How to make vibration on samsung phone. How to enable vibration on android phones. How to use the Android engineering menu: video

Users have long been accustomed to the fact that mobile devices have a vibration function. This allows you to understand the need to answer a call when you are in a noisy place or, for example, set up notifications from various applications. There are a lot of options for using this function, and everyone must decide for himself how much he needs it and whether it is necessary at all.

Now we will talk about how to control vibration in smartphones and tablets running operating system Android. The thing is that there are several important nuances that all owners of such gadgets, without exception, should really know about. Do not be lazy to spend a few minutes reading this article and you will surely learn something new.

How to disable vibration feedback when pressing the device buttons?

By default, most tablets and smartphones vibrate each time the buttons are pressed, as if confirming that the user has actually completed the action. If you do not like it, then you can turn off the vibration feedback by doing the following:

  1. Go to "Settings" of the device.
  2. Select the "Sounds and Notifications" section.
  3. Turn off vibration feedback by moving the corresponding slider to the left.

Note: here and later appearance menus and section names may differ depending on the version of the operating system and the specific smartphone/tablet model.

How to enable key vibration feedback?

It is easy to guess that in this case, the entire procedure described above should be done, with the exception of one detail - the vibration response setting slider should be moved to the active position.

Can I set my text messages to vibrate?

It is impossible to enable or disable vibration exclusively for SMS messages using standard Android operating system tools. For this, it is best to use special applications, for example, Customize Vibrancy, which you can learn more about by continuing to read the article. There for these purposes there are all the necessary options that should be used.

Setting vibration feedback for games and applications

But if we are talking about software installed on a smartphone or tablet, then there should be no problems with setting the vibration. Most apps have their own settings menu where you can control sound and vibration. It remains only to find them and change them so that you feel comfortable using the software.

Why vibration might not work?

Many users at some point are faced with a situation where their gadget suddenly stops vibrating during calls, notifications, and so on. If at the same time all the settings are set correctly, then you should think about what could have caused the problem.

The following are the main causes of vibration failure:

  • The OS is not working properly. Sometimes the Android operating system tends to be subject to various failures. The reason may be in the recently installed firmware, because when an ordinary user does this, the consequences are unpredictable.
  • Third party applications conflict with the OS. This is especially true if the vibration stopped working after some game or program was installed.
  • A lot of dust has accumulated inside the case. Yes, yes, do not be surprised when dust gets under the body, the vibration mechanism can be immobilized. Therefore, until a full cleaning is done, the vibration will not work again.
  • The device was mechanically affected. It is easy to guess that if you step on a gadget or, for example, drop it on the asphalt, the consequences can be unpredictable. Actually, one of the occurring damage is precisely the loss of vibration.

Troubleshooting vibration problems

Are you planning to solve the problem with vibration on your smartphone or tablet? Then do the following:

  1. Check your settings. Believe me, it's better to spend a couple of seconds on this than to find out later that this was the problem.
  2. Reboot your device. As in the case of any other problems, a reboot sometimes gives the desired result and after it the gadget starts to function normally.
  3. Make sure power saving mode is not enabled. Most smartphones and tablets turn off vibration if the battery is almost empty or a special mode is set.
  4. Update firmware. The main thing to remember here is that you should use only original firmware approved by the manufacturer.
  5. Contact the service center. Disassembling the device yourself is not the most the best solution. It is better to find a suitable service center and entrust the work to its specialists.

How to increase vibration?

It also happens that everything is in order with the vibration on the device, but its strength leaves much to be desired. So, a weak vibration signal is almost impossible to feel if the smartphone is in the pocket of a warm sweater or jacket.

You can increase the vibration using the standard smartphone settings. Most often, the desired option is located in the "Advanced settings" section, where it can be controlled.

There is no vibration control in the settings of your device or you are not satisfied with the result? Then it's time to talk about using third-party applications.

Here are the two most popular programs that everyone can download right now from the Play Market:

Customize Vibrancy

This utility offers users unique features. For example, you can set the vibration to play the tune from the Mission: Impossible movie or from the legendary Mario game. It is also possible to create your own rhythms by adding them to the existing ones.

Among the additional functions, a wide range of moments should be noted at which the vibration signal should be triggered. So, it can manifest itself when the subscriber picked up the phone or if the gadget connected to a Wi-Fi network.

Vibration Notifier

This program has a few fewer features, but this does not make it worse. On the contrary, all the settings here are in plain sight, and even not the most experienced user will be able to deal with them.

Separately, I want to say about the free application and its amazing stability. You will see, there are no bugs here at all from the word.

How to turn off / turn off vibration on incoming calls?

  1. Go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Select "Sounds and Notifications" from the menu.
  3. Click on the gear icon.
  4. Find the line "Vibration" (for incoming calls), then move the settings slider to the active or inactive position.


Summing up, I would like to note that vibration is one of the most useful functions modern smartphones and tablets. Unlike many other developments that appeared many years ago, vibration has not lost its relevance and is still an indispensable element of any mobile gadget.

It remains only to learn how to manage this function and customize it for yourself. Try to address this issue today, because when it comes to working with mobile devices, the convenience of this very work depends solely on you.

Today we got to the vibration on the iPhone and we will analyze how you can turn it off or on for different cases. The vibration settings on the iPhone are quite specific.

This is the cause of all the difficulties, let's analyze all the cases in order.

How to turn off or turn on vibration on iPhone

In the first case, I would like to consider the option when you need to remove it, that is, simply turn off the vibration for calls and sms.

If you want the phone to ring without vibration, you can turn off this option right in the settings. We go Settings - Sounds - During a call.

If you want SMS to come without vibration, then this is a little more complicated. First we put on silent mode and then we go into.

Unfortunately, the vibration is controlled only by these two parameters, so only them will have to be manipulated.

There is one very interesting trick on this phone, when with one button in the settings you can turn off vibration in absolutely the entire phone, even in case of emergency.

You can find it by going SettingsMainUniversal accessVibration.

Do not forget to activate everything back later, because it will be embarrassing if you miss an important call or notification.

Many are also interested in how you can set the vibration in the iPhone to the alarm clock. That is, so that when the alarm goes off, the phone only vibrates.

The iPhone does not have such a parameter in the settings at all, so on your own you can simply reduce the overall volume, which will reduce the overall sound of the signal.

The second method is to simply create an empty melody using third-party programs and set it as an alarm.

If you want a melody to play during the alarm, but there was no vibration, then simply turn off the vibration in silent mode (the second screenshot of the last paragraph) and turn on your phone for the night in silent mode.

Very often, before going to bed, we want to sit in VK, but when people start to write, the vibration is very loud and can wake up someone close.

There are several solutions for this problem:

First way. It will ensure that notifications arrive only when you are in the application itself. When it is minimized, notifications will come with vibration.

So, we go into the Vkontakte application itself and go to the left menu, scroll down and click Settings. Click on the "Notifications" item and scroll to the very bottom, turn off the item Vibration.

Since this method does not completely do what we want, there is a second one.

The second way. With this method, in both cases, the vibration will not work. What is needed for this:

Just go to Settings - Sounds - In silent mode and put your phone on silent mode.

It will take about the same time as the first method. But do not forget to turn it on, because then in this mode, SMS and calls will also be without vibration.

In the Viber application, only one way can work, because this case is not provided for in the settings.

Just see how this is done for the VK application, the second method. You do everything in the same sequence.


I think I have covered all the most important cases when you need to enable or disable vibration on your favorite iPhone.

If there are any other cases, then write it in the comments and I will definitely analyze it in the article.

Each smartphone owner tries to customize his gadget according to personal tastes and needs, as well as remove unnecessary and annoying features. Often users wonder how to turn off vibration on the Android keyboard. In this article, we will give an answer to it.

So, to remove the vibration on the phone keyboard, you need to follow a few simple steps.

Step 1. Run Settings, go to the category " System and device” and select the section “ Additionally».

Step 2. Select " Language and Input».

Step 4. Go to keyboard settings.

Step 5. Move the switch " Vibration when pressing keys» to position « Turned off».

Turn off vibration in the app

To disable vibration or change other keyboard settings, it is not necessary to go to the smartphone settings. All this can be done through any application, right while typing. Instruction:

Step 1. Open the keyboard and click on the gear icon. From the menu that appears, select "Settings".

Step 2. Find an item here "Vibration feedback" and move the slider to Off. Change other settings as needed.

Please note, the method is relevant only for the native keyboard gboard. If you have a custom typing app installed, it may not have a button to quickly navigate to settings.


By these simple manipulations, you turn off the vibration on your Android device. It is worth noting that in different versions of the operating system, the path to the keyboard settings may differ from that given in this guide, but they are always located in the section with language and input settings.

In this article, we will show you how to set vibration on iPhone and iPad. By default, your iPhone uses two quick vibration pulses for a text message and a continuous, constant vibration for incoming calls. All other notifications receive one vibration.

But what if you want something different so you can easily know what notification you're getting without even looking at your iPhone? You can do this by creating and customizing your own vibration patterns.

To create your own vibration pattern, simply go to the vibration settings on your iPhone or iPad. If you don't want to create custom ones, there are several default Apple vibration patterns you can choose from.

1. Launch the application " Settings» on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Click " Sounds».

4. Click " Vibration».

5. Click " Create vibration».

6. Touch the screen to create the desired vibration. Holding your finger creates a continuous vibration, and lifting your finger creates a pause.

7. Click " Stop' when you're done creating your template.

9. Enter a name for your custom vibration.

This new vibration will now be automatically configured for the alert type you select! You can repeat the above process for all alert types for which you would like to have a unique vibration pattern.

Keep in mind that you can create custom vibrations inside the vibration options for any notification. Whatever you've created will show up in the Custom section for all notification types so you can reuse them if you want.

How to disable vibration alerts on iPhone and iPad?

If you don't like vibration on a call or notification, you can easily turn it off.

1. Launch the application " Settings» on your device.

2. Click " Sounds».

3. Open the Ringtone or Sound of the message in which you would like to have your own vibration.

4. Click " Vibration».

5. Click " Not selected».

Please note that after turning off vibration, you may miss a call or notifications if you have the sound turned off.

See also:

How to remove custom vibrations on iPhone and iPad?

Created a lot of unnecessary vibrations? You can remove unnecessary ones.

1. Launch the application " Settings» on your smartphone.

2. Click " Sounds».

3. Open the Ringtone or Sound of the message in which you would like to have your own vibration.

4. Click " Vibration».

5. Tap your finger on the custom vibration you want to remove.

6. Click " Delete».

Delete wisely so you don't accidentally delete a good vibration recording.

Android OS users receive feedback on the actions taken through the vibration feedback of the keyboard. What should I do if this feature interferes? The answer is simple: remove! Any owner of a smartphone or tablet can control vibration on their device: set it up for calls, messages, various notifications, or disable it altogether.

How to turn off vibration feedback on the system buttons of a smartphone or tablet with Android OS

If you don't like your device vibrating every time you press a key, or you just want to conserve battery power, you can disable the response. It is done like this:

How to set the vibration response of system keys

If, on the contrary, you like how the device responds with vibration when typing, then you need to follow the steps described above, with the exception of the last step. When you enter the settings for sound notifications, you will need to move the slider to the active position.

Enable vibration feedback on Android for system buttons

How to manage vibration feedback: video

Why vibration on an Android device may disappear

There are a number of reasons why vibration does not work. Most often this happens when charging the gadget. If you can determine exactly in which situations the vibration feedback fails, it will be easier to troubleshoot.

Vibration does not work if:

  • the function is disabled in the notification settings;
  • third-party programs conflict with the system;
  • dust and dirt have accumulated under the body of the device, which do not allow the gadget to start vibration;
  • the device has been subjected to mechanical stress (for example, it has fallen on the asphalt);
  • the software does not function correctly due to a factory defect or unsuccessful firmware.

To fix the problem yourself, do the following:

  1. Make sure that the vibration slider is in the active position in the settings.
  2. Reboot your device and check if the response works.
  3. Update firmware. If the problem was software, then it will disappear.
  4. Make sure that the gadget is fully charged and not in power saving mode, because in this case the device saves energy and for this it can turn off the vibration.
  5. If all else fails and the problem persists, contact a professional for diagnosis and repair.

How to increase vibration on your Android phone and tablet

If there is a vibration adjustment menu in the keyboard settings, you can increase the response yourself. Just go to "Settings" and move the slider:

Strengthening the vibration response on the keyboard in use in Android through "Advanced settings"

If the gadget does not provide advanced settings, it is recommended to use special programs from Google Play, for example, Customize Vibrancy.

Customize Vibrancy is an app for creating and customizing vibration styles

With this utility, you can adjust the vibration intensity, set a certain rhythm, for example, the Imperial March. You can even configure the gadget so that the response is triggered by certain actions, for example, if the subscriber picked up the phone or a wireless connection appeared.

Adjust the response through Customize Vibrancy like this:

You can create a response in two ways: “tap” the rhythm with your finger on the screen or enter some phrase that the program reads and converts into a pulse.

Vibration Notifier - vibration management software

Another simple and stable utility that can help you set up a vibration signal on your smartphone. It can be downloaded from Google Play. You choose the action that will trigger the vibration and the rhythm.

The interface of the Vibration Notifier program is quite ascetic

How to disable/enable vibration on calls

Is it possible to change or increase the vibration for SMS notifications

You can't disable or enable response for text messages only internally in Android. To do this, you need to use third-party services, for example, Customize Vibrancy. By selecting the "To incoming SMS" item, you can easily set up vibration for SMS - several styles will be offered to you at once.

How to customize program response

You can manage app notifications directly in their settings. How to do this, consider the example of Viber.

How to remove feedback when touching the keyboard

To turn off vibration when pressing the keys, do the following:

Android engineering menu: how to know if vibration is working

Smartphones and tablets on Android have a special engineering menu in which you can check the health of the vibration motor. Access is also open to the user - you just need to dial a certain code in the built-in application for calls.

Combinations required to enter the engineering menu - table

To check, select the "Vibrator" section.

Using the engineering menu, be careful, otherwise you can harm the phone. If you want to change any parameters, it is better to save their original values ​​so that you can “roll back” to them later.

In the engineering menu, you need to select Vibrator

How to use the Android engineering menu: video

Vibration feedback on Android smartphones and tablets is quite flexibly adjusted to the needs of users due to standard means. If the gadget's own capabilities are not enough, it is recommended to download one of the programs from Google Play - Customize Vibrancy or Vibration Notifier.

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