Holidays in dor, the best prices for tours in dor. Hof Dor, Tel Dor National Park (Israel) What are functional cookies

And the Mediterranean.

Daniel Ventura, GNU 1.2

Dor was first mentioned in documents dating back to the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II (1304-1237 BC), but there is indirect evidence that an ancient man lived in this place 30 thousand years ago.

S Dor is one of the largest cities in the Levant, and was the capital of the Teucrian tribe.

unknown , Public Domain

With the conquest of Canaan by the twelve, Dor fell by lot to the tribe of Asher, but was given to the tribe of Manasseh. In 732 BC. e. the city was taken, destroyed, but later rebuilt by the Assyrians. Under the Persians, Dor was the center of the province of the same name. Later, for several centuries, the city belonged to the Phoenicians, and then entered as a city-state in the empire of Alexander the Great.

Gidip, CC BY-SA 3.0

In Seleucid times, Dor was a strong fortress. In 103 BC e. the region of Dor and Strato's Tower (later renamed to) were captured and annexed to Judea - but 40 years later they were recaptured from it by Rome.

Bukvoed, CC BY 3.0

The decline of Dora begins from the time when neighboring Caesarea was intensively built, but even during the early Byzantine Empire, the city existed.

In the XIII century. , realizing the successful strategic position of Dora, they built a small castle there. After the conquest of the crusader states by the Arabs for many centuries, Dor was abandoned, and only the ruins of the castle reminded of the former greatness of the city.

Photo gallery

Dor is an ancient port city located on the southeastern Mediterranean coast between Tel Aviv and Haifa. Scientists have found evidence that people lived here 30,000 years ago. Climate: Mediterranean. Throughout the year, you can come to Dor for sightseeing, as the weather is constantly warm at this time. And for a beach holiday, it is better to choose the period from May to October.


You can get around the Douro by taxis and buses.


On the territory of Dora, you can see the remains of a Roman theater and a Byzantine church, inside which a mosaic floor and a marble column have been preserved. It is also worth looking at the remains of the ancient port. By the way, excursions to Haifa and Tel Aviv are constantly organized from Dora.


In between sightseeing, head to the beach. And there are all the conditions for a wonderful holiday. Restaurants, diving centers, water sports equipment rentals, clubs and other establishments are open on the coast.


Villas located near the sea are very popular. Also on the coast there are hotel complexes with rooms for every taste and budget.


In Dora restaurants, you should order eggplant with liver pate, mincemeat, chicken broth, hummus, fish with spicy sauce. The local cuisine will not seem too exotic to the tourist, and therefore, delicious dishes can be tasted without fear.

The shops

In the shops you can buy souvenirs, clothes, cosmetics and other products. For larger purchases, it is better to go to nearby Tel Aviv.

This catalog presents hotels of Dora of different price categories: you can book rooms in both budget hotels in Dore and luxury hotels. Room rates depend on location and class of the hotel, close location to popular attractions of Dora. Booking hotels is a service from Hotels that has given many tourists savings on room rates and a fantastic vacation in the best cities in the world!

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Until the next great journey begins, I will unsubscribe about some walks in my beloved homeland. This time we will visit the ruins of one of the most ancient cities in Israel, walk along the beach and visit the sculpture park supposedly for children, but in fact strictly for eighteen and older.

The settlement in the ancient city of Dor is thought to date back to the Bronze Age and is mentioned in documents dating back to the reign of the pharaoh. Ramses II (XIII century BC). By the Iron Age, Dor was already a large fortified city, so large that some sources call it "monumental". During the Canaanite era, Dor was the capital of the Teucres (the people who settled in Troy), and was considered one of the largest cities in the Levant.

As we can see, little has been preserved of the greatness of the ancient city. However, let's continue. After the conquest of Dor by the "Israelis", he was given to the tribe of Menashe. In 732 B.C. Dor conquered Tiglath-pileser III (the same Tukulti-apal-Esharra that Gezer conquered -), and the city passed to the Assyrians. For about a hundred years, Dora was the main port, but then, around 630 BC. the city was abandoned, and was revived only 150 years later in 480 BC.

The hill offers beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea and our local Burj Dubai

In the Persian and Hellenistic era, nothing particularly interesting happened here. Dor was part of the empire of Alexander the Great as a city-state, and during the time of the Seleucids it was a strong fortress. In 103 B.C. Dor (and neighboring Caesarea) was captured by Alexander Yannai, and annexed to the Hasmonean kingdom of Judea. However, after forty years, Dor "changed ownership" and was captured by the Roman Empire.

During the years of Roman rule, a real architectural revolution took place in Dora. Temples, industrial buildings, rich residential areas and baths (often decorated with frescoes and mosaics), basilicas, public buildings, a theater and much more were built in the city. However, despite all this, Caesarea was built up even more actively, and just a couple of years later Dor was mentioned in sources and on maps as a small settlement between Caesarea and Akko.

In front of you is a pier and the remains of one of the ancient Roman temples

And here are the remains of another

An important pacing heron was spotted near the water

Dor continued to exist in the Byzantine era, until about the middle of the 3rd century. In the Onomasticon already mentioned by me more than once Eusebius of Caesarea - Dor is described as an "abandoned city". Then, as always, the dark Middle Ages set in, and only in the 13th century did the Crusaders, realizing the strategic importance of Dora, build a small fortress here. Researchers believe that it was called Merle (the French name for the bird is blackbird), but the sources do not provide evidence for this fact (maybe Merle is located southeast of Dora - where Hurvat Mazraa and Hurvat Tapet are located today). The fortress also gave the current Arabic name of Tel Dora - Khirbet el-Burj (Hurvat ha-Metsuda).

Merle was built by the crusaders as one of the fortresses of the fortification complex from Atlit - to Caesarea.

However, in the same century, the fortress was abandoned, and Dor again ceased to exist. During the Ottoman era, the Arab village of Tantura arose here. In 1892, Baron Rothschild bought the land, and founded a factory for the production of glass bottles for the wineries of the region (managed by the factory, by the way, Meir Dizengoff, the future legendary mayor of Tel Aviv).

In 1952, the first serious excavations began here (before that, excavations were carried out on the hill under the guidance of the British Archaeological School - in 1923-1924, but they quickly stopped), during which an ancient theater and a Byzantine church were discovered. Serious excavations have been carried out here since 1980 and supposedly are still going on.

But it seems to me that there is something to strive for.

Of course, much can be seen, and in general Tel Dor is very beautiful - much more beautiful than it can be seen in the photographs. But I practically did not find any frescoes, mosaics, or even the contours of buildings (except for walls and temples). Here, for example, is the only piece of the mosaic that I was able to find.

Back to the top of the hill

One last look at "active" excavations

The walk from Tel Dor to Bonim Beach takes about an hour (4.5 kilometers). This is probably one of the favorite routes of the local public. I liked it too, but I didn't like HaBonim beach itself. It seems like a nature reserve, and the beach of shells is all polluted with garbage.

And the main attraction of the reserve, the Blue Cave, is somehow not impressive.

The arch, of course, is beautiful, but it's still not the Barnafoss waterfall) -

Also note that if you want to come to the HaBonim Reserve by car, you will be charged 27 shekels for parking, it is absolutely incomprehensible why. Well, we go further, to the park of basalt sculptures.

The sculpture park is called "Basalton"

And it is located in Kibbutz Ein HaCarmel, about 5 km from Bonim Beach.

I especially like the bearded lion. For some reason I called him Nebuchadnezzar

Separately - a koteg and a strange head.

In general, there are a lot of strange heads here)

Several Yet

General view of the last two heads, with another creature similar to Nebuchadnezzar.

I named it the Sphinx.

General view

We smoothly move from the Sphinx and Nebuchadnezzar to the non-children's part of the park

As you can see, the topic of boobs, and not only boobs, is quite open to itself.

The Ilana Gur members' museum - and the Phallological Museum in Reykjavik - suck without bending down, in the truest sense of the word.

Having recovered from the shock, we will continue our walk in the park. I suddenly discovered a few more heads.

The one in the photo above I called the Minotaur. And below - the Leader of the Redskins.

In front of the leader of the Redskins, another Nedecian sculpture

There is also a complex-non-childish sculpture here.

Some kind of complex mix a la Jackson Pollock got stoned that I couldn’t make out anything except boobs

In general, the park pleases

There is also a Scream

A few more last

And maybe that's enough

Great park, I'm talking) I hope no one was offended by obscene language.

Dor (in Hebrew - דוֹר‎) is an ancient Canaanite port city, which is located in Israel on the Mediterranean coast, between the cities of Haifa and Tel Aviv. The name of the city is associated with the Dorians 1 .

From the sea, Dor is located between three small islands, forming a small bay. On the land side, Dor was in a narrow branch of the fertile Sharon Valley, between Mount Carmel and the Mediterranean Sea. Dor was first mentioned in documents dating back to the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II (1304-1237 BC), but there is indirect evidence that an ancient man lived on this site as early as 30,000 years ago.

In the 11th and 10th centuries BC. on the site of Dora, there was a settlement with houses characteristic of this period, built around a central courtyard. The remains of ceramics tell about the rich economic ties of the Canaanites who inhabited the city with ancient Egypt and Cyprus.

In the second half of the 10th century BC. the city was inhabited mainly by the Phoenicians, and the direction of trade relations acquired a Greek and Sardinian character. In the Bible, Dor is mentioned as one of the 31 cities conquered by Joshua, but the cultural life of the city continued to be Canaanite-Phoenician with ceramics characteristic of the north of the country, the Akko region and Lebanon.

During the reign of King David, Dor became part of the empire of David, and his son King Solomon betrayed Dor to his son-in-law Ben Abinadab. However, only after the death of Solomon, Dor began to change towards Jewish culture.

During the reign of the Assyrian kings Tiglath-Pileser III and Esarhaddon, Dor played an important role as a port city. At the end of the period of the Assyrian Empire, Dor lost its importance and was even abandoned by the inhabitants for an unknown reason.

At the same time, during the Persian Empire, Dor was allocated to a free economic zone along with Yafo and was proclaimed: “Lands rich in grain in the region of the Saron Valley.” The patronage over Dor and Yafo passed to the Sidonian kings. At this time, a system of streets was laid in the city, which continued to exist during the time of the Greeks. Alexander the Great took the city of Dor, apparently without a fight, and this can be explained by the fact that the city was under the rule of the rulers of Sidon.

During the period of Greek rule, the city developed rapidly and during the last excavations, temples and public buildings were discovered. Dor, as well as Straton's Tower (Caesarea) were conquered and incorporated into Judea during the reign of Alexander Jannaeus.

The city of Dor reaches its greatest dawn during the reign of the Roman Empire. By this time, archaeologists discovered private houses, shopping arcades, public buildings. The Romans supplied the city with an aqueduct, monumental gates and a theatre. Onako, after the construction of Caesarea and the rise of this city, the inhabitants of Dor gradually leave the settlement, and Dor practically ceases to exist.

In Byzantine times, Dor was not inhabited, and a small church built at the foot of the hill rather personified the new rulers than served the parishioners. Dor was not inhabited until the time of the Crusaders.

It is believed that in the 13th century. (according to other sources in the 12th century), on the ruins of Dora, the crusaders, realizing a successful strategic position, built their fortress of Tantour (according to other sources, Merle Castle), which was soon destroyed by the Mamluks.

The presence of a fortress on the site of the historical Dora and the tradition accepted among historians to consider this fortress the fruit of the creation of the crusaders is now quite hotly disputed.

Until the reign of the Ottoman Empire, Dor was empty, and only in the second half of the 18th century, the village of Tantura appeared here, on the site of which today there are kibbutz Nakhsholim and moshav Dor.

Kibbutz Nakhsholim was founded in 1948 after the War of Independence. Today, the main attraction of the kibbutz is a museum called "Mizgaga" or "Museum of Underwater Archeology" after the name of the glass factory founded here by Baron de Rothschild. The Baron built a glassware factory to supply the wine industry in Zikhron Yaakov in 1891. The museum has two main activities - the excavation of the ancient city of Dor and underwater archeology

Moshav Dor is located south of the ruins of the ancient city of Dor. Founded in 1949 by immigrants from Greece as a fishing village in the place where in the late 1930s. moored ships with illegal repatriates from Europe. In the 1950s repatriates from Iraq also settled in Dora. Area - 150 hectares, population - 326 people (at the beginning of 2002). The main branches of the economy: dairy farming, poultry farming, vegetable growing. There is a fishing station. In Dora, there is a monument to the soldiers who died in the War of Independence.

1 The Dorians or Dorians (ancient Greek - Δωριεῖς) - along with the Achaeans, Ionians and Aeolians were one of the main ancient Greek tribes. They spoke the Dorian dialect of the ancient Greek language, the only modern descendant of which is the Tsakonian language.

According to Greek mythology, Dorians, the son of Hellenes and the nymph Orseida, were considered the ancestor of the Dorians. According to legend, they first lived in European Greece, near Olympus and Ossa, in the Thessalian area of ​​​​Gestieye and in Doris near Eta. They received lands in Central Greece (region Dorida) from Hercules. Around 1100 B.C. e. the Dorians, under the command of the Heraclids, invaded the Peloponnese, many of whose regions had previously been conquered by Hercules (in mythology, the Dorians' invasion was called the "return of the Heraclids").

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