How to make content in open office automatically. Making abstracts using OpenOffice. org Writer. Basic HTML editing

Many of us are used to the fact that in the content after the name of the item, they methodically manually drive in dots until they reach the right place, then the number ... the number flew to a new line ... delete a couple of dots and you're done! One line of content. At the moment, in word processors like LibreOffice and MS Office, there have long been mechanisms that allow you to reduce the time and improve the quality of the content of your abstract, scientific work or report.

Actual for LibreOffice versions 4.1 and above.
It is assumed that the sidebar is connected.


1. Write some content
2. Switch to styles

3. Select the word "Contents" that we typed and double-click on the style "Table of Contents"

It should turn out like this

4. After we have changed the style of the title of the table of contents, we will do a similar job with topics (separately)...

And subtopics (separately). Those. select the desired one and double-click on the design style indicated in the screenshot. Note that by default (but optionally changeable) "Table 1" is used for TOC items, "Table 2" for sub-items, "Table 3" for sub-sub items, and so on. with a corresponding indent from the left edge.

but we also need more page numbers... this is a table of contents, not a simple list. Moreover, so that you do not have to use dots and spaces to align the lines into one column. For this...

5. Place the cursor at the end of any of the lines.. space... tab (double arrow button)... space... and page number.

6. Do the same with the rest of the menu items.

Here's a beauty in a minute.

  1. You have made the content (a significant part of any educational, scientific and bureaucratic paperwork);
  2. Worked with the sidebar and tab styles in particular.

Notes and Tips:

  1. Styles are more convenient to use in documents that require a uniform design along the entire length, because You can change each of the styles, which will cause a corresponding change throughout the document of the pieces of text associated with this style (to do this, right-click on the desired style and select "Edit" from the drop-down menu, and then change a few parameters for experience) .
  2. When you open a .docx document with a similar "style" table of contents, you will most likely see not even lines, but something like "1. First theme 21". Here, between the topic and the page, the same tab (tab) as in the instructions above, but with disabled style. To give it the right look, select the entire stitch and double-click on the desired style.
  3. If you want to switch to more automated content formatting, use the menu "Insert -> Table of Contents and Indexes -> Table of Contents and Indexes..." - if all headings will be formatted using the styles "Heading 1", "Heading 2", etc. ., in this case, the table of contents will be automatically supplemented with these items in the corresponding hierarchy.

I have posted similar material before. I have now revised and expanded it for inclusion in the forthcoming style guide.

The article discusses the creation and configuration of automatic table of contents, nominal, alphabetical and other indexes. These functions rely on styles in one way or another, which is a good example of their practical application.

Automatic table of contents

An automatic table of contents is generated based on styles that have levels of structure other than the " Main text". The table of contents is automatically generated in the form of cross-references, which allows you to quickly navigate to the desired section. This structure is also preserved when imported to PDF and allows you to use the "Contents" feature in PDF viewers.

Header customization

The automatic table of contents is generated based on heading styles. Heading style is essentially paragraph style, but with one difference. Heading styles have outline levels from 1 to 10. Outline levels allow you to create complex layouts for the table of contents, such as indenting chapters and subchapters at different depths.

Customizing the Table of Contents/Index

The Table of Contents and Index Settings dialog contains several tabs that allow you to customize the index type, structure, and design. The customization is quite subtle, which makes it possible to give the table of contents any desired look. As an example of the possibilities for customizing the table of contents, one can cite the book “Gimp for the Photographer: Effective Processing Techniques”, the layout of which in one column was carried out in LibreOffice.

Tab " View» is responsible for the formation of the table of contents (index). In field " header» name is entered. In the list " Type» the pointer type is selected, in our case it is « Table of contents”, other types will be discussed later.

Marker " Protected from manual changes» prohibits changing the table of contents from the document without using the dialog for setting the table of contents and indexes. I recommend that you always put this marker and make all changes only through the dialog and through styles.

Chapter " Create Index» allows you to create indexes for the entire document or a single chapter. There you can also select the levels of structure that will be included in the index, for example, you can include only the first level headings in the table of contents.

Chapter " Use» allows you to determine on the basis of what the pointer will be formed. For example, the marker " Structure” means that headings will be used to form the table of contents. For most cases, activating this marker is sufficient. But you can abandon this method of formation and ask " Additional styles", which will be included in the table of contents, to do this, activate the marker " Additional styles” and press the button with three dots. The " Assign styles» (Figure 4). Select the style to be included in the table of contents and set its level using the buttons below the list. Here you can choose any style, even one that has a structure level of "Body Text". The level assignments in this dialog do not affect the original style in any way and in fact it will have the level " Main text».

Marker " Pointer» has nothing to do with the table of contents and refers to different types pointers, which will be discussed later.

Table of Contents/Index Design

The remaining tabs in the Table of Contents and Index Settings dialog are used for direct formatting.

Tab « Elements» allows you to customize the table of contents/index entries. There are the following types of elements: GN, GK, E#, E, T, No. All elements are buttons. When you click on them, the settings for each of the elements become available. Also, all buttons can be removed / added and placed in a different order. For example, to remove a button, select it and press the " Delete" on keyboard.

Buttons "GN" and "GL" mean the beginning and end of the hyperlink and are usually located at the beginning and end of the structure of elements. This makes the table of contents/indexes clickable.

Button "E#" - adds "chapter number". Includes heading number not only for chapters, but also for other levels of headings. The E button is the text of the element.

The “T” button is a tab step, allows you to set the distance and placeholder parameters between the title and page number. Using the drop-down list when you right-click on the field " Aggregate» you can select any character to fill.

Button "No" - adds a page number. All elements have a design that is set on the tab " Styles". If necessary, you can assign your own design style to any of the elements by selecting it from the drop-down list " Character style" (here it is the character styles that are assigned, and on the tab " Styles"- paragraphs).

White margins between elements allow you to add additional characters between numi, such as spaces.

For each level of headings, you can customize your own set of elements, which allows you to achieve any design of the table of contents / index (Figure 8).

On the tab " Styles» each level of the table of contents/element can be assigned its own design style, which will set the parameters of color, typeface, font size, indentation, etc.

In the list " Levels» Select a level, in the Paragraph Styles list, select the style to assign. Assign the desired style to the level using the arrow button in the center between the lists. If necessary, you can call the style parameter editor window by clicking on the " Edit».

In the example in Figure 8, the indents and formatting for different levels were specified in styles. At the same time, additional character styles were applied for numbering and tabulation in the second-level headings (Figure 7). Thus, in lines with headings of the second level, three styles are used.

On the tab " speakers» you can set the design of the table of contents/indexes in the form of columns. In this case, you can select and adjust the number and width of columns (Figure 10).

Changing the table of contents/index

To make changes to the appearance and customization of a table of contents or index, you must right-click on it and select " Edit Table of Contents/Index". You can also make changes to the design by setting the styles used to design the table of contents/index.

Table of contents/index update

When making changes to the structure of the document, i.e. adding new chapters or index entries, it is necessary to update the table of contents/index. To do this, right-click on the table of contents/index and select " Update TOC/Index". Also the table of contents/index is updated when using the " Service → Update».

Removing a table of contents

To delete a table of contents/index, right-click on it and select " Delete table of contents/index". To automatically create a table of contents, position the cursor at the point in the text where the table of contents should be. Select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Pointers", then "Pointers...". The "Insert Pointer" window will appear.

In this window, you can insert various indexes, but the initially proposed option is just the table of contents. In field "Rate to Level" You can specify which level headings to include in the table of contents.

For example, a value of 3 will include all paragraphs with the style "Heading 1", "Heading 2" And "Heading 3". After pressing the button OK the system will generate a table of contents and place it where the cursor was.

Inserting pictures

Open Office Writer allows you to insert pictures (taken from files) into the text and specify their location, as well as whether they will be “wrapped around” by text. To insert a picture into text, select the item in the main menu. "Insert", then "Picture", then "From a file..." A window for inserting a picture from a file will appear.

Here you can choose desired file.

When selecting a file with a mouse click (if the checkbox is enabled) "View") it is previewed in the right part of the window. To insert the selected picture into text, click the button "Open" .

By clicking on the picture with the right mouse button, you can call up the picture settings menu. Using this menu, you can set, among others:

  • How the figure will be placed in the text (paragraph "Binding") - at a fixed position in relation to the page, to a certain paragraph, to a certain character, or as a character. If the picture is positioned "as a character", it is inserted into the line in the same way as a regular character (but its size does not change when the font size is changed).;
  • Will the text “flow around” the drawing, and if so, in what way (paragraph "Wrap Around").

Saving and reading files

Open Office Writer saves and reads files in .sxw format. This format is fully published and based on open standards. In addition, it allows you to save and read files in .rtf (Rich Text Format), .doc ( Microsoft Word 95 or 97/2000/XP) and others.

To save the current text on disk as a file, select the item in the main menu "File", then "Save", or press the keys [ Ctrl+S ]. If the file has already been saved, it will be saved again with the same name. If it has not yet been saved, a window for choosing the name and format of the saved file will appear.

In this window, you can select the desired directory to save the file, specify the file name, and select its format (type). After specifying the file name and type, click the button "Save". The file will then be written to disk.

Saving a file with a new name

If you are working with a file that has already been saved and want to save it under a different name (or in a different format, such as .rtf or .doc), select the item in the main menu "File", then "Save as…" A file name selection window will appear (see \fig.ris23) and you can specify a new file name and format.

In this window, you can find the desired directory and select the file you want to open in it. After selecting the desired file by clicking on the button "Open" . Writer reads the file and, if the reading was successful, you will be able to view and edit the contents of this file.

HTML Editing

Editing HTML files (format for WWW pages) in openoffice very similar to editing texts in Open Office Writer. (In fact, editing HTML is done exactly Writer operating in a special mode). This allows you to create WWW pages without special training, as well as easily convert text documents into WWW pages. You can use almost all the techniques described above for editing HTML documents to edit HTML documents. Writer.

Basic HTML editing

HTML documents can be formatted in the same way as regular documents. However, the resulting WWW pages will be quite inconvenient to view. For correct formatting of HTML documents, you should use the special paragraph styles that are automatically offered in the window. "Stylist" when editing such a document.

Style body text "Main text", for headings - group styles "Header", for quotes - "Quote" etc. You can specify the alignment of paragraphs, as well as highlight sections of text in bold, italic, or underline. But changing the font is very undesirable - this can lead to difficulties for some users when viewing your page.

As you know, important HTML element- the ability to create links (hyperlinks) to other documents.

In this window, specify the document to which the link is made, as well as the text of the link. The text of the link is indicated in the field "Text". The method of specifying the document to which the link is made is switched in the left part of the window.

When choosing an item "Internet" it is possible to enter a link to a document on the Internet in full format (URL). Paragraph "Letters and Messages" allows to describe a link to an address Email(mailto) or newsgroup usenet(news). Selecting an item "Document", you can insert a link to an existing document on disk. It should be noted that although in the field "Way" the full path to the document is indicated, in reality, if the documents are in the same directory, a link is created only to the name of the document - therefore, if both files are transferred to the Internet, the link continues to work.

Finally, point "New document" allows you to create a link to a document that has not yet been created on disk. The system provides the ability to immediately create this document (to do this, select the item "Edit Now" at the top of the window) or create a link without creating a document (paragraph "edit later"). It is important to correctly select the file type from the list (for example, « HTML document» ) instead of just specifying the full filename. When the data for the link is entered, click the button "Apply". The link will be created.

To edit a link, place the cursor on it and select the item in the main menu "Insert", then "Hyperlink". The same window will appear (see \figris25), but filled in, with the data of the specified link. In this window, you can make the necessary changes and click the button "Apply" .

Saving and Reading HTML Files

Saving and reading when editing HTML files is done in exactly the same way as in Writer. It is important that images are not saved as part of HTML files. Therefore, when transferring a file to another computer or to the Internet, they may be lost. Even if both the file and the pictures for it are transferred to another computer, but they are in different directories, the pictures may disappear from the document. To prevent this from happening, it's best to keep any pictures you insert into a document in the same directory as the document itself, and transfer them to another computer or to the Internet along with the document. It should be taken into account that openoffice can read almost any file in HTML format, but Russian letters will not always be displayed correctly. This is not a mistake in openoffice, and the disadvantage of such files is that they do not specify or incorrectly specify the encoding of Russian letters. To specify the type of encoding, you should switch to the HTML source text editing mode (see below) and enter or edit at the beginning of the file (between the conditional lines and) a line of the following form:

Instead of koi8-r, the encoding of Russian letters in given file; the most common encodings are koi8-r , windows-1251 and utf8 .

HTML Source Editing

openoffice allows you to switch from editing the content of an HTML document in visual mode (i.e., in the form in which it will be visible in a web browser) to working with source text on HTML language. This can be useful in a number of cases where you need to check and correct the HTML text itself. To enable or disable the HTML source text editing mode, select the item in the main menu "View", then "HTML Source".

Creating WWW Pages with Autopilot

openoffice contains "Autopilot WWW-pages", which allows you to create a standard and fairly beautiful WWW page in a short time and without additional effort. To take advantage "Autopilot", select the item in the main menu "File", then "Autopilot", then "Web page..." A window will appear .

By choosing the field values, you can immediately see on the screen how the created page will look. After selecting the desired view, press the button "Ready". You will be able to edit an HTML document that immediately has the desired appearance. Now it is enough to fill it with information.

OpenOffice - complete text editor. Like many other popular text editors, OpenOffice easily copes with the task of automatically creating a table of contents in a document. There is no need to do it manually. Call the "Styles and Formatting" command from the "Format" menu. Put the text cursor on the desired paragraph, and in the "Styles and Formatting" window, select the "Heading" paragraph style. When all the headings in the text have been processed in this way, how do you make a table of contents in OpenOffice? Put the text cursor where the table of contents will be located, select the command Insert => Table of contents and indexes => Table of contents and indexes in the top menu. Set the parameters and click "OK".

Alas, in PowerPoint 2007 the ability to automatically create a table of contents is disabled, the table of contents here will have to be done manually. PowerPoint 2003 has a "Summary Slide" button on the Outline toolbar. Knowing how to make a table of contents in PowerPoint 2003 is essential to speed up your work. You can display the “Structure” toolbar on the screen as follows: View => Toolbars => Structure (tick). Then select all the slides in the document and click the "Final Slide" button. The summary slide with the table of contents appears as the first slide of the presentation. The text of the table of contents can be edited manually.

Completing assignments at the end of the semester, students often wonder how to design the table of contents in term paper. It is necessary to carefully read the requirements for the design of the work in the training manual, use the automatic possibilities for creating tables of contents provided by text editors. This will significantly speed up the work and help to avoid errors in the text and page numbering of the table of contents. In the process of work, the document is usually edited, and the page numbers where the headings are located may change. In this case, how to renumber the table of contents again? In MS Word (OpenOffice), right-click on the table of contents and select the "Update field" command ("Update the table of contents/index").

The table of contents will be automatically updated according to the changes that have been made to the document. In the final version of the document, you can perform the font design of the table of contents, set the line spacing. How to perform alignment in OpenOffice? How to align the table of contents in Word? This question will not arise when automatic creation table of contents. The automatic table of contents has a standard appearance and, as a rule, does not need alignment. If, nevertheless, such a need arose, this is done using the standard alignment buttons from the Formatting toolbar or in the Paragraph window. OpenOffice should have "Manual Change Protection" disabled.

Sections: Informatics

Lesson type: combined.

Purpose: creation of a table of contents for the finished text - poems by A.S. Pushkin using the main menu and previously learned paragraph and character formatting skills.

  • repeat the main functions, the purpose of a text editor, editing and formatting techniques for a document,
  • do the practical work “Creating a table of contents in a text document”,
  • to evaluate the received works in terms of technology for creating a table of contents in a text document, as well as in terms of suitability for use when writing an abstract.

Hardware, software and visibility:

  • computers of students, teachers, the local network, projector, interactive whiteboard, whiteboard, chalkboard,
  • Windows (operating system), OpenOffice. Org Writer (text editor), Netop School (classroom management software), moodle (distance learning system),
  • a document containing additional material on text editors (Appendix 1),
  • a document containing poems by A.S. Pushkin (Appendix 2),
  • algorithm for creating a table of contents with hyperlinks (Appendix 3).

Lesson plan.

  1. Organizational moment, goal setting (1-2 min.)
  2. Knowledge update. (2 minutes.)
  3. Presentation of new material (10 min.)
  4. Practical work (20 min.)
  5. Examination of works (5-7 min.)
  6. Summarizing. (1-2 min.)

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Greeting, checking those present. Explanation of the lesson.

II. Knowledge update.

In this lesson, we will continue to get acquainted with the types of free software and its functions on the distance learning website.

To process text information on a computer, text editors are used that allow you to create, edit, format, save and print documents.

The simplest text editors (for example, the standard Notepad application) allow you to edit text, as well as perform basic formatting.

More advanced text editors (for example, Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.orgWriter), which are called word processors, have a wider range of document creation capabilities (inserting pictures and tables, spell checkers, saving editing, etc.).

To prepare for the publication of books, magazines and newspapers in the process of layout of the publication, powerful word processing programs are used - desktop publishing systems (for example, Adobe PageMaker, Microsoft Office Publisher).

Specialized applications (such as Microsoft FrontPage) are used to prepare Web pages and Web sites for publication on the Internet. (Attachment 1)

Checking knowledge of the previous topic.

Front poll:

  1. What is a text editor?
  2. List the main functions, the purpose of the text editor.
  3. How to start a text editor?
  4. What is text editing?
  5. What is text formatting?
  6. What is a symbol?
  7. What is a paragraph?
  8. How to highlight a word?
  9. How to highlight a paragraph?

III. Presentation of new material

Guys, we remembered that formatting a document is changing it appearance. Any word processor provides document formatting at five different levels:

  • at the character level (changing the typeface, style, changing the font size (size) and color of the font, background, animation),
  • at the paragraph level (left, right, center, and justified; right and left indents; first line indent; indents before and after a paragraph; line spacing),
  • at the page level (page settings, page size, page orientation, frame, headers and footers, pagination),
  • at the section level (formation of sections from the next page or on the current page, splitting text into columns),
  • at the document level (page numbers, table of contents).

When creating a new document based on a template Usual, it gets a copy of the style set from the base set styles general purpose (from inline styles): Normal, Headings 1, 2, 3. (demonstrated on interactive whiteboard - document styles)

Assigning standard editor styles to paragraphs in a document provides a quick way.

<Рисунок 1>

changing the appearance of the created document by applying styles from the style library. Built-in styles provide formatting for headings at different levels and allow you to view the hierarchical structure of the document in the structure, as well as quickly build a table of contents.

Many users type the table of contents manually, not knowing that the word processor is capable of creating it automatically. You just need to designate the headings in the document using styles.

Let's start with headings. Place the cursor on the line that you want to make the heading, and select the style "Heading 1" from the drop-down list on the toolbar. In our work, the heading of the first level is the author of the poems.

For nested subheadings, use the style Heading 2, Heading 3, and so on. For example, the title of poems can be indicated by the style "Heading 2".

How to automatically create a table of contents for a text document? When entering text, assign specific styles to all headings. And watch carefully heading style hierarchy in the structure of the document. Independent headings (not nested in any other, for example: Introduction, Chapter 1, ... Conclusion, References) are first level headings - “Heading 1”, embedded in them - second-level headings - “Heading 2” etc.

To determine the heading level in the document structure hierarchy, you can use a simple rule: if the headings in your document were numbered, then the headings of the first level are those that would be numbered with one digit (1, 2, 3), the second - those that would be numbered with two numbers (1.1,1.2,1.3), the third - three (1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3), etc.

Let's do the work according to the following algorithm: (the algorithm is in the distance learning system at in the 11th grade section.

<Рисунок 2>

Using Tables of Contents and Indexes

Consider an example of creating an information system using the OpenOffice word processor. It is required to create a table of contents for the poems of A.S. Pushkin. (Annex 2)

1. Save the text document for the editor OpenOffice.Writer in file Text data structures 1 in your personal folder and open it .
File for OpenOffice.Writer (hyperlink to file located on distance learning site)

2. Line Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin form as a first level heading.

  • highlight line
  • run command style -> heading 1

3. We form the names of poems as second level headings .

<Рисунок 3>

4. Numbering the pages:

  • Insert - > Footer
  • Insert - > Fields - > Page number

5. Create a table of contents:

  • place the cursor where the table of contents will be located (at the very beginning of the document)
  • Insert > Table of Contents and Indexes > Table of Contents and Indexes

<Рисунок 4>

  • Uncheck "Protected from manual changes"

6. Open the table of contents editing window (through the context menu or execute the commands: Insert -> Table of contents and indexes -> Table of contents and indexes).

<Рисунок 5>

7. Tab Elements set the table of contents editing windows (Fig. 6):

1) heading level for hyperlinks;

2) place the cursor before element;

<Рисунок 6>

4) put the cursor after element(Fig. 7);

<Рисунок 7>

6) Button Element should be between the buttons GN(hyperlink start) and GC(hyperlink end) - OK

7) Repeat these steps for level 2(Fig. 8).

<Рисунок 8>

<Рисунок 9>

Final work

Actions are shown on an interactive whiteboard in real time and are commented by the teacher.

IV. Practical work

Students pass behind the workplaces at the computers. They enter the distance learning website into section 11 of the class and perform practical work according to the algorithm (it was considered above Appendix 3) given in the system.

<Рисунок 10>

The received work is saved in the distance learning system under the proposed name for checking by the teacher.

<Рисунок 11>

5. Examination of works

As the work arrives in the distance learning section, the teacher looks at the work, if the work is done - that's right, a mark is set, but if the teacher believes that the work needs to be completed, he writes a comment on the work. The student sees the mark or comment and decides whether to announce the mark or finish the work.

6. Summing up.

Reflection with students on the topic of creating a table of contents with hyperlinks and access to the use of this skill in the design of abstracts and articles on other subjects.

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