Wiki markup how to create a new page. How to create a VKontakte wiki page for communities and groups? Create a wiki page for groups

Developer: Wikimedia Foundation
Type: wiki engine
Date of issue: January 25, 2002
Programming language: PHP and JavaScript
Operating system: cross-platform software
Latest version: 1.31.0 Download

Mediawiki- the ideal solution for creating your own online encyclopedia, online magazine or blog. This software installs quickly, easily and is distributed free of charge.

Mediawiki a fairly popular and easy-to-use platform for creating article sites, as many special extensions have been developed for it that provide convenient work and systematization of information. The platform has been translated into numerous languages, so today in different countries there are many Internet sites made on Mediawiki.

Briefly about MediaWiki

MediaWiki is a free open source software written in PHP that implements the "wiki" hypertext environment (wiki) and was originally created as the "engine" of Wikipedia. MediaWiki is now used by various projects of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, as well as many other sites.

This engine is very convenient for writing various kinds of articles. The only difficulty for today is that you need to know the so-called "wiki markup" in order to fully control the editing and creation of articles, but the "Visual Editor" has already been developed, which simplifies the process of writing articles and does not require knowledge of any markup. The installation of this editor is separate and involves some technical difficulties and requires more advanced knowledge of the MediaWiki software.

Installing MediaWiki

And so, in order for the site to start working on this engine, you must:

  1. Download the MediaWiki software from the official website. You should download the version that is marked with the word "stable" - means a stable version or "LTS" - from English. lang. Long Term Support- has long-term support.
  2. Upload files to your hosting server. Or, as a test, you can upload files to a local server in order to understand the process of installing this engine without the Internet, your own hosting
  3. Go through the process of installing the engine online. Read about it below:

Installing the MediaWiki Platform

  • After all the files are uploaded to the hosting provider's server, you need to go to the main page of the site (at the domain name address), where the MediaWiki installation wizard will greet you. Click "set up the wiki" to start the installation. Then choose the installation language and your Wiki site. The MediaWiki engine will then be checked for compatibility with the PHP and MySQL versions. If everything went well, then the message "The check of the external environment was successfully carried out. Now everything is ready to install MediaWiki" will appear, then you need to click the "Next" button. If the compatibility check fails, then you need to contact the hosting technical support, they will be able to resolve the problem in this case.
  • The next step is to set up MySQL databases, where you first need to create a MySQL database, and during the installation of the MediaWiki engine, select the type, database name, username, and password for the database. Next, you need to configure the database by filling in all the appropriate fields. If something is not clear, then in each field you can click "help" and read detailed information about this or that field.
  • Next, you have to configure the site: give it a name and enter administrator data. In the same section, you can choose to fine-tune (user rights profile, copyrights and licenses, e-mail settings, configure various additional extensions, the ability to upload files to the server), or select "Enough, install wiki", after which the site will be installed. It is better to use fine-tuning and select the necessary options. Each setup has help that helps you install the MediaWiki engine.
  • After the installation is complete (it doesn't take long), the message "Congratulations! You have successfully installed MediaWiki" will appear. After that, you should save the LocalSettings.php file and upload it to the root folder on the hosting server. In this file, all the basic settings of the Wiki site are carried out.
  • You can then follow the link to the site's main wiki page, where it should say "MediaWiki installed successfully". On the same page, you can follow the links where you can read more about the reference manual on how to work with this engine, customize it for your own needs.

It's worth noting that newer versions of the MediaWiki platform install in a similar way, but have some additional installation options.

How to create new pages

The wiki editor has various tools for editing pages.

New pages are created in a special editor using wiki markup. Wiki markup is a markup language that is used to decorate text on websites (usually classified as wikis) and to make it easier to access the features of the HTML language. Pages designed using wiki text are first converted to HTML for viewing in a web browser, the conversion is implemented by special software - the wiki engine.

In the search field, you can enter the name of the page, if there is no page with this name in the database, the system will offer to create a new page with this name. By going to the page for creating a new page in the editor, you can enter text, formatting it with wiki markup. Or you can install a special extension InputBox , which inserts a standard form to start the process of creating articles.

When creating pages, a special editor is built in, which helps to edit the page in the form that the user desires. It is also worth noting that it is very convenient to create internal links for keywords or phrases within a site on a wiki engine. To do this, you need to frame the word or phrase with square brackets -. After the page is created, the words framed by such brackets will have a link. If the page for a keyword or phrase is not on the site, then the link will be colored red, by clicking on it you can create a new page using this phrase or word. If there is already a page for such a phrase or word, then the link will be blue, and by clicking on it, the article opens.

In order to connect WikiEditor, do not forget to set the following basic editor settings in Localsettings.php:

wfLoadExtension("WikiEditor"); # Enables use of WikiEditor by default but still allow users to disable it in preferences$wgDefaultUserOptions [ "usebetatoolbar" ] = 1 ; $wgDefaultUserOptions [ "usebetatoolbar-cgd" ] = 1 ; # Displays the Preview and Changes tabs$wgDefaultUserOptions [ "wikieditor-preview" ] = 0 ; # Displays the Publish and Cancel buttons on the top right side$wgDefaultUserOptions [ "wikieditor-publish" ] = 0 ;

When using Mediawiki version 1.25 and below, to enable the extension, you need to add the following code to LocalSettings.php:

require_once("$IP /extensions/WikiEditor/WikiEditor.php");

It should be noted that the developers have created a special plugin Extension:InputBox to insert a field on any page of the site, through which you can set the title of the article and then the system will automatically transfer to the creation page. Moreover, the system provides the ability to create templates for specific topics, which also facilitates the process of creating articles on MediaWiki.

Using templates in articles

Sample- this is a specially prepared informational, thematic block that can be used in different articles on one specific topic. The convenience of templates lies in the fact that they can be inserted into many pages, filling in the necessary data, which are subsequently displayed on the page.

Each template is created as a separate article with a title, for example Template:Game - accordingly, this template is used in articles about games, you can follow the link to see how this template is made. Let's look at creating a very simple template. Having created a template page with its name (Template:Test), then you need to enter what data will be displayed in this template itself, for example, the template title, this is done in triple curly braces like this:


After that, such a template can be inserted into articles in this way:

((Test | title = ))

Official documentation on using templates can be found on the official site. Template:Ads bottom

How to create categories in a wiki

How to install other skins in MediaWiki

Mediawiki has developed a number of standard themes for the engine:

  • Vector - the default theme, it is now installed on Wikijournal
  • MonoBook - used to be the default theme for the Mediawiki engine
  • Modern
  • Cologne Blue

In order for an extension to work on a wiki site, it must first be downloaded and then uploaded to the "extensions" folder. Then enter a special link to the extension in the LocalSettings.php file. On the page of each extension, you can find instructions for installing them. You should also be aware that some extensions require updating the database, and this can be done through the so-called SSH access to the server.

MediaWiki update

The Mediawiki software is updated from time to time, various components are improved and certain errors and shortcomings are eliminated. Therefore, it is necessary to update the "engine", although this is not always necessary. There are several ways to update, but here we will describe the simplest - updating directly through the browser and FTP client. And so here's what you need to do:

  • In the root folder, rename LocalSettings.php to any other name, for example, LocalSettings_2.php.
  • Check if the new version fits the requirements of the server (php and MySQL) on which the site from Mediawiki is installed
  • After that, the site will become unavailable, the system will ask you to install the LocalSettings.php file in the root folder, but this is not necessary.
  • Save all the most necessary folders and files, namely:
1) Save the "images" folder, where all the pictures of the site are saved; 2) Save the "extensions" folder, where all additional modules for Mediawiki's additional functions are located (in the future, it will also be necessary to download the latest versions of these modules for the updated Mediawiki); 3) Save the MySQL database - this can be done in phpMyAdmin;
  • Download from the official site a fresh, stable version from Mediawiki and unzip the files on your computer.
  • Connect to the server where all Mediawiki files are stored and upload new ones via FTP over the old ones, thereby overwriting all old files.
  • Go to the site at
  • Next, the system will prompt you to go through the Mediawiki update process. Some data must be entered again, as in the first installation, in particular, the name and password of the MySQL database must be specified.
  • Rename the LocalSettings.php file again.
  • After that, the site should work.

Despite the fact that the system for updating the "engine" is debugged in the best way by the developers themselves, certain errors may still appear during the update process, or after it. Or the performance of the site may be incorrect. Therefore, updating Mediawiki is done at your own risk. However, on the official website in the support section, you can contact with certain difficulties that arose after the update. Other ways to upgrade and the full documentation for Mediawiki upgrade can be found on the official upgrade page.

Keep in mind that after updating, you should also update the extensions that are connected to MediaWiki, as they may be considered obsolete, incorrect, or not work at all. You should be aware that there is also a more professional way to update MediaWiki if you have direct access to the server via SSH - it is more reliable, faster and in principle more convenient, but you need to have an average knowledge of interacting with the server.


MediaWiki is one of the most convenient platforms for creating a site of one kind or another. The software installs quickly and does not require deep programming knowledge to keep the site up and running. If you have any difficulties installing, updating or directly using the MediaWiki engine or have any other questions, then they can be asked in

I planned to write instructions for marketers and PR people on how to work with Wikipedia so as not to do stupid things and not incur the wrath of encyclopedists. I counted on the fact that the experience of five years of administration would help me. But in the process, analyzing the latest cases, I realized that I myself do not fully understand this.

Take, for example, my attempt to create a "Zuckerberg will call" story. Right on the day of its creation, it was put up for deletion as "having no encyclopedic significance." Despite the fact that the text contained both multiple references to the CPU in other media, and a link to Sasha Peganov's interview with the merchant's Secret Firmy. Further - even more interesting. During the discussion, it turned out that in the curved wikispace it doesn’t even matter that in the Medialogy rating among thematic publications, the CPU takes 6th place, ahead of CNews and Habrahabr in terms of citation. And in the end, the article was saved by the ROTOR award (does anyone else remember it?), Because it appears in some ancient rule about the importance of websites. The battle for the article on the CPU took exactly two months and took away forces that would have been enough for another five articles.

Another summer case. Company "220 Volt" - more than 200 stores offline. A couple of years ago, its marketers created a wiki article and tried to show the significance of the company through the presence in the Guinness Book of Records, which the company got into when 700 people got a tattoo with its logo at the same time. Then the Wikipedians did not appreciate the feat and removed the material. The problem is that when it is removed for insignificance, the next time you need to go through the painful procedure of “restoration”, that is, to prove the significance and get permission to publish. 220 Volt is not a widely known company (like your startup), there is not much information about it, but there are mentions in authoritative publications: Kommersant and Forbes include 220 Volt in the list of the largest online retailers. That is, a couple of concentrated paragraphs of text can be written - just exactly what the reader needs when he comes to Wikipedia for educational program. But even this did not save them - the article was never restored.

Each language section of Wikipedia has its own characteristics. They say that German is the most organized and high-quality (no jokes), English is more liberal towards authors, it is much easier to publish an article there. The Russian-language section, as it seems to me, after 8 years of close observation of it, is mired in verbalism. Personally, I am inclined to attribute this to the long predominance in the community of people from the academic and educational environment with all its regulations that replace common sense. And vice versa, people from the real sector cannot take root here - they usually feel sorry for wasting two months on butting for one article. One of the consequences is the underdevelopment of many areas of knowledge.

Russian "Wikipedia" is a minefield. But that is exactly why there is hope that you will be lucky. Some survive. For example, the Moscow "Zyu cafe" was put up for removal, but by some miracle left; a few mentions in the reviews of new food were enough to prove the significance and importance of a small cafe for Wikipedia. So it's always worth a try.

10 helpful tips:

  1. Significance - All. Find all mentions of the company in the media. Blogs and interviews, if possible, it is better not to use. Select 10-15 most significant sources. Compose an article from them.
  2. Don't pour water. Size doesn't matter. On the contrary, a bloated article - a sure sign that behind the flow of words they are trying to hide insignificance. This is a red flag for moderators.
  3. In no case do not copy the text from the official site. This is considered plagiarism (even if you yourself wrote this text last week).
  4. Dry the text: avoid flashy words and superlatives. Wikipedia writes in a neutral style. This genre is unfamiliar to most, so it makes sense to study the style of other good articles.
  5. Work on the draft and do not publish the workpiece. Only a fully verified and formatted text will increase your chances.
  6. For some time now, Wikipedia has had a visual editor, but it's still more convenient to edit the old fashioned way. You can open any article and copy the code from there with all the design.
  7. Feel free to use the Wikipedia Incubator. Post an article about your company there first. Although it will take some time before the article is moved to the main space, the Incubator will help you with the design and give you advice. Plus, articles from the Incubator are usually a little more loyal.
  8. Don't jump on embrasures. Do not try to break the system if you have been deleted once. The result will be blocking. Eg,

Hello, friends! Back to our favorite social networks. Today I want to write a post about how to make various cool VKontakte things.
Want to know more? Then stay with me =)

1) How to make a person's name clickable

Do you want to wish a person a happy birthday in your VKontakte group, and do you want him to receive a notification about this in the replies? Or do you just want to make the person's name clickable (put a link to the person's VKontakte page) when you write a post about him? Everything is very simple!
In the message, in the place where you want the person's name to appear, write an asterisk, and after it write the ID of the page of the person you need.

If a person has a short address instead of an ID with numbers, then we write this short address of the page after the asterisk. For example, you can write a link to my VKontakte page like this:

An asterisk and a short address of my VKontakte page without spaces.

By the way, you don’t even have to bother with finding the right ID. Just put an asterisk and start writing the name of your VKontakte friend. The contact itself will offer you a list of your friends, and you just select the one you need.

To change your friend's name to any word, simply replace the words in brackets with the one you need. For example, again take a link to me *kristina.kulini4 (Kristina Kulinich) . This is the standard view of the link to my profile that the contact will offer you. But you can easily change the words in brackets to the right one, for example, Kristyushka. And then the link will look like this:

2) How to shorten VKontakte links?

If you have long and ugly links, then VKontakte has a wonderful link shortening service. We go to the address and enter our long link into the line and get a beautiful link address, with the contact address. Such links inspire more trust among contact users than regular links.

3) How to make a page for a group or public on VKontakte. Creating a VKontakte wiki page

So in order to create the page itself in your community, you will need find out the ID of your VKontakte group. These figures can easily be taken from community statistics. Go to the statistics and in the address bar the last 8 digits will be just your id. Paste this link into the address bar of your browser XXX&p=Page_name

where instead of XXX paste your community id,
instead of Page_name write the name of your future page.

And here you can and even need to write the name of your page in Russian letters. You don't even have to replace spaces in words with underscores.

After we have written the correct link, we simply go through it and an empty page opens for us. We need to click on the "fill with content" link and proceed to the most interesting part - creating a wiki page.
In principle, the wiki page editor is quite simple and it will not be difficult for any person to understand it. But if something remains incomprehensible to you - write in the comments - we will discuss everything.

So, after the page is created and filled, we need to get the correct link to it. To do this, copy the link in the browser line and delete these characters ?act=edit§ion=edit that is, only numbers should remain the last.
We received the link - now you can use it at your discretion.

4) For example, you can make it so that when you click on the image, your page opens. How it's done? Very simple! Insert a link to the page in the post. Under the post, your page is loaded and shown. After that, we erase the address of our page and add a picture through the "attach" function. All! Now, after publication, you will have a picture, under it there is an arrow with a link to the page, and when you click on the picture, you will be redirected to the page you created.

Practice making such pages in your VKontakte group. In the future, I will tell you how you can make a beautiful clickable menu for your group.

5) Do you want to decorate your post on the wall in the community group with small symbols or emoticons, as in personal VKontakte correspondence? But don't know where to get emoticons for the VKontakte wall? No problem. Now I will reveal all the secrets to you =)

In fact, VKontakte emoticons are generated by special codes. Therefore, in order to insert some emoticons into your post, you need to insert a code of several characters. You can google the phrase "contact emoticons" and you will be given many sites that have a sign with all the codes and emoticons. But there are a lot of ads on such sites, it pops up from the most unexpected places. Therefore, I advise you to copy the codes from this community. He has list from a bunch of emoticons. In the list you copy "krakozyabra" i.e. just a square. And then paste in the right place in your post on the wall. After that, you can refresh the page and see the smiley. You can also copy just the smiley code, but then don't forget to remove the underscore from the code"_" . And all the desired emoticon is copied! It remains to paste it on your wall, in the group or even status! Use emoticons and surprise your friends! =)

I think for today you will have enough small secrets and VKontakte chips. The rest will come a little later. So subscribe to blog updates below so as not to miss everything new and interesting on social networks and beyond.
By the way, write in the comments what else you want to know about the contact, or other social networks. And I will definitely answer your questions in future articles.

Christina was with you
See you soon!

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It is simply vital for an administrator or group moderator to know how to create a VKontakte wiki page, because this is one of the easiest ways to beautifully design a post and draw maximum attention to the published information. In fact, for a public wiki, pages are a huge step forward in the fight for an audience.

Wiki markup, which became the basis for creating a wiki page, is a special layout language. It was originally used to structure Wikipedia articles. But it became the most popular when it turned out that you can also use it on VKontakte.

The basics of wiki markup are so clear that a user with no programming knowledge can learn them.

What opportunities does knowledge of wiki markup provide?

Having mastered the way to format text is easy:

  • Create headings, lists, paragraphs;
  • Make selections in italics and bold;
  • Embed images in text;
  • Use anchor links;
  • Draw landing pages;
  • Create catalogs and multi-pages;
  • Develop a navigation menu for publics;
  • Draw tables.

Creating a VKontakte wiki page can be a source of additional income. Wiki markup has just opened up endless spaces for designing posts, allowing you to embody the most daring fantasies. And the more original the design for the group, the higher the chance that it will be noticed among hundreds of competitors. But before you learn how to make really worthwhile pages, you have to spend time learning. It is not necessary to hire teachers or go to specialized courses.

On the Internet, it is easy to find a tutorial for dummies on wiki markup and study it yourself.

How to make a VKontakte wiki page for a group or public?

For a person who has never encountered such a way of designing content in his life, the task seems impossible. But in fact, there is nothing super complicated. Once having studied the theory, having confirmed the knowledge with a short practice, you will not want to use ordinary records. They look featureless against the bright features of wiki markup.

How to make a public wiki page?

Replace the "page title" text with the title you want to appear on the wiki page. And you will find out the ID of the public by opening any entry from the wall. In the address bar you will see a link in which after the letters id there will be the numbers you need. Copy them and start filling the page.

To make the page different from others, carefully consider the design. Special tags will help you with this:

To make wiki pages available to other users, place links to them on the wall or in the menu.

How to make a VKontakte wiki menu for a group: markup

Adding a wiki menu to a group is easy. It is necessary to edit the "Latest news" section. It is located in the header of the community and is best suited for our purposes. How to make a beautiful menu? You can't do without wiki markup. You already know that it can be used to insert images into text and anchor links. If you can easily manage these manipulations, then there should be no questions about the implementation of the idea.

The Vkontakte wiki menu is a beautifully designed list of links to pages with important information.

Therefore, before making the menu itself, you should think about what exactly you want to attract users' attention to. Decided? Then do not hesitate, because you already have all the knowledge you need to create wiki pages and the Vkontakte menu.

Wiki - markup, in the global sense, these are tags that are used to decorate text on websites and make it easier to access the features of the HTML language.

Wiki - markup and SMM

A very important role in the management of groups is played by the design of posts, we have already talked about this in this article.

But among other things, your texts should be readable, this is especially true for blogging companies or, for example, for my VK group.

Wiki - markup helps to design: group menu, internal pages, internal links (to video, audio, group albums) and external links from the group (to other groups, site, article or person) tables, arrange topics, lists, headings, subheadings, text decoration, a tag to ignore part of the markup code.

In other words, the VK Wiki page is an alternative to web pages based on the rules of wiki markup. With the help of VKontakte wiki pages, you can create large articles with various text formatting (bold, underline, headings, etc.), add illustrations and videos to them, create full-fledged landing pages (landing pages), navigation menus for communities, and much more.

How to create a Vkontakte wiki page?

In order to create a wiki page for your community, you need to bring the link - the template in the proper form:
where: XXX is the community ID and PageName is the title of the future wiki page.

How to find the community ID?

  • While on the main page of the community, click on the link with the date and time of the publication of any post to go to the view of the individual post;
  • A link like will appear in the address bar of the browser, where XXX is the ID of the desired community.

Paste the created link into the search engine, as shown in the screenshot.

When you click on the link, the interface for creating and filling a new wiki page will open.

After creating the wiki page, don't forget to set the access rights using the "Page Access" item in the lower right corner of the interface.

Wiki pages can be viewed and edited:

  • to everyone;
  • only to members of the community (in the case of private groups);
  • only editors and community administrators;

The settings for accessing a wiki page are set by community leaders when creating or editing a wiki page.

How to attach a Wiki page to a post?

To attach a wiki page to a post, copy the link to it and paste it into the input form when creating the post - the page will automatically be attached and will be available after it is published. In addition, if you add an illustration to the post, it will become clickable: when you click on it, the user will open a wiki page, and not a larger version of the image.

Wiki pages

Usually VK publishes rather short posts. Some text, photos, a couple of videos. And such a format works because it corresponds to the way of consumption of the main part of users.

The answer is posts with wiki pages. Not many administrators know about this format. And, as my practice shows, if the material is really high-quality, the wiki page format allows you to get a very good response.

Here is one of the latest examples.

A typical post on my blog gets 100-200 likes and 30-40 reposts. And here…

How to create wiki pages

where XXX is your public ID and "PageName" is any word or sentence that your wiki page will be called. Please note that it will be impossible to edit the page name later! Therefore, think over the name in advance so that you do not have to create a new one later.

To find out your public ID, go to "Page Statistics". You will see an address like this in the address bar: - the last digits in the address "68730272" are the public ID.

Watch the video tutorial to better understand how to create a wiki page:

How to create posts with wiki pages

1. Create a wiki page
2. Populate the wiki page
3. Get a link to a wiki page
4. Add to post
5. Add a cover

Watch the tutorial to better understand how it's done:

How to create a wiki menu

The menu is a regular post with a wiki page, which is fixed in the header of the public. Within a wiki page, there should be links to categories. They can be issued simply with text, you can order the layout of the graphic menu.

Watch the video tutorial:


1. Create at least one post with a cover and a wiki page. You can take the finished article from your favorite blog (but do not forget to indicate the source).
2. Create a simple wiki menu with links to the headings of your public.

Next lesson →

What is a wiki page

A wiki page is a page created or designed using wiki markup. The term was first coined by Ward Kanenghem in 1995. At that time, Internet users learned about Wikipedia. "Wiki" from the Hawaiian translation sounds like "quick".

Wiki page- This is a great alternative to the usual Vkontakte posts. If, when creating an advertising post, you need to enter links to various information that is distributed in blocks in discussions, then on the wiki page it looks different. A wiki page differs from a post in that a fairly large amount of material can be combined on one page, but it will be arranged, which will make its study more convenient and faster. Usually quite small posts are formed in VK. Some text content, photos, 1-2 videos. Despite the fact that this format works well, because it meets the conditions and way of consumption of the majority of users, the presentation of information is being actively improved and makes it easier for users to understand.

What is Wiki - markup

Wiki markupIn contact with is a specialized language that was created to design entertaining, educational, informational, and selling Web pages of the VK social network. Wiki is a very powerful and valuable markup language that allows you to connect the functionality of VKontakte with additional features and use it to uniqueize and promote groups, pages and publics.

Wiki markup allows you to quickly create and embed the code of any group, community or public page with individually designed elements, including:

  • menu - buttons;
  • links in the form of pictures;
  • spoilers;
  • various anchors;
  • mini games.

A wiki markup spoiler is the text behind a button with a colored caption. After pressing the button, the text becomes open.

The VKontakte wiki markup is comparable to HTML. But, its difference lies in the lightweight text markup language. Wiki can be mastered within a week, due to its graphical interface.

This markup will expand the possibilities, and significantly, in the administration of the group.

By gaining the skills to use wiki markup, you will be able to create virtual magazines, shops, and even your own blogs and websites.

Also, the big advantage of wiki markup is that all changes ever made to the group page are saved on the VK servers, and at any time it becomes possible to return to the original design options.

How to create a Vkontakte wiki page

Creating a Vkontakte wiki page is a rather crucial moment, which provides for compliance with the plan. The quality of promotion of your community depends on the correct implementation of all necessary actions. So, next we will consider the sequence of all actions that need to be performed to create a quality page.

  1. Open the address bar of your browser.
  2. Copy the following link: and paste it into the line.
  3. Instead of XXX, enter the public id. You can find out the id like this: click on the title of the publications in the feed, where the number of messages located on the wall is indicated, this will open the community wall separately, the numbers that open and have the id, you can also find out the ID in the community statistics or the browser line by pasting the copied link .
  4. In place of "Page_Name" insert the real name of your page. Pay attention to the following points:
    1. Where page title spaces should be replaced with underscores _
    2. The title of the page is now the title of your post
    3. After the done actions, you need to check again the correctness of the introduction of the public id and whether there is an underscore _ in place of the spaces. Only then can you press Enter.

Your wiki page is now ready. Now go to the "Fill with content" section, or to the "Editing" section. Now you know how to create a Vkontakte wiki page - start turning your page into an exclusive masterpiece.

If you are interested not only in a beautifully designed group, but also in the promotion of the group itself, find out how to wind up subscribers to the Vkontakte group. If your photos or posts are not in demand by friends or subscribers, the likes boost is perhaps the best way to fix this.

How to create a wiki post on Vkontakte

A wiki post is typically used in long articles because the wiki design makes reading easier and more receptive. The text is located in the center, and on the sides there are semi-darkened elements of the VKontakte interface. The reader concentrates on the article and is not distracted by additional surpluses, which is what both the team leader and the user need. To create a quality wiki-style post, you will need the following items:

1. Create a wiki page as described earlier. Note that the page title is the title of your post. It is the title that is indexed by search engines in the first place.

After you create it, you can start writing text content. When writing an article or post, you must follow the standard rules. The uniqueness should be high, the text should be readable and interesting, and the absence of syntactic, lexical, stylistic and grammatical errors is also welcome. All these points are very conducive to attracting readers.

2. Create an image. The picture is the first thing that your VK subscribers will pay attention to, which means that it is the creation of a high-quality image that should be given great attention. Knowing how to create a wiki post in a contact correctly, you can choose the appropriate option for creating an image.

Let's take a look at the most popular image options provided for wiki posts:

  1. Image. The easiest option is to attach a photo. But, it is somehow too ordinary and simple and does not attract the current subscriber enough.
  2. Text together with background. Text interspersed with the title of the article - a simple but attractive format, where the emphasis rests on the title. Optionally, you can attach an icon.
  3. Image with text. In this format, text can be superimposed on top of the image, which will immediately affect emotions and affect figurative perception.
  4. 50/50. The text occupies half of the space, and the rest is occupied by the picture. This kind of image in a wiki post allows you to touch on imaginative thinking and concentrate on the title. Do not forget that Vkontakte wiki markup will be embedded in all pictures.

It is worth noting that a high-quality image should contain the following aspects: a title, a logo, an image, or a bright background. It is also desirable to implement the community address and the "important" button or any other call to action.

Any editor can be used to create an image. It is important to know that used images do not attract the modern reader much. If you care about reputation, don't be too lazy to create a unique image.

Creating tables with a wiki

The table is executed using a certain set of symbols, the arrangement of which must have a certain sequence. After creation, the columns of the table can be filled with any content.

A table created using Wiki markup can contain any number of rows. Attachments, columns, cells.

Name and sequence of symbols:

  1. Start (|
  2. Title |+
  3. New line |-
  4. Transparent cell |
  5. Dark Cell!
  6. End |)

How to make a Vkontakte wiki menu

Wiki markup is a great helper for creating menus in the VK group. How to make wiki markup was written earlier.

If the group implies a social direction, then it makes sense to create a text menu. Its advantage lies in a rather serious appearance. Groups of an entertaining and commercial nature have performed well with graphic menus. The use of high-quality pictures in it will make it possible to draw the attention of visitors to what should be present in the mind. The application of this approach will also allow you to offer a stay in a group that is quite pleasant and relaxing.

Select the desired photo or picture and copy its address. Let's say it will be the following: photo14346_67691. Now you need to enclose it in double brackets. It should look like this: ].

And if there is a desire to slightly edit the quality, or something to supplement? Then you need to do the following with this: you need the file to look like this -]. Instead of the last three inscriptions, what is needed is written. Text - write what you need. Link in translation from English - "link". It is present so that the visitor's car knows its direction. Options - the following values ​​can be specified here: Plain - the link to the image is formatted as text, there is no picture in it. Noborder - erases the frame located near the photo. Box - the picture opens in a window. Nolink - the photo link is removed. Nopadding - spaces between images are not displayed. NNNxYYYpx or NNNpx - indicate what size the picture (pixel) will be.

How to make a page popular in VK

The most interesting in the world » How to make a VKontakte page popular?

What kind of person has not thought at least once in his life about becoming famous, even in his dreams, but in reality you understand that it is almost impossible to achieve this without having some kind of unique abilities.

Life is arranged in such a way that you can lose everything in one moment and gain popularity and fame in the same moment. But still, you should not wait for a miracle to happen to you, it is better to start making efforts to achieve your goal.

If you are an ordinary person who does not have any abilities, but has set himself the goal of attracting attention, then perhaps only social networks and creating a personal website will help attract attention.

Almost everyone has their own VKontakte page, but not everyone knows how to make it popular. Just today we will answer this question. To do this, we need patience, a great desire to achieve our goal, brains and, in fact, a VKontakte page.

To begin with, you should think about the appearance of your page, you need to make it as attractive as possible. The most important thing is the avatar, since all users pay attention to it, and if it is very attractive, then you can easily win the user's favor. Of course, not all of us are so handsome and beauties, but the Photoshop program and the like can work wonders, but you should not abuse it, everything should be as natural as possible.

A competent selection of quotes and smart sayings will help you understand what views you hold, and in general will help people get to know you from the inside.

Well, the most important thing is of course the content, that is, what you will publish on your wall, so that now VKontakte has the opportunity to share all the most interesting with everyone. Look for various jokes, interesting stories from people's lives, funny videos (!), - we will dwell on them in more detail. If everything you write is not hackneyed and interesting, then people will quote you and over time you will have a huge number of friends, subscribers and your VKontakte page will be bookmarked.

Well, now about the video. As you know, VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia and a huge number of people sit on it for hours, looking for funny videos in search, in general, having fun. What do you think, if you have, for example, some kind of funny video, many people will go to your page through the search? - Of course, but something else is important, you need to keep the user and make him want to come back to you again, and for this you need to constantly write interesting and post only interesting and funny videos.

So, you uploaded a funny video, the user watched it, laughed, closed it and left without even realizing that you have a lot of such videos. How do I get him to see the rest? The VK bot program will help with this. It is freely available and completely free. With it, you can add a description to your video in which you can specify links to your other videos. Write something like the most interesting video, highlight what you wrote in bold characters that can be found on the Internet, put links to interesting videos and this way it will catch the eye, and the user will watch them all and he will definitely come back to you again for a portion of interesting and funny videos.

Most importantly, constantly stir up interest in your VKontakte page, constantly write and post really interesting and funny videos. Only then will they add you as a friend, subscribe to updates and find out who Petya Ivanov is from the village of Golodrankino (a village near Magnitogorsk). Thus, you simply cannot avoid popularity.

P.S. All of the above has been tried and tested, and the main thing here is to be patient and work actively! Why do you need to promote your page? - In fact, there are several cases where people were noticed precisely thanks to this social network, - I will give one of them. The girl regularly published her photos on her page, she was noticed, contacted directly through the VKontakte website and offered to participate in some kind of project on TV. Perhaps you will become famous too ?! Dare!

How to promote a page in contact

Despite the all-encompassing popularity of Instagram, Vkontakte is still the most visited Runet site. But many have already stopped believing that the Vkontakte page can still bring customers. How else can! You just need to know how to make your VK page interesting! Read about it in our article.

How to make your VK page popular

1. Public or group? First of all, you will have to decide which community format is right for you. Do you want to publish only official information about the company or stimulate discussion and user activity? If you need a public page in which you will broadcast news to your audience, then choose a public page. If you want to receive feedback from users, then you need a group.

2. Page design. After you have decided on the format of your page, you need to design it, which means writing the name and description of the group.

Be sure to use keywords in the title and description, because today Vkontakte public pages are indexed by search engines. That is, if customers are looking for a seamstress in Krasnodar, then you can create a page "Seamstress in Krasnodar", and customers will come to this key request.

Few people use this nuance when promoting a business. But this is a very important point that will help you get ahead of your competitors.

An important point when designing a Vkontakte page is the presence of an avatar, and it would be better if you order the development of an avatar from a designer.

How to pump up your page in contact, gain a lot of subscribers and become popular

1. Exciting content on a regular basis. Of course, answering the question “How to make your VK page popular?”, One could limit oneself to these most important postulates: publish cool content and do it regularly. After all, content (information, video, books, text posts, images, audio) is what VKontakte users are looking for, in addition to communicating with friends and holivars in groups.

How to make your content interesting?

Use catchy headlines tailored to your target audience. For example, “What should a child be taught before sending him to school”? It is immediately clear that this message is for mothers of preschoolers. A headline with a question always intrigues the reader.

One would like to say, yes, indeed, what should a child be taught before school?

To create an attractive and interesting headline, use our free headline maker. As a bonus, you will receive 500 ready-made templates created using the famous 4U technique. The best way to grab readers' attention!

Congratulate subscribers on holidays. Remember not only about mega-useful content, but also about the holidays that you should congratulate your subscribers on.

Entertaining content. People come to social networks not only for usefulness, most often they just want light content that they are happy to share if this content corresponds to their internal state, which they broadcast by reposting other people's posts.

Therefore, entertain your subscribers: with jokes, memes, anecdotes, jokes from your field and other curiosities.

2. Targeted advertising. Advertising is the engine of trade and the engine of promoting the VKontakte group. With the help of targeted advertising, you can easily hook your target audience and show your ads only to them, thereby promoting your group and gaining subscribers.

3. Advertising in communities. Yes, yes, this is, of course, an expensive way to promote a group, nevertheless, it is effective. If a popular group has live subscribers who follow the group's news, then those recommendations that appear in the feed are of interest to users. And you, thanks to this, attract your audience.

4. Advertising pages on third-party resources. Do you have a blog, website, newsletter, youtube, instagram? Then urgently, urgently share on other sites a link to your group. Post content that is different from other resources in the group so that subscribers see the point of joining your group. And, of course, create a lot of activity in the group, for example, conduct polls.

5. Polls in a group. Are you wondering how your subscribers live and what content really catches them, and what they lack? Then do polls. But surveys are needed not only to improve your group, but also as content.

For example, you write: “guys, let's find out how many of us are vegans and supporters of a healthy lifestyle,” and conduct a survey. People vote and see the results.

But surveys should always be relevant to the interests of your target audience and your business.

6. Reposts and prize draws are the best way to contribute to the colossal growth of the group. Offer some very valuable repost prize and run a contest for a month, talk about it and get more people to share. Don't be greedy for prizes. It is valuable prizes that will bring you a huge number of new subscribers.

Or raffle some branded gift or books. The one who makes the most reposts from your group within a month will win. During the competition, post the results that encourage other participants to also take action to win prizes.

7. Ask followers to share posts. At the end of each post, write to subscribers: “If this information was useful to you, then share it with your friends, because they will like it too!”.

8. Use memes and provocative posts. This is very thin ice. Be careful not to offend members of the community and their feelings. Care must be taken to use these tools, which can engage the audience in discussions, but nevertheless can also provoke curses against you.

9. The visual component of the posts. Always remember that people look at images first and then read text. Therefore, follow web design trends and use stock photos. In no case do not download free pictures from search engines that use everything. Look for more unique and stylish images.

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