Laptop upgrade what can be done. How do I know which laptop components need to be upgraded? Installing a hard drive

Laptops are not as easy to upgrade as desktop PCs. The matter is aggravated by the fact that modern laptops are becoming increasingly difficult to upgrade - the user is able to upgrade only RAM and a solid state drive in a laptop.

It's generally a bad idea to buy a laptop with plans to upgrade it further.

PC vs laptops

If you had to, or just open the case, then you know just a few screws and you get easy access to all the hardware. Installed components are on connectors, can be easily replaced. Even if you buy an assembled system unit, you can always replace everything that is installed there. Some manufacturers may try to make upgrading the system units more difficult, but even then it is easier to upgrade than the average laptop.

. You cannot build your own laptop - ie. you don't decide what configuration you want, you buy a laptop from a manufacturer, and choose only those configurations that the company provides. And modern ultrabooks or Apple MacBooks are getting thinner and lighter, and they are basically not designed to be upgraded by the user.

Difficulties upgrading a laptop

The main difficulties of upgrading a laptop:

  • Chassis: Many laptops leave the factory with non-removable cases. Use glue instead of screws
  • Even if your laptop is disassembled, it's not easy to get to the processor for example. You may need to remove the keyboard, unscrew quite a few screws, etc.
  • Soldered Components: Most devices come with soldered components. It’s not possible to replace it just like that, for this you need at least special equipment, and preferably also a lot of experience. You can inadvertently kill completely unqualified actions. And the update will turn into a tragic repair
  • Warranty: Even if you can open your laptop and replace some of the components, most laptop manufacturers claim that doing so will void your warranty. Then, if a malfunction is revealed, not even related to the upgrade, the seller will see that you were hiding the case, most likely they will refuse warranty service, and you will have to pay for the repair.

Possible upgrade

Many laptops allow you to upgrade the following items. Particularly easy to replace on older laptops (approximately 4 years old or more)

  • RAM: If motherboard your laptop has free slots random access memory, she can easily buy another bar. If there are no slots, you can remove the old strips and insert more capacious ones. The main thing is to know exactly what type your RAM ()
  • Replacing the HDD with an SSD: If your laptop has a mechanical hard drive, you can try upgrading it to an SSD
  • Replace the optical drive with an SSD: Another option is to replace your laptop's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray drive with an SSD. In this case, you need to choose a drive enclosure to fit into the drive bay

It is possible to replace the CPU and GPU on some laptops, but it will be expensive and difficult (I would download a chore). Here you need to consider compatibility. Also, different processors and graphics cards generate different amounts of heat, so your new components may generate too much heat and your cooling system may not be able to handle it.


Don't buy a laptop with upgrade plans. Like “Well, the RAM is a little low, but I can always add more” or “I will install an SSD to speed up” Check in advance that you can replace anything without resorting to the help of specialists.

Currently, the development of mobile technologies is in full swing. If you remember how a couple of years ago, solid state drives were almost inaccessible due to their high price, but now almost anyone can purchase them. Although still more expensive than regular .

On a laptop, you can replace the HDD with an SDD if you have enough funds for this, and the performance difference will be huge. However, this upgrade method is not the only one for a laptop. Of course, in terms of replacing components, the laptop is much inferior personal computer(for example, it is impossible to replace or, although some models have the ability to connect), but some improvements can still be allowed. What exactly? In this article, we will talk about this.

The first option is easy

In this paragraph, we will talk about an interesting tool from Crucial, which develops SSDs, computer memory and other components. The tool is public, although it is more intended for the needs of the company. Therefore, it can be used on any model.

This tool is available. It's called Crucial Advisor Tool. It contains 3 drop-down items in which you need to select the brand, model and series of the laptop, then you will get all the necessary information about the replacement. You can find information about your laptop model on the bottom of the laptop or on the box.

After finding exact model laptop utility will tell you which modules can be replaced, as well as offer more advanced options. If you do not pay due attention to this, then you can purchase components that are not suitable for your laptop.

In addition to replacing memory, as I said, you can also replace a regular hard drive or add an SSD, if you can do this, the tool will tell you about it.

The second option is more difficult

It may turn out that the Crucial tool will not help in finding the right model, since the database is not infinite, and more and more new models and modifications appear. It is also worth noting that some products are only available abroad.

Thus, if the search on the site did not lead to the proper result, then you should go to the laptop manufacturer's website. On it you should find a service manual or (Service Manual) for your laptop. In such manuals, most often there is information about servicing the device, as well as replacing equipment.


Your search may have ended in failure, but this does not mean that your device cannot be upgraded. Perhaps you can add some components, such as an SSD or a bar. You can, for example, replace the drive, although now few people use it, but many manufacturers provide such an opportunity. It is easily pulled out of the case, and in its place you can install, for example, an SSD or a regular hard drive. And in order to, you need to have a special tray called HDD Caddy. That's all, I hope this article helped you upgrade your mobile device.

This material shows how to increase the amount of RAM in a laptop, how to replace a DVD drive, and also how to replace a laptop hard drive.

How to replace the processor is shown in this material:.

How to replace the video card is shown in the manual:

[b] If possible, it is better to entrust the upgrade procedure to qualified specialists in the service center

[b]Everything related to upgrading a laptop is discussed in this forum thread:

Increasing the amount of RAM

Increasing the amount of RAM is the most common type of upgrade. This issue is discussed in this forum thread:

Consider the feasibility of such an upgrade. If you have 512 or 1 GB of RAM installed in your laptop, then increasing its volume to 2 GB makes sense. Now the optimal amount of RAM is 2 GB. Increasing to 3 or 4 GB makes sense if you work with graphics, video and CAD systems. Also, a small increase is observed in some toys.

[b] Note: It is worth noting that 32-bit systems cannot run with more than 3 GB of RAM. That is, if you have 4 GB of RAM installed, then a 32-bit system will actually use only 3 GB. To be able to work with all 4 GB, you should install 64-bit operating system.

Another point: memory frequency. Many people think that if they, for example, take 800 MHz memory, then it will work at 800 MHz. It is not always so. The memory frequency is determined by the chipset (in the case of Intel) and the processor's memory controller (in the case of AMD). If the chipset is not designed to work with memory at a frequency of 800 MHz, then the memory will not work at this frequency. The frequency will be automatically reduced to the maximum for the chipset

For example, Intel chipset PM965 supports 667MHz memory operation. If you install 800 MHz memory modules in such a system, they will work at the same 667 MHz. If you install memory modules at 533 MHz, they will work at 533 MHz. If the laptop has 2 memory modules installed, then the frequency of their operation will be determined by the lowest nominal frequency of the installed memory. That is, if 2 modules are installed in the laptop: one is designed for 667 MHz, and the second for 533 MHz, then as a result they will both operate at the lowest nominal frequency - 533 MHz. The same goes for timings. If there are 2 memory modules, then the maximum timings are selected by the workers, which are programmed into the SPD for the operating frequency.

It is highly desirable to install memory modules of the same size and, if possible, from the same manufacturer. This will allow you to activate the dual-channel mode, in which the speed of working with memory is approximately doubled ideally (in practice, this is an average of 1.5-1.7 times). If the volumes of the memory modules are not the same, then the hybrid dual-channel mode is activated. The average increase in this case is not so big.

Before you go to the store, you need to decide what to buy

First you need to download the program [b]CPU-Z (download page)

Run the program and go to the tab [b] Memory

As you can see, the laptop has 2 GB of RAM, which operates at a frequency of 667 MHz (333.4 MHz is indicated in the window, but given that the memory is of the DDR type, the effective frequency will be 2 times higher - that is, approximately 667 MHz )

The memory operates in dual-channel mode ([b]Dual). Below are the timings.

To get more full information about memory modules, go to the tab [b]SPD

The top box shows the number of the memory slot. As a rule, there are only two of them in laptops. This means that a maximum of two memory modules can be installed.

As you can see, the first slot has a memory module manufactured by Hyundai Electronics (Hynix) designed for 667 MHz. The same module is installed in the second slot

If I want, for example, to increase the amount of RAM to 4 GB, then I will have to sell my 2 1 GB modules and buy 2 2 GB modules.

If you have one slot free, and a 1 GB memory module is installed in the second, then to increase the amount of RAM to 2 GB, you just need to buy another 1 GB module and install it in the second slot. When choosing a memory module, it is desirable (but not necessary) to take memory from the same manufacturer and which is designed for the same frequency as the first one.

When you have decided on the required amount of RAM and purchased the appropriate RAM modules, you can proceed to their direct installation.

Let's take a closer look at the process of replacing memory modules:

First [b] without fail, disconnect the laptop from the power supply and remove the battery. Then remove the cover that covers access to the memory modules. Sometimes it happens that memory modules are covered with a separate cover.

[b]Note: if you experience difficulties with disassembling a laptop, then download the instructions for disassembling your laptop model from this forum topic:

The installed memory modules look something like this:

To remove them, you need to move the metal tabs on the sides, as a result, the memory module rises slightly

now you can take it out without any problem.

The modules are installed in the reverse order. First, we install the memory module at an angle into the slot, and then we press it and it snaps into place in the slot. We install the cover, put the battery and turn on the laptop. To check if everything is working as it should - run [b]CPU-Z and look at the [b]Memory and [b]SPD tabs.

[b] We ask all questions about replacing RAM in this forum thread:.

Hard drive replacement

Replacing a hard drive is also one of the most common procedures.

Fundamental restrictions on volume hard drive no. There are also no special restrictions on the speed of the spindle. You can install hard drives in a laptop with both 5400 rpm and 7200 rpm.

When choosing a hard drive, you should pay attention to the connector. SATA is mostly used now, but some older laptops may use IDE. Connector placement and dimensions are standardized. As a rule, 2.5" hard drives with a height of 9.5 mm are installed in laptops. There are also 2.5" hard drives with a height of 12.5 mm, which may simply not fit into a laptop in height. You should also pay attention to this when buying.

An old laptop hard drive can be installed in an external USB pocket. Everything related to this is discussed in this forum thread: .

Now you can consider in more detail the procedure for replacing a hard drive.

Before replacing the hard drive, the laptop must be turned off, the cable from the power supply must be disconnected and the battery removed.

[b]Note: if you experience difficulties with replacing the hard drive, then download the instructions for disassembling your laptop model from this forum topic:

Then the cover is removed, which covers the hard drive. To remove the hard drive, you must first disconnect it from the connector. To do this, it must be moved away from the connector

when moved away - pull the hard drive up

As a rule, hard drives in laptops are fixed in metal frames. They need to be removed and put on a new hard drive. The metal frame is held by 4 bolts

unscrew them...

When finished, we put the frame on the new hard drive and mount it together with the new hard drive into the laptop.
How to restore hidden partitions on a new hard drive - read

DVD drive replacement

Some older laptops have old COMBO drives that can't burn DVD discs. To fix this unpleasant moment, you can install a new DVD drive. Another reason to change a drive might be to replace a multi-format DVD drive with one that supports Blu-Ray or HD-DVD discs. In any case, the replacement procedure is the same. Drives in most cases have standard sizes and SATA or mini-IDE interfaces. They differ only in the lid of the tray, which can be easily removed.

First, turn off the laptop, unplug it and remove the battery.

[b]Note: if you experience difficulties with removing the drive, then download the instructions for disassembling your laptop model from this forum topic:

In some laptop models, you can replace the drive without even removing the cover. In the vast majority of laptops, the drive is held in place by one bolt, which is located approximately at the same level with the center of the tray where the drives are placed and at a distance of 12-15 cm from it. Loosen that screw:

In some older laptops, that bolt is unscrewed not from the bottom, but from the side of the keyboard (it is located under it)
and in order to unscrew it will have to remove the keyboard. The keyboard, as a rule, is held on by latches at the top and bottom, or bolted under the top panel. In this case, you will have to remove the decorative panel above the keyboard and unscrew the bolts.

When the bolt is removed - then you can pull out the drive itself

Everything is standard. We take out the old one, put the new one in and tighten that bolt. It is worth noting that in some laptops the drive is installed in a plastic or metal frame. When replacing the drive, it will have to be removed from the old one and installed on the new drive. It also happens that a non-standard drive tray cover is used in a laptop. It will also have to be removed from the old drive and installed on the new one.

That's all. Done with drive replacement.

Replacing the processor and video card

Replacing the processor and video card is the most difficult upgrade procedure.

Get it new video card or the processor can be in the service center or in online stores.

[b]If you do not know which video card or processor to buy, you can ask for help in this forum thread:

When the processor or video card is purchased, you can begin to replace it.

Replacing a video card is no different from the procedure for changing thermal paste in a laptop,. All the differences come down to the fact that instead of the old video card, a new one is installed in the laptop.

The procedure for replacing the processor is similar. It is described in this material:.

That's all.

[b] We ask all questions in this forum thread:

Edited: FuzzyL- March 4, 2011
Reason: Material version 2.0

In some cases, the user has to deal with a situation where the laptop is slow, but this problem is easily fixed if you make a little effort and spend extra money to speed up the work. Information on how to install the USB 3.0 controller. Will provide CHIP, you can also find out there possible ways increasing the RAM, installing a solid state drive, replacing a too slow WLAN with a more powerful one, and installing an HD video accelerator.

A laptop made a couple of years ago is suitable for solving a large list of problems, if it has a quad-core processor and a discrete graphics card, it is ideal in most cases. However, sometimes you have to deal with a situation where a powerful laptop designed for gaming begins to slowly process information and respond to user commands. Most often, this is copying files from external media, using a wireless network for data transfer, loading an OS or applications.

The main assistant in this case will be a detailed guide, which has all the necessary information on upgrading your computer. From it you can learn how to install the solid state drive, WLAN module, USB 3.0 controller and memory module. You can buy all these components by going to the website of the online store

It is not so easy to disassemble a laptop and replace elements that have already spent their resource in it, the situation is simpler with a desktop computer. This is one of the reasons why most people just buy a new laptop rather than trying to upgrade an existing one. In fact, you can save a lot if you replace the storage device, change the WLAN module and work on the RAM.

As practice shows, replacing a USB 3.0 controller with ports, which is produced in the ExpressCard format is quite simple, such work can be compared with the ease of using a memory card. Replacing a hard drive that does not differ in data processing speed with a faster solid state drive is done by unscrewing a few screws. Similar manipulations allow you to increase the size of RAM. It will be a little more difficult to find a mini connector in the design PCI Express to install a WLAN adapter and a solid state drive, but with such a detailed guide, this will be within the power of the user. Here you will find out that a specific expansion board is also installed in this slot, which is known in the world of specialists as an HD decoder.

Patience is the main thing that is useful to the user who decided to install an additional WLAN antenna. Accuracy and caution must be followed when work is being done to parse the frame around the display. This is where the wireless antennas are located, which you need to get close to.

Installing the USB 3.0 Controller

it will not be a secret for a professional that the outdated interface that the USB 2.0 controller has. The first reason why the information transfer rate is limited in cases of using an external drive. If the laptop has an ExpressCard slot, the user can easily deal with the problem. USB 3.0 controller with ExpressCard format and a width of 3.4 centimeters is perfect for a connector of the same size or 5.4 centimeters. It is offered for sale by many manufacturers for 500 rubles. The included adapter supplies power to the ports from the USB connector. You will also need to install a licensed driver from the manufacturer.

Increasing the amount of RAM

On laptops with less than 4 GB of RAM, you should work hard to increase this figure by installing an additional module. After such transformations, the data processing speed will increase significantly. Before buying a new chip, which must be SO-DIMM format, you need to start CPU-Z. The "memory" tab contains data on the parameters of the installed module. You can see the availability of a free slot on another tab "SPD". If such a slot is available, it will be necessary to place a chip with similar technical specifications. To do this, you need to unscrew the screws located on the cover that closes the RAM compartment and remove it. you should look for it on the bottom surface of the computer, it may even be marked in the form of a RAM module. By pushing the clamps, the connector can be safely pulled. A new memory module is inserted there and the module is closed in reverse order.

Installing a SATA SSD

If your computer has a hard drive with SATA interface, improving its performance is possible by replacing the hard drive with solid-state media. In most cases, you can find the drive on the side or bottom of the case. The cover can only be removed by unscrewing a few screws. HDD removed with a metal frame, only after that it is separated from it by the same method. The user is required to remember in what position the disk was in order to install a solid-state disk in its place. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to faster and more capacious solutions offered by manufacturers. Such a device can then be used on another laptop. In conclusion, the frame with the solid state drive is installed in its original place, power is connected to it. In the future, it will be necessary to reinstall the operating system on the computer.

Installing an mSATA SSD

on some laptops, the manufacturer has provided two mini PCI Express expansion slots. One has a WLAN communication module, the other can be used. As a rule, a wireless modem or any other extensions are installed in it. Almost every modern laptop has such slots compatible with solid state drives, but it will take some effort to get the user to the element. For this work, you will need a screwdriver, with which the keyboard and computer case cover are removed from the top. Depending on the computer, the parsing process may differ, a more detailed guide is available online at open access. After the operation of disassembling the laptop, the drive is placed in a free slot and screwed with bolts to ensure reliable fixation.

Connecting an HD video accelerator

Equipping your computer with an HD video accelerator helps in situations where you experience underloading when playing video on the screen or the computer makes a lot of noise and heats up. An excellent model for installation will be the DCM-70015 from Broadcom. The average cost of a part is 1 thousand rubles. Installation is carried out in the same sequence as with a solid state drive. After you have to work hard and install the necessary drivers, they are available on the official website of the manufacturer. lastly, the flash player is reinstalled and the Broadcom decoder is activated through the settings.

Replacing the WLAN adapter

Users who are experiencing the problem of slow data transfer over the external network should think about replacing the outdated WLAN module. As a replacement, it is recommended to choose Intel AC7260, costing 800 rubles. Before removing the old adapter, it is important to remember where each of its antennas was installed. After replacing the module, they will need to be put back in place.

Installing the WLAN Antenna

Only one WLAN antenna can be installed on a computer. Or they may be faulty, then it is recommended to replace them. It is important to ensure that the part is suitable for use on both 2.4 and 5 GHz when ordering a part. They should be installed between the two halves of the display frame. To open access, you will need to unscrew a few bolts along the body and move the latches. One antenna is installed vertically, the other horizontally, then the cables are connected to wireless module and the laptop is going back.

One of these laptops is 8 years old, but it doesn't look old at all

You should not be afraid that a new laptop from the previous manufacturer will be less convenient than the old one - in all models, except for acrobatic "transformers", the design and basic controls have not changed for a good ten years. Yes, and technical progress in laptops has slowed down, especially over the past 4 years, when manufacturers mobile processors they kindly abandoned mutual competition, after which the increase in power in computers began to come “on a teaspoon” once a year or two. It is impossible to deny progress as such - since 2011 a lot of water has flowed under the bridge, and an outdated model will not be able to compete with a novelty comparable in price on an equal footing. Therefore, replacing a three-four-year-old computer with an up-to-date one with a similar design will most often give the owner the same feeling of quality that has disappeared from the previous laptop over time.

It is also possible that the devastation is not in the “body”, but in the “head” of the device - before proceeding with opening your mobile computer, we advise you to make sure that the reason for the slowness lies not in the software.

Risk group: laptops unsuitable for modernization

Almost every laptop has the so-called "Service Manual" - repair instructions in which the manufacturer explains how to disassemble the model (in English, though). Before “diving headlong into the pool” and trying to disassemble your pet on your own, it would be useful to evaluate the experience of other users and the manufacturer’s advice: there can be much more “tricks” in the design of a laptop than it seems at first glance.

Little by little, entire classes of devices are being formed that are not suitable or extremely troublesome in terms of upgrading at home. First of all, these are "laptop-tablets" with a detachable keyboard, hybrid "flip" laptops with a 360-degree display, and simply extremely thin and light computers of the Ultrabook class: in the latter case, the RAM is almost always soldered on the motherboard, graphics integrated into the processor, and the drive is represented by a capacious SSD, which is extremely difficult to get to.

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