Open a group in contact. The latest step-by-step instructions for creating a group in contact. How to create a menu for a VKontakte group

vk They represent another powerful positioning mechanism, after a personal page, on a social network. The group is created for various purposes:

Whatever the goal of the user or several users, since groups provide the opportunity for collective management of the community, the number of participants and visits to the group " In contact with» directly depend on the active actions of the owner to promote it. But now we will touch on a narrower and more fundamental topic and look at: how to create a group in VC.

Creating a community in vk: step-by-step instructions

Let's move on to the practical part of the story so that we can finally try it once rather than read theoretical verbiage:

Step 1

Open your page " In contact with" For example, it might look like the image below.

Step 2

In the left context menu, select the “” item and click on it with the left mouse button.

Step 3

We get to a page with a list of communities in which you are a member, as well as invitations to various groups from your virtual friends. Here we discover the treasured button, which will open for us new horizons of virtual reality, which, with a rational approach, allow us to constructively change physical reality. And with a destructive approach, you can lose an extra couple of hours on the social network every day. Click on.

And now again, a little theory, and then we will continue with the practical implementation of the task. While we were mindlessly clicking with the goal of creating and creating, we didn’t think: why do we need all this? Well, since our story is useful, then let the group be useful for people. And she will talk about recipes and secrets of cooking wild plants in the style of the “School of Survival”. Now back to the practical part:

Step 4

A pop-up dialog box appeared in front of us, which requires us to select three criteria for the future community at once.
« Name" The hero of “Captain Vrungel” often mentioned this, so let’s approach the issue responsibly and in accordance with the theme of the group. It is all the more important to take into account that, according to the words in the name, this group can then be searched by users of the social network, and with the growth of popularity, by users of search engines. That is, if you do not want to go underground, then choosing a name like “Etollrldyarvydati Gtsbmtva” is not practical. Let’s name the community in accordance with the topics discussed in the theoretical part of the article - “School of Survival: Edible Wild Plants.”

Next you need to select the type of community. " Event“We dismiss it right away, since this is beyond the scope of our research. Let's look at the difference between the points " Group" And " Public page" In terms of functionality, the difference between them is small. The main difference is in the way you attract users. When promoting a public page (public page), it is impossible to invite 40 friends daily using standard mechanisms vk. In this regard, if you plan to use a manual method of attracting participants, then it is more logical to choose a group.

Now click on “ Select a topic" and two options appear: " Community of interests, blog" And " Page, company, store, person" In our case, the first option is optimal and we choose it.

And again appears " Select a topic“- here the choice will be wider. Suitable for survival school " Tourism, travel" In the end, everything looks like this, as shown below.

Step 5

After this we get to the next page with settings.
Here you need to fill in the following fields:

  • « Community Description"(welcoming speech to group members and positioning of the community);
  • « Group type"(open - everyone can join, closed - they can join after the application is approved by the administrator, private - they can join only at the invitation of the group owner);
  • « Community Cover"(click " Download" and select a thematic picture);
  • « page address"(you can leave a set of numbers or enter any name from the unoccupied ones in Latin).

Additional information can be filled in as desired. Click Save and you will be taken to the profile of a ready-made personal community.

Now you can move on to posting interesting and educational posts, creating discussions that provoke communication between group members and guests, inviting group members to avoid monologues, and exploring a lot of additional settings.

Building a community using your smartphone

Above we looked at how to create a group in VC on a computer or laptop. However, today more and more people are switching to using mobile devices in everyday life - tablets and smartphones running on the Android, iOS or analog operating systems. To optimize the operation of mobile operating systems, developers offer special offers in which a number of functions are limited or simplified for use on the corresponding gadgets. In this regard, it is important to separately consider how to independently create a group in VC via phone. There are no striking differences in this matter and are noted only in the replacement of the button with the sign “ + ", located in the upper right corner of the interface.

Community Building: Additional Resources

If the option for instructions on how to make a group " In contact with", described in the first section, seems more adequate and convenient to you, then you can adapt it for use on a mobile device. To do this, just log into the social network " In contact with", without using the mobile application vk, but using a standard firewall installed on a smartphone or tablet or downloaded from the Internet.


This article discussed how to create a group in vk. Step-by-step instructions for its formation were provided. Now you know how to create a group " In contact with", and it's time to create.

Video on the topic

Consider drawing up an agreement between group members. It's hard to get four or five musicians to agree on everything. One member who is unable to perform or participate in rehearsals can ruin the entire team. Such a “contract” will help protect the name, money, songwriting, equipment, etc. , if someone leaves the group.

  • Resolving this issue now will help avoid quarrels in the future. Remember that group members may not like it. Therefore, make sure they agree before drawing up a contract.
  • Ask an impartial party to help draft the contract (or get templates from the Internet). If one member of the group writes the contract, it will appear as if he has more power than the others.

Find a rehearsal location. Will it be a basement? Or a garage? Will you store all your tools there? Get permission from the owner of the space you and your band have chosen for rehearsals.

Rehearse! To become a good band, you need time and effort. Rehearsals also ensure that you and your bandmates develop rapport. Additionally, recording time is expensive. The better you rehearse, the faster you can get into a studio. As a musician, you probably don't have a lot of money.

  • A good work ethic is important for success. If someone is unwilling to rehearse, they can become dead weight that needs to be dropped. Make your rehearsals regular - the band should be a priority if you are serious about it.
  • Start writing songs. Write as many songs as possible without sacrificing quality for quantity. Remember that if you want to headline a concert, your repertoire must consist of at least 11-12 songs to fit within the allotted time.

    • The opening band should have 4-5 songs, so have 5 good songs ready to open for the more established bands at first.
    • You may want to register the copyright of your songs. You can do this on the website . It's a pretty simple process. All you need to do is fill out the application and sign the contract.
  • Select a group name. You can choose a name that has deep meaning or one that just sounds cool. Usually all members of the group decide together what to call it. It is best to choose short and concise names; they are easier to remember. This is called creating a brand for yourself! Another tip is to avoid using names that are already trademarked. Unless you want to become a group praising a product.

    Greetings, dear readers. Social networks have long been part of our lives, so it is simply vital for all owners of absolutely any business, both traditional and remote, to run them in order to be successful, so today we will talk about how to create a group in VK.

    VKontakte, despite the growth of Odnoklassniki and Facebook, and even despite Instagram, remains the leader in promotion, there is a simple explanation for this.

    Benefits of social VKontakte networks:

    • Different audience segments.

    We know that in OK the main audience is women over 30 years old, mainly from the regions, on FB - the most affluent audience, on Instagram - advanced youth. VK has all these segments from children to bankers.

    • Habit of buying online.

    VK people have developed an understanding of online shopping, they are happy to buy goods without leaving their favorite social network. networks, this is the so-called autonomous trading, i.e. when we do not transfer a person to external sites.

    So, we need to sell through social media. VKontakte network, what needs to be done for this?

    There are 2 vectors of promotion through VK:

    1. Creation and promotion of your community.
    2. Purchase of advertising in existing ones.

    We will consider both options, and today we will talk about the first.

    Many people here have a question: how many of them to create: one or several?

    How many communities to create for business?

    In some cases you need to create one thing, in others you need to create several different ones, everything here is individual and depends on your business.

    Most often, for one business it is still better to create one group or public page; we will analyze which one is better to choose further. For example, if you have a travel agency, then you do not need to create several communities for different tours, for example, “Tours to Egypt”, “Tours to Bulgaria”, etc., because their promotion will not be as effective as if it were there was one community.

    It is necessary to create several communities in the following cases:

    • Different audiences.

    If your product is consumed by different audiences, for example, if several businesses operate under your brand, it is a mistake to create one community like “Cargo transportation in Perm and cheap abstracts.”

    In this case, you need to create separate communities, because these are completely different offers for different audiences and different content is needed here.

    If a subscriber receives more than 40% of the content that does not correspond to his interests, then he will leave such a community.

    • Bilingual business.

    If you have interests, for example, not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries, then you cannot maintain one community in different languages.

    • Differences between offers in different regions.

    For example, Internet providers do this, since their tariffs differ in different cities.

    • Very intense marketing policy.

    For example, the Wildberries store, it has many subscribers, the store has a lot of activity, is advertised, in this case you can highlight different directions, they do just that, they have a common community, there is a separate public for selling household goods and a group with children's goods , there is also a division by country (Belarus, Kazakhstan), etc.

    The more targeted information a subscriber receives, the higher the likelihood that he will take the action we are targeting.

    When we have decided on the required number of communities to develop your business, we proceed directly to its creation.

    How to create a group on VKontakte step by step?

    Step 1. Go to your VKontakte page, select “Groups” in the left menu and click the “Create Community” button.

    The following window appears.

    Step 2. Let's come up with a name.

    I advise you to choose a concise and memorable name that will attract attention and reveal the essence of the group itself. In the next article I will talk in detail about how to choose the right name, and you can adjust it.

    Step 3. Select the type of community.

    What to choose a group, public page or event? Today, the difference between them is becoming less noticeable; the first, second and third formats have their advantages.

    Below is a table that shows the differences between the different formats.

    Possibilities Group Public page Event
    Participants write on the wall No

    It is possible to disable this feature

    Participants can “suggest news” to the communityNo No
    Participants can add new photo albums, videos, audio recordings, documents

    It is possible to disable this feature


    It is possible to disable this feature

    Restricting access to community materials

    It can be configured so that anyone can join, so that they can join only by invitation or by submitting an application, and only by invitation of managers


    Can be configured so that all users or only those invited by the administrator can participate

    Block with products, which is displayed on the main page of the communityEatEatNo
    Event start and end timeNoNo

    This format is really only suitable for some meetings; a reminder about the event appears the day before the start

    Display on participants' personal pages

    The list of groups is displayed in personal information only if the participant has not hidden it with privacy settings; in any case, no one views it

    If a participant often visits your public, then he appears in the top 5 in the “Interesting Pages” block, the page’s avatar is visible there and there is a greater chance that one of his friends will see your community and enter it

    The list of events is displayed in personal information only if the participant has not hidden it with privacy settings; in any case, no one views it

    Community Invitations

    You can invite 40 friends per day


    You can invite members of your communities up to 5000 per day

    Think and choose what best suits your business: a group or a public page. Here, of course, it would be a mistake to create a public page like “Effective treatment of hemorrhoids,” because not everyone wants this to be displayed on their personal page; in this case, you need to create a group.

    My advice is to create a group at the initial stage, so you can invite your friends to it, and when all those who want to join, you can transfer the group to a public page. The creator of a community can change its type independently, without resorting to requests in technical support. support if the number of participants does not exceed 10,000. Just as in the case of transferring a public to a group, changing the community type is allowed no more than once a month.

    Step 4. Click the “Create Community” button.

    Your VKontakte group has been created and you are in the “Edit Information” menu.

    Group settings

    • Name- we already have it.
    • Community Description— here we write a description of the group, indicating what it does.
    • page address— we change the address to a more beautiful one than the default set of numbers, it is advisable to make it as short as possible so that subscribers can easily remember it and find you.
    • Community Topics— select the most suitable topic from the list and indicate age restrictions.
    • Web site— enter the address of your website, it will be displayed on the main page of the group.
    • Comment filter— automatically deletes comments containing obscenities or words you specify.
    • Location— we indicate the address if you have an office or you have a regional group, or you want to promote a product in a certain city, for example, if you have a store or do manicures at home.
    • Room in Snapster— indicate if it exists (photos similar to Instagram are shared there).
    • Community Posts— if necessary, we connect community messages. This is a very convenient thing, messages are addressed directly to the community, and all managers can respond to them. The subscriber does not need to look for the group administrator, who often hides himself from the contact block, in order to ask a question. And administrators will not get confused about which of their several communities the question is asked. To immediately see on your personal page that the community has received a message, you need to add your group to the left menu.

    Next, we enable the functions that you will need and configure access for them (who can add and edit: editors and administrators or all community members). I think that there will be no problems with setting up privacy, especially since VKontakte prompts pop up.

    I do not recommend disabling participants’ ability to comment and show all sorts of activity in albums and other things, and even more so in discussions, because the higher the audience activity, the faster your group moves. If someone sends spam or behaves inappropriately, then the blacklist will help you.

    Let me just explain what materials are. We need them if we want the “Latest News” block to appear on the main page of the group, which is a wiki page; the name of the block can be changed and the page edited as you please.

    If you have an online store, then connect “Products”, then cards with the products you created will be displayed on the main page of the community.

    Congratulations, you now have your own VKontakte community, the next thing you need to do is to create it.

    If something is unclear to you and you still have questions, please ask them in the comments, I will be glad to answer them. Also subscribe to blog news so you don't miss new articles.

    From this article you will learn how to create a group on VK in 2019 and configure it correctly. In particular, select the type of community, the name of the group, set up the main sections, fill out the description, put a memorable community avatar, upload a beautiful cover, and so on. If you are a beginner and are just starting to figure out how to work VKontakte, this step-by-step manual will be especially useful for you.

    Advantages and capabilities of the VKontakte group:

    1. Fast Creation. After reading the article to the end, you will understand that creating a group takes 10-15 minutes.
    2. For free. You can create a VKonakte group absolutely free, and with proper promotion, it can be compared in effectiveness to a landing page or website.
    3. Easily use. Most of the actions related to business promotion in VK are intuitive and simple.
    4. A lot of information. There are many articles and videos on the Internet about the work of VKontakte: promotion, monetization, etc.
    5. The biggest Russian-speaking audience of all ages - among them there are definitely your clients.

    How to create a group on VK: step by step

    Step 1:

    Community creation

    So, we already have a personal page and we need to create a group on VK so that we can place all advertising materials there and not spam our account. On the left side of the menu, click on the “Groups” tab. A page will open that shows what groups we are in. At the top, click “Create a community.”

    Step 2:

    Choosing a community type

    As you can see, VKontakte itself explains for what purposes this or that type of group is suitable. Choose what suits you. And don’t be afraid, if necessary, the community type can be changed at any time in the settings.

    Step 3:

    Next, another pop-up window appears, where, depending on the selected type of community, we will need to write a name, indicate a category or topic, whether it will be an open or closed community, add a link to the site and physical address ( if there is one).

    In field group name enter the name of the group. How to name a VKontakte group?

    • Use the name of the company or brand.
    • First name or last name for a personal blog.
    • A keyword by which potential clients may search for you.

    For example, if you are engaged in repairs in Moscow, then it is better to name the group [ Repair in Moscow] and write the name of the company or brand through a dash or vertical slash. Finally, click on the “Create Community” button and go to the page of the new group.

    This is what the newly created group looks like. All that remains is to set it up and fill it.

    How to set up a group on VK

    Step 4:


    A VKontakte group avatar is an icon that is displayed next to the group’s posts in the news feed. To install it, click “Upload photo” in the upper right corner.

    Recommended avatar size 200x200 pixels. Try to ensure that the picture chosen as your avatar is bright, concise and memorable. This will help followers differentiate your group's posts from others. After loading, VKontakte will first offer to crop the main image, and then adjust the thumbnail.

    Step 5:

    To continue setting up the group, click on “Manage” directly under the newly installed avatar.

    Next, fill in the basic information about the group; this is what users who land on your page will see. In the description of the community we write what the group is about, for companies we list a list of services or goods, write (your advantages).

    Here we can make the group closed or open ( better to make it open), put a nice page address and upload a community cover.

    Step 6:

    Recently, beautiful covers can be added to VKontakte groups, with basic information about the group and additional indicators. For example, like our group :

    To add such a cover, you need to go to the community settings, click “Upload”, select a pre-prepared picture on your PC (1590 by 400 pixels in JPG, GIF or PNG format) and click “Save”.

    To ensure that the cover displays correctly on tablets and mobile devices, it is better to place text and other important elements in the center.

    Step 7:

    At this point in the settings of your new VKontakte group, you need to enable or disable certain sections. We recommend disabling sections that you do not intend to use.

    You can also configure the access level for all sections: open or limited. This affects who can add content to these sections. Open- can add everything, limited- only community administrators and editors.

    Here you can turn on products, set the main and secondary blocks. This is what will be shown first when visiting a group, by default the group description or is shown at the top.

    These are the basic settings that need to be made after creating a group. At your discretion, you can set up a comment filter, add links, enable messages, connect additional applications, etc.

    How to fill a newly created group

    To add the first entry on behalf of the group, click in the empty field where the inscription “Add entry” looms temptingly. If next to the entry field the avatar of your personal page is lit, then click on the arrow at the bottom right and select “On behalf of the community” so that the entry can be seen by those who are subscribed to the group.

    How to create a group discussion

    Create discussions where users can leave reviews, discuss topical issues, share their vision, opinions, etc.

    In order to create a new discussion, you must first enable them. Go to the group settings and go to the “Sections” tab. Choose one of the options:

    • open— everyone can create and delete discussions;
    • limited— only community administrators can create new discussions.

    After that, return to the main page of your group and under the main photos, click “Add discussion”.

    Group album and photos

    Turn on the Photos section in Settings and create a group album. Post only real photos! This will help build trust. Click “Add photos” in the lower right menu of the group and upload them from your device.

    The photos you add will be uploaded to the group's main album.

    Also on the right you can find the “Photo Albums” tab and add a new photo album calling it, for example, “Repair of one-room apartments.” This way you will divide all the photos into separate categories for the convenience of users.

    How to add products to a group

    Another advantage of VK is the opportunity to create and develop an online store based on social media. networks. To do this, go to the “Section” tab in the settings again and turn on "Goods".

    Settings will open in which you need to specify:

    • city where your store operates;
    • enable or disable comments on products;
    • choose the monetary unit in which the cost of goods will be measured (ruble, tenge, euro, dollar or Belarusian ruble);
    • configure where purchase requests will be sent: in community messages or in personal messages to administrators;
    • store description.

    Then you can add product cards on the community home page.

    You need to fill out the product card as follows:

    • category— select the category to which the product belongs, or if there are no suitable ones, put “Other”;
    • product name and description— write the name of the product, a short description and its characteristics;
    • photos product - you can upload different color options, as well as photos from different angles;
    • price- the price of the product or service being sold.

    If a product is out of stock, it is not necessary to remove it from the display and then add it again, just check the “Product unavailable” mark.

    How to make a group interesting?

    To make your group interesting, you need to make an effort and follow a few simple rules.

    1. Create quality content. Do not constantly publish posts with the content “Buy, order, call” and so on. There should be selling posts, but in moderation.
    2. The time when you could post cats and demotivators is long gone. Therefore, first, think carefully about what might be interesting to your target audience.
    3. Be consistent. Don't abandon the group and publish 1-2 posts a day.
    4. Do polls on the topic of what content your subscribers would like to see.
    5. Publish real photos office, store, warehouse, your workplace and yourself.

    Conclusion. Well, now we have figured out how to create a group on VK, set it up correctly, add photos and the first entry.

    Write in the comments the address of the group you created following our guide! Let's see who did better

    Have you decided to find new friends via the Internet, like-minded people in business or a hobby through the community on the VKontakte social network, but you don’t know at all how to create a VKontakte group? If you think that creating a group in a contact is a very complicated procedure, then I can assure you that you are mistaken.

    To make sure of this, let's look at this issue using an example.

    So, first you need to go to your contact page. In the vertical list on the right, select “My Groups”.

    Now look at the top right side of the page. Click on the line “Create a community”.

    In the window that opens to create a community, you need to enter its name. Name it so that a visitor to your group immediately understands what useful information he will find here.

    Confirm your previous actions by clicking the “Create Community” button.

    Your group has been created. You will be automatically redirected to the Information tab for your group. Here you can change the “Page Address” so that you and your participants do not remember unclear numbers, and make the link readable. The newly created group was created for humor, which means you can change the link, for example to:

    Write a description for your group and indicate the topic. If you have a website dedicated to the topic of this group, then it makes sense to also indicate it in your group.

    I won’t explain further settings, I think you’ll understand.

    Now select a picture that matches the theme of our group so that it is immediately visually clear what our group is about.

    To do this, find the phrase “Upload photo” in the upper right corner and click on it.

    A window will appear in front of you where you click “Select file”. The picture must be in the required format: JPG, GIF or PNG.

    Specify the desired image and click “Open”. A window will open in which you can select only part of the photo using a frame. Next, click “Save and Continue” (You will need a square-shaped photo, otherwise part of the photo will be cropped).

    If the photo does not load, it means that its size is too large or it does not have the correct extension - this photo needs to be reduced or select another one.

    Once again a window will appear in which we indicate the area for small photos and click “Save changes”.

    Having filled in all the information, you can now invite participants. Under the main photo, find the “Invite friends” item, click on it. To add participants to the group, opposite your friends, click on the phrase “Send an invitation.”

    To add discussions, photos or audio recordings to the group, select “Add” on the group wall. To download links, videos and documents, look at the bottom right of the page.

    Congratulations, now you know how to create a group in VKontakte.

    See you soon!

    Watch the video on creating a group in contact:

  • Share with friends or save for yourself:
