Aliexpress took the money and the goods are not paid. What does the status mean payment for aliexpress is expected. Full refund

On the Aliexpress some order statuses raise questions among users. One of them is status − "Payment Pending". What does he mean?

What does the status "Awaiting payment" mean on Aliexpress?

Status "Awaiting payment" on Aliexpress

As a rule, this status appears if the order for Aliexpress you have already registered, but have not yet paid. Accordingly, the system is waiting for the receipt of funds. To make a payment, you can click "Pay now".

It is worth noting that if you did not immediately pay for the order, but only placed it, then you have 20 days to deposit money. If this is not done, the order will be closed and, if necessary, you will have to issue it again.

Some users, mainly during the period of large sales, are faced with the fact that the payment has already been made, but the status has remained "Payment Pending". What to do?

First of all, do not panic and in any case do not deposit money again. First, check your account balance, if the funds have been debited, then wait a bit. As a rule, a few minutes are enough to complete the payment, but when Aliexpress there is a large sale, then this period can be up to three days. It's not worth the wait, of course. If the next day you see that the payment has not been credited, then contact Aliexpress support service for help.

Video: Aliexpress. Order statuses. How not to miss the end?

Do you want to know what the order statuses for Aliexpress mean? In this article you will find answers to your questions!

Aliexpress order statuses - description and interpretation

Sometimes I get asked questions about what do orders for aliexpress mean and what to expect from them. I want to clarify right away: it is the status that is meant, and not the tracking of the parcel (there will be another article on this later).

Indeed, despite its long existence, the Aliexpress marketplace still periodically impresses novice users with an “intuitive interface”. Although, I have to admit, now it has become a little simpler than it was the same year ago :)

But enough digressions, let's get to the point.

Where can I see the status of an order on Aliexpress?

The statuses of the orders you have made can be viewed by logging in to Aliexpress and going to the page with the list of orders (). In the list of orders, the statuses are displayed in the corresponding columns.

The column with the main order status is highlighted in red on the screen. Green - column with additional status/warning.

Let's take a look first main order statuses for Aliexpress, the sequence of which as a whole constitutes the "life cycle" of the order:

  1. Payment pending. This status means that you have made an order, but still have not paid for it, and the system is waiting for the transfer of funds to change the status. This status can last from a couple of hours (for purchases from the section) to 20 days, as far as I know. When the allotted time expires, the order is canceled and closed. You can find out how much time is left for payment if you go directly to the order page (there is a counter).
  2. Payment verification. This status replaces the previous one after you pay for the order. The check lasts up to 24 hours (during major sales, like, it can be extended up to 2-3 days). At this stage, no action is required from you.
  3. Shipment expected. After the system checks and confirms your payment, the order will automatically receive this status. Its duration depends on how much time the seller took to process the order (the phrase on the product page "Shipping the goods within ... working days") + 2-4 days, depending on how many days off fall on this period. As a rule, most sellers change this status before the time on the counter runs out (look at the order page). But if the seller is slow, you can try to give him more time. If the time on the counter at this stage ends, the order is canceled automatically, the money is returned to you within 10-15 business days.
  4. The order has been sent. This status means that the seller has processed your order and sent you a package. You do not need to take any action until you receive the package or the Order Protection time expires. Just in case, I repeat: Do not click the CONFIRM button if you have not received your package. This button means confirmation of receipt of your package, and not confirmation of sending the order. This is especially true for users of the Aliexpress mobile application (), since there is a less obvious interface in this regard. In general, the duration of this status is determined by the Order Protection period (indicated on the product page, as a rule, it lasts from 15 to 60/90 days). Your actions are simple and obvious: you received the package and are satisfied - click the "Confirm receipt" button, the package did not arrive, and the Protection period ends -.
  5. Completed/Closed. The first status usually takes effect after you confirm receipt of the purchase / the Protection period expires / the dispute on this order is closed in favor of one of the parties. In all cases, except for closing the dispute, after the appearance of this status, you have another 15 days of the so-called post-Protection, during which you can still open a dispute if you did not follow the terms of Protection or the incoming purchase suddenly showed a defect. The status "Closed" appears when the order was canceled at the stage "Awaiting payment", "Checking payment" or "Awaiting shipment".
  6. Order frozen. A rather rare status compared to the rest, which is a signal of the seller's suspicious activity. The appearance of this status means that the Aliexpress administration suspects the seller of fraud and is now checking his activities, simultaneously freezing all his orders. In this case, you also do not need to do anything, the order itself will change the status to “Order sent” or “Closed”, depending on the decision of the administration. In the case of the second status, the money will be returned automatically.

Now let's move on to additional order statuses for Aliexpress, which are also explanations of the main ones. You can find some of them in the green column on the first screen or on the page of the order itself.

The main status is highlighted in red, and the additional status is highlighted in green, which is also a warning or explanation to the main status.

If we talk about what are the additional statuses of orders for Aliexpress, then:

  • Order cancelled/Canceled orders. This status appears if you request to cancel an order while waiting for payment, processing a payment, or processing an order.
  • Confirmation received. This means that you have pressed the confirmation button for receiving the parcel.
  • Confirmation timed out. This status appears next to the order and is displayed in the list of orders when the order protection ends before you confirm receipt of the purchase. If you received a package and just forgot to confirm it, that's okay. If you have not kept track of the terms of Protection and want to return the money, you need to quickly open a dispute, you have 15 days from the moment this status appears.
  • Payment processing. This status is displayed on the order page (the main statuses are “Completed” / “Closed”) and means that the 15-day post-Protection period mentioned above has come into effect, during which you can still return your money if necessary. You will have to count this period yourself, there is no counter. After these 15 days, the money is sent by the Aliexpress system to the seller.
  • There is a dispute/Dispute closed. These statuses are displayed in the list of orders and are clickable - by clicking on them you can see information about the ongoing / closed dispute regarding your purchase.

Here is such a super-mega-long post turned out, thanks for reading it :)

It seems that I didn’t forget anything, I looked at all the statuses of orders for Aliexpress that I had to deal with. If suddenly I missed something or have additional questions - write in the comments.

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Every day, thousands of new users make their first purchases on the famous Chinese site. Not always with new customers everything goes smoothly the first time. For example, some may not know how to correctly place an order. Others may not understand how to pay for it. And there are those who can not understand the status of the order. Especially some begin to ask a lot of questions when faced with the status "Payment pending". Let's take a closer look at what this status means.

What does the status of payment on Aliexpress mean?

If you saw such a status, then this means the following:

  • You started the checkout process and at the stage of paying for the order suddenly realized that you do not need this order, and clicked on cancel.

In this case, the order will hang in the "My orders" list with the status "Payment pending". If you really do not need it, then click on the "Cancel order" button. Choose any reason for cancellation.

After that, delete the deal so that it does not appear among the paid orders and does not confuse you. To do this, click on the trash can icon on the top right side. Confirm the action by clicking on the "Delete Order" button.

  • There were not enough funds in your account to pay for the purchase. You can re-pay for the same order as soon as you have the money (or pay in another way). To do this, click on the "Pay Now" button.

After that, you will need to select the desired payment method.

But, before proceeding with the payment, check whether there were definitely not enough funds on your account to pay for the purchase. Maybe the money was written off, but the status is still hanging.

If you placed an order by applying a coupon to it, but there were not enough funds on your account to pay for the purchase, then in no case do not cancel the order. The thing is that with the new design, the coupon will no longer be. Therefore, click on the "Pay Now" button in the unpaid order, and pay the amount that should have been charged the first time.

  • You could win some goods in the Freebie, and now you need to pay $0.01 so that the seller can send you your winnings. Until you pay, the status "Payment pending" will hang.
  • You paid for the order, the money was debited, but the status "Payment pending" still hangs. What to do in this case, we will consider in the next chapter.

The money was debited, but on order status Payment is expected on Aliexpress

If funds were debited from your account, but on the order you still see the status “Payment pending”, then this may mean the following:

  • On sales days or in the period before the holidays, the administration may not be able to cope with the load and therefore your payment may not be displayed immediately. Wait a few hours and check again. Do not under any circumstances re-purchase.
  • Your bank or payment system is heavily overloaded. No need to be nervous, also wait a few hours and go to "My Orders" again.
  • If the status "Awaiting payment" hangs for more than a day, then write to the support service.

If you see the status “Awaiting payment” on the order, do not panic. First, double-check whether the funds have been debited from your account. Perhaps you simply did not have enough money to pay for the purchase.

Happy shopping everyone!

The Aliexpress marketplace is popular all over the world. Huge range of goods of all directions, attractive prices, pretty fast delivery is all about her. But sometimes there are incidents when money was withdrawn from Aliexpress and the payment did not go through. What to do in this case, how to return the money or receive the goods, we will tell below.

The reasons why the money was withdrawn, but the payment did not go through

When paying for an order on the Chinese website Aliexpress, there may be cases when a card or electronic wallet is debited, but the payment is not displayed in the system. Payment can be made by cards of various banks - Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Gazprom, Bank of Moscow, Tinkoff, VTB and others.

If the client paid for the order for, but the payment did not go through, you should not immediately worry. The term for verifying a transaction can be up to a day. If even after a day the payment is still not displayed, it is important to find out at what stage the problem arose.

  • First of all, you need to check card statement from which there was a payment, or the history of wallet operations. If a write-off is recorded with the comment "Aliexpress", the money was actually transferred to the partner bank of the trading platform;
  • In the personal account of the site, you need to open a paid order. In the section " Payment"Information about the receipt of money should be displayed. If the status here is set to “Payment Pending”, the money has not been transferred to the payment system.

If the payment in the Internet Bank is in the HOLD (blocked) status, the refund can be made automatically within 3rd days if the site does not accept it.

There may be several reasons why the money could be withdrawn and the payment will not be displayed as completed:

  • refusal to operate due to the type of card by the Alipay payment system;
  • refusal by the bank that issued the card;
  • suspected fraud;
  • delay in making a payment;
  • refusal of Alipay payment system to accept payment.

Such orders may have the status Order closed by Aliexpress.

To open such an order, you will need to confirm that the card payment was not associated with fraudulent activities. The proof will be sending a photo with a passport spread and a photo of a bank card. The name of the holder must match the passport data. When sending the card, it is prudent to hide the secret CSV code in order to avoid compromising the card and transferring complete data for payment to third parties. Then the order on Aliexpress in the Order Closed status will change to Paid.

When money is withdrawn from the card

Money is debited from the card in favor of making purchases, when paying for the order. To pay, it is enough to enter the card details once in the personal account of the site in order to pay for purchases in the future with one click. It is also possible to enter card details with each purchase without remembering. Purchase confirmation may not be required. Withdrawing money from the card is not a guarantee of receiving the order, in some cases there are technical limitations, and payment is not credited to the site.

In the case when the money is withdrawn, but confirmation of payment has not been received, you can try to pay for the order again. Upon successful completion of the re-debit, no further attempts are required. Money not included in the account of any order is automatically returned to the payer's card. This is how the Alipay payment system is set up - every month all accepted payments are evaluated, the excess ones are canceled and returned to the payer.

To speed up the process, you can write an appeal to Aliexpress support. There is no need to pay again if there are already restrictions.

Aliexpress payment pending and money withdrawn

Withdrawal of money when paying for goods occurs immediately after entering the data of a bank card, or when forming and confirming an order in an electronic wallet. There may be cases when the write-off has occurred, but the status of the order has not changed. Having entered the Personal Account, you can see the inscription "Payment expected". Don't panic. Verification of the transaction can take place within 24 hours, the system immediately warns about it. Along with this, there may be slight delays in receiving money. The payment system cooperating with processes a large number of transactions, which entails an increase in waiting time. If after the expiration of the day the payment has not gone through, it is necessary to act in accordance with the regulations described below.

Where to go

When debiting money from a card first of all you need to contact your bank. The specialist will need to provide:

  • date and time of payment;
  • the exact cost of the purchase (up to kopecks);
  • payment status in the online bank or mobile application.

After the initial check, a bank employee can report the following:

  • the payment was canceled by the recipient and will be returned to the card within 3rd days;
  • payment system - the recipient could not accept the payment, you must expect a refund;
  • the payment was successfully completed, you need to contact its recipient.

Additionally, you can check the status of the transferred payment on the Alipay website. As mentioned earlier, there may be delays in processing, an appropriate comment will be indicated. If the payment is not detected, and the transaction is successfully completed at the bank, you should write an appeal to the support service.

You will need to specify:

  • Order number;
  • date of payment;
  • purchase amount;
  • if possible, attach a statement with the disputed amount or a screen from the phone confirming the payment.

Payment issues are dealt with fairly quickly.

Full refund

If the order remains in the "Awaiting payment" status, more than three days have passed and there was no refund, it becomes necessary to return the money for the unproven service.

To return the full cost of the order, you can open a dispute on the site. The peculiarity of the trading platform is that the system itself regulates the relationship between the seller and the buyer. After payment for the purchase, the money goes to the reserve and is transferred to the seller only after confirmation of the acceptance of the order by the buyer. Until then, the money is safe.

For various reasons, it is also possible to cancel an order on your own. In this case, if the shipment of the goods has not yet been made, the process takes place automatically and the money is returned to the card within three banking days.

In other cases, if something went wrong with the order, you can first request a refund from the seller. To overcome the language barrier, you can use an interpreter. It is required to state in detail the claims for the order, attach proof of payment. In almost every case, sellers go forward, not wanting to receive negative feedback. A low rating will affect the status of the seller and the degree of trust in him.

If the seller categorically refuses to return the entire amount, you can open a dispute. The specialists of the site will already deal with its decision, they will consider the situation in detail and make a decision. Their powers include both influence on the seller in order to return money to the client, and independent initiation of a return on an order.

What to do if the money was not returned and the goods were not sent

As before, you will need to open a dispute. No need to rush to leave negative feedback to the seller, you can get a similar review in return. When opening a dispute, you will need to describe the situation in as much detail as possible, attach a bank statement confirming the withdrawal of money from the card. Disputes are resolved promptly and, most often, the decision is made in favor of the buyer.

Payment went through but no money was withdrawn

In extremely rare cases, a payment can be recorded without actually debiting money from the card. This happens when the bank refuses at the last stage of the payment verification, but the Alipay platform has already managed to process the payment.

You can clarify information about the transaction at the bank from whose card the payment was made. Bank support can explain the reasons why the payment was canceled.

In the event of such situations, it would be best to write a message to the seller describing the situation, or describe everything when contacting Aliexpress support. If the money has not been transferred. The seller ultimately after the confirmation of the order simply will not receive payment for your product and may leave negative feedback, or withdraw the shipment. This

The purchase of the desired product at a real price without extra charges leads to a search in the catalogs of a popular Internet platform. Millions of users are served daily, and no one is immune from technical failures and delays. The appearance of the status of an expected payment on Aliexpress should not lead to ill-considered actions. You should understand the situation and take concrete steps to correct it.

Why did this status appear?

The usual procedure means transferring funds from a virtual wallet or account after placing an order. The operation is simple and fast. Money is immediately sent to the specified address.

Periodically, an inscription appears indicating that the payment is pending. This clearly indicates a time delay, the funds did not enter the system due to various factors.

  1. Breakdown of server equipment does not allow timely payment. The inscription remains for several hours and should disappear no later than a day.
  2. On holiday days and during sales, the influx leads to a slowdown in the process. The seller's response does not come immediately, the page refresh takes a long time. Funds must be saved, and you will have to wait a bit.
  3. The information that appears next to the status allows you to understand the reasons. An unpaid product is being checked or questions are raised.
  4. An increase in the cost during the payment process cannot be ruled out. You need to check the price again and make adjustments.

In most cases, the negative consequences are related to the technical functioning. The equipment does not always withstand the increased flow, given the number of users around the world. The status “Payment pending” rather indicates a temporary blocking and necessary verification.

What to do while waiting for a payment?

The platform is very conscientiously trying to protect visitors and the system itself from scammers. The card can be stolen and try to expose the account. You will need to confirm the legitimacy of the rights or resort to the help of technical support staff.

You can’t do without their intervention if more than two days have passed without visible changes. The payment does not go through, and the fate of the transferred funds is alarming.

There is no point in panicking prematurely. It is often enough to wait a couple of hours to restore normal functioning.

Procedure if the status is not displayed for the first day

Waiting for several days indicates the choice of one of the scenarios. Contacting the support service leads to verification and should facilitate the passage of the payment. The impossibility of posting will allow you to cancel the order made and return the funds back to your own account.

Possible errors in payment

Purchasing a product on a virtual platform is not without common mistakes. It is undesirable to breed them further, therefore it is necessary:

  • do not try to conduct the operation again if a payment is expected, and the funds have not passed;
  • be patient during failures, because the amount for the selected item will simply be returned to the sender;
  • connect a mobile application that simplifies the selection and registration process.

It is much more convenient to create a template and apply it after searching the directories. One wrong number will inevitably lead to undesirable status.

What to do if the goods are paid for several times?

The user does not always show composure. As a result, one product is paid for two or three times. The existing algorithm will allow:

  • wait for the completion of the verification from the platform specialists who are able to verify the payment;
  • view your own accounts and contact the system employees for a refund;
  • to resort to the help of the support service with a statement of the reasons.

Feeling intense anxiety is premature. Parsing occurs promptly and should not lead to loss of funds.

How long will the "Payment Pending" status be?

Waiting for payment indicates a certain delay. The time of receipt of money to pay for the goods varies from a few minutes to 3 days. The inscription should disappear, and you can proceed to the next order.

What to do when maintaining the status and withdrawing money?

Three days become a time period and a reference point for the user. You will have to be patient and not try to pay again. The information will be saved and cause unnecessary disassembly.

It will not be difficult to find out about the withdrawal of the required amount. It is enough to view the account balance and make sure that it is sent to the destination. If the inscription remains in place after payment, it is better to contact the support service.


Aliexpress is valued for its huge selection and the ability to save a lot of personal money. It is easy to find the right product that matches the given characteristics and your own preferences. Buy goods for yourself and gifts for family members. Beginning entrepreneurs with the help of small wholesale earn initial capital. The number of visitors is steadily increasing, especially during certain hours and dates. Own inattention and technical breakdowns lead to an undesirable status of waiting for payment. Hasty action will not solve the problem. You will need to be patient and not try to speed up the process. The wait is not extended indefinitely, and the deadline should not exceed three days. The support service will be the last resort capable of giving a clear answer to the reasons for the appearance of the status.

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