How to become a hacker at home. How to acquire hacking skills. knowledge and languages

This article was created for those readers who know that hacker activity (in the usual negative sense of the word) is illegal and entails a number of negative consequences for both the hacker and society as a whole. For comparison, let's imagine an apartment burglar - he acts illegally, committing and sometimes stealing it. In this sense, a hacker is no different from this type of person: both are found, tried and imprisoned.

Therefore, the first rule in mastering this business is: before you become a hacker, read the law and think about responsibility.

The hacking case became popular almost immediately after, Today you can often hear: “I want to become a hacker, cracker”, and questions about how to break the site filled the Internet, even though there are many examples of show trials in recent times about information pests of the network space.


Before you become a hacker, you need to understand what it is. There are several myths in society regarding this computer craft, and all of them are only partially true.

Firstly, it is considered that a hacker is a programmer who is very well versed in this area and breaks into programs, databases, security systems, etc. Part of this statement is true, namely that these people are highly qualified. The rest does not correspond to the truth: initially, hackers programs in detours, solving a lot of complex problems. Those who crack programs for destructive purposes are called "crackers" and do not enjoy much respect among programmers.

The word "hacker" itself is sometimes used when it comes to a first-class specialist who knows the slightest intricacies of his craft and knows how to solve professional problems outside the box.

But now, most people understand hackers as intruders who steal information that is not intended to be published or fall into "the wrong hands" (for example, passwords, secret government documents, personal information of users, etc.).

Also, the understanding of hacking in society is so vague that those who create and distribute viruses and illegally gain access to money accounts are also included in their ranks.

We can say that a large group of people also consider pests.

We will adhere to the concept of a hacker as a capable and intelligent programmer, whose activities are not aimed at destruction and theft.

How to become a hacker: creativity

To be a hacker, you need to become a creative person, because the basis of this activity is in finding atypical solutions.

A feature of hacker activity is diversity, so you need to solve new problems that require a non-standard approach. This is how skill develops, which is the main sign of a hacker.

knowledge and languages

To become one, you need to have a high level of intelligence, specific knowledge and practice.

The most important thing is to learn how to program. To do this, choose a language, learn it and practice. For a real master, it is not enough to know one language perfectly, so you need to understand the principle itself, the method of any language, in order to be able to learn any other in a couple of days, correlating some differences with those already known.

How to become a hacker: practice

Books and lessons can only give a general theoretical idea of ​​this matter, so if there is no desire to teach languages, you want real practice, then the most effective method is to read other people's codes and write your own.

Probably almost every young person who was once bought a computer set out to become a hacker. Why exactly do young people between the ages of 14 and 20 want to become hackers? Because of the desire to assert itself, because of your curiosity, or because of the desire to make money - it doesn’t matter, this article is not about that. How difficult it is for a novice hacker to understand all the intricacies of the World Wide Web, hacking methods, etc. etc.

Where to begin? Where to get? What to do? After reading this article, you will find out the answers to these and many other questions. Your computer from an ordinary pet "animal" will turn into a frightening evil admin "monster". The article is intended primarily for a novice hacker.

Part one, introductory
I hope you understand that if you decide to become a hacker, you have already violated the law of the Russian Federation. Think about it, do you need it? Due to the defacement of some site, get a suspended sentence? The first time is conditional, and then if you are a good boy. You say they won't catch me - you're mistaken, they want to catch me. It's only a matter of time - when you get caught. Sitting in a semi-dark room and looking at a healthy "bull", which, apart from a right hook on the jaw and a kick in the stomach from a turn, knows nothing else, is not the most pleasant pastime. Still decided to become a hacker? Okay, then ask yourself why? Difficult question? And you thought.

Part two, preparatory
1. You probably already know that all servers are either on Unix, or on WinNT or on some other operating system, but not on Win 9x. And, accordingly, almost all attacks on servers come from these two operating systems: Unix and WinNT. That is why you should install Unix for yourself. No need to be upset, I understand that your dad can’t cope with Unix, it’s more convenient for him to work in Windows - therefore there are only two solutions to this issue: the first method - we put the Unix emulator. What is an emulator? This is such a program that works under one operating system, but works on another. Those. you need to install a program on your computer that would run from under Windows, but would process Unix commands.

No sooner said than done. The most famous Unix emulators for Windows are Cygwin and Uwin. If you are not familiar with programming and with Unix itself, I do not advise you to install CygWin - you will not figure it out. It is much easier to install Uwin in this case. You can find out how to do this by reading an article in Hacker from September 2000. I understand it's hard to find - but I won't retell the article to you. And this is the address from where you can download Uwin:

You go to the site, press the "Download Software" pimp, then a page will load, where you will be asked - they say, for what purposes do you set Uwin for yourself? If for commercial, then the program will work only 90 days, then pay money for a license. But we do not need this, so we click on the first link - and go to the page for selecting files and filling out the questionnaire. In the "Full Name" field, write your full name in the American style: Vasya V. Pupkin. Next, enter your e-mail and the name of your company: like BigFood, whatever, in short. Then select the file - you need only the first two fields, you'll figure it out yourself, I think. The two files you have chosen weigh approximately, one 8.7 MB, the second 3.8, i.е. about 13 MB, and you will also need the uwin_development.win32.i386.exe file - this is a set of blanks for Windows compilers. Files in the exe extension, downloading them you just need to run. The archive will be unpacked and Uwin will be installed on your computer. That's all. By the way, you will need a compiler. Buy a compiler either Borland or Visual Studio.

Method two - register with Arbornet. The second method of getting Unix is ​​to get a free shell"a on the appropriate server. Shell is the same as the emulator. The difference is that the emulator is installed directly on your computer, and the shell is on a remote server and gives you the opportunity to work with command Unix string. I put the method of obtaining a remote shell "a in second place, because it has much fewer possibilities than the emulator installed on your computer. It all depends on the owners of the server, what they want to give you and what not.

I advise you to register on Write telnet on the Windows command line. A window will appear, enter newuser and then write what is asked. In particular, your login, under which you will log in, password, your e-mail and your name. After that, you can immediately start working. Almost all Unix commands will be available to you, practically but not all, but more on that later. The only thing I want to add here is that if you need to upload some file or files, such as exploits, to the shell, then you need to launch any ftp client, dial the address, enter your login and password, respectively, and upload what you need. There's plenty of room for you there.

2. After spending a day, you finally downloaded and installed an emulator. What's next? Now you just need combat software.

So what do we need:
- scanner:
There are a lot of scanners. They differ only in the number of functions provided to the user. There are multifunctional scanners, and there are only those designed to perform one specific task. You will need a port scanner, a network sniffing scanner, a cgi vulnerability scanner. You can also purchase a security scanner that examines the node for holes in the server's security system.

For Unix:
Port scanner:
Netcat is a very cool utility, it includes many features and not only a port scanner. The address:
Nmap is even better than netcat. You need to take both of these utilities, they will come in handy. The address:

Network sniffing scanner:
HPing or Fping - these two utilities allow you to determine the IP addresses of computers in a given range that are currently connected to the network under study. You can of course use the standard ping utility, but the above utilities are much better, simply because they include some additional features. The address:

For Windows, you can find all the scanners you need on our website. Don't forget the cgi script scanner, for Windows I would recommend DCS, Void, TwwwScan and Stealth.

Scanner of shared (open to all) resources: there is little choice here - take better Legion. The address:

Enum utility: needed to examine a given server (only for NT servers): get a list of users, groups, shared resources, crack a password (brute force) using a dictionary. The address:

PWL file cracker: for example PWLTools (this program can be downloaded from dreamprogs, use the search). These are files that contain user passwords

Remote password guessing: Brutus program. Needed to crack the password by remote poke.
NT password cracking: LoPhtCrack program.
Cracking Unix Passwords: The John Program.

Keylogger: these are programs that, when installed on the victim's computer, record all keystrokes to a file and transfer it to the desired email address.

Sniffer: A sniffer is a program designed to capture packets from one host (user) to another host (server). After the packet is received, the sniffer will sort it according to your filter, depending on what you need, passwords or some other information. There are a huge number of sniffers for both Unix "a, NT and Windows.

Roman Wide

Reading time: 5 minutes


Many Internet users are interested in how to become a hacker from scratch and where to start. Usually connoisseurs of this hobby are young guys, whose average age is 16-20 years.

Young people are of the opinion that a hacker is a computer cracker, but this is a delusion. That is why, before mastering this profession, I recommend understanding what a hacker is.

A hacker is a programmer of the highest class who works with ready-made software and realizes his fantasy with the help of programming languages.

For some people, work is a way of life. These kinds of inclinations are most often laid in childhood. To a greater extent, this applies to professional hackers. Learn how to become one of them below.

  • Learn the basics of programming. This skill will help you reach your goal. According to professionals, it is really possible to study the database on your own at home, if you devote as much time as possible to studying materials, programming languages ​​and computer technology.
  • The basics of programming have a similar structure and principles. A number of programming languages ​​will have to be learned by heart. Among them are PHP, MySQL, Java and others.
  • In addition to programming languages, be sure to get familiar with operating systems, which, at first glance, seem unpretentious. We are talking about UNIX and Linux platforms. Real Windows firmware hacks don't work.
  • Hackers strive for proper networking, which involves much more than chatting with friends. If you really want to become a real ace, you will have to gain a lot of knowledge, and only the Internet will help. Learn how the World Wide Web works and understand why a client communicates with HTTP servers, how a browser interacts with a server, and so on. Without this knowledge, you will not have to count on a good result.
  • Choose a software package. I will warn you right away that it is not easy to choose the right tool programs, but a strong desire will simplify the task. To get started, find a few compilers and assemblers. The first solutions translate the program text into an equivalent program. The second option is software that converts programs into machine-type instructions.
  • You can't do without a good text editor that allows you to create and modify text files, view, print and find text information.
  • You will need a specialized editor in which program source codes are created and modified. Such a solution can be a separate program or part of the development environment.

You've got your first idea of ​​how to become a hacker. If you intend to build a career, it does not hurt to learn a few foreign languages. Experts recommend paying special attention to English, as it is used very widely on the web.

Video instructions

Summing up, I will note that perseverance, together with an understanding of the goal and the ability to implement ideas, will allow you to become a successful hacker. True, it is better to work within the framework of the law, since malicious hacking is a criminal offense.

How to become a hacker from scratch

The work of a professional hacker is very interesting. Hacking sites, theft of important information, theft of money, penetration, disclosure of secrets. The possibilities of a real hacker are endless. As for his name, it is carefully hidden.

Young people are attracted by the activity of stealing information and hacking websites. But, they do not take into account that such actions often have to answer before the law.

Work does not always involve illegal activities, and this is a fact. If you want to work in the computer field, large companies will use your services. And no wonder, because the hacker is a first-class IT specialist.

As practice shows, corporations and large banks want to see a professional hacker in their staff. Organizations protect important information with the help of computer technology, and a specialist is able to detect security loopholes and prevent data theft.

Only self-development will help to find a profession. I will share a few tips, and with their help you will get closer to your dream, perhaps, and realize it.

Step by step action plan

  1. Basic Skills . First of all, get to know the web, learn the meaning of various headers, learn a lot of basic concepts, and understand how browsers interact with servers.
  2. Programming languages . Pay special attention to the study of programming languages. With the help of manuals, which abound on the Internet, learn how to write simple programs. With a little effort, you will master programming skills, and in the future there will be an opportunity to improve them.
  3. If you dream of working as a hacker, pay special attention to learning the hypertext markup language called HTML.
  4. English. You can not do without knowledge of English. This language is used by all world services. Therefore, possession of them is mandatory.

These four points will help you master the basic skills. Having coped with the task, proceed to the study of professional issues and the intricacies of hacking. Fortunately, the Internet is full of information related to today's topic.

  • Value your time and colleagues . Be sure to share your achievements with your “brothers in arms”.
  • Respect the code. Hackers have their own code that prohibits giving or taking in return. If you managed to hack someone else's program, inform the owner about it so that he can work on protecting his offspring.
  • Eliminate stereotyped thoughts . A hacker should not think in a stereotyped way. He must have the ability to quickly and always find answers.
  • Ask for advice . If something is not clear, feel free to ask for advice on the thematic forum. If you solved the problem yourself, tell the solution algorithm to your colleagues. They will do the same in the future.
  • Keep track of technology . A computer is a living organism and a close friend of an IT specialist. Therefore, computer equipment, stationary systems, laptop or netbook need care.

Reach the goal quickly if your team of allies is replenished with perseverance and free time. Every day you will have to learn new information, which will bring experience.

Video tips

Forget about computer games. Spend your free time on acquiring knowledge that will be useful in the future. Be sure to read the Criminal Code to avoid an unpleasant situation.

how to become a hacker where to start

Continuing the topic of today's article, we will look at the main stages of training to learn in detail how to start to become a hacker.

In feature films, hackers break into payment systems, websites of government agencies, large organizations and industrial facilities. The main purpose of hacks is important information or money. In reality, not everything is so simple.

A hacker is an ordinary programmer who is able to crack the program code. However, he has other goals. He does not seek to get important data and sell it for big money on the "black market". During hacks, a specialist gets acquainted with the principle of operation of a particular program, studies the code in order to find holes, create an analogue or similar program.

Many consider hackers to be criminals who hack and destroy, so there are "specialists" who are not hackers, but try to lead a similar lifestyle. Even a beginner can harm a site or computer if he uses a malicious script that disguises itself as a program and is posted on sites.

In real life, meeting a true professional in this field is problematic. An experienced hacker will never tell you what he is doing. He works alone because he knows that such activity is punishable.

  1. Be patient. Realize that mastering the skills will take years.
  2. Pay special attention to the study of applied mathematics. Believe me, without mathematical knowledge, it will not be possible to become a hacker.
  3. Be sure to purchase books on the operation of programs, software platforms, and security systems.
  4. Learn to write code and create encrypted systems on your own. Work without these skills is impossible.
  5. Read thematic magazines, visit sites and forums dedicated to hacker activities. Sources of information will help in self-development.
  6. Keep a diary. Write down the statistics of successes and achievements. Over time, notice that the skills have become more perfect.

Get ready for the fact that studying at home will be long and require maximum effort. This is the only way to conquer the peaks and break the stereotypes. Remember, you need to act within the law.


I hope the story helps, and you, having read the material, will quickly succeed.

Do not forget that creating or modifying programs that result in the illegal copying, blocking or destruction of important information is a punishable crime. For such actions, they can be imprisoned for 3 years and fined a tidy sum.

If the actions cause serious consequences, the punishment will be more severe. Therefore, before you take on a job, be sure to think about whether you can resist the temptation and not cross the line of the law. Good luck and see you soon!

The work of hackers is covered with romance. Hacking Pentagon websites with the disclosure of secret documents, gracefully stealing large sums of money from a bank, the ability to get through any door and find out any secret ... Their possibilities are almost limitless, and their names are carefully hidden. The opportunity to join "the clan of the elite" attracts many people, especially teenagers, who have little idea of ​​the responsibility for hacking someone else's site, stealing and disclosing information. Let's just say that the Criminal Code provides for a whole list of articles for hackers.

However, between the word "hacker" and "illegal activity" it is far from always possible to put an equal sign. If you have firmly decided that you want to become a hacker, then your services can be in high demand. A hacker is essentially an IT specialist of the highest level. And all banks and large companies that use computer technology to protect data dream of hiring such highly qualified specialists. A good hacker tests such protection for “gaps”. Any weak spot in a security program can result in serious financial losses for a bank or corporation, so a person who knows how to find “gaps” in advance is rewarded for his services very well.

What does it take to become a hacker?

To the question "how to become a novice hacker?" There is only one answer: to engage in self-development. The basic skills of a hacker are:

  1. Excellent knowledge of the Internet, and not at the level of a confident user. Understand on your own the interaction between the server and the browser, learn the basic concepts, find out the meaning of the headers that are transmitted to the server by the client, etc. All information can be found on the same Internet.
  2. Knowledge of major programming languages. If you want to know how to become a professional hacker, then without excellent programming skills, nowhere. You can learn how to write programs at a basic level yourself by studying numerous tutorials. It is enough to be patient and spend at least a few days doing this activity to get programming skills that you will improve later.
  3. A person who is looking for a way to become a hacker from scratch must learn Hypertext Markup Language (HTML in conjunction with CSS).
  4. Knowledge of English. How can you become a good hacker if you don't know the common Internet language that is used on all the world's services? No way.

Having mastered the basic skills that give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to become a hacker from scratch, you can move on to "professional" questions. Today, there is a lot of information on the net about how an attack on ICQ can be carried out, the nuances of XSS attack technology, etc. are revealed.

hacker code

If you are looking for a way to quickly become a professional hacker, then your allies in this matter are time and perseverance. You will have to master a lot of information, experience is also not acquired in one week. Don't waste your time playing computer games, but gain knowledge that will help you become a professional faster.

Oh, and one more thing: read the Criminal Code in advance.

How to become a hacker from scratch? - I often see this question on various thematic portals and forums, and now I will try to give a detailed answer to it. Basically, absolute beginners are interested in this, or, to put it more clearly, “dummies”. Having heard a lot about the various exploits of Anonymous, AntiSec, LulzSec, many guys also want to get acquainted with this culture, become part of it, gain knowledge, skills ...

Desire is very commendable. But do they all understand the meaning and meaning of the word Hacker? Very often, when asking people who are not interested in this topic, you can get one answer that this is a person who creates malware, credit card carding, phishing, spamming, guessing passwords, and much, much more.

But, they don’t know that such a person cannot be called a hacker at all, he is just an ordinary burglar or cracker (from the English crack - hacking), in fact, an ordinary criminal who deserves punishment to the fullest extent of the law.

So who can be called a hacker? Wikipedia defines that this is a person with a thorough knowledge of IT and computers. But this approach is too one-sided in my opinion, because even Eric Raymond in the original text "How to become a hacker" (mandatory reading, search) does not give an exact definition.

In my humble opinion, a hacker is, first of all, a creator, a creator, striving for knowledge, self-improvement, striving to squeeze the maximum possible out of himself and his hardware. That's all the difference from an ordinary mortal, as well as many idiots who consider themselves hackers.

And yet, how do they become hackers from scratch? What needs to be done for this?

1. Get one of the Linux options, and learn how to use your PC to its fullest.

Already almost every person in our country has his own personal computer, or even two. The first step of a future hacker is to get a Linux distribution or one of the BSD versions and install it on your personal computer.

I agree, there are many other operating systems in our world. But they are distributed in compiled machine codes, and you cannot easily study these codes, much less modify them. Learning to hack on machines that run Windows is almost as stupid how to learn to dance while being cast from head to toe.

2. Learn to use the Internet and write in HTML.

The Web is a giant hacker toy that even politicians say is changing the world. Even for this one reason, you should learn how to work with the Web, although there are many other good reasons.

Just learning how to manage the browser won't be enough for you (everyone can do it), you also need to learn how to write in HTML (with a bunch of CSS), the markup language for all Web documents. However, if you don't know how to code yet, writing HTML code will help your mind learn some very useful habits. Therefore, I recommend that you make your first home page. Also look into XHTML, which is designed more neatly than regular classic HTML.

3. To become a hacker from scratch, you definitely need to learn how to program.

It is not at all as difficult as it seems to the uninitiated person. It's just worth getting started. And it is better to do it with the Python programming language. It is quite simple, but its syntax is quite strict, and a deep understanding of the basics will save a huge amount of time when learning the following programming languages.

After all, the matter is not limited to Python alone. Java, C and C++ are also required to be studied.

The purpose of this training is a deep understanding of the processes occurring in the computer. Superficial knowledge is not enough, because pretty soon it will become a significant limitation in hacker activity.

4. Learn English.

It's simple: the sooner you do it, the better, because English is the base language of the more advanced part of the hacker community. It's no secret that post-Soviet society and its inhabitants are somewhat inert, and we need to be at the forefront of technical developments and innovations, which, unfortunately, mostly take place abroad. There is nowhere to go...

Perhaps I will stop here, and you do not forget to read Eric Raymond.

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