Step by step connection bluetooth headset to the phone. Connecting a phone via Bluetooth Bluetooth to connect a mobile phone

The easiest way to find a phone using another is by calling it. But if the lost is on silent mode, then it will be difficult to detect it. In this case, the original way to search for a phone via Bluetooth is suitable.

How to find a smartphone via Bluetooth

And install the Bluetooth Discovery app from the official Google Play app store. The program is a simple scanner of all wireless devices that can connect to a smartphone via bluetooth. If Bluetooth is enabled on the lost gadget, it can be found by clicking the Start LE scan button.

The distance to the found phone can be determined by the RSSI Power value. The farther we are from the source of the signal, the more the power attenuates. Here is the RSSI Power for my tablet in another room.

But in close proximity.

The transmitter power of 127 dBm remains constant, and the attenuation changes with distance or approach to the object. Move around the apartment until you find the phone.

There can be multiple devices. The necessary can be clarified by the method of elimination. In my case, the list even included a Samsung TV, which was located somewhere behind the wall of the neighbors.

If your Macintosh and mobile phone support Bluetooth, it's a sin not to set up a connection between them, because after that you can:

  • Synchronize contacts, events and tasks;
  • Use a mobile phone as a modem (with data transfer via GPRS or regular connection);
  • Upload and download files;
  • Manage calls and SMS from the Address Book program;
  • And also do much more with the help of additional programs.

Connection setup process

First, in the System Preferences panel, go to the Bluetooth item and select the Settings tab. There you can turn Bluetooth on or off, set the “visibility” mode, configure keyboard or mouse settings, and enable a convenient Bluetooth icon that will always be displayed in the top panel of the system (at the clock level) and will facilitate access to frequently used functions. Also take a look at the Sharing tab, where you can choose security options when transferring certain data.

The Devices tab displays a list of Bluetooth devices, to add a new one, click “Set up new device”, after which the Bluetooth Setup Assistant utility will open, designed to simplify the installation process as much as possible.

Turn on Bluetooth phone(and optionally "searchable" mode), in the Bluetooth Setup Assistant, select mobile phone in the device type and start the search.

In the devices found, select your phone, after which the computer will offer an arbitrary password for pairing - enter it into the phone.

The utility will then prompt you to select the services that you will use with your mobile phone (synchronization via iSync, using the phone with an address book, and using the phone as a modem).

If you chose the last item and want to use your phone as a GPRS modem, skip the connection settings window - you will need special scripts and setup tricks, which we will talk about later.

To transfer files, in the Bluetooth icon (how to enable it - read above) in the top panel of the system, at the clock level, select "Send File" or "Browse Device". The latter is more functional - when it is launched, a window opens with a list of files and folders that you can easily work with by simply dragging and dropping.

Read about setting up your phone as a GPRS modem, data synchronization settings and options for managing your phone from the Address Book in the following articles.

You can use Bluetooth to wirelessly connect devices to your phone. After you establish a connection for the first time, the devices will connect to each other automatically. If your phone is connected via Bluetooth to another device, you will see the Bluetooth icon at the top of the screen.

Important! Some of the steps in this article can only be performed on devices running Android 10 and later.

How to enable and disable Bluetooth

Advice. To conserve battery power, turn off Bluetooth when not in use. Also, it does not work in airplane mode.

Step 1Pair with a Bluetooth device

Important! The established connection will be active until you cancel it.

Option 1: Through the Settings app (for all Bluetooth devices)

Advice. If a passcode is required, try entering 0000 or 1234.

Option 2: Via notification (quick connect devices only)
  1. Make sure the following conditions are met:
    • The Bluetooth device supports fast connection. If your device supports a fast connection, it will have a special label on the packaging and possibly the text Made by Google (Made by Google) or Made for Google (Made for Google). Check out the range in the Google Store.
    • You are using a phone with Android 6.0 or later.
    • Bluetooth and location enabled on your phone.
  2. Turn on the Bluetooth device and set the connection mode. The accessory must be near the phone or tablet.
  3. After you receive a notification, select Press to pair.
  4. A "Device connected" or "Connection completed" notification appears.
  5. If the device needs to be configured, click Tune.

Advice. If you didn't receive a notification, open your phone settings and tap Connected devices. Click on the desired device under "Devices nearby".

Step 2 Connect

How to set up, rename or disable a Bluetooth device

Important! The settings may vary depending on the phone model. For more information,

Everyone knows very well that with Bluetooth you can transfer a file from device to device or connect a wireless headset. But its possibilities are not limited to this. Having the right tool with you, you can create real miracles. So why not try yourself as a magician?

Built-in technology module Bluetooth(or, more formally, IEEE 802.15.3) has long ceased to be a curiosity. The cost of the module is so miserable that only a lazy manufacturer does not embed it in a mobile, laptop or PDA. And even then - for marketing reasons. In a word, Bluetooth almost everyone uses. But only a few know that, using technology, they risk giving away their confidential data. But let's start with the good!

Trick 1: Use BT to Remotely Access Your Computer

Once, for a presentation, I invited one long-legged girlfriend to press the "space" button to flip through the slides in Power Point. This pleasure cost me an expensive lunch and two hours of empty conversations with Barbie girl. After that, I firmly decided: next time I will get around the problem of the lack of a remote control in a different way. And bypassed, using a mobile phone! Yes, yes, right from your phone you can flip through slides, control music - and do God knows what else. The main thing is that BT-modules are installed on the mobile phone and computer. Not only will you save money and effort, but you will also look unforgivably fashionable. Anyone who uses the utility is able to show such a trick
Bluetooth Remote Control
, recently updated to version 3.0. It allows you to control your computer from the screen of any mobile phone. Everything is very simple. A special server part is installed on the computer, and a client program written in Java is installed on the phone (requires MIDP 2.0). After setting up a simple scheme, you can remotely control the mouse and keyboard of your computer. And most importantly, you will get access to the remote desktop. Real Remote Desktop right from the screen of your mobile phone! Well, with a long-legged girlfriend, you can spend time much more successfully. Bluetooth Remote Control useful here too: to put
romantic music :)

Trick 2: Access control with BT

If you work in a room where a dozen colleagues sit with you, you probably had to lock your computer when you went to another room. And what? You will not have time to move away, as someone will already rummage on your hard. The arrangement is not the most pleasant. In general, it is necessary to lock the computer, the question is - how? You can use the standard features of Windows and enter a long password ten times a day. Or do it beautifully with the help of technology Bluetooth. Everything is as simple as two and two. You move away from the computer - and it is immediately blocked. You come back - and the location is as if it had never happened! The only condition is that the module must be installed in both the computer and the mobile phone.
Bluetooth, and the program is installed in the system LockItNow(you can easily). However, friends and colleagues can be told about telepathic possibilities, and then sell the secret for money :). By the way, if there is no BT module at hand, then it can be replaced with a phone that supports the “blue tooth” (connect via COM port).

Trick 3: Sniffing BT traffic from the air

Mastery begins with understanding. Have you ever wanted to look inside the protocol and find out how data is exchanged through the “blue tooth”? Listening to Bluetooth traffic can only be performed “to itself”, that is, the outgoing and incoming traffic of the node on which you issued the commands is intercepted. In this case, the so-called Host Controller Interface (HCI), which allows you to access the transmitter, is of no small importance. The HCI node usually connects to the device driver node Bluetooth(incoming stream) and to the L2CAP node (outgoing stream). The Windows platform does not provide this feature by default. However, third-party developers have released
special drivers that allow convert standard dongle to sniffer. Traditionally, indicative in this regard is the work FTS4BT Wireless Bluetooth Protocol Analyzer worth big money. The product catches the fact that it supports the new Bluetooth v2.0+EDR, on the basis of which they work modern devices and, moreover, it is able to decode all traffic from the air on the fly, carefully sorting out audio, application protocol data, and much more. It is clear that for sniffing (and indeed in general) USB-dongles of class 1 are most relevant, the range of which reaches one hundred meters.

Trick 4: Working with the BT adapter directly

Long time Bluetooth stacks for Windows provided such meager features that programmers simply bypassed this platform. This explains that most programs for serious fun with the "blue tooth" are developed for the niks platform. We will analyze some of the tricky tricks on this platform, namely FreeBSD(Let me remind you that on the disk of the last issue we posted the latest 7.0 release of this OS). The technology itself Bluetooth officially began to be supported on it only from the 5th branch based on the Netgraph subsystem. The good news is that most USB adapters are compatible with the ng_ubt driver (you need to start it before connecting the device). Shall we try?

  1. We connect the device: kldload ng_ubt
  2. Copy the stack loading script to a convenient location: cp /usr/share/examples/netgraph/bluetooth/rc.bluetooth /usr/local/etc/rc.bluetooth
  3. Copy the stack loading script to a convenient place and run: sh /usr/local/etc/rc.bluetoots start ubt0

Now I want to introduce you to the hccontrol utility. This is one of the main programs for working with the BT module. It is she who performs all the operations associated with the HCI interface, and has the following syntax: hccontrol -n<имя_hci_узла> <команда>. Let's check the functionality of our device by scanning the air for the presence of devices:

hccontrol –n ubt0hci Inquiry

As a result, the utility will display information about the found devices, including their MAC addresses. It should be noted that each of the Bluetooth devices, whether it is a headset or an ordinary phone, represents a certain set of services. The basic list includes: CIP (Common ISDN Access), CTP (Cordless Telephony), DUN (dial-up networking), FAX (FAX), FTRN (Obex File Transwer), HSET (Headset), NAP (Network Access Point) . To find out what services a particular device provides, a request is used on a special protocol SPD (Service Discovery Protocol). The SPD server runs directly on the host machine and is only an informational component (to influence it
impossible). You can determine which services are provided by the found devices using the appropriate utility:

# spdcontrol -a browse

Trick 5: Find Hidden Devices

So, we scanned the broadcast and even found out what services are available on active devices. But here's the catch! Some devices do not give out their presence in any way, because they are in the "Undiscoverable mode" and do not respond to broadcast requests. By the settings of your phone, you probably know about such a security option. but it is still possible to detect such devices!

The most famous technique for detecting them is brute force enumeration of MAC addresses, that is, sequentially sending requests to different addresses from a certain range. To do this, you need to use a very simple Redfang utility, which iterates over the last six bytes of the device address and thus detects hidden devices.

Another option is to use passive techniques: put your device into standby mode, while assigning some attractive name to the network:

hciconfig hci0 name BT_YANDEX
hciconfig hci0 down
hciconfig hci0 up
hcidump -V | grep bdaddr

As a result, all incoming connections will be displayed, among which there may easily be comrades with hidden identifiers.

Trick 6: We intercept headset conversations from the air

One of the major threats to radio technology is that data can be intercepted. The first thing that comes to mind regarding Bluetooth is listen to conversations of people using the headset. And often it's real! At the hacker festival What the hack in the Netherlands, the Trifinite team demonstrated how, using a Linux laptop, a special program, and a directional antenna, you can eavesdrop on what the driver is talking about via the Bluetooth headset passing car. The group developed a program Car Whisperer("Automobile Whisperer"). The capabilities of the program are relatively small: you can listen only to those who forgot to change the factory passwords for accessing Bluetooth, like
"0000" or "1234". But such poor fellows, believe me, there are very, very many! "Whisperer" is able to wedge in and successfully pass the "pairing" of devices, having received information transmitted from a karkit or a headset to a mobile phone. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the utility allows not only to receive information transmitted between the headset and the mobile phone, but also to inject your own information there. We decided to test the capabilities of this program by downloading Car Whisperer from the developer site.

hciconfig adapter class 0x500204
# 0x500204 is the "phone" class

Otherwise, some "smart" devices may suspect something is wrong. We look at the syntax of the utility, which looks like this:

./carwhisperer "what we inject into the line" "what we capture from the line" "device address" [channel]

We took the embed file directly from the utility folder, and specified out.raw as the output:

./carwhisperer 0 message.raw /tmp/out.raw

At the output, we get the out.raw file. You cannot listen to it in its pure form: you need to convert it to an audio format, which will require an additional utility. Quite a few audio converters will do, for example:

raw -r 8000 -c 1 -s -w out.raw -t wav -r
44100 –c 2 out.wav

In addition to listening, you can log in, browse your phone book, and enjoy other hands-free Bluetooth features. The principle is this: first, active devices are searched and a check is made for the HS (Head Set) service. Next, the MAC address of the device is examined and an attempt is made to connect using the standard key. If the connection is established, then you can do anything with the device (within the available set of AT commands).

In practice, it looks like this. First, all active headsets are searched using the "sdptool search HS" command, which gives something like this:

Searching for HS on 00:0A:3A:54:71:95 ...
Service Name: Headset
Service RecHandle: 0x10009
Service Class ID List:
Headset (0x1108)
Generic Audio (0x1203)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
RFCOMM (0x0003)
Channel: 7
Language Base Attr List:
code_ISO639: 0x656e
encoding: 0x6a
base_offset: 0x100
Profile Descriptor List:
Headset (0x1108)
Version: 0x0100

Next, an attempt is made to open an RFCOMM connection on the SCO audio channel using the “rfcomm connect 2 00:0A:3A:54:71:95 1” command and sending the necessary AT commands. I will give a small statistical note about the authorization data for some models of wireless headsets:

Nokia (00:02:EE...) - pin="5475"
Audi UHV (00:0E:9F...) - pin="1234"
O"Neill (00:80:37...) - pin="8761"
Cellink (00:0A:94...) - pin="1234"
Eazix (00:0C:84...) - pin="1234"

By the way, the same principle can be used for unauthorized connection and to all other devices. Using AT commands and the RFCOMM protocol, you can, for example, read an SMS message or even send it from someone else's phone to paid number, putting the owner of the device on the money. Be vigilant!

Trick 7: DDoS BT Devices

The approach is traditional. DDoS can really be done when the host device (“master”) performs work that is many times superior to the client one. This situation is called a Denial Of Service attack. It can hang the phone or cause the battery to drain quickly. There are several ways to carry out an attack. Let's start with standard means. The most obvious is to ping the device with large packets. This can be done by specifying the l2ping utility as the "-s" flag:

# l2ping -s 10000 -b "MAC address"

The program itself, as you already understood, is a relative of ping in the bluetooth environment and serves to check the connection and the presence of a connection. Another way, fundamentally different from the first, is to use the "fuzzing" technique - a kind of lottery technique, because it is not known in advance what will happen. This is a new trend in identifying vulnerabilities in products without analyzing source codes. The technique relies only on interactive communication with the object in a language that it understands, but with absolutely chaotic arguments and variable values. The hacker's task will be to make the visible name of the phone consist of a sufficiently large number of elements. Upon detection of his "master" in 70%
cases of overflow or denial of service:

hciconfig hci0 name `perl -e "print "ash" x 3137"`
# Linux command
hccontrol -n adapter change_local_name "new name")
# example for FreeBSD

Many phones still can't digest file bombs. Here is a simple implementation of such a technique.

  1. First prepare the "bomb". Known example:
    echo `perl -e "print "skvz" x 3137"` > file
  2. Then they use a modified utility to interact with OBEX - USSP PUSH (
    ./obextool push file 00:0A:3A:54:71:95 `perl -e "print "skvz" x 3137"` 3

The answer to the question of how to make a Bluetooth adapter out of a phone is a kind of “cheat” that transmits a Bluetooth signal over a Wi-Fi network. This technique can come in handy in the most unexpected situation. The method can be applied in this case:

  • There is no Bluetooth adapter on the PC: neither external nor built-in.
  • Do you have a Bluetooth device: speaker, keyboard, gamepad.
  • You have a smartphone.

In this article, I will tell you how to use your phone as a Bluetooth adapter for PC so that you can use your gadgets without buying a separate module.

Step-by-step instruction

A smartphone like a Bluetooth adapter can help you out in some difficult or urgent situation when it is not possible to buy a wireless adapter. Sometimes this is an opportunity to save money or find a use for an old smartphone.

  • You will need a computer, a Bluetooth device that we will connect and a phone as a Bluetooth adapter for PC. You also need a Wi-Fi network: both a computer (you can wire it to the router) and a smartphone must be connected to it.
  • If there is no router, then the network can be made directly on the phone. To do this, in the settings, find "Tethering Mode" (sometimes hidden in "More") and turn on the Wi-Fi hotspot. In the access point settings, you can specify the network name and password. Connect your computer to this network. To do this, you will need a Wi-Fi adapter on your PC.
  • Now you need to decide on the gadget that you need to connect. Depending on its type, a different program can do this. For all cases, one application is installed on a computer, the second, from the Play Store, on a smartphone:
    • for Bluetooth speakers, headsets, headphones: soundwire-server (computer) and SoundWire free (phone);
    • for gamepads: kinoconsole (computer), KinoConsole (phone);
    • PC Keyboard (computer) and PC Keyboard WiFi & Bluetooth (phone).

The last version is still in the Beta stage and works only on the English layout. The best option is for speakers and headphones. Therefore, further I will describe the work with him. For the gamepad and keyboard, working with applications will be similar.

  • Launch both apps on your devices.
  • On the PC, select the audio device from which the sound will be transmitted to the Bluetooth gadget. You will also need the IP address listed here.
  • IN mobile application start by checking the settings. Go to settings using the menu in the top right corner.
  • In the "Audio buffer size" item, you need to make the value "128" - this is the optimal value tested by other users. Also check Wake Lock so that the program does not turn off when the screen goes dark.
  • Return to the main screen and enter the IP address provided in the PC program. This is the main step to connect any device and will also be needed in the other programs listed above.
  • Now you need to make a simple click on the application icon (spring) and the sound from the computer will be broadcast on the smartphone.
  • Now connect any sound device to your smartphone: speaker, headset or headphones. Turn on Bluetooth on your phone and activate the pairing button on your gadget. Select it from the list of available connections. When the pairing is established, you will hear sound from the PC on the speaker (headphones).


The problems associated with this method are a slight delay in sound or the "dampness" of some solutions, such as with a keyboard. When you know how to use your phone as a Bluetooth adapter, you can put your old smartphone to good use. For example, this is how you can broadcast a large music library from a PC to an external wireless speaker. The options for applying the method are numerous.

After setting it up once, you only need to do it again by launching the application on the PC and on the phone, confirming the IP address and turning on the column. All other items will be executed automatically. I hope you enjoy the savings and convenience of wireless technology through this method.

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