Programs for working with the server. How to find the necessary files on the FTP server. SmartFTP Client - the choice of professionals

How to Find the Files You Need on an FTP Server

Efficient search for information resources (the addresses of FTP servers where the necessary files are located, and the files themselves) is a rather complicated problem. In general, searching for files on FTP servers is reminiscent of a situation where a reader of a public library would start searching for the desired book not in the central catalog, but by examining book shelves. And on each of them he would find a list of books only for this rack. Something like this was the search for information on the Internet for a significant part of the time of its existence: a lot of information, but it is extremely difficult to find the right one.

Most FTP servers do not have a list of files available from the outside. Sometimes the only way to find the software you need is to expand the directories one by one and examine their contents. Since the format of file names on an FTP server varies depending on the computer's operating system, you can find different combinations of characters as names. If, for example, the server is built on a UNIX system, these will be combinations of upper and lower case characters, and for a system running a VMS operating system (Digital Corporation's minicomputers), file names will be presented only in uppercase letters. Accordingly, for PC and Macintosh, file names will follow the rules adopted in DOS and Mac System operating systems. On some computers, especially those with large amounts of information, there is an index of available files with brief annotations about what each one is. This can be extremely useful for quickly finding the files you need, so as a tip, we can recommend that you start exploring the contents of directories by looking for a file called INDEX. Also, don't ignore files named README (or, readme.txt, etc.). These files most often store information about the contents of directories or about the FTP server itself. It is recommended that you always copy the README file first to familiarize yourself with its contents. These files are on the server for a reason. If a user has questions about this server, they can contact its administrator using an email address with the recipient name "postmaster". For example, for an FTP server named, questions should be directed to [email protected] Some servers have more than one person in charge, so the specific name can be found in the README file, or it is reported when registering on that server.

Many FTP servers currently provide FTP access through the WWW interface using a regular browser. In this case, the user has a list of files and folders on the screen and the ability to move up and down the folders. Typically, the pub folder and all of its contents are publicly accessible on an FTP server. If you have rights, you can access other folders. There are servers that provide search services for FTP servers, unfortunately, often you need to know the exact name of the required file.

Finding Files on FTP Servers

Many Internet users, when searching for necessary files and programs, look for html pages by their content, not knowing about the existence of search tools that allow you to search for files on FTP servers by the names of the files and directories themselves. Indeed, if you are looking for a description of a program, then you should do it on Web servers. If you know the name of the program and are looking for a server from which it can be downloaded, then it is more convenient to use the FTP resource search engine. One of the popular systems for finding files is the resource

On fig. Figure 6 shows the result of searching for FTP servers from which you can download the CuteFTP program.

Online you can also find a list of the largest FTP servers. The first place in the ranking, of course, belongs to a resource that stores MP3 files, and its volume is simply amazing - more than 2 thousand gigabytes!


FTP has its advantages and disadvantages. The main drawback is that, unlike a Web service, on an FTP server you get a minimum of additional information about resources - all information is presented as a list of files on the remote computer.

If you download files directly from Web pages using the HTTP protocol (and do not resort to special resume programs), then it is quite difficult to download a large file with a slow connection. The fact is that the procedure for transferring files in HTTP has a big minus in the form of the absence of such a useful function as reget (the resume function). This means that if the connection fails while using the HTTP protocol, you will have to download the file from the beginning. When using the FTP protocol, you can use the Reget function and continue downloading from where you left off. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, it is extremely important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of the protocols.

Searching for files on FTP servers - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "File search on FTP servers" 2017, 2018.

  • - Ftp file transfer program.

    Moves copies of files from one Internet site to another in accordance with the FTP protocol (File Transfer Protocol - "file transfer protocol"). It does not matter where these nodes are located and how they are interconnected. Computers with shared files... .

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    File transfer protocols The Internet uses the following file transfer protocols: · FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - File Transfer Protocol · TFTP. (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) A trivial file transfer protocol. SFTP. (Simple File Transfer Protocol) - a simple file transfer protocol, ... .

  • - FTP File Transfer Protocol

    Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) SFTP supports user rights checking (access control), file transfer, listing directory contents, changing directories, renaming and deleting files. Like FTP, SFTP uses TCP. However, unlike FTP, SFTP uses... .

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    Establishing a data connection Control connection FTP clients use a control connection to send commands to and receive responses from the server. Typically, commands are sent over a control connection, asking the server to execute... .

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  • Often you need to organize a search on an FTP server. In order to search quickly, the FTP server scans and puts the names of all files and their paths into one file or database table. Using such a list, searching is much easier than scanning the entire host each time. On the other hand, you might be interested in scanning your own FTP host to get an idea of ​​its organization. This will optimize or reorganize its structure.

    Let's create a small web application consisting of two files: config.php(configuration file containing parameters for connecting to an FTP server and setting up a connection) and index.php, which is directly an FTP scanner.

    Configuration file config.php

    // FTP server address
    $ftp_server = "" ;
    // Connection port
    $ftp_port = 21 ;
    // User
    $ftp_user = "softtime" ;
    // Password
    $ftp_password = "" ;
    // Web application version
    $version = "1.0.0" ;
    // Set the script execution time to 120 s
    // Trying to establish a connection to the FTP server
    $link = ftp_connect($ftp_server );
    if(! $link ) puterror ( "Sorry, the connection to the FTP server $ftp_server could not be established");
    // We register on the server
    $login = ftp_login($link , $ftp_user , $ftp_password );
    //$login = ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user_name, $ftp_user_pass);
    if(!$login) puterror( "Sorry, we can't register on the server");
    // A small helper function that prints an error message
    // to the browser window
    function puterror($message)
    echo "


    " ;

    Now that the connection is established, we can recursively descend the directory tree of the FTP directory.

    FTP crawler index.php

    // Establish a connection to the FTP server
    // Directory on the server
    // $dir = "/html/forum/";
    $dir = "/" ;
    // Start the scanner
    scan_ftp ($link , $dir );
    // Close the connection to the FTP server
    // The result is in the global array $filename
    echo "
    echo "
    " ;

    // Recursive tree descend function
    // directories
    function scan_ftp ($link , $dir )
    GLOBAL $filename ;
    // Get all files in the root directory
    // Connection handle $link received in config.php
    $file_list = ftp_rawlist($link , $dir );
    // Display the contents of the directory
    foreach($file_list as $file )
    // Split the string on whitespace characters
    list($acc ,
    $bloks ,
    $group ,
    $user ,
    $size ,
    $month ,
    $day ,
    $year ,
    $file ) = preg_split ("/[\s]+/" , $file );
    // If the file starts with a dot, ignore it
    if(substr ($file , 0 , 1 ) == "." ) continue;
    // Determine if the object is a directory
    if(substr ($acc , 0 , 1 ) == "d" )
    // Directory
    scan_ftp ($link , $dir . $file . "/" );
    // Determine if the object is a file
    if(substr ($acc , 0 , 1 ) == "-" )
    // File
    $filename = $file . "-" . $dir . $file ;

    The result is placed in the $filename global array - putting the contents of this array into a MySQL file or table is not difficult. More details on how to work with an FTP server are discussed in our

    Search on FTP servers

    It is one thing if you want to find a list of links to web resources on the Internet in order to select the desired resource with their help, and quite another when you need a specific object: a multimedia file, an e-book, software, etc. To solve this problem, it is recommended to use specially designed search engines, or the corresponding modes of conventional search engines.

    For example, the search engine located at is very efficient for finding files. Its huge database is regularly updated, and searches are conducted among almost all Russian and several thousand foreign FTP servers.

    A characteristic feature of the system is that it searches not on web servers and web pages among the content available there (as most standard search engines do), but by file and folder names - on FTP servers. The trick here is this: if you, for example, are looking for an application, then on a regular web server you will only find its description (for example, as part of a review article, etc.), but the distribution kit will help you find http:/ / Note that this system can search for files of various formats: multimedia, graphics, sound, text, executable, archives, etc. The general rules for working with are in many ways similar to actions in other search engines.

    Another effective search engine is located at It is also designed to search for files - multimedia, graphics, etc. You just need to select the appropriate type of search using the appropriate switch, and enter the required request from the keyboard.

    Another effective file search engine that supports both simple and advanced search functions is located at . As you might guess, the author and developer of this product is the well-known company Rambler ( The capabilities of this search engine provide for searching files of various formats on FTP servers.

    The persecution of torrents, which have intensified recently (more than a thousand popular torrent trackers in Russia are promised to be blocked by the end of the year), force users to look not only for ways to bypass blocking, but also, just in case, alternative sources of free downloads of files (movies, music , programs, games, books, and so on).
    One such source of free file downloads is open source FTP servers, which are mostly "deployed" (created) by power users on their home computers. I will not “load” you with unnecessary information about “how it works”. Those who are interested can easily find information about deploying an FTP server on a PC on the Internet. In this article, we are more interested in how to use FTP servers to add to personal file collections.

    In order to download the desired file for free, first of all, you need to find the FTP server on which this file is stored. To search for files on FTP servers, there are special FTP search engines. There are many. Finding them is also not difficult. “Drive in” in any search engine, for example, in Yandex, the search phrase “ftp search engine”.

    Searching for files on FTP servers suits gambling people, because it can be compared to fishing. Since most FTP servers are “deployed” on home PCs, access to them can be temporarily closed (this is when the computer is stupidly turned off), but lately this has happened much less frequently, because the creators of FTP servers have started actively “ deploy" on the "clouds", that is, on web hosting (servers). Something I again on the go began to “load” you with unnecessary information ...
    In short, if the link found through the FTP search engine does not open, know that this means that at the moment, the FTP server is not available. Go to the next link.
    Let's look at how to use FTP search engines using the Krasfs search engine as an example.
    Personally, I sometimes use this particular search engine.
    Krasfs is a universal file finder. It searches for files not only on FTP servers, it can also search for files on torrents at the same time. How to use torrent search, most users know without me. And here's how to search for files on FTP servers...
    We go to the site using the link .
    In the search line, write the name of the file you are looking for (for example, the name of the song), in the checkbox, opposite the inscription “Search by FTP”, put a tick. Remove the checkmarks from other checkboxes. You can refine your search by setting specific search parameters, for example, instructing the search engine to search for files within a specific time frame or specific sizes. After forming the request and parameters, click the "Find" button.

    We click on the desired link in the issue and download the file to our computer.

    By the way, in addition to the desired file, in the folder where it is located, you can “rummage around” other files stored there. That's why searching for files via FTP is comparable to fishing. “Come” to the FTP server for one, or you can “run into” in addition to the file you are looking for, a number of files that you may also be interested in.
    Good luck with your file fishing!

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