To restore the registry windows 7 64 bit. Microsoft Windows Registry Repair Program. Emergency boot disk

Main advantage Recovery Toolbox for Registry is a specialized tool for recovering information from damaged Windows system registry files. Its powerful algorithm achieves high recovery efficiency as well as unsurpassed scanning and data extraction speed. The program can be used in two modes - automatic and advanced (manual). The first mode minimizes user intervention in the recovery process and allows you to restore data with just a couple of mouse clicks - you only need to select a drive, and the program will instantly find the registry files on it. The second mode allows you to view the structure of the damaged file, view its individual elements and their parameters, and then save the data to the final file. Recovery Toolbox for Registry works very fast, so you don't have to spend hours watching the progress bar change - in most cases, the program takes less than a minute to analyze a medium-sized registry file.

The interface of the program is very simple and intuitive. This is a step-by-step wizard that combines ease of use, efficiency and accessibility for different categories of users, from beginners to professionals. A typical recovery scenario consists of a few simple steps. No matter which scenario you choose, just follow the instructions for each step and the program will take care of the rest. The first step of the wizard is to specify the name and location of the file you want to restore. In advanced (manual) mode, this can be done in one of several ways. To select a file, enter its full path and name in the field located in the center of the program window, or use the standard file open dialog. You can also select one of the previously used files from the drop-down list that opens by clicking on the triangle button on the right side of the input field. After entering the file name, use the Next button at the bottom of the program window. After you confirm your intention to continue, the program will start analyzing the file structure - you will see the names of the nodes and keys currently being processed at the bottom of the screen. The duration of this stage depends only on the size of the file being processed and the speed of your computer.

After completing this process, you will see the tree structure of the file and the elements that the program was able to identify. To view low-level information about the current item, check the Show service information option. This is the last step in the recovery process. If you click on the Save button, a standard save dialog will open, where you can specify the name and path of the final file. The data recovery process is similar to the analysis process described above and may take some time. After completing all operations, Recovery Toolbox for Registry will show brief statistics on the current recovery attempt - the number of keys and parameters recovered.

Since its introduction in Windows 3.1 many years ago, the registry has played an increasingly important role in each subsequent version of this operating system. The practice of storing system and program settings in a multitude of INI, CFG and other configuration files has become an anachronism - today 99% of all operating system settings are stored in the system registry. The registry is a central hierarchical database used by the OS as a repository for low-level system settings related to device drivers, the system kernel, Windows services, user interface, and system policies. In addition, applications also use the registry to store their data. All this makes the registry an important part of the operating system and at the same time one of its most vulnerable places. A virus attack, hardware failure, power surge, software failure, and user experimentation with system utilities can corrupt the registry file, and this can have very serious and far-reaching consequences. Some programs may not start or work correctly, some devices may not be recognized, and your operating system may refuse to boot at all! It is quite obvious that each of us will try to avoid such a situation at all costs, but if you have already encountered the problem of a corrupted registry file or want to be ready to face this problem head-on, Recovery Toolbox for Registry will help you! The program is extremely easy to use and you can always rely on it in difficult situations where your work depends on a corrupted registry file at the heart of your system. This compact tool will give you the confidence to be prepared for any force majeure and restore your system in the blink of an eye!


  • Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 or Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016 or higher

The registry is a database that contains all Windows OS settings, user accounts, installed software settings, etc. If one or another branch of the registry is damaged due to inexperienced user actions, software failure or exposure to viruses, the system starts to function incorrectly or stops working altogether.

The following applications are available for returning registry settings:

  • Windows System Restore;
  • registry backups;
  • command line;
  • ERUNT program.

Using System Restore

This program allows you to restore the health of Windows in many cases, including when the registry is damaged. It can be launched in two ways:

  • directly through the OS;
  • using a Windows boot disk.

To apply the first method, it is necessary that 2 conditions are met:

  • the system booted, that is, it was possible to enter it;
  • restore checkpoints have been activated.

Checkpoints are files that record data about the state (parameters) of the OS and all installed programs at a certain point in time. For the system partition, restore points are created by default. For other drives, they must be activated manually.

To restore the default Windows 7 registry settings using checkpoints, you need:

If the OS does not start, then to roll back you will need a boot disk with Windows 7 of the same configuration as on the computer. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

After this process is completed, the registry will be rolled back to the default settings.

Applying backups

If System Restore is disabled by the user, then you won't be able to use the above example. In this situation, registry backups come to the rescue. They can be launched in two ways:

  • through the Regback folder;
  • using the Regedit command.

In the first case you need:

If you don't want to mount the LiveUSB, you can use the Regedit procedure. However, in this case, the PC must have a saved working copy of the registry. To create it, you need:

To restore the registry in case of a crash, you just need to run the saved .reg file. After that, all data will be rolled back to the previous state.

Restoring the registry using the command line and the ERUND application

This method is suitable in cases where the OS does not start and there is no Windows installation disk at hand. The ERUND program is easy to use and requires a minimum of system resources.

To restore information using this program and the command line, you will need a backup of the registry, that is, a copy of it. The order of its creation will be as follows:

To restore the registry using the command line is necessary.

Interested in cleaning the Windows 7 registry? Then you have come to the right place.

Windows Registry (English Windows Registry) - a hierarchical database, for most MS Windows operating systems, containing parameters and settings for hardware and software, presets and user profiles.

The creation of the registry in Windows was intended to organize information that was stored in many INI files at that time, as well as to provide a single mechanism for reading and writing settings.

Creating a registry made it possible to get rid of the problems of short names, lack of access rights and slow access to INI files stored in the FAT 16 file system, which has performance problems when searching for files in directories with a large number of them.

All the problems that MS Windows developers solved using the registry disappeared with the release of the NTFS file system, but the registry remained in all subsequent versions of this OS.

At the moment, there are no real prerequisites for using such a mechanism, and the only system that uses the registry is MS Windows (and its free software clone - ReactOS).

The registry is formed from various data. During the installation and subsequent configuration of Windows, files are generated that store information about the system configuration.

In the process of loading the operating system, as well as logging in and out of its users, a certain abstract, virtual entity is formed, called the "registry".

Thus, one part is static and stored in files, while the other is dynamic and formed in the process.

Disadvantages of the MS Windows Registry

The method of storing operating system settings using the registry has a number of significant drawbacks. Below we list the most important ones.

    Relatively low fault tolerance. One wrong byte in a hive file (a registry branch similar in essence to the root directory in file systems) when trying to load it causes the OS to crash.
    This problem in modern versions of MS Windows is solved using two-level logging, and in case a situation arises when the registry cannot be restored, the system can reinitialize damaged registry entries during boot.

    Selectivity when saving system settings to the registry means that not all system settings are entered into the registry. Due to this approach, transferring system settings by copying its registry is not possible.

    During the functioning of the operating system, the registry is fragmented, which leads to a gradual slowdown in access speed.

    In addition to settings, other system and application information is stored in the registry, which leads to a gradual increase in the size of the registry. This problem can be partially solved with the help of which we will talk about in the next part of our article. By the way, in our material you can read about the five best free programs for fixing Windows 7 errors.

Cleaning the MS Windows 7 registry manually

    We proceed to the direct removal of information about programs , which have been removed. To do this, go to the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" section (which is located on the left side of the registry editor window), open the "Software" subsection and look for the name of the software developer's company or directly the name of the program that was deleted.

    To delete, select the entry by clicking on it with the mouse and press the Del key on the keyboard.

    You can also search for the program automatically using the search function. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + F and in the window that opens, enter the name of the program and click "OK", after which all found entries will be highlighted.
    If the highlighted entry found is correct, i.e. belongs to the remote program, you should press the Del key on the keyboard, to go to the next record, press F 3.

After deleting unnecessary entries, close the registry editor.

Cleaning the MS Windows 7 registry using programs

Programmatic registry cleaning is intended for beginners, as well as users who want to save their time, because manual cleaning, as it became clear in the previous section, is quite a painstaking task.

Consider the 3 most popular programs for optimizing and cleaning the system.

Reg Organizer

Note! The free version of the program only looks for registry errors, to fix them you need to purchase it, the license price is $10.



Russian-language interface.



This utility is no less multifunctional and registry cleaning is here as one of the many application options, but unlike Reg Organizer, it is free for non-commercial use.

The functionality of the free version is not cut, and the only difference is the lack of priority technical support.

The program is very popular, as of the end of 2012, more than 1 million downloads were made from the official website of the program.

Every month a new version of the program is released, and you can find out about updates by clicking on the link "Check for Updates" in the lower right corner of the program.

It makes no sense to describe everything that this monster can do, we will limit ourselves to the useful features of this program:

    The program allows you to add and remove registry branches that need to be scanned.

    It is possible to create a system-wide restore point before performing a registry cleanup.

    Clicking on some elements brings up a pop-up window that displays a summary of what will happen if that element is cleared.

    Ability to create lists of components that need to be removed / not removed during checks.

    You can set the utility to clean up your computer before turning it on. Automatic deletion of files from the Temp folder when they are found for more than 24 hours.




Ability to work in 64-bit systems.

The program has drawbacks, but they are rather conditional:

Closed source code.

Lack of cross-platform (fixed in later versions).

Like CCleaner, the program is free and closed source.

Designed to clean the computer from various system debris, which improves system performance.

Allows you to work with startup and create system restore points.

One of the features of the program is the ability to save the history of all previous cleanings.



Russian-language, easy-to-read interface.

Disadvantages, programs are also conditional:

Closed source code.

Lack of cross-platform.

Lack of portable (Portable) version.

The system registry can be damaged for various reasons, including as a result of inaccurate user actions. But even if you are faced with a similar situation, you should not despair: you can return the operating parameters back, you just need to know how to restore the Windows 7 registry.

General information

The registry is an ordered system database that stores hardware profiles, account information, operating system settings, information about installed software, etc.

The Windows 7 registry consists of several keys that are created from files stored in the C:Windows\System32\config folder. The presence of these files ensures the correct operation of the system, so Windows 7 will not function normally without them.

The registry is an open system - any user with administrator rights can make changes to it. Moreover, all installed programs read data and create new entries. This also applies to malicious applications, so if you need to remove goinf ru or other similar viruses, you often have to resort to deleting registry entries.

It is logical that under such conditions, Windows developers have provided several effective protection mechanisms:

  1. Checkpoints where registry settings are stored.
  2. A disk image backup with a healthy configuration.
  3. A backup copy of the five main system registry files.


The easiest way to restore the registry to working capacity is to use the system rollback function to a certain checkpoint. To do this, you need to run the "System Restore" function and select a date when there were no problems yet.

However, it happens that the system restore function is disabled - for example, the user decided to configure Windows 7 and removed this feature. In this case, a registry backup will come to the rescue, which can be created using two programs or taken from the Regback system folder.

Regback folder

To replace the files, you need to use a portable version of Windows, which can be run using a bootable LiveUSB flash drive. In your system, you will not be able to make a replacement, since this operation will be prohibited.

Follow the path C:Windows\System32\config. Inside this directory, you will see a lot of files that, as mentioned above, are responsible for the correct contents of the registry. There should also be a “Regback” folder, which stores backup copies of five registry files that are updated automatically every 10 days.

To restore the registry, you need to move the files from the "Regback" folder to the "Config" directory, and then restart the computer.

This is a built-in registry entry editor, with which you can copy both all data and individual sections and subsections.

Attention! You need administrator rights to work with the registry!

You can restore the registry by simply running the saved file with the *.reg extension.

If you need to return a working configuration, you must launch the registry editor, open the "File" menu, select the "Import" item and find the saved backup.

The main disadvantage of this method is that the system must function normally. If you cannot enter Windows 7, you will need another program - ERUNT.


This program is slightly more powerful and allows you to restore the registry, regardless of whether the system starts or not.

Download and install the ERUNT program. Run the utility and specify the registry keys that you want to save in the backup file. Specify a location to store the file (you can leave the default folder).

Wait for the backup process to finish.

Now, if necessary, you can restore a working configuration by running the saved backup file. To do this, go to the directory where the backup is stored and run it as an administrator.

Confirm your desire to recover data and mark the partitions you want to recover.

System does not turn on

If the system refuses to boot due to a corrupted registry, you can try to repair it using an emergency boot disk (Alkid LiveCD, BartPE) or through the Windows Recovery Environment.

ERUNT must be pre-installed on the computer, and a registry backup must be created and placed on the hard drive.

Emergency boot disk

Windows Recovery Environment

If you don't have a rescue disk, use the Windows Recovery Environment. The only drawback of this mode is the lack of support for the graphical shell of the program. Therefore, all actions will be performed using special commands, the syntax of which, however, is not difficult to understand.

After a few minutes, the registry will be restored and the computer will restart. The system should then work correctly.

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