Artifacts and class strongholds. Artifacts and class strongholds How many levels of knowledge about the artifact

This material is a translation of a large guide on Legion artifacts published on the wowhead resource. You can read the original at this address. Some details from personal experience of being in beta have also been added.

Update Patch 7.2. In patch 7.2, the artifact system has undergone some changes. .

Update Patch 7.3. In patch 7.3, the artifact system was once again modernized. .


Seven years ago at Blizzcon 2009, the Cataclysm expansion was announced. Among all the innovations that awaited players, the “path of the Titans” was announced, a new character development system at the highest level. What little was shown spoke of trees (or rather, circles) of talents that were unlocked as various tasks were completed, including those related to archaeology. Those who have played longer remember how it all ended. The Path of the Titans was cut from the release of the third addition to the game.

Apparently, the developers decided to return to the theme of an additional branch of character development, of course, with some adjustments. Indeed, we have a “closed” talent tree that needs to be developed. These talents guarantee some special abilities that can be enhanced. In general, in some respects, the concept was continued.

The main thing about artifacts:

  • each spec receives their own artifact weapon (except for the fishing artifact, which will be available to everyone);
  • You can get the artifact by completing a quest that will reveal the unique features of your class and tell you about important characters in the world;
  • the artifact is your main weapon in Legion, you will not have another (or rather, you will, but only to complete the starting scenario on the Broken Isles and quests to obtain the first artifact);
  • Artifact traits increase various class abilities, while relics improve certain traits and increase the ilvl of weapons;
  • the power of artifacts increases through Artifact Power (AP), the discovery of traits and Relics, which can be installed in sockets available on weapons;
  • Artifact Knowledge (AK) is a system that helps players progress faster with artifacts for offspecs. You can get all the artifacts for your class in the Stronghold;
  • Artifacts have different appearances and colors that can be unlocked through different activities. You will be able to transmogrify an artifact, but other weapons cannot take on the shape or colors of the artifact;
  • Upgrading an artifact is strongly tied to the Class Stronghold, so to increase the Knowledge of the artifact you need to place orders in the Stronghold for the corresponding resource.

How to get an artifact?

Everything is very simple. After the scenario, which takes place on the Broken Isles, you will immediately be given a quest in Dalaran. I passed it as a hunter. After selecting the artifact, we received another quest to complete in the scenario and at the first stage we needed to save Alleria Windrunner. At the end of the scenario, a “blank” bow without traits was given. At the last stage, I was sent to a class stronghold, where the artifact acquired traits. Nothing special really, just follow the directions.

Artifacts and Specializations

The appearance of the artifacts is presented.

Death Knight

  • Blood: Cursed Devourer (two-handed axe);
  • Ice: Blades of the Fallen Prince (swords);
  • Unholy: Apocalypse (greatsword);

Demon Hunter

  • Destruction: Twin blades of the tempter (glaives);
  • Vengeance: Aldarachian Warblades (glaives);


  • Balance: Scythe of Elune (staff);
  • Beast Power: Ashhide Fangs (daggers);
  • Guardian: Claws of Ursoc (fist weapon);
  • Healing: G'hanir, the Primordial Tree (staff);


  • Archery: Thas'dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners (bow);
  • Survival: Ravenclaw (polearm);
  • Beastmaster: Might of the Titans (gun);


  • Ice: Polar Night (staff);
  • Fire: Felo'melorn and Phoenix Heart (swords);
  • Arcane Magic: Aluneth (staff);


  • Brewmaster: Fu Can, Traveler's Companion (staff);
  • Mistweaver: Shay-lun, Staff of Mists (staff);
  • Windwalker: Fists of the Sky, Alra'ed and Al'burq (fist weapons);


  • Light: Silver Hand (two-handed mace);
  • Defense: Guardian of Truth and Oathkeeper (shield and sword);
  • Retribution: Incinerator (two-handed sword);


  • Discipline: Light's Fury (staff);
  • Light: T'uure, Light of the Naaru (staff);
  • Darkness: Xal'atat, Blade of the Dark Empire and Secrets of the Abyss (daggers);


  • Elimination: Assassins of Kings, Longing and Sorrow (daggers);
  • Cutthroat: Blades of Terror, Fortune and Fate (swords);
  • Stealth: Devourer's Fangs, Akaari's Testament and Bloodfang (daggers);


  • Elements: Fist of Ra-den and Barrier of the Supreme Guardian (fist weapon + shield);
  • Enhancement: Hammer of Doom and Wrath of the Rock Mother (mice for both hands);
  • Healing: Sharas'dal, Scepter of the Tides and Shield of the Lady of the Sea (mace and shield);


  • Sorcery: Ulthalesh, Reaper of the Deadwind (staff);
  • Demonology: Skull of Man'ari and Spine of Thal'kiel (daggers);
  • Destruction: Scepter of Sargeras (staff);


  • Weapons: Stromkar, Peacemaker (two-handed sword);
  • Fury: Valarjar Warswords, Odin's Fury and Helya's Wrath (two-handed swords);
  • Defense: Shard of scales and Shell of the Guardian of the Earth (shield and sword);

Upgrading and customizing artifacts

Artifact Power

Traits become available as you gain Artifact Power (hereinafter referred to as AP). It's not a currency you collect and spend, it's more like exp. As you receive it, you use it to unlock a new artifact trait. Artifact power can be obtained through various used items (for example, Dalaran Wine Glass, Brief History of the Aeons, Brief History of the Ages).

There is a bar in the interface (above the experience bar) that shows how close you are to unlocking the next trait.

Items that allow you to receive Artifact Power are obtained in the following ways:

  • main quests/world quests;
  • world quest chests;
  • hidden treasures;
  • random dungeons of normal and heroic difficulty;
  • drop from bosses in dungeons, raids, world bosses, rares;
  • Class Stronghold missions;
  • victories on the battlefield;
  • victories in arenas;

Having received such an item, click on it to add Artifact Power to the weapon you are currently carrying. If you want to add power to another artifact weapon, then you need to equip it first and only then use the item. Artifact power is a parameter that is tied to a specific weapon and does not apply to artifacts for other specs. Artifact knowledge is an attribute that you can pump up and, as a result, increase the rate of receiving artifact power from most sources.

Artifact Traits

Artifact traits are special abilities that are unlocked over time on artifact weapons. Each trait requires a certain amount of Artifact Power. Each subsequent trait will require more and more Artifact Power. Each weapon has an Artifact Ability that can be unlocked and which guarantees an additional spell, usually with a powerful effect. Some are passive, but for most specs these will be active spells that can be cast. These spells appear on the information summary above each artifact.

Traits are, for the most part, passive abilities that improve your class's abilities. Let's say they increase the damage from ability X by a certain amount. In order to see what traits are inherent in your artifact, press the Shift-click combination with the right mouse button on your artifact weapon. Remember that the choice of new traits for your weapons can only be made in the Artifact Forge in the Class Hall.

Traits have levels from 1 to 3. To gain a new level, you need to invest Artifact Power into the trait. Relics add "bonus" levels to a specific artifact trait. This trait can be enhanced by a maximum of 6 levels. Additional Artifact Levels that add Relics do not require Artifact Power.

You must max the trait (up to level 3) in order to continue unlocking traits. A total of 34 points are available to invest in the Artifact Trait Tree, and the path along which you will discover traits depends only on your choice. Eventually, when you get all 34 points, you will have maxed out all the traits on your artifact weapon. Several traits have a golden dragon border. These traits greatly enhance your class abilities (more than a normal trait).

After obtaining all 34 points for your weapon, you will gain access to a "bonus" trait with 20 levels. This Bonus Trait increases damage. This trait is described in more detail in the subsection below.

Reset and redistribute trait points

You can respec/redistribute your traits (by resetting and reassigning points) for a price. A respec costs the same amount of Artifact Power as the next point to invest in your trait tree. For example, let's say you've invested 18 points into your artifact tree and want to reset and reassign them. To do this, you must give as much Artifact Power as is required to purchase the 19th point for the trait tree - 24,000 Artifact Power. This procedure will restore 18 points to you, which you can spend on traits. It should be remembered that you will not restore the Artifact Powers, only points.

Since the cost of respec your artifact weapon is high, it won't be as profitable. And in the end, you will unlock all the traits of your artifact. The order in which you do this doesn't really matter.

Trait Perks

The total number of trait levels you acquire increases the amount of stamina +/- damage dealt (up to the 34th point of your artifact trait tree). Healer and tank specs receive 0.75% + 1% damage dealt for each unlocked trait (25.5% stamina and 34% damage dealt on maxed artifact weapons). Priests of Discipline, as hybrid damage dealers/healers, gain 0.75% stamina and 0.5% damage dealt per trait, resulting in a 25.5% increase in stamina and 17% damage on a fully upgraded artifact weapon. Damage dealers receive 0.75% stamina per trait, which increases stamina by 25.5% on a fully upgraded artifact.

Trait Cost

Below is a table showing the cost of trait points. The amount of artifact Power increases exponentially.

AP AP total
1 100 100
2 300 400
3 325 725
4 350 1075
5 375 1450
6 400 1850
7 425 2275
8 450 2725
9 525 3250
10 625 3875
11 750 4625
12 875 5500
13 1000 6500
14 6840 13340
15 8830 22170
16 11280 33450
17 14400 47850
18 18620 66470
19 24000 90470
20 30600 121070
21 39520 160590
22 50880 211470
23 64800 276270
24 82500 358770
25 105280 464050
26 138650 602700
27 182780 785480
28 240870 1026350
29 315520 1341870
30 417560 1759430
31 546000 2305430
32 718200 3023630
33 946660 3970290
34 1245840 5216130

Bonus trait

The bonus trait becomes available if you have received all 34 points for the main artifact weapon. As mentioned above, the Bonus has 20 levels and investments in it increase damage, healing and armor (depending on the spec). The system as a whole is similar to the “paragons” in Diablo III.

Point Bonus trait level AR Total cost of the bonus trait AP cost in total Damage Bonus Bonus to healing Armor bonus to tanking (shield) Bonus to tanking health (without shield)
35 1 1,635,200 1,635,200 6,851,330 5% 5% 10% 5%
36 2 1,915,000 3,550,200 8,766,330 6% 6% 11% 6%
37 3 2,010,000 5,560,200 10,776,330 6% 6% 12% 6%
38 4 2,110,000 7,670,200 12,886,330 7% 7% 13% 7%
39 5 2,215,000 9,885,200 15,101,330 7% 7% 14% 7%
40 6 2,325,000 12,210,200 17,426,330 8% 8% 15% 8%
41 7 2,440,000 14,650,200 19,866,330 8% 8% 16% 8%
42 8 2,560,000 17,210,200 22,426,330 9% 9% 17% 9%
43 9 2,690,000 19,900,200 25,116,330 9% 9% 18% 9%
44 10 2,825,000 22,725,200 27,941,330 10% 10% 19% 10%
45 11 2,965,000 25,690,200 30,906,330 10% 10% 20% 10%
46 12 3,115,000 28,805,200 34,021,330 11% 11% 21% 11%
47 13 3,270,000 32,075,200 37,291,330 11% 11% 22% 11%
48 14 3,435,000 35,510,200 40,736,330 12% 12% 23% 12%
49 15 3,605,000 39,115,200 44,331,330 12% 12% 24% 12%
50 16 3,785,000 42,900,200 48,116,330 13% 13% 25% 13%
51 17 3,975,000 46,875,200 52,091,330 13% 13% 26% 13%
52 18 4,175,000 51,050,200 56,266,330 14% 14% 27% 14%
53 19 4,385,000 55,435,200 60,651,330 14% 14% 28% 14%
54 20 4,605,000 60,040,200 65,256,330 15% 15% 29% 15%

To obtain the 14th trait, a significant amount of AP is required (6480) - more than to obtain the previous thirteen (6500). Keep this in mind if you plan to regularly play as a second spec. You can choose to level up a second artifact before continuing to level up the main one. Amount of AP required to upgrade artifacts:

First 13 points in the main tree:

  • for one artifact - 6,500 AP
  • for two - 13,000 AR
  • for three - 19,500 AR
  • for four - 26,000 AR

All 34 points

  • for one artifact - 5,216,130 AP
  • for two - 10,432,260 AR
  • for three - 15,648,390 AR
  • for four - 20,864,520 AR

All levels 1-20 for bonus artifacts: 60,040,200
Fully maxed weapons: 65,256,330

Artifact knowledge increases the amount of Artifact Power you can receive per day, which will significantly reduce your leveling time. At the maximum level of Artifact Knowledge, the amount of Artifact Power increases by 6850%. For more details, see the Artifact Knowledge section.

Artifact Relics

A relic is an item whose mechanics are similar to how older metastones worked. When a relic is inserted into an artifact socket, it performs two functions:

  • increases the ilvl of the artifact (increases the main and secondary stats);
  • adds a bonus to a specific artifact trait.

The artifact has three slots for relics, two of which are available immediately after you receive the weapon. The third slot is initially closed and will open after you complete the Class Hall quest chain.

There are several types of relics and each artifact has a unique combination of slots that are associated with a specific theme. For example, Shadowpriest weapons have two Shadow and one Blood relic slots, while Frostmage weapons have two Ice and one Arcane relic slots. There are ten types of relics in total:

  • Arcane Magic;
  • Blood;
  • Fel;
  • Fire;
  • Iron;
  • Light;
  • Life;
  • Shadow;
  • Storm.

Not all specs may benefit from a particular relic - it all depends on what slots your weapon has. According to quality, relics are divided in the same way as items - unusual, rare and epic. They are given as a reward for completing quests, dropped from mobs in the open world and from bosses in all types of dungeons, from 5ppl to raid and world ones. In addition, relics can be crafted. Most often, quests reward you with relics of unusual and rare quality, which have a chance to randomly upgrade to something of a higher quality, for example, instead of an unusual one you will receive a rare relic. Some crafted relics related to the worlddrop can be BoE and, accordingly, they can be sold at an auction, where a special tab is made for them.

Requirements for relics may vary. Let's say an item with level 670 will require a level above 100, and a relic with level 730 can only be used by a character at least level 105. In general, the ilvl of relics ranges from 670 to 895.

Relics that drop as personal loot guarantee a set of characteristics that correspond to your class and spec.

Relics cannot be taken out and put back in. Similar to gemstones, they are destroyed when removed or replaced.

Each relic has an ilvl. At the start of the expansion it will fluctuate between 670-895. The higher the level of the relic, the more it will increase the level of the artifact. For example, a level 850 relic will upgrade your artifact by 43 levels, while a crafted level 805 relic will upgrade it by 31. Relics dropped from bosses can randomly receive +5 additional units to the possible level of the artifact. Any Titanforged item can increase its level by more than 15 points.

The starting level of the artifact is 750 and this level will increase if you insert relics into the sockets. The maximum possible level of artifact weapons is 918.

Source ilvl relics Artifact boost Notes
Quests 670-815 +2-33 ilvls Rewards are scaled depending on the level of the character who completed the event
World quest rewards are level 805 and can randomly level up
Normal difficulty dungeons 700-805+ +2-31 ilvls Drops in normal difficulty dungeons scale depending on character level
Crafts 805 +31 ilvls Crafted Relics cannot be upgraded with Obliterium
Heroic dungeons 825+ +36 ilvls
The Emerald Nightmare and the Night Citadel (LFR) 835+ +39 ilvls
Mythic dungeons 840+ +40 ilvls
Emerald Nightmare and the Night Citadel (normal) 850+ +43 ilvls
World bosses 860+ +46 ilvls
The Emerald Nightmare and the Night Citadel (heroic) 865+ +48 ilvls
The Emerald Nightmare + The Nighthold (mythic) 880+ +52 ilvls
Maximum available level of Titanforged items 895 +56 ilvls

Artifact Knowledge

Knowledge of an artifact increases the possible amount of Artifact Power (AP) you can gain daily. Increasing the amount of daily AP is only possible after reaching level 110. There you will receive two quests that will allow you to open Orders for Artifact Knowledge in the Class Stronghold. The quests will also tell you about the history of the artifacts - as you progress, you will need books in which this will be revealed.

At the release, one Order will be available, which will be completed within 5 days. However, later this period will be reduced and it will also depend on how far the character has progressed. The cost of completing the order is 500 units of Stronghold resources. In other words, every five days there will be an opportunity to increase Artifact Knowledge by 1 level. There are 25 of these levels in total. Each level will increase the amount of available AP received from different sources. The first level boosts AP by 25%, and at level 25 - 24,000%. It should be noted that stacking items that increase AP is not worth it. You will receive an increase for the level of Knowledge of the artifact that was in effect at the time you received the item. Artifact knowledge will work for all weapons to make leveling easier for offspecs. However, this rule applies only to one character, and not the entire account.

A table indicating how much AP will increase at a certain level of Artifact Knowledge is given below.

Artifact Knowledge Level Bonus to Artifact Power (AP) Artifact Knowledge Level Bonus to Artifact Power (AP) Artifact Knowledge Level Bonus to Artifact Power (AP) Artifact Knowledge Level Bonus to Artifact Power (AP)
1 25% 8 500% 15 2850% 22 14200%
2 50% 9 650% 16 3600% 23 17800%
3 90% 10 850% 17 4550% 24 22300%
4 140% 11 1100% 18 5700% 25 24900%
5 200% 12 1400% 19 7200%
6 275% 13 1780% 20 9000%
7 375% 14 2250% 21 11300%

In general, that's all. How to change the appearance of artifacts is described in.

Artifacts are one of the most important innovations of the Legion. They will be the most powerful items in the game, and other weapons will simply not be competitive. However, getting all the Artifacts that suit your class is not so easy. In this article we will tell you how to do this.

So let's start with your first Artifact. The first time you will be given the opportunity to select an Artifact is at the beginning of the main Legion quest chain. In it you will gain access to a class stronghold, without which you will not be able to receive tasks in the future. Therefore, it is very difficult not to find the first Artifact, and you should not have any difficulties in obtaining it.

To get the second Artifact (and the third and fourth) you need to reach level 102. The NPS who gives the quest to obtain the Artifact will be located in your Stronghold and highlighted with an orange exclamation mark. It can be noted that the quest chain for the second Artifact is shorter than for the first.

The tasks for each Artifact vary significantly. To get Healer Artifacts, you will need to heal a group of allies; for a Tank Artifact, you need to tank something... By the way, you can do a quest for the Light Priest Artifact while being in the Darkness specialization, for example. Although these scenarios are tailored to a specific specialization.

But getting all the Artifacts is just the beginning.

The Power of Artifacts.

The main feature of Artifacts are the talents built into it. Some talents simply increase ability damage or critical strike chance, while others add new effects to abilities. Some talents have levels (For example, the Witchcraft Warlock's talent "Unstable Witchcraft" - increases the chance of crit of Unstable Witchcraft by 2%,4%,6% depending on the level of pumping).

To study these talents, you need a new currency - Artifact Power (SA). It can be obtained for performing various actions: completing a dungeon, killing rare enemies, completing certain tasks, etc. Each subsequent study or improvement of talents requires more CA.

It is important to know that the SA is tied to the Artifact that is currently equipped on you! Fortunately, SA almost always drops out in the form of an item that can be used at any time.


Initially, you receive an Item Level 750 Artifact. At the moment, this is more than hardened loot from the Mythic Archimonde, but in the Legion, naturally, this will not be enough. To increase the level of an Artifact, you will use Relics - items that give additional characteristics to your Artifact and, accordingly, increase its power!

Each relic has its own element (light, darkness, fire, corruption, etc.). And in your Artifact there are three cells that also have an element. It’s easy to guess that only a Relic of Light can be inserted into a cell with light.

You can get Relics in different ways - loot from dungeon bosses, raids, completing quests, etc.

The Relics themselves also have an item level. The best ones will drop from raid bosses.

Artifact Knowledge

At the moment, the progress of Artifacts is very slow. There is very little SA and it is tied to one Artifact, so pumping up several characters at once, and simply playing two specializations in parallel will be very ineffective. To make life a little easier for those who like to play for everyone at once, there is a system of Artifact Knowledge. This function increases the amount of SA received. To get it, you need to level up your character to level 110. And get SA on it to increase the multiplier.

But still, the best option would be to decide on your specialization right away.

P.S. if you want a discount, write to the operator before purchasing :)

Artifacts are wearable items that directly affect the course of the game. In addition to the many benefits that come with wearing artifacts, you can also change their appearance. Each of the artifacts has 24 different appearances and this guide will tell you about the methods of obtaining the appearances, their complexity and time spent.

What do you need to unlock artifact skins?

  • First of all, you still need to be level 110, even despite receiving the artifact at level 100.
  • You must first unlock the model, or main skin, before unlocking the different colors of that model.
  • Once the lock on the appearance is removed, you will be able to use it at the Artifact Forge in your class stronghold.
  • You can apply the appearance of another weapon to an artifact weapon. All rules regarding modifications to other weapons remain the same.
  • All unlocked skins are available for all character specializations. However, this rule does not apply to the entire account.
  • Some weapon skins can change the weapon type (for example, Might of the Titans, which changes the weapon type from a firearm to a bow).

Classic look

First color

Standard weapon color.

Second color

Requirement: to bring back one of the pillars of creation.
Receipt: You must obtain one of the pillars of creation, which can be obtained by completing the final quests of the story campaign:
  • Aegis of Aggramar – Aegis of Aggramar, Stormheim
  • Hammer of Khaz'goroth - Hammer of Khaz'goroth, Highmountain
  • Tear of Elune – Tears of Elune, Val'sharah
  • Tidestone of Golganneth - Tidestone of Golganneth, Azsuna
  • Eye of Aman'thul - Suramar
Difficulty – 1. Just complete the quests in the game zones on the Broken Isles.

Third color

Requirement: Retrieve the Heart of Light and deliver it to the class stronghold.
Receipt: Complete the quest chain Falling Star, Lightbringer, Onslaught of Light.
Difficulty – 1. Complete the tasks above.

Fourth color

Requirement: completed the first stage of the story campaign.
Receipt: complete part of the story campaign.
Difficulty – 1
Fight in style: classic look, awarded for unblocking all four skins.

Improved view

First color

Requirement: Get the Battle Hardened achievement.
Receipt: Complete the Class Hall story campaign.
Difficulty – 1, complete all quests in the class stronghold.

Second color

Requirement: Get the achievement Power Incarnate.
Receipt: You need to get all possible features of the artifact (except for bonus ones). To do this you will need 5216130 artifact power.
Difficulty – 2, getting the power of an artifact is not very difficult, but gaining such a number of power will require a lot of time.

Third color

Requirements: Get the achievement Part of History.
Receipt: Learn ten levels of artifact knowledge.
Difficulty – 1, mine the stronghold resources and wait for the completion of learning the knowledge about the artifact.

Fourth color

Requirements: Get an achievement This side up.
Receipt: Dig up eight rare minerals from the Broken Isles. The Archeology trainer Dariness the Knowledgeable has a quest every two weeks that gives you a chance to gain access to the excavation of a rare fossil. You can only take on the quest if you are level 110.
Difficulty – 2, this appearance will require a lot of time to carry out all the necessary excavations. Also, most of the time will be spent getting all the necessary quests.

Valiant look

First color

Requirements: Complete the “Balance of Power” quest chain.
Receipt: A long chain of quests obtained in the class stronghold. Starts with the quest Hidden Power.
Difficulty – 2, a lot of time spent on a chain of quests and visiting almost all dungeons.

Second color

Requirements: Get the Unchained Monsters achievement.
Receipt: Defeat eight of ten world bosses in the Broken Isles.
Difficulty - 2, since bosses have a respawn time of several days, it will take a lot of time to kill them.

Third color

Requirements: Use the level fifteen key to complete the dungeon challenge mode.
Receipt: You need to complete Mythic dungeons level 15+ using your own or someone else's key. At this level the enemy is much stronger and uses more abilities.
Difficulty – 4, you need to complete the highest levels of Mythic dungeons.

Fourth color

Requirements: Complete the Glory of the Legion Hero achievement. Buy the achievement Glory to the Legion Hero you can on our website.
Receipt: Requires 26 achievements on Mythic difficulty across a dozen five-player dungeons. Achievements are counted from all characters in the profile.
Difficulty – 3, you need a coordinated and effective game of allies when passing dungeons.
You'll also receive the Fight in Style: Valiant Look achievement for unlocking all four artifact colors.

Seasoned look

There is only one color, it’s the first one.
Requirements: Get the achievement Prestige (alliance) ( / Prestige (horde) (
Receipt: Just get the first level of prestige (rank 50) for being active in PvP.
Difficulty – 1, playing on battlefields will allow you to quickly get what you want.

The second/third/fourth colors are given for obtaining 5/9/13 levels of prestige. Will be available only in the next PvP seasons.

Hidden view

To open the hidden appearance of an artifact, use the hidden appearance guide. We will post a link to it here in the near future.

Unrealized appearance

Not all artifact styles have been added to the game yet. It is expected that they will be added in the next patches.

You might find this interesting:

What you need to know about artifacts in WoW

Basic information:

  • There is an artifact for each specialization of each class - thus, there are 36 artifacts in total in the Legion. This is an exceptionally powerful weapon.
  • To receive the artifact, you need to complete the quest chain for your specialization. As you progress through the quests, you will learn a lot of information about famous characters in the game.
  • The artifact is the character's main weapon in the Legion. There is no weapon more powerful.
  • Artifact Traits/Talents are passive abilities that enhance your class's abilities.
  • Relics are items that can be inserted into an artifact to enhance certain features of a weapon and increase the level of the item.
  • The power of the artifact grows as the Power of the artifact is gained. This unlocks new available features and relics.
  • Artifact Knowledge is a system that allows players to quickly obtain artifacts for secondary specializations. All artifacts for your class can be obtained through the campaign in the class hall.
  • Artifacts have different styles and colors that can be unlocked by performing certain actions. An artifact can be transmogrified into another weapon, but the weapon cannot be given the appearance of an artifact.

Demon Hunter Artifact (Glaives):

Artifact Features (Talents)

The full list of features is available (only in English for now).

Traits/talents are passive skills that enhance the abilities of a specific specialization. When you first get your artifact, the first trait is an active one (and quite powerful - like Phoenix Flame for mages).

  • To select new features, simply click on your artifact.
  • Most features have 3 upgrade ranks. You need to spend Artifact Power to increase the rank of features - and this will make them more powerful.
  • Some talents have a golden dragon border around them. These talents have a more noticeable impact on the game and usually have separate visual effects.
  • The number of upgrade ranks also increases the character's Stamina.

Example talents for Ashbringer:

Artifact Relics

The full list of artifact relics can be found on WoWhead.

Relics can be inserted into your artifact to increase the item's level. Each relic also allows you to increase the rank of one feature of the artifact.

  • The maximum rank for features is 6/6.
  • There are different types of relics, and only certain types can be inserted into each artifact. For example, priests of darkness can insert 2 relics of Darkness and 1 relic of Blood, and frost mages can insert 2 relics of Ice and 1 relic of Arcane magic.
  • A relic improves a specific feature of an artifact. Wherein not all specializations of the same class can receive a bonus from a certain relic.
  • Relics cannot be removed from an artifact: when replaced, the old relic is destroyed. Unused relics can be sold to a merchant or disenchanted.
  • Relics come in different qualities - uncommon, rare and epic.
  • You can get relics as rewards for quests, from bosses in dungeons and raids, as well as through professions. The quality of the relic as a quest reward can be randomly upgraded from uncommon to rare / from rare to epic.

Video with some Legion artifacts:

How to get an artifact in WoW

All classes receive their artifact through completing the introductory quest chain. In this case, you will need to use the unique abilities of your specialization.

For example, Survival hunters will actively use traps, and Assassination robbers will move around Stormwind in Stealth mode.

At the end of the missions, you gain access to the class stronghold, and also learn how to operate the artifact and the command table for missions in the stronghold.

By completing missions in a class stronghold, you can receive quest items that give you access to artifacts from other specializations of your class.

Video of the chains for obtaining the artifact can be viewed at Youtube.

Artifact Power

Artifact talents can be upgraded using Artifact Power.

Artifact power in the Legion can be obtained in different ways:

  • Completing major quests;
  • Killing bosses in dungeons and raids;
  • Treasure hunt;
  • Walkthrough of random heroics.

To use an item that gives Artifact Power, right-click on this item, and then on the desired weapon.

When you develop an artifact, the cost of subsequent levels of each trait increases, and quite significantly. To upgrade the first talent, you need 100 units of Strength, and then this number can reach 6000-8000.

Artifact of the robber of the “Stealth” branch:

Artifact Knowledge

Artifact knowledge is necessary to increase the amount of Artifact Power you receive from items.

  • Level 110 players can return special books found around the world to the NPC researcher in the class stronghold.
  • To research the volume, you need to spend Stronghold Resources. When the research is completed, you will receive more Artifact Knowledge points. Here is a list of tomes related to increasing the Artifact Power level.
  • This increase applies to most items that provide Artifact Power, but not all.
  • Artifact knowledge increases the rate of obtaining Artifact Power on a character and applies to all artifacts. This will be useful if you are pumping up artifacts for different specializations.
  • Artifact knowledge will be gained faster as the expansion progresses.

Appearance of artifacts

Each artifact has 6 appearance styles, and each style has 4 color options - i.e. total of 24 appearance options.

Each color option opens in different ways. For example:

  • Receiving prestige levels 2, 5, 9, 13;
  • Achievement Loremaster of the Legion;
  • Achievement Rise of the Traitor (kill Gul'dan);
  • Achievement for killing 8 world bosses;
  • Achievement Hidden Potential (something secret).

The artifact can be transmogrified into anything, but the appearance of the artifact cannot be given to another weapon.

All options for the appearance of artifacts can be viewed in the artifact calculator on WoWhead (in the “Appearance” tab).

Artifact of the Death Knight of the “Unholy” branch:

Hidden Artifact Effects

Artifacts in Legion may have some hidden effects.

One of the developers put it this way:

"When you're dealing with items as powerful as some of the artifacts players will receive in Legion, there's no telling what mysterious things might happen."

There are several suggestions as to what could be the hidden effects of the artifacts in Legion:

  • Hunter's Onslaught, Feral Druid: Ashhide's claws are filled with the blood of beasts, providing a 3% increase in speed. The effect dissipates when the druid enters combat.
  • Valkyra's Gaze, Fury War: If the warrior kills an enemy within 8 seconds of the effect triggering, he recovers 50% of his health.
  • Ashbringer, Retro Paladin: There is a chance that the Ashbringer will instantly kill a small demon or undead near the character.
  • Call of the Eagle, Hunter: When a hunter's health drops below 40%, an eagle comes to his aid for 10 seconds; fires no more than once every three minutes.

Video of the hidden effect Valkyra's Gaze (furi var):

Cosmetic effects

There are also some cosmetic effects associated with artifacts in the game:

  • Paladins can see demons in Dalaran using Reveal Light.
  • Air elementals in Stormheim are friendly to Elemental shamans.
  • Some classes have a special animation for the Away status (Frost DK, Druids, and Healing Shamans).
  • Some NPCs react to a character with an artifact. For example, the elven blacksmith in Dalaran admires Felo'Melorn (an artifact of the fire mages).

We talk about Legion artifacts in this guide. All about talents and artifact relics, their appearance, power and artifact knowledge in World of Warcraft. Artifacts are unique weapons for each specialization added in Legion. The power of such weapons grows as the player progresses through the plot of the add-on.

Artifact weapons are a powerful aid in your fight against the destructive forces of the Burning Legion that have invaded Azeroth. There is a separate artifact weapon for each class specialization, and these can be enhanced through artifact research.

First things first

Legion offers all level 100 players a quest to obtain their first artifact weapon. In most cases, players will first start looking for a weapon for their primary specialization or for a new character's first chosen specialization. However, with the ease of changing specializations at level 102, things start to get more complicated as players get the opportunity to acquire all the other artifact weapons for their class. Players will be faced with the choice of whether to distribute the artifact's power among all available weapons or concentrate on one. Let's try to figure it out and see what to expect from strengthening weapons, and what methods of strengthening there are.

Knowledge is power

When your character reaches level 110, he will be able to receive a new quest in the class hall, allowing him to place orders for research. Each such order will provide you with Artifact Data, which will familiarize you with the history of all Artifact weapons available to you, and will also increase the rate at which Artifact Power is accumulated for all Artifact Weapons intended for the corresponding specializations of your class.

Extra Strength

There are many ways to accumulate artifact power in the game. In addition, you will be able to receive additional bonuses for artifacts for certain game activities - for example, completing a dungeon or participating in a raid or PvP battle for the first time in a day. If you want to increase the power of your weapons as effectively as possible, try to diversify your activities in the game.

Power distribution

Artifact knowledge will help you strengthen your artifact weapons faster, but at what point is it worth switching from your main weapon to a second or even third? Once your primary weapon reaches power level 13, the cost of further enhancing it will increase significantly. You can continue to enhance it further, but you can switch to another weapon - the cost of enhancing it from level 1 to 13 will be even lower than increasing the level of your main weapon from 13 to 14.

Alternative characters and ways to strengthen them

What if you want to develop several characters at once? By focusing all your efforts on one character and their weapon, you will eventually become proficient with that weapon faster. But, of course, everyone plays at different speeds, and often with several characters - we haven’t forgotten about that either. It will be easier to strengthen the artifact weapons of your secondary characters by speeding up the completion of orders for artifact research. The system tracks how much time has passed since the update was released and gradually reduces the time required to complete these orders, thereby speeding up the acquisition of knowledge about the artifact. So if you are simultaneously working on developing an alternative character or just don’t spend too much time in the game, the system will automatically adjust to you.

There are a lot of ways to accumulate artifact power in the game, and ultimately it’s up to you to decide which weapon you will enhance and to what level. The knowledge of artifacts is described in more detail

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