Why buy VKontakte accounts. Who sells and how

Social networks have long turned into a business. Ecosystems that emerged to satisfy the needs for communication and dating have experienced rapid growth. Through trial and error, their owners introduced new monetization elements. However, users themselves have the opportunity to earn money by creating public pages and thematic communities.

The next stage was insight and massive interest in this source of traffic among small and medium-sized businesses. All this led to an abundance of memes like: “Hello, I’m Katya, do you want my new doors?”

But how this market for promoting goods and services on social networks actually functions is still unknown to many people to this day. We live in an amazing time when the most incredible things are bought and sold.

Social media accounts and publics networks are no exception; their sale is a systematic business. But who buys accounts and how, and most importantly, for what purpose?

Let's look at this issue using the example of the most popular on the Runet - vk.com (Vkontakte).

The goals for purchasing accounts can be broken down and classified according to many metrics, but we will focus on the basic ones.

1) Internal\External traffic

VK has a lot of traffic, according to open Live Internet statistics, more than 60 million people visit this social network. net.

In addition, we can pay attention, having studied the open statistics of groups, that the share of transitions from VK to third-party resources is also the highest among competitors and amounts to more than 4 million users per day.

The first conclusion is that account buyers can use them to attract attention to their project, “draining traffic.” Either by acting and trying to sell your goods or services or catch hype, inside VK.

Here is one example of courses that teach how to monetize traffic through CPA networks: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Ki79/4eTUPTzUC

2) Robots\data structuring

To work with some functions that allow you to delegate tasks, the VK API is often used. To respond to messages using bots or to automatically monitor certain pages, VK accounts are also required; they can often get banned for the high load created by a large number of requests. A proxy does not always solve the problem.

3) Spam and 50 shades of gray

There are many gray and even black monetization schemes; it is useless to give specific examples; such schemes are usually constantly being refined. Spam and a huge number of its varieties.

This is mass liking (which no longer works) and more cunning varieties in the form of commenting on groups with an open wall, photo albums and other veiled spam. Many scammers offer to make quick money, run their own public pages, and create the appearance of interaction and activity. Special scripts and parsers are often used.

Check out many similar schemes yourself on specialized forums.

Spammers are the main buyers of accounts; they often buy them wholesale in large quantities.

Platforms where you can find an advertisement for the sale of accounts for VK and some schemes are forums such as forum.antichat.ru, zismo.biz and others.

There are also specialized stores such as green shops, accounts there only for VK, or for example buy-accs.ru, which has a very large selection.

Despite the fact that there are many social and media networks today - FC, VK, Instagram, Telegram and many others, the essence of purchasing accounts remains the same, since many use them to promote goods and services, spam and receive “shareware” traffic , arbitration schemes, or automation of markups, replies and comments.

So. Today I will continue my “Tale of the Left Account”. In this part, we will touch on those who buy such accounts, why they are needed at all, and who actually sells them.

Who buys and why?

Who's buying? Yes all. Not only those who are under 21 and who do not have a license, or those who for some reason were rejected by the carsharing security service. Everything is clear with them.

Among the buyers there are quite normal people, with a license, with good driving experience, men and women aged 21 and above.

For what? It's simple. We are not talking about spies and enemy agents, but each of us has our own secrets, including trips that must remain secret from others. This is why they buy someone else’s account, installing it on a phone belonging to Baba Matryona from the village of Pupkino. It is difficult to identify the real car sharing user, which is how anonymity is achieved. It's simple.

Who sells and how?

Sellers are divided into four types.

1. "Scammers"- those who, in the wake of the general hype, create an advertisement for the sale of accounts, register a QIWI or Yandex-money wallet number - and go ahead, make money on naive people. You give him money, and he gives you... Just say goodbye to the money.

2. “Ordinary” sellers– those who sell accounts created with the help of their friends, neighbors and, in general, all those who have a passport and rights and with whom they can agree. The faces are quite real, for 200-500 rubles they provide all the information about themselves, taking selfies for the very great need of a friend. True, sometimes they have no idea how this “friend” is setting them up.

3. Sellers are “mysterious.” Sometimes a person becomes the owner of an account without knowing it. Many people use services such as microloans or loans via the Internet. People themselves send copies of their passports plus one document of their choice (mostly licenses). Well, we take a selfie with a passport ourselves. And then it’s a matter of technology. After all, such offices accumulate huge databases of people. So why not withdraw another profit? All this data can be easily compiled, sent to the car sharing SB and obtained an account for sale. You can buy a number for registration in the system at any metro crossing, from any operator of your choice. No one will ask for a passport, the price of one number is from 100 to 200 rubles.

Accounts created by sellers from the second and third points cost from 1000 to 2000 rubles. For this amount you will have a clean account, not used by anyone. Register a virtual card through the same Yandex-money, and off you go. Car sharing companies do not yet have the ability to verify the match between the card holder and the account holder.

4. And finally, sales staff of car sharing companies. Agree, among car sharing users there are those who, for one reason or another, stupidly “give up” their account, deleting the application and stopping using the services. So some people write on social networks: “I’m deleting the application, I won’t use it anymore.”

Remember! You only delete the application from your phone. Your account exists in the operator’s system, it is active, even your activity is visible. What can I say, I myself receive notifications from car sharing operators that I haven’t used their services for a very long time, they ask me to take a ride. And those who deleted the application and do not see these notifications? So, such dead accounts go to the market and are sold. Their cost reaches up to 15 thousand. And then a person is surprised when they come to him with claims for something he did not do.

Therefore, advice: if you really don’t want to use the services of the office, remove the card, take the time to go to the office and terminate the contract. Who knows, maybe in six months “you” will be driving along some “Zvenigorod highway and playing checkers.”

Unfortunately, how they find passwords and how they generate them remains a mystery. But I was assured that this would take 10 minutes. I really hope that the operators will be able to comment on this.

What do operators do about it?

Car sharing operators themselves are weak in their fight against fraudulent accounts. True, it is not clear whether they can or do not want to seriously address this issue. In the chat of the “leftists,” a story flashed about how one tenant drove very far and the car stalled. But the tenant called the support operator from another number not linked to the account, told her that the phone had died, and the operator successfully turned on the car, advising her to return back to the Moscow Ring Road, which the person successfully did.

Buying Instagram with subscribers is a great idea for those who plan to quickly start their activities on this social network. Such a purchase will save a lot of effort and time. But in this matter you need to be especially careful when purchasing. An inexperienced buyer may well buy a “dummy” for a lot of money. Detailed instructions and tips in our new article.

An Instagram profile can help you make money from advertising or promote your projects - of course, if it has a lot of subscribers. If they are missing, as well as free time to promote your profile, then you have the opportunity to buy an account that already has an audience. The user will be given a password and login for the profile, after which he can start working.

Why do you need ready-made Instagram accounts?

Purchasing ready-made accounts is beneficial because you can save time and money. The cost of a profile that is promoted from scratch on its own is about 8 rubles per subscriber, not taking into account time and effort. The cost of a ready-made account is on average 3 rubles per subscriber.

You can easily change ready-made accounts according to your preferences - change contact information, upload a new avatar.

It is not necessary to change the information if the purchased profile is needed to sell advertising. You just need to follow the content plan and accept applications for paid publications.

When do you need to create a new profile and spend time promoting it? This is only beneficial if your budget does not allow you to buy a ready-made account.

Buying a ready-made Instagram account: advantages

  1. Presence of an active, interested audience. The “old” profile has loyal subscribers who like and write comments - and the value of the account is determined by this. Increasing the number of subscribers is much easier than gaining their interest and involvement.
  2. Save time. It’s difficult to get 10 thousand real people to subscribe to your account from scratch (this is the minimum number to make a decent profit). By investing money in promoting a newly created profile, you will wait at least a month for the first results. And you can use the ready-made one immediately after purchasing it.
  3. You can buy exactly the account whose parameters suit you. There is a large selection of profiles for sale with the required target audience, which differs in geographical location, demographics, and hobbies. Those who do not have the knowledge and experience in promoting a new account will not be able to get a profile with suitable subscribers.

Even if you decide, you will still turn to specialized promotion services for help. This may result in you spending a lot more money than if you purchased a ready-made profile.

How to reduce risks when purchasing an account

If you are purchasing a profile for the first time, then you should be careful, as there are many scammers in this area.

Rules for purchasing profiles on Instagram

There are two most common types of scam related scenarios:

  • the buyer sends money, and the seller stops communicating with him;
  • After purchasing a profile, the buyer loses access to it (it was returned to the seller).

The sale has been completed and you have become the account owner. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility for the seller to restore access to the profile by linking the account to email or Facebook.

There are several steps, following which you will protect yourself from losing the purchased page.

  1. Receive from the seller the login and password for the page, as well as all the data from the mailbox to which it is registered.
  2. Attention! If you don’t have access to your email, you risk losing both your Instagram profile and your money.

  3. If you link a page to a seller’s Facebook profile, you need to immediately link your personal profile.
  4. Next, you should check whether a profile was actually registered to this email. Compare its creation date with the time when the registration confirmation email arrived in your mailbox.
  5. Change all the data in the mail - password, answer to the key question to restore access, phone number, first and last name of the mail owner, his date of birth, place of residence.
  6. After that, do the same on your Instagram profile. You need to change your name, phone number, and link the page to your personal Facebook account. You should change the name of your Instagram page.
  7. It is also recommended to delete the mailbox to which the Instagram page was first registered.

If you conducted the transaction through Guarantor (strongly recommended), then after completing the above actions you can transfer money to the seller through this service. Then the transaction will be completed.

We are often asked, “Explain in detail which VKontakte accounts are called a fek and which are a retreat. And what other ones are there? And which ones live longer?”

Of course, to increase the lifespan of an account, you can display accounts on the social network only with a unique proxy, change their types of activities (like a real person) and set longer delays between actions, but the method of obtaining accounts is also important. Let's sort it out in order.

What kind of VK accounts are there?

Let's first understand the sellers' terminology.

  • Assets— means that the account was activated by phone.
  • Inactive— an abandoned account that the owner has not logged into for a long time.
  • Binding by phone— the account is linked to the phone. For accounts without a phone link, a captcha accompanies almost every action.
  • Retreat— accounts are most often obtained by restoring access to them from the email to which they were registered.
  • Without owners- this is a retrieval asset (analogous to autoreg, only users themselves registered their accounts and used them)
  • From a fake— accounts that are accessed by deception using fake pages.
  • Laying down— time since the password was changed (i.e. when you change the password, the user loses access to the account; the more time has passed since the password was changed, the less likely it is that the account will be restored back. In other words, the account has been abandoned)

Now let's look at the pros and cons of each type of account.

Retrieving VKontakte accounts

Retriv (retrieve) VK.COM accounts - literally translated as restored accounts. There are many millions of accounts registered on VKontakte and people often lose access to their accounts. Retrieved accounts are most often obtained by restoring access to them from the email to which they were registered. Retreats are divided into 2 types:

Simple retreat— when only the password for accessing the account is restored, without changing the data, and the owner has a chance to get his account back.

Difficult— when the account is relinked to another mail and phone.

That is, in fact, when you purchase such an account, you receive real profiles with a good behavioral history, registered from unique IP and MAS addresses. Such accounts have real friends and subscribers. Often you come across accounts of group or public administrators.

From fake VK

Fake (fake) - literally translated as “fake”. “Fake” accounts are obtained by creating fake copies of the VKontakte login page or simply a service (where they allegedly distribute free stickers, gifts and VKontakte votes), where you need to provide your VKontakte login/password. Trusting users leave their data, and scammers collect their logins and passwords. Those. By purchasing such an account, you will get access to the profile of a living person, but at the same time, he himself can surf the network and you will not be able to get full access to the profile. Sometimes such accounts are divided into active and inactive. The lifetime of active accounts is minimal, since the user, noticing suspicious activity, simply changes the password.

Accounts from Brutus

These are accounts that were accessed by guessing a password. According to statistics on the world Internet, 1000 password combinations are suitable for 80% of accounts. Therefore, if your password is “qwerty” or “ytsuken”, then be prepared for the fact that at one point you will not be able to log into your profile or it will be blocked for spam or cheating. In terms of quality, this is the same account from the fake, because... the owner can restore access to it quite quickly. We do not recommend using such accounts.

Autoreg VK accounts

Auto mathematically for reg Registered accounts are pages created through mass registration. As a rule, they are registered with special devices into which you can insert 50-100 SIM cards and register up to a thousand accounts. Sometimes all of their accounts become friends with each other and they are assigned avatars so that when they are sold they look more like real people. Autoregisters do not have any unique history of behavior as a retriever. In addition, they register with suspicious social networks. IP networks. Therefore, such accounts have been in a special place with the social network since birth. The lifespan of such accounts is minimal. We do not recommend using such accounts.

Which accounts live the longest?

Let's sum it up briefly and make a shortlist based on the lifespan of different VK accounts.

  1. Retrieving asset - without owners
  2. Retreat is simple
  3. Inactive
  4. Active, from Brute
  5. Autoreg

Since we do not have access to the accounts of our Bro Bots, we cannot compile real life time statistics, depending on the types of accounts. Perhaps our theoretical calculations are lame somewhere.

Where to buy accounts for VK - you can see a list of all stores.

We would be grateful if you could advise your colleagues about the most durable VK accounts and where to buy them.

Current issues:

  • What is better to buy in your login - mail or phone?
  • Is it important whether the phone is linked or not?

Today the topic of selling Vkontakte accounts. Just a few years ago, social network users didn’t even think about the fact that they could make money on their pages. Even if pages were broken then, there was no commercial nature at that time. The emphasis was placed more on those pages whose titles contained a short number or an English name, or someone was breathing unevenly towards you :)

Nowadays, many SEO forums and blogs are full of information about selling VKontakte accounts. Many users ask questions regarding practical use of such accounts, but it’s unlikely to get answers on forums, so visitors mostly go to blogs. To get information from SEO pages, you will have to do a lot of filtering, because the information there is not updated (or practically not updated).

To understand why this happens, let’s try to answer the question “ what has changed in our world and why there is a desire to buy accounts in batches

Time moves forward, technology does not stand still. If we are developing every day, then technology is developing much faster. About 10 years ago people didn’t really think about SEO, and about 3-4 years ago the first beginnings of SMO appeared. Webmasters are starting use new algorithms, adapt to the trend of technology, but everything is updated and it is difficult to resist the “crest of the wave.” Thus, the information on the pages becomes outdated...

Now it’s time to move gradually to the topic of the conversation, namely “ selling VKontakte accounts". The development of the social network “VKontakte” has not yet reached its apogee, thereby there is a considerable opportunity to earn extra money(this is for sellers), and for future owners the accounts will go to SMO, traffic to the site, in general, each reader will find a use on their own

Today you can purchase several types of accounts (activated and not activated). They differ in that activated accounts belong to real people, and not activated ones are just bots.

If we take into account that registration in a contact implies confirmation via telephone, then non-activated accounts are sold in huge quantities and for next to nothing (in any case, they are they only take it for spam).

And here live (fake) accounts generate the most interest. Such accounts are obtained in two ways: they are grown independently or they are hacked.

I am more inclined towards accounts that have been hacked, because, as practice shows, such accounts are more useful. The benefit is mainly expressed in the fact that there are friends on such accounts.

So how do we choose the right accounts? Initially you must form an idea(thought) about what exactly and how you will do with the account pages, and only then contact the sellers.

  • No need to take 1000 accounts at once... Take 50-100 and work with them. At the moment, it is better to work through an anonymizer and manually. This will reduce losses due to account blocking.
  • If work through an anonymizer- find 2-3 working sites in advance, since identical actions from one IP will attract unnecessary attention (with further “freezing” of all pages entered from this IP). remember, that different anonymizers for different regions. For example, if you access the page of a user from Russia through an anonymizer with a Ukrainian IP, the page will be blocked and a message will be displayed stating that an attempt to log in from an “unusual place” has been detected. To all other, some anonymizers are very slow.
  • The average cost of an account is from 1.5 to 2.5 rubles. It doesn't make sense to charge more.
  • Before purchasing, thoroughly study the reviews and talk with the seller. Without leaving the cash register, check your accounts (at least 10-15 pieces randomly).
  • Process all purchased accounts as quickly as possible, remember that people change passwords for their pages, which means time is against you.
  • If you nevertheless purchased 1000 or more accounts, then you need to work with them only through software(If you do this manually, you will get bored very quickly, which means you will lose both your accounts and your money).
  • Don't tell the seller what you will do with these accounts.
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