What is better to download in tanks? Which tank is best to download in World of Tanks? And now about the levels

World of Tanks is a multiplayer game. This means that in order to play it, we need to create an account (an account). The account will store all our achievements and tanks (there is a certain number of slots) that we liked the most. As you know, the game has several branches of tank development (plus nations: USSR, China, Japan, USA, Great Britain, Germany, France). Development begins at level 1 and ends at level 10 (not every branch, however, has 10 levels). We will talk about levels and how to level up faster in World of Tanks.

Let's start small

Of course, no one will immediately throw you onto a real battlefield, where only huge, powerful cars drive. You will have to start from the sandbox, and this is very important, because leveling up your World of Tanks account will begin here. On tanks of levels 1-3 you will not experience any particular inconvenience: they all do not yet have the “signature” of the nation, and fighting with newcomers (and just starting tanks) is much easier (and it’s fun too). Whatever nation you choose, you will be able to beat a level 3 tank in 2-3 hours of play maximum. But then the first difficulty begins.

Let's go to the middle game

From level 4 tank things will get a little more difficult because this is considered the middle of development. This means that the game becomes more difficult, and you will need a lot of skills. But getting to level 5 will be quite easy. And now comes the first real difficulty in deciding how to level up faster in World of Tanks. It will not be possible to jump from the 5th to the 6th level right away. The fact is that much more experience is now required (much more than 10 thousand), and gaining it will not be so easy. Firstly, you will not always be thrown into the “top” (that is, you will often be caught with tanks of levels 6-8), and then the battle can turn into torture (our tank is not even close to level 8 vehicles). At level 5, you can see the influence of the nation to which the tank belongs, so you will still have to study this feature. This is where you should start. It is from this moment that the real account pumping begins.

Let's swing fast

So, here are several options on how to level up in WOT faster. Main sections: general method and alternative. The differences between them are significant, but the second method is “dishonest”. Simply put, buy (for real money) a person or a team of people who will do this. Let's start with a general method that will help us in deciding how to quickly level up in World of Tanks.

General method

This is the most common pumping. But this does not make it easier, quite the contrary. Let's immediately highlight the important aspects of the game that you need to take into account.

  1. Study the peculiarities of the nation. You can’t live without it, because it will determine how you play on a particular tank. To study it, read the material about tanks on the official website of the developer or play a couple of dozen battles in the test mode of the game (where all tanks are available at once). There you will be able to study high-level technology, and this is the whole point of a nation.
  2. The choice of tank role is important. If you don’t know how to level up faster in World of Tanks, then here’s the answer - play as part. Let's look at this: light tanks should always strive to expose as many enemies as possible. Passive light or active - your choice. But moving around the battlefield for the sake of light is your main role. This way you will get maximum experience, because every tank you light will add it. Plus, the damage that was inflicted on such a tank by your allies will be counted towards yours too (experience and money). Just don’t think that you have to expose yourself and die! Don't expose yourself to attack. If possible, look for safe paths to enemy self-propelled guns; it will be very easy for you to destroy them. For medium tanks, the basis is support for the central attack and rapid attacks on the flanks. We don't have the best gun, so we won't get that much experience from damage, and the armor leaves much to be desired, but we have excellent mobility. You can drive in two CTs against one Heavy Tank and easily destroy it from both sides. It's best not to ride in the vanguard. You should be the least of everyone's attention, and then you will be able to reveal your potential and gain a lot of experience. How to level up faster in World of Tanks on TT? It's simple: TTs are divided into defensive and aggressor. The former cannot be attacked (only occasionally), because with their excellent weapons (but with a low rate of fire) they perfectly defend bases, while the latter, on the contrary, have nothing to do in defense. Finally, tank destroyers and artillery play strictly from defense! No “buts”!

Let's summarize

If you are thinking about the question of how to level up faster in World of Tanks, then the simplest answer is to understand how to play a particular vehicle.

Very often, avid tank players think, because if you chase several types of equipment at once, then of course you can forget about any of them. Before selecting the desired branch of tanks, you need to decide which tactics you prefer. Which tanks suit you best? And accordingly, what position you will take in the game itself. After all, each technique has its own purpose. For a successful game, it is better to keep at least one tank of different types in the hangar for comparison. And despite the fact that, most likely, you will be killed before the end of the battle, and, not having any other equipment, you will just have to wait for the end of the game. Therefore, the main advice would be to upgrade two types of tanks, but no more, this will save a lot of your time.

To make it easier for you to choose the right tank, we have compiled a description for each vehicle branch.
Of course, this article about the roles and features of different classes in WoT is suitable only for beginners. An experienced player will not find anything useful in it.

Heavy tanks

Such tanks are designed to defend the base and hold positions. Of course, their weight does not allow them to develop sufficient speed, but the fire they produce significantly destroys the enemy’s strength. A heavy tank's armor will generally be able to protect you from most ST and LT rounds. However, there is golda.

A recommendation would be to upgrade the branch of Soviet tanks leading to the IS-7. This choice is due to the fact that after the 5th level of the tank, the branch is practically devoid of shortcomings. It plays comfortably right up to the top.

Medium tanks

They are more flexible in their management. But the armor is much less than that of its heavy counterparts. On the question of which tanks are best to download in world of tanks from this category you can opt for the T-62A. Due to its rate of fire, this branch of tanks is capable of destroying some types of enemy equipment. Moreover, their branch itself is easy to master.

Light Tanks

Such tanks have great speed and maneuverability. They are also able to quickly leave the battlefield and go to cover. However, these tanks are used to provide light and identify enemy tank positions. The first branch is best to download the Ru 251 or T49 branch.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit. Tank destroyer.

The advantage of the installation is that it deals very high damage over a long distance. Soviet, American or German cars are recommended for leveling up this category. You need to decide what is important to you. High armor or camouflage. In addition, there is a third choice: low armor, low camouflage and high damage (Grill).

Self-propelled artillery installation. Self-propelled guns.

The first branch for a beginner, of course, will be the Soviet one. Its crown - object 261 will be the most comfortable. In addition, the art of the 9th level of the Americans is not bad.


When choosing a vehicle, carefully study the characteristics and take a responsible approach to which tanks are best to download in the world of tanks. After all, both your game and further available equipment will depend on this choice. During the game itself, the main thing is to clearly distribute the responsibilities that the technique itself includes, and follow a plan that will lead your team to victory.

The game features equipment from 7 countries: Japan, USSR, USA, Britain, France, Germany, China. Of these, tanks from the USSR, USA, British and French are considered the most popular. In WOT, there is a strict division of tanks according to goals and objectives:

  • A light tank is not the best solution for beginners. They are used for fast and active combat, but are distinguished by complex controls. You can download some types of light equipment only up to level 5-8.

Advice! If you decide to start the game with a light tank, then you should choose a tank from the USSR, USA or Germany. Models from other countries behave unpredictably on the battlefield.

  • Medium is the most popular option, somewhere between light and heavy. They can be downloaded up to level 10, giving preference to a dynamic game. The medium tank is versatile, capable of using different tactics.
  • Heavy tanks can withstand attacks best and can attack alone or as part of a group. About 56% of new players begin to upgrade heavy tanks from the first stages of the game. The choice is not bad, because these tanks are the most powerful.

You need to choose a tank that matches the pace and style of the game. For example, you and a friend are playing WOT and choosing tanks of different classes. You are downloading a light model, and your comrade is a heavy German Maus. In the first, the branch can be developed only up to level 8, and having reached level 9, a friend will be able to upgrade a heavy tank, and you will have to choose a different class of equipment.

What are anti-tank installations?

This technique is designed to hold the enemy; its control is suitable for a person who prefers sitting in ambush to active combat. Almost all tank destroyers in the game do not have a turret, so turning towards the enemy is carried out by the hull of the installation.

Experienced players advise giving preference to US anti-tank guns; by the way, they have a turret. But for further play, a cool option would be the French or USSR tank, which is distinguished by its stealth and frontal armor.

What is a self-propelled gun and how to choose one?

The self-propelled artillery mount is designed to inflict enormous damage from long distances. Self-propelled guns have virtually no armor and are not used for close combat.

Important! Self-propelled guns are a special class of equipment that fires with a canopy. They select a target by viewing the map from above, which is the special fire mode.

The self-propelled guns have a number of features:

  1. Firing range.
  2. Horizontal aiming angle.
  3. High accuracy and target hitability.

The choice of self-propelled guns is a controversial issue, since good models are found in the British and French branches. But the Soviet self-propelled guns 261, which are considered the best in the game, have a confusing branch. The best training will take place on a French, US or British self-propelled gun before the GW Panther.

How to choose a tank, and what do you need to know about it?

When choosing a tank, you should rely on the following criteria:

  1. The tank hits the target perfectly, causing damage to the enemy.
  2. A tank that provides the opportunity to train, with good armor.
  3. Maneuverable and dynamic technology. The game contains tanks with disgusting maneuverability. This is the Soviet model A20, BT-7 and BT-2.

It is unwise to have one tank in reserve, because the player can be killed before the end of the current battle. Therefore, it is better to download 2-3 spare branches. Of the good tank classes, experienced players recommend:

  • Medium Soviet tank branch leading to the T-62A vehicle.
  • German branch leading to the E-100.
  • A branch of American tank destroyers.

Advice! If you want to get tanks of all classes, then you should choose the US self-propelled gun branch, which leads to the T92 tank.

Which model is better?

Choosing a tank in WOT is a difficult task, depending on a combination of factors. Serious tanks are chosen at level 5, and all levels before it are called sandbox by old-timers of the game with disdain:

  • At level 5, it is worth highlighting the models of USSR tanks, they are all excellent: the powerful KV-1, the legendary T-34 and the KV-220, which has excellent all-round armor. A nice bonus at level 5 will be the US T-67 self-propelled gun with excellent speed, lightness and high penetration.
  • At level 6, the top three are STs, of which 1 is Soviet (T-34-85) and 2 are British. The British Cromwell, which has virtually no armor, is characterized by maximum speed and stealth - the ideal tank for a strategist. The second Briton is the legendary Sherman Firefly, which in the game boldly goes against level 8 vehicles.
  • At level 7, the equipment is more balanced, from the best you can choose different IS configurations, the German Tiger I tank and the heavy American T 29.
  • Level 8 is serious, and first in the top three is the IS-3, right behind it is the FCM 50t, suitable only for experienced players, and third is the French AMX 50100.
  • At level 9, experienced players recommend giving preference to the universal German tank E 50 or the American M 103.
  • The tank for level 10 is chosen based on the situation, because the outcome of each nation is important here. At level 10 there are slow heavy Maus, various STs, loud PT 10 and other equipment.

No matter how much experience you have in WOT, never be lazy to watch new reviews and videos, getting the latest information about the game and updates. Remember that the simplest tank becomes a weapon in experienced hands.

Top tanks for beginners: video

There are a lot of players of different levels and strategies. And since the highest level in the game is the tenth, it’s worth paying special attention to it.

Which tank to download

In this game there are only four types of military equipment: heavy tanks, medium-sized tanks, heavy artillery and self-propelled anti-tank guns. There are also light vehicles, but they are not available at level 10, so there is no point in talking about them.

It is recommended to download one of the first tanks - "heavy". The pumping itself allows the player to understand the mechanics, and he will be able to get away with some mistakes in battle on such a tank. In this case, it is worth upgrading 3 tanks of heavy equipment, and then start purchasing other vehicles.

When purchasing a massive tank, driving it will be slow and this type of equipment will not be agile. But having excellent combat, a vehicle of this level will last in battle longer than other equipment.

In World of Tanks, a player who is still poorly oriented in the landscape and maps will be able to more easily determine the correct position with the help of such a tank.

Tank self-propelled guns are good and powerful, but if you start with them, you can immediately take damage. Since this technique is limited in the width of application. Altimetry is generally not acceptable for a beginner, although it is diverse. But it’s worth playing on it, initially in order to know the enemy by sight and be able to resist such a technique.

Choice of nation

If you observe the statistics of players and clan warriors, you can make an input about which nation to choose. Chinese and Japanese tanks are not as popular, as are British and French ones. The IS-4 can be excluded from the USSR line, but the MAUS will not work for the Germans.

Some types of equipment for a beginner require Premium class shells, as well as consumables, which a tanker simply may not have enough money for.

Almost every tanker has representatives of three nations in his hangar:

  • IS-7 tank of the USSR;
  • E100 German tank;
  • T110E5 USA;

In World of Tanks, you shouldn’t stay at low levels for long, because after gaining experience in the sandbox, you should move to the fifth level. Where rivals and technology will be worthy.

There are no good or bad tanks. Both at the first and tenth level, there are control methods, a purpose for the landscape and battles, as well as the skill and experience of the player himself.

A World of Tanks newcomer, upon opening the research section in the hangar for the first time, will get lost in the endless rows of tanks. He will have a reasonable question: “Where to start?” We will answer this question in this article.

What to download?

World of Tanks features about 450 production and experimental vehicles from eight nations. USSR, Germany, USA, France, England, China, Japan, Czechoslovakia. Soon, the collection will be replenished with cars from Sweden and Poland. The time frame of WoT covers the period from the 20s to the end of the 60s of the twentieth century. All equipment is divided into 5 classes: heavy tanks, medium tanks, light tanks, anti-tank self-propelled guns (tank destroyers) and artillery (self-propelled guns). All of them are divided into 10 levels.

They rank combat vehicles by strength, which, with rare exceptions, also corresponds to the time period when a particular vehicle was in service or a project in development. As it is not difficult to guess, the division into classes and levels builds “branches” of development, where the cherry on the cake is the “top” - a level 10 tank. The three first nations that have the most development branches are the USSR and Germany from the release, and the USA a little later. For three of us this is more than 20 tops, the rest are content with fewer branches.

In World of Tanks, each vehicle has its own playstyle. Conventionally, they can be divided into: tanks with armor and “cardboard” tanks without armor; small and “barn”; fast and slow; precise and oblique; rapid-fire and with a large alpha strike (damage per shot). Also, tanks can have traditional reloading and so-called drum loading, thanks to which you can fire several shells in a short time, but pay for it with a long reload.

Tanks with different playstyles place different demands on the player's skill. Thus, slow tanks with armor forgive the mistakes of their tankers, but a fast light tank or a cardboard medium tank painfully punishes for sloppy play. To understand which tanks should not be researched ahead of time, let’s try to divide all the vehicles in the game into appropriate categories by class. Let's start with heavy tanks.

Heavy tanks

If you came to World of Tanks to dominate the battlefield and crush everyone with your steel tracks, then heavy tanks are your choice. They combine strong armor, powerful guns and are capable of pushing through directions, “tanking” damage while less armored STVs come in from the flank and rear. But it's not that simple. There are TTs in WoT that do not fit the description above.

For example, the French AMX 50 100 and AMX 50b give a head start to many fast tanks in terms of dynamics and do not have armor. But they have a cannon with a drum for 6 and 4 shells, respectively. This is the choice of experienced players, they can show impressive results on these machines. Whereas a beginner who opens AMX 50 100 may become disappointed after playing several unsuccessful battles. And the whole point is that in the head of an inexperienced player there is a thought: “Hey, I have a fast tank, I need to go to that hill in the center and take it!” This usually leads to dire consequences.

Another good example of a branch not for beginners is the British top-end TT FV215b. The path to it is long and thorny - from level 5 to 7 you will have to ride almost the same Churchill with different guns and armor. At level 8, a deplorable Caernarvon awaits you compared to your classmates (don’t break your tongue!) with mediocre armor, dynamics and damage of 230 units per shot. And what does a player who opens a level 10 British TT get? And he gets the most comfortable gun among his heavy classmates, good turret armor and a slipper-like layout, which imposes its own difficulties on the game. Add to this the 76 mm NLD and two HUGE tanks immediately behind the armor, which leads to fires two to three times per battle. Then you will understand why beginners don’t like this tank so much. But, experienced players, despite all the disadvantages of the machine, use it in clan battles on the global map and are very happy with it.

The ideal option for mastering the TT class is the Soviet and German branches of the IS-7 and E 100. The IS-7 is a legend of the World of Tanks, the longed-for dream of any tanker. It has an impenetrable turret, good armor, a 130 mm cannon and the famous Soviet “vertukhan” (the ability to hit on the move and without aiming). E 100 is 130 tons of gloomy German genius. Has good armor and damage 750 units. If he is not standing in an open field, he is able to live for a long time and reflect a hail of shells that fly in his direction. On the way to both vehicles, you will have a pleasant game with such iconic tanks as the KV-1, IS, IS-3, T-10, Tiger, Tiger 2 and E 75.

Medium tanks

ST is a universal class in WoT. Favorite class of good players. They can inflict damage, deflect shells, carry out reconnaissance and illumination, carry out raids in the rear, return and disrupt the capture of a base, and some can do everything at once. Prominent representatives are the three twin brothers from the Soviet development tree - T-62A, Object 140 and Object 430. An inexperienced player will not see the difference in the performance characteristics of these vehicles, although there is a difference there. The T-62A has an impenetrable turret and better gun stabilization, while the Ob. 140 is slightly better than UVN (vertical aiming angles) and motion dynamics. About. 430 has higher damage per minute. T-62A should be opened first, then Ob. 140.

German E 50 ausf. M and Chinese 121 are good vehicles with armor and powerful guns. They can be upgraded instead of Soviet tanks, but the E 50 has a difficult branch, and it itself is very large, and self-propelled guns like to shoot at it. The Chinese 121 is good for everyone, except UVN: and you can only shoot at the skies. The gun tilts down only a couple of degrees.

Many will pay attention to the French ST Bat. - Chatillon 25 t. It rightfully bears the title of one of the best CT tanks in the world. Speed, 5-shell drum, universal love. But there is no need to rush, since “batchat” is a very demanding fighting machine in terms of ability to play. Inexperienced players, having opened “batchats”, end battles ingloriously, which often causes a storm of curses from their allies. "Fast Tank Syndrome" in action. The branch before it consists up to level 8 entirely of light tanks, which we will talk about below, which does not contribute to comfortable leveling. In general, we advise you not to take on the French CT until you learn how to play the medium tank class. The situation is similar with the “Czech” TVP T 50/51.

Those undesirable for upgrading primarily include Leopard 1, AMX 30 B, STB-1, M48A1 and Centurion Action X. The first three do not have armor, and the American and British also have impressive sizes. All tanks, except for the M48A1, have complex upgrade paths. It is better to postpone these machines until you have experience playing.

Light tanks

By right it is the most difficult class of tanks in the game. In “sand”, most tanks are light, and therefore play fun and without problems. But, starting at level 5, they have an important role as the eyes of the team. Not all newcomers understand this and merge into a “rush in the center,” depriving their team of “light.” You should start leveling up high-level tanks only when you have played enough battles and gained an understanding of the various game mechanics of World of Tanks.

Tank destroyer

Anti-tank self-propelled guns are snipers in the world of tanks. At high levels, they have the best weapons among other vehicle classes. There are two subtypes of PTsheks: glass cannons and assault self-propelled guns.

Glass cannons are combat vehicles with precise penetrating guns mounted on a chassis whose armor provides protection only from rain and wind. Typical representatives are the Waffentrager branch with Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, aka Borsch, and Grille 15. This type of AT relies on camouflage and its painfully hitting guns.

In addition to powerful guns, assault tanks also have good armor, but they pay for it with slowness and the lack of a turret. Jagdpanzer E 100 and T110E3 can compete with heavy tanks on the front line. But players don’t really like to climb forward on them, preferring to stand in a nearby bush with glass cannons.

In general, any branch of tank destroyers is friendly to beginners. The gameplay is simple and straightforward - stand in the bushes and shoot at the tanks. Apart from, perhaps, Grille 15 due to the lack of armor, there are no particularly difficult branches, so you can level up any of them. Moreover, at low and medium levels there are many nice cars that you will want to leave in the hangar, such as T67, M18 Hellcat, SU-100, ISU-152.


How many copies have been broken around the issue of the need for artillery self-propelled guns in battles. And while Wargaming is thinking about what to do with it on its test servers, we will try to understand whether a beginner needs to start with “art” and which branch to explore first.

If you look impartially, you can understand why the art is so popular among players. It allows you to deal damage with impunity without moving far from the base. With a successful hit, you can kill the enemy in one shot. Doesn't require much tension or concentration. On the other hand, after several nerfs, playing on art became very uncomfortable. Long reload, long aiming, huge spread. The gameplay on self-propelled guns is reminiscent of roulette: you can avoid hitting a standing enemy for the entire battle and then send him to the hangar of an ST or LT, who is rushing at full speed, not focusing on the target at all.

To get acquainted with the class, it would not be superfluous to play a self-propelled gun, but downloading any of the branches to the end is highly not recommended. Firstly, apart from top-end self-propelled guns, walk-through vehicles, with rare exceptions, are very uncomfortable. Secondly, leveling up is slow, you need to earn a lot of experience, but you can’t do it consistently. Thirdly, after level 10 art has been researched, it is very difficult to sit down and learn to play normal tanks.

So where to start?

Which branch to open first entirely depends on the player. Someone out of a sense of patriotism starts with the tanks of the USSR. Someone, being an ardent German, opens Maus and E-100. In this article, we provided only general information about development branches, which are difficult to master for beginners and unforgiving of mistakes. Carefully approach the choice of the first branch. Perhaps you choose your favorite tank, on which you will bring terror and sow destruction in the enemy’s camp.

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