Who changed the iPhone with a surcharge for a new one. To be updated is to MTS! We will exchange your iPhone for a new one in trade in. How is the exchange of iPhone in our company

In Russia, a program has been launched to exchange old iPhones for new ones with a surcharge (trade-in). The reception of used smartphones of the "apple company" is carried out by stores of retail chains re: Store, "" and. Project coordinator - American Belmont Trading. How this mechanism works, and not only in the gadget market, - found out

Valuable addition

According to him, buyers of the iPhone under the program for the exchange of old devices for new ones can purchase at a reduced price. At the first stage, a new iPhone can be bought on trade-in by paying the difference in cash or with a bank card, Tikhonov specified. In the future, it is planned to launch loan products.

Mandatory conditions: the handed over device must be purchased from an official seller of Apple equipment in Russia and be in working order. Thus, a large category of owners of “gray” smartphones cannot take part in trade-in.

“It can be any iPhone model, starting with iPhone 4. For the exchange, the buyer does not need to bring packaging or peripherals from the old smartphone, only the device itself and a passport,” Tikhonov explained.

For its part, the head of the public relations department of Inventive Retail Group told Lenta.ru that in re:Store stores, you can rent an iPhone 4 and newer for the promotion, and purchase an iPhone 6 and newer.

“The returned iPhone must be purchased from an authorized Apple partner in Russia. The case does not have visible damage, all the buttons are in place and working,” Semushina emphasized.

The procedure for establishing the owner of a smartphone in re:Store is simplified: in the presence of an employee, the client must deactivate the Find My iPhone function. A passport is required to confirm age: according to the terms of the promotion, only individuals who have reached the age of 18 can take part in it.

The program in re:Store is valid until August 13, however, depending on the results, it may become indefinite, Semushina specified. "Trade-in in Svyaznoy is not a marketing campaign, but an open-ended program, the possibilities of which we plan to expand in the future," Tikhonov said.

Valuable addition

In the Svyaznoy network, the size of the discount on a new iPhone under the trade-in program depends on the model of the old smartphone being handed over and can reach several tens of thousands of rubles. In re:Store stores, the discount, depending on the iPhone model, can reach 30 percent.

According to Semushina, specially installed software checks the phone and sets the discount level. The iPhone is checked for growth and for internal damage.

“The cost of the handed over smartphone is assigned in accordance with the prices for used equipment in the official international markets for mobile devices. The cost of the handed over smartphone will be offset against the price of a new one,” Tikhonov said.

The number of iPhones that a buyer can exchange at Svyaznoy is not limited. However, each old iPhone goes strictly towards paying for one new one.

How it works

The Russian consumer has long been familiar with the nuances of making trade-in purchases. Retailers of electronics and household appliances practice exchange programs with a surcharge for old TVs, refrigerators and other kitchen gadgets.

Photo: Evgeny Pavlenko / Kommersant

Stores often provide customers with a symbolic discount on the purchase of a similar new product. It does not depend on the model or year of manufacture of the scrapped equipment. But, as a rule, a bonus is attached to it in the form of free removal of large-sized equipment and delivery of a new one.

Trade-in also operates in the automotive and real estate markets. There are some peculiarities here. In particular, car dealerships prefer to deal with cars no older than 10 years, serviceable and with liquidity. For cars that could potentially be stuck in the cabin for a long time, the discount on repurchase can reach 40-50 percent of their market price. If in countries up to 80 percent of cars are purchased in exchange for old ones, then in Russia this figure does not exceed 15 percent.

As for the offset of the old apartment when buying a new one, this process is in most cases quite lengthy. Housing can be sold quickly only at a big discount. Be that as it may, according to experts, up to 10 percent of real estate transactions are made on a trade-in basis.

Closer to the market

The introduction of the trade-in program by Apple in Russia is a logical step in the struggle to increase market share, says Alpari's Deputy Director of the Analytical Department.

“Apple products, primarily iPhones, have always been sold in the premium segment. With the introduction of the trade-in program, the company can enter a more budget segment by selling used or refurbished smartphones at lower prices,” she said.

Photo: Safron Golikov / Kommersant

According to the results of the first half of 2017, the volume of the Russian smartphone market in monetary terms amounted to about 185 billion rubles (about $3.1 billion), Milchakova recalled.

At the same time, Apple's share in monetary terms, according to Telecom Daily, was 29.7 percent, and the share of the closest competitor Samsung was 32.8 percent, the analyst said. In her opinion, it will not be easy for Apple to oust the South Korean manufacturer, which has long been present in the cheap market segment.

“In addition, in Russia, trade-in in the field of household appliances is not in such great demand as, for example, trade-in in the field of cars and some premium goods, in particular, jewelry,” Milchakova shared her doubts.

Electronic equipment is being improved almost every minute, and those models that yesterday were the height of the achievement of innovative technologies are already hopelessly outdated today.

How to exchange an outdated iPhone or iPad for a new one?

What to do? Of course, if you have enough money, you can just give your child or neighbor your old phone and buy a new one. But if you act in this way, after a while you will already have a whole warehouse of useless used iPhones or used iPads.

We suggest you keep up with the times and with the whole progressive world, that is, exchange your iPhone for a new one in our online store.

You may have already heard that Apple launched a trade-in program for old iPhones at the end of summer. This idea caught on with users in the United States of America, followed by the UK and other European countries. In the branded stores of the "apple" company, anyone can exchange the old model for a new one with a surcharge.

Exchange procedure

Now this service is available in Russia. How is an iPhone or iPad exchanged for a new one? Everything is very simple. It is necessary to bring the old model to our service center. Employees will carefully inspect the device, evaluate its technical condition, quality of work, identify possible wear and damage to the case. The cost of your Iphone will be announced according to a special evaluation system.

After that, you can choose any phone or tablet model you like and buy it at a very favorable price - the cost of the old one will be deducted from the cost of the new model. Moreover, exchanging an iPhone or iPad for a new one in Moscow is also beneficial because the client receives additional bonuses for purchasing in our online store.

Benefits of our exchange service

Also, an indisputable advantage of this service is the ability to exchange or return a phone or tablet within 14 days from the date of purchase. Loyal pricing policy, a wide selection of the latest models and colors of cases, high-quality after-sales service, an individual approach to each client are the distinguishing features of our store. Hurry up to use the unique service of exchanging old iPhones for new ones and make your dream come true!

Hello! Apple has a certain feature that some people like and some don't. However, the most important thing is that it exists. If a marriage is found and you contact the service center for warranty service (and the company itself recognizes this marriage), your iPhone in most cases (but not always!) Is not repaired. What happens then? Everything is very simple - you are given another device to replace it.

And then the question arises ... and what is the “other”? On the one hand, it can be answered very easily - after all, if your iPhone 7 is broken, then the seventh iPhone will also be given to you for replacement at the service center. But it’s not about that, but about what exactly it will be: used, refurbished, or completely new?

In general, I was inspired to write this article by one comment in which a person was worried about this very issue. And it can be understood. After all, only the device itself is taken away in the service center (accessories are left to you) and if the marriage is factory, then they give out only a bare device in films. And it is not clear what kind of device this is - new from the factory or just repaired "foreign" packed in films right here. Let's go a little bit in order and immediately decide on the following things:

  1. In Apple service centers, only such phones are issued to replace the defective one (without a box, without a kit), they do not return the money and do not make a full replacement with an additional payment / without.
  2. If you need a refund or an exchange for the same iPhone (but only so that it is sealed!), Then it is highly advisable to contact the store exclusively for these issues. No matter what the sellers say.

We will not talk about the issues of interaction with the store today, but we will return to the topic of the article. So what are they, "exchange" phones? Apple itself in the rules describes them this way:

Replace an Apple product with a product that is at least functionally identical to an Apple product.

And this phrase completely provides the company with a quiet life. Because based on it, she can replace a defective iPhone with anything :) By the way, initially this phrase sounded like this:

Replace the Apple product with one that is at least functionally identical to the Apple product and is made from new and/or used parts that are equivalent to new in performance and reliability.

What looks much worse, agree? Here and some used parts can be mixed with new ones. Unpleasant. But that was before ... although if you think about it, nothing has changed, just the phrase has become shorter :)

The most important and important! The devices that are given out for replacement are brand new and assembled at the same Apple factory where smartphones for sale are assembled. To make sure that this is a completely new device (and not just changed the case, battery and other parts), it is enough and you will see that the warranty period has started anew.

Updated! Such a check will not always show that the warranty period has started anew. Therefore, it is very important to keep the replacement certificate that you will be given (must!) along with the new iPhone. After all, it is the presence of this receipt that will prove your right to service for another 1 year.

Another thing, as we have already read in the terms of the warranty, the question arises - what parts are they assembled from? And this is where opinions differ...

Service centers issue completely new iPhones for replacement

The most common point of view, which is actively supported by Apple itself (of course!) And I practically agree with it. Why practically? More on this below. In principle, the issuance of new phones is one of the most logical options. Even if it is a bit expensive for the company, but at the same time, the image is everything.

But 100% we can talk about this only for new models that have recently come out. In this case, defective devices do not yet have time to return to the factory for processing and turn into a new gadget. This means that what you received at the service center for a replacement at the very beginning of the production cycle of the device is definitely new.

iPhones are being replaced, assembled not only from new parts

There is a certain percentage of such devices. And in some cases, this percentage can reach large values. Why? Imagine that in 2017 you give your iPhone 6 under warranty (which allows you to rent it almost every year, and yes) and get a new one in return. The countdown of the service time for this device starts anew. Yes Yes! For an iPhone that is issued to replace a broken one, the warranty starts anew.

After a certain period - again marriage! Come to the service - they give you a new one. Well, etc. Now think about where in 2022 (just for example, the period may be less) year, Apple will find you a new iPhone 6? After all, it will already be withdrawn from sale, mass assembly will stop just for sale, which means that new parts, microcircuits, processors will not be purchased for it. Of course, some of the new parts will remain for a long time, and some are already used from those phones that were handed over to the SC and sent to the factory for processing earlier. The situation is a little invented, but in general, I think you understand me.

As you can see, it is impossible to know exactly and 100% which iPhones are being issued to replace defective ones at service centers. Most likely, all this is combined, which means that there is a possibility:

  • Getting a brand new phone.
  • Not completely new, where some internal part will be from another (previously broken) device.

Another thing is that it is impossible to find out the truth about this. And I don't see any difference between them. They are assembled at the same factory, fully tested, and for any person who has not visited this same factory, they will be absolutely the same.

P.S. What do you think - still new or not? Write in the comments! And of course, support your position with a "like"!

Brief rules

1. Promotion organizer and seller: MVM LLC, 105066, Russia, Moscow, st. Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya, 40/12, bldg. twenty; PSRN 1057746840095.
2. The promotion is valid from April 15 to April 30, 2019 and may be terminated early if all or part of the promotional goods are sold.
3. Bonus rubles and flexible denomination gift cards are accepted for payment. Hassle-free Exchange and Best Price Guarantee programs are available.
4. Promo codes, M. Coupons are not accepted for payment. 5% discount when paying online does not apply.

Rules for the promotion "Turn in your old smartphone - get a discount on a new one"

3. The mechanics of getting a discount.

3.1. If the buyer hands over a smartphone to MVM LLC from the list of accepted models contained in the discount calculator (), MVM LLC accepts a used smartphone from the buyer on the basis of an exchange agreement at a total cost consisting of the base price of the accepted smartphone and an additional discount provided by MVM LLC as part or full payment for a new smartphone participating in the promotion.

3.2. To participate in the promotion, the smartphone must be fully functional and pass a visual inspection by a service area employee. The base price of the accepted smartphone has one level and is fixed in the discount calculator ().

3.3. The smartphone purchased under the action cannot be cheaper than the cost of the smartphone being handed over, fixed in the exchange agreement.

3.4. The cost of the handed over smartphone in monetary terms is not issued and can only be taken into account as a means of payment for the smartphone participating in the promotion, under an exchange agreement only on the day of handing over and only in the store that accepts the handed over device.

3.5. To participate in the promotion, the buyer must present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document confirming registration in the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. Promotion restrictions and discount combination rules.

4.1. The promotion does not include products of the "non-conformity" category.

4.2. Under the promotion, you can purchase a product only if an accessory or service is purchased together with a smartphone in the kit.

4.3. Sale of promotional goods under the "Sale by Sample" system is not carried out.

4.4. Rules for combining promotional discounts:

4.5 The promotion is not valid for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs when paying for cash and non-cash payments.

5. Exchange and return.

5.1 Return and warranty service of goods purchased under the action from November 13, 2018 to August 26, 2019 are carried out in accordance with the general procedure provided for by the current legislation.

5.2 A used product, returned by the buyer under an exchange agreement, in the event of a return or exchange of a new product, is not subject to return, while the base price of the returned device is charged to the flexible denomination gift card.

6. Other terms and conditions.

6.1 Buyers who have reached the age of 18 participate in the promotion. If the age of the buyer is in doubt, the store employee has the right to ask for any identification document.

6.2 The effect of additional promotions on goods purchased under the promotion, check with sales consultants.

6.3 The rules of the promotion are subject to change without prior notice to buyers.

6.4 The promotion applies only to consumers within the meaning of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

6.5 All goods are certified. The quantity of goods participating in the promotion is limited. For information about the list of goods, the size of the discount, other details and the rules for the promotion, check with the sellers.

Apple never arranged such actions. Especially in Russia. Looking ahead, you can also exchange other iPhones for iPhone X, but iPhone 7 owners have an additional benefit. You just need to act quickly, the promotion will end soon.

What is the action and what should be done?

Sign up for a trade-in and get a discount. Only now when exchanging iPhone 7 for iPhone X is valid discount 2 000 rubles for the cost of a new machine. It will be cheaper than buying in the store! So, you can buy a 256 GB iPhone X instead of 91,990 rubles, and a version with 64 GB of memory - for 77,990 rubles instead of 79,990 rubles.

Bonus: everyone who changes is given and glued with 5D glass for the iPhone X.

Your iPhone 7 with any amount of memory and in any working condition participate in the promotion. The better it is, the lower the surcharge. The discount on the promotion cannot be received on the purchase, it is valid only for the exchange.

All iPhones on the exchange program - PCT with an official guarantee in Russia.

By the way, for the exchange you do not have to leave your home or office. A master with a sealed iPhone X leaves for you in 2 hours, checks the old iPhone, and gives you a new one. That's all.

If you don't have an iPhone 7, don't worry

All iPhone models are still accepted for non-promotional exchanges. You can even throw in a few different Apple gadgets – like MacBooks and iPads – and get one new top-of-the-line device instead.

And on the website of the service, you can simply sell any iPhone and get money in cash or on a map. No ads, just leave a request and wait for the master.

It's time to get rid of old iPhones and get the most top-end smartphone. The amount of the surcharge will be displayed. Stop walking around with junk already! Ahead of the New Year and new achievements.

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