Adding a user to the infobase. Accounting info Adding a user to 1s 8.2

Administration and control of 1C 8.3 users is an integral part of the implementation and support of any 1C software product. In fact, this is a simple task, and, I am sure, any person can easily cope with it. Consider the process of administering 1C users in more detail.

User management in 1C is a fairly simple and intuitive process, but it still needs a description.

Conditionally administration and control includes:

  • user creation;
  • setting user rights;
  • view active users;
  • analysis of user actions.

Let's consider each of these points in more detail:

Creation and installation of user rights 1C 8.2

Depending on the configuration, users are entered either in the configurator or in user mode. Almost all modern configurations support user input in 1C: Enterprise 8 mode. Also in 1C: Enterprise mode, as a rule, additional user parameters are entered.

However, regardless of the configuration, the first user with administrative rights is always entered in configurator mode. Therefore, we will consider both modes of user input.

Entering users in the Configurator

To enter the 1C Configurator mode, select the Configurator option in the database selection list:

After logging in, select Administration - Users from the menu. A list of users will open, if you start the first user, it will be empty. Let's add a new user "Administrator":

On this page you must specify the user settings:

  • Name And Full name— username.
  • If the flag is set Authentication 1C: Enterprises, then the items will become available Password(password that is used to enter 1C), The user is not allowed to change the password(makes available the ability to change the password by the user in user mode), Show in selection list(makes available the selection of a user in the list, otherwise the username must be entered manually).
  • Operating system authentication - flag responsible for the possibility of authorization using the username of the operating system. User— information system user name (for example, \\dom\kirill, where dom is the network domain and kirill is the OS user name). 1C at startup first checks authorization through the OS, and then authorization 1C 8.2.
  • Open ID authentication- enabling authorization using OpenID technology . Open ID is an open decentralized system that allows the user to use a single account to authenticate on a variety of unrelated sites, portals, blogs and forums.

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On the tab Other you need to specify the appropriate roles for the user (). In our case, we will specify for the administrator Full rights. For other users, the required roles can be flagged here. User rights are summarized from the available objects of different roles. Those. if the user has two roles selected, one has access to the "Nomenclature" directory, and the second role does not, access will be. For any user without "Full rights" the user role must be set(if present).

Also on this tab you can specify Main interface(only works for normal forms). Default language— if the configuration is developed in several languages. Start mode- managed or regular application.

Creating a user in 1C Accounting 2.0

After a user with full rights is registered in the system, users can be entered in 1C: Enterprise mode. For example, let's create a user in the most common configuration - Enterprise Accounting 8.2.

To do this, select the menu item Service - User and Access Management. The "Users" directory will open. Create a new user:

Enter information about the user and its main ones, click the "OK" button: the system will offer to automatically create a database user:

You must agree, the form of the new database user will be displayed:

That's all! The creation of the user and the assignment of rights to him is completed.

Viewing active users in the 1C database

To view users working in the database in 1C: Enterprise mode, select the item Service - Active Users. A list of users working in the database will open:

How to disable users in 1C 8.3 and 8.2

There are two ways to disable an active user in the 1C database:

  • in the program interface (for configurations 1C Accounting 3.0, Trade Management 11, etc.);
  • via the server cluster console (only available in client-server mode).

From the interface

In user mode, you can kick out a hung user by going to the "Administration" - "Support and maintenance" menu, then selecting the "Active users" item:

Select the desired user from the list and click the "Finish" button.

From the cluster console

If you have access to the administrative panel of the 1C server, you can end the session using it. We go to the console, find the hung user in the "Sessions" menu, call the context menu and click "Delete":

User control 1C 8.3

To view the user's work history, go to the menu item Service - :

Before every novice administrator of 1C infobases, sooner or later the question arises: how to add a user to 1C. And if in version 7 of the program the answer to this question could be given unambiguously: through the Configurator, then in version 8, depending on the version of the program, the methods for adding a user can vary significantly.

What is the need for user differentiation?

Each infobase user has a set of specific rights and roles. There is a list of users to restrict access to specific configuration objects and eliminate conflicts associated with incorrect input and correction of information.

In addition, the list of users allows you to:

  1. Adjust the program interface, excluding from the visual display those elements that you do not need access to;
  2. Commit changes to the database in the context of this list.

The main rule when editing this list is that a user with full (administrative) rights should always be added first.

Adding a user through the Configurator

In fact, from the programmer's point of view, the main list of users is stored in the Configurator. It can be opened by going to the Administration-> Users menu (Fig. 1)

In the table that opens, two columns "Name" and "Full name" of the user will be visible. Actions with an existing user (limiting and adding rights, changing the password, etc.) can be performed by activating the line by double-clicking the mouse.

To add a new user, you must click the icon on the command panel of the table or the Insert (Ins) button on the keyboard, as a result, a dialog box will open (Fig. 2)

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Briefly on the form elements on the "Basic" tab:

  • Name – contains textual information that will be displayed in the user selection list when logging in; the name of the current user can be read in the code of the program modules using the Username() method;
  • Full name - can be the same as the username, most often the full name of the employee is written here.
  1. Internal means of the program, for which you need to set a user password;
  2. Operating system tools;
  3. With the help of OpenID.

The "Show in the selection list" checkbox set in the "1C Enterprise Authentication" submenu indicates that the user will be displayed in the list called at system startup. If it is not set, then to enter this user, he will have to enter his name (as it is set in the Configurator) using the keyboard in the corresponding window.

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There are only four elements on the “Other” tab (Fig. 3):

  • Available roles (by setting certain checkboxes, you can significantly limit or increase the possibilities for changing information);
  • Main interface (you can adjust the visual display of the system);
  • Language (main language of the program);
  • Launch mode (managed or regular application).

Adding a user in 1C Enterprise mode

Starting from platform 8.2, adding new users has become available in 1C Enterprise mode. To do this, the corresponding directory "Users" was added to the database.

In thin client mode, access to it can be obtained by going to the “Administration” tab (Fig. 4) -> User and rights settings -> Users

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In the form that opens, to create a new user, click the "Create" button. A window will appear (Fig.5)

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As you can see, some of the elements of this window coincide with the window for creating a new employee in the Configurator. Significant differences of this method of adding:

  • The user can be associated with a specific individual from the corresponding directory;
  • By checking the “Require password setting at login” checkbox, you can additionally protect the database from unauthorized access (the protection mechanism is as follows: the administrator who adds a new element sets the simplest password and tells it to the user, this password is entered when you first log in to the system, and when the system starts, a window appears asking new identification data, so no one except the user will be able to log in to the system);
  • Specific access permissions for a particular user are not issued by turning on and off his roles, but by adding him to certain access groups, where you can get by activating the corresponding link on the form.

The profile that defines the set of rights is stored in the "User Groups" directory; you can change and add a profile in the "User Group Profiles" directory. Thus, the Administrator does not need to control each specific user, changing access parameters is carried out for the entire group as a whole.

In the normal application mode, the "Users" references can be found in the Operations->References menu (Fig. 6)

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In principle, the window for adding a new performer in this mode differs little from those presented above and there is no need to re-describe each of its elements.

In the article, we would like to pay attention to the menu "Additional information" (Fig. 7)

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It contains 4 items:

  1. User Settings;
  2. Contact Information;
  3. Access groups;
  4. Additional rights (not available when the user has a profile specified).

The first menu item allows you to automate some actions of the performer: set up auto-substitution of document details, display calendars and events, prefixes, etc.

As the experience of using the 1C system shows, the "Additional rights" menu is most often required to be able to enable editing of printed forms of documents. It is here that the corresponding checkbox is located.

The user created in the program will be automatically added to the list in the Configurator. There is no feedback in the new versions of the program, which is extremely inconvenient and unusual for administrators working in the old fashioned way.

The process of adding a user to 1C:Enterprise Accounting for Ukraine (for example) begins with starting the program in configurator mode. After launching the program and logging in, we perform simple steps. On the control panel at the top of the 1C interface, select the "Users" button.

In the "Users" window that opens, there is a list of 1C users and tools for editing them become available here. Press the "New Item" button or the Insert key on the keyboard.

The dialog for adding a new user opens. Assign to user

— Full name: in this field it is desirable to indicate the Last name, first name and patronymic of the added user to avoid confusion in the future.;

— Working directory: the directory where the user's service and possibly personal files will be stored. We recommend placing such a catalog in the catalog with the main infobase, but this is not critical.;

- Rights: select the rights to read and edit data in 1C. The rights must be organized in advance in the configuration window on the "Rights" tab;

- Interface: Select an interface for the new user. In the interface, you can impose restrictions on panels and menus in the 1C visual shell accessible to the user. The interfaces must be arranged in advance in the configuration window on the "Interfaces" tab;

Press the "OK" key.

By default, the user is configured as empty. To change the password, you need to right-click on the user and select " Change». Enter and confirm again the set of characters for the password.

We confirm saving the list of users on exit.

This completes the creation of a new user in 1C:Enterprise 7.7.

Let's turn to creating a new user in 1C:Enterprise 8.2

Since the programs 1C:Enterprise 7.7 and 1C:Enterprise 8.2 are similar in functionality and released by the same organization, it is easy to assume that the process of creating a new user in 8.2 will be similar to that in 7.7.

We launch the configurator 1C: Enterprise 8.2. After opening the main interface, select the "Administration" button in the main menu and the "Users" menu item

Press the "+" button or the Insert key. In the window that opens, fill in the necessary parameters for the new user

Fill in the data on the first tab:

— Name: an arbitrary name that will be displayed in the 1C:Enterprise authorization window;

— Full name: in this field, specify the Last name, first name and patronymic of the added user;

- Password and password confirmation: code character set, the purpose is obvious;

- The user is not allowed to change the password: you can specify if you do not give the user the right to change the password;

The second tab is "Other". It is obligatory or highly desirable to fill in "Available roles" (you can select several roles if necessary), "Main interface" and "Language";

The remaining parameters on both tabs, if you have no idea what is at stake, then they should not be filled out.

After pressing the “OK” button, a new user with the specified permissions and parameters will be created.

This completes the creation of a new user in 1C:Enterprise 7.7 and/or 1C:Enterprise 8.2.

How to create a user with "Administrator" rights in 1C Accounting 8.3

When you start the newly created clean, empty infobase 1C Accounting 3.0, the initial window looks like this. The 1C Accounting program very unequivocally offers us to start work by filling in the details of our organization.

We will begin the process of working with our 1C Accounting program by creating the first user.

To do this, we go to the "Administration" - "User and rights settings" section, follow the "Users" hyperlink and click the "Create" button.

We indicate the name of our user (GlavBukh). We will not make any other changes. If necessary, you can change the password of this user, but for now we will do without it. Press the "Record" button.

Program 1C Accounting 8.3 says that the first user will be automatically added to the Administrators group. We agree with this.

Our user has been created. If we click on the "Permissions" button, we will see that the user is assigned the "Administrator" profile.

These steps must be performed in order for this user with administrator rights to appear in the 1C Accounting 8.3 program.

Basically it is possible to work and without establishment of the user. But some routine procedures in our 1C Accounting 8.3 program are performed on behalf of a user with full rights. When such a user is not in the program, an ambiguous situation is possible when the system cannot perform such routine procedures. Therefore, it is recommended to start working with the 1C Accounting 8.3 program by creating a user with "Administrator" access rights.

Software products based on the 1C platform have many functions, both specialized and applied, that is, administrative. The profile functionality (of course, depending on the purpose of the solution) concerns such areas as the purchase of goods, their sale, warehouse, operational and management accounting, accounting, CRM, and in the case of complex solutions - all together.

Naturally, one employee is not able to control all the business processes of the organization, even if they are automated. Therefore, 1C system administrators have to deal with tens and hundreds of users working with certain system functionality. Each of them has to set up special rights so that they have at their disposal all and only the documents, functions and reports they need. And here we begin to consider the applied or administrative functionality of 1C solutions, which just includes setting user access rights.

User settings 1C 8.3

For user rights in 1C 8.3, special objects of the configuration structure are responsible - "Roles". In most typical configurations, there is already a certain list of standard roles created. You can use them when creating accounts and setting access rights for them. If the standard set does not suit you, then you can change it or add your own roles.

Each user can be assigned several roles that are responsible for specific rights. In order to set up 1C user rights, you need to find out what roles they have now. This information can be obtained in two ways:

  • Through the configurator. This option is suitable for any configuration;
  • In some configurations, through the "Enterprise" mode.

Run the configurator of your 1C base under a username with full rights and open the "Administration" -> "Users" menu. To find out the rights of a particular user, you must double-click on the line with his last name and go to the "Other" tab. Those roles that are available to the user will be marked with a checkmark. To add or remove a specific role, change the checkboxes and click OK.

If after the analysis you realize that the standard roles will not be able to fully satisfy the requirements for the differentiation of rights, then you need to change them. To do this, find the required role in the configuration tree and open it by double-clicking. In the left part of the window that opens, you will see a list of all configuration objects. In the right part, checkboxes mark those actions, the rights to which are laid down in this role, in relation to the selected object on the left.

You can not only give and remove permissions for certain actions with configuration objects by checking and unchecking the boxes. In addition, a very convenient mechanism is built into the 1C platform, which is responsible for restricting user rights at the record level - RLS. It allows you to set a condition, only under which the user will see infobase data. Using RLS, user rights in 1C 8.3 can be configured so that, for example, each specific storekeeper will see information only for his warehouse.

Another way to add rights to an object to a user without changing the standard roles is to create a new role. To do this, click on the "Add" button, being in the "Roles" configuration branch, and name the new object. In the window that opens, find the necessary configuration objects on the left, and set the necessary rights and restrictions on the right. After saving the new role, you need to update the configuration, go to the user list and add a new role to certain users.

The responsibility of the 1C infobase administrator is not limited to creating users and distributing rights. Employees can change, responsibilities can be redistributed, and administrators must respond quickly to all these changes. If an employee who performed certain functions in 1C quits, then you need to disable the 1C user so that former colleagues do not use the account. The list of users will help us with this, which can be opened in the configurator in the "Administration" menu.

Having opened the 1C user settings, you need to uncheck the checkboxes responsible for finding the employee's name in the selection list and authentication. Thus, you will prohibit logging in under the name of the departed employee and save the access rights settings in case the employee returns. Also, these settings will come in handy if all the powers are transferred to a new employee - you do not have to reconfigure the roles.

It is also not recommended to completely delete a user due to the fact that in the system in various documents there are links to the responsible user. If you delete an entry, then there will be broken links and misunderstandings about who created specific documents, which can lead to confusion. It is much more efficient to disable the 1C user from logging into the system, and in some cases completely remove rights (roles). Also, in some companies, there is a practice to mark inactive users with a certain icon in the "Name" field, for example: "*IvanovaTP".

In some cases, the 1C administrator may need to urgently “throw out” users from the 1C database. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Through the "Enterprise" mode from a user with administrative rights. Not supported by all configurations;
  2. Through the application server using the 1C server cluster console.

To use the first option, you need to go to "NSI and Administration", open "Maintenance" and launch the "Active Users" form. We will see a list of active users and the “Finish” button on top, clicking on which will forcefully end user sessions. In addition, in this list, you can see the computer name and start time, which will help track hung sessions.

The second option to disable active users requires more attention and responsibility, since most often the cluster console is placed on the application server. If you have access to this server control panel, then you can end the user session in the following way:

  1. Open the cluster console;
  2. We go to the list of infobases and open sessions of the one we need;
  3. We find the desired user in the list;
  4. We call the context menu by pressing the right mouse button, there will be a function - "Delete".

In the 1C platform, developers have a convenient mechanism for setting rights and managing users. Therefore, the described features are available to owners of all configurations, even those written by themselves. Another advantage is the undemanding to the presence of deep knowledge of the 1C system. Any responsible and attentive administrator is able to handle these operations.
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