A hole for creating things with infinite parameters. Enchanting Awakened - description of Skyrim enchantment mod without restrictions

I like Skyrim for its balance in relation to crafting skills. After playing the game through and through, I tried to create things with maximum characteristics. Alchemy, enchantment and blacksmithing are connected so organically that it is impossible to create super-things. Or rather, it didn’t work out until the hole associated with the recovery skill was found. I will write about this hole in order.

There are no items that increase enchanting skill at all. Potions with + to enchantment are weak, and the recursive “enchantment of the alchemy set - brewing a potion with + to enchantment” ends at +32% to the skill. With this potion you get a +28% enchantment to your alchemy skill.

I play as an archer. With this set, I was able to brew a potion for +130% to blacksmithing and forge a bow for 250 damage + 4 items for +47% to archery, for a total of about 600 damage. However, on the forums they write about 1300. Where from?

A campaign was made for Falmer helmets and with it we got an alchemy set of 5 items, not 4, but this added quite a bit - potions +32% to enchantment and +147% to blacksmithing, a set to +29 % to alchemy and +48% to archery. That was the end of it.

The required 1300 did not work out, and then the suspicion crept in that another skill that I had not leveled up was affecting it. It was found after comparing all the parameters. It turned out to be the recovery skill.

Those. the recovery skill affects the parameters of enchanted items. Moreover, it influences to a dominant extent and enters into recursion. So after this leveling becomes uninteresting.

We brew a potion with + to the recovery skill, drink it, take off the armor, put it on again (a new bonus is drawn on it), brew the next one, and so on. After 3 iterations I got the following potion:

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

The following potion for blacksmithing was brewed with him:

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

And the following items were enchanted:

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

A hole for creating things with infinite parameters

This is the hole in the game. Yes, it's a bug. Not that it’s an obvious mistake like with the ogma infinium (which is the infinium of skills in the literal sense :)). It’s just that the crafting skills were balanced, and the recovery was forgotten, and it can be screwed up indefinitely. By the way, another question is why it affects enchanted objects at all.

What do you think is the best craft in Skyrim? Blacksmith craft? Maybe sketching? Of course it's enchantment.
An enchantment leveled up to 100 opens up the ability to enchant your armor and weapons in such a way that any enemy on legendary difficulty will be no stronger for you than an ordinary wolf. Moreover, the choice of armor and weapons is completely free; you can even do this with ordinary clothes.
So. When the enchantment is pumped up to 100, we have a perk that allows us to apply two different enchantments to one thing using only one soul stone. Obviously, for enchanting it is best to use the Great Soul Stone.
You can buy these stones from court magicians in the domains of Skyrim, or at the College of Winterhold, or you can also find them by chance. Well, or at worst, take empty VKDs and, armed with the Soul Capture spell and a well-sharpened sword, go hunt mammoths whose large, or rather great, souls will fill the empty VKDs.
For complete happiness we need five EVAs. Before enchanting armor and weapons, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to drink the Enchanter’s Elixir.
Start with a weapon, it is better if it is a two-handed weapon, but in general it is a matter of taste. Apply the following enchantments to weapons:
1) Health Absorption
2) Absorption of reserve strength
When choosing the effectiveness of these enchantments, set the slider to maximum, and do not be afraid that the weapon’s charge will quickly deplete, this will be discussed below.
We've sorted out the weapons, now let's talk about enchanting the armor, rings and necklaces. The enchantment should be like this:
Ring and Necklace - Enchantment to increase damage from the type of weapon you own and increase the skill: Destruction.
Helmet - skill increase: Destruction. The second effect is at your discretion, the second can be omitted at all.
Armor - skill increase: Destruction, Second effect as with a helmet, put what you want.
Gloves are an enchantment to increase damage from the type of weapon you own; the second enchantment can be used to increase the skill: blacksmithing, but that’s up to you to decide.
Boots - enchantment to increase damage from your weapon type. The second is to increase protection from any element. Fire, cold or lightning. Enchant depending on your needs.
What we have:
Thanks to the armor, ring and necklace, your weapon deals massive damage thanks to the damage enchantment, and has an endless magical charge that drains your enemies of health and stamina thanks to the enchantment to increase the skill: Destruction. In fact, you become an invulnerable and tireless warrior. You can become almost completely invulnerable to dragon attacks if you also have an item enchanted to protect against the elements. Such an item could be a cloak from the Skyrim Cloaks mod, which you can find on your own on the Internet.
This enchantment is also suitable for those who want to change their fighting style, and instead of swinging a sword, throw fire and lightning at enemies; when using magic from the school of Destruction, mana will not be consumed.
Upgrading enchantment is quite simple. Take the Witchcraft School Adept perk as early as possible. You can do this by purchasing the Summon Pet spell and use it whenever possible. We need the adept perk to use the Soul Capture spell without spending much mana in the first time of the game. Wherever you find merchants, buy empty soul stones from them and fill them with the souls of wild animals, of which there are a lot in Skyrim. After a couple of hours of wandering around Skyrim, you will have quite a lot of soul stones; tiny soul stones will also work for leveling up enchantment. Then we go to the forge, forge rings, the bigger the better, and go to the enchantment table and enchant all the rings. It doesn’t matter what kind of enchantment you make, the main thing for us is to enchant these rings, then sell these enchanted rings, you won’t need them.
Break enchanted rings, necklaces, armor and weapons on the enchantment table to unlock new enchantment effects; breaking enchanted items will also increase your enchantment skill.
This is my first guide, and most likely my last. I hope this will be useful to someone.

Welcome to Enchanting Awakened!

The mod is a complete rethink of Skyrim's enchantment system, in an attempt to make it more impressive, balanced, and better fit into the game universe.

Tired of enchanting not being a very useful skill and not encouraging the player to level it up again? Tired of making another thousand enchanted daggers for leveling up, the sale of which will significantly undermine the economic component of your progress through the game? Have you tried other mods that change enchantment, but none of them appealed to you? Then welcome, wanderer, here is your refuge.

Brief list of features

  • Choose from three enchanting styles - Ether, Chaos, or Life - each with a unique style and designed to enhance replayability and make it fun to re-level enchantments across characters. Each of the three styles has its own unique bonuses.
  • Gain enchanter experience while catching souls, unlock special “entity” perks that add impressive new capabilities to soul catching. Soul Capture will now be a fundamental element of enchantment, as described in the Skyrim universe. Progressing through the perk tree is now necessary to create more powerful enchantments, capture greater souls, and increase the number of charges on enchanted weapons.
  • The enchantment mechanics have been completely reworked: the cost of crafted items has been reduced, the effects and power of enchantments have been redone, the magical effects of enchantments now scale independently of each other - some of them (for example, the effects of restoration and increase in carried weight) will grow much faster and reach more powerful values than in the original game.
  • Experience the Skyrim you've come to love - every major aspect of enchantment has been carefully designed to deepen and enhance the gaming experience, while avoiding too many changes that might ruin the experience.
  • Enjoy extensive options that allow you to customize the strength of all enchantments to suit your tastes and your character, as well as a special character development control system that will continue to operate even if skill level exceeds 100 (for those players who use mods like Skyrim Community Uncapper) .
  • Compatible with SkyRe, Requiem, SPERG, ACE and many other mods!

Enchanting Awakened – perk tree

(note: bonuses from individual perks are multiplied by each other).

Three main schools of enchantment

Channel the incredible power of the stars to discover the secrets of limitless energy and release magical powers. The elusive ether is your guide, the invisible connections of the energies of entities and souls are your domain. Manipulate light, darkness, sound and reality itself, terrifying your enemies with invisible and unimaginable powers.

- School Enchantments -


  • Health Absorption
  • Muting footsteps


  • Exile
  • Electrical Damage
  • Magic Damage
  • Absorbing Magic
  • Skill Upgrade: Illusions
  • Skill Upgrade: Conjuration
  • Skill Upgrade: Shooting
  • Magic Resistance
  • Electricity Resistance
  • Solitude's Respite**
  • Magic Increase
  • Magic Regeneration
  • Skill Upgrade: Stealth
  • Skill Upgrade: Hacking

* Requires the Ethereal Wanderer perk.

** Enchantment on the Solitude shield.

Harness the forces of Chaos on your journeys to warp souls, unleashing unimaginable power. You prefer destruction to anything else, and will do anything to bring the entire world to its knees. Steal, poison and deceive your enemies, and crush them with a powerful and furious stream of fire that is unattainable for other enchanters.

- School Enchantments -


  • Absorbing Stamina
  • Increased movement speed


  • Fear
  • Fire Damage
  • Chaotic Damage
  • Silent Moons
  • Fire Soul Trap
  • Skill Upgrade: Destruction
  • Skill Upgrade: One-Handed Weapon
  • Skill Upgrade: Two-Handed Weapon
  • Skill Upgrade: Light Armor
  • Skill Upgrade: Pickpocketing
  • Skill Upgrade: Speech
  • Skill Upgrade: Alchemy
  • Increased melee damage

* Requires the Master of Chaos perk.

Achieve perfect balance between your body and spirit, becoming an impregnable fortress that stores the energy of the soul. Strengthen yourself and restore the true purity of the world with your powerful will, achieve complete harmony in your body, and condemn everyone who spreads vices and evil in this world.

- School Enchantments -


  • Paralysis
  • Water breathing


  • Repelling the Undead
  • Cold Damage
  • Damage to Stamina
  • Hunter's Mastery
  • Serrated Pickaxe
  • Skill Upgrade: Recovery
  • Skill Upgrade: Change
  • Skill Upgrade: Blacksmithing
  • Cold Resistance
  • Disease resistance
  • Poison Resistance
  • Increasing weight tolerance
  • Health Regeneration
  • Stamina regeneration
  • Skill Upgrade: Blocking
  • Skill Upgrade: Heavy Armor

* Requires the Guardian of Life perk.

Entity Perks

Soul capture is woven heavily into the lore of enchanting in Skyrim, and the entity perks in Enchanting Awakened are designed to increase the importance of soul capture in the enchanting system as a whole. Each entity perk is a unique interweaving of two schools of enchantment, having a profound impact on how characters of different playstyles capture souls.

Will you follow the path of Chaos, recklessly capturing many souls and hastily turning them into various enchantments, with little regard for using the souls themselves most effectively?

Will you choose the respected path of Life, completely avoiding the capture of human souls and taking special care to capture the souls of animals as a tribute to your respect for the forces of nature?

Or will you choose the path of the Aether, absorbing as much soul energy as possible, taking pride in the fact that you can command them, and not worrying too much about the methods used to enslave victims?

Essence Exchange

Life | Chaos

You gain additional essence when capturing a soul, which will allow you to fill larger soul gems - but there is a risk of failure. Killing blows to creatures now recharges your weapon. As your enchanting skill increases, the benefits increase and the risks decrease.

Enchantment Skill A chance to be patient
Chance to capture
add. essence
35 6,40% 3%
40 6,00% 7%
60 4,50% 16%
80 3,20% 24%
100 2,10% 33%
120 1,20% 42%
140 0,80% 50%
160 0,80% 59%
180 0,80% 67%

Weapon charge gained = enchanting skill * 0.12 (i.e. 12% at 100 skill).

Entity Management

Ether | Life

Now you are able to masterfully control the energy of souls. Soul Gems return 2/3 more charge to weapons, recharging them more efficiently. You have learned to absorb long-lasting abilities and resist damage from enchanted weapons.

Possible absorption abilities

(each is valid for 1-7 game days)

  • The power of a feather
  • Increases carry weight and movement speed.

  • Dissonance
  • Reduces stun, chance of spell absorption, health regeneration.

  • Essence fracture
  • Reduces the cost of attacks and spells, accelerates the regeneration of magic and stamina.

  • Understanding the essence
  • All skills grow faster.

  • Battle cry
  • The time between Shouts has been reduced.

  • Beach shower

If the soul gem filled before the ability was completely absorbed, then it will be weaker.

Resistance: base is 30%, 45% with enchantment skill 75, 60% with enchantment skill 100+.

Entity's Retribution

Chaos | Ether

You have learned the dark art of capturing human souls. Killing hits on people steals a small amount of soul, recharging your weapon. When capturing a soul, there is a chance to absorb excess energy, receiving short but powerful magical effects.

Possible magical effects

(each lasts 1-3 minutes)

  • The future is moving away
  • Time slows down by half.
  • Flash of Fury
  • Increases movement and attack speed.
  • Balance of Essence
  • Magic and stamina are restored five times faster.
  • Beat of life
  • Triple health regeneration, life detection.
  • Scaly skin
  • Reflects 50% damage, health regeneration.
  • Protection stage
  • Increases health reserves, reduces damage taken by 20%.
  • Bulwark of Essence
  • Stagger resistance, spell absorption, health regeneration.
  • Destroyer of Souls
  • All enemies you attack are sentenced to death.

This perk is REQUIRED for capturing human souls.

Weapon charge gained = 0.035 * enchantment skill (i.e. 3.5% at 100 skill).

Chance of getting a beneficial effect = (enchantment skill - 25) / 40 (i.e. 1.9% with skill 100). The smaller the soul size of a creature, the lower this chance.

What else do you need to know about fashion?

Extended list of features and fixes:
  • All previously obtained perks in the enchanting skill will be automatically reset after installing the mod., perk points will be returned to your character (applicable to the original game, SPERG, SkyRe and Requiem).
  • The effects of increasing magicka and regeneration speed have been completely redone, the bonus scales according to your enchantment skill value. This will allow you to get much higher performance at later levels. Unfortunately, the exact percentage values ​​cannot be displayed in the description of things, but you can see them in the active magic effects tab, or you can activate the display of the corresponding notification with a description of the effect in the settings.
  • The Enhance Trade enchantment has been replaced by the Increase Speech enchantment.. Instead of simply increasing selling prices, the new enchantment affects everything related to speech - prices, persuasion, and intimidation.
  • Added a new enchantment - increased speed. It increases movement speed by approximately 30-70%, depending on the enchantment skill. This additional enchantment was added to balance out the Chaos school relative to the other two, and I couldn't decide which enchantment to make exclusive to the Chaos school. I plan to add one or two more unique enchantments in future versions (and that will be the Aether school).
  • Completely rewritten soul capture script integrated into the mod: Now, with the exception of Azura's Star, soul gems will not fill with smaller souls. Black Soul Stones and Azura's Black Star will only capture human souls. In addition, your companions will now also be able to capture souls - just give them soul stones and weapons with the appropriate effect.
  • An optional module for adjusting the range of soul stones, which is highly recommended to be activated. A function is available in MSM that changes the assortment of soul stones at merchants; when activated, filled soul stones will be found on sale 80% less often.
  • Most enchantment effects now scale independently of each other, instead of simply tripling the effects like in the original game. Some effects increase more slowly, others faster and have a higher maximum threshold. This should keep all enchantments valuable even at high levels.
  • The power of some enchantments has been reduced. This is done to prevent imbalances and eliminate excessive gameplay indulgences, such as the ability to reduce the cost of casting spells to zero (now impossible with the default settings), or the use of the alchemy-enchanting-smithing cycle to obtain super-powerful items.
  • Enchanted weapons initially have fewer charges. This reflects your enchanting skill and will make you more responsible when capturing souls. The chosen specialization will affect how many charges you can give to your weapon in the future. Disciples of Chaos will find themselves draining charge the fastest, but they have the widest range of attack effects. Skilled enchanters will be able to imbue weapons with a large charge.
  • You will not be able to use enchanted items until you receive the appropriate perks. Weapon enchantments simply will not affect enemies, armor enchantments will only affect you for a few seconds. You can access almost all enchantments by investing three points in the starting perk "Soul Shaping" (see next subsection).
  • Fixed the Quiet Moons enchantment. In the original game it did no damage (an unofficial patch fixes it the same way).
  • Summoned weapons now have the correct Soul Capture visual effects and after you receive the "Soul Stealer" perk. Now the visual effect actually looks like soul capturing.
  • Added a directional visual effect to the Soul Trap spell., now you can see his flight (also fixed in the unofficial patch).
  • Additional experience in enchanting can be gained by removing enchantment from a weapon. In the original game, learning enchantments from weapons gives less experience than from armor, but due to balance changes in Enchanting Awakened, weapons now cost a little more. To compensate for this, I slightly increased the experience gained. Keep in mind that when the enchantment is removed, the experience bar will not move; this is due to the way the game interface works. If you are not happy with this feature, you can disable it in the MSM menu.
Access to enchantments:

Most enchantments now require certain perks to learn or use. Without these perks, weapon enchantments will not affect enemies, and armor enchantments will immediately disappear. However, you can access most of the enchantments by investing three points into the school's first perk, Soul Shaping. The remaining six enchantments are unique and available only to specialists in one of the three enchantment schools - two for each school. Below is a table that will help you find out all the enchantments that are unlocked with each rank of the Soul Formation perk.

Notes about perks:

With this mod it is impossible to specialize in more than one enchanting school! However, the first three ranks of starting perks for each school are available to everyone, regardless of specialization. Thus, you can simultaneously obtain the perks “Aether Seeker”, “Adherent of Chaos”, “Follower of Life” - each up to three ranks, at any time.

Further advancement in the perk branch is available only in the direction of the chosen specialization.

Compatibility, installation and removal

- Incompatibilities -

Every effort has been made to ensure that Enchanting Awakened only addresses things related to enchanting and soul capturing. However, EA is reworking these aspects completely, so it will conflict with all similar mods. Please note that the archive contains many compatibility patches for all major global plugins; in the future I plan to expand the range of these patches.

- Known bugs –

All bugs have been fixed. Get ready to play without any problems!

- Installation -

IMPORTANT: before installing, exit the battle and make sure that the character is not equipped with the soul capture spell.

- Delete -

IMPORTANT! As with all other mods, the main recommendation applies to EA - it is not recommended to delete the mod and then continue playing with the same character. However, if you still want to remove Enchanting Awakened, then follow these steps:

  1. Enter any interior that does not have soul pentagrams or soul stones. For example, to some store that does not sell magical goods.
  2. Remove ALL enchanted items and weapons from the character. You can leave them in your inventory, just make sure that the hero is not wearing them.
  3. Go to the MSM menu and run the removal procedure (if you play without the MSM menu, then run the console command StartQuest EAUninstall).
  4. After deleting, wait at least one minute in real time. Save, close the game, delete the mod.
  5. After deleting the mod, load the save created in the previous step and save again.
  6. - Awesome and surprisingly underrated stealth skill rebalance. Enchanting Awakened contains a compatibility patch for this mod.


    s7o, hypno, B1gBad, CDM_, JustinOther, heilghast, Diegog5

    Enjoy your game with Enchanting Awakened!

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