Wot restoration of equipment. Restoration of equipment and crew. Who and what can be restored

Despite the fact that today cases of tanks being sold through negligence have significantly decreased, there are still a large number of cases in the worldoftanks game when tanks were sold by the user. This moment is very unpleasant both for the player himself and for the game developers, since the less satisfied their client is, the less profit they can receive in the end. Everyone can now say that there are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with one or another fact of the game that can significantly reduce the developers’ profits and they should listen to them more, but, unfortunately, the game administrators do not think so. Now we are not talking about the profit of the Wargaming company, but about how players can restore the game tanks in worldoftanks, their account password or the equipment itself.

The most difficult and unpleasant moment is when the player's account has been hacked. This threatens everyone not only with the possibility of losing all their equipment, but also not being able to restore an account that has been pumped up for a very long time, which means that a lot of effort was spent on this, which is expensive. Quite often there are cases when a gamer’s account is hacked. This happens either with the aim of obtaining all the equipment that is in the hangar, or with the aim of simply having fun and selling the most valuable or all the machines. How to protect your account from hacking will be discussed in another article. This time we’ll talk about how to restore your account after being hacked. This is very easy to do, because you have all the logins and passwords needed for this. In addition, a big plus in this matter is that a phone number was linked to the game account. This will greatly assist in recovery. Well, another small bonus is that the secret question is indicated from the mail to which the worldoftanks game profile is linked.

World Of Tanks account recovery steps

The first step in restoring your World of Tanks account will be restoring the mail to which the account is linked. This can be done through the “Forgot Password” service, which is available to everyone who provides email accounts to their users. In this case, having a control question will become very useful, since it will be possible to change the question with its help. In cases where the security question was changed after the mail was hacked, the only way to restore the mail is to contact the support service for providing an email account. In your appeal, you need to describe your problem in as much detail as possible and, if necessary, indicate all the necessary data, such as password, login, secret question and the answer to it. The more data is provided, the more likely it is that access will be restored.

The second stage of restoring access to your game profile will be restoring the password to it. This step can only be completed when you have managed to access the mailbox. There are cases when it is possible to restore a game account without having access to an email address. Carrying out such a procedure will be much more difficult, but nevertheless possible. To recover a password in world of tanks, you just need to use the “Forgot your password” form in the same way as for your mail account, but this will not be possible if the hacker has changed the phone number associated with the game profile. If the phone number has not been relinked, then you only need to follow the instructions to recover your password. If the relinking was nevertheless carried out, you must contact the worldoftanks support service, explaining the problem in your letter. Just like with email, if you provide strong evidence for this, they will be happy to help you gain access to your account.

Can't log into World of Tanks

What should you do if you have already gained access to your mail and worldoftanks account, but after such a long procedure you log in to the game and see an empty hangar there or the absence of a separate vehicle that was premium or simply dear to you? After all, this happens quite often that the attacker sold your equipment and ran away from the crime scene. Only now there is no one else to understand the current situation except yourself. Restoring cars is quite easy if you haven't done it before. If something similar was done, then you can be sure that the equipment simply may not be restored a second time. You can get into a similar situation if the car was accidentally sold by you or your small child out of ignorance. There is no need to immediately blame yourself for this or the little child who did not know that such a thing should not be done. In order to restore a tank in worldoftanks, simply write a request to the technical support service for game users and describe the reason that resulted from the sale of the equipment. If everything is done correctly, then they will be happy to help with this problem and return the equipment that was sold. To do this, you need to create an application. During this, select the “Questions about in-game property” category and then select the “accidentally sold” item. Next, describe in detail the reason for the sale of tanks and what resulted in this happening. After this, possible methods to solve your problem will appear, but we choose that the problem still has not been resolved and write a request to the support service. We send the application to the administration and wait for their response, and also act according to their instructions and try to cooperate with them as much as possible in order to receive the sold cars in the hangar. It is very important to know that if your tanks were sold as a result of a hack, then most likely they will be restored without any problems. If you sold the equipment yourself and applied for its restoration, then in order to carry out this process, your in-game account will have the required amount of silver for which the car was sold. This amount of silver will be debited from the account after the tank is restored in the hangar. Cases with the restoration of premium equipment are a little more difficult; one of them can be restored. Returning a sold gift tank to the hangar will also not be difficult, as this can be done without any unnecessary problems. It is very important to know that you can restore equipment only once during the entire existence of your game account. For some unknown reason, developers in most cases refuse to carry out this process a second time. This can only be explained by the fact that the number of requests will increase significantly. Players, taking advantage of this privilege, will be able to restore equipment as much as they want, and this is wrong, because it is very important to teach everyone responsibility. For this reason, it is recommended to think twice before removing regular or premium equipment from the hangar. Only responsibility and wisdom will help developers make players more reasonable and the game more comfortable and enjoyable. Restoring tanks in the game is a process, although a little lengthy, but it will give everyone a pleasant moment in life when you see your favorite car again in the hangar without having to save money for it and buy it again. There is talk that over time it will be possible to automatically recover equipment from the hangar, but there have been no official statements about this yet.

How to restore a sold premium WOT tank

In update 9.16, which was released on October 4th, a new feature appeared. Now all players will be able to return premium and award tanks that were sold for some reason to the hangar.

After all, there are often cases when the necessary equipment is sold rashly or carelessly, and in order to restore it, it was necessary to send an application to and wait for its consideration. With patch 9.16 everything has become much easier and faster.

How to restore premium equipment?

Any tank that can be purchased for in-game gold can now be restored within 72 hours after its sale. If, after an unsuccessful battle, your beloved or AMX Chasseur de chars was sold in your hearts, do not despair. It can be returned to the hangar for just 110% from the cost in game credits.

For example, the Soviet light tank Valentine II costs 200 thousand credits when sold. Now you can buy it back within three days from the date of sale by paying 220 thousand credits(200 thousand + 10%). In this case, you must have at least one free slot in the hangar. You can buy equipment only for game credits!

You can return a premium tank directly through the research tree. A special “Restore” button will appear under the sold vehicle, which you need to click and confirm in order to get the tank back into your hangar.

You can also restore sold premium equipment through a warehouse store by selecting the “Restore for credits” menu item in the “Equipment” tab. In this case, you can see at once the entire list of combat vehicles to be restored. You need to complete the process of returning the tank to the hangar by right-clicking on the desired tank and selecting “Restore”.

Advice: newcomers who do not have enough silver at the beginning can sell a premium tank (which), use silver, and after 3 days return the tank for a little more money.

ATTENTION! Restoring premium equipment is possible only within 72 hours after its sale, after which this option will become unavailable!

How to return gift and reward tanks?

There are many vehicles in World of Tanks that cannot be upgraded in the research tree. These include award tanks, outstanding for achievements in personal combat missions and for success on the Global Map, and gift vehicles that Wargaming gives for all sorts of holidays, such as New Year or Victory Day.

In patch 9.16, they can now be returned if sold along with premium cars. Moreover, the scheme with reward tanks is even simpler - their recovery time is unlimited! That is, having sold this or that gift tank, you can return it back at any time. This requires only two things: pay the same 110% of the cost of selling the car in credits and have a free slot in the hangar.

Since gift and reward tanks are not displayed in the research tree, they will have to be restored through the warehouse store. The same menu item “Restore for credits” - selecting a specific model - paying with credits - and the combat vehicle again pleases the eye in the hangar. Everything is simple, convenient, and fast. At the same time, the same reward car can be redeemed no more than once every three days.

Life hack: how to remove equipment without gold

By the way, there is one interesting life hack related to the new possibilities for restoring equipment. If there are tanks that are collecting dust without being used and that have additional equipment, but there is no gold to remove it, it doesn’t matter. You can sell the equipment directly along with the equipment, and then restore it. This opportunity will be useful, for example, for those players who have a lot of gift tanks of levels 2-3.

How to restore a tank crew?

Wargaming has taken care of not only tanks, now you can return to service even unwisely demobilized crew members.

To do this, upon demobilization, a crew member must have fully learned at least one skill, or have a sufficient amount of free experience to learn it. In this case, any demobilized tanker can be reinstated free of charge within 48 hours or for 60 thousand game credits within 30 days after his demobilization. Moreover, there must be at least one free bed for him in the barracks.

It is possible to return demobilized crew members by checking the “Demobilized” checkbox in the barracks. At the same time, all tankers who can be returned to service will be displayed on the right side of the screen. To return a specific crew member to the barracks, you need to click on him and select the “Restore” option.

What cannot be restored?
  • researchable combat vehicles;
  • premium tanks after the expiration of the period given for restoration (72 hours);
  • machines written off by the User Support Center;
  • leased tanks upon expiration of the lease period.
This concludes the article. Take advantage of the restoration of equipment, crew and use the life hack before it is covered!


You probably have had cases when you wanted to return a premium car you sold, sent an application to the Central Processing Center and waited for its consideration. Well, we have good news. In update 9.16, a mechanism will appear that will allow you to return equipment and crew simply and quickly.

Now you don’t even need to close the game: just a few mouse clicks right in the Hangar - and the necessary vehicle or crew member will be back in service. At the same time, crew statistics, awards, skills and abilities will be preserved.

Who and what can be restored?

You will be able to return only those crew members (with an already learned skill, ability, corresponding amount of undistributed experience), special and premium vehicles that were demobilized (or sold, in the case of vehicles) after the release of update 9.16.

Crew recovery

Crew members with at least one fully learned skill or skill or with the appropriate amount of unallocated experience can be restored free of charge within 48 hours after demobilization , as well as for 60,000 over the next 30 days.

At the same time, there must be a free bed in the Barracks for the returning crew member.

Restoration of premium equipment

Any cars that are purchased for in-game gold can be restored within 72 hours after sale

Restoring award cars

Special vehicles received for participating in game events, for combat missions or as a reward for other competitions (including campaigns on the Global Map), as well as vehicles that are currently not available for purchase, can be restored at any time provided there are enough credits . At the same time, there must be a free slot in the Hangar for the restored vehicle.

The cost of restoration in credits is equal to the sale price +10%*.

Attention! The same reward car can be restored no more than once every three days.

* The cost of restoration in credits is equal to the cost of sale + 10%. For example, you bought a premium car for 10,000 and then sold it for 2,000,000 (10,000 × 400 / 2 = 2,000,000). The cost of restoration will be 2,000,000 + (2,000,000 × 0.1) = 2,200,000. This formula is constant - special offers and discounts are not taken into account.

If you don't have enough credits, but have enough gold to convert, you will be prompted to convert the gold into the missing credits.

What can't be restored?
  • Conventional (research) machines.
  • Machines written off by the User Support Center.
  • Premium cars after the restoration period has expired.
  • Rented machines provided to perform a task after the rental period has expired.
How to restore equipment?

If the vehicle meets the restoration criteria, you can return it to the Hangar by selecting this option in the following locations.

Click on the image to enlarge it.

Research tree
Warehouse store

When restoring a machine from the Research Tree, right-click to open the context menu and select “Restore”. The cost of restoration and the time during which the procedure will be available will be displayed.

If the number of credits is insufficient, a notification about the missing amount will appear next to the text “Restore”.

When all recovery conditions are met, simply select “Restore” and confirm to return the vehicle to the Hangar.

If you want to restore a car through the Warehouse Store, check “Restore for credits” in the drop-down menu of the “Equipment” tab and select the desired type of equipment.

The window will display a list of available machines, the cost of restoration and the time during which the equipment will be available for restoration. Right-clicking will take you to the machine screen where you can restore it.

How to restore the crew?

Now, when any crew member is demobilized, you will be notified whether they can be reinstated in the future.

Demobilized crew members can be found in the Barracks by checking the “Demobilized” option. Hover over a specific crew member and find out everything about the cost of restoring them and how much time you have left to do so.

To return a crew member to duty, simply click “Restore” and confirm the action in the window that appears.

The recovery buffer can accommodate up to 100 crew members. If the buffer is full and you wish to demobilize a crew member, you will be notified that that crew member will replace the longest serving crew member in the buffer.

After recovery, the crew member is not assigned to any vehicle. No problem: just put this tanker in the old crew and go into battle - all settings will be restored, and the tanker will remain trained to control this vehicle.

Anyone who plays online games knows what a long leveling is and how difficult it is to farm money. This is the path that every player must take to become a gamer. But for those who cannot do this, there is an opportunity to significantly make this path easier for money. And World of Tanks was no exception.

The creators of the game have added the opportunity to purchase a premium tank for a fee

Such tanks, as a rule, have an advantage at their level over simple equipment. But sometimes troubles happen and the tank is sent for sale. The reasons could be anything: inattention, a higher level tank that is better than a premium one, nerves after a failed battle. But in some cases, after what has been done, the thought comes to mind that the decision was wrong and the question arises: how to return the sold premium equipment to wot? It is possible that the tank sold was a favorite, it is much more pleasant to play on it than on other machines, or the ownership of this particular unit was brought to perfection.

The whole problem is the 10% commission, which is not shown and taken into account everywhere, which deeply misleads the user.

In this case, certain conditions must be met:

Silver. Since for the sale of a premium tank, money is returned to the account in silver, then for the return of the tank it will be written off. If there is no such amount, there will be no tank;

Free place. Without fail, there must be a free slot in the hangar for returned equipment. If it is not there, then there will be no room for the tank and it will not be returned;

Quantity. A refund can only be made once, so you need to think several times before taking advantage of this opportunity.

Even if everything goes well, it is still better to be more careful and careful while in the hangar. But even if this happened and it was possible to return the tank, in the future there will certainly be a feeling that this chance should have been saved for a more suitable occasion.

Forgetting about the commission in the game client

But what if the situation happens again? How to return sold premium equipment to wot for the second time?

No way. A second return is not possible. Nowhere is it mentioned why the system works the way it does. In any case, you should not make such an oversight at all, because even the first time they may not return the sold equipment if they consider that it is better not to do so. It is better to carefully monitor your actions and not take unnecessary risks.

Often, players without experience sell equipment, but later regret it, since these tanks become top-end, or simply because they are needed in battle. The question of how to restore a tank in World of Tanks worries gamers who have learned to fight.

Until recently, it was impossible to restore lost equipment unless you contact Wargaming support, but in the latest versions of the game this can be done even from the hangar. To do this you need to do the following:

Select the “Support” button on the website.
go to the “My applications” item and click on the button to create an application.
in the “World of Tanks” section, select the category of questions on game property. Next, click on the random sale button. Type a short description, like a premium tank was accidentally sold.
Next, you need to select the “Question not resolved” button.

An approximate description might sound like this: “Hello, I sold a premium type tank by mistake

Please restore it due to the accident of what happened.” After this, the continue key is pressed and a request is created, thus the operation is completed and all that remains is to wait for a response. But this way you can only restore one tank in your account.

Lately, random sales of tanks have been rare, but such transactions still occur; this situation is unpleasant for both players and developers, because customer problems always affect the final profit from the product.

Sometimes players' accounts are hacked, and this can lead to the loss of equipment and blocking of the resource itself, which has been accumulated for many days. The purpose of such promotions is to destroy the opponent’s account and sell all his equipment.

You can restore your account after it has been hacked if you have the password and logins for it

After restoring your account, you will have to think about how to restore your tank in World of Tanks. If the loss of equipment occurred after a hack, then there should be no problems. When selling a tank yourself, the application will be considered with special care and will require some funds in the form of silver.

It will be written off after the tank is restored, since you received this money during the transaction.

Each type of equipment can be restored only once; this is a rule of the game that is not broken. Therefore, when deciding to sell a tank, think about whether you will need it in the future. There are rumors that in new game versions, equipment sold from the hangar will be restored automatically, but they have not yet been confirmed by the developers.

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