 550 rubles.

We saw this payment in the additional prices of the author Franklin, and there was no point in making it. Next, we will be presented with the remaining payments. Having gone through the entire prepared chain of payments, we will not receive a withdrawal of earnings. The Money Speed ​​project was created solely to extort money from visitors.

Trust only those projects that have been thoroughly tested. The “” section is updated with selected materials that will help you achieve your desired income.

P.S. If the article was useful to you, please thank us by clicking one of the social network buttons below. Thank you and good luck!

One of the types of additional income for Webmasters and admins is selling traffic. Traffic, traffic, traffic (from the English traffic) - the flow of visitors on the Internet. There are many types and subtypes of it, respectively, systems that purchase certain types of it. Often such systems are classified as a type of affiliate programs because Most of these systems have an affiliate program to attract new members.

Buying and selling traffic from contextual links.

The most sold and purchased type of traffic is traffic from contextual advertising, sometimes called contextual traffic. It is very effective for advertising purposes when promoting goods and services. To make money from contextual advertising, you need to register in one of the contextual advertising systems and install a block of links on your website. This advertising is called contextual because the text of the advertising links corresponds to the content of the page on which it is shown or is close to it. Thus, advertising links are seen by people interested in the same goods and services that they read about on the site page.

The best contextual advertising systems with high pay-per-clicks.

If you have a good website, you can earn money by placing high-paying advertising units of advertising systems.

The best contextual advertising systems for English-language sites.

If you have websites in English, you can earn money by placing contextual advertising blocks.

Contextual advertising services with pay-per-clicks. There is no minimum to withdraw.

If you have sites that will not be accepted into high-paying advertising systems, it is possible to make money with contextual advertising affiliate programs that are less demanding of sites, but also with a noticeably lower payment.

Buying and selling traffic with payment for results

Buying thematic traffic, traffic exchange


Buying and selling teaser traffic

Teasers are small (sometimes not very small) images, usually next to a short advertising text. Typically, such blocks are quite clickable, especially on entertainment websites.


Earning money on the banner network.

I think that most network users are familiar with and many have already become fairly tired of pop-up windows floating “on top” of the site. Some users claim that the presence of a pop-up window, and especially several pop-up windows on a site, annoys them. On the other hand, webmasters and administrators who install pop-up windows on their sites say that they also want to eat. And if the user finds the site’s information quite interesting, then the presence of a pop-up window does not play a fundamental role. In addition, almost all modern versions of browsers have a function for blocking pop-up windows (enabled in the browser settings), so those who are bothered can disable it. Although it must be said that not all types of pop-ups can be blocked by browsers.

File traffic monetization

If your site has files that are downloaded by users quite often, i.e. there is file traffic, then you can make money on it. In this case, it is not necessary to store sites on your hosting, which reduces the amount of space used on the hosting and eliminates the load from downloading. You can make money on file traffic without your own website. There are many sites on the Internet where you can post a description of useful software or something else and provide a download link.

Sale of wap traffic (traffic from mobile devices)

In recent years, more and more mobile devices have been released with the ability to connect to the Internet. The access speed and quality of displayed information are beginning to reach an acceptable level on mobile devices. Respectively selling traffic from mobile devices is called selling wap traffic. And there are systems that buy exactly this type of visitors.

Selling traffic using any external links.

You can sell referrals from any external links. To do this, a special prefix is ​​added before the link address. When a visitor clicks on such a link, he goes to the corresponding site, but this site opens in a frame with additional advertising. Visually it looks like this, and this is a regular link to the same site. I think you noticed the differences - the link prefix, the frame, banners and click-under. As you probably understood, the advertisement that you saw does not belong to the site you went to, but is defined in the referral source. In this case, which site is opened does not matter; instead, you can put a link to any other site. The advantage of selling such traffic is that the visitor receives advertising while not on your site, but when he leaves it. The downside is that the visitor often does not understand the specifics of the codes and considers the advertisement that he sees to belong to the corresponding site. He may get the wrong impression about the site, especially when the advertising is far from beautiful and aesthetic.
To sell such traffic, you need to register in the appropriate traffic selling system and add the prefix received in your account to those links on your sites from which you are ready to sell this type of traffic. In principle, this type of traffic sales is also available to people who do not have their own websites. The corresponding prefix can be added to the links that you leave in chats, blogs, message boards, forums and other Internet resources.

Selling iframe traffic.

Iframe is an insertion of one html(php) document into another html(php) document.
.php" width="800" height="300" frameborder="1"> In the place where this tag is inserted, a window (Iframe) will open, 800x300 in size with a one-pixel frame. This window will load the page whose address is specified in the iframe code.
But if the dimensions of the Iframe of the inserted document (site) are set equal to zero i.e.php" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0"> In this case, visually nothing additional will open for the page visitor, and he will also be counted not only as a visitor to your site, but will also be counted as a visitor to the site whose address is indicated in the Iframe code, although he has not even seen it. Selling such traffic is considered unethical, so decide for yourself whether or not to use systems for selling Iframe traffic, since this is not “money out of thin air,” as the sale of this type of traffic has been very often advertised lately.

When selling Iframe traffic, as well as when selling most other types of traffic, it is not necessary to know how the system works. It is enough to register in the appropriate system, add a site (sites), install the received code on the site and that’s it. But it’s still much better to understand what you are selling and how it works before selling any type of traffic. This knowledge not only increases your earnings, but also allows you to avoid most problems.

If, when selling iframe traffic, you discover that your site is starting to endow visitors with viruses, then you can simply remove the iframe code and start working with another system for selling iframe traffic, which has better control over where the purchased traffic goes. You can contact the administration of the corresponding system and they will deal with the traffic buyer who is using it to send viruses. In some systems, you also have the opportunity to see for yourself where the traffic from your site went and independently add the recipient to the system’s blacklist. In most cases, iframe traffic is used to boost counters and ratings. But it can be used to send viruses or for such disgusting things as a DDoS attack. In the settings of some systems for selling iframe traffic, there is an option “Place resources on my site that have not been verified by moderators”; it is usually enabled by default. It’s better to turn off this option; checking moderators allows you to weed out most of the traffic buying sites that create problems. In general, I advise you to think before selling this type of traffic.

Buying and selling traffic from referral pages of sites.

Referral traffic - clicks on links from other sites. Search traffic - transitions from the search results page. In this case, the page from which the transition was made is called a referral page or parent page. In this case, two options are possible: the site loads in the same window or in another. If the site loads in another window, then using the control code, advertising can be loaded in the source site window. This type of advertising is commonly called selling referral traffic.

Yandex's statements about excluding from the index sites that have a redirect to the parent page in their code are not a joke. No problems were identified with other search engines. The Yandex ban when such a code is detected is temporary, the unban is automatic some time after Yandex stops detecting the code. In general, I do not recommend selling referral traffic from sites that you value.
There are reports of complaints from visitors who do not like the fact that advertising is loaded in the results window of their search or another site from which they came. True, the user can always return to the search results page or the site from which he came by double-clicking the “return page” button.
The systems in the purchasing data for the type of traffic are not represented, so I have not worked with this type of traffic for many years, and the old systems that worked with it either died or were repurposed for purchasing other types of traffic.

Selling doorway traffic.

Doorway traffic is traffic from doorways. Doorways (from the English doorways) are pages optimized for search engines. As a rule, for a specific search engine. Optimization is carried out in such a way that the page appears in the top positions of the search engine as often as possible for a specific request or group of requests. Doorways usually have a redirect, to the address of which the visitor goes without seeing the doorway itself. And there’s nothing to see there, since the doorway in most cases consists of a “meaningless” set of keywords and phrases. Search engines periodically find doorways and ban them (exclude them from the index). But doorway developers don’t sleep and create new doorways, manually or using special doorway generator programs. Although doorway generator programs quite effectively carry out part of the doorway designer’s routine work, without good SEO optimization skills you are unlikely to be able to make money on doorway traffic. In addition, in recent years, due to the improvement of search engine algorithms and the destruction of doorways by them, doorways are becoming less and less relevant.

Selling various types of traffic.

Recently, more and more systems have appeared that buy not just one specific type of traffic, but several of its varieties. And many traffic purchasing systems that previously worked only with one type of traffic are expanding their field of activity and starting to buy other types of traffic.

How to sell traffic without a website

If you don’t have a website, you can buy cheap traffic and redirect (merge) it to higher-paying systems - this is traffic arbitrage. It is also possible to create traffic from social networks from messages or forum signatures, answers to questions, and e-mail newsletters. When selling traffic without a website, the same systems are used as when selling traffic from your own websites.


Most systems are described here from the perspective traffic sales. But of course you can not only sell, but also buy traffic in these systems. You can buy both for your website and for resale or monetization on any affiliate program. Purchasing and further monetizing traffic is called traffic arbitrage

In conclusion, I would like to say that traffic purchase sales systems periodically change conditions. For example, the minimum amount to be paid. They begin (less often stop) to buy some type of traffic. Change the conditions for accepting sites into the system, etc. It doesn’t seem possible to me to keep track of all this and regularly change the description on the site. Therefore, if the conditions in any of the systems described above differ in some way, excuse me.

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Banner advertising, contextual advertising and other tools can act as a “bridge” between two sites. The implementation scheme is simple: the site owner places the listed advertising tools on the resource, leading to third-party resources. By clicking on an advertisement, visitors are automatically redirected to other sites.

To understand what selling traffic is, let’s look at a simple analogy. Reading newspapers, you can often come across pages with coupons from various companies: 5% discount on a haircut in a new beauty salon, 10% on groceries in a supermarket, 15% on cleaning an apartment, and so on. In this case, the newspaper acts as a site on which banner advertising of other sites is placed. When you see a coupon like this, you'll probably cut it out and save it. The newspaper receives a certain payment for advertising, and advertisers receive new clients.

How selling traffic works

  • First, advertisers make requests to special exchanges with the requirement that they need a target audience that meets certain parameters. Advertisers themselves develop and prepare advertising materials that will be provided for placement (teasers, banners, texts, videos, discount coupons, links to partner sites, and so on).
  • A webmaster who wants to increase his income and commercialize his site should also register on such an exchange. Here he offers his resource as a platform for advertising. You can also offer social network pages, groups and public pages.
  • The system in which both the advertiser and the webmaster are registered places advertising materials in accordance with user requests and the subject of the resource. When a client visits a website, sees an advertisement and clicks on a link, the website owner receives payment. Today, having a well-promoted website with an impressive audience, it is quite possible to receive a stable income every month with minimal effort.

How to make money selling traffic

We have looked at what selling traffic means. Now let's talk about what schemes and mechanisms can be used to increase your own profits. There are several of these schemes. You need to choose the strategy that best suits the characteristics and needs of your resource, preferences and level of activity of visitors.

A little advice: anyone who owns a PC can understand the process of selling traffic. However, maximum results can be achieved with at least a minimum amount of professional knowledge and skills. You can purchase them through online courses, trainings, and seminars. Fortunately, they are now widely available.

Selling traffic through contextual advertising

Here we mean using PPC (Pay Per Click) and CPM (Cost-Per-Mille). Today, the most popular systems on the domestic Internet are YAN and Google Adsense systems. These are leading affiliate networks that unite a huge number of Internet resources and advertising companies.

In the first option - Pay Per Click / Pay per click, the advertiser pays for each click, that is, each transition of your visitor to his website. The cost of clicks here may vary; some products and services are so specific that for one click you can get 1000 rubles or more. However, this is the exception rather than the rule. The average cost per click rarely exceeds 10-20 rubles. In the second scheme - Cost-Per-Mille/Payment per thousand impressions, the advertiser pays for every 1000 views. That is, if an ad posted on your website is viewed more than 1000 times, you receive a set amount. High traffic will be very beneficial here; you can earn more than with the first scheme.

Today, most of the income and profit from the sites of bloggers and webmasters comes from the sale of traffic. And this is understandable: you need to create an “effective” work resource once, and then all that remains is to reap the fruits of your labors and enjoy the result. However, you shouldn’t relax; traffic may drop if users are dissatisfied with the quality of the content. It is necessary to constantly improve and develop the resource, taking into account the development of technology and marketing.

Another popular method is selling outgoing links. The sale of links in this case is carried out through specialized exchanges. At the same time, the amount of your income directly depends on the authority, popularity, and traffic of the site. The more reputable the site, the higher the payment. World leaders today sell outgoing links for tens of thousands of green notes (we are talking about just one link during the quarter/month).

Selling traffic through specialized exchanges

The most popular today: Rs-Context, WmLink,, Using these resources, you can sell traffic, both mobile and web, at a price starting from 0.11 rubles. The mechanism is simple: register on the exchange, find a suitable offer and place a banner/link or other advertising tool of the advertiser on your Internet resource.

Selling traffic through teasers

Teasers are a special advertising tool. This is a bright and attractive picture with text on it. Well, how can a website visitor resist clicking on an advertising offer? The success of this enterprise directly depends on the quality of the teaser: how attractive the picture is, whether the title is well chosen, whether this teaser is appropriate in principle, and so on. This way you can earn more by selling traffic, starting from 0.5 rubles per completed click.

Selling traffic to direct advertisers

If you have your own project that you have been working on for many years and have turned a small website into a real brand, then this offer is for you. Attendance should be in the hundreds of thousands of visitors daily. Only in this case can we talk about success. Having a website - a well-promoted brand - you dictate the terms yourself: how the payment will be made, how much it will be, the minimum amount, and so on. Advertisers will line up, because after accessing the audience of a large brand, an increase in sales is guaranteed.

This method is most often used by bloggers. Well-known bloggers can earn 100,000 rubles or more for placing one banner on their website. Imagine what the income will be if you increase the number of banners. Thus, you can earn a pretty decent living from selling traffic, to put it mildly.

Selling traffic through YouTube

If you have a YouTube channel, you can also use it to sell traffic. To do this, you need to make the appropriate settings in the media network and Google Adsence. Most often, advertising here is placed before the videos. Making money on YouTube is a separate deep topic, so now we won’t touch on all the nuances. The idea is simple: advertising material is shown before/during your videos, and you get a pretty penny for it.

Selling traffic through CPA

CPA means payment per action. It is not enough for the advertiser that the user simply completes the transition. He must also perform a useful action: buy a product/add it to the cart, register, subscribe to news, leave contacts, and so on. It is quite difficult to realize the customer’s wishes, because you can only indirectly influence people’s behavior. However, it's worth it: sales commissions can reach up to 90%.

You can sell traffic in various ways. You can try several of them to determine the best one for you.

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