Secrets of increasing activity on Instagram. Secrets to Boosting Instagram Activity So Which Posts Win in the New Ranked Search

If you use Instagram for your business, then in your analytics you have probably noticed a decrease in subscriber loyalty to your content. If you are faced with the fact that your content, products or promotions are less “liked” or commented by people, and the number of subscribers is growing differently than it was just recently - do not worry.

Not only you, but also other accounts faced the problem of a decrease in the activity of subscribers, regardless of popularity and audience coverage. Of course, given that Instagram plays a key role in promoting your brand or product, these statistics should worry you, so we hasten to calm your worries by offering 7 truly effective strategies to overcome the period of stagnation that will help take your audience of followers to a new level. growth, stimulate their interest in your products. But first, our tip number 1: for the most active and fruitful interaction with your audience, and therefore increase the number of customers, there is nothing better than regular, daily updates of your content!

Decreased activity on Instagram

Last summer, Instagram already experienced a decline in user activity, which was associated with the transition to an algorithmic feed, while it was expected that this innovation would improve connections between users on Instagram, but so far the results are not encouraging - a decrease in activity in various analytics parameters.

According to Instagram marketing expert Alex Tobo, while in the past Instagram users could count on a 3-5% increase in followers, at the moment this figure has dropped to 1-2%, and even large accounts with more than 100,000 subscribers.

While it is difficult to determine what is the reason for the decrease in activity on Instagram, some experts believe that the new algorithm is to blame, while others blame the so-called "Instagram shadowban" (shadow ban), when Instagram for some reason removes your hashtags from search results for hashtags, and sometimes even hides entire publications.

So how can you help yourself in this situation?

1. Stop Using Instagram Bots

Instagram is a place where everyone competes with each other. In order for your content to find itself on the “Interesting” tab or in the top materials by hashtags, they must be appreciated by as many people as possible, which will be seen from the many “likes” and comments, which should be as many as possible. Since there are too many people like you on Instagram who want more user tags and comments, some of them are taking the path of least resistance, turning to popular services to help them increase the number of followers or tags on their posts. These people are guided by this thought - “If I can’t get 2000 subscribers or likes within an hour, then why don’t I buy them in a bot service?”

In some cases, indeed, bots can be very useful for very busy people who are busy offline and unable to find enough free time to fully interact with Instagram followers, however, excessive use of bots can expose your account to serious risks. and that's why:

Recently, Instagram has updated its algorithm to be tougher on bots and accounts that use them. In fact, for several weeks now, users who have resorted to auto-comments, auto-add friends, etc. began to notice that their posts with hashtags were no longer displayed on the pages of search results for them. The fact is, if you use any automatic or bot program in your account, there is a chance that: a) Instagram will find out about it; b) You will be hidden or blocked. Therefore, we recommend that you opt out of their services because it is against Instagram's terms of use.

2. Develop a strategy for using your hashtags

The news chronicles have already reported that Instagram penalizes the wrong, “spam” use of hashtags or for the use of prohibited hashtags. It is not yet known what this is connected with, with the official position or with a software glitch of the platform, but users have already noted that even if they insert one forbidden hashtag, their messages are still not displayed when the results for search hashtags are displayed, even if together with the forbidden one in the message will also contain “normal” hashtags.

Until this problem is fixed, we recommend that you create a set of your hashtags that you use often, after making sure that they are not prohibited. To do this, just try to find them in the search. If you see messages with one or another hashtag at the top, then everything is in order.

If you find a banned hashtag, be sure to stop using it, as it will prevent other, “correct” hashtags from indexing your posts on search pages.

Now about the good. Despite the issues above, Instagram hashtags are still one of the best tools for getting attention on your posts, especially if you want to get in the "Top Posts" for a hashtag.

If you've ever used a hashtag search, you've probably noticed the grid of nine top posts displayed at the top of the results page. On Instagram, these are the so-called "Top Posts" - the most popular posts on a selected topic that have been tagged with this hashtag. Already below them are other, slightly less popular posts, chronologically and regularly updated, so getting into the top posts of the search results page means a big achievement for you and your brand!

The algorithm that selects top posts is based on several factors, including: the importance of your posts (likes and comments), the popularity of the hashtag, and the statute of limitations for posting your posts. If you want to get to the top of the hashtag, you need to optimize each of these factors.

3. Posting on Instagram considering the most active of your audience.

One of better ways delivering your posts to the maximum possible number of people is the publication of content at a time when they are most active. The fact is that the Instagram search algorithm gives the “green light” first of all to the messages that caused the greatest resonance and user activity, which means that the more people read, like or comment on your message, the higher it will rise. in the search hierarchy.

At the same time, your message will rise up the subscribers' news feed, which further popularizes it.

That is why it is so important to consider the time of posting content in your strategy. It is very convenient to use the free Instagram post scheduler if you want to prepare materials in advance for posting on the day and time of the day you need, without your participation.

Note: according to some users, updating content several times a day can lead to a decrease in activity on your page, and this is due to the peculiarities of the new algorithm, in addition, the appearance of your posts in the subscribers' news feed too often may be perceived by them ambiguously, someone then it will be annoying and will be perceived as spam. If you're noticing that your view stats are dropping, try reducing your daily posts, down to once a day.

4. Add call-to-action buttons to all your posts

Your followers will be more active and willing to comment or tag your posts if you encourage them to do so. For example, some kind of picture or product, as well as a question related to them, but addressed to the subscriber, for example: “Last weekend I fed deer by hand, what are you going to do this weekend?” A specially provided comment button will be very handy. The live feed of the conversation participants plays an important role in getting your post up the Instagram hashtag search rankings.

5. Join support groups (Instagram Pod).

Ever since Instagram switched from a chronological feed to an algorithmic feed, users have been trying to “hack the algorithm”, with some users turning to using bots, while others have joined forces to create special Instagram modules, which include the so-called Instagram pods.

Instagram pods are a bit like WhatsApp group chats. These are groups of 10-15 users, bloggers or companies that have similar audiences and gather in order to “wind up” activity on their Instagram pages. People communicate with each other via Direct Message Instagram and every time someone from the pod posts another post, they share it with the group. Members of the pod leave their comments under the entry, put "likes", thereby encouraging other users to also participate in discussions.

In order to join the Instagram module, you need to add (or request to be added) to an Instagram private group chat. Usually, people get to know about the right Instagram pod from each other through conversations, but you can also try your luck in finding the right Instagram pod in Instagram-focused Facebook or VKontakte groups. Once you've become a member of a Pod, learn the rules and ethics of the Pod to make new friends, colleagues, and followers.

At first glance, some isolation of people in Instagram pods may seem suspicious to you, but unlike bots, Instagram pods are legal communities of like-minded Instagram, so you do not have to worry about your page being blocked or blacklisted.

6. Actively use Instagram Stories.

Instagram Stories have long gone beyond the fun pastime of ordinary users, becoming one of the most relevant tools for promoting brands and products on Instagram.

We can't confirm if there is any relationship between the reaction of followers to your Instagram Stories posts and posts posted in the usual way, but it can be noted that sometimes posts to Instagram Stories increase user activity. Thanks to the provided functionality, Instagram Stories can better unlock the potential of your branded hashtags than regular posts.

Another benefit of using Instagram Stories is that you can explore a selection of stories directly from the Explore tab. When you go here, at the top you will see the line Instagram Stories with the results of the selection of stories from the accounts you use and the posts you liked the most. In addition, Instagram will also show you stories that other people have rated.

If you want your posts to appear on the Instagram Explore tab as well, you need to focus on creating highly engaging and targeted content. The better your posts, stories, illustrations, and products fit your audience, the more likely Instagram is to add your account to the featured Stories at the top of the Explore tab!

7. Host a contest

A thoughtful hashtag strategy, engaging with Instagram Pods, and posting at the most appropriate time are all essentials for getting more user activity on your page, but if your goal is to grow your followers relatively quickly, then you should give it a try. Another way is to organize contests!

If you're on the hunt for some high-profile Instagram contest idea, try teaming up with another interested account, brand, or influencer. A joint contest will be useful for the owners of both audiences of subscribers, because your subscribers may be interested in your partner's profile, and vice versa, his subscribers may be interested in your account, brand and activity. You can arrange 3-5-day sales, stimulating subscribers with prizes, discounts and bonuses for being active on your pages, likes and comments.

Even though Instagram is experiencing some decline in user activity at the moment, you can still breathe life into your account using the methods above. Of course, you will have to rethink the strategy of Instagram, adjust the content, but the more carefully you think over your next steps, the more comments will be under your photos, products and promotions, and also the growth of requests from potential buyers will please!

The introduction of the algorithmic feed has seriously hit the reach and engagement of many users on Instagram. Even big bloggers are complaining that posts are getting far fewer likes and comments than they used to.

Instagram has complex feed generation algorithms, and Facebook does not share how they work. Still, marketers figure out algorithms from their own experience or from a few tips from Facebook.

Post content regularly

If you start posting much less often, the coverage may drop: this is how the algorithm works social network. Post new content regularly and don't disappear for a few days.

Communicate Actively

At a minimum, courtesy will work: if you regularly comment on your friends' posts, they will respond to you in the same way. Ask questions, leave compliments, reply to Stories and send funny photos to your friends in direct.

Tell stories

Yes, first of all, everyone is interested in the image. However, you can keep the interest of the audience with the help of stories, the original style of presentation of materials and humor.

Posts with long texts show good results. The audience responds to such records. Concentrate not on describing the problem, but on solving it, then you will receive positive comments.

Use call to action

Ask questions to the audience, try to raise interesting, but easy-to-discuss topics: childhood memories, favorite food, plans for the summer.

Post Stories

The exact ranking factors for content on Instagram are unknown, but according to some assumptions based on the speeches of the developers, regular posting of Stories has a positive effect on your account.

...and use them to promote content

Unlike posts in your account, subscribers will probably see your Story. Bloggers are already using this: they announce a new post with an intriguing caption and an offer to go to the account.

Abandon the gallery format

Users have noticed that posts consisting of several photos fail in the feed and collect 30-50% fewer reactions.

Determine the right time to post

Instagram algorithms keep track of how many reactions a post has received immediately after publication, and based on this determine whether it is considered interesting and whether to show it higher in the feed.

If you post a photo late at night, it will surely fail in the feed. To get the most out of it, focus not on your own impressions, but on statistics.

You can track activity by time of day using the internal statistics of the service. And if you need to get data for a long time period or for a competitor's account, use . So you can analyze any account on Instagram.

What should be the engagement on Instagram?

A couple of years ago, an account was considered conditionally successful, where the number of likes was 10% of the number of subscribers. Now the situation has changed: for small accounts, ER is on average higher than for large ones (more about).

You also have the ability to analyze any accounts and view detailed data on

Earnings on various social platforms have long become not even commonplace, but almost an obligation. Not other similar projects, except perhaps the lazy one or the one who is absolutely not interested in the possibility of making money on the global network. Many users are interested in the question of how to make money on Instagram on subscribers. Instagram has long been a great platform for monetization, and some members are very successful in using all the opportunities available to earn money.

In one of my articles, we considered the issue of making money on Instagram with likes, but now we’ll figure out how you can make money on your followers here.

how to make money on instagram with followers

To solve the question of how you can make money on Instagram with subscribers on your own, you can use several methods. Later in this article, we will take a closer look at each of them separately for a more complete analysis.

1. Affiliate programs

This method is one of the most common and profitable. It is widely used among the owners of their own websites or blogs, but also demonstrates good efficiency when working on Instagram.

The main principle of PP is the promotion of goods on the Internet through affiliate links. There is no need to independently purchase and sell goods, it is enough just to find a seller who needs intermediaries. The user and the seller enter the affiliate program, where the intermediary receives the corresponding link. By distributing it on their resources, in particular through Instagram, the intermediary can receive a percentage of purchases made by other people. The main condition for accruing remuneration is that the buyer must be real, pay in full and receive the order. In addition, he must necessarily get to the seller's page directly through the intermediary link.

Many profiles on Instagram are thematic and profiled on a specific, specific topic. Of course, it is better for the owners of such pages to focus on products from a category similar to the profile theme. For those who do not specifically focus on certain topics in their content, you can pay attention to general goods, as well as trending products.

In the global network, there are many exchanges working on the principle of affiliate programs, where sellers and performers can find each other and start cooperation. The seller and the exchange do not care how and on what resources the link is distributed until the intermediary engages in spam or black PR.

2. Selling ads

Advertising is another popular option for solving the issue of how to make money from followers on Instagram. is still an underdeveloped phenomenon and is mainly implemented under the guise of advertising posts. With this approach, you receive material rewards immediately from the advertiser. The main advantage of this is that the owner of the page is not puzzled by subsequent sales volumes, because he has already received his fixed remuneration. The page owner immediately receives money for placing a post and links in it, and not for the interaction of his audience with these links. The greatest effect, of course, is achieved when the topics match, but on large live pages, in principle, a sponsored post of any category will work well.

Along with this, there is one drawback, expressed in the fact that the user's page should have many subscribers. Of course, we are talking about an active audience, and not twisted bots. As a rule, such posts are marked with a special mark and are called sponsored posts. This approach allows you to increase the loyalty of a live audience and at the same time realize your own commercial interests.

3. Selling your products or services

Some of those who decide the issue, on subscribers, are themselves sellers of their own goods or services. In this case, they need to personally deal with their business and promotion. Of course, with a competent approach, this can be the most profitable type of activity, because the cost is regulated by the user himself, and there is no need to share profits with anyone.

Main advantage- you can start promoting even with a small number of subscribers. The most important point is the correct design of the photo and the text to it. They should not be frankly selling, but at the same time, their main task is to encourage action, i.e., purchase a product or order a service. To achieve a greater effect, you can use the resources of already more promoted portals by purchasing advertising from them or by entering into a partnership agreement and getting an intermediary. In my blog, I have already made a detailed publication on the topic - goods and services.

4. Selling photos

It is known that on Instagram, photos are one of the main types of content, because the original purpose of this network is the mutual exchange of photos between participants. Many professional photographers, as well as amateurs, can promote their products or services. This avoids the need to work with photo stocks, which, as a rule, have rather strict rules and selection, and are also characterized by monstrous competition.

In order to protect their products from unauthorized use, photographers put their own watermark on the image, with an offer to purchase this photo for money. In the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, this direction is poorly developed and practically does not find a response from the audience. However, there are all opportunities to promote your photos on Instagram among Western users as well.

5. Selling an account

This method in the Instagram environment is currently little used, but similar offers, if desired, can be found. The main principle: the account owner promotes his profile to a certain level and activity rating, and then sells it. The buyer can repurpose an already promoted account for their own needs for further promotion or monetization. Many quite rightly ask themselves the question, how many followers do you need on Instagram in order to make money selling accounts?

Of course, this is an important issue, because the cost is influenced by such factors:

  • Number of subscribers;
  • The level of activity of followers;
  • Content quality;
  • Subject;
  • Payback;
  • Potential profitability or statistical, if the account has already been monetized.
There are even special exchanges and portals with ads where you can find accounts for sale. As a rule, the cost is set in the international currency - dollars. When analyzing the cost and weight of an account, on average it turns out that one subscriber costs about one cent. It should be noted that the administration of the social network may not approve such transactions, and sometimes penalties may be applied to the sold account.

6. Likes, reposts, subscriptions

Our other article is devoted to the topic, but this option can be briefly mentioned separately. If we talk specifically about making money on likes, reposts, subscriptions, then such options are easily implemented on specialized job exchanges, boxes and projects focused on making money on social networks.

In this case, you will need an additional or fake account so as not to litter your main page with unnecessary material. By registering on the job exchange and linking your Instagram account, you can take tasks to subscribe to specific pages, repost their posts, or put a like. These tasks are checked by the customer and, subject to all points, will be paid.

Among the methods considered in this article, this is the least profitable, but at the same time less time-consuming. It is great for beginners and those who do not want to bother promoting their profile.

7. SMM promotion

Many members of the Instagram social network need promotion for various purposes. Often it is difficult or simply too lazy for them to engage in this process, to delve into its features. In such situations, they will need the help of a specialist who knows all the intricacies of promotion, smm technology and other aspects. Those who have mastered smm promotion can really earn money by promoting and promoting accounts.

This kind of work has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to independently set the price of services;
  • Potentially high income;
  • Great demand;
  • Low competition.
A person really needs to have all the necessary knowledge. Otherwise, cooperation that is not effective for the customer may not be paid for at all.

Where to start

Starting to make money on Instagram with followers is not at all difficult. To do this, you only need to create and design a page, which is absolutely free and does not take much time. It is also recommended to create and set up wallets in several popular payment systems so that there is always an opportunity to receive earned money from an advertiser, seller, project or other source.

The next step is to tune in to regular, systematic work to promote your account, promote it, fill it with original and thematic content. It is advisable to decide on the topic in advance, and only then select earning options for the chosen niche. Further actions will depend on the chosen monetization method, because each of them implies a different scheme of work.

How many followers do you need on instagram to make money

Answering the question, how many followers on Instagram do you need to earn on followers, it is difficult to give a definite answer. Depending on the chosen monetization method, the requirement for the number of people subscribed to the page who are active and interact with the content will differ.

How much can you earn from followers on instagram

It should be understood that the level of profitability directly depends not only on the chosen option of earning, but also on the efforts that a person makes. There is still no possibility of receiving passive income on Instagram, because even links and sponsored posts must be correctly written and formatted. Those who sell their own services and goods, as well as SMM workers, can claim the maximum profit commensurate with the level of the average salary in the capital.

In affiliate programs, everything depends on the volume of sales. As a rule, with a serious approach, you can receive up to a thousand rubles a day.

This article addressed the question of how to make money on Instagram on subscribers and what is needed for this. The profitability of this method was analyzed and the main features of such a process were given.

Sincerely, Dmitry Tretyakov


Nobody creates an Instagram account “to be”. Everyone who registers there wants to show others how he lives, with whom he spends time. Everyone who registers there wants likes, comments and subscribers. We will talk about how to increase activity on Instagram in this article.

Being active on Instagram is...

The activity of subscribers in your account is their interest in you and your products. The more organic influx of subscribers, the number of likes and comments, the greater the chance of increasing sales in the near future.

The activity of subscribers is the key to your success and well-being.

Follower activity is your god to be prayed to before meals, after meals, and before bed. Especially now, with the introduction of the Instagram smart feed.

How to check activity on Instagram? Of course, in order to understand whether it is worth starting to sound the alarm or not, you need to understand the current level of user activity on your page. And the easiest way to do this is to look at the number of followers, likes, and, most importantly, comments. Looked? Now we subtract from there the twisted, if any. And we get a rough idea of ​​whether your subscribers are active or not. Here it is worth considering the "age" of publications and their content. Of course, there will be more likes and comments under the post with the contest, but this does not mean that your page has reached a new level.

Viewing activity can be simplified. An indicator such as “reach” will help a lot in this. Compare it with the total number of subscribers. If the coverage is many times smaller, it's time to do something.

Methods to increase the activity of subscribers in your Instagram account

Before turning to the famous SMM for help, he tries to stir up the audience on his own. So, to get activity on the page, do the following:

Reasons for the drop in activity on Instagram

You have noticed that for several days likes and comments have not been added to you at all or in a very small amount. First of all, analyze what you have changed in your activity. Most likely, the problem lies in the following:


How to increase activity on Instagram? No, this is not a rhetorical question, because now you can read a whole lecture on this topic. You know all the nuances and can use this information. And finally, advice to those who read it: do not abuse the giveaways and make the requirements tougher. You need to avoid fakes created only for contests. And before holding this promotion, prepare an account: if users see good content, they will not want to unsubscribe after the contest.

We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

In order for a commercial account on Instagram to be useful, you need to constantly engage in it, creating animation in it. Promotion in this social network using pictures and hashtags is outdated. Even just to find your audience, you need to think through and implement a whole strategy. It includes the external design of the profile and live communication with readers, interactive activities, paid and free advertising.

To maintain popularity, it is also necessary to regularly perform routine and creative tasks. In this article, we will tell you what to do if sales have decreased, there is no return on promotion.

How to see page activity on Instagram

Such serious work certainly requires adjustment of the process. To do this, it is important to check the statistics in time. In a regular blog, there is no way to see the indicators, so it’s better to connect a business account right away.

How to do it:

  • Go to settings (gear or three dots in the upper right corner).
  • Click on "Switch to Business Account".
  • Then follow the instructions in the app. You will need to register on Facebook and indicate contacts or location.

Information can be viewed by selecting the icon in the top row. She looks like this.

There you will find the number of impressions of a particular post, reach (the number of unique profiles that saw any post) and views - how many people visited your page. There is also a section with statistics on Stories and data on readers (available with an audience of more than 100 people). It can be accessed from any entry. You will find the icon between the photo and the text.

This was the answer to the question of how to find out user activity on Instagram. There are services where you can see more detailed indicators of other blogs. Depending on the functionality of each specific program, it is possible to collect information by time of day, days of the week, reach by content type, number of likes, comments, popularity growth graph, etc. In some applications, they evaluate the effectiveness of maintaining not only their own, but also someone else's Instagram. This is necessary in order to analyze the actions of competitors. It also helps to carefully choose advertising platforms: with a target audience that is right for you.

List of services:

How to get more active on Instagram

So, you find that sales have dropped, engagement has stalled, and your profile looks empty and lifeless. Note that we are talking about the case when the account is set up correctly. This means that you regularly upload beautiful, bright photos to it, write interesting texts that are easy to read. And under the avatar you have a short, catchy description of the company. Look at Instagram through the eyes of the target audience. Do you want to subscribe to it, is there enough? If yes, you can start working with statistics.

Let's figure out which posts are now ranking well.

  • Those that are posted by the user's followers, those with whom he is in correspondence, are friends in other social networks.
  • Publications of pages on which a person left likes or comments.
  • Notes of people the reader searched for in the general search.
  • Posts promoted with targeted ads.

How to increase account activity on Instagram without mass following and mass liking

The main thing that is important to remember is that illegal methods and services will not only not bring any benefit, but will also contribute to blocking the profile. Use only approved methods. They are longer in time, if we are talking about free ones, but more reliable.

  • Remove high frequency hashtags. Even if you appear in a search for them, you will very quickly fall down in the spam stream. The maximum catch is a dozen or two likes.
  • Block inactive subscribers. This includes spam, advertising pages. This will increase engagement (the ratio of the total number of users to their responses) and Instagram will give the green light to your blog.
  • Turn off comments if they contain a lot of spam or clean them up. In the settings, you can enable an automatic or manual filter to hide inappropriate and offensive phrases.
  • Respond to questions and other messages from people. Lively dialogues should go under the note.
  • If you write useful instructions, offer to save them. It also improves stats.
  • Let's give as many reasons as possible to write to you personally and under the photo.

These three points are the easiest and fastest to implement. But there are more time-consuming methods to increase visitor activity.


Conduct polls, add calls at the end of the text. For example, ask readers what topic they are interested in or what they think of your project. Do it appropriately and unobtrusively. Also run contests. The same formats bother people, so show your imagination and diversify the competitive programs. Remember that the simpler the conditions, the more users will participate.

  • Quizzes. Ask a moderate question about a product or service. The answer shouldn't be easy to google.
  • Description of the dream. Announce a good prize and ask subscribers to write down the reason why they will be the winners.
  • Poetic. Arrange a competition in inventing a rhyme for any word.
  • Reviews. Come up with an interesting gift for someone who will most creatively tell about you.
  • Last comment. The competition is suitable for those who already have a large audience. The winner is the one who left the last message by the time you named.


This is a very handy tool for developing any account. It has the ability to create polls with stickers. They look unusual and, if used correctly, will resonate with readers. This will increase your reach and you will be able to gather opinions from potential customers. After receiving the answers, you can see the statistics - which of them scored the most votes. You can also see who answered. In what form will all this be done?

  • Voting-evaluation. The easiest method. You ask questions and put yes and no buttons. Example. "Do you like our new design?"
  • CA research. Find out what your subscribers are choosing. For example, what do they prefer for breakfast and give two options. You can do multiple polls in a row. The topic depends on the focus of your business.
  • Create a fun multi-slide quiz based on your audience's interests.
  • Presale. Place 2 products side by side and ask to vote for the one you would like to buy more. In the next picture, leave one of these products and offer a discount for it.
  • Arrange quizzes with and without prizes.

Targeted advertising

This is a good way to attract people who are interested in your products or services. They will see the ad that you will promote even if they are not following the account. Setting up an ad is done either through Personal Area on Facebook or via Instagram. In the second case, a business profile must be connected.

Use all of the above methods in a complex way to achieve the perfect result.

User activity time on Instagram: what are the best hours to post

Now you know what and why you need to post on your blog to increase your reach. It remains to figure out at what time to create records. For promotion, it is very important to know when your target audience is on the social network. In the tape, each person can have a sea of ​​​​information. If you publish a note at 8 am, and the follower starts flipping pages only at 11, failure is guaranteed.

If you already have an audience, you can find out the time period of its involvement in the special services listed above. In the case of a new profile, experiment by preparing several materials and posting them at different hours. Then, in the same programs or Instagram statistics, look at the result.

There are general recommendations that relate mainly to days of the week and types of content. So, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, marketers do not recommend publishing serious posts. Something fun, light and unobtrusive will do. Thursday, Wednesday and Tuesday are the best and most meaningful notes. On Monday, people are usually busy and you can post small tips and motivating photos.

We told you what to do if activity on Instagram drops and how to track user engagement indicators. Apply the tips we gave in this article, follow the statistics of the result and do not stop working on the blog. Remember, the main thing is high-quality, engaging content that keeps subscribers from getting bored and you from losing positions.

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