Protection from tracking on the Internet, how to protect your computer from surveillance. The Best Browser Plugins for Privacy Protection How to Encrypt Everything

Internet security involves the use of programs. In this article I will give a short overview of such programs (plugins).

The problem of total surveillance of a user on the Internet was discussed earlier. The previous article was devoted to tools that allow you to manage and erase cookies that are used to track the user. However, deleting cookies is not enough because... they will arise again. Therefore, in addition to deletion, software tools for blocking and other methods of tracking you online are important. I will list some of them.

Review of anti-tracking plugins for your browser

Keep my opt-outs plugin (Chrome,IE, Firefox) - a product of Google. Disables personalization of online advertising based on cockies. The plugin works immediately after installation and does not require configuration (at least for Chrome).

Disconnect (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) - prevents Twitter, Facebook, Goole and other web resources from following you online.

Do not track (Chrome,IE9, Firefox,Opera, Safari) - does not allow data about you to be sent

Ghostery (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari) is the most feature-rich plugin. Provides an easy way to control websites that track you. Makes it possible to identify and block any tracking carried out not only through cookies, but also using scripts and other methods. Shows you which companies are following you on a specific website and gives you the opportunity to learn more about them.

It’s up to you personally to decide whether to use such plugins or not, but you should at least know about their existence.

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Recently, a scandal erupted: the data of 15 million users of the social network Facebook was stolen. Now, many people are deleting their Facebook profiles in hopes of protecting their information. Among those who have already abandoned their accounts are Elon Musk, Playboy magazine and the WhatsApp messenger.

How to find out if your data has been stolen

When you install the Facebook app, you will automatically you allow it to download files without warning, receive data about running applications and many others unpleasant actions. Due to the scandal of stolen personal information, many people decided to delete their accounts.

If you are also determined to part with your profile, choose deletion rather than deactivation. There is a very big difference in these actions. When deactivated, some of the data will be available to the system and you will be able to subsequently restore your account without loss. When you delete your profile, all data and personal identifiers will be permanently erased.

Protecting your phone

How to protect yourself from surveillance on the Internet? Computer tracking protection- a question that became especially loud after the scandal involving American intelligence officer Edward Snowden, who divulged secret information about the PRISM project.

PRISM - a set of measures Internet surveillance, giving the National Security Agency the ability to view email, listen to voice and video chats, view photos, videos, track sent files, and find out details from social networks. Also, by court decision, large companies such as Microsoft (Hotmail email service), Google (Google Mail), Yahoo! (search engine), Facebook (social network), YouTube (video content posting), Skype (calling), AOL, Apple and Paltalk.
Many will say: I have nothing to hide, why should I think about How to protect yourself from surveillance on the Internet? My answer: just watch Ridley Scott’s film “Enemy of the State,” the script of which, in light of recent events, turned out to be more real than we could have imagined!

I think you shouldn’t flatter yourself with the hope that other states don’t have an analogue of Prizma. Doesn’t the naive reader think that Kaspersky JSC makes exclusively antiviruses, which are designed to monitor the cleanliness of your PC and the morality of your children, not letting young and curious offspring into the coveted XXX sites? E.V. Kaspersky - studied and worked under the KGB, repeatedly advocated for the construction of a Russian firewall (analogous to the Chinese electronic wall), which would protect citizens from unnecessary and dangerous information for their fragile minds on the Internet. Also, the author of a well-known antivirus proposed introducing personalized access to the network using special cards (i.e., removing the anonymity of users). “A safe computer is a switched off computer” - these are the words of Evgeniy Valentinovich. I think he knows what he's talking about...

Edward Snowden on how to protect yourself from online surveillance.

Edward Snowden when asked how to protect yourself from online surveillance replied: "Properly applied strong encryption works great as computer tracking protection. But you have to worry about the final destinations. If someone steals your key (or plain text before encryption), no amount of cryptography will protect you. By combining good endpoint security with transfer protection, people can achieve much greater confidence in everyday communications." In layman's terms, he advises networking through encrypted connections and proxies. Read more about encryption and proxies further in the article.

Richard Stallman on the security of private information and protection from surveillance on the Internet.

The question of how to protect yourself from surveillance on the Internet also worries the patriarch of free software, founder of the GNU/Linux project, Richard Stallman.

“Mass surveillance is aimed at you because it is aimed at everyone, everywhere, all the time. This is what makes her a mass evil. I resist surveillance not so much for the sake of my own secrets (since I have fewer secrets than most people), but because it is the duty of every citizen to resist a system that persecutes dissidents and journalists.”

To protect yourself from online surveillance Richard Stallman advises:

  1. Use open source programs (that is, not commercial ones, but their free analogs under the GNU GPL license). The GNU GPL license implies complete openness of the program and its operating algorithm, which excludes all kinds of “surprises” that developers can put into it.
  2. Stop using all kinds of social networking services and email services from Google and Microsoft.
  3. To protect yourself from online surveillance, you should use secure browsers such as Tor.
  4. If possible, do not leave registration information about yourself on the Internet.

By the way, do you know that your favorite Samsung Galaxy phone with the Android operating system can easily monitor you? The security service no longer needs to break into citizens’ homes and place wiretaps there; they themselves are happy to try to buy them and proudly carry them with them.

Tor will help you protect yourself from online surveillance.

Like the Internet algorithm itself (for those who don’t know: the ancestor of the modern Internet was the ARPANET), the operating principle of the Tor system was developed by the US military department. Essentially, Tor is a proxy server system that allows you to establish an anonymous network connection that is protected from eavesdropping. Tor uses “onion routing,” which operates on the principle of mixed connections: messages are passed from a source to a destination through a series of proxy servers that forward the message in an unpredictable direction. Each router decrypts the “layer” of the message with its key and receives instructions for further forwarding.

Alice's computer connects to Bob's laptop through randomly selected routing proxies using an encrypted channel. Tor Browser - the best protection against computer tracking.

You can download the Russified Tor browser from the official website by following this link.

Not just Tor.

In addition to the Tor system, I2P “Invisible Internet Project” will help protect against surveillance on the Internet ( "Invisible Internet Project"). I2P is open source software created to organize a highly stable, anonymous, encrypted network. The Invisible Internet project supports any traditional network services and protocols, such as email, IRC, HTTP, Telnet, Squid and DNS and is used for web surfing, anonymous hosting, email, VoIP, etc.

You searched for: How to protect yourself from surveillance on the Internet? Computer tracking protection.

For the convenience of Internet users, browser functions are constantly being improved. However, browsers are not only getting better, but also “more curious”: they send search queries, information about the use of programs and other information to the servers of their developers. Sites you visit can share information with each other through various cookies that remain on the system.

It has always been believed that intelligence services can easily eavesdrop on any conversation and read email correspondence, messages on social networks and via instant messengers.

How do intelligence agencies receive correspondence?

Several methods are used to obtain information. So what ways do Russian intelligence services have to read someone else’s mail?

  1. SORM is a system of technical means to ensure the functions of operational-search activities. This is the provision by Internet providers of access to their communication channels and special-purpose services. Without providing such access, not a single Internet provider in the Russian Federation will receive a license.
  2. An official request from an investigator, prosecutor or court to the server of a company providing email services.

But not everything is so complicated for those who encrypt the communication channel and also use foreign postal services. Servers of foreign postal services are not physically located in the Russian Federation and do not have a license to operate in the Russian Federation.

The Russian government recommends, and in some cases tries to force, foreign companies to cooperate with the Russian Federation and provide access to the correspondence of its users. For example, the well-known Telegram service Pavel Durov was repeatedly threatened with banning and blocking in Russia if he did not cooperate with the Russian intelligence services.

“Skype, for example, immediately agreed to cooperate, it gives authorities access to encryption algorithms,” Putin’s adviser German Klimenko said in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

How to choose an email service and protect yourself from reading your mail?

It is necessary to proceed from whether the postal company cooperates with Russian laws or not. I will quote the words of Adviser to the President of Russia German Klimenko from an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. “So, our company will respond to the investigator’s request. But Google won’t answer, but will send you away. Why? He also responds to 32 thousand requests from the US National Security Agency per year. But he doesn’t answer ours.” From here we can conclude that services such as,, can be read by the FSB of the Russian Federation, but services such as,, cannot be read.

Any legislation in the field of messaging boils down to the fact that build servers with us, and if you are encrypted, provide access keys. The question is why?

Adding tracking protection to your browser

Why does the Russian government want to control everything? The government explains this as helping to catch criminals: “drug addicts, rapists, pedophiles,” Klimenko reports.

Although on the Internet you can read an alternative opinion of people who talk about control of petty criminals just as a curtain, but the meaning of total control lies elsewhere. Well, for example, to identify organizations of mass protests against the current government. Identification of opposition activities.

Let's summarize:

In order to protect your correspondence, you need to use the postal services of a foreign service with a democratic policy, and be sure to encrypt your Internet connection, because this is not prohibited by law.

German KlimenkoSurveillance traffic encryption

Every time you access the Internet, you leave “digital traces”: account passwords, messages, information about your preferences. Sometimes there is absolutely no need for outsiders to store this data. 42.TUT.BY has compiled “instructions for paranoids” and collected ways to protect against online surveillance by advertising networks, large services and attackers.

Inappropriate ads can be annoying: you bought the iron a long time ago, but you see it again and again. Or they might put you in an awkward situation if, for example, after searching for C# strings, your work computer starts showing you advertisements for lingerie.

The two largest networks whose advertisements are seen by Belarusian users are Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct; their blocks are placed on thousands of sites. You can disable the personalization of ads from the Google network here, and for Yandex here. Advertising will not disappear after this, but will no longer take into account the history of sites you have visited and the content of search queries.

You can also enable Do Not Track in your browser. It will notify sites that you don't want advertisers to track your web movements and collect data using cookies. The most intrusive advertisers can be stopped using special plugins. They will block cookies and scripts from those companies that continue to track your activities despite your blocking.

Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Android, iOS, Facebook.

Plugins: Privacy Badger (available for Chrome and Firefox browsers) or Ghostery (available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari).

Many online login services use social media accounts as a quick replacement for registration. Sometimes they simply confirm your identity, and sometimes they get rights to access correspondence and even publish posts instead of you.

Sometimes, even if you no longer use a service, permissions for it continue to be stored. In such cases, it is better to disable unnecessary third-party applications linked to your social networks.

How to disable third-party services:

“VKontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”, Facebook, Google.

Google is watching every step

Google is the world's largest IT company, and many of its services are the most popular on the planet. And most likely, these services know more about you than you do yourself.

Google remembers every product you've ever used, everything you've found through a search, every video you've watched on YouTube, the passwords you've saved, and even your movements.

All this information is stored so that the company’s services work better. Google takes privacy seriously. True, such a volume of your data in one place can cause internal discomfort.

How to disable:

You can turn off Google tracking yourself by visiting our dedicated tracking and security pages.

Surveillance by hackers or intelligence agencies

If you feel like someone is intentionally spying on you, you should practice some “digital hygiene.” No one knows for sure what tools people who want to steal your information have. Here are some tips from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit that advocates for civil liberties online.

Use HTTPS. Using strong encryption, every email sent is converted so that no one except the recipient can read it. HTTPS encrypts communications so that they cannot be seen by other people on your network - for example, users of the same Wi-Fi connection, work colleagues, or attackers. If communication occurs over HTTP rather than HTTPS, intercepting and reading everything the browser is used for becomes a simple task.

Many sites use encryption to protect data, but this protection is not always enabled by default. The HTTPS Everywhere browser plugin will help solve this problem, which enables encryption on all sites that have it.

Use a VPN.

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a virtual private network. It protects your Internet traffic from surveillance on public networks. There are many paid and free options online. A free VPN client with unlimited data consumption has recently been available in the Opera browser.

How to encrypt everything

Encrypt correspondence. If you discuss something via VKontakte or WhatsApp, your messages are already encrypted from intruders and any third parties while the information is in transit. But the chat is not protected from the service provider company. She has the encryption keys for your chat and can give them to the authorities or use them for marketing purposes.

To protect your correspondence, you can apply additional encryption to instant messages and email, such as OTR technology or PGP encryption. Another option is to use “secure” instant messengers, which do not allow the server to record your conversation. For example Signal (Android, iOS) or ChatSecure (Android, iOS).

Access the Internet using Tor Browser. It works like any other web browser, except it sends your requests through Tor.

The safest browser: how to avoid online surveillance

It's harder for people who follow you to know exactly what you're doing online. It's harder for those who monitor the sites you visit to determine where you connected from. The browser itself can be downloaded here, and the installation guide can be read here.

True, all these measures cannot provide absolute guarantees. What you formally deleted may continue to be stored on someone else's servers, and serious security precautions may contain vulnerabilities. It is worth remembering that the most reliable way to protect yourself from online surveillance is not to use the Internet at all.

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How to protect yourself from scanner programs

Publishing House "KOMIZDAT"

In addition to viruses and spam, so-called scanner programs often penetrate your computer from the Internet. These uninvited guests make themselves at home on the computer and begin to spy on the owners

Few people still do not know that storing confidential information on a computer is not nearly as safe as in a safe or even just in a desk drawer, especially if the computer is connected to the Internet. But in order for someone to interfere in your affairs, an Internet connection is not necessary. Of course, the creators of some websites monitor user activity and then sell this information to advertising specialists. But besides this, programs are often downloaded onto the computer via the Internet that spy on our actions and report them to their unknown masters.

These spy utilities are usually installed on PCs along with free programs that promise—and deliver—something useful. But, as you know, free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

The second type of “spyware” comes to us not from the Internet, but from respected bosses who want to know what we do during working hours. This option is worse because you can’t stop your boss from spying on you! Both jealous spouses and vigilant parents use such things...

Commercial keyboard scanners such as Spector Pro, Eblaster, WinWhatWhere, XPCSpy, Desktop Surveillance Personal Edition monitor your actions completely unnoticed. They note not only every key pressed, but also every visit to a website, email or ICQ message. They take screenshots and send them along with other reports to a remote computer - all without your knowledge. Everything you do on the computer is recorded and transmitted to the unknown Alex.

Identifying invisible people

It's amazing and sad how many companies live on people's suspicions. Even sadder is that the products of these companies - surveillance programs - are not so easy to recognize and remove. Many such utilities are very well disguised as “legal” applications and processes. Existing software tools to combat them do not always give the desired effect. None of the well-known anti-spyware programs, such as 1Ad-aware, Spybot Search & Destroy, PestPatrol and Spy Sweeper, recognizes and destroys 100% of the “outsiders”. It remains to rely on logical considerations: the more anti-spyware utilities are used, the higher the chances of success. It is recommended to install at least Ad-aware and Spybot on a computer connected to the Internet; For greater guarantee, you can install PestPatrol and Spy Sweeper.

If you suspect that a keyboard and mouse scanner is installed on your computer, you can try to remove the program from “invisible” mode and uninstall it. Most programs detect themselves by key combinations - for example, for Spector Pro it works , and for XPCSpy - . Even if whoever installed the spyware on your computer has changed the standard keyboard combination to a new one, with a little patience you will find it. Just remember to close all applications first, including those that run in the background and are visible only by icons in the system tray of the taskbar, so that some combination does not work in them and cause trouble.

When all programs are closed, click , or other similar key combination, and try adding regular letters, numbers and symbols to it. Thus, using the “trial and error” method, you can detect an invisible “stranger”.

There are other ways to detect hidden programs. One such method is described on the website of X Software, a spyware manufacturer: to bring the XPCSpy utility out of invisible mode, select Start > Run, enter rx in the Open field and click OK.

If you discover that there is a spyware operating on your system, you will most likely not be able to access its settings, since most such programs are password protected. But at least you will know that some Big Brother is trying to keep an eye on you. Of course, you won’t like it much that your actions are being recorded and even less that someone is spying on you. However, the employer has the right to install tracking systems on equipment owned by him (see also “Software Monitoring”, K+P No. 10/2003). Therefore, stating that you do not like the presence of such a program on your work computer, much less trying to disable it, may not be in your best interests. Before you do anything, review your rights and, in particular, the contents of the contract concluded with your employer.

Tracking Protection in Firefox

If the computer belongs to you or a member of your family, the situation becomes even more delicate...

In any case, disabling the scanner program will warn its owner that you know everything. If you try to get rid of the spyware, but find that it is protected by a password that prevents the uninstaller from running, you can try to delete the program files if you find out what they are called and where they are located. A large list of keyboard scanners, both commercial and free, is presented on the PestPatrol website. There you will also find instructions on how to remove and disable them.

If, after trying different options, you still cannot get rid of the scanner, your last resort is to save all data, format the hard drive and reinstall the operating system and applications.

To prevent unwanted programs from installing on your computer, it is better to use operating systems with strict registration, such as Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Linux (Windows 98 and Me registration protocols are looser). Choose good passwords for all user accounts—ones that you have never used before.

Again about firewalls

So, “spy” programs come in two ways: from people - strict bosses, a jealous wife, vigilant parents, smart children - or from the Internet. In the first case, it is probably better to rely on diplomacy: in the end, good relations are often the most important thing. But in the second case, obviously, curiosity should be said decisively “no!” and put a barrier to it in the form of hardware and software firewalls.


The following software tools can detect at least some commercial scanner programs.

Spam should remain unanswered

To confirm that their letters reach real people, many spammers use letters requiring notification of receipt. For its part, the best reaction of the recipient to spam is no reaction - as if he forgot this address long ago and does not read the mail, which means there is no point in sending it.

Therefore, it is better to disable the message confirmation function in your email client, if it is enabled by default. To do this, in Outlook 2000 and 2003, select Tools > Options, go to the Preferences tab, open E-Mail Options > Tracking Options, turn on Never send a response, and click on the OK button.

In Outlook Express, select Tools > Options > Receipts, select Never send a read receipt, and click OK. In Mozilla and Netscape Mail, select Edit > Preferences, open the Category window under Mail & Newsgroups > Return Receipts, enable Never send a return receipt, and click the button OK.

Today, there are many browser plugins that promise to protect user privacy. In this article we will look at the most popular browser plugins that protect from advertising on the Internet.

Block ads, scripts and pop-ups with AdBlock Plus

Ad and script blockers provide control over your browsing experience. They allow you to block ads on sites you visit and prevent the execution of scripts and widgets that send user data to unknown destinations.

But if you don't know how to use such tools, they can interfere with your browsing, making them unusable until you figure out what to allow and what to block. Additionally, by blocking ads, you can have a pretty significant impact on the site and the people working on it.

AdBlock Plus ( Firefox/Chrome/Safari) blocks banner ads, pop-ups, video ads and much more. It prevents you from visiting domains that host malware, and also disables third-party tracking cookies and scripts. We believe it combines ease of use with whitelisting and automated management to make it a tool that anyone can use. Advanced users can get their hands on and experiment with the different subscription lists and active list settings they use.


In our opinion, Adblock Plus is the best choice, but there are several other plugins that do the same thing.

Let's consider other options Internet advertising protection:

  • uBlock Origin for Chrome and Firefox is supported by the original developer. The plugin is as powerful as AdBlock Plus. Perhaps even more powerful because, unlike ABP, it gives you more control over what to block and what to allow. It also takes up less system resources and does not cause problems like ABP. the creators of which are paid by some large companies to ensure that their ads fall within the framework of the “acceptable advertising” policy. The only reason uBlock Origin isn't our favorite is that it's a bit complex for first-time users and blocks more than ABP. So first you need to understand it in order to customize it to your needs. And two: ABP has features like scraping Facebook, hiding YouTube comments, and more that uBlock Origin doesn't... at least until you're an experienced enough user to do it yourself. If you consider yourself an advanced user, remove ABP and install uBlock Origin;
  • NoScript ( Firefox) and ScriptSafe ( Chrome, formerly ScriptNo): both disable script execution on pages until the user whitelists them. Block execution of Java, JavaScript, Flash and other components. They are powerful, but very aggressive and interfere with the functioning of many sites. If you're going to use them, be prepared to understand the scripts on every site you visit to figure out which ones make the site work. Besides this, AdBlock Plus already does this ( and less aggressive), you just need add correct filters.

If you're not using AdBlock Plus's extra features to trim various YouTube junk or block certain items, try uBlock Origin. It will work wonders - it will reduce the amount of memory consumed by your browser, and as a result you will get a more powerful and customizable online ad protection tool for free. Although you will have to tinker with it to make it work exactly the way you want.

Blocking all tracking requests with Disconnect

Includes anti-tracking and anti-cookie extensions.

Disconnect Private Browsing ( Firefox/Chrome/IE/Safari) is our pick because it protects against tracking, malware, and malicious advertising, provides secure Wi-Fi, and provides bandwidth optimization functionality that other tools simply don't offer. It blocks tracking cookies and gives you control over all scripts and site elements from an easy-to-use toolbar.

Disconnect can protect you even when malware embeds its ads on popular pages or the ad network is infected with embedded malware. The plugin also protects against tracking via social networks such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, which use the browser to collect data about you even outside of their social platforms. Finally, Disconnect protects you when an attacker can use stolen cookies to access personal data without having to steal your password.


Disconnect is our favorite plugin of the bunch, but there are other browser extensions that do the same thing:

  • Privacy Badger ( Chrome/Firefox) - since he is new to this field, he tried to take the best from all previously created plugins. Acts too softly - blocks unwanted actions and creates a "blacklist" when it observes bad behavior, instead of blocking specific sites, cookies, and pop-ups. This makes it more lightweight, but it provides a little less protection, at least as long as it learns based on your behavior. You also get an easy-to-operate button on the toolbar that gives you a completely clear view of your information being recorded. System " Green / yellow / red» shows whether you are being tracked across sites or not;
  • Do Not Track Me ( Firefox/Chrome/IE/Safari): offers a drop-down browser toolbar that shows you what tracking cookies and scripts are being loaded on the site and allows you to disable them completely. Has a friendly interface. It also leaves plugins and scripts running until you turn them off. Disconnect is much more powerful and functional, Do Not Track Me is suitable for those people who want to download online ad protection and disable elements selectively;
  • Ghostery ( Firefox/Chrome/Safari/IE): Just like other browser extensions, Ghostery blocks tracking cookies and scripts during loading. Displays a list of blocked items so you can see if the blocked items are harmless. The Ghostery database is huge and provides the ability to block everything or something specific. Unfortunately, Ghostery has problems selling information to advertisers, so you might want to stay away from it.

You could argue that Disconnect, Do Not Track Me and Ghostery do the same thing, but we still think Disconnect is the most reliable of the three. We like Privacy Badger's approach" learn as you go", but we can't argue that it will provide less protection when entering the tracking area than any other plugin. By the way, the new version of Disconnect is only available for Firefox and Chrome, so if you prefer Safari, IE, or Opera, we'd suggest Do Not Track Me.

Essentially it comes down to personal preference: what doesn't interfere with your browsing and what works best in the browser you use most often. So if one plugin doesn't work, don't be afraid to try another one.

Desktop and mobile protection Disconnect Desktop

The Disconnect browser tool is worth downloading, and we recommend it for those who want privacy or faster web browsing. If you want to go even further, new desktop package Disconnect Private Browsing, which we mentioned above, with its own proxy and VPN will ensure the safety of your web surfing. It checks connections against a list of malware embedded in ad networks, monitors tracking tools for known malicious hosts and sites, and then simply blocks them.

The free version of the Disconnect desktop suite includes the browser plugins we mentioned above, with its own search service and a basic proxy server that keeps your web surfing safe. Upgrade to Disconnect premium for $5 per month or $50 per year to get these features along with the iOS and Android mobile apps.

This is great service protection against advertising on the Internet, and, frankly, there is no alternative to it. However, the premium price may be too high for some people. We think you should sign up for a VPN, especially when you're in a Wi-Fi zone or on untrusted networks, but Disconnect is designed for privacy and security. For many people, the Disconnect extension is all they need for protection.

Additional privacy tools

HTTPS Everywhere ( Firefox/Chrome) is required no matter what security measures you choose to use. Once installed, the extension will check your connection using SSL and try to find secure versions of the sites you visit. This is a great way to protect your web surfing.

Virtual private network (VPN) encrypts all your Internet traffic and offers the highest possible protection from prying eyes. Look for a provider that stores only the minimum required logs for troubleshooting, offers strong encryption, has a good reputation among users, and provides plenty of options. Don't rush to any offshore VPN just because your VPN provider is located in a distant country. If you're just looking for a free service to keep you safe while you surf the internet, and you're not ready to try a full-fledged paid VPN service ( or your own), try Hideman or Tunnelbear.

Antivirus utilities important for protecting safety. Try to avoid suspicious sites, practice good online hygiene, and keep your antivirus tools up to date.

Other security tools you may need

We've covered the most important and necessary tools for privacy and security, but there's always one more step you can take to make sure your communications aren't intercepted or read by third parties. Here are some more tools for better protection from online advertising.

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