How to write a message to all friends. How to send one message to all VKontakte friends. No advertising slogans

How to send all friends a private message on VKontakte. Useful if you want to advertise something and write to everyone manually for a long time
First of all, we need to download the vkbot program. The program is now having some difficulties, but if at the beginning you click cancel and then log in. All functions that are described in this article WORK!
Download vkbot
In order to send a message to all friends just enter the program, and go to Newsletter - Send PM to friendsEnter any number(For example 1) and click Let's go - Enter the message that you want to send to all friends in VK and click let's go
This program also has abbreviations that you can use. For example, entering *user_name* - this word will be automatically replaced with the name of your friend, etc. All abbreviations are written
If we want to attach a photo to a message, then instead of attaching, you should select a photo and provide a link to the photo in cropped format (here is [example])
Then click Let's go, choose friends by gender, etc. and send a message

Everything, as you can see in the picture above, We have successfully sent a message to all VKontakte friends! Thank you for your attention! Have a nice day or night =)!

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A user of the social network VKontakte, who decided to start promoting his own group or, say, advertising his services, often encounters various kinds of difficulties. First of all, he needs to decide on the methods that he plans to apply for this kind of work. Most often, the user would like to achieve the maximum result without a financial injection, and this is normal. However, here it is worth considering the policy of the social network itself, which does not approve, for example, mass mailing of spam, and after all, advertising yourself or a group in a personal message to a large number of people is the notorious spam.

Tools VKontakte

You may not have guessed, but the built-in VK tools allow you to send out messages to several people at once. This number is clearly marked, and is 14 people. Of course, this figure is far from the maximum that you expected, but it's better than nothing.

To use this method, simply add the desired users one by one to the address field. By the way, you can resort to a little trick that will most likely save you time. Just enter the most common letter in the address field, for example, “a” or “e”, as a result of which those of your friends who have this letter in their full names will appear in the address field. Well, then you can manually add those who did not have such a letter in their first or last name.


If your intentions are the most serious, you can resort to the capabilities of the VkBot program. I have already talked about it more than once, for example, how you can use it. The application is really useful and will help to cope with many tasks. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Go to the developer's website and download this program from there.
  2. After starting, enter it, open the section "Mailing" - "Send PM to friends".
  3. Now enter the desired number of friends, and also write the text that you want to send.

The program provides several additional features, for example, you can add a photo to the message, select friends by gender, and much more.

There are things that people have been waiting for years. And in the case of mailings on Vkontakte, this is exactly the song.

We already thought that we could write off direct and constant communication with customers, since email newsletters have lost ground. But they were afraid in vain.

As soon as the chatbots came, which also helped a lot, then almost immediately messages were sent to VK.



Although this functionality appeared at the beginning of 2017, I was just about to analyze it. And this is no coincidence.

Since we have acquired experience in their management, and the mailing services themselves have upgraded their capabilities quite well. Therefore, I am not talking from theory, but from real experience in sending more than 100,000 messages.

I pay attention to the phrase “on behalf of a group / public”, because it is only from this type of page that mailing lists can now be made.

And the logic of Vkontakte is clear here. Groups and publics are created for commercial purposes, when personal pages are tailored for personal tasks, and not communication with the audience. But this is so, by the way.

Benefit in person

The key joy of any business is the high open rate of your messages, now I’ll tell you more.

In email marketing, this figure floats around 20-25%, while in the case of VK, the situation changes dramatically upwards and is about 80-90%. You can roughly say that everyone you send messages to will see them.

Naturally, this is only now. After all, private messages are not clogged with spam, and the site itself does not impose any restrictions and strict rules.

Although I personally am sure that sooner or later there will be a separate folder for all mailing messages in VK from personal messages. Such a thing is now implemented in G-mail and it is called “Promotions”.

You can procrastinate for a long time on the topic of the difference between VKontakte mailings and email marketing, but let's agree right away - this is not a substitute, but an additional channel of interaction.

And if the former are definitely wrong, then the latter are lucky. True, this luck happened only a year after the official release of the mailings.

But since we are talking about the present, then rejoice, there are auto funnels in VK. But they are not as fancy as you think.

Everything is just gaining momentum. But already now it is possible to single out the main branches of functionality that are and will be developed:

  1. Variables. Substituting data into the text based on the information on the subscriber's page.
  2. The moment of dispatch. Choosing a good time and date for sending.
  3. Auto series. Sending messages one after another with a selected time interval.
  4. UTM tags. Tracking sources where subscribers come from.
  5. Statistics. Analytics of sent, received messages and link clicks.
  6. . Adding and removing a member to “subscription topics” based on their actions.

Moreover, the last point, which is the main one of any auto sales funnel, is now pumped very poorly.

At the time of writing, there are about 6-8 customer segmentation criteria. And I don’t write them down on purpose, because maybe tomorrow the list will not be relevant. But in the next paragraph I will give information on where to track everything.

To all or not to all

Since many owners think that it is now possible to spam everyone and everything on behalf of the community. But it's not.

You need to first get permission to subscribe, and only then send messages.

It already rolls a certain sadness, because it turns out not everything is so rosy. But isn't that great?!

Otherwise, our personal would be bombarded with various weight loss products and Japanese diapers.

And I don’t want this at all and fully support the chosen mechanics of receiving the newsletter.

Moreover, according to many theorists, there are three ways to subscribe.

I will talk about them, but I warn you in advance, you will only need to remember two. The reason for this will also be explained later.

1. If a person writes to you in the community, then he has subscribed, see the picture below.

The man wrote a message

2. If a person clicks “Allow to send notifications from the group”, then he has subscribed

Consent ha subscription

3. If a person writes a code word in the group's messages, then he has subscribed

A codeword

Why did I say so brazenly “according to the theorists”?! Yes, because I have seen cases more than once how they blocked forever the ability to send messages to groups that took and started doing mailings according to criterion No. 1.

The logic is simple: if a person wrote to you, this does not mean that he agreed to the mailing list.

This means that in reality there are only two methods. And the second one is the safest.

The third one is actually the implementation of the first one, the only difference is that in case of problems you can confirm to the support service that the person actually wrote to you in the group that he signed up by the code word.

Please gentlemen

Before you open a 30-year-old champagne, you need to think about how you can attract an audience to your mailing list.

From the point of view of mechanics, you use everything the same if you signed up a person for, an email newsletter or. But still, I will summarize + add our know-how.

  • An invitation to subscribe to the site. You can see this option on our blog. We promise tasty utility for your consent.

An invitation to subscribe to the site
  • A call to subscribe to the group. Also in our group for each post + in a pinned post, we invite you to subscribe for a gift.

Call to subscribe in a group
  • Targeted advertising. You launch an advertising message with a call to subscribe to the newsletter for the desired audience.

  • Retargeting. You also launch an advertising message, but only strictly for the subscribers of your group or visitors to your site.


Let's be honest. You must be mega interesting so that people simply subscribe to the newsletter from your company.

Most often this is not the case. Therefore, I knowingly wrote the word “gift/utility” several times.

It is better to offer a subscription in exchange for something of value to the customer. In the common people it is called.


Of course, well done, I'm telling you about mailings, but I forgot to mention that they are done through special mailing services.

Everything is as usual, Vkontakte was given access to their code, and the craftsmen made services from this resource that allow you to send messages. Within the framework of VK, they are really called messaging applications.

And now there are quite a lot of such applications on the market. And there will be even more. But since we managed to work with different and most often pioneers in this area, we singled out our TOP.

It has both free and paid services. And most importantly, their difference from each other ... Okay, I'll tell you a little later, first, a list of services for mailing.

Since the Vkontakte network is one of the most popular sources of the target audience, many entrepreneurs have made it their indispensable tool for promoting goods. For these purposes, know how to send a message to all friends on Vkontakte, it is very important that you notify about your product. And even ordinary users can be important to know how Vkontakte send a message to all friends, in order to, say, congratulate everyone or invite them to some event. So,

How to send a message to all friends at once in a contact

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, Vkontakte does not involve sending messages to everyone in a row with one button (spam protection, otherwise, you would have to delete a bunch of garbage from personal messages). The allowable number of messages sent in the usual way per day is 14 recipients.

It's not a problem if you don't have many friends and you can take the time to do the mailing manually. But there are programs that are created specifically to circumvent standard prohibitions.

For example, you can install VKBot and link it to your page. By entering your username and password. This program will help you send out mailings to up to 40 recipients daily at the same time. True, there is a risk, when downloading from dubious resources, to pick up at the same time some kind of virus for your computer software.

Hello, friends! As users of the social network Vkontakte, we all often correspond with our friends, acquaintances, classmates, and colleagues. And, I think, such a situation happened to you when you had to write: "Sasha proposed today ..." or "Vanya had a great idea ...". That is, you rewrite what was said by one person to another.

We have already written about. Then several users can participate in the dialogue at once and everyone will be aware of the discussions. But if for some reason you cannot combine certain friends in one dialogue, then you can correspond with one person, and then forward some messages from your dialogue to another.

In this article, we will talk about such a transfer, how it can be done from a computer or phone.

Forwarding a message to a Vkontakte friend from a computer

If you access your Vkontakte page from a computer or laptop, then select the "Messages" menu item in the left menu. Next, you need to open a correspondence with the person where there are those that need to be forwarded.

Select the desired ones with the mouse - just click on them so that they are highlighted in blue. Then click the "Submit" button at the top.

A list will open with those people with whom you corresponded. If the desired user is not in the list, then use the search.

We are looking for a person to whom we will forward the selected messages and click on him.

The text will be attached. To send, as usual, click on the arrow.

This is what the forwarded message will look like. First, your avatar is shown as the sender, and then the avatar of the user whose text you are sending.

We use the phone

If you want to send through the installed Vkontakte mobile application on your phone or tablet, then open the side menu and select the “Messages” item in it. Then open a dialogue with the person whose text you will forward.

Select what you want to send - click on one of them and hold your finger, then select the rest. The selected ones will turn blue, and their number will be written at the top.

To forward selected messages, click on the arrow at the top right, which points to the right.

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