Translation of audio into text work at home: transcription, vacancies. How to make money transcribing a text: what is needed for this, where to look for orders, is it worth doing it Where to find a job

There are many professions that only a few have heard of. Few can tell what a transcriber does. This gap can be filled in the article below. It will be of interest to anyone who wants to find an easy remote job.

What it is?

Transcription is the translation of speech from an audio or video format into text. In other words, this is the name of the creation of a printed, logically connected text suitable for subsequent editing from an audio or video recording. By the way, everyone is familiar with transcription examples. Surely everyone at least once saw the video, accompanied by subtitles.

The main thing that is required for those who decide to make money by transcription is a good ear, which allows you to clearly understand Russian or foreign speech. In addition, you need the ability to type text on a computer keyboard. Thus, in order to engage in the provision of services for "transcribing" audio or video files, no special skills and knowledge are required, especially when it comes to working with material in one's native language.

The only thing that can prevent you from making money by providing transcription services is slow typing. Remember that speed and skill come with practice quickly.

Audio to Text Transcription: Benefits

This occupation is chosen if there is a need to earn extra money, but there is no opportunity to get a suitable job, and there is also no education. In addition, transcription helps:

  • learn to type faster on the keyboard blindly;
  • develop memory, as you have to memorize large audio fragments for a short time;
  • become more attentive, more diligent, more patient;
  • learn to write well.

Another plus that is inherent in transcription is the ability to work remotely, that is, at a time convenient for you and without the need to travel to work every day, spending money and time on the road. It is the latter circumstance that makes this occupation extremely attractive for mothers on maternity leave and for full-time students.


The main disadvantage of working as a transcriber is the relatively low cost of the service. However, in any case, with a serious approach, you can get good money, given that you do not have to work outside the home.

The disadvantages include the need to sit in one place for a long time and the fact that there is no place for creativity in such an occupation.

Who orders

Transcription of audio to text is usually chosen by those who take interviews, organize conferences, call clients, info business, and so on. At the same time, the quality of audio or video recording by the customer can be both good and very poor quality.

Transcription is required for audio recordings made during:

  • telephone conversations;
  • seminars/webinars;
  • interview;
  • audio podcasts;
  • TV shows.

In addition, there are many people of different professions who find it easier to record thoughts on a voice recorder and then ask the transcriber to turn the audio into an article or book.

What do customers want?

Those who need to transcribe conversations, lectures or other audio into text may have different requirements, depending on the tasks assigned to them.

In the simplest case, you need to print the phrases you hear, breaking the text into sentences, and correctly punctuate.

If a dialogue or conversation of several people is being transcribed, it will be necessary to indicate who is speaking. Usually this is done by putting marks like "first (second) vote", "man", "woman" and others.

If you are interested in making money on transcription, then freelance exchanges are the best place to find work. Almost daily there are orders for translating video and audio files into text.

And a novice freelancer can place ads on the Internet about his services on thematic sites. It's not the fastest way, but you might be able to get clients for permanent work this way. The most important thing is not to write in the ad that you work at a negotiated price. It is better to clearly indicate what services you are ready to provide and their cost.

Over time, you can contact special companies and offer them your services. If you fit them, you will no longer need to look for orders. In addition, in such companies, the rates are usually even higher than the cost of services ordered through freelance exchanges.

How much can you earn?

Without straining, you can transcribe 2 hours of audio per day, even if it is of the poorest quality. At the moment, in the freelance services market, the average price of 1 minute of sound-to-text translation is about 10 rubles.

For large order volumes, experienced transcribers are advised to agree to a lower rate. Eight rubles for 1 minute of audio processing with constant work is quite acceptable. However, orders below this price level should not be taken, since the amount received will not be able to recoup the time spent.

Suppose you have found a regular customer. Then your earnings, even at a price of 8 rubles per minute of transcription, are about 1000 rubles a day if you work only 2 hours. And this is not bad at all, especially for the inhabitants of the province.

What does the price depend on

The cost of an audio transcription order will be higher than usual if:

  • very poor recording quality and interference;
  • you need to "decipher" the conversation of several people, and it is difficult to understand who is speaking;
  • phrases are long and there are terms that are difficult to understand for an uninitiated person;
  • you need to "decipher" the text in a foreign language without or simultaneously with its translation (in the latter case, the payment can be quite high);
  • it is required to arrange the text in a special way (arrange time codes, do other things);
  • need to do the job urgently.

How to avoid becoming a victim of unscrupulous customers

The main risk of transcribing is unscrupulous customers.

Unfortunately, at all times there have been swindlers who want to take advantage of the fruits of someone else's labor for free. Especially a lot of them are divorced on the Internet, where it is easy to “get lost” as soon as a freelancer sends an order.

It is quite difficult to identify such fraudulent customers, as they are extremely courteous and do not make excessive demands. The main sign of a “freeloader” is a high price and a recent registration on a freelance exchange.

The fact is that unfortunate customers like to create accounts for 1-2 fraudulent orders that are never used again. What to do? Work only with those clients who have been on the freelance exchange for a long time, do not hesitate to ask for an advance payment. You can also send the order in parts, with a separate payment for each of them. In some cases, it is better to do the following: the transcriber first sends the customer a screenshot of the resulting text, and the text itself only after receiving payment.

Who suits

First of all, transcription is a good option for beginner freelancers. This type of online earnings is ideal for students and schoolchildren who have nothing else yet. It does not require investments and allows you to quickly start earning.

Transcription programs

Of course, you can get started as a transcriber using any media player and Word text editor. However, as already mentioned, your income will be directly related to the speed of order fulfillment, so it is recommended to use special programs, such as Express Scribe. Although it does not have a Russian version, anyone who has the most primitive skills in working with computer software can deal with the interface.

Key benefits of Express Scribe include:

  • the presence of a field for typing, which eliminates the need to constantly switch between the player window and a text document;
  • the ability to change the speed of playing an audio file;
  • the presence of customizable hot keys that allow you to stop, play and rewind the audio recording.
  • adaptability to work with the Word office editor.

Good results can be achieved using LossPlay. This program, like the previous transcription software, can be downloaded for free. Its advantages are almost the same as those of Express Scribe, but sometimes you have to switch between windows, which is not always convenient.

Now you know what transcription is and understand the features of this

Very often I am asked the question, they say, at what price to transcribe audio or video. The following questions are also regularly raised: “How much does court transcription cost?”, “How much does it cost to take an interview transcript?”, “How much do you translate audio (video) into text?” and other similar questions.

At the same time, people have an ambiguous understanding of the prices for transcription, because on freelance sites, customers offer one price, and on various blogs, experienced transcribers write a completely different price. And if you look at the business card sites of companies specializing in transcription, then you can see sky-high figures at all (their prices simply include the cost of wages for employees of the entire company, taxes and other things).

Now I will try to explain my understanding of this issue, namely at what price it is possible and necessary to deal with decryption.

Different payment methods for decryption

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that there are two types of payment for transcription. The first type is payment for the number of characters typed in the transcription (excluding or including spaces). The second type is payment for the number of minutes in the transcribed recording. Once upon a time, I started my journey into transcription with the first type of payment. Then I was paid 24 Russian rubles for 1800 characters, excluding spaces. Over time, this amount has grown, and regular customers offer 40 rubles or more for the same number of characters.

When choosing the second payment method (for the number of minutes), my lowest threshold is 12 rubles per minute of recording. At the same time, it should be noted that the worse the quality of the recording, the more speakers in it, the higher the price per minute. On average, adequate customers who care about the quality of decryption and the speed of its implementation are willing to pay from 20 rubles per minute. Some of my acquaintances transcribers (at least, according to them) are transcribing at a price of 40 rubles per minute of recording and more.

Summing up a little, we can safely say that various orders on freelance exchanges for decoding an hour-long video file, even for 400 rubles, are an attempt to cash in on inexperienced performers. At the same time, these same customers do not understand all the pitfalls that threaten them in this case. If the performer agrees to transcribe 50 minutes of audio for 100 rubles, then this means two things at once: 1) he is not aware of the true prices for transcription; 2) the work will be done so poorly that it will be easier to redo it than to correct mistakes.

Another way to find out how much transcription costs

There is perhaps the easiest way to find out how much you want and can get paid for transcription. To do this, you just need to make a small calculation: how much time you spend on decrypting a particular file. For example, if it takes you a whole day to make an hour of video or audio, then decide for yourself how much you estimate your working time. I do not think that someone will agree to earn a penny a day, while killing fingers and eyesight.

Hello fellow readers! Now I will tell you another way, thanks to which you can live extremely tolerably in the outback of our homeland and on its outskirts. I will tell you about making money transcribing audio to text.

I will also tell you with the help of what programs this can be done, in general I will give you all the cards, and you will decide for yourself whether you need it or not.

Let's first talk about such a term, probably unknown to you, as transcription. Transcription is the translation of audio text into text, for example, into the same Word. The main task is to turn the audio stream into a logically connected text. There is nothing complicated in this method, the main thing is that you have an ear (not super musical, of course) so that you can distinguish Russian letters and type quickly.

The blind typing method is probably the only skill that will be simply necessary in this work, since clicking on one key is long and dreary, if you are of course a patient person. I, for the information of my readers, decided to master this skill back in my wonderful school years. I didn’t play games, I wanted to develop. Eh, if I had developed in a different direction, I would probably have become Durov ...  Just kidding friends, just kidding!

You don’t need to go for examples, go to the same freelance and see a bunch of powerful performers who are ready, each for their own fee, to print you a text from any audio.

Here are the transcription rates:

I think that there is no need to explain how profitable this type of business can be in the future - transcribing audio to text.

What can be decrypted?

Seminars, teleconferences, teleseminars, transcripts of someone's speeches are suitable for these purposes.

Who is this type of business suitable for?

I don't know, but certainly not for extroverts! An ideal option for those who love unhurried, solitary painstaking work. Now let's calculate the time spent and approximate earnings on audio transcription.

Let's take the case when you are completely involved in this process, that is, you are focused on only one thing. In real life, this is 8-10 hours, with lunch breaks and just a distraction so that the “cuckoo” does not go. Thus, the initial amount of time we have is about 6-7 hours of fruitful work. We multiply it by 60 minutes and get - from 360 to 420 minutes of net labor time. Now multiply this figure by the number of banknotes per minute, as shown in the screenshot above.

What do we end up with? The usual decoding of audio into text will bring us from 5040 rubles to 5880. Excitement from such numbers is already ripening inside, right? It happened to me for example. And now, if you know a foreign language perfectly. Let's count, estimate and rejoice. With a tariff of 54 rubles per minute of transcribing English audio material into text, we can theoretically get - 20,880 (!) Rubles.

Of course, no one will provide you with 6-8 hour recordings. As a rule, they are asked to translate and transcribe in the order of an hour or less or more. Who has what requests, depending on what kind of customer comes across. Either way, you won't be in trouble. Even if you translate a 30-minute seminar into text, you will earn about 500-600 rubles.

For example, one friend (not mine, of course) asked for about 32,000 rubles for decoding a 5-hour file with literary processing

What are you going to do?

The main thing is to learn to listen and hear your customer. What exactly does he need - verbatim transcript or processed. Everywhere has its own nuances and this type of business is no exception. I think you liked the article. I will delight you more than once with interesting developments and observations. Bye everyone and good luck!

In every era there have always been geniuses who stood out for their incredible performance and thirst for discovery. Which left a tangible mark in the development of technology. Which took what lies on the surface and created a well-coordinated actual mechanism that works to this day. Who sensitively saw the direction of development of the prospect one step ahead of everyone else. Who created themselves, after all.

Surprisingly, these are always people from ordinary families without a solid bank account from birth. Remember. He built his first computer in a garage with his friend. Now his technique is in the hands of every second person. Simply brilliant. But behind this is an inquisitive mind and incredible ability to work. Now I propose to plunge into the world of one of these geniuses of our time - Mayor Bloomberg.

Childhood and early years

The future mayor of New York was born in 1942 into a Jewish family with Russian roots as an accountant and secretary-typist. Those times were not easy because of the Second World War. The Bloombergs' wealth has never risen above average. His father, Henry Bloomberg, changed jobs quite often to support his family.

Little Michael from childhood saw a picture of the hard work of his parents and, to help, he began to earn his first money back in his school years. At first, he sold Christmas decorations to save up for a Boy Scout camp. Then he worked part-time in a small electronics store during the holidays. And in his university years, he worked at a gas station to pay for his studies.

School years were spent in the municipal school of Melford, near Boston. The standard curriculum bored him. And Bloomberg's real pleasure came from studying the natural sciences. I even specially went to lectures at the Science Museum in Boston for new knowledge. He was delighted that he could participate in physical experiments and touch everything with his own hands. The lessons he received during such experiments formed his inquisitive mind and thirst for new knowledge.

Michael chose a higher institution to match his hobbies - the Johns Hopkins Institute. He studied as a specialist in electrical engineering, but did not show much enthusiasm. I went with the flow - I went to lectures, listened to teachers, passed all the exams, mainly for the average score. The reason was that he didn't feel like he wanted to be a physicist or an engineer. He was in search of something that would capture his consciousness and point the way forward.

But what Bloomberg really excelled at as a student was communication with people. He discovered leadership qualities in himself and was the organizer of various events and parties, he was the head of the group. Everyone knew him. They turned to him for help. He had an interesting ability to bring people together and focus their attention on a common goal.

So he had an idea where to go to study further. Of course, the Johns Hopkins Institute diploma allowed Michael to find a good job without any problems, but he was attracted by the opportunity to get a master's degree in management. Finally, he groped for the direction where he saw his future. He applied to Harvard Business School.

Two years of study flew by like one day, he eagerly swallowed knowledge in marketing and finance, comprehended accounting, the basics of management and management. The coveted diploma in business administration was in his hands. It remained to collect all your thoughts and decide which path to choose next.

Since it was the time of the Vietnam War, Michael was sure that he would first have to repay his country. But after medical examinations, he was diagnosed with flat feet and was not recommended for military service. Being a very ambitious person, a Harvard graduate turned to all authorities so that he would still be sent to a hot spot. But the situation did not change, and the war ended by that time.

Work inSalomon brothers

At first, Bloomberg did not even understand how to properly dispose of all the knowledge that he now possessed. He was in no hurry to give himself to industrial companies. He became very interested in securities and the work of Wall Street in general. Although at that time this direction was absolutely unpopular, and the name of this street was just a name, and not the largest financial center in the United States, as it is today.

The idea to apply to financial companies Salomon Brothers and Sachs & Co was thrown to him by one of his close friends. It was an unusual move—few Harvard graduates went to work on Wall Street at the time. As expected, Michael was invited for interviews at both companies at once.

He liked the interview with the Salomon Brothers representative so much that he didn't even take into account that the salary at Sachs & Co was higher. Without hesitation, he gave his preference, listening to the dictates of his heart. He carried this style of behavior throughout his life. And he always said that he did not understand people who are engaged in an unloved business and suffer of their own free will. Michael had no idea he was interviewing with company partner William Solomon.

Salomon Brothers differed in style from the rest. Internally, no attention was paid to the number and prestige of employee degrees, as well as academic failure during university years. Abilities and real talents, the ability to achieve goals and negotiate with people were valued. And these qualities, as a rule, are not acquired in educational institutions. They come from upbringing and life experience. And this is worth its weight in gold.

Perhaps it was because of the coincidence of views on working moments that Michael gave his all to this company. He loved her incredibly. There he felt at home.

The company was led by two partners. Bloomberg was the only employee who was the first to arrive at work and the last one to stay up late. Thus, he was able to communicate with both partners every day. He was always there for the first persons of the company and received tasks that some employees could only dream of. Such a strategy very quickly carried him up the career ladder. Michael went from working with bonds to working with coveted stocks in just one year.

The future billionaire worked from dusk to dawn. He firmly believed that only those who worked harder and harder than the rest would succeed. And nothing else. Despite such a busy schedule, he managed to live an ordinary life - he went to parties, went in for sports, enjoyed the moments.

Michael became one of the most popular people in Salomon Brothers. Six years later, he was made a partner in the company. And soon the head of the information technology department. Fifteen years flew by in a flash, but gave Bloomberg so much experience and opportunities that he could not even dream of. Plus, he earned himself a great bank account.

Michael's career at Salomon Brothers ended when Phibro bought it out. The new management turned out to be completely unfamiliar with innovative views on the work process of an ambitious broker. So Michael was fired after 15 years of work with a solid severance pay and a stake in the company.

Leave to become a billionaire

Bloomberg did not grieve and spend his capital on a thoughtless life. He decided to create something completely new, which no one dared to do at that time. This is how the Innovative Market System company was born, which was later renamed Bloomberg LP, now known to the whole world.

He managed to occupy a niche in which there were no competitors so far - to analyze and digitize financial data using a computer.

Michael's main desire was to make a clear structure from a random flow of information for financial companies that does not require special skills to use.

He brought together a team of former employees of Salomon Brothers, and turned his bold ideas into reality. Bloomberg terminals were born, which are now used by almost all financial corporations. Michael turned on his communication skills, developed over the years, and got the first serious client, and part-time investor, Merrill Linch Bank. Fame spread with lightning speed, and soon the Central Bank of America and many less influential ones became Bloomberg LP's clients. Thus began the era of the multi-million dollar empire of the future mayor of New York.

Bloomberg TV

Bloomberg's company developed quite rapidly. Now all the processes were carried out not by a bunch of enthusiasts, but by an impressive team. Michael also resorted to non-standard methods in choosing subordinates - he gave a chance to talented young people who had just finished their studies. Bloomberg himself was actively involved in connecting the terminals with his own hands. Sitting in the executive chair was not his style.

The company gained momentum, the client base grew exponentially. Michael came up with the idea of ​​creating his own financial news portal.

He wanted to get the well-known reporter for The Wall Street Journal, Matthew Winkler, on his team. The task was not easy, but his strategy worked. He turned on his communication superpowers as usual and convinced a journalist to run his Bloomberg News Service. Michael didn't really do anything supernatural, he took current news and analysts and, with the help of Winkler, covered them from a different angle. A few years later, about 700 newspapers collaborated with Bloomberg's company.

The next step in the development for Michael was his radio and television. He bought the station, which later began to inform about finances and the current situation on the securities market.

Television for the billionaire began with a morning program about finances on one of the American channels. Michael was one of the first to introduce computer technologies everywhere, which greatly simplified the process of broadcasting and updating news. Bloomberg Information Television was soon formed, a 24-hour news television that could be watched in all corners of the country within their time zone.

Bloomberg's media business was booming from all directions. Soon he had his own Bloomberg Personal magazine and his own publishing house Bloomberg Press. Each of the services was equipped with the latest developments in computer technology, which is very advantageous from competitors. And brought a fabulous income.

Today, Bloomberg's company is one of the world's major financial information conduits, with about 9,500 employees worldwide.

Political career

Bloomberg has always been crazy about New York and participated in every possible way in the life of the city. In 2001, he had the idea to try his hand at politics, and he ran for mayor. He received support from the former head of the city, Rudolfo Giuliani, who was very respected by New Yorkers after the September 11 attacks.

Michael put forward his candidacy from the Republican Party, although he always considered himself a Democrat. But it was a deliberate move - most of the Americans adhered to the Republican views. He invested more than $70 million of his own money in his election campaign and won with 50% of the vote.

A new chapter in his life began - the mayor of the city of New York.

Bloomberg was very useful skills acquired during the management of his corporation. He has successfully applied delegation of authority and innovation in his political career. Now the officials did not have a chance to "sit out their pants", they were entrusted with a weighty list of duties. Plus, he mixed the workplaces of superiors and subordinates, pulling the first out of the offices and seating them together with the second in the open space. Bloomberg wanted all actions to be done in the open, and there were fewer opportunities to do something illegal.

The results of management for the first term were more than tangible:

  • reduced crime by 20%;
  • introduced a ban on smoking in bars and restaurants;
  • improved performance in schools.

Mayor Bloomberg set himself a $1 salary and lived entirely on his company's earnings. I preferred to travel by metro, and sometimes by bike. Such closeness with the people gave him considerable popularity.

Bloomberg entered his second term with a sensational 20% gap. He invested $ 1 million more of his funds in the election campaign than the first time.

During this period he:

  • reduced unemployment by supporting small businesses by adding new jobs;
  • banned the use of trans fats in food;
  • the city has become cleaner.

As the second period drew to a close, Michael put forward a proposal to increase the possible number of terms the mayor could serve. Justifying this by the fact that he is a unique financial specialist and New York needs it more than ever during the global crisis. It worked and he was supported by the majority of the city council members.

So Bloomberg became mayor for the third time. Before him, not a single politician had ever dared to do this.

His effective hand ruled the city until 2013.


In 2008, Bloomberg's fortune was about $20 billion. According to Forbs, he was the 8th richest person in the United States. The global financial crisis slashed a large part, by about $4 billion, but he remained in the same place in the gradation of the richest Americans.

To date, the fortune of the former mayor of New York is $ 55.4 billion and 11th on the Forbs list.


In addition to indomitable energy and amazing performance, Bloomberg has a truly huge heart. All his good deeds and financial assistance cannot be counted.

He founded Bloomberg Philanthropies, a charitable foundation that has contributed $330 million to communities in need of financial support.

Michael is concerned about the ecological state of the planet. Gives huge funds for research and improvement in the field of health and ecology. With his light hand, the ban on smoking in public places is now in effect in almost every country.

In addition, Bloomberg sponsors the Institute for Cancer Research, which now bears his name too.

In his treasury of worries are also the problems of immigration and weapons. He does not like to throw money away, but he sponsors the solution of really important problems for humanity.

According to Bloomberg, all his money and the company will go to the disposal of his charitable foundation eventually. Every dollar he earns will go towards helping and developing organizations that need it.

Personal life of the head of New York

There is a small fly in the ointment in such a successful story. Unsuccessful marriage of a billionaire.

Bloomberg divorced Susan Brown after 18 years of marriage. Two daughters, Emma and Georgina, born of this union, are actively involved in social activities and have inherited their father's generosity and mercy.

Emma Bloomberg fights poverty in New York neighborhoods and helps develop living conditions for all of America's children.

Georgina Bloomberg has dedicated herself to equestrianism and has made a fortune from winning many championships. In addition, the animal rights activist and philanthropist founded a company that donates clothing to those in need for therapeutic horseback riding programs.

Michael did not remain a lonely billionaire. He connected his life with Diana Taylor. They did not enter into an official marriage. Diana is his faithful companion and support. She can always be seen behind at all important events and events for Michael.

As Bloomberg's life declines, he has found his family's safe haven and is rightfully enjoying his relationship.


“Life is arranged in the following way: every day offers us many, albeit small, but amazing chances.”

"Don't make too many long-term plans."

“We act from day one, others develop planning projects for months.”

“In business, development is the main requirement: either the company grows and develops, or it curtails its activities.”

"A company is the people who work in it."


The world is very lucky that such extraordinary and outstanding people are born. It's amazing how one person with an absolutely standard set of qualities at birth can, with hard work and perseverance, create a billion-dollar empire from scratch.

The valuable contribution that Mayor Bloomberg made to the development of New York, and indeed of all of America, will be included in the history books. And more than one generation will learn from his quotes and the way of business development.

Only one person, but what an example to follow and admire.

Greetings, dear friends. Let's look today at such a way of making money as transcription. * , accessible to most and allows you to earn good money on the Internet.

Transcription - translation into text format of the content of audio and video sources.

Transcription of audio files and videos into text refers to remote freelancing on ( , ).

So, after reading this post, you will find out what it is like to make money on transcription, for whom this method is suitable, where to find a job and what will help in this difficult task.

The essence of the work is to decrypt the content of audio and video files and translate it into a machine text format. In simple words, then you are given a music file or a link to a video on YouTube (read also), and you return to the customer a text file with the content typed from this file or video.

Who pays

The main customers on the market are webmasters or online coaches who need to translate the content of audio and video files into text. Look at how much information is now presented through videos on personal YouTube channels, in correspondence, at conferences and online courses. But on the Internet, the main thing is still text, text and only text. Therefore, every day the volume of work does not fall, but is constantly growing, and now you can take your place in the boat and earn good money.

Just as often, transcription services are used by journalists who record interviews on a dictaphone, but do not have time to reprint the content or are simply lazy.

If now there may be problems with customers at the beginning, then with time and your qualifications, this problem will disappear.

For whom

Earning money by translating audio to text is one of the few ways that almost everyone can earn good money, even teenage students at 12 years old.

You do not need to have special knowledge and skills here, although the touch typing method will greatly simplify your task and increase your income. You will need a computer with Internet access and basic school knowledge of the Russian language, spelling and punctuation.

How much can you earn

The main issue for all performers, of course, remains the issue of money received on hand. Let's see how much they pay for transcription now. The main search for customers today is work-zilla, let's go there.

As we see in this task, you will receive 100 rubles for decoding a 5-minute video. How many such 5 minutes do we have in an hour? 12? If you can process 10 such tasks in a day, you will receive 1000 rubles, and 22,000 rubles a month would have already come out, working only on weekdays with all weekends and holidays.

Not bad, right?

Alas, the harsh reality shows that there are not many such tasty tasks and you will have to fight for them. In the beginning, you will need to work on less attractive orders in order to increase your ranking and build a portfolio. For example, like this:

In this task, we are required to decipher a two-hour webinar for 600 rubles, which is 2 times less than in the previous task.

Pay attention to the execution time. In this task, it is 8 hours to transcribe a 2-hour video, but in the beginning, most likely, you will not have time to fit into such limits. Before undertaking such a task, be sure to agree with the customer on the possibility of increasing the lead time. Usually they go to a meeting.

Of course, there are also very cheap tasks:

In fact, if you see such a task, then do not rush to immediately swear and close the site. This is usually done by inexperienced customers who do not know the rates for translating audio-to-text content. Just open a chat with the customer and agree on a price.

From experience, I can say that now, on average, 600 rubles are paid for 60 minutes. Performers with a high rating charge higher, from 900 rubles per hour of decryption and more. Work, earn a reputation for yourself and you will earn from a thousand rubles a day.

Pros and cons of the method


  • You work for yourself, not for an uncle in an expensive suit;
  • you work in your free time;
  • you work from anywhere in the world, it is possible to combine with the main work;
  • decent wages;
  • the possibility of increasing earnings (referral program, copyright instead of simple text decoding);
  • does not require special skills and knowledge.


  • At the start, small earnings are possible;
  • the presence of competition, not a large number of customers;
  • inconstancy (you can sit for a long time without orders);
  • complexity (poor quality sources come across)
  • sedentary image of work at the monitor (be sure to take breaks to relax the eyes and body)

In general, transcription is a good way to start making real money online. Unlike the same clicks, earnings here are much higher. The worst thing is that there are not so many customers yet. But this is a matter of time, but for now it can be combined with other methods: copyright, rewrite, translation, etc.

What will be required

In order to earn on transcription you will need.

  1. Desire to earn. I think this shouldn't be a problem.
  2. Banish laziness and get rid of chronophages*

    Chronofani are eaters of your free time (games, movies, TV shows, reading entertainment sites and everything that can distract you from work).

  3. Get yourself an e-wallet. It will be required to register on sites for earnings. I would recommend mail from Yandex or Gmail.
  4. Open a virtual wallet where money for completed tasks will come. If you don’t know which one to open yet, then make a WM wallet from WebMoney ().

Working mechanism

  1. Register on the site of your choice.
  2. Activate your account.
  3. Fill out your profile and payment details to withdraw money.
  4. Find a customer, get a task and a source for decoding.
  5. Perform the task, type the text from the source into a text document.
  6. Submit an order
  7. The customer checks it, approves it or sends it back for revision.
  8. Receive money, withdraw it to your e-wallet
  9. Spend online or withdraw for real money.
  10. Everything, you can proceed to the next order.

Tools to help

To facilitate this not easy work, pay attention to these things, they can greatly simplify your work:

  • Microsoft Word or equivalent. This program can check the text for errors and correct them. Of course, it won’t fix everything, but 80-90 percent completely.
  • Service Orfogrammka or its analogues. A chic service that can check spelling, punctuation, grammar, find stylistic and speech errors, suggest correction options, etc. Unfortunately, the spelling itself has recently become paid, but small texts can be checked for free. The cost of one check costs 2 rubles, which is not at all expensive if you have a large amount of work and there will be no time to check it yourself. There are free analogues or the same MS Word.
  • Service Allows you to dictate text and translate it into text format. You can try to use it to decrypt audio files, the main thing is that the quality is good.
  • is an analogue of our foreign-made speechpad. Oddly enough, but copes quite well with the Russian language.
  • is another foreign online service for speech recognition. It uses the Google voice search engine for this and has a smartphone app.
  • - a site for teaching touch typing on the keyboard. After completing the training, you will speed up your typing skill, which will allow you to complete tasks faster.

Programs for converting audio to text

Yes, services that can automatically translate audio to text seem like an attractive solution, but such a service has not yet been ideally invented. All the same, they make mistakes, do not put down punctuation marks, etc. Rewriting such texts is sometimes much more difficult and takes longer. Yes, think for yourself. If such online services existed, then why would the customer pay you money?

Therefore, programmers have created programs that can, if not perfectly translate audio into text, then at least greatly simplify this task for you. Let's take a look at the best of them.

Express Scribe

The most popular job for help in transcribing audio files to text. She herself does not know how to recognize, but she can significantly simplify the work of typewriters*.

A typewriter is a typewriter, typewriter. From English. words Type - a set.

Express Scribe allows you to download an audio file, listen to it at a comfortable speed, and at the same time type in your own text editor. Its editor of the program does not know how to check spelling, but the program integrates with Microsoft Word. There is support for hotkeys, which allows you to quickly switch between operations without touching the mouse.

It has both paid and free versions. Supports Windows and Mac OS


Russian analogue of Express Scribe with the ability to listen not only to audio files, but also to play video. It has a group editing tool if you work not alone, but in a group: typesetter, proofreader, editor, etc. The program is paid and the license costs 640 rubles a year, you can recapture it with one order. Works only on computers running the Windows operating system.

Previously, the program was called Slovomol Editor

Loss Play

In appearance, this is an ordinary audio player like Winamp or AIMP, but it was created with the involvement of professional transcribers and it is sharpened specifically for decoding audio into text. Support for hotkeys and deep integration with Word will help simplify the complex process of translating an audio file into text. You can adjust the playback speed. Can play both audio and video files. Free and has a Russian-language interface


A professional application for Windows that allows you to convert well-read text into a finished text document. The Voco.Professional and Voco.Enterprise versions allow you to convert ready-made audio files into text. Alas, the cost of this program is quite high. Voco.basic will cost you 1,690 rubles, but Voco.Professional is already 13,900. The corporate one costs just under 50 thousand rubles.


A unique tool for converting voice speech to text. Unlike its competitors, this program can not only "listen" to speech, but also follow the movement of the speaker's lips, improving the result of transcribing audio into text. Since August 2016, the authors have been testing a transcription tool where you can upload a file and get a text result. You can try it out at this address. While testing is in progress, you can do this absolutely free. Further, I think it will be paid.

Where to get orders for transcription

Eternal headache - where to take orders? I have selected for you some of the best sites where you can look for customers and offer your services for translating content from audio to text.

Work Zilla

The bulk of customers are located here and it is best to start from here. There are many small orders of 100 rubles, as well as large orders of several thousand

For beginners, I advise you to go here first. Due to small orders, you can quickly gain a reputation and reach a decent income per day.


Today it is the most successful fixed fee freelance exchange. Each kuvorka here costs 500 rubles. Here you are no longer looking for customers, but the customer is looking for performers. Here is an example of one of the performers.

This performer has been on the site for less than a year, and has already completed 104 tasks. Of course, not all of her assignments were for transcription, but they are all related to typing. And of course, it works not only on kwork, but also on other earning sites. This is the question, but is it possible to make money on it. As you can see, yes!

ToDo (exchange closed)

Almost a twin brother of the Kwork site, with a slight difference. Here, performers can set a price for their services and are not limited in the price of one work. You can create a work for 100 rubles in 10 minutes, or you can create 1200 rubles in an hour. Nobody limits you. In popularity inferior to Kwork "y.


MoguZa positions itself as a digital service seller, where performers offer their services for a specific amount. To date, there are 108 audio-to-text translation offers on the site, you can be the 109th.

Yudu is one of the largest services on the Internet to search for performers. Unlike the competitors described above, it specializes in all areas of life, and not just the Internet. Here you can find everything from a toilet cleaner to a spaceship constructor.

There is also a segment for online work in it. Go to and you will have access to a freelance exchange, where you can find customers for transribation.


One of the most popular freelance exchanges in Runet. Here you can find both one-time orders and permanent work.

Alas, there are not many orders here.


The most popular freelance exchange. There are a lot of orders here, but you should go here confident in your abilities and with money in your pocket, or rather, bought by a PRO account. Yes, the transcription here is given by customers only to performers with a paid account.


It will not be superfluous for you to register on the content exchange - Advego. Here, maybe not so often, but nevertheless, interesting orders for transcribing audio and video into text slip through. And if there are no active tasks, then you can earn in other ways, of which there are a lot of (copyright, rewrite, likes, reposts, commenting, creating topics on the forum, etc.)


If you want to find a permanent job with a guaranteed salary, you can try your hand at the Audio Bureau, which specializes in providing services in the field of audio and video services. In the "Jobs" section, you can find job offers as a transcriber of audio recordings and some others.


These are the sites that I would recommend to start making money from transcription. This, of course, is not a complete list, but there are most customers here and there is less chance of stumbling upon scammers and deceit. Many artists open their websites and make money on them by translating the content of audio files into text. Well, or offer their services through social networks.

The first time you need to work on your:

  • reputation
  • Portfolio
  1. Improve the quality and speed of your work. Learn touch typing, use programs to translate audio to text.
  2. Learn a foreign language. Type text from sources in a foreign language. Translation + transcription costs much more.
  3. Look for jobs that require not just translating text from audio into a document, but where you need to comprehend the content and write high-quality copyright.
  4. Use the referral system and bring new performers to the system.
  5. Cooperate. There are orders that need to be completed urgently, but one person simply cannot do it. If you give the customer the fastest possible result, then believe me - he is yours forever. For an hour of voice acting, you can and will earn less for two, but you will also complete tasks twice as much in the same time.

Beware of scammers (updated 05/14/18)

Good luck with your earnings and health!

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