The computer freezes while playing World of Tanks. World of Tanks crashes during battle Screen resolution is out of range

According to a survey, the vast majority of players believe that the game is going downhill.

More than 4 thousand people took part in the survey conducted in our public. The results did not surprise me:

Thus, the vast majority (almost 60%) believe that the game is in the process of losing its former glory.

The second most popular answer is that the game has already lost its audience.

Is it really?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to access reliable data about online or new registrations. However, there are a number of indirect factors by which it is possible to gather a single, fairly accurate picture.

1) All my friends stopped playing WOT

Not only do ordinary players no longer enter tanks, even when communicating with administrators of the largest public pages and sites, you learn that none of them have entered tanks for a long time, or do it occasionally out of habit or in order to receive a free gift ( like what they promise).

Many people say the reason for leaving the game is simply that they are tired. Personally, I see my reason - there is no fan. First of all, the game should bring pleasure, which tanks have not had for a long time. Let's analyze it.

  • With the growing popularity of player statistics (which you will not find in almost any other game), tankers have become angry, every defeat for them can be compared to a personal tragedy, hence the complete negativity, both in the behavior of the players and in their communication, as in the game itself, and beyond.
  • Constant rebalancing of equipment, there is no confidence in the stability of the gameplay. Who said we need a perfect balance in terms of tanks that stand out? Personally, I want to see varied gameplay, I want imbiness. What's the point of making 8 branches of tanks and adjusting each of more than 300 vehicles to average win rates? Why such a diverse number of identical tanks?
  • Judging by the scraps of information, young people have been developing the game for several years now, while old-school, Orthodox developers, the well-known “stars” of Wargaming, have moved away from this activity, devoting themselves to more important matters of big bosses. Hence we have a ton of unnecessary updates, modes and others.
  • The introduction of serbogold shells, which completely destroyed the role of armor in the game. What's the point of shooting with regular ones if the cost of gold blanks can be offset by a pair of rollers on almost any premium tank?
  • , the man who invented World of Tanks, the original concept of the game was lost, which led to what we see now - a broken balance.

This list can be continued endlessly, but I consider these reasons to be the most basic. If you have anything to add, write in the comments..

2) Interest in the topic

To analyze this metric, you need to turn to two fairly authoritative sources.

  • Beginning of December 2014 - 4,010,304
  • Beginning of December 2015 - 3,863,897 (-146,407)

If we round up, then +/- 150k players for a project like WOT is negligible. But again, a negative trend is evident.

Bottom line

The results of the survey in our public were fully confirmed by statistics collected from various sources. The World of Tanks game has now entered the stage of crisis with both feet, and it was brought there by the creators themselves, who had lost the pulse of the project. As if Victor would not have to sell a skyscraper in Cyprus, with such growth dynamics.

If you have anything to add, you are welcome to comment.

Simulation / Wargame / Arcade / Action

World Of Tanks

World of tanks is a massive online game. It is dedicated to armored vehicles participating in real battles in the mid-20th century. The user will be able to fight with other players from different countries. The best game of its kind, developed by, invites everyone to take part in tank battles from the First and Second World War, controlling both real tanks and post-war prototypes. In total, the game features 150 models of vehicles, divided into 3 factions - the USSR, Germany and the USA. All models of equipment are historically accurate and refined to the smallest detail. The game contains a variety of vehicle classes, from reconnaissance tanks to super-heavy tanks and artillery, which makes it possible for any player to find a convenient and enjoyable vehicle class. The game is absolutely free, but for some cash injections you can get bonuses - increased income from battles, immediately purchase a high-level tank, or otherwise simplify your life and save time. It is noteworthy that cash injections do not provide any advantages over other players, but only simplify the process of pumping up tanks. Battles take place on large maps, the goal of the players is to capture the enemy base and/or destroy all opponents. World of Tanks has an intuitive interface and a friendly attitude towards beginners, which allows it to be played even by those who have no gaming experience at all.

Many fans of the cult game World of Tanks cannot boast of powerful personal computers. Most often they use ordinary cars with very average characteristics. During the game, tankers complain about the game freezing and the inability to quickly perform any actions. Is it possible to fight this?

If you have a weak computer

World of Tanks is a computer game created on the BigWorld engine. It is known for its luxurious backend. Its structure is designed to withstand incredible loads. The possibility of using traditional cheats in this case is excluded. There are some shortcomings in the client part. This concerns, for the most part, issues of resource optimization and their distribution when working on a multi-core personal computer. The graphics itself can also slow down.

How to deal with this state of affairs? Before expressing your dissatisfaction with the fact that your computer freezes while playing World of Tanks, you need to understand how “alive” it is. Go to the section with the technical parameters of the device and make sure that the device meets the minimum acceptable requirements of the game for computer hardware. The game can also be launched on a machine whose characteristics are below the minimum threshold. The worse the computer settings, the longer the game will take to load, the more often the system will “slow down”.

Lack of system resources remains the main reason why a computer freezes. If possible, the problem is solved by purchasing a more modern device or upgrading an existing one. Sometimes it is enough to add a little RAM or replace the processor; in rare cases, a comprehensive upgrade of the device solves the problem. Remember that the “head” of the gadget is the processor. Responsibility for the graphics component lies with the video card, and RAM is needed to store temporary information in a special buffer. A vulnerability in any of the listed components causes the machine to slow down during the game.

We are taking action

If it is not possible to upgrade your PC, we can make do with little expense. Let's start with the video card. If it is not powerful enough, as required by the game developers, you can restore system performance by reducing the quality of the displayed graphic elements through the game settings. There is also a special WOT Tweaker program that helps you disable additional effects that cannot be blocked in the game itself. With a lack of RAM, incorrect operation of the Internet and the signing of the entire system are often observed. If the amount of RAM does not reach 2GB, then the resources need to be increased. The easiest way to do this is to buy some additional RAM.

If it is not possible to buy additional RAM, you have to work with what we have. It is enough to free her. First of all, study the programs that are currently running on your personal computer. The browser and applications must be closed immediately. This also applies to all kinds of torrents that can continue to function in the background. All of them lead to a decrease in machine performance.

For users who cannot resolve the problem on their own, special software has been created. A striking example is Wise Memory Optimizer, an application designed to free RAM from irrelevant information and unnecessary software downloads.

If all else fails

Go to list

Just cleared the cache

Do you know what is most offensive in this situation? That you racked your brain for hours, thinking about how to do this or that operation correctly, but the computer still froze, because all it needed was to simply clear the cache!
Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your informative article, in which all the problems that everyone faces in one way or another, especially gamers who spend hours using their computers, are written in accessible language.
I cleared the cache, the computer began to work completely differently, as if it had turned on turbo mode. I'm very pleased actually after hours of sorting out the problem.

I play World of Tanks

I play World of Tanks on minimum requirements, since the computer is no longer new. In general, the game runs quickly, does not slow down or freeze. But sometimes it happens that it is simply impossible to play. The reasons can be different, the most common (at least for me) is some program or software that needs to be updated. Most often the browser does this (auto-update does not want to turn off). Therefore, lately, before playing, I close all unnecessary programs, even go into the task manager, check that I haven’t missed anything, and only then start playing. I forgot about the game stutters and freezes.

Not bad advice.

Clearing the cache is the first thing I usually do before. It also helped to remove unused programs and applications from the computer and everything seems to be fine. The article is useful, short and to the point!

So the advice helped

At first I sinned on the program, I thought that the developers were cheating, but then I read it... I started thinking... Should I clean the computer? First, I simply disassembled the system unit and blew out all the dust. This only helped in that during the game it suddenly stopped rebooting on its own, but otherwise everything was still hanging. I have 2 GB of RAM, which is not enough, of course, but when I looked at how much I had running offline. In short, I unchecked many programs, then cleaned them with CCleaner, including in the registry. The computer actually started to fly. And still WOT was slow.
Then I tried the WOT Tweaker program mentioned in the article and disabled some effects. Before launching the game, I exited the browsers.
In the end it got better. The sound was a little slow and the picture sometimes froze.
In addition, I installed new drivers for the video card. This was enough to calm me down.
Now everything is fine, I bought more RAM, so I don’t even have to close the browser. But you still need to change the video card, or the power supply... I still don’t understand. Only if you play for 2 hours, the computer just hangs so that nothing helps. I think something is heating up.
I've already looked at the video card. Geforce GTX 560 I think will do just fine. And if you approach it wisely, then even ordinary iron will handle it.

Helpful information

I am a fan of running games, but there are some that require additional power from the computer, and it’s unpleasant when the game starts to slow down and freeze. My computer is not powerful enough to run the World of Tanks game, but I try to unload it as much as possible and clear the cache. But still, these measures are sometimes not enough to ensure that the game runs at the proper level and loads faster. If any of the resources does not perform their functions as expected when playing the game, then the quality will be low and there will be little pleasure from the game. The information from the article, of course, helps get rid of the problem, but not as much as we would like. Still, the best option would be to replace the processor, but so far this option does not exist. You have to make do with these recommendations and adapt to the progress of the game. The Wise Memory Optimizer app helps free up RAM from unnecessary loads, and I mainly use it to avoid severe lag. I can say that this is a good option for solving a computer problem. As they say, in war all means are good. I hope that by replacing the processor, the computer will stop slowing down and all actions in the game can be performed in fast mode.

Every player has experienced World of Tanks crashing during battle. This is one of those situations that you wouldn’t wish on even your opponent. There may be just a few reasons, or there may be a whole set of reasons.

In any case, it is worth taking active measures as soon as possible to troubleshoot and fix problems that cause the game to crash

Systematic ignoring of these factors can serve as a wake-up call and mean that the computer will stop working and will no longer be destined to win.

All reasons can be divided into just a few categories:

Problems that can be resolved by the player himself.
problems caused by factors beyond the player's control.

The most important among the first is the factor of unstable Internet connection. Possible “symptoms” - the game starts, continues until a certain point, then the picture suddenly stops or goes into a loop.

And therefore the fastest methods for checking:
1) Disable any antivirus programs. Or switching them to game mode very often helps solve the problem.
2) Opened the launcher with the game World of Tanks. Go to settings and select - support - check and restore the integrity of the game . The integrity check and game update and reinstallation will begin. Problem solved.
3) Update all drivers (primarily for the video card) Wargaming also always recommends disabling the mandatory NVIDIA PhysX (installed by default) for NVIDIA video cards.

There is no need to panic, it is better to immediately begin to solve this problem

Make sure that your personal account in the provider’s personal account has sufficient funds to pay for the period of Internet use. If at the moment you don’t have the required amount, but you need to finish the match, you can use a temporary trust top-up; many providers now provide this service. If you can’t even log into your personal account, then it’s obvious that the problem is in the cable.

The above methods should help solve the problem, it definitely helped us, if you find out any other method, write in the comments.

The second group of factors should include situations where all equipment is working properly, but World of Tanks still crashes during the battle. The reason may be maintenance work on the server. As a rule, the administration notifies each player and, as an apology, gives small compensatory gifts. All that remains is to wait until the server starts working again.

Name: World of Tanks / World of Tanks / World of Tanks

Type: Browser games Client games


Developer/Publisher: Wargaming

Language: Russian

Time of tanks- the most popular multiplayer massive online tank arena, a game about world tanks online: World of Tanks is waiting for new players! Steel giants, armored vehicles and a huge variety of tanks from different countries are vying for opponents to appreciate their power in battle. The free game provides a set of unique features:

Stage-by-stage conduct of hostilities in online game mode;

Developed collective game World online strategy achieve success in team battle;

Time of Tank - a detailed tank system of improvement and modification;

Different types of combat tactics and equipped tanks bring the enemy to exhaustion, try to play as a lightweight fighter or hit him with heavy steel power!

World of Tanks, which is chosen by a huge number of online players in Russia and abroad. Try your talent and communication skills now! Each of you must understand that the time has come for tanks and game about world tanks online will be popular for a long time.

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